Development build notice

I am tentatively planning to release a development build within a day or two.
[Depending on how well my bugfixing will go tomorrow. :wink: ]

Please let me know if:

  • there are any bugs you’d want me to prioritize
  • you have some possibly disrupting changes to commit
  • there is anything else I should know :stuck_out_tongue:

The goal is to release 0.93 build on June 01.

Last time I checked, the game was VERY buggy (issues reported). Unfortunatelly, I can’t help you with this for next month, I’m afraid :frowning:

I’ll check the bonus system / enchantment issues tomorrow.
I have figured the “lost hero” crashbug and will fix.
Other crashbug are not easily reproducible, I hope that releasing a build with working saving of AI will change that. But they are most likely old issues.

Found more bugs. Maybe tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue: