Project Legends - standalone game powered by Vcmi

Time for castle walls.


What happened to the project? Is it still active?

Yes and No.

Long answer : while there was some work on it, there is not much to post and show… Everything slowed down as I do not have much free time.

Hopefully this summer (or at worst in 2020) I will have more time to spend on progressing forward with this work.

Thank you for still being interested in my work though :slight_smile: I do appreciate it .

…need to play as a faction that dispenses completely with no magic…

Any news on this game? It could be used to run VCMI without h3 content.

It is frozen .

If I get back to it then it will most likely be based around already existing towns that are released with cc-by-sa like :

  • Courtyard
  • Forge
  • Cove

  • Pavilion ? (probably need town screen redesign and Andruids permission for cc-by-sa use)

Not yet released towns :

  • Factory ? (if HoTa team agrees to cc-by-sa)
  • Vori town (if Dor teams agreesto cc-by-sa)
  • Groove town (if Dor teams agress to cc-by-sa)

to that maybe one or two extra towns from assets I’ve done.

Nevertheless right now this project is frozen.

…be wait for the thaw…