Loading a random map generated by the map editor or starting with a randomly generated one causes the server to crash. The log is like:
Hero is already on the map at (304 288 0)
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0x20474343 - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION at 0033:0x7ff,9aa,b85,67c
Thread ID: 18060
<omitting tons of '@' here...>
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0xc00000ff - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION at 0033:0x7ff,9ad,35f,7bd
Thread ID: 18060
Crash info will be put in VCMI_server.exe_crashinfo.dmp
<omitting tons of '@' here...>
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0xc0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0033:0x7ff,905,f89,981
Attempt to read from 0x0xf,fff,fff,fff,fff,fff
Thread ID: 9768
Crash info will be put in VCMI_server.exe_crashinfo.dmp
<omitting tons of '@' here...>
And the strange thing is that the crash dump mentioned in the log was not generated.
Ive tried to disable all the mods (except VCMI essential files) but no luck.