A week ago i wanted to play multiplayer with some friends over tcp/ip.
The game itself was working, but when we wanted to play on an random generated map,
we weren’t able to play together in one team with 3 players.
Our intention was that on the map are in total 8 or maybe less (Ai)Players.
Three of them would be Human players, the rest Ai.
This was working too, but the real Problem was that it wasn’t possible to put the three Human player in one teams so they would be allied.
Independent of what we tried, in the result we were either hostile, or one player could only watch the other ones playing.
Thanks in advance
In the past i used this option, but after i updated vcmi over several versions, this option don’t appear
in the random map setup anymore- either in Singleplayer or multiplayer.
I’ve tried to deactivate all mods and changed the settings to standard, but this didn’t help.
Instead of the Teams Alignments i have other settings, which are useless for me:
This option is from vcmi-extras mod. You should update and enabled this feature-mod.
Thank you very much!
I don’t thought that a mod brings this option with it.