[macOS] Game crush when press 'End Turn' button

Is there any suggestions to fix the following issue?
The game crash when press ‘End Turn’ button. The error occurs in every game mode.

Repro steps:

  1. Install H3 GOG Complete Edition.
  2. Copy necessery files.
  3. Install last vcmi (in this case https://builds.vcmi.download/branch/develop/macOS/VCMI-branch-develop-ff7fd20.dmg)
  4. Paste copied file to vcmi directory.
  5. Run the game.
  6. Start new game and then press ‘End Turn’ button.
  7. Game crash.

I’m working on macOS Catalina 10.15.7.

I download old version VCMI-branch-develop-e3b3bba and fix it

Same for me on 10.14.6 with the latest build eb011e5, please see logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hncryjg45i848vy/AABnwviSc2GL45OV0g8Md9UHa?dl=0

Edit: there’s no crash when running game built from the latest source.