Asphalt terrain can't create mines in random maps

What’s up to that terrain, I have read the .jsons and found nothing wrong

Does anyone know why the terrain can’t create any kind of mines? It makes Forge and Forge2k have no wood nor ore in the beginning, I checked the .jsons but I can’t find where is the problem.

What vcmi version do you use? 1.1 or 1.2? From where you’ve download these mods?

1.21 and I download all of this by the launcher.

I just checked it out, and I have the same problem: no sawmill, or ore pit was created.

I’m experiencing the same, but I discovered it might be because it’s conflicting with Stardust terrain. When I disable Stardust terrain, Asphalt terrain generates mines.

Bug is located, will be fixed tommorrow.

Fixed, please update Stardust mod to 1.2.4 version.

OK, many thanks.

Good to see you here. I think some names of objects are replicated from Asphalt mod. That means they will not be available at the same time.

Hi, ha, thanks to misiokles fixed something in stardust terrain and now all of them can create mines and other objects as usual.

Yes, Misiokles is our hero! :slight_smile:

It’s Andruids eagle eye skill. I’ve only uploaded his fixes!