Combine 2 snd files?

hi, can you combine 2 snd files or add files to a snd archive? it seems that on retail cd there 2 heroes3.snd, one is installed from cd1 and the second is on play cd2 with the videos.
i guess that’s why there is difference between retail and gog one 27 and the other 40+.

Shouldn’t VCMI be fixed instead to make this work?
You can try MMArchive -

nice site :smiley:
if you combine those 2 snd it passes the cd protection, so if you use it uses only snd files from cd and you will be missing files fom cd 2.
maybe vcmi should extract all files from lods and make their own archive in the way they want or maybe we should concentrate more on gog version because is drm free and should have all requiered files in archive(maybe even with some improvments)

I’ve updated the code to accept more than one sound or video file. I now see that CD 2 has an extra of each. I’ll update the build script and the code to take these into account.

maybe it will be better for the future so that the build script will extract all data from lod/snd/vid and repack them into some vcmi specific archives so that all installs will have the required resource files.

will a dev please tell us if it will be easy to work with some vcmi specific resource files than handling lod files.