Just found bugs in new version
#1 medium issue
I have seen improper information of building which gives more creatures (ie. mushroom ring) in many castles. On map arrogance3 it looks like they’re builded on town screen, and in Capitol it looks like they’re not builded and can be build again with no crash.
#2 probable a bug, maybe not-a-bug
Multiple capitols present if it’s so set in mapeditor
second post:
#3 minor issue
dendroid arches is not visible when built in rampart town (when griffin bastion, mushroom ring, etc. is visible)
third post:
#4 crashbug
building ammo cart in upgraded blacsmiths (those in barbarians town), makes a crash, and balista is not availible
#4b more about crashbug
it looks like there random (but frequent) crashbugs when new hired hero tries to buy something in blacksmith
save included
EDIT: it happens even from newly started game, playing on arrrogance3
fourth post:
#5 interface issue
when reloading game in normal difficluty, which was rechooosen while starting map, it writes “ormal” not “normal” (maybe save is corrupted but it may not interfere whith this)
5th post:
#6 issue with autosave - logical bug
when starting a map or loading a game, last autosave is replaced, but it should do nothing, or save on new slot. worst when starting new game after plaing another and autosaving them
#6b I’m not sure if it works as I described, anyway there’s caption about autosaving and number of autosaves is the same
6th post:
#7 sound interface issue
when fastly few times ravisited same place there’s the new sound with not ending old sound which causes overlaping, moreover three instances of same sound could be played simultanously (and there’s ugly disonance :P)
7th post:
#8 sound interface issue
when moving units on battle sometimes there’s “ooh” sound even if nothing is attacked
mostly when just standing near opponent
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#9 interface leak
no infowin on enemies. The infowin is not shown,
and vcmi yells “no infowin for hero xxx” or “no infowin for town yyy”
9th post:
#10 battle interface leak
morale animation shown on wrong place (occurs with archangel, and probably with all double-wide creatures)
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#11 battle crashbug
when trying attack from side where tile is occupied unit moves and crashing when is next to destination tile
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#12 new-turn crashbug
I clicked “e” button over and over and it crashed when infowin shown
Month 8 week 2 day 7
it was probably after ending this day, possibbly:
a) the day 1st of 3rd of month 8th couldn’t appear in vcmi - this rather not because on other map i aqquired month 16
b) two last autosaves in row interfere whith each other - most possible
c) gold overflow on this day - this rather not because i got much over 50 milions of gold on my own map (max castles possible for player red)
d) console flood - rather not because i tried flood console with player messages and no crash
e) something other
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#13 timed event bug
timed event which should be everyday from day 1 occurs in vcmi only once (at day 1)
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#14 bug with hero overflow
after attached save I hidden hero in garnison, bought hero in other town, hidden in garrison etc. few times and then:
it is possible to hire hero but if doubleclick on him game crashes
possible reasons:
a) reusing same hero for both players
b) simple overcome limit of heroes on map including those garrizoned
14th post:
#15 random hero related bug
when no heroes availible from such town, random heroes should be taken from other town, but such maps don’t even show at mapllist (probably vcmi thinks they’re broken but they’re not)
[size=75]Next time I’ll just remove all posts without merging them… please use edit option
Tow dragon[/size]
@tow dragon
I used separate posts for separate issues, but when it was about the same i edited. but I didn’t know that this is bad
[size=75]Maybe “bad” is too strong. It’s just about measure and trying to avoid any post count competitions (which slips under our skins without realizing).
Perhaps, as general guidelines, we should all try to use the Edit button more, and if we really feel like splitting the posts (too long, attachments - like for issue #4 above, etc) we should still limit ourselves at 2 - max.3 - consecutive posts.