VCMI 0.92b - development version (r3380)

So he lost interest and abandoned his project.
It’s sad. With some additional work (additional buildings - or just 5 levels as he made it) his already made towns could be integrated to VCMI.

Found a bug in 0.92b.

FEAR ability is acting on UNDEAD creatures.
Or so was in WOG?

Another bug reporting:

when mod uses def frames as image
on start there is error displayed
"14:12:35 ERROR global [efc] - Required image SPRITES/cove2/ITPT.def:17 is missing!")
As I think you just check existence of pointed file. So before checking DEF just cut off : part from filename (or check if this frame exists in DEF).

At game time this mechanism works perfectly.

if (bug_found)

goto bugtracker

That check is here mostly to help with indexes -> image names transition

Registered and reported.

I understand. But when all log is red, there is easy to not see real issues:-)