Hi, I’ve been running v.1.5 and updated to v.1.6 to hopefully resolve a few crash issues I’ve been having. After the update, when attempting to load a saved game, I received the following error:
“Unsupported saves found. VCMI has found saved games that are no longer supported, possibly due to differences in VCMI versions”
Is there a separate update that needs to be run to carry saved games over to the latest VCMI version? The note on the github release page says saved games from 1.5 release can be loaded in 1.6.
If there isn’t a way to bring the saves into 1.6, is there a way to go back? I redownloaded 1.5 but after reinstalling, it said the HOTA mod was only available for 1.6+ and wouldn’t work.
Any ideas? I’m 4 months into a game and was so close to finishing… would really like to see it through. Thanks!