Show player's turn dialog at start turn in network game

I search for a way to show “player’s turn” dialog and found condition howManyPeople > 1 in CPlayerInterface::acceptTurn and CPlayerInterface::yourTurn:

void CPlayerInterface::yourTurn()
		if(howManyPeople > 1) //hot seat message

			makingTurn = true;
			std::string msg = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[13];
			boost::replace_first(msg, "%s", cb->getStartInfo()->playerInfos.find(playerID)->;
			std::vector<CComponent*> cmp;
			cmp.push_back(new CComponent(CComponent::flag, playerID.getNum(), 0));
			showInfoDialog(msg, cmp);
			makingTurn = true;
void CPlayerInterface::acceptTurn()
	if(howManyPeople > 1)

This condition shows if number of alive player on this player’s interface(client) are more 1. In network game it false because each player this its own client and player’s interface.

How can I get number of alive player in the whole game from CPlayerInterface?

AFAIR there’s no easy way for that. One could call cb->getPlayerStatus for each valid player id and count players that are INGAME.

I’d recommend adding a new method to CGameInfoCallback for such purpose.