I am attaching the patch for fixing #64 and #27.
#48 was fixed - I cannot reproduce it anymore.
#69 is valid. The issue is that the pulsing glowing (selecting or hovering a stack in the battle) is starting from a transparent color (and it continues to a visible yellow/blue), but it should start from a visible value (let’s say with transparency set at half). As far as I investigated I found that
aCountMod = (animCount & 0x20) ? ((animCount & 0x1e)>>1)<<4 : 0x0f - ((animCount & 0x1e)>>1)<<4;
from CCreatureAnimation::nextFrameT is responsible but is a puzzle for me what this values mean. Can somebody point me to the right direction with this bug?
I have also started to work on #37
Fix_64_27.zip (1.72 KB)