No music at all

sorry if this is not the right place to post this, I am new to this community (found this today) and have no idea how this forum works.

I have installed vcmi on Mac OS sierra and have gotten everything working. including fixing the stuck on 800 x 600 issue. sound effects work (like the mouse click noise for example) but none of the files from the mp3 file are playing. this isn’t the problem of the music stopping once re entering a town, it doesnt work from the start. even the intro/menu music doesnt work.

I have searched far and wide for an answer (even on this forum) and have had no luck. this engine looks so good I must get it fully working.
can anyone help me? thanks :slight_smile:


As far I remember (i’m not mac user) converting mp3 to ogg format shoul resolve problems with music. For bigger resolution, download and install vcmi essential files from wiki mod site.

you remembered correctly, I converted everything to OGG and now it works.
thanks :slight_smile: now to re-live my childhood.