[New Town Mod] Refugee

@riindlit I guess there’s a mod within your list that modify these neutral creatures and create the issue.

Here’s the mods I’m using too that I know are compatible:

Expansions : HoTA, WoG

Towns : Coutryard, Grove, Asylum, Cathedral, Fairy, Ruins, Haven, Forge (MDT & Heavenly 2000), Cetacea.

Other : Graphical, artifacts, objects/terrains & translation mods should be good. Neutral Heroes is ok.

The mods below should be fine :

Towns : Retreat, Abyss, Death Valley, Preserve, Pavilion, Tartarus, & Highlands towns.

Misc. : Tides of War, tok Extras, Creature Flugels, Campaign Heroes.

My guess would be that the issue come from overriding rogue’s “upgrade” data inside a .json file, which should be caused by either :

  • Axoloth Creatures Pack : Because of creature “Thug”; or
  • Antagarich Burning - map assets : Because of creature “Cutthroats”.

Please try disabling one of this mod at a time, and tell me which one is incompatible with Refuge town.

When it comes to translations, I’m not working on these files at all.
I will need a screenshot of the errors or a log to understand the issue.

Or it could be because I changed a lot and lot of things,
but this should be good for later versions as this town is now in a “stable” phase.

I might have forgotten to re-enable some translations inside “mod.json” though.

since 1.1 it is one of the most interesting towns, alongside with courtyard.

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Thanks @faust.twi , I really appreciate !

I conducted a test and it should be Antagarich Burning.

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I made a Google Form for bugs reports as I’m not a Github user. Find it HERE.

Refugee Town - Update version 1.1.1

Download link: Google Drive


  • Few JSON fixes, and building costs balance.
  • Fixed Mahyar description mentionning old unit Sagiitarii.
  • Increased Daeva’s transmute ability from 1% to 5%.
  • Added mod “Antagarich Burning Map Assets” to conflicting mods.
  • WoG stack exp submod : changed Thaumaturge/Enchanter damage bonus per level.

This is a small patch from feedbacks I was able to gather.
By the way, I’d really appreciate if someone could update preview pictures from the launcher.


I have worked on other town mods because the other mods needed more improvements. I have also rescored the town themes but I like the theme of Refugee. Here are some advices I can share:

  • It seems that the Watchtower is rendered on the map with vanishing points (perspectives à 3 points de fuite) whereas it should be rendered in isometric. You can do that in Blender.
  • You can upscale a sprite with SUPIR to work on it more easily.
  • I should redraw the marketplace using inpainting AI when I will get time but there are so many things to improve else where…


Good Route has no flying units, Is it possible to change T6 Enchanters to some flying creature?
Or give a siege ability to Dragolems to break down walls?