Development version 0.97b

We are happy to announce new development version 0.97b! This is bugfix release, which fixes many regressions introduced in 0.97.

Download VCMI 0.97b (Windows)
For Linux see wiki page

In this version all battle spells were rewritten, hopefully fixing all old issues, but they need tetsing anywa.

The major bugfixes include:

  • Critical adventure AI bug which made it act totally random
  • Many adventure objects not working

Savegame format changed. Saves from 0.97 won’t work in 0.97b.


We recommend you first make a copy of clean Heroes Complete / Shadow of Death folder. Extract VCMI zip package there.
WoG is not needed. All recommended mods and files can be downloaded via Launcher included in the package.


List of bugs resolved in 0.97b here.

Please report any found bugs and issues on Mantis bugtracker.

Many thanks for all programmers and supporters who contributed to this build.

Awesome. So less bugs than the last release. Good :smiley:

  1. Fly and FLYING_MOVEMENT still not work. As I remember they were turned off for vcmi 0.95. Are they buggy? Or just forgotten to be turned back?

  2. Spells are remade in animation part. I hoped there will be summon spells modding, but there is none, still.

  3. I also hoped for adventure spells to be added. I looked and it is as it was earlier.

Still great release.

PS As for adventure spells, I hope to see spells adding hero bonuses for map (with duration to end of the day for example).
I have Army Haste spell buy which I test availability of Adv. map spells:

		"type": "adventure", 
		"name": "Army Haste",
			"air": true,
			"earth": false,
			"fire": false,
			"water": false
		"level": 2,
		"power": 10,
		"defaultGainChance": 3, 
			"castle": 5

		"flags" : {"indifferent": true},
		//graphics - OPTIONAL; object;
			"iconBook": "FlyingBoots/back0.bmp",
			"iconScroll": "FlyingBoots/back1.bmp",
			"iconScenarioBonus": "FlyingBoots/back2.bmp",
			"iconEffect": "FlyingBoots/back3.bmp"

		"targetType": "HERO",
				"description": "Gives hero +1 land movement",
				"cost": 8,
				"power": 10,
				"aiValue": 5,
				"range": "X",
						"type": "LAND_MOVEMENT",
						"val": 100,
						"duration": "ONE_DAY",
				"description": "Gives hero +1 land movement",
				"cost": 8,
				"power": 10,
				"aiValue": 5,
				"range": "X",
						"type": "LAND_MOVEMENT",
						"val": 100,
						"duration": "ONE_DAY",
				"description": "Gives hero +2 land movement",
				"cost": 9,
				"power": 10,
				"aiValue": 5,
				"range": "X",
						"type": "LAND_MOVEMENT",
						"val": 200,
						"duration": "ONE_DAY",
				"description": "Gives hero +3 land movement",
				"cost": 10,
				"power": 10,
				"aiValue": 5,
				"range": "X",
						"type": "LAND_MOVEMENT",
						"val": 300,
						"duration": "ONE_DAY",

@Macron. This is mostly a bugfix release. Next release willl most likely contain more modding features.

It would be great, if you manage to do summon and adventure spells modding.

PS About RMG - one time it generated Shipyard object on earth (without close to water) :slight_smile:
I tried then to generate other maps with shipyard, but several next times it not happened:-)

Was trying to do campaigns, but every time I was done with that “episode” of the campaign, it crashed. Had to downgrade to 0.97.

After uninstalling Heroes Complete, and using CCleaner to make sure all the files are gone.
I reinstall HOMM3Complete then put the 0.97b files in the main folder.
It still registers the modules already as being installed from the 0.97 version?

How do i ensure a clean install? How do i get rid of the component that remembers the mods being installed before?


What do you mean by that?

VCMI do not store anything in registry, all settings, mods and saves are stored in:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\vcmi

Full path will be something like that:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\vcmi

Though you better disable/enable mods you don’t need using VCMI_launcher.exe