How to publish my mod to VCMI repository?

I have released my mod file:

How to pulish it in VCMI repository?

I’ve added your mod to the vcmi-1.4-archive repository for now. Now I don’t have too much time to manage anything :frowning:

Thank you, but this mod is designed for 1.5.0 or above, not test in 1.4.0. I see you add some line in vcmi-mods-repository/vcmi-1.4-archive.json. If mod are updated, should l submit a merge request in this github?

1.4 in file name is just only filename. "compatibility" command in your mod.json is the key.
And entry in repo leads straight to your github account, so your mod in laucher is downloadable directly from your site! It means any your updates will be applied immidiatelly.

It seems 1.5.3 set the default repository to vmci-1.5.json

That’s correct. Player have to manually type additional repository with filepath to vcmi-1.4-archive repo.

ok, I know