Help with mod making - what is wrong?

Hello. I’m new to VCMI and started to make a simple mod some days ago. I would like to ask somebody, who allready wrote a creature mod, or just knows how to do it. When I run the VCMI map editor it say “root data shall be object”. I don’t know where did I make a mistake. I also made another creature mod based on the Mermaid mod, and it works fine. Can somebody at least mark me the mistake? Link to mod: (I couldn’t upload becouse I’m new)

wrong monster format

“fs_ancientSpider” :
“name” :
“singular” : “Ancient Spider”,
“plural” : “Ancient Spiders”
“level” : 5,
“special” : false,
“faction” : “neutral”,
“cost” :
“gold” : 630
“fightValue” : 1035,
“aiValue” : 1152,
“growth” : 3,
“horde” : 2,
“attack” : 14,
“defense” : 10,
“hitPoints” : 60,
“speed” : 7,
“damage” :
“min” : 11,
“max” : 15
“spellPoints” : 0,
“advMapAmount” :
“min” : 7,
“max” : 13
“doubleWide” : true,
“abilities” : {
“fear” : {
“type” : “FEAR”
“predator” : {
“type” : “NO_MORALE”
“poison” :
“subtype” : “spell.sorrow”,
“val” : 15
“hasDoubleWeek”: false,
“graphics” :
“animation” : “fastness/battle/creatures/lv5up.def”,
“map” : “fastness/map/creatures/lv5upmap.def”,
“iconSmall” : “fastness/iconsSmall/lv5upsmall.png”,
“iconLarge” : “fastness/iconsBig/lv5uplarge.png”,
“timeBetweenFidgets” : 1.00,
“troopCountLocationOffset” : 0,
“animationTime” :
“walk” : 1.10,
“idle” : 15.00,
“attack” : 1.10,
“flight” : 1.00
“sound” :
“attack”: “BASLATTK.wav”,
“defend”: “BASLDFND.wav”,
“killed”: “BASLKILL.wav”,
“move”: “BASLMOVE.wav”,
“wince”: “BASLWNCE.wav”
like that