Drogi Tow dragon, jest tylko jeden problem. Te opisane programy pobrałem razem z mapami i kampaniami do H3 z P2P. Mam nadzieję, że tym wyznaniem, ciebie i innych zainteresowanych nie rozczarowałem. W załączniku jest spakowany plik torrent.
Opisane wcześniej programy znajdują się w katalogu Extra Stuff/Zx Tools(oprócz kalkulatora, który siedzi w Extra Stuff).
Aha, i tam jest kilka skryptów ERM i ERT. Czy mógłbyś mi wyjaśnić o co tym formacie chodzi (ERT)?
A oto i przykład: Jest plik script04.erm
_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2003.2.3.1842
** Arcane Tower ERM script v1.5 - Donald X. Vaccarino
** Updated: 09/20/03 by Hermann the Weird
** Requires WOG v3.52 or later.
** A location to let heroes exchange primary skill points
** To use this code, put it into a Global Event, set to never happen,
** and add some Arcane Tower buildings to your map.
** It's the nifty tower three down from the Fortress in the editor
** You can put an Arcane Tower and Alms House on the same map, but don't put them
** right next to each other. If you put an Arcane Tower by a Magic Well or similar
** object, note that it can be used to really fill up on spell points.
** Variables Used: v590, v600-v617, v618, z403
** Flags used: 2-5
** z403 must not be changed in other programs!
** v590 must always be 0! Some of my other scripts also use it as 0 for hint indexing.
** The other variables may be used elsewhere but will be trashed by this code.
** Functions Used: 620-627
** Initialization code
!#UN:P104/?v1; [Check for WoG option]
!#HT63/9&v1=1:V590/0/403; [set hint to z403, whenever v590 is 0, which it always will be]
** end of Initialization code
** Object routine
!!UN:P104/?y-1; [Check for WoG option]
!!FU&y-1=0:E; [Exit if its disabled]
!!FU620&1000:P; [do rest of code if human (not AI)]
** end of object routine
** function to handle visiting by humans
** code is broken up this way to avoid having to retest the same flags over and over
!!FU621&2:P; [do rest of code if they picked yes]
** end of function
** function to handle meaningful visit by non-AI
!!VRv600&3/4:S0; [v600=0 = they want attack]
!!VRv600&3/-4:S1; [v600=1 = they want defense]
!!VRv600&-3/4:S2; [v600=2 = they want spell power]
!!VRv600&-3/-4:S3; [v600=3 = they want knowledge]
!!VRv601:S4; [v601=4 = no payment chosen]
!!VRv601&v600<>0/5:S0; [v601=0 = pay with attack]
!!VRv601&v600<>1/v601=4/5:S1; [v601=1 = pay with defense]
!!VRv601&v600<>2/v601=4/5:S2; [v601=2 = pay with spell power]
!!VRv601&v600<>3/v601=4/5:S3; [v601=3 = pay with knowledge]
!!FU622&v601<4:P; [continue if both skills picked]
** end of function
** function to handle trades once skills are selected
!!VRv602:Sv600 +31; [get picture # of skill they want]
!!VRv603:Sv601 +31; [get picture # of skill they pay]
!!HE-1:F?v604/?v605/?v606/?v607; [fetch skill values]
!!VRv608:S604 +v600; [variable # of amount of skill they want]
!!VRv609:S604 +v601; [variable # of amount of skill they pay]
!!FU625:P; [get "clean" skill values in v611-v614 (no artifacts)]
!!VRv618:S611 +v601; [variable # of clean skill amount to pay]
!!VRv610:Svv618; [times they can trade]
!!VRv610&v601>1:-1; [can trade one less if spell power or knowledge]
!!FU623&v610>0:P; [continue if they can pay]
** end of function
** function to trade once we know they can
!!IF:V2/1; [flag indicates we'll make trade]
!!DO624/1/30/1:P; [allow them to make the chosen trade as many times as they can]
** end of function
** function to trade one skill point, done repeatedly
!!VRvv609&2:-1; [deduct one point of paying skill]
!!VRvv608&2:+1; [add one point to wanted skill]
!!HE-1&2:Fv604/v605/v606/v607; [save new skill values]
!!VRv610&2:-1; [countdown times we can make trade]
** end of function
** function to get real stats, removing effects of artifacts
** "clear" stats are stored in v611-v614
!!HE-1:F?v611/?v612/?v613/?v614; [get stats including artifact effects]
!!VRv616:S1; [amount of skill for subroutine]
!!DO627/1/6/1:P; [handle artifacts that follow a pattern by number]
!!FU626:P12/12/-3/0/0; [titan's gladius]
!!FU626:P18/-3/12/0/0; [sentinel's shield]
!!FU626:P24/0/0/-2/10; [thunder helmet]
!!FU626:P30/0/0/10/-2; [titan's cuirass]
!!FU626:P128/3/3/3/6; [armageddon's blade]
!!FU626:P129/21/21/21/21; [angelic alliance]
!!FU626:P132/3/3/2/2; [armor of the damned]
!!FU626:P134/16/16/16/16; [power of the dragon father]
!!FU626:P135/9/9/8/8; [titan's thunder]
** end of function
** function to handle modifying stats for several artifacts that fit a pattern
** v616 counts from 1 to 6
!!VRv617&v616>1:Sv616 +5; [attack artifact - 7-11]
!!FU626&v616>1:Pv617/v616/0/0/0; [modify stats]
!!VRv617&v616>1:Sv616 +11; [defense artifact - 13-17]
!!FU626&v616>1:Pv617/0/v616/0/0; [modify stats]
!!VRv617&v616<6:Sv616 +18; [knowledge artifact - 19-23]
!!FU626&v616<6:Pv617/0/0/0/v616; [modify stats]
!!VRv617&v616<6:Sv616 +24; [spell power artifact - 25-29]
!!FU626&v616<6:Pv617/0/0/v616/0; [modify stats]
!!VRv617:Sv616 +30; [every skill artifact - 31-36]
!!FU626:Pv617/v616/v616/v616/v616; [modify stats]
!!VRv617&v616<5:Sv616 +36; [att/def artifact - 37-40]
!!FU626&v616<5:Pv617/v616/v616/0/0; [modify stats]
!!VRv617&v616<5:Sv616 +40; [spell power/knowledge artifact - 41-44]
!!FU626&v616<5:Pv617/0/0/v616/v616; [modify stats]
!!VRv616:+1; [inc counter]
** end of function
** function to modify stats based on presence of one artifact
** x1 = art, x2 = amt to modify att, x3 def, x4 spell power, x5 knowledge
!!HE-1:A2/x1/0/?v615; [get number of equipped artifacts]
!!VRx2:*v615; [multiply amount by number of artifacts]
!!VRv611:-x2; [deduct total amount from stat variable]
** end of function
To zawartość pliku script04.ert wygląda tak:
104000 Arcane Tower String type = <!#S> 07.06.2003
104001 A ghost floats down a staircase and glides up to you. It floats there, flickering, regarding you. At last it speaks. "It is well that you came here, traveller. I can help you." String type = <!!M> 07.06.2003
104002 The ghost continues. "I can make you strong, give you power - perhaps as much power as I have! But it will cost you dearly. I can give you skill at attack, defense, spellcasting, or knowledge... in return, I require the same. One for one. Are you interested?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104003 "Ah, traveller, you will know one day that you have erred." String type = <!!M> 07.06.2003
104004 "Of course. Who wouldn't be? I can teach you combat prowess or spell prowess. Do you prefer combat (attack or defense) or spells (spell power or knowledge)?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104005 "Will it be attack or defense?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104006 "Will it be spell power or knowledge?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104007 "Will you pay me with your attack skill?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104008 "Will you pay me with your defense skill?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104009 "Will you pay me with your spell power?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104010 "Will you pay me with your knowledge?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104011 "Then you have nothing to pay me! Begone!" String type = <!!M> 07.06.2003
104012 "You can't trick me! You have none to pay!" String type = <!!M> 07.06.2003
104013 The ghost admires its handiwork. "Your new powers are affecting you. I can see the change already..." String type = <!!M> 07.06.2003
104014 "Excellent!" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
104015 "Excellent! The same trade again?" String type = <!!Q> 07.06.2003
PS. Łączna waga pliku exe po ściągnięciu wynosi 316 MB, i jest kilka dodatkowych “bonusów”.
Heroes_III_Maps_(RoE__AB__SoD__WoG).4358618.TPB.7z (20.4 KB)