I’ve been trying to compile the game from source on Ubuntu 14.04. First I ran into issues with BOOST_HELP being unknown, which was introduced in boost 1.59 (and the lastest boost verstion available via Ubuntu repo is 1.58). So I manually installed boost 1.64, but now I run into different issues when trying to compile, starting with:
Linking CXX executable ../build/vcmiserver
CMakeFiles/vcmiserver.dir/CGameHandler.cpp.o: In function `sleep':
/usr/local/include/boost/thread/pthread/thread_data.hpp:278: undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::hidden::sleep_until(timespec const&)'
along with a bunch of similar boost-related errors.
Is there a particular boost version that vcmi requires? Or does this look like I stuffed up the manual boost install? Any help would be appreciated.