Hello everyone, I want to publish my first mod, it changes creatures from only two castles (testing).
Imps and familiars can now cast misfortune.
Demons have the ability to reduce enemy defense by 20%.
Horned demons have the ability to reduce enemy attack by 20%.
Pit Fiends and Pit Lords have the ability “three headed attack”.
Centaur Captains have ability to get defence +2 at stance.
Battle Dwarfs have enchant defender.
Defender new spell allows you increase defence by 2 per round.
Dendroid Solders have ability to regenerate 20 hp.
War Unicorn increase your luck by 1.
I hope for criticism and new ideas for change, good luck to everyone.
creatures+.zip (8.6 KB)
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Updating my mod!
Added new abilities for Tower, Fortress and Necropolic creatures:
- Gremlin masters received ability “no melee penalty” and “repair golems”.
- ArchMages received ability сast the following spells 1 time before the battle: “Stone Skin”, “Cure”, “Bloodlust” and “Weakness”.
- Naga Queens received ability “three headed attack”.
Fortress: - Gnoll Marauders received ability “first strike”.
- Lizards apply poison to an enemy with a 10% chance.
- Lizard Warriors besides poison, can also ranged retaliation.
- Hydras can regenerate 50 hp.
- Chaos Hydras can regenerate 200 hp.
Necropolic: - Skeleton Warriors can received +5 defence in defense stance.
- The Walking Dead can resurrect their own kind from corpses.
- Zombies just like with the walking dead only resurrect zombies
creatures+.zip (113.5 KB)