VCMI for Android

Hey, sorry to bother. i looked at the android daily builds and there hasnt been a new build in over a month? Whats happening?

Builds are broken because they are not fully integrated with projectā€™s CMake configuration and from time to time adjustments are needed. Likely easy to fix, but since no one there to look after them they might stay broken for some time still.

Eventually I want to setup build system for Android properly and integrate it with main CMake, but itā€™s likely to take weeks of work to dig into it so no idea when this will be done.

I see. Thank you. Good luck!

Iā€™ve downloaded the latest build (26-May-2018), but the game crashes when entering the tavern or finishing a battle. Iā€™m using an honor 7 with android 6. Any suggestions maybe?

I can confirm that the latest daily build (from May) crashes while entering the tavern and finishing a battle. What are our prospects for fully-functional Android build?

Try to remove .vid files from original game data. As for daily builds they are broken again and nobody wants to fix them. Android is not a primary platform for development and there is no dedicated team to support it.

I wonder if you could add support for Samsung Note 9 S Pen button to be used as right click. SCUMMVM supports it. Also it looks like Galaxy Tab tablets have S Pen with button too.


Hi Everybody,

Just joined the VCMI experience, it seems awesome :slight_smile:
I am on Xiaomi redmi note 5 with Android 8.1, I am trying to run Homm3 but it crash straight after launching VCMI no image of the game starting. Did copied ā€œMapsā€, ā€œDataā€ and ā€œMP3ā€ folders in the folder like the wiki said. Any ideas what would be the problem ?

Many thanks

xyz vcmi is not supported now. Better download android version from here:

Thanks misiokles, will try that.

Is relative pointer mode supposed to work? When I enable it, I have no cursor in main menu.

Thank, you Trogwar.
Deleting file VIDEO.VID fix crash in tavern and after battle also under raspbian.
For pi users: this file is in ~/.local/share/vcmi/Data

Iā€™m running the Android VCMI on my chromebook and cannot right click. Iā€™ve tried with the track pad, two finger clicking (on the track pad) and with a bluetooth mouse, as well as three finger click and middle click on the mouse. Iā€™ve tried the three mouse-mode settings in the launcher. My chromebook does not have a touch screen. Is there any other way to right click? Iā€™m running version 0.99.0 from the play store (launcher is version 1.4).

Other than that, the game is working well. Only a few crashes that look like they may have been addressed (e.g. crashing on the opponent losing on its turn).

BT mouse should work now.

Hi, just wondering how you would set up a button for switching between right click and left click? I have no idea how haha. On Android phone.


Hi, is there any way to play HotA on VCMI?

Hi guys!
Just noticed that Play Store version is extremely outdated (July 22, 2019).
Are there any plans to update it? Or has the team stopped supporting the Android version?

We have internal daily builds for Android. The store one is updated quite rarely because it is quite time consuming.

You need to download the latest build to your phone and install. It will probably ask to allow installation from untrusted source and it might require to uninstall the previous version. I can not guarantee that your existing saves will not be removed but if you save them to your PC or to another location on SD card you can than copy them back to game folder and they should work

@Nullkiller thanks for quick response!
Unfortunately I use Chromebook, and here installation is only available from the Play Store. Unless you turn on ā€œdeveloper modeā€.

Android 11 changed the way internal storage works. The App canā€™t write to /storage/emulated/0/vcmi-data
When checking the permissions, only the following prompt is available.
Allow access to media only.
As I understand, the following flag needs to be set, R.attr Ā |Ā  Android Developers

Or separate app needs to be made just for Android 11 and beyond.