How to type cheat code in android version?

Can anyone tell me how to show the virtual keyboard in android when I need to type a cheat code?

No way. Only if you connect a keyboard

I have connected a keyboard but clicking on the tab button in adventure map view does nothing. I want to enter the cheat code for automatic win, since the campaign Maker of Sorrows is impossible to be won as the needed artifacts are not being transferred from the previous campaign. Please advise! Thank you!

Even this way it does not work? Too bad. Theoretically you can move saves from android to PC and bypass campaign there and move saves back.

Do shortcuts work in android when keyboard connected? I expect no as well.

Is it possiable for adding a button in the screen to open soft keyboard? So that we can type the cheat code. (I can active tab key through my soft keyboard.)

well, the escape button works, but it may be working on the android level so it communicates with the vcmi app, but not with the game itself.

Yes, this is a good solution. Need to see if it is possible.

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It is possible now to tap status bar instead of pressing Tab