I’m a bit sad than even the ‘complete’ edition doesn’t include these into a single exe for the massive single game it really is. If this could be done (heck even for new campaigns, but most especially for nwc ones, like the 8 in chronicles) it would be really nice.
I heard the engine was supposed to be almost identical too.
BTW; i’d request that the main intro of each campaigns be played as a (interruptable of course) movie on selection of the campaign button before the sub-part appears. As it is now, even the gog edition intro for the original Erathia only plays at the start without being interruptible once, which i guess is better than doing it all the time without being able to do anything else.
Maybe a button for ‘skip intros’ on a menu somewhere, or even showing the intro as a hotspot on the campaign selection menu (where the small campaign intros are).