I believe werewolves aren’t supported yet, but should be implemented in one of the next releases. Normally most (if not all) WoG 3.58f features should be gradually implemented before the 1.0 release.
On a separate note, here’s an OVERVIEW OF NO-HARM REQUESTED FEATURES (post under construction):
5 - Visiting hero can meet garrisoned hero, by using the Split button in town screen.
7 - New hotkeys:
CTRL+T for Trading Post / Marketplace, from any game screen but Battle, if player owns at least one town with Marketplace
T in Town Screen opens Tavern; if Tavern is open, T opens Thieves’ Guild
G opens Thieves’ Guild from any game screen but Battle, if player owns at least one town with Tavern
19 - Numpad 5 centers map on selected hero (all other Numpad keys move the hero in the 8 directions as in H3)
39 - Restart Scenario from Adventure Map. Hotkey CTRL+R.
45 - Multiple AutoSaves & NewGameSaves (currently 5 of each). Like this we can go a few days back if we end up in a situation of no return, where nothing can be fixed with the last AutoSave. Unlike H3, games also AutoSave in the beginning of the turn, to save time/resources and avoid the exploit of loading and AutoSave over and over again, hoping the enemy would make a different move.
49 - Arrow keys to move sliders: in creature recruit/split windows, marketplace, etc. Also implemented for mouse wheel, albeit that, together with the up/down arrows, currently feel counter-intuitive to me and may need to be reversed - see #1277
Suggestions from other threads or MantisBT implemented:
- Treasure Chest window defaults on gold (though there’s a request for a smarter behavior here)
- Recruit windows (in town or map dwellings) opens with Maximum creatures already selected, so we can just hit Enter (or click Recruit) to get them and close the window
- Adventure Map hotkeys:
Ctrl - by holding it pressed, we can leave the game interface without causing the map to scroll when our mouse pointer passed the edge of the map on its way "out"
Ctrl+Arrows - can also scroll Adventure Map behind open windows (e.g.: Treasure Chest window, but also Town screen or Battlefield on higher resolutions)
Number keys (1,2,…) - Used for selection in choice windows (Treasure Chest, Hero skill choice, and perhaps later on also Commander skill choice)
- Combat Screen hotkey:
Q - Show stack queue (the attack order of the creatures on the battlefield) // and the Stack queue itself.
- NumPad keys generally work same as MainPad keys, in MainMenu or in the game (NumPad didn’t always work in H3, especially in the MainMenu)
VCMI Cheat Codes:
→vcmiistari - gives all spells and 999 mana to currently selected hero
→vcmiainur - gives 5 Archangels to every empty slot of currently selected hero
→vcmiangband - gives 10 black knight into each slot
→vcmiarmenelos - build all buildings in currently selected town
→vcminoldor - all war machines
→vcminahar - 1000000 movement points
→vcmiformenos - give resources (100 wood, ore and rare resources and 20000 gold)
→vcmieagles - reveals FoW
→vcmiglorfindel - advances currently selected hero to the next level
→vcmisilmaril - player wins
→vcmimelkor - player loses
→vcmiforgeofnoldorking - hero gets all artifacts except spell book, spell scrolls and war machines