Fail to make an android build

I finished my device test and make a pull request for joystick support joystick support for VCMI by kdmcser · Pull Request #3762 · vcmi/vcmi · GitHub

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returning to your original build issue. I’ve just tested building for android on a Debian VM and faced the same build error, I had CMake 3.24 installed. Then I updated CMake to the latest available version from the CMake website (3.29.2) and the issue was gone. CI also uses quite new version (3.29.1), so this leads me to think that there was a bug in CMake regarding the order of compile flags.

I suggest that you also use the latest CMake version.

apparently it was fixed in 3.26: CMake 3.26 Release Notes — CMake 3.29.2 Documentation

OK, i will update my cmake version :grinning: