If yes, then the artifact functionality was not yet implemented in this build. It will be available as of 0.72. You can check [size=150]here[/size] which artifact functionalities have been implemented already or not.
That means the artifact should be working as from the 0.71c (unreleased) build, so not yet in the 0.71b build that we are testing and report bugs for here. But I see now you may be testing under Linux, in which case you get your files from a different source than I do. So it can be that you are using a more recent code, but the devs will have to clarify that I guess.
#83 Mouse cursor change to attack only if drag it from attack side (unlike in h3)
#84 Bug after Behemoth Attack Ice Elementals
Battle action
action type - Walk and Attack
Destination tile: X = 10, Y = 7
Additional info: stack - 10, 8, creature - GnollMarauder
sh: line 1: 4310 Ошибка сегментирования ./vcmiserver 3030 > server_log.txt
End of file
Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!
Connection has been requested to be closed.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >'
what(): Broken pipe
#85 Retreat + sity without tavern = no hero in tavern builded just after retreat (logged)
#86 Shrines do not aceesible from top and bottom
#87 No battle area around the monsters (unlike in H3)
Yeah, to be honest I thought the same thing when I noticed it and hesitated whether I should report this or not. As it could have been just my personal perception, I thought of reporting it as behavior different than H3. But if you guys feel the same about VCMI behavior being actually more logic, and nobody else complains, I’m okay with leaving this as it is.
The only potential problem I see here, is the fact that even if in H3 that may have been a bug, it can be that players got used to that behavior and they might end up sometimes hiring the wrong hero when switching between game versions (original vs VCMI).
0.71#70 Tavern may give hero with only 1 Lvl1 creature at the start of a new week, as if we already hired a hero that week.
I had it happening only twice:
1st in 0.71 ( [forum.vcmi.eu/t/vcmi-0-71-bug-seeking-thread/143/59) ): On Day 1 of Week 2 of Month 2, one of the 2 heroes which were offered at the Fortress Tavern in the beginning of the week was Jenova, Level 1 Ranger, with only 1 Centaur in the army. This should not happen unless we already purchased a hero or if she would be a retreating hero, which was not the case.
2nd in 0.71b: After purchasing both Tavern (Fortress) heroes in week 1, the 2nd (non-Fortress) hero in my Tavern at the beginning of week 2 had only 1 Lvl1 creature in the army.
I didn’t manage to reproduce it yet: very rare occurrence and no noticeable pattern. First I thought the pattern would be that if we have 2 same alignment heroes at Tavern and we hire them both, then the bug occurs next week. But I managed to reproduce the scenario and had no issues at the beginning of the next week. So it must be something else. I’ll let you know if it occurs again (and if it does, I promise this time I won’t forget to save the Client log before starting another game:P)
0.71#72 Garrisoning, ungarrisoning, or switching between visiting & garrisoned hero, causes all other heroes on the Adventure Map to lose their preset paths : [forum.vcmi.eu/t/vcmi-0-71-bug-seeking-thread/143/65)
Artifact debuff minimums should be 0 for Attack & Defense and 1 for Power & Knowledge
#90 - Right-click on a hero on Adventure Map opens the info box always in the upper left side of the hero. That creates an issue when we scroll the map as such that our hero is close to the upper and/or left edge of the client interface. In that case parts of the info are not visible anymore (if the hero is really in the upper left corner, you see nothing of it):
In H3 the info box was first of all opening as centered above the hero. That’s not really an issue, as I kinda like it to still see the hero when the info box opens next to him. But in H3, if the hero was next to the edge of the interface, the position of the info box was adjusting to the edge of the screen so that we can see it completely.
Rather non-issue. It would be troublesome to fix. Console shouldn’t be closed manually if you don’t want cause crash.
Not implemented.
I can’t reproduce it with 0.72. Either has been fixed or it’s platform-specific issue.
Duplicate to #48
Resource-giving artifacts crashes on new turn have been fixed. I’m not sure if it will fix also the pick-up crashes but it’s possible. (There was really ugly bug with artifacts in 0.71b).
Scholar info was corrupted on the saving, fixed.
Missing projectile graphic.
Who knows what is the name of Storm Elemental projectile?
Should be fixed.
Not reproducible.
Not reproducible / probably fixed.
I’ll leave it as it is, I agree we can consider this as not-a-bug.
Duplicate to… never mind, I can’t find it
Current behavior was simpler to implement (and gives all needed possibilities). Will be fixed later.