INFO global [49d4] - Starting client of 'VCMI 1.4.4' INFO global [49d4] - Creating console and configuring logger: 10 ms INFO global [49d4] - The log file will be saved to "C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\VCMI_Client_log.txt" TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 366 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 49 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 37 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 178 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3854 files found INFO global [49d4] - Initialization: 171 ms TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\filesystem.json TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at config TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 135 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod TRACE global [49d4] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_bmp.lod"" loaded (2491 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 20 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/h3abp_bm.lod TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod TRACE global [49d4] - .LODArchive ""H3bitmap.lod"" loaded (4908 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 39 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3pbitma.lod TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Maps TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 268 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Mods TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 96 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Mp3 TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 63 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at scripts TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd TRACE global [49d4] - .SNDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.snd"" loaded (117 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd TRACE global [49d4] - .SNDArchive ""Heroes3.snd"" loaded (1115 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 3 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod TRACE global [49d4] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_spr.lod"" loaded (569 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod TRACE global [49d4] - .LODArchive ""H3sprite.lod"" loaded (4013 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 33 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/h3abp_sp.lod TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Sprites TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid TRACE global [49d4] - .VIDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.vid"" loaded (7 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid TRACE global [49d4] - .VIDArchive ""VIDEO.VID"" loaded (141 files found). TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms INFO global [49d4] - Data loading: 106 ms TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\schemas\settings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\persistentStorage.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\persistentStorage.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\persistentStorage.json TRACE mod [49d4] - registered spellSchool.air as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered spellSchool.water as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered spellSchool.any as core:-1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.wood as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.mercury as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.ore as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.crystal as core:4 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.gems as core:5 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:6 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered resource.mithril as core:7 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered playerColor.tan as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:4 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered playerColor.purple as core:5 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered playerColor.teal as core:6 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered as core:7 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureDamageBoth as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureDamageMin as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureDamageMax as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.damageTypeAll as core:-1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.damageTypeMelee as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.damageTypeRanged as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.heroMovementLand as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.heroMovementSea as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareGorgon as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareCommander as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareNoRangePenalty as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareRangePenalty as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareObstaclePenalty as core:4 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.deathStareRangeObstaclePenalty as core:5 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.rebirthRegular as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.rebirthSpecial as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.visionsMonsters as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.visionsHeroes as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.visionsTowns as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.immunityBattleWide as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.immunityEnemyHero as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.transmutationPerHealth as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.transmutationPerUnit as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.destructionKillPercentage as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.destructionKillAmount as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.soulStealPermanent as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.soulStealBattle as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.movementFlying as core:0 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.movementTeleporting as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.spellLevel1 as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.spellLevel2 as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.spellLevel3 as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.spellLevel4 as core:4 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.spellLevel5 as core:5 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel1 as core:1 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel2 as core:2 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel3 as core:3 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel4 as core:4 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel5 as core:5 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel6 as core:6 TRACE mod [49d4] - registered bonusSubtype.creatureLevel7 as core:7 TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\Mods\lessRandomStart\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\Mods\lessRandomStart\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\wogReversion\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\wogReversion\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\neutralReversion\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\neutralReversion\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\wog\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\wog\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Mods\farriery-connect\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Mods\farriery-connect\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Mods\death-valley-connector\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Mods\death-valley-connector\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mods\Refugee Town, In the Wake of Gods\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\refugee-town\mods\Refugee Town, In the Wake of Gods\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Teleporting Elemental\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Teleporting Elemental\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Karmic Harpies\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Karmic Harpies\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Alternative Shooting centaur\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Alternative Shooting centaur\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\trueTypeFonts\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\trueTypeFonts\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\adventureMap\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\adventureMap\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\Mods\HotANeutralHeroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\Mods\HotANeutralHeroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\Mods\WoGNeutralHeroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\Mods\WoGNeutralHeroes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\mod.json TRACE global [49d4] - 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loading .\config\factions\conflux.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\widgets\advancedOptionsTab.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\schemas\script.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\campaign_regions.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\commanders.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\factions\tower.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\widgets\settings\battleOptionsTab.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroClasses.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\campaignMedia.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\widgets\randomMapTab.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\spells\moats.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\bonuses.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\objects\generic.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\heroes\portraits.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\spells\timed.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\objects\coverOfDarkness.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\artifacts.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\ai\object-priorities.txt TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\widgets\mapOverview.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerHero.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\widgets\adventureMap.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading .\config\campaignSets.json TRACE global [49d4] - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\persistentStorage.json TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/asphalt-terrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/asphalt-terrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 271 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/cathedral-town/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/cathedral-town/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 523 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/cetatea-town/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/cetatea-town/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 510 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/courtyard/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/courtyard/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 714 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 6 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/Content TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/grove/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/grove/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 567 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 18 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/neutral-heroes/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/neutral-heroes/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 147 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/new-old-spells-plus/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/new-old-spells-plus/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 83 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 513 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/stardust-terrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/stardust-terrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 213 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/test-map-spells-mod/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/test-map-spells-mod/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 228 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/towns-new-views/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/towns-new-views/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 149 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/unlucky-ones/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/unlucky-ones/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Config TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 128 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 67 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sounds TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 1 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 106 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Video TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/Content TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/enraged minotaur/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/enraged minotaur/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 10 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/furious cyclops/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/furious cyclops/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 10 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/siege dendroids/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/siege dendroids/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/teleporting elemental/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/creatures-hidden-potential/MODS/teleporting elemental/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 617 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 6 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/artifacts/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/artifacts/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 99 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cannon/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cannon/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 25 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/changedshootingvisuals/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/changedshootingvisuals/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 35 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/confluxvaultofashes/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/confluxvaultofashes/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 14 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroes/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroes/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 40 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/highlandsterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/highlandsterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 333 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 3 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/interference/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/interference/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 35 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/lessrandomstart/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/lessrandomstart/Content TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mainmenu/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mainmenu/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 76 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapdecorations/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapdecorations/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 451 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/newgraphics/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/newgraphics/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 323 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/terrainoverlays/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/terrainoverlays/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 79 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/wastelandterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/wastelandterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 307 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 3 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/deadlandterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/deadlandterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 441 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 6 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/fieldgloryterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/fieldgloryterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 86 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/heatherthicket/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/heatherthicket/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 123 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/icelandterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/icelandterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 100 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/spoiledland/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/spoiledland/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 361 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/stardustterrain/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/stardustterrain/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 162 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/MODS/refugee town, shapeshifters/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/MODS/refugee town, shapeshifters/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 16 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/adventuremap/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/adventuremap/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 15 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/arrowtowericons/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/arrowtowericons/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/battlefieldactions/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/battlefieldactions/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 34 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/Content TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extendedlobby/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/extendedlobby/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 29 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/quick-exchange/Data TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/quick-exchange/Sprites TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum-town/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum-town/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 562 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/fairy-town/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/fairy-town/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 514 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/MODS/lessrandomstart/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/forge/MODS/lessrandomstart/Content TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cove/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cove/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 634 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 8 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroes3datapatch/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroes3datapatch/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 818 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/neutralcreatures/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/neutralcreatures/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 67 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/heatherthicket/MODS/grove-connect/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/newtown-terrains/MODS/heatherthicket/MODS/grove-connect/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/bonus icons/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/bonus icons/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 157 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/immunity icons/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi-extras/MODS/bonusicons/MODS/immunity icons/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 44 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroesorchestracovetheme/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/heroesorchestracovetheme/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 3 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hotacampaignheroesinmaps/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hotacampaignheroesinmaps/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapobjects/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapobjects/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 131 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/ruins-town/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/ruins-town/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 515 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/gamebalance/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/gamebalance/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 16 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapsupport/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/mapsupport/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 7 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/maps/ TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [49d4] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/maps/Content TRACE global [49d4] - File system loaded, 46 files found TRACE global [49d4] - Resource loaded in 0 ms INFO global [49d4] - Mod filesystems: 144 ms DEBUG global [49d4] - Set log level global => trace [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.920843] INFO global - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.921338] INFO global - [log level] ai => not set [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.921592] INFO global - [log level] animation => not set [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.921739] INFO global - [log level] bonus => not set [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.921885] INFO global - [log level] global => trace [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.922032] INFO global - [log level] mod => not set [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.922175] INFO global - [log level] network => not set [2024-Jan-22 16:55:01.922378] DEBUG global - settings = { "adventure" : { "backgroundDimLevel" : 128, "borderScroll" : true, "enemyMoveTime" : 50, "forceQuickCombat" : false, "heroMoveTime" : 50, "heroReminder" : true, "hideBackground" : false, "leftButtonDrag" : false, "objectAnimation" : true, "quickCombat" : true, "scrollSpeedPixels" : 800, "smoothDragging" : true, "terrainAnimation" : true }, "battle" : { "cellBorders" : false, "enableAutocombatSpells" : false, "mouseShadow" : true, "movementHighlightOnHover" : false, "queueSize" : "auto", "rangeLimitHighlightOnHover" : true, "showQueue" : true, "speedFactor" : 3, "stackRange" : true, "stickyHeroInfoWindows" : true, "swipeAttackDistance" : 250 }, "gameTweaks" : { "availableCreaturesAsDwellingLabel" : false, "compactTownCreatureInfo" : false, "enableLargeSpellbook" : true, "forceMovementInfo" : false, "infoBarCreatureManagement" : true, "infoBarPick" : false, "numericCreaturesQuantities" : true, "showGrid" : false, "skipAdventureMapAnimations" : true, "skipBattleIntroMusic" : true }, "general" : { "audioMuteFocus" : true, "autosaveCountLimit" : 5, "enableUiEnhancements" : true, "extraDump" : false, "gameDataLanguage" : "french", "hapticFeedback" : false, "language" : "english", "lastCampaign" : "", "lastMap" : "MAPS\/[HOTA] A NEW DAY TOMORROW", "lastSave" : "Saves\/NewDayT", "lastSettingsTab" : 0, "longTouchTimeMilliseconds" : 1000, "music" : 15, "notifications" : false, "playerName" : "Yuya", "relativePointerSpeedMultiplier" : 1, "saveFrequency" : 1, "savePrefix" : "", "saveRandomMaps" : false, "sound" : 30, "startTurnAutosave" : false, "useSavePrefix" : true, "userRelativePointer" : false }, "input" : { "radialWheelGarrisonSwipe" : true, "touchToleranceDistance" : 20 }, "launcher" : { "autoCheckRepositories" : true, "connectionTimeout" : 2000, "defaultRepositoryEnabled" : true, "defaultRepositoryURL" : "https:\/\/\/vcmi\/vcmi-mods-repository\/develop\/vcmi-1.4.json", "enableInstalledMods" : true, "extraRepositoryEnabled" : false, "extraRepositoryURL" : "", "lobbyPort" : 5002, "lobbyUrl" : "", "lobbyUsername" : "", "setupCompleted" : true, "updateConfigUrl" : "https:\/\/\/vcmi\/vcmi-updates\/master\/vcmi-updates.json", "updateOnStartup" : false }, "lobby" : { "mapPreview" : true }, "logging" : { "console" : { "colorMapping" : [ { "color" : "gray", "domain" : "global", "level" : "trace" }, { "color" : "white", "domain" : "global", "level" : "debug" }, { "color" : "green", "domain" : "global", "level" : "info" }, { "color" : "yellow", "domain" : "global", "level" : "warn" }, { "color" : "red", "domain" : "global", "level" : "error" } ], "coloredOutputEnabled" : true, "format" : "%m", "threshold" : "info" }, "file" : { "format" : "[%c] %l %n - %m" }, "loggers" : [ { "domain" : "global", "level" : "trace" } ] }, "server" : { "alliedAI" : "VCAI", "enemyAI" : "BattleAI", "friendlyAI" : "BattleAI", "localInformation" : 2, "names" : [ ], "neutralAI" : "StupidAI", "playerAI" : "Nullkiller", "port" : 3030, "reconnect" : false, "server" : "", "uuid" : "" }, "session" : { "donotstartserver" : false, "encoding" : "CP1252", "language" : "english", "languageDeviation" : 0.000287799, "onlyai" : false, "serverport" : 0 }, "video" : { "cursor" : "hardware", "displayIndex" : 0, "driver" : "", "fullscreen" : true, "realFullscreen" : true, "reservedWidth" : 0, "resolution" : { "height" : 720, "scaling" : 100, "width" : 1280 }, "showIntro" : false, "showfps" : false, "spellbookAnimation" : false, "targetfps" : 60, "vsync" : true } } [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.309042] INFO global - Found 6 render drivers [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.309282] INFO global - direct3d [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.309489] INFO global - direct3d11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.309653] INFO global - direct3d12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.309903] INFO global - opengl [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.310112] INFO global - opengles2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.310278] INFO global - software [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.531212] INFO global - Created renderer direct3d [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.533660] INFO global - Initializing video: 1093 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.533939] TRACE global - loading .\config\ambientSounds.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580037] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WINSCENARIO [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580090] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WIN SCENARIO [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580107] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WIN BATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580122] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DUNGEON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580137] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CSTLETOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580151] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECAMPAIN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580165] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT03 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580179] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580193] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SURRENDERBATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580208] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580222] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/NEUTRALTHEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580236] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ULTIMATELOSE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580250] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DIRT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580323] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DEFENDCASTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580343] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECASTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580357] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC08 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580371] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DEFEND CASTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580385] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/TOWERTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580399] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC05 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580414] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC03 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580430] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFWCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580444] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STRONGHOLD [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580458] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580472] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEABCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580486] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/GRASS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580499] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDBCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580513] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580527] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC04 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580541] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSE CAMPAIN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580554] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEPFCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580569] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SAND [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580583] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/MAINMENU [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580597] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC02 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580610] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/AITHEME0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580624] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FORTRESSTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580638] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC01 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580652] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC07 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580666] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT01 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580680] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC09 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580694] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOSECOMBAT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580708] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/EVILTHEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580721] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/GOODTHEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580735] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/INFERNOTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580749] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LAVA [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580762] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RETREATBATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580776] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/CAMPAINMUSIC06 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580790] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ELEMTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580803] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SWAMP [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580817] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/LOOPLEPR [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580831] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/NECROTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580844] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT04 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580858] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RAMPART [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580872] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RETREAT BATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580885] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ROUGH [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580899] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SECRETTHEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580913] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEFLCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580927] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SNOW [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580941] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SURRENDER BATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580954] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WINBATTLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580968] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/BLADEDSCAMPAIGN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580983] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/UNDERGROUND [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.580997] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/COMBAT02 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581011] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/WATER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581412] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ASPHALT/KANASHIGE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581452] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/CATHEDRALTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581504] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/CETATEA [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581569] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/COURTYARD/COURTTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581601] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/GROVETOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581670] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/REFUGEETOWN-THEMOUNTAIN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581693] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/REFUGEETOWN-HOREFTIKOSAFTOSHEDIASMOS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581716] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STARDUST/STARDUST THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581731] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STARDUST/FIELDGLORY THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581800] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/THEME-OLD [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581829] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581874] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/HOTA/HIGHLANDS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581945] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/HOTA/WASTELAND [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.581987] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/DEADLAND/MIDNIGHTCEM2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582006] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FIELDGLORY/FIELDGLORY THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582026] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/HEATHER_THICKET [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582046] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/ICELANDS/ICECAVE THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582066] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/SPOILEDTHEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582094] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/STARDUST/STARDUST THEME [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582142] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/ASYLUMTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582201] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/FAIRYTALE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582216] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/FAIRYTOWN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582238] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/COVE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582346] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/FACTIONS/COVE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582392] TRACE global - Found music file MUSIC/RUINS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582512] INFO global - Initializing screen and sound handling: 49 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.582910] INFO global - Game Settings handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.586104] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\qecommands.txt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.589770] INFO global - General text handler: 7 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590016] TRACE global - loading .\config\gameConfig.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590347] TRACE global - loading .\config\bonuses.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590622] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590645] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590663] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590680] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590697] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590717] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590739] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590757] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590783] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590810] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590832] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590848] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590865] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590880] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DESTRUCTION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590894] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590910] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590925] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590944] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590961] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590977] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_ATTACK_REDUCTION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.590993] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591009] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FEAR [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591024] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591041] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FEROCITY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591056] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591072] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FIRST_STRIKE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591088] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FLYING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591103] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591118] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591134] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591150] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HATE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591166] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HEALER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591182] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591198] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591214] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type KING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591228] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_CHANCE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591242] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEARN_BATTLE_SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591258] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591273] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591315] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type LIMITED_SHOOTING_RANGE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591338] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591355] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591370] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591386] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591401] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591415] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NONE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591433] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591448] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591464] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591480] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591493] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591509] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591523] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type PERCENTAGE_DAMAGE_BOOST [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591539] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591554] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RANGED_RETALIATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591570] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591585] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591601] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591617] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type REVENGE [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591632] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591648] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591663] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591679] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591694] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591710] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591726] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591741] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591757] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591773] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591788] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type SUMMON_GUARDIANS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591852] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591871] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591900] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591917] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591933] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591947] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type VISIONS [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.591962] TRACE bonus - Loaded bonus type WIDE_BREATH [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592007] INFO global - Bonus type handler: 2 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592204] INFO global - Road handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592374] INFO global - River handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592526] INFO global - Terrain handler: 1 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592725] INFO global - Hero handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.592911] INFO global - Artifact handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593125] TRACE global - loading .\config\commanders.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593347] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593379] INFO global - Creature handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593542] INFO global - Town handler: 1 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593696] TRACE global - Reading resources prices [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593740] TRACE global - loading .\config\resources.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593840] TRACE global - Done loading resource prices! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.593860] INFO global - Object handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.594034] INFO global - Object types information handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.594193] INFO global - Spell handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.594343] INFO global - Skill handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.594530] TRACE global - loading .\config\terrainViewPatterns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.595580] INFO global - Terrain view pattern handler: 2 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.595749] INFO global - Template handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.595901] INFO global - Battlefields handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.596050] INFO global - Obstacles handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.596292] INFO global - Initializing handlers: 13 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.596464] INFO mod - Initializing content handler: 0 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762347] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762387] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762554] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762702] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762851] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\deadTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.762996] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763264] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763360] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\ruins.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763470] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763573] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763674] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\garrisons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763775] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763879] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\toxicWaste.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.763984] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764086] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764183] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764372] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764470] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764567] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for cathedral-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764589] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764751] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\redeem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764853] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Volh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.764951] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Ranin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765047] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765157] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Salvirana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765256] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\confessionSong.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765364] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\cantorShot.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765561] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Sveneld.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765658] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765758] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\dispelImmune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765856] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Susan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.765954] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\classes\redtemplar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766050] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766147] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766245] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\classes\cthbishop.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Nariko.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766448] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766547] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Kasumi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766650] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766768] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766866] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.766966] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\punishment.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767064] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767174] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767379] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767482] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\scratch.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\temPrayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767685] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\RedFanatic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767882] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.767984] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768085] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768190] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Brooke.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768285] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\DivineRevenge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768388] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\prayerImmune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768488] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\conviction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768593] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768708] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768839] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.768987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Stefan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769088] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\bloodlustAni.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769190] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769289] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Noli.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769386] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Helena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769482] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Vseglas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769577] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Erika.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769675] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Amanda.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769774] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Tarinus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.769889] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Patricia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770003] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for cetatea-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770026] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770174] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Greuceanu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770273] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770393] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Alphawerewolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770544] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Ghionaia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770711] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Elena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770857] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Al. I Cuza.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.770956] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Haiduci.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771056] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Maria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771152] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zmeu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771249] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Voinici.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Brancoveanu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771544] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Mihaiviteazu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771646] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Pricolici.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.771839] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772006] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772113] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Balauri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772212] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Strigoi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772311] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Elisabeta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772408] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772504] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Stefan Al II.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772603] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Dochia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772700] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zgriptor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Luceafarul.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772893] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Decebal.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.772987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773098] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\classes\voivode.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773205] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Baba Cloanta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773300] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Fiercezgriptor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773407] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Werewolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773537] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\banks\AncientCitadel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773674] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\lele.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Harap-alb.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773878] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\classes\ovate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.773972] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Wolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774066] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774162] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampirelord.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774257] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Direwolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774350] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Moroi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774445] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Vlad Tepes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774540] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774564] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\deathGrasp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774839] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\stackExp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.774981] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quagmire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775079] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\immolation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775180] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775275] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\mightHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775368] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Audred.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl2unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775559] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\summonApparition.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775652] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\stunAbility.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775744] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\vinesRevive.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775838] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Nefefareen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.775933] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quickStrikes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776030] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\potionSupply.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776126] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Ophrys.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776218] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl5unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776319] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Vogundessi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776419] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776523] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl3unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776620] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\heroTexts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776730] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776870] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Caballe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.776962] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\etheralPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777058] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Teophrast.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777152] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777250] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\courtyardPuzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Auk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777440] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\commander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777531] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Lumiere.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777626] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\skills\firstAidPotions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777717] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777817] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl7unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.777919] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\otherObjects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778011] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\toughnessPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778107] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\regenerationPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778225] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\magicHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dizheel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778492] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl1unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778586] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Kanim.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778678] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\enchantedWeapon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778774] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ephemeralAbility.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778868] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dictamnus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.778959] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Migdigravia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779052] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl6unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779145] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\dragonPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779244] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\pacifism.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779339] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zazzerpan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779438] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\vines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779535] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Hanester.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779626] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ageCamera.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779717] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Raphus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779808] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779899] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\reconstruction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.779996] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\weaponPoisonPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780096] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780191] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780288] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\apparition.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl4unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780482] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for creatures-hidden-potential [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780506] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780605] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for grove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780625] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780803] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\quartzdragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.780911] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sargh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781006] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\groveguard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781101] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\classes\hunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781202] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781349] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\mrimm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\phindara.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781537] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\elderdruid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781629] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sithyrr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781720] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\faun.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781810] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskrider.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781902] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ssin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.781997] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\commander\nightstalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782094] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782189] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velve.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782281] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonslayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782377] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\treebeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782470] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\grovekeeper.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782564] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\stack_exp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782707] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\amethystdragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782806] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\jabress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782900] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\satyr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.782993] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderqueen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783088] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\saphiredragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783179] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\nightdruid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783270] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskchampion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783362] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\NightFalcon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783454] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\olath.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783549] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderprincess.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783644] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783738] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\spells\summonTreebeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783830] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\artifacts\NightFalcon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.783921] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784014] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velkyn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784110] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\classes\warden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784201] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\suliss.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784293] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\tuidhana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784385] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\wanre.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784477] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\shebali.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784569] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\artehel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ultrin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784753] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\malla.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784842] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\banks\templeNight.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.784936] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\kyorlin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.785029] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\vlos.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.785123] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.785145] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.785260] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\ukrainian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.785553] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.786143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.786235] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.786457] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.786854] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\polish\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.787067] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.787542] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.787899] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.788098] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.788768] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789246] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for neutral-heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789269] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789390] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\orma.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789488] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\melfis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789583] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\ernest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789677] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\kharnus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789771] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\spells\summonGolems.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789864] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroClasses\drifterFemale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.789960] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\nhHalfling.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790052] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroClasses\drifterMale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790151] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\creatures\nhHalfling.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790246] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\xanthus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790341] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\drifterMale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790435] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\zarantiri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790527] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\drifterFemale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790620] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\romires.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790713] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\oshmar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790805] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for new-old-spells-plus [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790828] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.790940] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Vigour.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791035] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Levitation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Fear.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791229] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\WaspSwarm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791323] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791436] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\PuppetMaster.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791534] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\DragonStrength.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791747] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Confusion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791844] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\DeepFreeze.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.791941] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Vampirism.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792035] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792142] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792163] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792258] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for refugeetown [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792451] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Reza.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792549] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Holybreaker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Aria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792743] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Mithra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792837] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL4U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.792930] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-_Debug.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793027] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Gottesbriefe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793121] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL7L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793215] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Aran.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793308] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Areman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793400] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Keyvan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL3U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793604] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-SummonDaeva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Mahyar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793787] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL6L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793881] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Niusha.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.793973] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL2L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794065] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Amad.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794160] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL5L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794254] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Kiana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794362] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGHC-Wanderer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794456] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794550] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Daeva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794650] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGH-HeroNeutralConversion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794770] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGHC-Enchanter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.794896] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL1L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795047] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795196] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\debug\RFGS-Debug.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795310] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Bhemnesh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795405] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\debug\RFGS-SummonShapeshifters.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795509] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Emet.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795603] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGH-HeroBonusMix.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL1U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795789] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Soraya.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795881] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\debug\RFGS-SummonTest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.795979] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Namburbi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796075] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL5U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796168] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Dominion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796264] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Shayan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796407] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL4L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796501] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796604] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Azar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796697] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Leyla.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796791] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL6U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796883] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Hates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.796974] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797076] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Met.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797169] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL7U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797262] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-FleshGolem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797357] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797449] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL3L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797543] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Commander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797638] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797740] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL2U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797830] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-GottesbriefeP.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.797923] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798022] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Yemapel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798113] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Sierra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798209] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798233] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798359] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798488] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798621] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798752] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798848] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.798941] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799038] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799135] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799237] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799328] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799472] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799677] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799776] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799870] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.799961] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800057] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800245] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800335] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800426] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800522] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800610] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\bank1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800701] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for test-map-spells-mod [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800724] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800847] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Army Haste.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.800940] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Demons Rising.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801034] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\PowerOfStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801127] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Resistance Aura.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801225] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\TotalEclipse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801328] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Charm Talks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801423] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Free Ship Boarding.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Borrowed Power.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801619] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Demonic Power.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801715] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\ArmyPrayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801809] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Dead Luck.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801903] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Wings of Angel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.801999] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\WhirlpoolProtection.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802095] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Dwarven Luck.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802189] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Fair Wind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802285] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\PenetratingStrike.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802384] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Herald Of Death.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802481] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\HoldGround.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802575] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Nirvana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802668] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Gryphon Eye.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802768] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Darkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802862] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Death Call.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.802957] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Mind Cleanse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803053] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\TestSpell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803145] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Empathy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803239] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803260] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803366] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\dungeon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\necropolis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803575] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\stronghold.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803680] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\other.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803790] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\inferno.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.803905] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\tower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804002] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\castle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804120] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for unlucky-ones [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804141] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804239] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\Content\config\unlucky\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804328] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\Content\config\defaultMods.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804417] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804439] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804809] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.804925] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\diamond.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805042] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm0e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805136] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805228] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805316] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805469] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\russian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805628] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\greatSands.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805731] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805834] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\smallRing.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.805923] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806015] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\coldshadowsFantasy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806113] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme2.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806213] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806301] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm0k.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806389] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\southOfHell.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806489] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\marathon.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806606] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\czech.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806759] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.806914] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\ring.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807008] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sm3d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807099] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807182] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\french.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807318] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\nostalgia.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807413] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807502] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\guerilla.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807601] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\headquarters.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807696] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\8xm8 huge.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807802] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\triad.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807903] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\frozenDragons.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.807999] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808090] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\golemsAplenty.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808178] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\cube.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808268] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(3).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808356] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\aroundamarsh.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808456] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808545] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\newcomers.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808635] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed1.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808738] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808843] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.808976] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\elka.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809065] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809155] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\blockbuster.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809261] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809348] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\spider.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809445] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\superslam.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809540] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809627] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\skirmish m-u 200%.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809720] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\monksRetreat.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809808] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\vietnamese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.809946] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\skirmish.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810043] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810128] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810286] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\true random.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810403] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\anarchy.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810600] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\vortex.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810688] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\meetingInMuzgob.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810781] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.810869] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\clashOfDragons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811018] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\panic.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811118] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\worldsAtWar.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811218] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm4e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811307] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811402] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811500] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\deux paires.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811608] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811697] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\2mm2h.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811785] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811880] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\doubled 8mm6.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.811987] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross2.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812081] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812167] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812267] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\4sm3i.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812354] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812442] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\shaaafworld.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812532] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross3.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812639] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\gauntlet.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812742] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\spanish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812870] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\upgrade.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.812956] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm8.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813061] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0g.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813147] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\kite.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813238] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\goldenRing.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813327] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\jebusCross.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813414] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\cross.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.813506] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\midnightMix.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814021] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\4mm2h.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814108] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814199] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\wheel.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814288] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\6lm10a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814386] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\oceansEleven.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814486] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\analogy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814571] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\roadrunner.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814662] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814748] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814836] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.814922] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815017] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815104] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815191] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815282] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\ukrainian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815476] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\dragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815562] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\miniNostalgia.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815655] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\dwarvenTunnels.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815748] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\hypercube.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815846] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\longRun.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.815949] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerFactions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816036] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\2x2sm4d(3).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816128] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\fear.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816217] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\reckless.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816306] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\gimlisRevenge.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816394] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\balance.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816506] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\poorJebus.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816595] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\readyOrNot.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816691] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.816931] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\unknownUnused\8xm12 huge.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817066] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmodUnused\balance m+u 200%.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817193] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3unused\riseOfPhoenix.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817304] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed2.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817393] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817496] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817647] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817672] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817775] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\content\config\minotaurKing.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817887] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\content\config\minosRage.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.817989] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818010] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818106] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\content\config\furiousCyclops.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818200] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\content\config\cyclopsFury.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818331] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\content\config\cyclopsBlind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818462] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818483] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818580] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\content\config\siegeDendroid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818679] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\content\config\siegeBind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818788] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for creatures-hidden-potential.teleporting elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818810] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Teleporting Elemental\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818905] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Teleporting Elemental\content\config\energyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.818999] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for forge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819019] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819176] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819272] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\classes\magicHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819368] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kaleh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\supplyCart\supplyCart.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819566] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl1unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819662] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\alien.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819753] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl1unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819844] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\codgur.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.819943] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\daneel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820035] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820174] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\jonathan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820269] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl4unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820539] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\marchette.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820670] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\deckard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820762] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\hergon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820856] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl6unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.820946] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl5unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821038] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seldon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\classes\mightHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821228] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\decorations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821321] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl2Unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821412] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl7Unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821512] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rialdo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821603] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl2unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\polestar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821787] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821880] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\supplyCart\supplyCartArt.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.821977] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\agar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822069] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3Bunitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822160] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl5unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822252] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822393] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\vee.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822487] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822577] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\lilyam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822670] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl4unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822764] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl6unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822855] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3Bunit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.822952] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823093] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\albino.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823183] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\specialLvl7.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823275] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl7unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823366] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\commander\firebug.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823460] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\overload.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823556] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\artifacts\swordBreaker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823648] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sheikleen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823836] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\flamius.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.823926] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tyrrel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824017] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824107] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\zhora.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824202] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.artifacts [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824226] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824343] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\diplomatsCloak.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ironfistOfTheOgre.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824544] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\tridentOfDominion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824637] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\crownOfTheFiveSeas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824731] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ringOfSuppression.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824826] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\artiSpells\HornSpell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.824925] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\runesOfImminency.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825024] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\pendantOfDownfall.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825123] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\royalArmorOfNix.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825215] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\pendantOfReflection.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825309] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ringOfOblivion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825404] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\hornOfTheAbyss.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825499] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\shamansPuppet.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825594] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\charmOfEclipse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825688] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\goldenGoose.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825783] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\shieldOfNavalGlory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825879] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\capeOfSilence.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.825977] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\wayfarerBoots.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826074] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\hideousMask.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826172] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\sealOfSunset.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826266] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\plateofDyingLight.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826361] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\demonsHorseshoe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826455] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.cannon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826476] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826574] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826666] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826760] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonYard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826852] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826873] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.826975] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaLightGlobe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827070] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\powerMonks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827159] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\gogFireball.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827252] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\icyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827347] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaLightning.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827541] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\lightningyTitan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827638] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\fieryBeholders.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827729] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\stormyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827822] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaStorm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.827914] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaIce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828003] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\friendlyMagogs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828097] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaDeathCloud.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828193] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\friendlyFireball.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828290] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\cloudyLiches.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828400] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.confluxvaultofashes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828438] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828566] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\content\config\hotaConfluxVaultOfAshes\confluxTown.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\content\config\hotaConfluxVaultOfAshes\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828789] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828810] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.828907] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\bannedOnMapsWithoutWater\heroes\voy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829000] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\bannedOnMapsWithoutWater\heroes\sylvia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829096] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\fortress\heroes\kinkeria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829190] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\necropolis\heroes\ranloo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829282] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\castle\heroes\beatrice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829382] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829404] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829531] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829625] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\churchyard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829722] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829831] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.829927] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830025] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\hermitsShack.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830121] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\puddles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830216] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830309] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\waterfalls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\stones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\ruins.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830599] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830798] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.830925] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\signs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831025] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\mineralSpring.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831120] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\junkman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831214] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831310] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\spruces.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831409] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831597] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831689] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\gazebo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831875] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831897] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.831997] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\interferenceChances.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832095] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\interference.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832191] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\heroStartingSkillChanges.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832286] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\rampart\heroes\giselle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832380] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.lessrandomstart [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\lessRandomStart\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832493] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.mainmenu [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832513] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832607] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\config\mainmenu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832700] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832720] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\ruinedObjects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.832992] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\ancientAltar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833088] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\fence.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833184] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\redwoodObservatory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833280] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithOneWayExit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833371] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\waterfalls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\barchanDunes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833558] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\barrels.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833648] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\mysticalGarden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833837] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\iceBlock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.833929] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\libraryOfEnlightenment.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834022] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\fountainOfYouth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834118] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\bridge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834216] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\log.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834311] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\deadVegetation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834411] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\palms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834511] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\questGuard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834607] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\crates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834701] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834792] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\carnivorousPlant.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.834978] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835071] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\cactus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835163] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\pineTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835261] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835358] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\corpse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835451] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithTwoWay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835552] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835649] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835741] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\rubble.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835840] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.835930] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836030] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\pandoraBox.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836127] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\volcano.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836221] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\crate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836316] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836411] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\borderGates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836541] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\rope.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836650] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\sack.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicIncantation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836834] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.836935] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837027] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\bluebottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837135] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\pileOfStones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837261] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\idolOfFortune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837392] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\stonySphere.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837555] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837669] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mushroom.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837766] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\reef.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837865] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicGesture.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.837960] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\fire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838051] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\redTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\snowHills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838242] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\verticalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838334] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mound.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838426] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\stone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838525] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\abandonedBoat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838662] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithOneWayEntrance.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838790] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\animals.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838885] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.838983] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\yuccaTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839077] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\dirtHills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839171] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839266] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\borderGuards.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839363] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\treeOfKnowledge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839458] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\learningStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839549] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839645] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\horizontalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839739] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839836] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicThought.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839933] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.839956] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840077] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\castle\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840174] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\neutrals\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\genderedHeroGraphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840396] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\dungeon\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840497] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\rampart\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840600] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\fortress\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840695] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\stronghold\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840789] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\tower\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.840936] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\newTownAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841041] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\inferno\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841140] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\necropolis\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841239] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\conflux\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841334] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.terrainoverlays [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841357] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841463] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841555] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841649] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\dunes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841741] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841835] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\crackedIce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.841935] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\fieldsOfGlory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842029] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842125] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842220] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842311] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\favorableWinds\favorableWinds.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842411] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842434] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\tarPit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842756] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842848] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.842951] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843043] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843134] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843230] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\deadVegetation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843328] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\limestoneLake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843423] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843517] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\limestonePuddles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843608] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\trailblazer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843701] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\warlocksLab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\jaw.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843894] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.843987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844080] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\cactus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844176] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\prospector.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844273] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844367] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844459] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\grave.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844552] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844652] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\signs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844743] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\derrick.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844838] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.844931] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\stones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845026] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845120] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845307] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\leanTo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845409] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-obstacles\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\lake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845616] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\roads.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845708] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\bloodWell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\lighthouse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845896] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-battlefields\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.845992] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\Mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846086] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\campFire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846178] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\horizontalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846270] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\sphinx.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846362] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846455] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846553] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\necroTerrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846645] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\windmills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846736] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846835] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-resources\Resource_lod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.846948] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\logs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847050] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\temple.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847146] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\starAxis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847241] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\schoolOfWar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847339] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\skulls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847438] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\warriorTomb.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847539] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\fountainOfYouth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847635] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\shrineOfMagicLevel3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847727] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-special\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847818] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Hill Fort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.847910] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-special\Subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848003] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\mercenaryCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848096] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848201] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848302] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848394] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Sanctuary.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848486] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\canyon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848584] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\altarOfSacrifice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848676] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\hutOfTheMagi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848805] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.848917] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\rallyFlag.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849023] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\refugeeCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849114] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849226] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\learningStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849323] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations2\graves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849420] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\tradingPost.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849512] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\spikes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849606] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Stables.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849700] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\arena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849800] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\skeleton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849904] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\idolOfFortune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.849997] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850088] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\treasureChest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850184] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850276] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\warMachineFactory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850370] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\wateringHole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850559] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\observation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850651] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\cartographer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850833] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\coverOfDarkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.850947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851053] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\blackMarket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851146] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\magicWell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851244] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-mines\Mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851341] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations2\Rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851435] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\verticalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\deadTree.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851722] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\deadTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851822] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\fontainOfDead.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.851915] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\eyeOfTheMagi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852007] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\Market.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852135] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\Rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852274] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\log.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations2\Rock2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852478] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852577] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852602] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852717] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852811] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.852942] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853048] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\glorycinnabar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853236] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853329] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\gloryGrave.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853424] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853519] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853612] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853707] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853805] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.853934] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854026] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854118] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854211] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854235] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854349] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854442] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-objects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854636] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854733] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854833] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.854926] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855015] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-terrain\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855106] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-battlefields\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855203] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-banks\magicalUtopia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855300] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855397] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855494] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\obelisks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855585] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\shrubs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855677] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855767] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\lake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855857] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855879] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.855986] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856079] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856176] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\merIceSolid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856274] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\iceCrystalPool.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856374] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856470] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856565] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856656] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856749] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\iceHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856841] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.856932] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857027] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857121] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857217] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857308] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857399] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857492] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857514] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857658] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\volcano.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857756] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.857948] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\eyeOfTheMagi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858039] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858129] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\altarOfSacrifice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858240] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858347] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\verticalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858475] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\canyon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858573] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858669] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\blackMarket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858763] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858856] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\campFire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.858947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\learningStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859037] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-battlefields\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859130] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859228] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\rallyFlag.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859318] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\arena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859409] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859600] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\horizontalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\refugeeCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\Tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859873] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\treasureChest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.859964] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\warMachineFactory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860056] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\tradingPost.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860150] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\marlettoTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860249] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\Subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860343] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\obelisks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860439] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\schoolOfWar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860534] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860630] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\starAxis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860720] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\lavaLake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860822] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\Mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.860920] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\treeOfKnowledge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861012] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861108] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861201] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861294] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861391] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\waterWheel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861486] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\temple.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861579] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861674] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\Mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861769] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\gardenOfRevelation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861859] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\corpse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.861949] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862043] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\windmill.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\lighthouse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862223] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862316] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\observation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862411] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\coverOfDarkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\cartographer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862597] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862621] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862742] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862839] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.862936] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863032] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863128] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863225] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\artichokes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863316] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863411] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863507] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863606] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863697] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863792] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863884] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.863977] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864074] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864166] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864257] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864350] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864442] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\bank1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864532] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864629] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864725] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864818] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864911] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for refugeetown.refugee town, shapeshifters [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.864934] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865028] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.adventuremap [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865050] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\adventureMap\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865143] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\adventureMap\Content\config\widgets\adventureMap.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865291] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865312] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865405] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\content\config\arrowTowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865505] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.battlefieldactions [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865527] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865624] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\battlefieldActions\content\config\widgets\battleWindow2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865721] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865741] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865831] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.extendedlobby [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.865945] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\content\config\widgets\randomMapTeamsWidget.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866043] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\content\config\widgets\randomMapTab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866164] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\extendedLobby\content\config\widgets\optionsTab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866266] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.quick-exchange [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866287] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866381] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\qecommands.txt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866511] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\quick-exchange\Data\exchangeWindow.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866680] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for asylum-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866709] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866888] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.866987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867082] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867176] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867270] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867362] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867484] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867592] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867688] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867785] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867877] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.867969] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868060] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\jesterDeliver.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868250] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonApps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868341] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868469] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868577] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868681] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868773] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868863] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonJester.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.868958] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869055] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869242] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869334] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869426] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869518] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869608] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869700] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869797] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869892] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.869981] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\birthdayGift.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870075] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870165] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870255] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870438] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870553] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870660] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870807] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870898] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\campaignHeroes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.870987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871081] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871174] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for fairy-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871196] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871348] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft4_ola.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft5_sheli.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft14_aarela.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871628] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fcommander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871721] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871812] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\classes\diviner.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871903] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft15_elrisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.871993] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft13_sarisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872082] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft8_uliri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872173] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872273] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872365] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft7_sinara.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872457] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\classes\keeper.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872550] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872642] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft17_losina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872732] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft16_arina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872822] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.872915] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873013] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873108] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell4.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873198] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873292] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft1_kylina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\artifacts\StoneAegisArt.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873474] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft11_zeria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873564] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\banks\FairiesBank.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873756] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873850] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.873944] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874036] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874131] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft9_zerela.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874222] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft6_siniri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874311] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft2_meri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft3_mia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874494] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874588] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874681] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft10_abrisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874770] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874863] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.874957] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\StoneAegis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875052] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875293] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875388] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875485] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft12_seliva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875575] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\shotspell1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875668] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for forge.lessrandomstart [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875690] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\Mods\lessRandomStart\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875783] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.cove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.875961] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876059] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaWitch.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876156] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876264] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nymph.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876357] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\crewmate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876450] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\corsair.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876541] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\leena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876723] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\stackExperience.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876855] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.876947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\elmore.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877041] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\illor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877130] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaserpent.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877227] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\eovacius.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877319] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\manfred.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877410] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\specialClone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\sorceress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877680] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\haspid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877774] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\miriam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877865] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\oceanid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.877956] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\andal.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878046] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seadog.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878138] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\zilare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878230] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\ayssid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878323] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\bidley.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878416] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\astra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878507] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroClasses\navigator.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878638] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878755] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nixWarrior.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878865] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\jeremy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.878956] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\anabel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879047] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\accurateShot.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879138] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\commander\blackbeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879235] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\tark.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879327] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\sorceressRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879423] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroClasses\captain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879518] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\corkes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879610] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\seaWitchRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879700] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\spint.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879793] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\pirate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nix.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.879978] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880083] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\cassiopeia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880174] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\derek.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880263] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\casmetra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880355] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\dargem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880447] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\stormbird.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880539] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880628] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880717] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\revhota.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880808] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.880913] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\puzzleMap.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881009] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881032] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881166] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881258] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881355] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\confluxTerrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881448] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\objects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881539] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.neutralcreatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881561] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881660] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881754] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\stack_exp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881857] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\fangarm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.881952] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\satyr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882044] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\steelGolem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882136] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\leprechaun.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882229] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for newtown-terrains.heatherthicket.grove-connect [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882251] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882350] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\content\config\terrain\groveTerrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882481] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\content\config\banks\magicalUtopia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882620] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons.bonus icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882643] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882763] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Bonus Icons\Content\config\bonusIcons\bonuses.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882873] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882894] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.882987] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.heroesorchestracovetheme [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883008] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroesOrchestraCoveTheme\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883096] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.hotacampaignheroesinmaps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883117] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\hotAcampaignHeroesInMaps\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883206] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\hotAcampaignHeroesInMaps\content\config\hotaCampaignHeroesInMaps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883298] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.mapobjects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883319] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883436] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\templeOfLoyalty.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883533] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\ancientLamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\mansion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883730] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\beholderSanctuary.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883825] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\churchyard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.883918] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\warlocksLab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884008] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\observatory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884101] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\wateringPlace.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884195] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\pirateCavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884290] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\jetsam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\vialOfMana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884480] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\wolfRaiderPicket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884573] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\townGate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884664] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\blackTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884760] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\questGate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\ivoryTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.884947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885040] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\colosseum.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885137] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\altarOfMana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885229] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\seafaringAcademy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885320] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\redTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885413] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\templeOfTheSea.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885510] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\experimentalShop.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885606] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\warehouse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885711] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\spit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\shrineOfMagicMystery.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885899] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\skeletonTransformer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.885989] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\seaBarrel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886080] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for ruins-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886102] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886254] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl4.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886348] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate2_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886445] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\kali.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\bellona.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886729] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\classes\magic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886823] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.886917] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887015] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl5.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887158] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\huldra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887260] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\spells\grapple\grapple.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887368] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl2_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887488] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\hughes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887593] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\cm3_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887685] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887776] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl1_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887868] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl3_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.887960] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\rhea.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888051] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\gwyn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888144] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl6_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888240] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\mogh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888329] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\woden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888421] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\neit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888510] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\mabon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888601] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888727] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888833] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.888938] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\stef.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889032] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\birog.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889124] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\nodens.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889214] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl7_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889306] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889400] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\spells.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889491] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\grimm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\gobni.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889675] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\horae.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889766] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl4_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889859] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\cm3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.889952] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl7.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890045] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890135] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\myra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890226] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\herian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890315] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\thar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890407] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890509] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl5_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890601] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl6.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890692] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890783] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\classes\might.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890894] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.890989] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891011] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891121] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\heroes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891219] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\towerStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891321] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\artifacts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891415] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\factions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891511] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\rampartStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891608] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\creatureBanks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891702] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\skills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\spells.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891895] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.891993] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\infernoStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892090] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\dungeonStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892191] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\fortressStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892288] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\objectsRefusable.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892380] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\objectsRmgValues.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892476] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.mapsupport [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892497] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapSupport\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892673] TRACE mod - Generating checksum for hota.maps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\maps\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.892791] INFO mod - [b0b2339c]core [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.893269] TRACE global - loading .\config\artifacts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.894711] TRACE global - loading .\config\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.894970] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\castle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.895239] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\rampart.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.895512] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\tower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.895799] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\necropolis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.896068] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\inferno.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.896356] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\dungeon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.896652] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\stronghold.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.896928] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\fortress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.897194] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\conflux.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.897740] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\neutral.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.898103] TRACE global - loading .\config\creatures\special.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.898861] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\castle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.899403] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\rampart.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.899952] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\tower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.900461] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\necropolis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.901019] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\inferno.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.901627] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\dungeon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.902159] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\stronghold.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.902681] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\fortress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.903275] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\conflux.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.903833] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\neutral.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.905100] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroClasses.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.905431] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\castle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.905732] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\rampart.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.906005] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\tower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.906276] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\necropolis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.906549] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\inferno.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.906806] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\dungeon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.907070] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\stronghold.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.907334] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\fortress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.907608] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\conflux.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.907935] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\special.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.908223] TRACE global - loading .\config\heroes\portraits.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.908842] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\cartographer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.909015] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\coverOfDarkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.909144] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\creatureBanks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.909897] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.910282] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\generic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.911010] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\magicSpring.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.911145] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\magicWell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.911278] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\moddables.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.911726] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\observatory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.911883] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableBonusing.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.912278] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.912640] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOncePerWeek.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.912830] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardableOnceVisitable.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.913068] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\rewardablePickable.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.913426] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\scholar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.913583] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\shrine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.913791] TRACE global - loading .\config\objects\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.915059] TRACE global - loading .\config\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.916091] TRACE global - loading .\config\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.916246] TRACE global - loading .\config\roads.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.916369] TRACE global - loading .\config\skills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.916933] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\adventure.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.917165] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\offensive.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.917471] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\other.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.917963] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\timed.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.918705] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\ability.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.919013] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\vcmiAbility.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.919250] TRACE global - loading .\config\spells\moats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.920288] TRACE global - loading .\config\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.920573] INFO mod - [a3600cc6]Asphalt terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.920797] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\mod.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921184] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921343] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921481] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921646] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\deadTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.921990] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\garrisons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.922119] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.922244] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.922564] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.922721] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.922900] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\ruins.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923046] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923170] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\toxicWaste.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923403] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923546] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923576] TRACE mod - Patching object deadVegetation (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923594] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonHorizontal (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923611] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonVertical (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923626] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923659] TRACE mod - Patching object lavaFlow (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923681] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923732] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923750] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923767] TRACE mod - Patching object riverDelta (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923794] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923811] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from asphalt-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.923885] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.924064] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.924193] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\asphalt terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.924313] INFO mod - [96438ba5]Cathedral Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.924671] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.924852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925025] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925210] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925385] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925777] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.925961] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.926137] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.926327] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.926525] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.926700] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.926890] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.927067] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.927257] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\RedFanatic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.927763] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.928154] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.928406] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.928638] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.928814] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.929274] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\classes\cthbishop.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.929453] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\classes\redtemplar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.929640] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Brooke.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.929794] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Erika.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.929937] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Helena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930080] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Kasumi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930216] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Nariko.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930354] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Noli.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930501] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Patricia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930645] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Ranin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930789] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Salvirana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.930929] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Stefan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931072] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Sveneld.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931216] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Amanda.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931358] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Susan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Tarinus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931643] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Volh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.931784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Vseglas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932082] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932242] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from cathedral-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932294] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\scratch.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932484] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\conviction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932675] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\punishment.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.932833] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\temPrayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933029] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\confessionSong.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933235] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\redeem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933415] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\cantorShot.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933578] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\prayerImmune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933702] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\dispelImmune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.933817] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\DivineRevenge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934004] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934206] TRACE mod - Patching object dispelHelpful (core) from cathedral-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934228] TRACE mod - Patching object prayer (core) from cathedral-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934317] INFO mod - [f7c5b434]Cetatea [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Alphawerewolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.934845] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Werewolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935024] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Direwolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935195] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Fiercezgriptor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935373] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Balauri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935576] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Haiduci.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935758] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Moroi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.935933] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Strigoi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936108] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936287] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampirelord.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Wolf.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936634] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Voinici.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936813] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zgriptor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.936987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zmeu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.937238] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\lele.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.937647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.938015] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.938252] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.938458] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.938621] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939142] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\classes\ovate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939320] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\classes\voivode.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939510] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Al. I Cuza.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939650] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Baba Cloanta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939792] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Brancoveanu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.939932] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Decebal.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940070] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Dochia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940213] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Elisabeta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940359] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Ghionaia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940505] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Greuceanu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Harap-alb.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940788] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Luceafarul.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.940930] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Mihaiviteazu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941069] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Pricolici.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941210] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Elena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941348] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Maria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941485] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Stefan Al II.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941622] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Vlad Tepes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941835] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\creatures\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.941996] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\banks\AncientCitadel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.942173] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from cetatea-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.942200] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from cetatea-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.942245] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\config\cetatea\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.942416] INFO mod - [b4b197b6]Courtyard town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.942954] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.943098] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.943240] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\stackExp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.943989] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl1unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.944264] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl2unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.944456] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl3unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.944642] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl4unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.944849] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl5unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.945104] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl6unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.945303] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl7unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.945502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\vines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.945695] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\apparition.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.945877] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.946036] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.946193] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\commander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.946855] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.947596] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\courtyardPuzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948038] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\mightHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948215] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\magicHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948403] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Nefefareen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Auk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948743] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dizheel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.948889] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Ophrys.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949039] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949183] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Lumiere.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949360] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Raphus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949506] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Vogundessi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949653] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dictamnus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949796] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Teophrast.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.949937] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Audred.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950069] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zazzerpan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950214] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Migdigravia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950364] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Caballe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950525] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Hanester.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950672] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Kanim.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.950808] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\heroTexts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951173] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\otherObjects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951479] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951505] TRACE mod - Patching object oceanBottle (core) from courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951550] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\skills\firstAidPotions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951667] TRACE mod - Patching object firstAid (core) from courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951709] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\reconstruction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.951882] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\deathGrasp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952055] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\enchantedWeapon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952223] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\pacifism.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952398] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quagmire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952579] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quickStrikes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952755] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\immolation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.952987] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\stunAbility.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.953152] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ephemeralAbility.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.953308] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ageCamera.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.953462] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\vinesRevive.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.953628] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\potionSupply.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.953838] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\toughnessPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954024] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\regenerationPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\etheralPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954451] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\weaponPoisonPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954621] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\dragonPotion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954837] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\summonApparition.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.954982] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.955188] TRACE mod - Patching object berserk (core) from courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.955210] TRACE mod - Patching object hypnotize (core) from courtyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.955520] INFO mod - [ed02caf7]Creatures' Hidden Potential [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.955771] INFO mod - [9559c99f]Grove town (Trith edition) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.956225] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\artifacts\NightFalcon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.956378] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\satyr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.956536] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\faun.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.956692] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.956852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonslayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957016] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\groveguard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957181] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\grovekeeper.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957342] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\nightdruid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957493] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\elderdruid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957639] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskrider.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957788] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskchampion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.957936] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderprincess.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958097] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderqueen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958264] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\quartzdragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958424] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\amethystdragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958587] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\saphiredragon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958753] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\treebeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.958901] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\NightFalcon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.959056] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\commander\nightstalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.959219] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\creatures\stack_exp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.960502] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.961457] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\classes\warden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.961639] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\classes\hunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.961831] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\artehel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.961981] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\kyorlin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962125] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\malla.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962265] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\mrimm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962412] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\olath.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\phindara.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962703] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sargh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962850] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\shebali.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.962989] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sithyrr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963127] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ssin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963270] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\suliss.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963406] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\tuidhana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963550] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ultrin.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963688] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velkyn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963831] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velve.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.963974] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\vlos.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964117] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\heroes\wanre.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964425] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964614] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\banks\templeNight.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964843] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from grove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964878] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from grove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.964927] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\spells\summonTreebeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.965082] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\config\grove\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.965266] INFO mod - [21050dc4]Horn of the Abyss [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.965494] INFO mod - [a1f5ef1a]Neutral Heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.965778] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\nhHalfling.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.965962] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\drifterMale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966130] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\drifterFemale.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966309] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\kharnus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966475] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\ernest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966631] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\melfis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966775] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\orma.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.966932] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\oshmar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.967076] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\romires.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.967225] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\xanthus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.967396] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\heroes\zarantiri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.967611] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\config\spells\summonGolems.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.967781] INFO mod - [e8d44e0b]New Old Spells+ [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968062] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\WaspSwarm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968249] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\PuppetMaster.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968428] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Levitation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968597] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\DeepFreeze.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968770] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\DragonStrength.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.968958] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Confusion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.969125] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Vigour.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.969291] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Vampirism.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.969464] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\Fear.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.969926] INFO mod - [a90fe79c]New terrains pack [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.970130] INFO mod - [b43f1419]Refugee Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.970606] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL1L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.970779] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL1U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.970945] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL2L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971094] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL2U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971241] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL3L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971396] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL3U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971550] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL4L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971695] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL4U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.971839] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL5L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972004] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL5U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972183] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL6L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972332] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL6U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972483] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL7L.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972646] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGCL7U.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972813] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Commander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.972977] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Daeva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.973216] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-FleshGolem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.973368] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\creatures\RFGC-Hates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.973520] TRACE mod - Patching object unicorn (core) from refugeetown [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.973543] TRACE mod - Patching object warUnicorn (core) from refugeetown [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.973799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.974263] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.974521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.974735] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.974905] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.975423] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGHC-Enchanter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.975603] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGHC-Wanderer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.975794] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Leyla.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.975940] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Niusha.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976091] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Kiana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976235] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Soraya.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976379] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Areman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976516] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Shayan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Mahyar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Yemapel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.976947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Mithra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977084] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Aran.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977227] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Sierra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977371] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Aria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Azar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977661] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Keyvan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977807] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Bhemnesh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.977947] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\heroes\RFGH-Reza.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.978086] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\classes\RFGH-HeroNeutralConversion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.978729] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\town\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.978907] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from refugeetown [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.978959] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Emet.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.979141] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Met.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.979314] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Amad.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.979498] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Gottesbriefe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.979677] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-GottesbriefeP.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.979853] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Namburbi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.980031] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Holybreaker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.980217] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-SummonDaeva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.980373] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\spells\RFGS-Moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.980649] INFO mod - [28b5e979]Stardust and Fields of Glory terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.980985] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981128] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981288] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981421] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981601] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981757] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.981927] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982067] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982196] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982350] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982485] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982666] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982853] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.982971] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983111] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983247] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983384] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983534] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\bank1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983655] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983851] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983878] TRACE mod - Patching object dragonUtopia (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983906] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983922] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983945] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.983974] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984003] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984028] TRACE mod - Patching object mushrooms (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984087] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984108] TRACE mod - Patching object riverDelta (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984139] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984157] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984180] TRACE mod - Patching object skull (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984212] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from stardust-terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984420] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984694] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984823] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.984960] INFO mod - [eb9ef500]New Adventure map spells [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.985290] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Wings of Angel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.985474] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\PenetratingStrike.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.985647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\HoldGround.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.985817] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Demons Rising.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.985986] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Charm Talks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.986153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Empathy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.986316] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Dwarven Luck.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.986482] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Herald Of Death.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.986659] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Darkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.986825] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Dead Luck.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987007] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Demonic Power.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987180] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Borrowed Power.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987348] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Mind Cleanse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Nirvana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987686] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Gryphon Eye.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.987852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Army Haste.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988021] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\ArmyPrayer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988187] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\WhirlpoolProtection.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988352] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\PowerOfStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988523] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Free Ship Boarding.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988685] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Fair Wind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.988857] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Death Call.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.989032] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\Resistance Aura.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.989200] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\test-map-spells-mod\Content\config\MapSpells\TotalEclipse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.989996] INFO mod - [78001551]Towns new views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.990188] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\castle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.990602] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\tower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.990810] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\inferno.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.991005] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\necropolis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.991302] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\stronghold.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.991562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\dungeon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.991761] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\towns-new-views\content\config\other.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992009] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992032] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992062] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992080] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992113] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992184] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992203] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992313] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992349] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from towns-new-views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992442] INFO mod - [d6e35aa4]Unlucky ones [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\unlucky-ones\Content\config\unlucky\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992756] TRACE mod - Patching object archDevil (core) from unlucky-ones [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992784] INFO mod - [3940e7bc]VCMI essential files [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.992976] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993088] TRACE mod - Patching object arrowTower (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993124] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\towerFactions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993246] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993266] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993281] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993297] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993313] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993328] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993343] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993357] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993372] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from vcmi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993415] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\aroundamarsh.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.993684] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\balance.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.994240] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\blockbuster.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.994644] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\clashOfDragons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.994967] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\coldshadowsFantasy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.995349] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\cube.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.995565] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\diamond.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.995863] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.996254] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\extreme2.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.996682] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\fear.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.996934] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\frozenDragons.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.997253] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\gimlisRevenge.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.997433] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\guerilla.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.997792] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\headquarters.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.998038] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\hypercube.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.998369] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\jebusCross.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.998541] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\longRun.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.998897] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\marathon.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.999592] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\miniNostalgia.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:02.999826] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\nostalgia.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.000146] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\oceansEleven.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.000370] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\panic.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.000630] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\poorJebus.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.000808] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\reckless.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.001031] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\roadrunner.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.001333] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\shaaafworld.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.001493] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\skirmish.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.001797] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed1.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.001988] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\speed2.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.002168] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\spider.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.002496] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\superslam.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.002701] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\triad.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.003167] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\hdmod\vortex.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.003377] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\dwarvenTunnels.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.003654] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\golemsAplenty.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.003845] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\meetingInMuzgob.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.004115] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\monksRetreat.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.004346] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\newcomers.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.004612] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\readyOrNot.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.004922] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\smallRing.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.005120] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\southOfHell.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.005364] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\heroes3\worldsAtWar.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.005660] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm0k.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.005850] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006015] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006190] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2b(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006366] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006550] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006789] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2f(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.006957] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.007125] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2h(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.007291] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.007459] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm2i(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.007622] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.007829] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(2).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.008037] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\2sm4d(3).JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.008243] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.008431] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sb0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.008630] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\3sm3d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.008920] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.009125] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.009313] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm0g.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.009509] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\4sm4e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.009748] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.009959] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\5sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.010136] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.010627] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6lm10a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.011047] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.011259] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0d.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.011430] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\6sm0e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.011664] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0b.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.011857] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\7sb0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.012039] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm0e.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.012244] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.012654] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8mm6a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.012986] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0c.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.013227] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8sm0f.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.013445] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.013948] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm12a.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.014348] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\rmg\symmetric\8xm8.JSON [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.018996] INFO mod - [15b49a14]VCMI extras [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.019230] INFO mod - [642790b7]Enraged Minotaurs [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.019421] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\content\config\minotaurKing.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.019617] TRACE mod - Patching object minotaurKing (core) from creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.019675] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Enraged minotaur\content\config\minosRage.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.019842] INFO mod - [66b9832e]Furious Cyclopes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020029] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\content\config\cyclopsFury.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020193] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Furious cyclops\content\config\cyclopsBlind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020348] TRACE mod - Patching object blind (core) from creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020386] INFO mod - [c49605e3]Siege Dendroids [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020651] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\content\config\siegeDendroid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020802] TRACE mod - Patching object catapult (core) from creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020826] TRACE mod - Patching object dendroidSoldier (core) from creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.020868] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Siege dendroids\content\config\siegeBind.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.021279] INFO mod - [4aba5e96]Teleporting Elementals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.021467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\creatures-hidden-potential\mods\Teleporting Elemental\content\config\energyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.021587] TRACE mod - Patching object energyElemental (core) from creatures-hidden-potential.teleporting elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.021616] INFO mod - [ff69c604]Forge town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022099] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\artifacts\swordBreaker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022257] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\supplyCart\supplyCartArt.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022409] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl1unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022567] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl1unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022722] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl2unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.022881] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl2Unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023041] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023191] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3Bunit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023342] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023493] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl3Bunitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023644] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl4unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023794] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl4unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.023945] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl5unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024109] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\lvl5unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl6unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024432] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl6unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024586] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl7unit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024739] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\Lvl7Unitup.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.024895] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\creatures\alien.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.025053] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\supplyCart\supplyCart.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.025203] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\commander\firebug.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.025551] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.026454] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\classes\mightHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.026622] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\classes\magicHero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.026797] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kaleh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.026938] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\codgur.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027076] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\flamius.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027211] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\jonathan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027346] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\tyrrel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027480] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\lilyam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027620] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\deckard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027753] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\albino.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.027888] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\agar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028030] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\marchette.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028169] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\polestar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028306] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\zhora.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028445] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\vee.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\seldon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028719] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\daneel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028856] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\sheikleen.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.028996] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\rialdo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029133] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\hergon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029273] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\heroes\kastore.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029527] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029705] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\decorations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029860] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from forge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029888] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from forge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029909] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from forge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029928] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from forge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.029971] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\specialLvl7.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.030124] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\overload.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.030294] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.030486] INFO mod - [c1c8d23e]Artifacts [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.030812] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\capeOfSilence.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.030955] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\crownOfTheFiveSeas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031089] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\demonsHorseshoe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031219] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\diplomatsCloak.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031347] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\goldenGoose.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031478] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\hideousMask.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031608] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\hornOfTheAbyss.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031737] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\pendantOfDownfall.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031871] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\pendantOfReflection.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.031999] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ringOfOblivion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ringOfSuppression.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032257] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\royalArmorOfNix.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032381] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\runesOfImminency.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032507] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\shamansPuppet.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032632] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\shieldOfNavalGlory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032762] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\tridentOfDominion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.032886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\wayfarerBoots.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033014] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\ironfistOfTheOgre.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033150] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\charmOfEclipse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\sealOfSunset.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033406] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\hotaArtifacts\plateofDyingLight.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033614] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\artifacts\Content\config\artiSpells\HornSpell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033769] INFO mod - [72c3d7e2]Cannon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.033951] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonArtifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034087] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonCreature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034285] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cannon\Content\config\hotaCannon\cannonYard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034402] TRACE mod - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from hota.cannon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034430] INFO mod - [0167d603]Changed shooting visuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034610] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\friendlyMagogs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034735] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\stormyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034854] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\icyElemental.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.034972] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\lightningyTitan.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035086] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\powerMonks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035207] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\fieryBeholders.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035323] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\cloudyLiches.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035430] TRACE mod - Patching object beholder (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035452] TRACE mod - Patching object evilEye (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035469] TRACE mod - Patching object gog (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035484] TRACE mod - Patching object iceElemental (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035501] TRACE mod - Patching object lich (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035517] TRACE mod - Patching object magog (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035532] TRACE mod - Patching object monk (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035548] TRACE mod - Patching object stormElemental (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035563] TRACE mod - Patching object titan (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035578] TRACE mod - Patching object zealot (core) from hota.changedshootingvisuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035617] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\friendlyFireball.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035760] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaStorm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.035896] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaIce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036035] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaLightning.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036175] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaLightGlobe.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036313] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\gogFireball.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036441] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036583] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\changedShootingVisuals\content\config\hotaDeathCloud.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036777] INFO mod - [c383233a]Conflux - Vault of Ashes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.036998] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\content\config\hotaConfluxVaultOfAshes\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037109] TRACE mod - Patching object phoenix (core) from hota.confluxvaultofashes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037146] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\confluxVaultofAshes\content\config\hotaConfluxVaultOfAshes\confluxTown.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037299] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.confluxvaultofashes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037334] INFO mod - [cd27945d]Heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037545] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\castle\heroes\beatrice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037699] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\necropolis\heroes\ranloo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037842] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes\Content\config\fortress\heroes\kinkeria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.037993] INFO mod - [a0735df3]Highlands terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.038325] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.038458] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.038581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.038758] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.038873] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039003] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039136] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039255] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaStatic\stones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039397] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\puddles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039540] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\spruces.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039703] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaStatic\waterfalls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039841] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.039968] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040122] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040245] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\vanillaInteractive\signs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040366] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\churchyard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040525] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\gazebo.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040669] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\hermitsShack.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040801] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.040924] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\junkman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041055] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\mineralSpring.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041192] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\hotaInteractive\ruins.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041408] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041431] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041467] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041500] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041524] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041543] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041569] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041595] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041614] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041637] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041654] TRACE mod - Patching object shrub (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041671] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041711] TRACE mod - Patching object waterfalls (hota.mapDecorations) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041730] TRACE mod - Patching object miniHillFort (hota.mapobjects) from hota.highlandsterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.041829] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042110] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\highlandsTerrain\content\config\hota\highlands\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042237] INFO mod - [87927c42]Interference skill [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042465] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\interferenceChances.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042614] TRACE mod - Patching object alchemist (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042636] TRACE mod - Patching object barbarian (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042651] TRACE mod - Patching object battlemage (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042666] TRACE mod - Patching object beastmaster (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042682] TRACE mod - Patching object cleric (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042696] TRACE mod - Patching object deathknight (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042712] TRACE mod - Patching object demoniac (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042727] TRACE mod - Patching object druid (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042742] TRACE mod - Patching object elementalist (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042757] TRACE mod - Patching object heretic (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042772] TRACE mod - Patching object knight (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042787] TRACE mod - Patching object necromancer (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042802] TRACE mod - Patching object overlord (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042816] TRACE mod - Patching object planeswalker (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042831] TRACE mod - Patching object ranger (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042846] TRACE mod - Patching object warlock (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042862] TRACE mod - Patching object witch (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042877] TRACE mod - Patching object wizard (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042892] TRACE mod - Patching object captain (hota.cove) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042907] TRACE mod - Patching object navigator (hota.cove) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.042942] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\heroStartingSkillChanges.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043095] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\rampart\heroes\giselle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043237] TRACE mod - Patching object ajit (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043257] TRACE mod - Patching object bron (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043273] TRACE mod - Patching object clancy (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043288] TRACE mod - Patching object fafner (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043304] TRACE mod - Patching object ignatius (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043320] TRACE mod - Patching object krellion (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043335] TRACE mod - Patching object saurug (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043351] TRACE mod - Patching object straker (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043366] TRACE mod - Patching object ufretin (core) from hota.interference [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043414] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\interference\content\config\hotaInterference\interference.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043566] INFO mod - [7d942699]Less random start [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043736] INFO mod - [5a5897aa]Main menu theme [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.043898] INFO mod - [e0f23b7c]Map decorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.044478] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.044627] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithOneWayEntrance.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.044777] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithOneWayExit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.044916] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\monolithTwoWay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045132] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\questGuard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045253] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaInteractive\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\abandonedBoat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\ancientAltar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045629] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\animals.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045788] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\barchanDunes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.045923] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\barrels.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046045] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\bluebottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046163] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\bridge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046299] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\carnivorousPlant.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046420] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\crate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\crates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046667] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\fence.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046811] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\fire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.046939] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\iceBlock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047064] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\palms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047230] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\pileOfStones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047347] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\rope.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047470] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\rubble.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047611] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\ruinedObjects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047748] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\sack.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.047923] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\snowHills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048053] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\stone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048191] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\stonySphere.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048315] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\waterfalls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048442] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\hotaStatic\yuccaTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048577] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048704] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\borderGates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.048862] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\borderGuards.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049021] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049144] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\fountainOfYouth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049263] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049383] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\horizontalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049516] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\idolOfFortune.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\learningStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049750] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\libraryOfEnlightenment.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.049869] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050011] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\mysticalGarden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050131] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\pandoraBox.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050250] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050371] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\redwoodObservatory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050505] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050624] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicGesture.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050746] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicIncantation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050867] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\shrineOfMagicThought.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.050989] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051114] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051236] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\treeOfKnowledge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051354] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\verticalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051490] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaInteractive\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051616] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\cactus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051773] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\corpse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.051897] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\deadVegetation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052016] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\dirtHills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052149] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052276] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\log.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052395] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mound.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052522] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052675] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\mushroom.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.052859] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\pineTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053017] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\redTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053177] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\reef.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053309] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053444] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053569] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053740] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\volcano.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.053857] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapDecorations\content\config\hotaMapDecorations\vanillaStatic\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054155] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054182] TRACE mod - Patching object boat (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054208] TRACE mod - Patching object borderGate (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054234] TRACE mod - Patching object borderGuard (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054254] TRACE mod - Patching object cactus (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054271] TRACE mod - Patching object corpse (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054300] TRACE mod - Patching object deadVegetation (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054320] TRACE mod - Patching object denOfThieves (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054339] TRACE mod - Patching object dirtHills (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054358] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054377] TRACE mod - Patching object fountainOfYouth (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054396] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonHorizontal (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054416] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonVertical (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054433] TRACE mod - Patching object hillFort (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054451] TRACE mod - Patching object idolOfFortune (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054467] TRACE mod - Patching object learningStone (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054484] TRACE mod - Patching object libraryOfEnlightenment (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054501] TRACE mod - Patching object log (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054524] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054547] TRACE mod - Patching object monolithOneWayEntrance (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054566] TRACE mod - Patching object monolithOneWayExit (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054609] TRACE mod - Patching object monolithTwoWay (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054629] TRACE mod - Patching object mound (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054653] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054691] TRACE mod - Patching object mushrooms (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054713] TRACE mod - Patching object mysticalGarden (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054729] TRACE mod - Patching object oakTrees (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054746] TRACE mod - Patching object pandoraBox (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054772] TRACE mod - Patching object pineTrees (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054790] TRACE mod - Patching object prison (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054807] TRACE mod - Patching object questGuard (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054825] TRACE mod - Patching object redwoodObservatory (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054844] TRACE mod - Patching object reef (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054865] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054882] TRACE mod - Patching object schoolOfMagic (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054902] TRACE mod - Patching object seerHut (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054921] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel1 (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054939] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel2 (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054956] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel3 (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.054972] TRACE mod - Patching object shrub (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055005] TRACE mod - Patching object subterraneanGate (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055024] TRACE mod - Patching object tavern (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055040] TRACE mod - Patching object treeOfKnowledge (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055076] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055094] TRACE mod - Patching object volcano (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055110] TRACE mod - Patching object wagon (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055126] TRACE mod - Patching object witchHut (core) from hota.mapdecorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055368] INFO mod - [acfd5f2b]New adventure map graphics for towns & creatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055645] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\castle\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055813] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\rampart\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.055977] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\tower\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056136] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\inferno\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056295] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\necropolis\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056457] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\dungeon\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056618] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\stronghold\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056778] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\fortress\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.056936] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\conflux\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057095] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\neutrals\newCreatureAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057275] TRACE mod - Patching object airElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057296] TRACE mod - Patching object ancientBehemoth (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057312] TRACE mod - Patching object angel (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057328] TRACE mod - Patching object archDevil (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057344] TRACE mod - Patching object archangel (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057359] TRACE mod - Patching object archer (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057374] TRACE mod - Patching object azureDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057390] TRACE mod - Patching object basilisk (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057405] TRACE mod - Patching object battleDwarf (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057422] TRACE mod - Patching object behemoth (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057440] TRACE mod - Patching object beholder (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057457] TRACE mod - Patching object blackDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057473] TRACE mod - Patching object blackKnight (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057488] TRACE mod - Patching object boar (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057504] TRACE mod - Patching object boneDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057519] TRACE mod - Patching object cavalier (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057534] TRACE mod - Patching object centaur (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057550] TRACE mod - Patching object centaurCaptain (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057565] TRACE mod - Patching object cerberus (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057580] TRACE mod - Patching object champion (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057596] TRACE mod - Patching object chaosHydra (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057611] TRACE mod - Patching object crusader (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057627] TRACE mod - Patching object crystalDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057642] TRACE mod - Patching object cyclop (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057657] TRACE mod - Patching object cyclopKing (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057672] TRACE mod - Patching object demon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057688] TRACE mod - Patching object dendroidGuard (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057703] TRACE mod - Patching object dendroidSoldier (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057719] TRACE mod - Patching object devil (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057734] TRACE mod - Patching object diamondGolem (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057749] TRACE mod - Patching object dreadKnight (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057765] TRACE mod - Patching object dwarf (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057780] TRACE mod - Patching object earthElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057796] TRACE mod - Patching object efreet (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057811] TRACE mod - Patching object efreetSultan (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057826] TRACE mod - Patching object enchanter (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057842] TRACE mod - Patching object energyElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057858] TRACE mod - Patching object evilEye (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057873] TRACE mod - Patching object fairieDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057889] TRACE mod - Patching object familiar (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057904] TRACE mod - Patching object fireDragonFly (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057919] TRACE mod - Patching object fireElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057934] TRACE mod - Patching object firebird (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057950] TRACE mod - Patching object genie (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057965] TRACE mod - Patching object ghostDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057981] TRACE mod - Patching object giant (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.057996] TRACE mod - Patching object gnoll (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058012] TRACE mod - Patching object gnollMarauder (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058027] TRACE mod - Patching object goblin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058043] TRACE mod - Patching object goblinWolfRider (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058060] TRACE mod - Patching object gog (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058076] TRACE mod - Patching object goldDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058092] TRACE mod - Patching object goldGolem (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058108] TRACE mod - Patching object gorgon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058123] TRACE mod - Patching object grandElf (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058138] TRACE mod - Patching object greaterBasilisk (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058153] TRACE mod - Patching object greenDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058168] TRACE mod - Patching object gremlin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058184] TRACE mod - Patching object griffin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058199] TRACE mod - Patching object halberdier (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058215] TRACE mod - Patching object halfling (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058230] TRACE mod - Patching object harpy (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058245] TRACE mod - Patching object harpyHag (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058260] TRACE mod - Patching object hellHound (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058275] TRACE mod - Patching object hobgoblin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058291] TRACE mod - Patching object hobgoblinWolfRider (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058307] TRACE mod - Patching object hornedDemon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058322] TRACE mod - Patching object hydra (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058338] TRACE mod - Patching object iceElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058353] TRACE mod - Patching object imp (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058368] TRACE mod - Patching object infernalTroglodyte (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058384] TRACE mod - Patching object ironGolem (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058399] TRACE mod - Patching object lich (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058415] TRACE mod - Patching object lizardWarrior (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058430] TRACE mod - Patching object lizardman (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058445] TRACE mod - Patching object mage (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058462] TRACE mod - Patching object magicElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058478] TRACE mod - Patching object magmaElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058494] TRACE mod - Patching object magog (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058510] TRACE mod - Patching object manticore (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058525] TRACE mod - Patching object marksman (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058540] TRACE mod - Patching object masterGenie (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058555] TRACE mod - Patching object masterGremlin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058570] TRACE mod - Patching object medusa (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058586] TRACE mod - Patching object medusaQueen (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058601] TRACE mod - Patching object mightyGorgon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058616] TRACE mod - Patching object minotaur (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058632] TRACE mod - Patching object minotaurKing (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058647] TRACE mod - Patching object monk (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058663] TRACE mod - Patching object mummy (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058678] TRACE mod - Patching object naga (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058693] TRACE mod - Patching object nagaQueen (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058710] TRACE mod - Patching object nomad (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058727] TRACE mod - Patching object obsidianGargoyle (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058742] TRACE mod - Patching object ogre (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058758] TRACE mod - Patching object ogreMage (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058773] TRACE mod - Patching object orc (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058789] TRACE mod - Patching object orcChieftain (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058804] TRACE mod - Patching object peasant (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058819] TRACE mod - Patching object pegasus (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058835] TRACE mod - Patching object phoenix (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058850] TRACE mod - Patching object pikeman (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058866] TRACE mod - Patching object pitFiend (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058881] TRACE mod - Patching object pitLord (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058897] TRACE mod - Patching object pixie (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058912] TRACE mod - Patching object powerLich (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058928] TRACE mod - Patching object psychicElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058943] TRACE mod - Patching object redDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058959] TRACE mod - Patching object roc (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058974] TRACE mod - Patching object rogue (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.058990] TRACE mod - Patching object royalGriffin (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059005] TRACE mod - Patching object rustDragon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059020] TRACE mod - Patching object scorpicore (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059036] TRACE mod - Patching object serpentFly (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059051] TRACE mod - Patching object sharpshooter (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059066] TRACE mod - Patching object silverPegasus (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059081] TRACE mod - Patching object skeleton (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059096] TRACE mod - Patching object skeletonWarrior (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059112] TRACE mod - Patching object sprite (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059127] TRACE mod - Patching object stoneGargoyle (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059143] TRACE mod - Patching object stoneGolem (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059158] TRACE mod - Patching object stormElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059174] TRACE mod - Patching object swordsman (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059189] TRACE mod - Patching object thunderbird (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059205] TRACE mod - Patching object titan (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059220] TRACE mod - Patching object troglodyte (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059235] TRACE mod - Patching object troll (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059251] TRACE mod - Patching object unicorn (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059267] TRACE mod - Patching object vampire (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059282] TRACE mod - Patching object vampireLord (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059297] TRACE mod - Patching object walkingDead (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059313] TRACE mod - Patching object warUnicorn (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059328] TRACE mod - Patching object waterElemental (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059344] TRACE mod - Patching object wight (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059361] TRACE mod - Patching object woodElf (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059377] TRACE mod - Patching object wraith (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059392] TRACE mod - Patching object wyvern (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059408] TRACE mod - Patching object wyvernMonarch (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059423] TRACE mod - Patching object zealot (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059439] TRACE mod - Patching object zombieLord (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059512] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\newTownAnimations.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059745] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059775] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059797] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059819] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059841] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059863] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059885] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059907] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059929] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.059976] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\newGraphics\Content\config\hota\newGraphics\genderedHeroGraphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060357] TRACE mod - Patching object alchemist (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060383] TRACE mod - Patching object barbarian (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060403] TRACE mod - Patching object battlemage (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060419] TRACE mod - Patching object beastmaster (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060437] TRACE mod - Patching object cleric (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060458] TRACE mod - Patching object deathknight (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060477] TRACE mod - Patching object demoniac (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060497] TRACE mod - Patching object druid (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060516] TRACE mod - Patching object elementalist (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060535] TRACE mod - Patching object heretic (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060554] TRACE mod - Patching object knight (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060573] TRACE mod - Patching object necromancer (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060592] TRACE mod - Patching object overlord (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060611] TRACE mod - Patching object planeswalker (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060630] TRACE mod - Patching object ranger (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060649] TRACE mod - Patching object warlock (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060666] TRACE mod - Patching object witch (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060687] TRACE mod - Patching object wizard (core) from hota.newgraphics [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.060742] INFO mod - [9891a01e]Magical terrains [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061019] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061150] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061270] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\crackedIce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061561] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\dunes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061699] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\fieldsOfGlory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.061836] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\favorableWinds\favorableWinds.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062000] TRACE mod - Patching object favorableWinds (core) from hota.terrainoverlays [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062066] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\crackedIce\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062197] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\dunes\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062334] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\terrainOverlays\content\config\fieldsOfGlory\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062502] INFO mod - [becd72d0]Wasteland terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062845] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.062974] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063109] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\cactus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063267] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063403] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\deadVegetation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063553] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063671] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063810] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\shrub.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.063950] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\stones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064074] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaStatic\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064255] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064384] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\jaw.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064501] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\limestoneLake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064630] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\limestonePuddles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064749] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaStatic\tarPit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.064881] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065005] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065159] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\vanillaInteractive\signs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065397] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\derrick.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\grave.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065681] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065800] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\prospector.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.065937] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\trailblazer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066060] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\hotaInteractive\warlocksLab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066221] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066251] TRACE mod - Patching object cactus (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066275] TRACE mod - Patching object canyon (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066293] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066318] TRACE mod - Patching object deadVegetation (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066338] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066374] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066401] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066421] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066440] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066465] TRACE mod - Patching object shrub (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066489] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066512] TRACE mod - Patching object skull (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066547] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066581] TRACE mod - Patching object miniHillFort (hota.mapobjects) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066601] TRACE mod - Patching object warlocksLab (hota.mapobjects) from hota.wastelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066706] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.066976] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\wastelandTerrain\content\config\hota\wasteland\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.067117] INFO mod - [c1b92a7f]Dead Land Terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.068046] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-battlefields\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.068211] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.068475] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\deadTree.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.068728] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\deadTrees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.068974] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.069118] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\lake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.069266] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\log.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.069562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\logs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.069794] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\Mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.069975] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\skulls.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.070147] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\spikes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.070293] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\Rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.070498] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.070646] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations\canyon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.070870] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations2\graves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071070] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-decorations2\Rock.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071232] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-mines\Mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071439] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071602] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\altarOfSacrifice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071748] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\blackMarket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.071902] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\bloodWell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072036] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\campFire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072168] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\coverOfDarkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072305] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072458] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\fontainOfDead.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072588] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\lighthouse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072723] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\magicWell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.072859] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\Market.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073003] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\observation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073144] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\rallyFlag.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073289] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\refugeeCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073440] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\schoolOfWar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073724] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.073886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074032] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\skeleton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074289] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074418] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\tradingPost.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074556] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074680] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects\warMachineFactory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074802] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\wateringHole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.074932] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\hutOfTheMagi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075053] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\cartographer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075175] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\fountainOfYouth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075309] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Hill Fort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075443] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\mercenaryCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075571] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075693] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Sanctuary.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075815] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\Stables.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.075934] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-objects2\windmills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076055] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-special\obelisk.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076177] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-special\Subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076517] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076545] TRACE mod - Patching object altarOfSacrifice (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076564] TRACE mod - Patching object blackMarket (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076581] TRACE mod - Patching object campfire (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076622] TRACE mod - Patching object canyon (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076642] TRACE mod - Patching object cartographer (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076705] TRACE mod - Patching object corpse (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076732] TRACE mod - Patching object coverOfDarkness (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076750] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076831] TRACE mod - Patching object deadVegetation (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076853] TRACE mod - Patching object denOfThieves (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076880] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076899] TRACE mod - Patching object fountainOfFortune (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076917] TRACE mod - Patching object fountainOfYouth (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076935] TRACE mod - Patching object hillFort (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076953] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076970] TRACE mod - Patching object hutOfTheMagi (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.076988] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077005] TRACE mod - Patching object lighthouse (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077073] TRACE mod - Patching object log (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077094] TRACE mod - Patching object magicWell (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077111] TRACE mod - Patching object mercenaryCamp (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077134] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077163] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077181] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077199] TRACE mod - Patching object prison (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077220] TRACE mod - Patching object rallyFlag (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077239] TRACE mod - Patching object redwoodObservatory (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077257] TRACE mod - Patching object refugeeCamp (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077323] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077343] TRACE mod - Patching object sanctuary (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077360] TRACE mod - Patching object schoolOfMagic (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077377] TRACE mod - Patching object schoolOfWar (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077396] TRACE mod - Patching object seerHut (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077419] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077446] TRACE mod - Patching object stables (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077465] TRACE mod - Patching object subterraneanGate (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077483] TRACE mod - Patching object tavern (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077504] TRACE mod - Patching object tradingPost (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077521] TRACE mod - Patching object wagon (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077539] TRACE mod - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077558] TRACE mod - Patching object wateringHole (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077575] TRACE mod - Patching object windmill (core) from newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.077744] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-obstacles\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078107] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078248] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\roads.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078378] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\deadlandTerrain\Content\config\deadland-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078514] INFO mod - [0aa124e2]Fields of Glory terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078735] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.078886] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079054] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079204] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079334] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079468] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079600] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079746] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.079907] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\glorycinnabar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080052] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080185] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\gloryGrave.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080335] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080469] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080497] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080521] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080541] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080564] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080593] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080618] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080637] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080662] TRACE mod - Patching object skull (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080694] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080765] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.080944] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\fieldGloryTerrain\content\config\fieldGlory\fieldGlory terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081070] INFO mod - [8f490acd]Heather Thicket terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081372] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-battlefields\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081506] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081650] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081775] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\shrubs.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.081914] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\lake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082040] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082181] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-decorations\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082333] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-objects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082600] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082757] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\obelisks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.082878] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-special\subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083014] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083040] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083059] TRACE mod - Patching object hillFort (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083075] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083094] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083118] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083142] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083162] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083182] TRACE mod - Patching object shrub (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083201] TRACE mod - Patching object subterraneanGate (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083252] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083496] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Content\config\heather-thicket-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083625] INFO mod - [7cd14ecd]Ice Cave terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083819] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.083952] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084101] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084234] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084364] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\iceHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084506] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\iceCrystalPool.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084655] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084804] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\merIceSolid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.084945] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085084] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085275] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085452] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085602] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085815] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085839] TRACE mod - Patching object denOfThieves (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085857] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085875] TRACE mod - Patching object idolOfFortune (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085896] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085914] TRACE mod - Patching object learningStone (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085931] TRACE mod - Patching object libraryOfEnlightenment (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085957] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.085979] TRACE mod - Patching object mound (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086001] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086020] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086042] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086059] TRACE mod - Patching object subterraneanGate (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086077] TRACE mod - Patching object tavern (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086097] TRACE mod - Patching object treeOfKnowledge (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086119] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086136] TRACE mod - Patching object warriorTomb (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086152] TRACE mod - Patching object witchHut (core) from newtown-terrains.icelandterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086230] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086411] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\icelandTerrain\content\config\icelands\iceland terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.086539] INFO mod - [833d407f]Spoiled Land Terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087033] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-battlefields\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087176] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\bones.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087331] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\canyon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087500] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\crater.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087625] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\hole.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087748] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\lavaLake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.087957] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\Mountain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088097] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088231] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088400] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-decorations\volcano.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088541] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088667] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\abandonedMine.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088792] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\altarOfSacrifice.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.088918] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\arena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089040] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\blackMarket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089162] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\campFire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089284] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\cartographer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089409] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\corpse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089537] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\eyeOfTheMagi.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089664] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\horizontalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089784] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\learningStone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.089907] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\observation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090026] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\rallyFlag.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090144] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\refugeeCamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090276] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\schoolOfMagic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090400] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\schoolOfWar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090520] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\seerHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090639] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090768] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\starAxis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.090891] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\tradingPost.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091015] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\treasureChest.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091139] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\verticalGarrizon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091262] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\wagon.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091384] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\warMachineFactory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091504] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\witchHut.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091622] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\Mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091777] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\obelisks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.091911] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-special\Subgates.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092030] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\marlettoTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092158] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\coverOfDarkness.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092284] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\denOfThieves.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092410] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\gardenOfRevelation.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092532] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\prison.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092653] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\Tavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092843] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\temple.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.092970] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\treeOfKnowledge.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093094] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\waterWheel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093212] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-objects\windmill.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093400] TRACE mod - Patching object abandonedMine (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093427] TRACE mod - Patching object altarOfSacrifice (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093449] TRACE mod - Patching object arena (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093468] TRACE mod - Patching object blackMarket (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093487] TRACE mod - Patching object campfire (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093513] TRACE mod - Patching object canyon (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093531] TRACE mod - Patching object cartographer (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093549] TRACE mod - Patching object corpse (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093567] TRACE mod - Patching object coverOfDarkness (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093584] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093607] TRACE mod - Patching object deadVegetation (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093633] TRACE mod - Patching object denOfThieves (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093651] TRACE mod - Patching object eyeOfTheMagi (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093668] TRACE mod - Patching object gardenOfRevelation (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093685] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonHorizontal (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093703] TRACE mod - Patching object garrisonVertical (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093720] TRACE mod - Patching object hillFort (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093738] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093772] TRACE mod - Patching object lavaFlow (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093790] TRACE mod - Patching object learningStone (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093809] TRACE mod - Patching object marlettoTower (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093832] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093859] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093887] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093905] TRACE mod - Patching object prison (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093923] TRACE mod - Patching object rallyFlag (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093942] TRACE mod - Patching object redwoodObservatory (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093959] TRACE mod - Patching object refugeeCamp (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.093980] TRACE mod - Patching object riverDelta (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094005] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094024] TRACE mod - Patching object schoolOfMagic (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094043] TRACE mod - Patching object schoolOfWar (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094061] TRACE mod - Patching object seerHut (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094081] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094100] TRACE mod - Patching object starAxis (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094117] TRACE mod - Patching object subterraneanGate (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094135] TRACE mod - Patching object tavern (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094152] TRACE mod - Patching object temple (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094170] TRACE mod - Patching object tradingPost (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094190] TRACE mod - Patching object treasureChest (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094208] TRACE mod - Patching object treeOfKnowledge (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094231] TRACE mod - Patching object volcano (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094252] TRACE mod - Patching object wagon (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094270] TRACE mod - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094288] TRACE mod - Patching object waterWheel (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094305] TRACE mod - Patching object windmill (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094323] TRACE mod - Patching object witchHut (core) from newtown-terrains.spoiledland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094418] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094626] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\rivers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094766] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\spoiledLand\Content\config\spoiled_land-terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.094895] INFO mod - [bc536eab]Stardust terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095240] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\battlefields.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095373] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\deltas.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095512] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\trees.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095683] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\artichokes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095819] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\chasms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.095985] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\flowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096148] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\lakes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096291] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\holes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096423] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mountains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096561] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mushrooms.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mines.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.096851] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\rocks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097028] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\sign.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097150] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\mageMirror.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097293] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starFlake.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097438] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starDancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097582] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\bank1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097710] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\starBottle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.097869] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust objects\others.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098040] TRACE mod - Patching object crater (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098078] TRACE mod - Patching object dragonUtopia (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098116] TRACE mod - Patching object flowers (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098146] TRACE mod - Patching object hole (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098166] TRACE mod - Patching object lake (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098192] TRACE mod - Patching object mine (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098223] TRACE mod - Patching object mountain (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098245] TRACE mod - Patching object mushrooms (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098268] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098288] TRACE mod - Patching object riverDelta (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098320] TRACE mod - Patching object rock (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098354] TRACE mod - Patching object sign (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098379] TRACE mod - Patching object trees (core) from newtown-terrains.stardustterrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098487] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\obstacles.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098694] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098828] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\stardustTerrain\content\config\stardust\stardust terrain\terrains.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.098956] INFO mod - [6437a677]New neutral creature : Shapeshiter [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.099250] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\mods\Refugee Town, Shapeshifters\content\shapeshifter-beta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.099437] INFO mod - [0a5e414c]Revisit object button [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.099767] INFO mod - [0d3c335f]Arrow Tower Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100023] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\arrowTowerIcons\content\config\arrowTowers.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100167] TRACE mod - Patching object castle (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100189] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100205] TRACE mod - Patching object dungeon (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100222] TRACE mod - Patching object fortress (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100238] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100254] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100272] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100289] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100306] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from vcmi-extras.arrowtowericons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100334] INFO mod - [d945d034]Battlefield actions [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100522] INFO mod - [f4f1dfb1]Andruids Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100688] INFO mod - [7781676c]Extended lobby options [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.100852] INFO mod - [94843855]VCMI Quick Exchange [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.101023] INFO mod - [f8859a34]Asylum Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.101337] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.101521] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.101695] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.101876] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102054] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102243] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102432] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102617] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102801] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.102978] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.103156] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.103338] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.103547] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.103720] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.103961] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\jesterDeliver.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.104137] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.104642] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.105551] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.105722] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.105904] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106052] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106190] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106331] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106467] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106613] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106750] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.106882] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107020] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107160] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107303] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107445] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107587] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107726] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.107865] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108002] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108223] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108382] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108494] TRACE mod - Patching object boat (core) from asylum-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108522] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from asylum-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108565] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108732] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\birthdayGift.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.108905] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonJester.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.109069] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\summonApps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.109209] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.109389] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.109603] INFO mod - [cce4ea1b]Fairy town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110067] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\artifacts\StoneAegisArt.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110209] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110393] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110578] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110765] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.110965] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.111145] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.111400] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.111581] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.111756] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.111943] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.112149] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.112337] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.112532] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.112755] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.112948] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\StoneAegis.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.113106] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\creatures\fcommander.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.113647] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.114672] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\classes\diviner.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.114849] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\classes\keeper.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115037] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft1_kylina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115180] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft2_meri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115327] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft3_mia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115488] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft4_ola.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115632] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft5_sheli.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115772] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft6_siniri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.115922] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft7_sinara.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116059] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft8_uliri.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116199] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft9_zerela.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116337] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft10_abrisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116487] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft11_zeria.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116635] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft12_seliva.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116778] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft13_sarisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.116919] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft14_aarela.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117061] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft15_elrisa.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117199] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft16_arina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117339] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\heroes\ft17_losina.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117578] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117747] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.117872] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\banks\FairiesBank.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118040] TRACE mod - Patching object boat (core) from fairy-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118070] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from fairy-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118096] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from fairy-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118146] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118371] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118544] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118701] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\fairyspell4.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.118852] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\shotspell1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.119005] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\config\fairy\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.119225] INFO mod - [7d942699]Less random start [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.119531] INFO mod - [2553abfa]Cove faction [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.119723] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\ayssid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.119883] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\corsair.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120047] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\crewmate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120194] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\haspid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120360] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nix.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nixWarrior.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120658] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\nymph.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120811] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\oceanid.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.120970] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\pirate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121131] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaWitch.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121307] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seadog.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121475] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaman.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121622] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\seaserpent.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121778] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\sorceress.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.121943] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\stormbird.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.122097] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\creatures\stackExperience.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.122725] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\commander\blackbeard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.123239] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.123371] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\town.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.123669] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.123994] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.124302] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.124466] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\puzzleMap.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.124797] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroClasses\captain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.124972] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroClasses\navigator.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125170] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\anabel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125313] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\andal.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125456] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\astra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125599] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\bidley.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125736] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\casmetra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.125877] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\cassiopeia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126013] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\corkes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\dargem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126291] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\derek.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126424] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\elmore.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126569] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\eovacius.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126709] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\illor.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126847] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\jeremy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.126999] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\leena.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.127134] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\manfred.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.127279] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\miriam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.127417] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\spint.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.127558] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\tark.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.127696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\heroes\zilare.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128109] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128302] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128416] TRACE mod - Patching object boat (core) from hota.cove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128445] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from hota.cove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128473] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorSpecial (core) from hota.cove [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128522] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\accurateShot.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128671] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\specialClone.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.128841] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\sorceressRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.129000] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\seaWitchRay.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.129150] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\revhota.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.129297] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\cove\Content\config\hota\cove\spells\moat.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.129572] INFO mod - [c0cc330c]Heroes III data patch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130007] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\confluxTerrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130137] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130288] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\boats.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130412] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130438] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130472] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130490] TRACE mod - Patching object neutral (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130506] TRACE mod - Patching object rampart (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130524] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130561] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\config\heroes3DataPatch\objects.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130666] TRACE mod - Patching object shipyard (core) from hota.heroes3datapatch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.130694] INFO mod - [14539b83]Neutral creatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131027] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\satyr.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131185] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\fangarm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131348] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\leprechaun.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131510] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\steelGolem.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131662] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\stack_exp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.131984] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\neutralCreatures\content\config\hotaNeutralCreatures\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132122] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from hota.neutralcreatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132156] INFO mod - [115e7fe9]Grove connector [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132526] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\content\config\terrain\groveTerrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132641] TRACE mod - Patching object grove (grove) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket.grove-connect [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132680] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\Mods\heatherThicket\Mods\grove-connect\content\config\banks\magicalUtopia.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132871] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from newtown-terrains.heatherthicket.grove-connect [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.132909] INFO mod - [db52ea3a]Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133140] INFO mod - [38621714]Spell Immunity Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133320] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\Content\spellImmunityIcons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133506] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\vcmi-extras\Mods\bonusIcons\mods\Immunity Icons\Content\abilityImmunityIcons.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133648] TRACE mod - Patching object acidBreath (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133670] TRACE mod - Patching object acidBreathDamage (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133687] TRACE mod - Patching object age (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133702] TRACE mod - Patching object antiMagic (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133717] TRACE mod - Patching object armageddon (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133732] TRACE mod - Patching object berserk (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133748] TRACE mod - Patching object bind (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133763] TRACE mod - Patching object blind (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133779] TRACE mod - Patching object chainLightning (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133794] TRACE mod - Patching object curse (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133808] TRACE mod - Patching object deathCloud (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133825] TRACE mod - Patching object deathRipple (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133842] TRACE mod - Patching object deathStare (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133857] TRACE mod - Patching object destroyUndead (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133873] TRACE mod - Patching object disease (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133888] TRACE mod - Patching object dispel (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133903] TRACE mod - Patching object dispelHelpful (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133919] TRACE mod - Patching object disruptingRay (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133933] TRACE mod - Patching object fireWall (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133948] TRACE mod - Patching object fireball (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133963] TRACE mod - Patching object forgetfulness (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133979] TRACE mod - Patching object frostRing (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.133994] TRACE mod - Patching object hypnotize (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134009] TRACE mod - Patching object iceBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134024] TRACE mod - Patching object implosion (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134039] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134054] TRACE mod - Patching object landMine (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134069] TRACE mod - Patching object lightningBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134084] TRACE mod - Patching object magicArrow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134099] TRACE mod - Patching object meteorShower (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134114] TRACE mod - Patching object misfortune (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134129] TRACE mod - Patching object paralyze (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134144] TRACE mod - Patching object poison (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134160] TRACE mod - Patching object slow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134174] TRACE mod - Patching object sorrow (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134189] TRACE mod - Patching object stoneGaze (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134204] TRACE mod - Patching object thunderbolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134219] TRACE mod - Patching object titanBolt (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134234] TRACE mod - Patching object weakness (core) from vcmi-extras.bonusicons.immunity icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134260] INFO mod - [ae8fa2cb]Cove music theme by Heroes Orchestra [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134436] INFO mod - [6ff1704c]HotA campaign heroes in maps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134617] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\hotAcampaignHeroesInMaps\content\config\hotaCampaignHeroesInMaps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134730] TRACE mod - Patching object bidley (hota.cove) from hota.hotacampaignheroesinmaps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134750] TRACE mod - Patching object tark (hota.cove) from hota.hotacampaignheroesinmaps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.134774] INFO mod - [d9a5e0aa]Map objects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135121] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\ancientLamp.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135312] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\beholderSanctuary.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135507] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\blackTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135689] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\churchyard.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135841] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\colosseum.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.135982] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\experimentalShop.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.136162] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\ivoryTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.136342] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\jetsam.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.136496] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\mansion.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.136682] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\observatory.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.136827] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\pirateCavern.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137002] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\redTower.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137180] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\seaBarrel.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137326] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\shrineOfMagicMystery.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137493] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\spit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137744] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\templeOfTheSea.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.137938] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\vialOfMana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138095] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\warehouse.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138360] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\warlocksLab.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138490] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\wateringPlace.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138634] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\wolfRaiderPicket.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138812] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\altarOfMana.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.138946] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\hillFort.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139109] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\questGate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139243] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\seafaringAcademy.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139387] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\skeletonTransformer.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139525] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\templeOfLoyalty.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139654] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mapObjects\content\config\hotaMapObjects\townGate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.139995] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from hota.mapobjects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140030] TRACE mod - Patching object questGuard (core) from hota.mapobjects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140055] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel1 (core) from hota.mapobjects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140199] INFO mod - [0ae9e1c1]tok | Ruins town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140413] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl1.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140613] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl1_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl2.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.140995] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl2_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.141186] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.141380] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl3_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.141580] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl4.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.141755] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl4_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.141932] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl5.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.142103] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl5_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.142284] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl6.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.142458] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl6_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.142633] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl7.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.142832] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\lvl7_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.143022] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.143206] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\alternate_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.143425] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\cm3.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.143600] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\creatures\cm3_up.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.144185] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.144385] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\buildings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.144764] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\structures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.145065] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\siege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.145303] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\spells.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.145480] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\town\puzzle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.145911] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\classes\might.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146086] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\classes\magic.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146272] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\bellona.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146420] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\gobni.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\grimm.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146702] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\gwyn.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146847] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\herian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.146985] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\horae.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147124] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\hughes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147260] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\huldra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147401] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\kali.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147552] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\mogh.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147688] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\myra.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147828] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\nodens.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.147970] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\rhea.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148114] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\thar.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148254] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\neit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148388] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\heroes\woden.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148626] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\ruins\dwellings.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148782] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from ruins-town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148829] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\config\spells\grapple\grapple.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.148999] INFO mod - [b142cc3b]Game balance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149282] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\artifacts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149435] TRACE mod - Patching object amuletOfTheUndertaker (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149459] TRACE mod - Patching object badgeOfCourage (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149476] TRACE mod - Patching object bootsOfSpeed (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149492] TRACE mod - Patching object deadMansBoots (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149507] TRACE mod - Patching object equestriansGloves (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149526] TRACE mod - Patching object vampiresCowl (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149562] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\creatures.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149692] TRACE mod - Patching object archDevil (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149713] TRACE mod - Patching object efreetSultan (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149729] TRACE mod - Patching object fairieDragon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149746] TRACE mod - Patching object firebird (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149763] TRACE mod - Patching object magicElemental (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149780] TRACE mod - Patching object monk (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149795] TRACE mod - Patching object phoenix (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149811] TRACE mod - Patching object psychicElemental (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.149845] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\factions.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150003] TRACE mod - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150026] TRACE mod - Patching object inferno (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150043] TRACE mod - Patching object necropolis (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150059] TRACE mod - Patching object stronghold (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150077] TRACE mod - Patching object tower (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150114] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\heroes.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150239] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\rampartStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150460] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\towerStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150696] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\infernoStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.150925] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\dungeonStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151169] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\fortressStartingArmies.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151449] TRACE mod - Patching object adrienne (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151472] TRACE mod - Patching object aeris (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151489] TRACE mod - Patching object aine (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151505] TRACE mod - Patching object ajit (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151522] TRACE mod - Patching object alagar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151538] TRACE mod - Patching object alamar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151554] TRACE mod - Patching object alkin (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151570] TRACE mod - Patching object andra (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151586] TRACE mod - Patching object arlach (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151602] TRACE mod - Patching object astral (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151618] TRACE mod - Patching object axsis (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151633] TRACE mod - Patching object ayden (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151650] TRACE mod - Patching object broghild (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151666] TRACE mod - Patching object bron (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151684] TRACE mod - Patching object calh (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151701] TRACE mod - Patching object calid (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151717] TRACE mod - Patching object clancy (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151733] TRACE mod - Patching object coronius (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151749] TRACE mod - Patching object cyra (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151765] TRACE mod - Patching object dace (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151781] TRACE mod - Patching object damacon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151796] TRACE mod - Patching object daremyth (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151812] TRACE mod - Patching object darkstorn (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151829] TRACE mod - Patching object deemer (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151846] TRACE mod - Patching object drakon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151862] TRACE mod - Patching object elleshar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151878] TRACE mod - Patching object fafner (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151894] TRACE mod - Patching object fiona (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151910] TRACE mod - Patching object gem (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151926] TRACE mod - Patching object geon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151942] TRACE mod - Patching object gerwulf (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151958] TRACE mod - Patching object gunnar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151974] TRACE mod - Patching object halon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.151990] TRACE mod - Patching object ignatius (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152006] TRACE mod - Patching object iona (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152022] TRACE mod - Patching object ivor (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152037] TRACE mod - Patching object jaegar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152053] TRACE mod - Patching object jeddite (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152069] TRACE mod - Patching object jenova (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152085] TRACE mod - Patching object josephine (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152101] TRACE mod - Patching object korbac (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152117] TRACE mod - Patching object kyrre (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152134] TRACE mod - Patching object lorelei (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152149] TRACE mod - Patching object malcom (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152165] TRACE mod - Patching object malekith (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152267] TRACE mod - Patching object marius (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152287] TRACE mod - Patching object melodia (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152303] TRACE mod - Patching object mephala (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152319] TRACE mod - Patching object merist (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152336] TRACE mod - Patching object mirlanda (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152351] TRACE mod - Patching object mutare (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152368] TRACE mod - Patching object mutareDrake (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152384] TRACE mod - Patching object neela (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152400] TRACE mod - Patching object nymus (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152417] TRACE mod - Patching object octavia (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152432] TRACE mod - Patching object olema (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152448] TRACE mod - Patching object piquedram (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152468] TRACE mod - Patching object pyre (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152485] TRACE mod - Patching object rashka (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152501] TRACE mod - Patching object rissa (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152517] TRACE mod - Patching object rosic (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152533] TRACE mod - Patching object ryland (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152550] TRACE mod - Patching object sephinroth (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152566] TRACE mod - Patching object serena (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152582] TRACE mod - Patching object shakti (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152598] TRACE mod - Patching object solmyr (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152614] TRACE mod - Patching object styg (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152630] TRACE mod - Patching object synca (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152646] TRACE mod - Patching object tazar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152662] TRACE mod - Patching object thane (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152678] TRACE mod - Patching object theodorus (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152694] TRACE mod - Patching object thorgrim (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152710] TRACE mod - Patching object tiva (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152726] TRACE mod - Patching object torosar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152743] TRACE mod - Patching object uland (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152760] TRACE mod - Patching object verdish (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152775] TRACE mod - Patching object voy (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152791] TRACE mod - Patching object wystan (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152807] TRACE mod - Patching object xarfax (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152822] TRACE mod - Patching object xeron (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152839] TRACE mod - Patching object xyron (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152854] TRACE mod - Patching object zydar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.152938] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\objectsRmgValues.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153115] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\creatureBanks.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153289] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\objectsRefusable.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153408] TRACE mod - Patching object arena (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153431] TRACE mod - Patching object cartographer (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153450] TRACE mod - Patching object coverOfDarkness (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153477] TRACE mod - Patching object creatureBank (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153496] TRACE mod - Patching object eyeOfTheMagi (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153513] TRACE mod - Patching object freelancersGuild (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153528] TRACE mod - Patching object hillFort (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153544] TRACE mod - Patching object hutOfTheMagi (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153560] TRACE mod - Patching object obelisk (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153576] TRACE mod - Patching object sanctuary (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153592] TRACE mod - Patching object scholar (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153608] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel1 (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153626] TRACE mod - Patching object shrineOfMagicLevel3 (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153643] TRACE mod - Patching object tradingPost (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153660] TRACE mod - Patching object witchHut (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153676] TRACE mod - Patching object ancientLamp (hota.mapobjects) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153721] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\skills.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153896] TRACE mod - Patching object estates (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153918] TRACE mod - Patching object intelligence (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153936] TRACE mod - Patching object logistics (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153952] TRACE mod - Patching object mysticism (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153968] TRACE mod - Patching object necromancy (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.153985] TRACE mod - Patching object scouting (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154021] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\gameBalance\content\config\hotaGameBalance\spells.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154175] TRACE mod - Patching object armageddon (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154197] TRACE mod - Patching object protectAir (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154215] TRACE mod - Patching object protectEarth (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154233] TRACE mod - Patching object protectFire (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154250] TRACE mod - Patching object protectWater (core) from hota.gamebalance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154276] INFO mod - [30622ac7]Map format support [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154623] INFO mod - [dedb5b96]Maps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154799] INFO mod - Parsing mod data: 558 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.154963] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(admiralsHat) at index 136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155005] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\artifact.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155213] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\bonus.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155459] TRACE mod - registered artifact.admiralsHat as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155483] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ambassadorsSash) at index 68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155525] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155543] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155574] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ammoCart as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155592] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(amuletOfTheUndertaker) at index 54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155627] TRACE mod - registered artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155645] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelFeatherArrows) at index 62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155687] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'secondarySkill.archery' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155707] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155723] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelWings) at index 72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155758] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelWings as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155775] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angelicAlliance) at index 129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155813] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155834] TRACE mod - registered artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155849] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armageddonsBlade) at index 128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155889] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155908] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155963] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155980] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.155998] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156014] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorOfTheDamned) at index 132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156052] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156070] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156087] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156103] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156121] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156137] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorOfWonder) at index 31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156170] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156189] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156206] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156222] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156239] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156255] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armsOfLegion) at index 121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156297] TRACE mod - registered artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156315] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(badgeOfCourage) at index 49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156350] TRACE mod - registered artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156367] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156395] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ballista as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156412] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(birdOfPerception) at index 63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156446] TRACE mod - registered artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156464] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackshardOfTheDeadKnight) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156494] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156514] TRACE mod - registered artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156530] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfLevitation) at index 90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156566] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156583] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfPolarity) at index 59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156615] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156631] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfSpeed) at index 98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156663] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156680] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowOfElvenCherrywood) at index 60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156716] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'secondarySkill.archery' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156736] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156753] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowOfTheSharpshooter) at index 137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156809] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156828] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane) at index 61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'secondarySkill.archery' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156884] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156899] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfBrimstone) at index 29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156949] TRACE mod - registered artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156965] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfPetrifiedWood) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.156995] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157016] TRACE mod - registered artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157032] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bucklerOfTheGnollKing) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157081] TRACE mod - registered artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157096] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(capeOfConjuring) at index 78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157128] TRACE mod - registered artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157145] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(capeOfVelocity) at index 99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157176] TRACE mod - registered artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157193] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cardsOfProphecy) at index 47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157225] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157241] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157270] TRACE mod - registered artifact.catapult as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157287] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(celestialNecklaceOfBliss) at index 33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157320] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157338] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157355] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157372] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157390] TRACE mod - registered artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157405] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaurAxe) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157434] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157459] TRACE mod - registered artifact.centaurAxe as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157476] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(charmOfMana) at index 73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157508] TRACE mod - registered artifact.charmOfMana as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157525] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloakOfTheUndeadKing) at index 130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.walkingDead' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157602] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.wight' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157618] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.lich' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157638] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157654] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloverOfFortune) at index 46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157688] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157706] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(collarOfConjuring) at index 76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157737] TRACE mod - registered artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157754] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cornucopia) at index 140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157789] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157825] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.mercury' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157841] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.sulfur' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157859] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cornucopia as core:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157875] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crestOfValor) at index 50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157907] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crestOfValor as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157925] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crownOfDragontooth) at index 44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157955] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.157992] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158007] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crownOfTheSupremeMagi) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158055] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158071] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deadMansBoots) at index 56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158110] TRACE mod - registered artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158137] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diplomatsRing) at index 67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158173] TRACE mod - registered artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158194] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleArmor) at index 40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158226] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158245] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158262] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158278] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleShield) at index 39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158309] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158345] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158360] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonWingTabard) at index 42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158390] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158408] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158426] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158442] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonboneGreaves) at index 41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158472] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158512] TRACE mod - registered artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158528] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elixirOfLife) at index 131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158580] TRACE mod - registered artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158598] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(emblemOfCognizance) at index 65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158630] TRACE mod - registered artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158648] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessBagOfGold) at index 116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158677] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158698] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158714] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessPurseOfGold) at index 117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158742] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158761] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158777] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(endlessSackOfGold) at index 115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158826] TRACE mod - registered artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158841] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(equestriansGloves) at index 70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158873] TRACE mod - registered artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158890] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(everflowingCrystalCloak) at index 109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158919] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158939] TRACE mod - registered artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158955] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(everpouringVialOfMercury) at index 111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.158983] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.mercury' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159004] TRACE mod - registered artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159019] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eversmokingRingOfSulfur) at index 113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159047] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.sulfur' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159067] TRACE mod - registered artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159083] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159112] TRACE mod - registered artifact.firstAidTent as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159129] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garnitureOfInterference) at index 57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159160] TRACE mod - registered artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159177] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(glyphOfGallantry) at index 51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159210] TRACE mod - registered artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159227] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldenBow) at index 91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159269] TRACE mod - registered artifact.goldenBow as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159286] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159312] TRACE mod - registered artifact.grail as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159328] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greaterGnollsFlail) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159356] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159376] TRACE mod - registered artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159393] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(headOfLegion) at index 122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159430] TRACE mod - registered artifact.headOfLegion as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159448] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hellstormHelmet) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159498] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159514] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfChaos) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159545] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159565] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159581] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment) at index 36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159638] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159697] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159713] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn) at index 19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159742] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159761] TRACE mod - registered artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159778] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hourglassOfTheEvilHour) at index 85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159813] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159830] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfLumber) at index 114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159859] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.wood' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159879] TRACE mod - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159895] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfOre) at index 112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159924] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.ore' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159944] TRACE mod - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159960] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ladybirdOfLuck) at index 48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.159993] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160010] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(legsOfLegion) at index 118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160044] TRACE mod - registered artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160061] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lionsShieldOfCourage) at index 34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160094] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160113] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160146] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160164] TRACE mod - registered artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160179] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(loinsOfLegion) at index 119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160213] TRACE mod - registered artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160231] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticOrbOfMana) at index 75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160263] TRACE mod - registered artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160281] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfDragonteeth) at index 43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160309] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160328] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160346] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160361] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfOceanGuidance) at index 71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160395] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160412] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfSwiftness) at index 97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160444] TRACE mod - registered artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160462] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogresClubOfHavoc) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160504] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160530] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160546] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfDrivingRain) at index 82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160577] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160597] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160615] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfInhibition) at index 126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160676] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160693] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfSilt) at index 80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160722] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160742] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160757] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTempestuousFire) at index 81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160806] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160822] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTheFirmament) at index 79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160850] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160869] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160884] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orbOfVulnerability) at index 93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160931] TRACE mod - registered artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160948] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfCourage) at index 108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.160983] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161000] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDeath) at index 104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161031] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.destroyUndead' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161052] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161067] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDispassion) at index 100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161095] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161115] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161130] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfFreeWill) at index 105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161157] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161178] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161195] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfHoliness) at index 102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161224] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161243] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161259] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfLife) at index 103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161287] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161306] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161322] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfNegativity) at index 106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161351] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161369] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161387] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161402] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSecondSight) at index 101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161505] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161532] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfTotalRecall) at index 107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161588] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161604] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(powerOfTheDragonFather) at index 134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161664] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161681] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161697] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161715] TRACE mod - registered artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161731] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(quietEyeOfTheDragon) at index 37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161797] TRACE mod - registered artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161813] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(recantersCloak) at index 83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161846] TRACE mod - registered artifact.recantersCloak as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161863] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redDragonFlameTongue) at index 38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161916] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161935] TRACE mod - registered artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161951] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ribCage) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161979] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.161999] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ribCage as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162015] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfConjuring) at index 77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162047] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162065] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfInfiniteGems) at index 110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162095] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162115] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162130] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfLife) at index 95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162162] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfLife as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162179] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheMagi) at index 139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162212] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162229] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheWayfarer) at index 69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162261] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162277] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ringOfVitality) at index 94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162308] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162325] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandalsOfTheSaint) at index 32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162363] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162414] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162432] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162452] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162467] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162497] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162516] TRACE mod - registered artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162532] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seaCaptainsHat) at index 123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162570] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonBoat' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162589] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.scuttleBoat' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162606] TRACE mod - registered artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162622] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sentinelsShield) at index 18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162652] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162670] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162690] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162705] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shacklesOfWar) at index 125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162738] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162756] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDamned) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162784] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162803] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162819] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDwarvenLords) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162866] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162881] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheYawningDead) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162910] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162930] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162946] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skullHelmet) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.162993] TRACE mod - registered artifact.skullHelmet as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163009] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(speculum) at index 52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163039] TRACE mod - registered artifact.speculum as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163056] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellBook) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163083] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellBook as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163100] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163126] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellScroll as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163143] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellbindersHat) at index 124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163173] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163190] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sphereOfPermanence) at index 92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163224] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163241] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spiritOfOppression) at index 84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163275] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163292] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spyglass) at index 53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163324] TRACE mod - registered artifact.spyglass as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163341] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(statesmansMedal) at index 66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163371] TRACE mod - registered artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163389] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(statueOfLegion) at index 133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163426] TRACE mod - registered artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163444] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stillEyeOfTheDragon) at index 45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163479] TRACE mod - registered artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163496] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoicWatchman) at index 64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163528] TRACE mod - registered artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163545] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(surcoatOfCounterpoise) at index 58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163576] TRACE mod - registered artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163593] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordOfHellfire) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163620] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163640] TRACE mod - registered artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163656] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordOfJudgement) at index 35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163687] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163706] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163722] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163739] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163757] TRACE mod - registered artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163772] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(talismanOfMana) at index 74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163803] TRACE mod - registered artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163821] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(targOfTheRampagingOgre) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163851] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163871] TRACE mod - registered artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163886] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderHelmet) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163915] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163934] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163951] TRACE mod - registered artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163967] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansCuirass) at index 30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.163995] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164012] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164030] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansCuirass as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164046] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansGladius) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164074] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164092] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164109] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansGladius as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164125] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titansThunder) at index 135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164156] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.titanBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164176] TRACE mod - registered artifact.titansThunder as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164191] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfAirMagic) at index 87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164223] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164240] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfEarthMagic) at index 89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164271] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164287] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfFireMagic) at index 86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164318] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164335] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfWaterMagic) at index 88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164367] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164384] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(torsoOfLegion) at index 120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164418] TRACE mod - registered artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164436] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tunicOfTheCyclopsKing) at index 28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164465] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164485] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164500] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unusedArtifact1) at index 141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164528] TRACE mod - registered artifact.unusedArtifact1 as core:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164544] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unusedArtifact2) at index 142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164570] TRACE mod - registered artifact.unusedArtifact2 as core:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164587] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unusedArtifact3) at index 143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164613] TRACE mod - registered artifact.unusedArtifact3 as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164629] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampiresCowl) at index 55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164661] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164680] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vialOfDragonBlood) at index 127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164717] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164737] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164755] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164771] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vialOfLifeblood) at index 96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164804] TRACE mod - registered artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164821] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wizardsWell) at index 138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164854] TRACE mod - registered artifact.wizardsWell as core:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164870] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(clover_field) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.164912] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\battlefield.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165091] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.clover_field as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165110] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cursed_ground) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165145] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.cursed_ground as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165160] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_birches) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165180] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_birches as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165195] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_hills) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165215] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_hills as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165230] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dirt_pines) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165251] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dirt_pines as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165265] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(evil_fog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165300] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.evil_fog as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165316] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fiery_fields) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165338] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165358] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.fiery_fields as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165371] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grass_hills) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165392] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.grass_hills as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165406] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grass_pines) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165426] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.grass_pines as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165441] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(holy_ground) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165475] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.holy_ground as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165491] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(lava) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165511] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.lava as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165525] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(lucid_pools) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165548] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165567] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.lucid_pools as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165580] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(magic_clouds) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165602] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165620] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.magic_clouds as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165633] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(magic_plains) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165656] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165673] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.magic_plains as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165687] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rocklands) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165709] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165726] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.rocklands as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165740] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rough) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165814] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.rough as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165833] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sand_mesas) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165854] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.sand_mesas as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165868] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sand_shore) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165889] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.sand_shore as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165903] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ship) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165923] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.ship as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165937] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ship_to_ship) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165966] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.ship_to_ship as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.165981] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(snow_mountains) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166001] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.snow_mountains as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166015] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(snow_trees) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166034] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.snow_trees as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166048] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(subterranean) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166068] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.subterranean as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166082] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(swamp_trees) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166102] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.swamp_trees as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166246] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166291] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\creature.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166701] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166727] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166746] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.earthElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166795] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.magmaElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166821] TRACE mod - registered creature.airElementals as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166841] TRACE mod - registered creature.airElemental as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166857] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166931] TRACE mod - registered creature.ammoCart as core:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.166950] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ancientBehemoth) at index 97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167041] TRACE mod - registered creature.ancientBehemoth as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167060] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(angel) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167153] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archDevil' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167173] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.devil' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167199] TRACE mod - registered creature.angel as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167217] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archDevil) at index 55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167324] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.angel' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167344] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archangel' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167370] TRACE mod - registered creature.archDevil as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167386] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archMage) at index 35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167506] TRACE mod - registered creature.archMage as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167526] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archangel) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archDevil' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167638] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.devil' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167655] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167698] TRACE mod - registered creature.archangel as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167715] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archer) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167818] TRACE mod - registered creature.lightCrossbowman as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167839] TRACE mod - registered creature.archer as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167856] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arrowTower) at index 149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167950] TRACE mod - registered creature.arrowTower as core:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.167969] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(azureDragon) at index 132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168062] TRACE mod - registered creature.azureDragon as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168081] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168167] TRACE mod - registered creature.ballista as core:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168187] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(basilisk) at index 106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168264] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168293] TRACE mod - registered creature.basilisk as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168310] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(battleDwarf) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168394] TRACE mod - registered creature.battleDwarf as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168413] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(behemoth) at index 96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168499] TRACE mod - registered creature.behemoth as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168519] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(beholder) at index 74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168629] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaRay' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168659] TRACE mod - registered creature.beholder as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168676] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackDragon) at index 83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168758] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.titan' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168786] TRACE mod - registered creature.blackDragon as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168803] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackKnight) at index 66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168879] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168907] TRACE mod - registered creature.blackKnight as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.168924] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boar) at index 140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169002] TRACE mod - registered creature.boar as core:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169021] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boneDragon) at index 68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169132] TRACE mod - registered creature.boneDragon as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169152] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169251] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169273] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeBind' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169290] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169308] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendroNot' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.catapultShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169351] TRACE mod - registered creature.catapult as core:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169370] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cavalier) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169458] TRACE mod - registered creature.cavalier as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169477] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaur) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169568] TRACE mod - registered creature.centaur as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169587] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(centaurCaptain) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169665] TRACE mod - registered creature.centaurCaptain as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169683] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cerberus) at index 47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169767] TRACE mod - registered creature.cerberus as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169786] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(champion) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169866] TRACE mod - registered creature.champion as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169885] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(chaosHydra) at index 111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169968] TRACE mod - registered creature.chaosHydra as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.169986] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crusader) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170076] TRACE mod - registered creature.crusader as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170096] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crystalDragon) at index 133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170182] TRACE mod - registered creature.crystalDragon as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170201] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyclop) at index 94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170333] TRACE mod - registered creature.cyclop as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170350] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyclopKing) at index 95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170440] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170460] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170486] TRACE mod - registered creature.cyclopKing as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170503] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(demon) at index 48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170583] TRACE mod - registered creature.demon as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170602] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dendroidGuard) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170673] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170700] TRACE mod - registered creature.dendroidGuard as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170718] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dendroidSoldier) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170822] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeBind' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170840] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendroNot' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170856] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170873] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeBind' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170900] TRACE mod - registered creature.dendroidSoldier as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.170918] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(devil) at index 54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171020] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.angel' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171039] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archangel' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171066] TRACE mod - registered creature.devil as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171084] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diamondGolem) at index 117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171160] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171188] TRACE mod - registered creature.diamondGolem as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171204] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dreadKnight) at index 67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171310] TRACE mod - registered creature.dreadKnight as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171327] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dwarf) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171409] TRACE mod - registered creature.dwarf as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171428] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171509] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171528] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171545] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171561] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171577] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.airElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171593] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.stormElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171617] TRACE mod - registered creature.earthElemental as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171634] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(efreet) at index 52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171713] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.genie' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171733] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171750] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171774] TRACE mod - registered creature.efreet as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171791] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(efreetSultan) at index 53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171873] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.genie' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171892] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171920] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171946] TRACE mod - registered creature.efreetSultan as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.171963] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(enchanter) at index 136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172112] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172133] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172164] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172180] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172195] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172221] TRACE mod - registered creature.enchanters as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172241] TRACE mod - registered creature.enchanter as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172257] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(energyElemental) at index 129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172386] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172402] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172419] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.iceElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172435] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.waterElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.protectFire' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172511] TRACE mod - registered creature.energyElemental as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172530] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(evilEye) at index 75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172643] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaRay' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172674] TRACE mod - registered creature.evilEye as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172691] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fairieDragon) at index 134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172822] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172838] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172853] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172869] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.inferno' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172884] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172900] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172916] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172944] TRACE mod - registered creature.fairieDragon as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.172961] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(familiar) at index 43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173046] TRACE mod - registered creature.familiar as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173065] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireDragonFly) at index 105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173143] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173187] TRACE mod - registered creature.fireDragonFly as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173203] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173285] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173321] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.iceElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173355] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.waterElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173380] TRACE mod - registered creature.fireElemental as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173397] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firebird) at index 130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173479] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173507] TRACE mod - registered creature.firebird as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173525] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173610] TRACE mod - registered creature.firstAidTent as core:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173626] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(genie) at index 36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173703] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.efreet' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173722] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.efreetSultan' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173747] TRACE mod - registered creature.genie as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173764] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ghostDragon) at index 69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.age' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173896] TRACE mod - registered creature.ghostDragon as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.173913] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(giant) at index 40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174000] TRACE mod - registered creature.giant as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174019] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gnoll) at index 98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174098] TRACE mod - registered creature.gnoll as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174116] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gnollMarauder) at index 99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174192] TRACE mod - registered creature.gnollMarauder as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174210] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goblin) at index 84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174283] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblins as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174305] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblin as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174320] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goblinWolfRider) at index 86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174396] TRACE mod - registered creature.goblinWolfRider as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174415] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gog) at index 44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174510] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.gogFireball' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174539] TRACE mod - registered creature.gog as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174555] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldDragon) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174644] TRACE mod - registered creature.goldDragon as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174663] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(goldGolem) at index 116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174736] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174764] TRACE mod - registered creature.goldGolem as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174781] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gorgon) at index 102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174858] TRACE mod - registered creature.gorgon as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174877] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grandElf) at index 19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.174981] TRACE mod - registered creature.grandElf as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175000] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greaterBasilisk) at index 107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175073] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175100] TRACE mod - registered creature.greaterBasilisk as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175117] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(greenDragon) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175203] TRACE mod - registered creature.greenDragon as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175221] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gremlin) at index 28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175299] TRACE mod - registered creature.apprenticeGremlin as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175320] TRACE mod - registered creature.gremlin as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175337] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(griffin) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175423] TRACE mod - registered creature.griffin as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175442] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halberdier) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175548] TRACE mod - registered creature.halberdier as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175568] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halfling) at index 138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175678] TRACE mod - registered creature.halfling as core:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175698] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(harpy) at index 72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175781] TRACE mod - registered creature.harpy as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175800] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(harpyHag) at index 73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175884] TRACE mod - registered creature.harpyHag as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175902] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hellHound) at index 46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.175981] TRACE mod - registered creature.hellHound as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176000] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblin) at index 85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176076] TRACE mod - registered creature.hobgoblin as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176095] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblinWolfRider) at index 87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176174] TRACE mod - registered creature.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176193] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hornedDemon) at index 49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176280] TRACE mod - registered creature.hornedDemon as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176299] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hydra) at index 110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176382] TRACE mod - registered creature.hydra as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176401] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iceElemental) at index 123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireShield' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176558] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireWallTrigger' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176574] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176591] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaIce' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176606] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176622] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176639] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.inferno' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176656] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.energyElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.fireElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176690] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.protectWater' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176717] TRACE mod - registered creature.iceElemental as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176734] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(imp) at index 42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176816] TRACE mod - registered creature.imp as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176835] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(infernalTroglodyte) at index 71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176932] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176956] TRACE mod - registered creature.infernalTroglodyte as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.176973] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ironGolem) at index 32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177047] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177077] TRACE mod - registered creature.ironGolem as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177095] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lich) at index 64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177190] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaDeathCloud' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177220] TRACE mod - registered creature.lich as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177237] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lizardWarrior) at index 101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177333] TRACE mod - registered creature.lizardWarrior as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177352] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lizardman) at index 100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177449] TRACE mod - registered creature.primitiveLizardman as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177471] TRACE mod - registered creature.lizardman as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177487] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mage) at index 34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177606] TRACE mod - registered creature.mage as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177626] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicElemental) at index 121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177716] TRACE mod - registered creature.magicElemental as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177734] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magmaElemental) at index 125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177817] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177837] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177854] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177871] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177887] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.airElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177903] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.stormElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177920] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.protectEarth' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177945] TRACE mod - registered creature.magmaElemental as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.177962] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magog) at index 45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178053] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.friendlyFireball' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178083] TRACE mod - registered creature.magog as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178100] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(manticore) at index 80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178185] TRACE mod - registered creature.manticore as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178203] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marksman) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178304] TRACE mod - registered creature.marksman as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178323] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(masterGenie) at index 37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178405] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.efreet' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.efreetSultan' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178453] TRACE mod - registered creature.masterGenie as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178470] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(masterGremlin) at index 29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178566] TRACE mod - registered creature.masterGremlin as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178586] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(medusa) at index 76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178681] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178711] TRACE mod - registered creature.medusa as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178729] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(medusaQueen) at index 77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178824] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178855] TRACE mod - registered creature.medusaQueen as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178872] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mightyGorgon) at index 103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178955] TRACE mod - registered creature.mightyGorgon as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.178974] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(minotaur) at index 78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179055] TRACE mod - registered creature.minotaur as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179075] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing) at index 79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179165] ERROR mod - Error: invalid ability type BLOCK_MORALE. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179502] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179521] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179537] ERROR mod - Error: invalid ability type BLOCK_MORALE. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179839] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.179860] ERROR mod - Error: invalid ability type BLOCK_MORALE. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180096] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180125] TRACE mod - registered creature.minotaurKing as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180143] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monk) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180280] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaLightGlobe' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180312] TRACE mod - registered creature.monk as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180330] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mummy) at index 141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180413] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180449] TRACE mod - registered creature.mummy as core:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180472] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(naga) at index 38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180561] TRACE mod - registered creature.naga as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180581] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nagaQueen) at index 39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180660] TRACE mod - registered creature.nagaQueen as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180679] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nomad) at index 142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180751] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'terrain.sand' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180780] TRACE mod - registered creature.nomad as core:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180797] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(obsidianGargoyle) at index 31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180877] TRACE mod - registered creature.obsidianGargoyle as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180896] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogre) at index 90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180973] TRACE mod - registered creature.ogre as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.180991] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ogreMage) at index 91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181066] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181096] TRACE mod - registered creature.ogreMage as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181112] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orc) at index 88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181210] TRACE mod - registered creature.orc as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181228] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orcChieftain) at index 89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181323] TRACE mod - registered creature.orcChieftain as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181343] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(peasant) at index 139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181418] TRACE mod - registered creature.peasant as core:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181439] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pegasus) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181527] TRACE mod - registered creature.pegasus as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181547] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(phoenix) at index 131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181631] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181660] TRACE mod - registered creature.phoenix as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181677] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pikeman) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181758] TRACE mod - registered creature.pikeman as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181777] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pitFiend) at index 50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181852] TRACE mod - registered creature.pitFiend as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181871] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pitLord) at index 51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonDemons' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181965] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonDemons' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.181989] TRACE mod - registered creature.pitLord as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182006] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pixie) at index 118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182101] TRACE mod - registered creature.pixies as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182123] TRACE mod - registered creature.pixie as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182139] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(powerLich) at index 65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathCloud' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182328] TRACE mod - registered creature.powerLich as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182346] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(psychicElemental) at index 120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182434] TRACE mod - registered creature.psychicElemental as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182454] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redDragon) at index 82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182545] TRACE mod - registered creature.redDragon as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182563] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roc) at index 92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182643] TRACE mod - registered creature.roc as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182662] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rogue) at index 143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182751] TRACE mod - registered creature.rogue as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182771] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(royalGriffin) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182862] TRACE mod - registered creature.royalGriffin as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182883] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rustDragon) at index 135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182967] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.acidBreath' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.182994] TRACE mod - registered creature.rustDragon as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183012] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scorpicore) at index 81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183087] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183115] TRACE mod - registered creature.scorpicore as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183132] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(serpentFly) at index 104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183208] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183232] TRACE mod - registered creature.dragonFly as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183252] TRACE mod - registered creature.serpentFly as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183268] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sharpshooter) at index 137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183365] TRACE mod - registered creature.sharpshooters as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183397] TRACE mod - registered creature.sharpshooter as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183414] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(silverPegasus) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183509] TRACE mod - registered creature.silverPegasus as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183531] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skeleton) at index 56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183612] TRACE mod - registered creature.skeleton as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183630] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skeletonWarrior) at index 57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183708] TRACE mod - registered creature.skeletonWarrior as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183727] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sprite) at index 119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183805] TRACE mod - registered creature.sprite as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183824] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGargoyle) at index 30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183908] TRACE mod - registered creature.stoneGargoyle as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183926] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGolem) at index 33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.183997] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184025] TRACE mod - registered creature.stoneGolem as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184042] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stormElemental) at index 127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184145] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184166] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.earthElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184231] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.magmaElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.protectAir' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184264] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaStorm' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184291] TRACE mod - registered creature.stormElemental as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184308] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swordsman) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184390] TRACE mod - registered creature.swordsman as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184409] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderbird) at index 93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184487] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.thunderbolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184506] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.thunderbolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184531] TRACE mod - registered creature.thunderbird as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184547] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titan) at index 41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184643] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.blackDragon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaLightning' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184689] TRACE mod - registered creature.titan as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184705] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(troglodyte) at index 70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184805] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184831] TRACE mod - registered creature.troglodyte as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184848] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(troll) at index 144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184925] TRACE mod - registered creature.troll as core:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.184946] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unicorn) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185024] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185044] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcHorseFire' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcHorseBlack' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185087] TRACE mod - registered creature.unicorn as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185104] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused122) at index 122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185153] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused122 as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185170] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused124) at index 124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185217] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused124 as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185235] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused126) at index 126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185278] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused126 as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185295] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(unused128) at index 128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185336] TRACE mod - registered creature.unused128 as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185354] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampire) at index 62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185458] TRACE mod - registered creature.vampire as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185478] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vampireLord) at index 63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185589] TRACE mod - registered creature.vampireLord as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185608] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(walkingDead) at index 58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185685] TRACE mod - registered creature.zombie as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185706] TRACE mod - registered creature.walkingDead as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185722] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warUnicorn) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185822] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcHorseFire' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185838] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcHorseBlack' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185864] TRACE mod - registered creature.warUnicorn as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185881] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185967] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.185986] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireShield' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186002] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireWallTrigger' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186017] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186033] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186050] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186066] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.inferno' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186083] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.energyElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186098] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.fireElemental' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186122] TRACE mod - registered creature.waterElementals as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186141] TRACE mod - registered creature.waterElemental as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186157] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wight) at index 60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186243] TRACE mod - registered creature.wight as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186264] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(woodElf) at index 18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186363] TRACE mod - registered creature.woodElf as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186382] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wraith) at index 61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186469] TRACE mod - registered creature.wraith as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186488] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wyvern) at index 108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186567] TRACE mod - registered creature.wyvern as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186585] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wyvernMonarch) at index 109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186684] TRACE mod - registered creature.wyvernMonarch as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186701] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zealot) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186790] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hotaLightGlobe' defined in mod 'hota.changedshootingvisuals' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186819] TRACE mod - registered creature.zealot as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186836] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zombieLord) at index 59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186908] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.186935] TRACE mod - registered creature.zombieLord as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.187054] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(castle) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.187141] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\faction.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.187544] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townBuilding.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.187950] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townSiege.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188224] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\townStructure.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188748] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188781] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188805] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188826] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188849] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188871] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188892] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188914] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188935] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188957] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.188978] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189018] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189043] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189064] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189086] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189106] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189126] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189147] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189167] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189188] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189216] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189239] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189263] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189285] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189307] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189328] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189349] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189371] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189392] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189412] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.ship as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189433] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.shipyard as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189460] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189483] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189508] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189531] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189553] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.189574] TRACE mod - registered building.core:castle.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.190964] TRACE mod - registered faction.castle as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.190989] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(conflux) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191768] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191797] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191822] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191844] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191866] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191889] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191910] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191931] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191951] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191972] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.191993] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192013] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192035] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192056] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192077] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192098] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192119] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192141] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192184] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraCapitol as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192205] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraCityHall as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192225] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.extraTownHall as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192246] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192268] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192288] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192310] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192337] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.hordePhoenix as hota.confluxvaultofashes:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192363] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.hordePhoenixUpgr as hota.confluxvaultofashes:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192385] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192406] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192426] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192446] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192468] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192489] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192514] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192535] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.ship as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192555] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.shipyard as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192577] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192599] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192622] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192643] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.192665] TRACE mod - registered building.core:conflux.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.193331] TRACE mod - registered faction.conflux as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.193353] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dungeon) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194068] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194098] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194120] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194141] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194163] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194184] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194205] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194225] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194246] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194266] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194287] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194308] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194328] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194349] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194370] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194390] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194413] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194434] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194456] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194477] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194501] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194520] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194541] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194564] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194587] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194608] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194629] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194649] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194670] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194691] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194712] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194734] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194755] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194775] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194796] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.special4 as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194818] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194839] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.194860] TRACE mod - registered building.core:dungeon.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.195593] TRACE mod - registered faction.dungeon as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.195616] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fortress) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196315] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196344] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196366] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196387] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196409] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196431] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196453] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196474] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196495] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196515] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196536] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196556] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196577] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196597] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196619] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196639] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196660] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196680] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196700] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196721] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.extraCapitol as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196742] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196764] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196801] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196879] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196904] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196925] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196945] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196966] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.196986] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197015] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197038] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.ship as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197058] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.shipyard as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197080] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197170] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197195] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197217] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197238] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197259] TRACE mod - registered building.core:fortress.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197822] TRACE mod - registered faction.fortress as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.197843] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198554] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198581] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198604] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198624] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198647] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198668] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198690] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198710] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198730] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198750] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198771] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198791] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198814] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198835] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198856] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198876] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198897] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198918] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198939] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198959] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.198980] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199001] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199022] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199044] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde2 as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199065] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.horde2Upgr as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199088] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199110] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199131] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199152] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199173] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199193] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199214] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199238] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199259] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199279] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.special4 as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199302] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199323] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.199344] TRACE mod - registered building.core:inferno.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200099] TRACE mod - registered faction.inferno as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200122] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necropolis) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200885] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200915] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200937] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200958] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.200981] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201002] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201023] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201043] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201064] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201084] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201106] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201126] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201147] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201168] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201189] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201210] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201229] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201250] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201271] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201292] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraCapitol as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201312] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraCityHall as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201332] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.extraTownHall as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201353] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201380] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201402] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201424] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201448] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201470] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201490] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201510] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201531] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201551] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201572] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201593] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.ship as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201614] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.shipyard as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201638] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201662] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201683] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201706] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201727] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.201747] TRACE mod - registered building.core:necropolis.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.202615] TRACE mod - registered faction.necropolis as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.202637] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(neutral) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.202672] TRACE mod - registered faction.neutral as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.202688] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rampart) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203427] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203456] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203479] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203501] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203523] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203544] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203565] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203586] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203607] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203627] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203647] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203668] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203688] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203709] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203730] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203750] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203771] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203792] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203814] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203836] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraCapitol as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203857] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraCityHall as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203877] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.extraTownHall as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203898] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203926] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203948] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203969] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.203990] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde2 as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204011] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.horde2Upgr as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204032] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204053] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204073] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204094] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204114] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204134] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204155] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204176] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204201] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204222] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204245] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204266] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.204523] TRACE mod - registered building.core:rampart.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.205237] TRACE mod - registered faction.rampart as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.205262] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stronghold) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206083] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206115] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206137] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206159] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206181] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206202] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206223] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206246] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206267] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206288] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206308] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206329] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206349] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206370] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206391] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206411] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206431] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206453] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206473] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206493] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206516] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206539] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206562] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206583] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206604] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206625] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206645] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206665] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206686] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206707] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206728] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206748] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206770] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.special4 as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206792] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206813] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.206834] TRACE mod - registered building.core:stronghold.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.207744] TRACE mod - registered faction.stronghold as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.207769] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tower) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208501] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208533] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208556] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208578] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208600] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208620] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208668] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208691] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208712] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208734] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208754] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208776] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208797] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208818] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208838] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208859] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208880] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208900] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208920] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208940] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208963] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.208982] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209003] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209025] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.horde1Upgr as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209046] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209069] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209091] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209113] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209135] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209156] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209178] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209199] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special1 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209221] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special2 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209242] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special3 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209263] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.special4 as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209285] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209307] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.209327] TRACE mod - registered building.core:tower.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210067] TRACE mod - registered faction.tower as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210123] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alchemist) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210178] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\heroClass.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210516] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.alchemist as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210540] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(barbarian) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210644] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.barbarian as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210663] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(battlemage) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210764] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.battlemage as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210783] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(beastmaster) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210863] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.beastmaster as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210882] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cleric) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210979] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.cleric as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.210998] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathknight) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211097] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.deathknight as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211117] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(demoniac) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211208] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.demoniac as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211227] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(druid) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211322] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.druid as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211340] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elementalist) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211433] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.elementalist as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211453] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(heretic) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211547] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.heretic as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211566] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(knight) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211659] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.knight as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211678] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necromancer) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211771] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.necromancer as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211789] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(overlord) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211883] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.overlord as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211901] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(planeswalker) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.211994] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.planeswalker as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212012] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ranger) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212107] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.ranger as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212129] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warlock) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212225] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.warlock as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212244] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(witch) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212318] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.witch as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212336] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wizard) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212430] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.wizard as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212502] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adela) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212551] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\hero.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212819] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212846] TRACE mod - registered hero.adela as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212863] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adelaide) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212914] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212936] TRACE mod - registered hero.adelaide as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.212952] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(adrienne) at index 145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213000] TRACE mod - registered hero.adrienne as core:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213018] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aenain) at index 141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213066] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213086] TRACE mod - registered hero.aenain as core:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213102] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aeris) at index 31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213149] TRACE mod - registered hero.aeris as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aine) at index 47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213212] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213232] TRACE mod - registered hero.aine as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213248] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(aislinn) at index 73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213292] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213313] TRACE mod - registered hero.aislinn as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213329] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ajit) at index 83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213374] TRACE mod - registered hero.ajit as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213392] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alagar) at index 30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213436] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213458] TRACE mod - registered hero.alagar as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213474] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alamar) at index 88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213518] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213537] TRACE mod - registered hero.alamar as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213552] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(alkin) at index 116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213594] TRACE mod - registered hero.alkin as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213612] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(andra) at index 126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213663] TRACE mod - registered hero.andra as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213682] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arlach) at index 81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213722] TRACE mod - registered hero.arlach as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213739] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ash) at index 61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213802] TRACE mod - registered hero.ash as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213818] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(astral) at index 40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213887] TRACE mod - registered hero.astral as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213903] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(axsis) at index 58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213950] TRACE mod - registered hero.axsis as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.213968] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ayden) at index 56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214014] TRACE mod - registered hero.ayden as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214032] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boragus) at index 154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214073] TRACE mod - registered hero.boragus as core:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214090] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(brissa) at index 137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214135] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214155] TRACE mod - registered hero.brissa as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(broghild) at index 119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214212] TRACE mod - registered hero.broghild as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214230] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bron) at index 112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214271] TRACE mod - registered hero.bron as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214289] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(caitlin) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214330] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214351] TRACE mod - registered hero.caitlin as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214367] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(calh) at index 53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214407] TRACE mod - registered hero.calh as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214425] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(calid) at index 60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214468] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.sulfur' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214488] TRACE mod - registered hero.calid as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214503] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(catherine) at index 146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214542] TRACE mod - registered hero.catherine as core:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214559] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(charna) at index 67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214599] TRACE mod - registered hero.charna as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214616] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(christian) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214654] TRACE mod - registered hero.christian as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214672] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ciele) at index 138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214714] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214733] TRACE mod - registered hero.ciele as core:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214749] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clancy) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214791] TRACE mod - registered hero.clancy as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214808] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clavius) at index 70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214849] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214869] TRACE mod - registered hero.clavius as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214884] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(coronius) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214947] TRACE mod - registered hero.coronius as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.214963] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cragHack) at index 102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215008] TRACE mod - registered hero.cragHack as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215026] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cuthbert) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215070] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215092] TRACE mod - registered hero.cuthbert as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215109] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cyra) at index 46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215152] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215171] TRACE mod - registered hero.cyra as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215187] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dace) at index 82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215227] TRACE mod - registered hero.dace as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215245] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(damacon) at index 84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215283] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215304] TRACE mod - registered hero.damacon as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215320] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(daremyth) at index 43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215364] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215384] TRACE mod - registered hero.daremyth as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215399] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(darkstorn) at index 95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215463] TRACE mod - registered hero.darkstorn as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215478] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deemer) at index 93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215522] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.meteorShower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215543] TRACE mod - registered hero.deemer as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215559] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dessa) at index 106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215607] TRACE mod - registered hero.dessa as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215625] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dracon) at index 147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215682] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archMage' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215701] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.mage' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215717] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.monk' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215733] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.zealot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215750] TRACE mod - registered hero.dracon as core:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215766] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(drakon) at index 113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215814] TRACE mod - registered hero.drakon as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215832] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(edric) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215871] TRACE mod - registered hero.edric as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215888] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(elleshar) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215936] TRACE mod - registered hero.elleshar as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.215953] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(erdamon) at index 133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216011] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216034] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216052] TRACE mod - registered hero.erdamon as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216068] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fafner) at index 37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216111] TRACE mod - registered hero.fafner as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216128] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fiona) at index 48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216167] TRACE mod - registered hero.fiona as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216184] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fiur) at index 134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216239] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216262] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216283] TRACE mod - registered hero.fiur as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216299] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(galthran) at index 71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216343] TRACE mod - registered hero.galthran as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216360] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gelare) at index 142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216419] TRACE mod - registered hero.gelare as core:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216435] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gelu) at index 148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216490] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archer' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216513] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216530] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.marksman' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216546] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216563] TRACE mod - registered hero.gelu as core:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216579] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gem) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216645] TRACE mod - registered hero.gem as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216660] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(geon) at index 92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216708] TRACE mod - registered hero.geon as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216726] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gerwulf) at index 118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216769] TRACE mod - registered hero.gerwulf as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216787] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gird) at index 104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216830] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216851] TRACE mod - registered hero.gird as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216866] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gretchin) at index 100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216906] TRACE mod - registered hero.gretchin as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216924] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grindan) at index 143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216964] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.216985] TRACE mod - registered hero.grindan as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217001] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gundula) at index 109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217047] TRACE mod - registered hero.gundula as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217065] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gunnar) at index 85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217112] TRACE mod - registered hero.gunnar as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217130] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gurnisson) at index 97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217170] TRACE mod - registered hero.gurnisson as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217187] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(halon) at index 41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217235] TRACE mod - registered hero.halon as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217253] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ignatius) at index 51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217294] TRACE mod - registered hero.ignatius as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217311] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ignissa) at index 130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217368] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217390] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217408] TRACE mod - registered hero.ignissa as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217424] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ingham) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217471] TRACE mod - registered hero.ingham as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217490] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inteus) at index 140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217534] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217553] TRACE mod - registered hero.inteus as core:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217569] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iona) at index 39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217610] TRACE mod - registered hero.iona as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217627] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(isra) at index 69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217674] TRACE mod - registered hero.isra as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217693] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ivor) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217734] TRACE mod - registered hero.ivor as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217752] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jabarkas) at index 98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217789] TRACE mod - registered hero.jabarkas as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217806] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jaegar) at index 89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217854] TRACE mod - registered hero.jaegar as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217872] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jeddite) at index 91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217917] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217937] TRACE mod - registered hero.jeddite as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217953] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(jenova) at index 18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.217993] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218012] TRACE mod - registered hero.jenova as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218028] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(josephine) at index 34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218069] TRACE mod - registered hero.josephine as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218087] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kalt) at index 135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218150] TRACE mod - registered hero.kalt as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kilgor) at index 149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218223] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218245] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218263] TRACE mod - registered hero.kilgor as core:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218278] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(korbac) at index 117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218319] TRACE mod - registered hero.korbac as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218336] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(krellion) at index 101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218374] TRACE mod - registered hero.krellion as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218391] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kyrre) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218439] TRACE mod - registered hero.kyrre as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218458] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(labetha) at index 139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218522] TRACE mod - registered hero.labetha as core:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218538] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lacus) at index 131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218581] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218602] TRACE mod - registered hero.lacus as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218617] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lordHaart) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218687] TRACE mod - registered hero.lordHaart as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218704] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lorelei) at index 80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218745] TRACE mod - registered hero.lorelei as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218762] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(loynis) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218826] TRACE mod - registered hero.loynis as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218842] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(luna) at index 136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218883] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireWallTrigger' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218905] TRACE mod - registered hero.luna as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218920] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(malcom) at index 28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218969] TRACE mod - registered hero.malcom as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.218987] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(malekith) at index 90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219032] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219053] TRACE mod - registered hero.malekith as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219068] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marius) at index 50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219108] TRACE mod - registered hero.marius as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219125] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(melodia) at index 29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219169] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219189] TRACE mod - registered hero.melodia as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219204] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mephala) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219250] TRACE mod - registered hero.mephala as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219267] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(merist) at index 124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219330] TRACE mod - registered hero.merist as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219346] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mirlanda) at index 120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219389] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219410] TRACE mod - registered hero.mirlanda as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219425] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(moandor) at index 66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219467] TRACE mod - registered hero.moandor as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219484] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monere) at index 132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219534] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219555] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219573] TRACE mod - registered hero.monere as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219588] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mutare) at index 151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219644] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219664] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219682] TRACE mod - registered hero.mutare as core:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219697] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mutareDrake) at index 153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219748] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219767] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219785] TRACE mod - registered hero.mutareDrake as core:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219801] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nagash) at index 79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219844] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219865] TRACE mod - registered hero.nagash as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219881] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(neela) at index 35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219931] TRACE mod - registered hero.neela as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219949] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nimbus) at index 75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.219994] TRACE mod - registered hero.nimbus as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220012] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nymus) at index 55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220054] TRACE mod - registered hero.nymus as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220072] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(octavia) at index 52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220113] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220132] TRACE mod - registered hero.octavia as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220148] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(olema) at index 59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220192] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220211] TRACE mod - registered hero.olema as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220227] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oris) at index 110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220273] TRACE mod - registered hero.oris as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220291] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(orrin) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220336] TRACE mod - registered hero.orrin as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220354] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pasis) at index 128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220405] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220443] TRACE mod - registered hero.pasis as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220466] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(piquedram) at index 32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220510] TRACE mod - registered hero.piquedram as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220527] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitFinneas) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220571] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitFinneas as core:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220588] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitGeneralKendal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220628] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitGeneralKendal as core:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220644] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitOrdwald) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220681] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitOrdwald as core:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220697] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitYoungCristian) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220736] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitYoungCristian as core:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220752] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitYoungGem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220792] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitYoungGem as core:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220808] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitYoungSandro) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220846] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitYoungSandro as core:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220862] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(portraitYoungYog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220900] TRACE mod - registered hero.portraitYoungYog as core:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220918] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pyre) at index 54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220960] TRACE mod - registered hero.pyre as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.220977] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rashka) at index 49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221020] TRACE mod - registered hero.rashka as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221038] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rion) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221083] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221103] TRACE mod - registered hero.rion as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221121] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rissa) at index 38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221167] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.mercury' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221187] TRACE mod - registered hero.rissa as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221202] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roland) at index 152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221242] TRACE mod - registered hero.roland as core:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221259] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rosic) at index 121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221306] TRACE mod - registered hero.rosic as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221323] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ryland) at index 19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221364] TRACE mod - registered hero.ryland as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221382] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandro) at index 74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221424] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221444] TRACE mod - registered hero.sandro as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221462] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sanya) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221507] TRACE mod - registered hero.sanya as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221525] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(saurug) at index 111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221587] TRACE mod - registered hero.saurug as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221603] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sephinroth) at index 94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221645] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221664] TRACE mod - registered hero.sephinroth as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221679] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(septienna) at index 72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221721] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221740] TRACE mod - registered hero.septienna as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221756] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(serena) at index 42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221803] TRACE mod - registered hero.serena as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221821] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shakti) at index 87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221862] TRACE mod - registered hero.shakti as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221880] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shiva) at index 99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221918] TRACE mod - registered hero.shiva as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221935] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sirMullich) at index 144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221975] TRACE mod - registered hero.sirMullich as core:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.221993] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(solmyr) at index 45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222037] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.chainLightning' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222059] TRACE mod - registered hero.solmyr as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222074] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorsha) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222114] TRACE mod - registered hero.sorsha as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222132] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(straker) at index 64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222171] TRACE mod - registered hero.straker as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222188] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(styg) at index 125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222234] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222255] TRACE mod - registered hero.styg as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222270] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sylvia) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222318] TRACE mod - registered hero.sylvia as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222336] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(synca) at index 86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222376] TRACE mod - registered hero.synca as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222395] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tamika) at index 68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222507] TRACE mod - registered hero.tamika as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222527] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tazar) at index 115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222575] TRACE mod - registered hero.tazar as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222594] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(terek) at index 107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222639] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222660] TRACE mod - registered hero.terek as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222676] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thane) at index 33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222716] TRACE mod - registered hero.thane as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222734] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thant) at index 76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222774] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.animateDead' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222794] TRACE mod - registered hero.thant as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222810] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(theodorus) at index 44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222853] TRACE mod - registered hero.theodorus as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222871] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thorgrim) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222917] TRACE mod - registered hero.thorgrim as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222934] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunar) at index 129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.222991] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223013] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223031] TRACE mod - registered hero.thunar as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223047] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tiva) at index 127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223097] TRACE mod - registered hero.tiva as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223114] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(torosar) at index 36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223157] TRACE mod - registered hero.torosar as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223174] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tyraxor) at index 103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223213] TRACE mod - registered hero.tyraxor as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223230] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tyris) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223268] TRACE mod - registered hero.tyris as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223285] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ufretin) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223325] TRACE mod - registered hero.ufretin as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223342] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(uland) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223387] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cure' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223407] TRACE mod - registered hero.uland as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223422] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(undeadHaart) at index 150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223481] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223522] TRACE mod - registered hero.undeadHaart as core:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223537] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(valeska) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223583] TRACE mod - registered hero.valeska as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223600] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(verdish) at index 123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223650] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223671] TRACE mod - registered hero.verdish as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223687] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vey) at index 105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223729] TRACE mod - registered hero.vey as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223747] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vidomina) at index 78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223797] TRACE mod - registered hero.vidomina as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223815] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(vokial) at index 65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223856] TRACE mod - registered hero.vokial as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223873] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(voy) at index 122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223920] TRACE mod - registered hero.voy as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223938] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wystan) at index 114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223980] TRACE mod - registered hero.wystan as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.223997] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xarfax) at index 63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224239] TRACE mod - registered hero.xarfax as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224255] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xeron) at index 155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224317] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224337] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224356] TRACE mod - registered hero.xeron as core:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224373] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xsi) at index 77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224418] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224439] TRACE mod - registered hero.xsi as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224457] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(xyron) at index 57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.inferno' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224549] TRACE mod - registered hero.xyron as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224572] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(yog) at index 96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224633] TRACE mod - registered hero.yog as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224659] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zubin) at index 108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224731] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.precision' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224762] TRACE mod - registered hero.zubin as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224786] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(zydar) at index 62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224868] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.224903] TRACE mod - registered hero.zydar as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225112] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(abandonedMine) at index 220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225185] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\object.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225362] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\objectType.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225537] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\objectTemplate.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225816] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:abandonedMine(220)::mine(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225842] TRACE mod - registered core:abandonedMine.mine as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225864] TRACE mod - registered object.abandonedMine as core:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225881] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(altarOfSacrifice) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225948] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:altarOfSacrifice(2)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225968] TRACE mod - registered core:altarOfSacrifice.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.225987] TRACE mod - registered object.altarOfSacrifice as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226002] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(arena) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226084] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:arena(4)::arena(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226104] TRACE mod - registered core:arena.arena as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226120] TRACE mod - registered core:arena.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226187] TRACE mod - registered object.arena as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226208] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(artifact) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226233] TRACE mod - registered object.artifact as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226250] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blackMarket) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226327] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:blackMarket(7)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226347] TRACE mod - registered core:blackMarket.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226366] TRACE mod - registered object.blackMarket as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226381] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(boat) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226525] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatAsylum(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226545] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatAsylum as asylum-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226573] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatCastle(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226590] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatCastle as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226623] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatConflux(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226640] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatConflux as hota.mapdecorations:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226672] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatCove(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226689] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatCove as hota.cove:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226718] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatFairy(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226735] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatFairy as fairy-town:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226761] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatFortress(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226778] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatFortress as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226802] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatNecropolis(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226819] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatNecropolis as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226849] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:boat(8)::boatNeutral(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226868] TRACE mod - registered core:boat.boatNeutral as hota.mapdecorations:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226886] TRACE mod - registered object.boat as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.226902] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(borderGate) at index 212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227045] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::black(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227065] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227091] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::brown(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227108] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.brown as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227133] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::dblue(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227150] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.dblue as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227174] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::green(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227191] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227216] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::lblue(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227232] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.lblue as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227257] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::purple(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227274] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.purple as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227298] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::red(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227315] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227340] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGate(212)::white(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227356] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGate.white as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227373] TRACE mod - registered object.borderGate as core:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227389] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(borderGuard) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227641] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::avxwbor1(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227661] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.avxwbor1 as hota.mapdecorations:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227692] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::black(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227711] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227738] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::brown(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227755] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.brown as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227781] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::dblue(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227798] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.dblue as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227821] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::green(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227838] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227862] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::lblue(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227879] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.lblue as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227905] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::purple(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227921] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.purple as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227947] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::red(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227964] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.227990] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:borderGuard(9)::white(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228007] TRACE mod - registered core:borderGuard.white as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228024] TRACE mod - registered object.borderGuard as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228043] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(buoy) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228100] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:buoy(11)::buoy(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228118] TRACE mod - registered core:buoy.buoy as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228134] TRACE mod - registered core:buoy.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228151] TRACE mod - registered object.buoy as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228168] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cactus) at index 116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228384] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cactus(116)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228404] TRACE mod - registered core:cactus.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228427] TRACE mod - registered object.cactus as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228442] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(campfire) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228563] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:campfire(12)::campfire(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228584] TRACE mod - registered core:campfire.campfire as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228600] TRACE mod - registered core:campfire.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228618] TRACE mod - registered object.campfire as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228634] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(canyon) at index 117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228964] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:canyon(117)::deadland-decorationsCanyon(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.228986] TRACE mod - registered core:canyon.deadland-decorationsCanyon as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229024] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:canyon(117)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229041] TRACE mod - registered core:canyon.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229106] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:canyon(117)::spoiledLandCanyon01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229124] TRACE mod - registered core:canyon.spoiledLandCanyon01 as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229145] TRACE mod - registered object.canyon as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229161] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cartographer) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229263] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::cartographerLand(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229283] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.cartographerLand as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229299] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229331] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::cartographerSubterranean(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229348] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.cartographerSubterranean as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229367] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.subterra as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229396] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::cartographerWater(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229413] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.cartographerWater as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229430] TRACE mod - registered core:cartographer.water as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229469] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cartographer(13)::land(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229488] TRACE mod - registered as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229506] TRACE mod - registered object.cartographer as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229522] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cloverField) at index 222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229553] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cloverField(222)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229570] TRACE mod - registered core:cloverField.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229586] TRACE mod - registered object.cloverField as core:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.229602] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(corpse) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230099] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:corpse(22)::corpse(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230121] TRACE mod - registered core:corpse.corpse as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230137] TRACE mod - registered core:corpse.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230171] TRACE mod - registered object.corpse as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230188] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(coverOfDarkness) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230269] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:coverOfDarkness(15)::coverOfDarkness(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230288] TRACE mod - registered core:coverOfDarkness.coverOfDarkness as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230305] TRACE mod - registered core:coverOfDarkness.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230337] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:coverOfDarkness(15)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230355] TRACE mod - registered core:coverOfDarkness.object as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230373] TRACE mod - registered object.coverOfDarkness as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230389] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crater) at index 118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230714] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::asphaltcrater01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230735] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.asphaltcrater01 as asphalt-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230763] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::deadland-decorationscrater01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230781] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.deadland-decorationscrater01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230811] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::icecrater01(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230828] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.icecrater01 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230897] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230915] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230978] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crater(118)::starcrater01(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.230996] TRACE mod - registered core:crater.starcrater01 as stardust-terrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231018] TRACE mod - registered object.crater as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231034] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureBank) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231526] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::ancientCitadel(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231548] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.ancientCitadel as cetatea-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231598] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::beholderSanctuary(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231616] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.beholderSanctuary as hota.mapobjects:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231661] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::blackTower(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231679] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.blackTower as hota.mapobjects:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231725] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::churchyard(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231744] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.churchyard as hota.highlandsterrain:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231792] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::cyclopsStockpile(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231810] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.cyclopsStockpile as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231853] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::dragonFlyHive(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231871] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.dragonFlyHive as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231911] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::dwarvenTreasury(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231929] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.dwarvenTreasury as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231974] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::experimentalShop(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.231992] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.experimentalShop as hota.mapobjects:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232035] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::ftFairiesBank(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232053] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.ftFairiesBank as fairy-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232095] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::griffinConservatory(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232113] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.griffinConservatory as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232151] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::inpCache(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232169] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.inpCache as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232216] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::ivoryTower(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232233] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.ivoryTower as hota.mapobjects:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232296] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::magicalUtopia(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232315] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.magicalUtopia as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket.grove-connect:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232365] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::mansion(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232383] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.mansion as hota.mapobjects:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232426] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::medusaStore(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232444] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.medusaStore as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232491] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::nagaBank(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232508] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.nagaBank as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232557] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::pirateCavern(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232575] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.pirateCavern as hota.mapobjects:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232634] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::redTower(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232653] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.redTower as hota.mapobjects:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232705] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::ruins(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232723] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.ruins as hota.highlandsterrain:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232764] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::spit(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232781] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.spit as hota.mapobjects:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232823] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::templeNight(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232840] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.templeNight as grove:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232887] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::templeOfTheSea(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232905] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.templeOfTheSea as hota.mapobjects:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232948] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureBank(16)::wolfRaiderPicket(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232966] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureBank.wolfRaiderPicket as hota.mapobjects:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.232987] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureBank as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.233006] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorCommon) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.234915] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::airConflux(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.234940] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.airConflux as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.234972] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::alchemyTower(80) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.234991] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.alchemyTower as courtyard:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235023] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::alehouse(81) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235041] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.alehouse as hota.neutralcreatures:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235066] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfAir(69) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235083] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfAir as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235107] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfEarth(70) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235124] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfEarth as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235148] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfFire(71) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235165] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfFire as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235188] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfThought(60) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235204] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfThought as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235227] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWater(72) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235244] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfWater as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235266] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWishes(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235283] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.altarOfWishes as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235312] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::arbours(82) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235329] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.arbours as courtyard:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235353] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::archersTower(57) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235370] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.archersTower as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235399] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::arsenal(83) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235416] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.arsenal as courtyard:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235445] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel1(84) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235485] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel1 as asylum-town:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235516] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel2(85) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235533] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel2 as asylum-town:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235559] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel3(86) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235577] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel3 as asylum-town:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235604] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel4(87) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235621] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel4 as asylum-town:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235649] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel5(88) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235666] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel5 as asylum-town:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235694] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel6(89) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235712] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel6 as asylum-town:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235741] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylumLevel7(90) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235760] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.asylumLevel7 as asylum-town:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235783] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::barracks(58) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235800] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.barracks as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235823] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::basiliskPit(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235840] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.basiliskPit as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235863] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::behemothCrag(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235879] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.behemothCrag as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235902] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::boarGlen(75) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235919] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.boarGlen as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235948] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::borough(91) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235966] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.borough as forge:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.235995] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cannoneersShelters(92) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236012] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cannoneersShelters as forge:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236040] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel1(93) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236057] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel1 as cathedral-town:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236085] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel2(94) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236102] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel2 as cathedral-town:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236130] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel3(95) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236147] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel3 as cathedral-town:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236174] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel4(96) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236191] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel4 as cathedral-town:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236220] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel5(97) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236238] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel5 as cathedral-town:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236267] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel6(98) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236284] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel6 as cathedral-town:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236313] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedralLevel7(99) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236330] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cathedralLevel7 as cathedral-town:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236360] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::caveOfDreams(100) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236377] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.caveOfDreams as grove:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236406] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cedarHalls(101) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236423] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cedarHalls as grove:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236447] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::centaurStables(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236466] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.centaurStables as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236489] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cliffNest(42) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236506] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cliffNest as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236530] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cloudTemple(44) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236548] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cloudTemple as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236572] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::crystalCavern(63) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236589] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.crystalCavern as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236612] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cursedTemple(54) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236628] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cursedTemple as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236651] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cyclopsCave(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236667] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.cyclopsCave as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236690] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::demonGate(37) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236706] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.demonGate as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236731] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dendroidArches(45) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236747] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dendroidArches as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236776] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dodoBurgh(102) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236793] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dodoBurgh as courtyard:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236817] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCave(41) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236834] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonCave as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236856] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCliffs(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236873] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonCliffs as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236896] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonVault(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236913] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dragonVault as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236942] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw1(103) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236959] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw1 as cetatea-town:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.236989] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw2(104) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237006] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw2 as cetatea-town:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237035] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw3(105) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237052] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw3 as cetatea-town:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237081] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw4(106) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237098] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw4 as cetatea-town:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237127] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw5(107) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237143] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw5 as cetatea-town:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237172] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw6(108) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237189] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw6 as cetatea-town:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237219] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dw7(109) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237236] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dw7 as cetatea-town:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237260] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dwarfCottage(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237277] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.dwarfCottage as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237300] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::earthConflux(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237317] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.earthConflux as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237340] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantedSpring(50) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237358] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.enchantedSpring as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237384] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantersHollow(66) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237400] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.enchantersHollow as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237424] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::estate(53) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237441] TRACE mod - registered as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237466] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireConflux(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237482] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.fireConflux as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237507] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireLake(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237524] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.fireLake as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237642] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foreignFortress(110) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237663] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.foreignFortress as forge:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237687] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forsakenPalace(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237704] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.forsakenPalace as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237747] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frigate(111) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237764] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.frigate as hota.cove:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237790] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frozenCliffs(62) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237806] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.frozenCliffs as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237839] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftArcane(112) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237856] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftArcane as fairy-town:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237885] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftDragonHatchery(113) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237902] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftDragonHatchery as fairy-town:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237930] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftDragonNest(114) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237947] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftDragonNest as fairy-town:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237975] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftDragonRoost(115) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.237991] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftDragonRoost as fairy-town:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238019] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftFairyCabin(116) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238036] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftFairyCabin as fairy-town:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238063] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftPortal(117) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238080] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftPortal as fairy-town:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238106] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ftRiverLodge(118) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238123] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ftRiverLodge as fairy-town:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238151] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::furnace(119) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238169] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.furnace as courtyard:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238192] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gnollHut(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238209] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.gnollHut as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238231] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goblinBarracks(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238248] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.goblinBarracks as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238272] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goldenPavilion(36) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238290] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.goldenPavilion as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238314] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gorgonLair(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238330] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.gorgonLair as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238354] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::graveyard(55) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238370] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.graveyard as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238397] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::griffinTower(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238414] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.griffinTower as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238436] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::guardhouse(56) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238456] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.guardhouse as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238479] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfDarkness(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238496] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hallOfDarkness as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238519] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfSins(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238535] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hallOfSins as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238558] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::harpyLoft(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238574] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.harpyLoft as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238596] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hellHole(40) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238613] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hellHole as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238636] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::homestead(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238652] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.homestead as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238676] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hovel(74) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238692] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hovel as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238722] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::huntersGuild(120) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238739] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.huntersGuild as grove:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238762] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hydraPond(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238780] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.hydraPond as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238803] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::impCrucible(29) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238819] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.impCrucible as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238847] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::juggernautsPit(121) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238864] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.juggernautsPit as forge:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238887] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::kennels(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238904] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.kennels as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238926] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::labyrinth(34) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238943] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.labyrinth as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238970] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lavaBasin(122) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.238987] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.lavaBasin as forge:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239010] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lizardDen(30) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239027] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.lizardDen as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239051] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mageTower(31) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239068] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.mageTower as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239090] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicForest(64) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239107] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.magicForest as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239131] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicLantern(59) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239147] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.magicLantern as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239170] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::manticoreLair(32) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239187] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.manticoreLair as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239215] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::marbleHall(123) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239232] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.marbleHall as courtyard:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239255] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mausoleum(52) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239271] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.mausoleum as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239294] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::medusaChapel(33) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239310] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.medusaChapel as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239333] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::monastery(35) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239350] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.monastery as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239378] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nest(124) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239395] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.nest as hota.cove:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239422] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nixFort(125) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239439] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.nixFort as hota.cove:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239464] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nomadTent(77) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239487] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.nomadTent as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239517] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ogreFort(38) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239534] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ogreFort as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239557] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::orcTower(39) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239573] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.orcTower as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239596] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::parapet(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239613] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.parapet as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239636] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pillarOfEyes(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239653] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.pillarOfEyes as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239676] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::portalOfGlory(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239692] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.portalOfGlory as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239721] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::post(126) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239739] TRACE mod - registered as forge:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239768] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::primevalPeatbog(127) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239785] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.primevalPeatbog as grove:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239813] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::provingGrounds(128) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239830] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.provingGrounds as forge:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239856] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pyre(61) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239873] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.pyre as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239903] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::quartzFortress(129) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239921] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.quartzFortress as grove:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239949] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::reanimatorium(130) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239966] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.reanimatorium as forge:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.239994] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::redwoodSpires(131) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240011] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.redwoodSpires as grove:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240040] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel1(132) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240057] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel1 as refugeetown:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240085] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel2(133) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240102] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel2 as refugeetown:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240130] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel3(134) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240147] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel3 as refugeetown:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240174] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel4(135) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240191] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel4 as refugeetown:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240219] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel5(136) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240236] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel5 as refugeetown:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240264] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel6(137) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240281] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel6 as refugeetown:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240308] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeeLevel7(138) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240325] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.refugeeLevel7 as refugeetown:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240354] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl1_dwelling(139) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240372] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl1_dwelling as ruins-town:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240399] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl2_dwelling(140) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240416] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl2_dwelling as ruins-town:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240444] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl3_dwelling(141) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240463] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl3_dwelling as ruins-town:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240490] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl4_dwelling(142) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240507] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl4_dwelling as ruins-town:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240534] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl5_dwelling(143) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240551] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl5_dwelling as ruins-town:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240578] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl6_dwelling(144) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240594] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl6_dwelling as ruins-town:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240622] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rn_creature_lvl7_dwelling(145) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240640] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rn_creature_lvl7_dwelling as ruins-town:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240667] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rogueCavern(78) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240684] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.rogueCavern as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240714] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::royalChambers(146) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240733] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.royalChambers as grove:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240762] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sapphireFortress(147) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240779] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.sapphireFortress as grove:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240808] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::scaryCavity(148) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240825] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.scaryCavity as courtyard:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240849] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::serpentFlyHive(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240865] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.serpentFlyHive as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240979] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::shack(149) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.240998] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.shack as hota.cove:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241027] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::suckersColony(150) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241043] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.suckersColony as forge:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241068] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sulfurousLair(65) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241084] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.sulfurousLair as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241107] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::thatchedHut(73) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241124] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.thatchedHut as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241146] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfCurses(76) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241163] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.tombOfCurses as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241185] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfSouls(48) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241202] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.tombOfSouls as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241230] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::towerOfTheSeas(151) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241247] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.towerOfTheSeas as hota.cove:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241270] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trainingGrounds(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241286] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.trainingGrounds as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241309] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::treetopTower(67) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241326] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.treetopTower as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241349] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trollBridge(79) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241365] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.trollBridge as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241388] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGlade(68) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241405] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.unicornGlade as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241428] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGladeBig(51) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241444] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.unicornGladeBig as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241469] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::warren(46) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241485] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.warren as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241510] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterConflux(47) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241528] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.waterConflux as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241565] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterfall(152) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241583] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.waterfall as hota.cove:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241612] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::whirpool(153) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241629] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.whirpool as hota.cove:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241659] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wineyard(154) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241677] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.wineyard as hota.neutralcreatures:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241706] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::witchingHollow(155) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241724] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.witchingHollow as grove:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241747] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wolfPen(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241764] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.wolfPen as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241787] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::workshop(43) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241803] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.workshop as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241826] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wyvernNest(49) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241842] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.wyvernNest as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241872] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ziggurat(156) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241889] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorCommon.ziggurat as hota.neutralcreatures:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241907] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureGeneratorCommon as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.241924] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorSpecial) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242021] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::elementalConflux(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242040] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.elementalConflux as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242067] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::golemFactory(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242084] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.golemFactory as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242113] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::nixFortLarge(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242131] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.nixFortLarge as hota.cove:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242160] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::whirpoolLarge(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242177] TRACE mod - registered core:creatureGeneratorSpecial.whirpoolLarge as hota.cove:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242194] TRACE mod - registered object.creatureGeneratorSpecial as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242211] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(crypt) at index 84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242269] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:crypt(84)::crypt(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242288] TRACE mod - registered core:crypt.crypt as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242307] TRACE mod - registered object.crypt as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242324] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cursedGround) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242358] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cursedGround(21)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242376] TRACE mod - registered core:cursedGround.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242392] TRACE mod - registered object.cursedGround as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242408] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cursedGroundDUPLICATE) at index 223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242442] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:cursedGroundDUPLICATE(223)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242463] TRACE mod - registered core:cursedGroundDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242482] TRACE mod - registered object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE as core:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.242497] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deadVegetation) at index 119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243266] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:deadVegetation(119)::deadland-decorationsdeadTree01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243290] TRACE mod - registered core:deadVegetation.deadland-decorationsdeadTree01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243421] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:deadVegetation(119)::deadland-decorationsdeadTrees01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243441] TRACE mod - registered core:deadVegetation.deadland-decorationsdeadTrees01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243572] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:deadVegetation(119)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243590] TRACE mod - registered core:deadVegetation.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243630] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:deadVegetation(119)::spoiledLandTree(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243648] TRACE mod - registered core:deadVegetation.spoiledLandTree as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243666] TRACE mod - registered object.deadVegetation as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243683] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(denOfThieves) at index 97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243815] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:denOfThieves(97)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243834] TRACE mod - registered core:denOfThieves.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243855] TRACE mod - registered object.denOfThieves as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243871] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(derelictShip) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243918] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:derelictShip(24)::derelictShip(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243936] TRACE mod - registered core:derelictShip.derelictShip as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243956] TRACE mod - registered object.derelictShip as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.243971] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(desertHills) at index 206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244001] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:desertHills(206)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244018] TRACE mod - registered core:desertHills.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244034] TRACE mod - registered object.desertHills as core:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244050] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dirtHills) at index 207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244141] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:dirtHills(207)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244160] TRACE mod - registered core:dirtHills.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244179] TRACE mod - registered object.dirtHills as core:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244194] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dragonUtopia) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244272] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:dragonUtopia(25)::dragonUtopia(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244291] TRACE mod - registered core:dragonUtopia.dragonUtopia as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244311] TRACE mod - registered object.dragonUtopia as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244327] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(event) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244355] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:event(26)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244372] TRACE mod - registered core:event.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244388] TRACE mod - registered object.event as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244403] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(evilFog) at index 224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244431] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:evilFog(224)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244448] TRACE mod - registered core:evilFog.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244466] TRACE mod - registered object.evilFog as core:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244481] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eyeOfTheMagi) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244532] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:eyeOfTheMagi(27)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244552] TRACE mod - registered core:eyeOfTheMagi.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244570] TRACE mod - registered object.eyeOfTheMagi as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244587] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(faerieRing) at index 28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244639] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:faerieRing(28)::faerieRing(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244658] TRACE mod - registered core:faerieRing.faerieRing as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244674] TRACE mod - registered core:faerieRing.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244691] TRACE mod - registered object.faerieRing as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244706] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(favorableWinds) at index 225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244889] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:favorableWinds(225)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244909] TRACE mod - registered core:favorableWinds.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244931] TRACE mod - registered object.favorableWinds as core:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244947] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fieryFields) at index 226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244975] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fieryFields(226)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.244993] TRACE mod - registered core:fieryFields.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245009] TRACE mod - registered object.fieryFields as core:226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245025] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(flotsam) at index 29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245097] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flotsam(29)::flotsam(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245116] TRACE mod - registered core:flotsam.flotsam as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245132] TRACE mod - registered core:flotsam.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245149] TRACE mod - registered object.flotsam as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245165] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(flowers) at index 120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245620] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::deadland-decorations2decorGrave02(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245642] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.deadland-decorations2decorGrave02 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245693] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::deadland-decorations2decorGraves01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245712] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.deadland-decorations2decorGraves01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245743] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::deadland-decorationsspikes01(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245760] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.deadland-decorationsspikes01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245801] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::magicalFlowers(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245818] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.magicalFlowers as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.245989] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:flowers(120)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246009] TRACE mod - registered core:flowers.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246039] TRACE mod - registered as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246056] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfFortune) at index 30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246135] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fountainOfFortune(30)::fountainOfFortune(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246155] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfFortune.fountainOfFortune as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246172] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfFortune.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246191] TRACE mod - registered object.fountainOfFortune as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246207] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfYouth) at index 31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246302] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:fountainOfYouth(31)::fountainOfYouth(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246321] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfYouth.fountainOfYouth as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246338] TRACE mod - registered core:fountainOfYouth.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246357] TRACE mod - registered object.fountainOfYouth as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246375] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(freelancersGuild) at index 213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246409] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:freelancersGuild(213)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246428] TRACE mod - registered core:freelancersGuild.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246445] TRACE mod - registered object.freelancersGuild as core:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246462] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frozenLake) at index 121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246488] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:frozenLake(121)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246505] TRACE mod - registered core:frozenLake.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246521] TRACE mod - registered object.frozenLake as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246537] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(gardenOfRevelation) at index 32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246606] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:gardenOfRevelation(32)::gardenOfRevelation(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246626] TRACE mod - registered core:gardenOfRevelation.gardenOfRevelation as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246642] TRACE mod - registered core:gardenOfRevelation.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246660] TRACE mod - registered object.gardenOfRevelation as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246676] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garrisonHorizontal) at index 33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246772] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonHorizontal(33)::antiMagic(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246791] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonHorizontal.antiMagic as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246832] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonHorizontal(33)::normal(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246849] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonHorizontal.normal as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246876] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonHorizontal(33)::object(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246892] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonHorizontal.object as asphalt-terrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246909] TRACE mod - registered object.garrisonHorizontal as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.246925] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(garrisonVertical) at index 219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247009] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonVertical(219)::antiMagic(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247028] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonVertical.antiMagic as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247066] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonVertical(219)::normal(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247083] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonVertical.normal as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247109] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:garrisonVertical(219)::object(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247126] TRACE mod - registered core:garrisonVertical.object as asphalt-terrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247143] TRACE mod - registered object.garrisonVertical as core:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247159] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247187] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:grail(36)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247204] TRACE mod - registered core:grail.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247220] TRACE mod - registered object.grail as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247235] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grassHills) at index 208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247263] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:grassHills(208)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247280] TRACE mod - registered core:grassHills.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247297] TRACE mod - registered object.grassHills as core:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247312] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hero) at index 34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247335] TRACE mod - registered object.hero as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247351] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(heroPlaceholder) at index 214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247376] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:heroPlaceholder(214)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247392] TRACE mod - registered core:heroPlaceholder.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247408] TRACE mod - registered object.heroPlaceholder as core:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247501] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hillFort) at index 35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247596] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hillFort(35)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247616] TRACE mod - registered core:hillFort.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247635] TRACE mod - registered object.hillFort as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247651] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hole) at index 124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247782] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hole(124)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247802] TRACE mod - registered core:hole.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247821] TRACE mod - registered object.hole as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247837] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(holyGround) at index 227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247866] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:holyGround(227)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247884] TRACE mod - registered core:holyGround.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247900] TRACE mod - registered object.holyGround as core:227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247916] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hutOfTheMagi) at index 37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247967] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hutOfTheMagi(37)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.247986] TRACE mod - registered core:hutOfTheMagi.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248003] TRACE mod - registered object.hutOfTheMagi as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248019] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(idolOfFortune) at index 38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248101] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:idolOfFortune(38)::idolOfFortune(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248120] TRACE mod - registered core:idolOfFortune.idolOfFortune as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248137] TRACE mod - registered core:idolOfFortune.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248156] TRACE mod - registered object.idolOfFortune as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248172] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(kelp) at index 125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248200] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:kelp(125)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248217] TRACE mod - registered core:kelp.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248233] TRACE mod - registered object.kelp as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248248] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(keymasterTent) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248306] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::black(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248324] TRACE mod - registered as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248343] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::brown(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248359] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.brown as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248378] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::dblue(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248394] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.dblue as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248413] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::green(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248428] TRACE mod - registered as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248447] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::lblue(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248465] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.lblue as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248483] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::purple(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248499] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.purple as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248518] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::red(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248534] TRACE mod - registered as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248553] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:keymasterTent(10)::white(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248569] TRACE mod - registered core:keymasterTent.white as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248585] TRACE mod - registered object.keymasterTent as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248601] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lake) at index 126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248908] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::deadland-decorationsNormalLake01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248930] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.deadland-decorationsNormalLake01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248965] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::gloryLakes(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.248983] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.gloryLakes as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249014] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::heatherThicketLakes(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249031] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.heatherThicketLakes as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249068] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::hotaHLakes(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249086] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.hotaHLakes as hota.highlandsterrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249129] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::icelandsLakes(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249147] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.icelandsLakes as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249186] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249204] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249266] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lake(126)::starLakes(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249283] TRACE mod - registered core:lake.starLakes as stardust-terrain:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249304] TRACE mod - registered object.lake as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249321] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lakeDUPLICATE) at index 177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249349] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lakeDUPLICATE(177)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249366] TRACE mod - registered core:lakeDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249382] TRACE mod - registered object.lakeDUPLICATE as core:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249398] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lavaFlow) at index 127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249914] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaFlow(127)::asphaltToxicFlow01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249936] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaFlow.asphaltToxicFlow01 as asphalt-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249967] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaFlow(127)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.249984] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaFlow.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250107] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaFlow(127)::spoiledLandToxicLiquid01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250126] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaFlow.spoiledLandToxicLiquid01 as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250153] TRACE mod - registered object.lavaFlow as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250169] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lavaLake) at index 128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250198] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lavaLake(128)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250215] TRACE mod - registered core:lavaLake.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250231] TRACE mod - registered object.lavaLake as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250247] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(leanTo) at index 39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250295] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:leanTo(39)::leanTo(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250313] TRACE mod - registered core:leanTo.leanTo as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250329] TRACE mod - registered core:leanTo.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250346] TRACE mod - registered object.leanTo as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250362] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(learningStone) at index 100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250471] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:learningStone(100)::learningStone(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250492] TRACE mod - registered core:learningStone.learningStone as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250508] TRACE mod - registered core:learningStone.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250527] TRACE mod - registered object.learningStone as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250544] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(libraryOfEnlightenment) at index 41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250626] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:libraryOfEnlightenment(41)::libraryOfEnlightenment(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250646] TRACE mod - registered core:libraryOfEnlightenment.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250665] TRACE mod - registered core:libraryOfEnlightenment.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250684] TRACE mod - registered object.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250700] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lighthouse) at index 42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250752] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lighthouse(42)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250771] TRACE mod - registered core:lighthouse.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250789] TRACE mod - registered object.lighthouse as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.250804] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(log) at index 130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251271] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:log(130)::deadland-decorationsLog01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251293] TRACE mod - registered core:log.deadland-decorationsLog01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251374] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:log(130)::deadland-decorationsLogs01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251393] TRACE mod - registered core:log.deadland-decorationsLogs01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251422] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:log(130)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251439] TRACE mod - registered core:log.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251458] TRACE mod - registered object.log as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251474] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lucidPools) at index 228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251504] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:lucidPools(228)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251521] TRACE mod - registered core:lucidPools.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251537] TRACE mod - registered object.lucidPools as core:228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251553] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicClouds) at index 229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251579] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicClouds(229)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251596] TRACE mod - registered core:magicClouds.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251612] TRACE mod - registered object.magicClouds as core:229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251628] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicPlains) at index 46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251661] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicPlains(46)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251678] TRACE mod - registered core:magicPlains.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251695] TRACE mod - registered object.magicPlains as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251710] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicPlainsDUPLICATE) at index 230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251743] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicPlainsDUPLICATE(230)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251760] TRACE mod - registered core:magicPlainsDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251777] TRACE mod - registered object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE as core:230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251792] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicSpring) at index 48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251840] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicSpring(48)::magicSpring(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251859] TRACE mod - registered core:magicSpring.magicSpring as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251875] TRACE mod - registered core:magicSpring.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251892] TRACE mod - registered object.magicSpring as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251907] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicWell) at index 49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.251983] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:magicWell(49)::magicWell(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252002] TRACE mod - registered core:magicWell.magicWell as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252018] TRACE mod - registered core:magicWell.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252036] TRACE mod - registered object.magicWell as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252053] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mandrake) at index 131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252080] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mandrake(131)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252098] TRACE mod - registered core:mandrake.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252114] TRACE mod - registered object.mandrake as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252131] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marketOfTime) at index 50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252174] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:marketOfTime(50)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252192] TRACE mod - registered core:marketOfTime.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252209] TRACE mod - registered object.marketOfTime as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252224] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(marlettoTower) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252290] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:marlettoTower(23)::marlettoTower(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252309] TRACE mod - registered core:marlettoTower.marlettoTower as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252325] TRACE mod - registered core:marlettoTower.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252342] TRACE mod - registered object.marlettoTower as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252358] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mercenaryCamp) at index 51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252424] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mercenaryCamp(51)::mercenaryCamp(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252443] TRACE mod - registered core:mercenaryCamp.mercenaryCamp as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252482] TRACE mod - registered core:mercenaryCamp.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252509] TRACE mod - registered object.mercenaryCamp as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252527] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mermaids) at index 52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252587] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mermaids(52)::mermaids(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252607] TRACE mod - registered core:mermaids.mermaids as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252623] TRACE mod - registered core:mermaids.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252641] TRACE mod - registered object.mermaids as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.252657] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mine) at index 53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253275] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::abandoned(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253298] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.abandoned as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253465] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::alchemistLab(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253487] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.alchemistLab as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253570] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::crystalCavern(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253589] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.crystalCavern as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253682] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::gemPond(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253700] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.gemPond as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253779] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::goldMine(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253796] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.goldMine as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253890] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::orePit(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253908] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.orePit as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.253990] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::sawmill(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254009] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.sawmill as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254096] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mine(53)::sulfurDune(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254114] TRACE mod - registered core:mine.sulfurDune as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254136] TRACE mod - registered object.mine as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254152] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayEntrance) at index 43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254294] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::hotaMonoliths01En(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254314] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.hotaMonoliths01En as hota.mapdecorations:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254344] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::hotaMonoliths02En(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254363] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.hotaMonoliths02En as hota.mapdecorations:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254391] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::hotaMonoliths03En(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254409] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.hotaMonoliths03En as hota.mapdecorations:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254446] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::hotaMonoliths04En(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254469] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.hotaMonoliths04En as hota.mapdecorations:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254501] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith1(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254525] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254553] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith2(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254570] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254590] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith3(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254638] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254660] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith4(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254676] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254696] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith5(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254712] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254732] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith6(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254748] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith6 as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254767] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith7(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254784] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith7 as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254803] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith8(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254819] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayEntrance.monolith8 as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254836] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithOneWayEntrance as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254852] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayExit) at index 44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254973] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::hotaMonoliths01Ex(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.254994] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.hotaMonoliths01Ex as hota.mapdecorations:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255018] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::hotaMonoliths02Ex(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255035] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.hotaMonoliths02Ex as hota.mapdecorations:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255058] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::hotaMonoliths03Ex(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255075] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.hotaMonoliths03Ex as hota.mapdecorations:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255098] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::hotaMonoliths04Ex(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255115] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.hotaMonoliths04Ex as hota.mapdecorations:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255135] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith1(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255152] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255171] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith2(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255187] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255205] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith3(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255221] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255240] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith4(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255256] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255275] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith5(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255291] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255312] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith6(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255328] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith6 as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255346] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith7(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255362] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith7 as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255381] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith8(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255397] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithOneWayExit.monolith8 as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255414] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithOneWayExit as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255429] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monolithTwoWay) at index 45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255736] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsBlack(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255756] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsBlack as hota.mapdecorations:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255782] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsBlue(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255799] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsBlue as hota.mapdecorations:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255823] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsPink(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255840] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsPink as hota.mapdecorations:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255864] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsRed(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255881] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsRed as hota.mapdecorations:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255905] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsTurquoise(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255922] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsTurquoise as hota.mapdecorations:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255946] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaMonolithsYellow(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255963] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaMonolithsYellow as hota.mapdecorations:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.255986] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalBlue(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256002] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalBlue as hota.mapdecorations:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256030] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalChartreuse(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256048] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalChartreuse as hota.mapdecorations:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256071] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalOrange(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256088] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalOrange as hota.mapdecorations:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256112] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalPink(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256128] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalPink as hota.mapdecorations:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256151] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalTurquoise(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256169] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalTurquoise as hota.mapdecorations:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256192] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalViolet(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256209] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalViolet as hota.mapdecorations:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256236] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalWaterBlue(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256253] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalWaterBlue as hota.mapdecorations:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256278] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalWaterGreen(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256295] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalWaterGreen as hota.mapdecorations:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256319] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalWaterRed(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256338] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalWaterRed as hota.mapdecorations:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256363] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalWaterWhite(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256380] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalWaterWhite as hota.mapdecorations:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256405] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::hotaPortalWaterYellow(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256422] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.hotaPortalWaterYellow as hota.mapdecorations:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256443] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith1(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256461] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256481] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith2(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256497] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256516] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith3(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256532] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256552] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith4(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256567] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256586] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith5(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256602] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256621] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith6(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256637] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith6 as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256656] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith7(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256672] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith7 as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256691] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith8(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256707] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith8 as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256729] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith25 as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256747] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith26 as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256763] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith27 as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256779] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith28 as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256796] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith29 as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256812] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith30 as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256828] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith31 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256856] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith32 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256874] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith33 as hota.mapdecorations:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256891] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith34 as hota.mapdecorations:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256912] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith35 as hota.mapdecorations:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256929] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith36 as hota.mapdecorations:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256945] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith37 as hota.mapdecorations:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256961] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith38 as hota.mapdecorations:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256978] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith39 as hota.mapdecorations:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.256995] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith40 as hota.mapdecorations:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257011] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith41 as hota.mapdecorations:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257028] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith42 as hota.mapdecorations:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257045] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith43 as hota.mapdecorations:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257063] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith44 as hota.mapdecorations:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257080] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith45 as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257096] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith46 as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257113] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith47 as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257129] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith48 as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257145] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith49 as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257161] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith50 as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257177] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith51 as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257193] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith52 as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257209] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith53 as hota.mapdecorations:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257225] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith54 as hota.mapdecorations:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257242] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith55 as hota.mapdecorations:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257258] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith56 as hota.mapdecorations:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257274] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith57 as hota.mapdecorations:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257291] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith58 as hota.mapdecorations:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257307] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith59 as hota.mapdecorations:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257324] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith60 as hota.mapdecorations:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257341] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith61 as hota.mapdecorations:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257357] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith62 as hota.mapdecorations:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257373] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith63 as hota.mapdecorations:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257390] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith64 as hota.mapdecorations:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257407] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith65 as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257423] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith66 as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257439] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith67 as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257457] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith68 as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257473] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith69 as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257488] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith70 as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257504] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith71 as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257520] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith72 as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257537] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith73 as hota.mapdecorations:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257554] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith74 as hota.mapdecorations:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257571] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith75 as hota.mapdecorations:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257587] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith76 as hota.mapdecorations:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257604] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith77 as hota.mapdecorations:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257620] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith78 as hota.mapdecorations:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257637] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith79 as hota.mapdecorations:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257653] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith80 as hota.mapdecorations:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257669] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith81 as hota.mapdecorations:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257686] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith82 as hota.mapdecorations:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257705] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith83 as hota.mapdecorations:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257723] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith84 as hota.mapdecorations:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257740] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith85 as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257757] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith86 as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257773] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith87 as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257789] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith88 as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257805] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith89 as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257821] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith90 as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257845] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith91 as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257862] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith92 as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257879] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith93 as hota.mapdecorations:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257895] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith94 as hota.mapdecorations:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257912] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith95 as hota.mapdecorations:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257928] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith96 as hota.mapdecorations:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257944] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith97 as hota.mapdecorations:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257961] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith98 as hota.mapdecorations:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257977] TRACE mod - registered core:monolithTwoWay.monolith99 as hota.mapdecorations:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.257993] TRACE mod - registered object.monolithTwoWay as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258010] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(monster) at index 54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258036] TRACE mod - registered as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258053] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(moss) at index 132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258082] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:moss(132)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258100] TRACE mod - registered core:moss.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258116] TRACE mod - registered object.moss as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258132] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mound) at index 133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258234] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mound(133)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258253] TRACE mod - registered core:mound.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258272] TRACE mod - registered object.mound as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.258287] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mountain) at index 134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259080] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mountain(134)::deadland-decorationsMountainRough03(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259103] TRACE mod - registered core:mountain.deadland-decorationsMountainRough03 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259610] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mountain(134)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259632] TRACE mod - registered core:mountain.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259681] TRACE mod - registered object.mountain as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259699] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mushrooms) at index 129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.259989] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mushrooms(129)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260010] TRACE mod - registered core:mushrooms.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260035] TRACE mod - registered object.mushrooms as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260052] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticalGarden) at index 55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260127] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:mysticalGarden(55)::mysticalGarden(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260147] TRACE mod - registered core:mysticalGarden.mysticalGarden as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260164] TRACE mod - registered core:mysticalGarden.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260184] TRACE mod - registered object.mysticalGarden as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260202] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(nothing) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260231] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:nothing(0)::nothing(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260248] TRACE mod - registered core:nothing.nothing as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260265] TRACE mod - registered object.nothing as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260280] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oakTrees) at index 135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260333] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oakTrees(135)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260352] TRACE mod - registered core:oakTrees.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260369] TRACE mod - registered object.oakTrees as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260384] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oasis) at index 56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260434] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oasis(56)::oasis(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260454] TRACE mod - registered core:oasis.oasis as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260470] TRACE mod - registered core:oasis.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260487] TRACE mod - registered object.oasis as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260503] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(obelisk) at index 57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260657] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:obelisk(57)::obelisk(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260678] TRACE mod - registered core:obelisk.obelisk as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260750] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:obelisk(57)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260768] TRACE mod - registered core:obelisk.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260790] TRACE mod - registered object.obelisk as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260806] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(oceanBottle) at index 59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260875] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oceanBottle(59)::courtyardJournal(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260895] TRACE mod - registered core:oceanBottle.courtyardJournal as courtyard:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260918] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oceanBottle(59)::courtyardLetter(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260935] TRACE mod - registered core:oceanBottle.courtyardLetter as courtyard:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260956] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:oceanBottle(59)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260972] TRACE mod - registered core:oceanBottle.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.260989] TRACE mod - registered object.oceanBottle as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261004] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(outcropping) at index 136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261033] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:outcropping(136)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261051] TRACE mod - registered core:outcropping.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261067] TRACE mod - registered object.outcropping as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261082] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pandoraBox) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261162] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pandoraBox(6)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261181] TRACE mod - registered core:pandoraBox.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261199] TRACE mod - registered object.pandoraBox as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261215] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pillarOfFire) at index 60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261264] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pillarOfFire(60)::pillarOfFire(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261282] TRACE mod - registered core:pillarOfFire.pillarOfFire as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261299] TRACE mod - registered core:pillarOfFire.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261315] TRACE mod - registered object.pillarOfFire as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261331] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pineTrees) at index 137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261505] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pineTrees(137)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261524] TRACE mod - registered core:pineTrees.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261545] TRACE mod - registered object.pineTrees as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261561] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(prison) at index 62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261639] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:prison(62)::prison(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261659] TRACE mod - registered core:prison.prison as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261678] TRACE mod - registered object.prison as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261694] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pyramid) at index 63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261734] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:pyramid(63)::pyramid(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261752] TRACE mod - registered core:pyramid.pyramid as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261770] TRACE mod - registered object.pyramid as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261786] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(questGuard) at index 215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261895] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:questGuard(215)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261914] TRACE mod - registered core:questGuard.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261947] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:questGuard(215)::questGate(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261964] TRACE mod - registered core:questGuard.questGate as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261981] TRACE mod - registered object.questGuard as core:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.261997] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rallyFlag) at index 64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262066] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rallyFlag(64)::rallyFlag(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262085] TRACE mod - registered core:rallyFlag.rallyFlag as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262101] TRACE mod - registered core:rallyFlag.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262119] TRACE mod - registered object.rallyFlag as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262135] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifact) at index 65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262172] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifact(65)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262190] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifact.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262206] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifact as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262222] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMajor) at index 68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262261] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactMajor(68)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262279] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactMajor.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262295] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactMajor as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262311] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMinor) at index 67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262348] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactMinor(67)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262366] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactMinor.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262382] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactMinor as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262398] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactRelic) at index 69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262435] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactRelic(69)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262454] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactRelic.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262470] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactRelic as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262486] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactTreasure) at index 66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262523] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomArtifactTreasure(66)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262540] TRACE mod - registered core:randomArtifactTreasure.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262557] TRACE mod - registered object.randomArtifactTreasure as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262573] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwelling) at index 216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262599] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwelling(216)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262616] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwelling.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262632] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwelling as core:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262648] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingFaction) at index 218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262685] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectCastle(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262703] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectCastle as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262723] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectConflux(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262738] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectConflux as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262757] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectDungeon(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262773] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectDungeon as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262790] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectFortress(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262806] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectFortress as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262824] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectInferno(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262840] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectInferno as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262858] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectNecropolis(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262875] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectNecropolis as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262893] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectRampart(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262909] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectRampart as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262926] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectStronghold(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262943] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectStronghold as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262961] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectTower(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262976] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingFaction.objectTower as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.262993] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwellingFaction as core:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263008] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingLvl) at index 217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263039] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl1(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263056] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263074] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl2(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263090] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263108] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl3(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263124] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263143] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl4(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263158] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263176] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl5(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263192] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263210] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl6(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263226] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl6 as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263243] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl7(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263259] TRACE mod - registered core:randomDwellingLvl.objectLvl7 as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263275] TRACE mod - registered object.randomDwellingLvl as core:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263291] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomHero) at index 70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263331] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomHero(70)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263349] TRACE mod - registered core:randomHero.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263365] TRACE mod - registered object.randomHero as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263380] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonster) at index 71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263419] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonster(71)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263438] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonster.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263457] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonster as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263473] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel1) at index 72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263509] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel1(72)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263527] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel1.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263543] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel1 as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263559] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel2) at index 73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263594] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel2(73)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263613] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel2.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263629] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel2 as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263644] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel3) at index 74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263678] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel3(74)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263696] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel3.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263713] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel3 as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263729] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel4) at index 75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263763] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel4(75)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263781] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel4.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263797] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel4 as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263813] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel5) at index 162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263847] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel5(162)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263866] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel5.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263882] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel5 as core:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263904] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel6) at index 163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263941] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel6(163)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263959] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel6.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263975] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel6 as core:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.263991] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel7) at index 164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264026] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomMonsterLevel7(164)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264044] TRACE mod - registered core:randomMonsterLevel7.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264060] TRACE mod - registered object.randomMonsterLevel7 as core:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264075] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomResource) at index 76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264119] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomResource(76)::randomResource(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264138] TRACE mod - registered core:randomResource.randomResource as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264155] TRACE mod - registered object.randomResource as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264170] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(randomTown) at index 77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264196] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:randomTown(77)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264212] TRACE mod - registered core:randomTown.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264229] TRACE mod - registered object.randomTown as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264244] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(redwoodObservatory) at index 58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264357] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:redwoodObservatory(58)::hotaObservationTower(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264378] TRACE mod - registered core:redwoodObservatory.hotaObservationTower as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264414] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:redwoodObservatory(58)::object(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264434] TRACE mod - registered core:redwoodObservatory.object as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264482] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:redwoodObservatory(58)::redwoodObservatory(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264501] TRACE mod - registered core:redwoodObservatory.redwoodObservatory as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264518] TRACE mod - registered core:redwoodObservatory.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264536] TRACE mod - registered object.redwoodObservatory as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264552] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(reef) at index 161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264632] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:reef(161)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264650] TRACE mod - registered core:reef.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264668] TRACE mod - registered object.reef as core:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264684] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(refugeeCamp) at index 78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264746] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:refugeeCamp(78)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264765] TRACE mod - registered core:refugeeCamp.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264782] TRACE mod - registered object.refugeeCamp as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264799] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resource) at index 79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264898] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::crystal(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264917] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.crystal as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264942] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::gems(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264959] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.gems as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264982] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::gold(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.264999] TRACE mod - registered as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265022] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::mercury(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265038] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.mercury as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265061] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::ore(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265078] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.ore as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265101] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::sulfur(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265117] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.sulfur as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265140] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:resource(79)::wood(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265157] TRACE mod - registered core:resource.wood as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265173] TRACE mod - registered object.resource as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265189] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(riverDelta) at index 143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265313] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:riverDelta(143)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265332] TRACE mod - registered core:riverDelta.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265352] TRACE mod - registered object.riverDelta as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.265368] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266367] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::asphaltRocksHills01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266390] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.asphaltRocksHills01 as asphalt-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266442] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::asphaltbones01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266461] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.asphaltbones01 as asphalt-terrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266490] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::deadland-decorations2newSkullsObject1(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266507] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.deadland-decorations2newSkullsObject1 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266603] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::deadland-decorationsRock01(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266623] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.deadland-decorationsRock01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266740] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::deadland-decorationsbones01(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266759] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.deadland-decorationsbones01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266801] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::deadland-decorationsbones02(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266819] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.deadland-decorationsbones02 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266866] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::deadland-decorationsskulls01(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266884] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.deadland-decorationsskulls01 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266916] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::gloryRocksHills01(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266934] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.gloryRocksHills01 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.266988] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::hotaPuddle(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267005] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.hotaPuddle as hota.highlandsterrain:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267031] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::hotaW2Stones(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267048] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.hotaW2Stones as hota.wastelandterrain:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267093] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::icelandsRocksHills01(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267110] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.icelandsRocksHills01 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267165] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267183] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267220] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::spoiledLandSkull01(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267238] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.spoiledLandSkull01 as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267267] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::spoiledLandSkull02(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267284] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.spoiledLandSkull02 as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267374] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rock(147)::stardustRocksHills01(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267392] TRACE mod - registered core:rock.stardustRocksHills01 as stardust-terrain:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267416] TRACE mod - registered object.rock as core:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267433] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rocklands) at index 231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267465] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:rocklands(231)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267483] TRACE mod - registered core:rocklands.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267499] TRACE mod - registered object.rocklands as core:231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267515] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(roughHills) at index 209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267544] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:roughHills(209)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267561] TRACE mod - registered core:roughHills.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267577] TRACE mod - registered object.roughHills as core:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267593] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sanctuary) at index 80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267650] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sanctuary(80)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267668] TRACE mod - registered core:sanctuary.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267686] TRACE mod - registered object.sanctuary as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267702] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandDune) at index 148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267729] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sandDune(148)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267746] TRACE mod - registered core:sandDune.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267762] TRACE mod - registered object.sandDune as core:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267778] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sandPit) at index 149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267802] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sandPit(149)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267819] TRACE mod - registered core:sandPit.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267837] TRACE mod - registered object.sandPit as core:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267854] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267924] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:scholar(81)::scholar(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267943] TRACE mod - registered core:scholar.scholar as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267959] TRACE mod - registered core:scholar.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267977] TRACE mod - registered object.scholar as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.267993] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfMagic) at index 47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268078] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:schoolOfMagic(47)::schoolOfMagic(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268098] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfMagic.schoolOfMagic as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268115] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfMagic.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268134] TRACE mod - registered object.schoolOfMagic as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268150] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfWar) at index 107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268220] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:schoolOfWar(107)::schoolOfWar(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268239] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfWar.schoolOfWar as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268255] TRACE mod - registered core:schoolOfWar.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268273] TRACE mod - registered object.schoolOfWar as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268289] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seaChest) at index 82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268353] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seaChest(82)::seaChest(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268372] TRACE mod - registered core:seaChest.seaChest as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268388] TRACE mod - registered core:seaChest.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268405] TRACE mod - registered object.seaChest as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268422] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(seerHut) at index 83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268545] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::0(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268564] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.0 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268598] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::1(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268616] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.1 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268637] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::2(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268653] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.2 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268678] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::seerHutHota1(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268695] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.seerHutHota1 as hota.mapdecorations:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268720] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::seerHutHota2(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268737] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.seerHutHota2 as hota.mapdecorations:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268764] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:seerHut(83)::seerHutHota3(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268781] TRACE mod - registered core:seerHut.seerHutHota3 as hota.mapdecorations:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268798] TRACE mod - registered object.seerHut as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268814] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipwreck) at index 85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268862] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipwreck(85)::shipwreck(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268880] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreck.shipwreck as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268900] TRACE mod - registered object.shipwreck as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268916] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipwreckSurvivor) at index 86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.268984] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipwreckSurvivor(86)::shipwreckSurvivor(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269003] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreckSurvivor.shipwreckSurvivor as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269020] TRACE mod - registered core:shipwreckSurvivor.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269037] TRACE mod - registered object.shipwreckSurvivor as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269053] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shipyard) at index 87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269153] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shipyard(87)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269174] TRACE mod - registered core:shipyard.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269191] TRACE mod - registered object.shipyard as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269207] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel1) at index 88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269323] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::shrineOfMagicLevel1(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269344] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel1.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269361] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel1.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269411] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::shrineOfMagicMystery(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269430] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel1.shrineOfMagicMystery as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269449] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel1.object as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269472] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269496] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel2) at index 89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269581] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel2(89)::shrineOfMagicLevel2(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269601] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel2.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269618] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel2.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269637] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269654] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel3) at index 90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269734] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::shrineOfMagicLevel3(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269753] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel3.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269770] TRACE mod - registered core:shrineOfMagicLevel3.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269789] TRACE mod - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.269805] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shrub) at index 150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270074] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:shrub(150)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270096] TRACE mod - registered core:shrub.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270120] TRACE mod - registered object.shrub as core:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270136] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sign) at index 91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270292] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sign(91)::forgeSign(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270312] TRACE mod - registered core:sign.forgeSign as forge:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270379] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sign(91)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270397] TRACE mod - registered core:sign.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270419] TRACE mod - registered object.sign as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270436] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sirens) at index 92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270478] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:sirens(92)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270497] TRACE mod - registered core:sirens.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270514] TRACE mod - registered object.sirens as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270530] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(skull) at index 151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270734] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::gloryBones(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270756] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.gloryBones as stardust-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270781] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::gloryJaw(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270799] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.gloryJaw as stardust-terrain:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270826] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::glorySkulls(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270843] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.glorySkulls as stardust-terrain:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270877] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::hotaSkulls(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270896] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.hotaSkulls as hota.wastelandterrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270918] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:skull(151)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270936] TRACE mod - registered core:skull.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270952] TRACE mod - registered object.skull as core:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.270968] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271025] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:spellScroll(93)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271044] TRACE mod - registered core:spellScroll.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271062] TRACE mod - registered object.spellScroll as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271079] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stables) at index 94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271235] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:stables(94)::stables(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271256] TRACE mod - registered core:stables.stables as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271272] TRACE mod - registered core:stables.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271291] TRACE mod - registered object.stables as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271307] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(starAxis) at index 61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271378] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:starAxis(61)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271397] TRACE mod - registered core:starAxis.object as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271427] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:starAxis(61)::starAxis(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271444] TRACE mod - registered core:starAxis.starAxis as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271462] TRACE mod - registered core:starAxis.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271479] TRACE mod - registered object.starAxis as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271496] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stump) at index 153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271524] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:stump(153)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271541] TRACE mod - registered core:stump.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271557] TRACE mod - registered object.stump as core:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271573] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanGate) at index 103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271706] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:subterraneanGate(103)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271726] TRACE mod - registered core:subterraneanGate.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271755] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:subterraneanGate(103)::subterraneanGate(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271773] TRACE mod - registered core:subterraneanGate.subterraneanGate as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271792] TRACE mod - registered object.subterraneanGate as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271808] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanRocks) at index 210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271837] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:subterraneanRocks(210)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271855] TRACE mod - registered core:subterraneanRocks.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271871] TRACE mod - registered object.subterraneanRocks as core:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271887] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swampFoliage) at index 211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271914] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:swampFoliage(211)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271932] TRACE mod - registered core:swampFoliage.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271948] TRACE mod - registered object.swampFoliage as core:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.271964] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swanPond) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272011] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:swanPond(14)::swanPond(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272030] TRACE mod - registered core:swanPond.swanPond as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272046] TRACE mod - registered core:swanPond.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272063] TRACE mod - registered object.swanPond as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272081] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tavern) at index 95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272199] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tavern(95)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272220] TRACE mod - registered core:tavern.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272240] TRACE mod - registered object.tavern as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272257] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(temple) at index 96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272330] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:temple(96)::temple(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272350] TRACE mod - registered core:temple.temple as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272367] TRACE mod - registered core:temple.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272385] TRACE mod - registered object.temple as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272401] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(town) at index 98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272426] TRACE mod - registered as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272443] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tradingPost) at index 221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272530] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tradingPost(221)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272550] TRACE mod - registered core:tradingPost.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272569] TRACE mod - registered object.tradingPost as core:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272585] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tradingPostDUPLICATE) at index 99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272626] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:tradingPostDUPLICATE(99)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272645] TRACE mod - registered core:tradingPostDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272662] TRACE mod - registered object.tradingPostDUPLICATE as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272677] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treasureChest) at index 101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272781] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treasureChest(101)::treasureChest(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272801] TRACE mod - registered core:treasureChest.treasureChest as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272818] TRACE mod - registered core:treasureChest.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272837] TRACE mod - registered object.treasureChest as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272854] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treeOfKnowledge) at index 102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272954] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treeOfKnowledge(102)::treeOfKnowledge(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272974] TRACE mod - registered core:treeOfKnowledge.treeOfKnowledge as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.272991] TRACE mod - registered core:treeOfKnowledge.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273011] TRACE mod - registered object.treeOfKnowledge as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273028] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(trees) at index 155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273682] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::glorytrees(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273703] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.glorytrees as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273786] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::hotaRedTrees(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273805] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.hotaRedTrees as hota.mapdecorations:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273855] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::icetrees(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.273872] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.icetrees as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274025] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274044] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274200] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:trees(155)::startrees(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274220] TRACE mod - registered core:trees.startrees as stardust-terrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274249] TRACE mod - registered object.trees as core:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274266] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(treesDUPLICATE) at index 199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274299] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:treesDUPLICATE(199)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274318] TRACE mod - registered core:treesDUPLICATE.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274334] TRACE mod - registered object.treesDUPLICATE as core:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274352] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(university) at index 104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274396] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:university(104)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274414] TRACE mod - registered core:university.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274432] TRACE mod - registered as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274448] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(volcano) at index 158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274554] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:volcano(158)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274572] TRACE mod - registered core:volcano.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274591] TRACE mod - registered object.volcano as core:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274607] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wagon) at index 105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274689] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:wagon(105)::wagon(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274709] TRACE mod - registered core:wagon.wagon as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274725] TRACE mod - registered core:wagon.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274744] TRACE mod - registered object.wagon as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274760] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warMachineFactory) at index 106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274842] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:warMachineFactory(106)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274861] TRACE mod - registered core:warMachineFactory.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274893] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:warMachineFactory(106)::object1(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274911] TRACE mod - registered core:warMachineFactory.object1 as hota.cannon:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274975] TRACE mod - registered object.warMachineFactory as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.274992] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(warriorTomb) at index 108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275081] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:warriorTomb(108)::warriorTomb(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275107] TRACE mod - registered core:warriorTomb.warriorTomb as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275129] TRACE mod - registered core:warriorTomb.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275156] TRACE mod - registered object.warriorTomb as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275179] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterWheel) at index 109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275262] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:waterWheel(109)::waterWheel(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275282] TRACE mod - registered core:waterWheel.waterWheel as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275298] TRACE mod - registered core:waterWheel.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275316] TRACE mod - registered object.waterWheel as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275332] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wateringHole) at index 110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275424] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:wateringHole(110)::wateringHole(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275443] TRACE mod - registered core:wateringHole.wateringHole as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275460] TRACE mod - registered core:wateringHole.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275479] TRACE mod - registered object.wateringHole as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275495] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(whirlpool) at index 111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275531] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:whirlpool(111)::object(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275550] TRACE mod - registered core:whirlpool.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275566] TRACE mod - registered object.whirlpool as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275582] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(windmill) at index 112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275649] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:windmill(112)::windmill(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275668] TRACE mod - registered core:windmill.windmill as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275685] TRACE mod - registered core:windmill.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275702] TRACE mod - registered object.windmill as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275718] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(witchHut) at index 113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275810] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:witchHut(113)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275834] TRACE mod - registered core:witchHut.object as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275869] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:witchHut(113)::witchHut(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275887] TRACE mod - registered core:witchHut.witchHut as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275903] TRACE mod - registered core:witchHut.object as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275921] TRACE mod - registered object.witchHut as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275937] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.275986] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\obstacle.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276218] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.0 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276239] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276276] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.1 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276292] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276325] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.10 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276341] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(100) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276373] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.100 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276388] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(101) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276419] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.101 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276434] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(102) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276465] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.102 as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276481] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(103) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276511] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.103 as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276527] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(104) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276556] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.104 as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276571] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(105) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276603] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.105 as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276618] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(106) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276648] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.106 as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276663] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(107) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276693] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.107 as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276708] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(108) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276738] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.108 as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276753] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(109) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276783] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.109 as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276798] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276829] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.11 as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276844] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(110) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276873] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.110 as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276889] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(111) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276919] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.111 as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276934] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(112) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276963] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.112 as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.276977] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(113) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277007] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.113 as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277022] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(114) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277053] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.114 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277068] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(115) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277102] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.115 as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277118] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(116) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277149] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.116 as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277164] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(117) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277196] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.117 as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277210] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(118) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277243] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.118 as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277258] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(119) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277287] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.119 as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277303] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277339] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.12 as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277355] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(120) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277385] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.120 as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277400] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(121) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277429] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.121 as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277445] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(122) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277477] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.122 as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277492] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(123) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277521] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.123 as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277536] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(124) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277566] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.124 as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277580] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(125) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277610] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.125 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277625] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(126) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277655] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.126 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277670] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(127) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277700] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.127 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277715] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(128) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277745] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.128 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277760] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(129) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277790] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.129 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277804] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277835] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.13 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277850] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(130) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277879] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.130 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277894] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(131) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277924] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.131 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277939] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(132) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277967] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.132 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.277982] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(133) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278013] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.133 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278028] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278059] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.14 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278074] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278109] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.15 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278125] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278156] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.16 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278171] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278201] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.17 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278216] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278247] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.18 as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278261] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278291] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.19 as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278306] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278338] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.2 as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278353] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278385] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.20 as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278401] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278431] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.21 as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278446] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278479] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.22 as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278494] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278522] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.23 as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278537] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278566] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.24 as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278581] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278611] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.25 as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278630] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278662] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.26 as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278677] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278707] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.27 as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278751] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.28 as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278765] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(29) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278795] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.29 as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278810] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278840] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.3 as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278855] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(30) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278885] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.30 as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278899] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(31) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278930] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.31 as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278945] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(32) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278974] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.32 as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.278989] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(33) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279018] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.33 as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279034] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(34) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279064] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.34 as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279079] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(35) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279112] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.35 as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279128] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(36) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279158] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.36 as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(37) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279203] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.37 as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279218] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(38) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279250] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.38 as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279265] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(39) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279296] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.39 as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279311] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279342] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.4 as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279358] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(40) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279387] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.40 as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279401] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(41) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279430] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.41 as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279445] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(42) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279477] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.42 as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279492] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(43) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279521] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.43 as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279535] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(44) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279564] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.44 as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279579] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(45) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279608] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.45 as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279624] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(46) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279654] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.46 as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279669] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(47) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279700] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.47 as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279715] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(48) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279744] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.48 as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279759] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(49) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279789] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.49 as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279804] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279835] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.5 as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279850] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(50) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279880] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.50 as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279894] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(51) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279927] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.51 as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279943] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(52) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279974] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.52 as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.279989] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(53) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280019] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.53 as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280034] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(54) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280065] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.54 as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280080] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(55) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280118] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.55 as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280135] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(56) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280167] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.56 as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280181] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(57) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280211] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.57 as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280225] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(58) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280256] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.58 as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280271] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(59) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280303] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.59 as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280318] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280348] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.6 as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280363] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(60) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280395] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.60 as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280410] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(61) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280440] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.61 as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280456] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(62) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280493] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.62 as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280508] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(63) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280537] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.63 as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280552] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(64) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280582] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.64 as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280597] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(65) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280627] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.65 as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280642] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(66) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280670] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.66 as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280685] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(67) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280714] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.67 as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280729] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(68) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280759] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.68 as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280774] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(69) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280805] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.69 as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280820] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280851] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.7 as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280867] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(70) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280898] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.70 as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280912] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(71) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280943] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.71 as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280958] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(72) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.280989] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.72 as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281003] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(73) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281032] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.73 as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281047] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(74) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281076] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.74 as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281091] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(75) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281126] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.75 as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281142] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(76) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281171] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.76 as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281185] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(77) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281216] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.77 as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281232] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(78) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281264] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.78 as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281279] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(79) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281309] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.79 as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281324] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281354] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.8 as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281369] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(80) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281400] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.80 as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281414] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(81) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281444] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.81 as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281460] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(82) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281491] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.82 as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281506] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(83) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281537] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.83 as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281552] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(84) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281581] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.84 as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281595] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(85) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281624] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.85 as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281639] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(86) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281669] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.86 as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281684] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(87) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281712] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.87 as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281727] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(88) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281756] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.88 as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281771] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(89) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281801] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.89 as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281816] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281846] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.9 as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281861] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(90) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281890] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.90 as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281908] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(iceRiver) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.281950] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\river.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282109] TRACE mod - registered river.iceRiver as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282131] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(lavaRiver) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282162] TRACE mod - registered river.lavaRiver as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282179] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(mudRiver) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282205] TRACE mod - registered river.mudRiver as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282222] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(waterRiver) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282248] TRACE mod - registered river.waterRiver as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282266] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(cobblestoneRoad) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282307] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\road.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282434] TRACE mod - registered road.cobblestoneRoad as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282456] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(dirtRoad) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282480] TRACE mod - registered road.dirtRoad as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282497] TRACE mod - no original data in loadMod(gravelRoad) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282520] TRACE mod - registered road.gravelRoad as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282552] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airMagic) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282595] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\skill.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282769] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282797] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282818] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282844] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill airMagic(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282864] TRACE mod - registered skill.airMagic as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282880] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.airMagic as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282896] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(archery) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282944] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill archery(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282961] TRACE mod - registered skill.archery as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282977] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.archery as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.282993] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armorer) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283036] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill armorer(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283054] TRACE mod - registered skill.armorer as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283069] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.armorer as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283084] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(artillery) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283138] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283157] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.arrowTower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283174] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283207] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283226] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283242] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.arrowTower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283259] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283292] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283310] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.arrowTower' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283343] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283360] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283376] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ballista' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283395] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill artillery(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283411] TRACE mod - registered skill.artillery as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283426] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.artillery as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283442] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(ballistics) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283487] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.catapult' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283506] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.catapultShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.catapult' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283548] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.catapultShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283567] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.catapult' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283583] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.catapultShot' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283604] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill ballistics(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283621] TRACE mod - registered skill.ballistics as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283637] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.ballistics as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283652] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(diplomacy) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283705] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill diplomacy(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283722] TRACE mod - registered skill.diplomacy as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283737] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.diplomacy as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283752] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(eagleEye) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283802] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill eagleEye(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283819] TRACE mod - registered skill.eagleEye as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283834] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.eagleEye as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283850] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthMagic) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283883] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283904] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283923] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283941] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill earthMagic(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283957] TRACE mod - registered skill.earthMagic as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283973] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.earthMagic as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.283988] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(estates) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284042] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284079] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill estates(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284095] TRACE mod - registered skill.estates as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284111] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.estates as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284126] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireMagic) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284159] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284179] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284216] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill fireMagic(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284231] TRACE mod - registered skill.fireMagic as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284247] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.fireMagic as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284262] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(firstAid) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284319] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.firstAidTent' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284338] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284356] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284376] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.firstAidTent' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284393] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284410] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284429] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.firstAidTent' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284451] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284469] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284490] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill firstAid(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284506] TRACE mod - registered skill.firstAid as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284521] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.firstAid as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284537] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(intelligence) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284580] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill intelligence(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284597] TRACE mod - registered skill.intelligence as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284612] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.intelligence as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284627] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(leadership) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284667] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill leadership(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284684] TRACE mod - registered skill.leadership as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284700] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.leadership as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284715] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(learning) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284805] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill learning(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284824] TRACE mod - registered skill.learning as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284839] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.learning as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284854] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(logistics) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284897] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill logistics(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284914] TRACE mod - registered skill.logistics as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284930] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.logistics as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284946] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(luck) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.284983] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill luck(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285000] TRACE mod - registered skill.luck as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285016] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.luck as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285031] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mysticism) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285071] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill mysticism(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285088] TRACE mod - registered skill.mysticism as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285103] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.mysticism as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285119] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(navigation) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285161] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill navigation(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285179] TRACE mod - registered skill.navigation as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285194] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.navigation as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285209] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(necromancy) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285256] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285278] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285299] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285317] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill necromancy(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285332] TRACE mod - registered skill.necromancy as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285348] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.necromancy as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285364] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(offence) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285406] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill offence(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285424] TRACE mod - registered skill.offence as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285439] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.offence as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285456] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(pathfinding) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285503] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill pathfinding(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285525] TRACE mod - registered skill.pathfinding as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285542] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.pathfinding as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285558] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resistance) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285597] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill resistance(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285614] TRACE mod - registered skill.resistance as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285630] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.resistance as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285645] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285684] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill scholar(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285701] TRACE mod - registered skill.scholar as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285716] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.scholar as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285731] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scouting) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285771] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill scouting(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285788] TRACE mod - registered skill.scouting as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285804] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.scouting as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285820] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorcery) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285851] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285872] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285891] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285909] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill sorcery(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285924] TRACE mod - registered skill.sorcery as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285940] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.sorcery as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.285955] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(tactics) at index 19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286003] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill tactics(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286020] TRACE mod - registered skill.tactics as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286035] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.tactics as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286051] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterMagic) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286092] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286114] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286132] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286151] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill waterMagic(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286167] TRACE mod - registered skill.waterMagic as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286183] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.waterMagic as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286198] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(wisdom) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286239] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill wisdom(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286256] TRACE mod - registered skill.wisdom as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286272] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.wisdom as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286332] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(acidBreath) at index 80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286388] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\spell.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286848] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286896] TRACE mod - registered spell.acidBreath as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286916] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(acidBreathDamage) at index 81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.286981] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287012] TRACE mod - registered spell.acidBreathDamage as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287029] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(age) at index 75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287116] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Age [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287154] TRACE mod - registered spell.age as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287171] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287220] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287255] TRACE mod - registered spell.airElemental as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287272] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(airShield) at index 28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287339] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287379] TRACE mod - registered spell.airShield as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287396] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(animateDead) at index 39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287456] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287493] TRACE mod - registered spell.animateDead as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287510] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(antiMagic) at index 34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287584] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287621] TRACE mod - registered spell.antiMagic as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287638] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(armageddon) at index 26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287706] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287741] TRACE mod - registered spell.armageddon as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287759] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(berserk) at index 59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287842] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'courtyard:spell.pacifism' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287878] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'courtyard:spell.pacifism' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'courtyard' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287893] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287927] TRACE mod - registered spell.berserk as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.287945] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bind) at index 72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288029] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bind [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288063] TRACE mod - registered spell.bind as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288080] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bless) at index 41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288161] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bless [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288182] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288217] TRACE mod - registered spell.bless as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288234] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(blind) at index 62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288427] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Blind [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288464] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288486] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288547] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288583] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288630] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288651] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288710] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288746] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288763] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288786] TRACE mod - registered spell.blind as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288803] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(bloodlust) at index 43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288879] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288899] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288922] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288943] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.288999] TRACE mod - registered spell.bloodlust as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289014] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(castleMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289063] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Moat [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289097] TRACE mod - registered spell.castleMoat as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289113] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(castleMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289154] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Moat [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289179] TRACE mod - registered spell.castleMoatTrigger as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289194] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(catapultShot) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289245] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Catapult shot [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289273] TRACE mod - registered spell.catapultShot as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289290] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(chainLightning) at index 19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289372] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289412] TRACE mod - registered spell.chainLightning as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289429] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(clone) at index 65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289482] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Clone [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289516] TRACE mod - registered spell.clone as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289533] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(counterstrike) at index 58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289602] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289640] TRACE mod - registered spell.counterstrike as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289657] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(cure) at index 37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289718] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Cure [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289756] TRACE mod - registered spell.cure as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289775] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(curse) at index 42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289870] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Curse [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289926] TRACE mod - registered spell.curse as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289942] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cyclopsShot) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.289986] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Siege shot [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290014] TRACE mod - registered spell.cyclopsShot as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290031] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathCloud) at index 76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290096] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290126] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathCloud as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290142] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathRipple) at index 24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290212] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290248] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathRipple as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290265] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(deathStare) at index 79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290408] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290440] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathStare as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290458] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(destroyUndead) at index 25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290524] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290559] TRACE mod - registered spell.destroyUndead as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290576] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dimensionDoor) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290625] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290657] TRACE mod - registered spell.dimensionDoor as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290674] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disease) at index 73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290764] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disease [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290790] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290842] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290859] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290875] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290892] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290908] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290926] TRACE mod - registered spell.disease as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.290942] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disguise) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291001] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291038] TRACE mod - registered spell.disguise as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291055] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dispel) at index 35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291128] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291164] TRACE mod - registered spell.dispel as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291181] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dispelHelpful) at index 78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291244] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291273] TRACE mod - registered spell.dispelHelpful as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291343] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(disruptingRay) at index 47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291442] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291494] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291514] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291534] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291552] TRACE mod - registered spell.disruptingRay as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291567] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dungeonMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291615] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boiling Oil [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291646] TRACE mod - registered spell.dungeonMoat as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291662] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dungeonMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291702] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boiling Oil [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291727] TRACE mod - registered spell.dungeonMoatTrigger as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291744] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291790] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291824] TRACE mod - registered spell.earthElemental as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291841] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(earthquake) at index 14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291890] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291923] TRACE mod - registered spell.earthquake as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291940] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.291984] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292015] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireElemental as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292032] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireShield) at index 29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292097] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292140] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireShield as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292158] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireWall) at index 13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292228] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292272] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireWall as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292289] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fireWallTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292330] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292360] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireWallTrigger as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292378] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fireball) at index 21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292447] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292483] TRACE mod - registered spell.fireball as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292499] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(firstAid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292549] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell First Aid [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292577] TRACE mod - registered spell.firstAid as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292594] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fly) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292654] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fly [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292692] TRACE mod - registered as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292709] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(forceField) at index 12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292766] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292813] TRACE mod - registered spell.forceField as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292831] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(forgetfulness) at index 61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292924] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292966] TRACE mod - registered spell.forgetfulness as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.292984] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fortressMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293049] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boiling Tar [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293087] TRACE mod - registered spell.fortressMoat as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293103] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fortressMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293144] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boiling Tar [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293169] TRACE mod - registered spell.fortressMoatTrigger as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293186] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(fortune) at index 51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293263] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293284] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293319] TRACE mod - registered spell.fortune as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293337] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frenzy) at index 56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293409] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293450] TRACE mod - registered spell.frenzy as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293505] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(frostRing) at index 20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293676] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293715] TRACE mod - registered spell.frostRing as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293733] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(haste) at index 53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293811] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Haste [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293831] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293865] TRACE mod - registered spell.haste as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293883] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(hypnotize) at index 60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293964] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.293984] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'courtyard:spell.pacifism' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294000] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'courtyard:spell.pacifism' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'courtyard' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294015] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294049] TRACE mod - registered spell.hypnotize as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294067] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(iceBolt) at index 16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294163] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294203] TRACE mod - registered spell.iceBolt as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294220] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(implosion) at index 18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294287] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294321] TRACE mod - registered spell.implosion as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294338] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294403] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294436] TRACE mod - registered spell.inferno as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294453] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(infernoMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294500] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Lava [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294530] TRACE mod - registered spell.infernoMoat as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294546] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(infernoMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294585] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Lava [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294610] TRACE mod - registered spell.infernoMoatTrigger as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294626] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(landMine) at index 11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294689] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294726] TRACE mod - registered spell.landMine as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294742] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(landMineTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294793] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294828] TRACE mod - registered spell.landMineTrigger as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294846] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lightningBolt) at index 17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294920] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294956] TRACE mod - registered spell.lightningBolt as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.294973] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicArrow) at index 15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295055] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295094] TRACE mod - registered spell.magicArrow as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295111] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(magicMirror) at index 36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295175] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295213] TRACE mod - registered spell.magicMirror as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295231] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(meteorShower) at index 23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295296] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295331] TRACE mod - registered spell.meteorShower as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295349] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(mirth) at index 49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295417] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295437] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sorrow' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295478] TRACE mod - registered spell.mirth as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295497] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(misfortune) at index 52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295591] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295612] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295644] TRACE mod - registered spell.misfortune as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295660] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(necropolisMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295707] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boneyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295738] TRACE mod - registered spell.necropolisMoat as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295754] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(necropolisMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295793] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Boneyard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295818] TRACE mod - registered spell.necropolisMoatTrigger as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295835] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(paralyze) at index 74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295928] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295956] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295976] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.295994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296012] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296029] TRACE mod - registered spell.paralyze as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296046] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(poison) at index 71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296138] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Poison [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296174] TRACE mod - registered spell.poison as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296192] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(prayer) at index 48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296302] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296323] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.confessionSong' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296347] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296385] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296405] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296426] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296464] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296480] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296499] TRACE mod - registered spell.prayer as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296515] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(precision) at index 44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296590] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Precision [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296638] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296695] TRACE mod - registered spell.precision as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296711] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectAir) at index 30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296781] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296828] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296866] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.air' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296884] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectAir as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296901] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectEarth) at index 33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296971] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Earth [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.296996] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297017] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297055] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297074] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectEarth as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297089] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectFire) at index 31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297168] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297194] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297234] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297252] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297271] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectFire as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297287] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(protectWater) at index 32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297358] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Water [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297385] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297406] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'hota.gamebalance' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297463] TRACE mod - registered spell.protectWater as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297480] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(quicksand) at index 10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297529] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297566] TRACE mod - registered spell.quicksand as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297581] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rampartMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297722] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Brambles [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297754] TRACE mod - registered spell.rampartMoat as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297770] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rampartMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297810] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Brambles [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297834] TRACE mod - registered spell.rampartMoatTrigger as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297851] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(removeObstacle) at index 64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297906] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297940] TRACE mod - registered spell.removeObstacle as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.297957] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(resurrection) at index 38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298017] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298056] TRACE mod - registered spell.resurrection as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298073] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sacrifice) at index 40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298128] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298169] TRACE mod - registered spell.sacrifice as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298187] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(scuttleBoat) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298230] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298260] TRACE mod - registered spell.scuttleBoat as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298277] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(shield) at index 27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298344] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Shield [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298383] TRACE mod - registered spell.shield as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298401] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(slayer) at index 55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298478] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298515] TRACE mod - registered spell.slayer as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298533] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(slow) at index 54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298627] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Slow [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298649] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298684] TRACE mod - registered spell.slow as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298702] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sorrow) at index 50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298784] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298804] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298838] TRACE mod - registered spell.sorrow as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298856] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneGaze) at index 70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298957] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.298991] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299014] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299034] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299053] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299071] TRACE mod - registered spell.stoneGaze as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299088] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(stoneSkin) at index 46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299157] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299184] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299205] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299223] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299242] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299260] TRACE mod - registered spell.stoneSkin as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299275] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(strongholdMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299322] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Wooden Spikes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299353] TRACE mod - registered spell.strongholdMoat as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299369] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(strongholdMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299409] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Wooden Spikes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299434] TRACE mod - registered spell.strongholdMoatTrigger as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299452] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(summonBoat) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299494] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299527] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonBoat as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299542] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonDemons) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299585] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Demons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299611] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonDemons as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299628] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(teleport) at index 63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299677] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299710] TRACE mod - registered spell.teleport as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299727] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(thunderbolt) at index 77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299800] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299830] TRACE mod - registered spell.thunderbolt as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299847] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(titanBolt) at index 57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299929] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299967] TRACE mod - registered spell.titanBolt as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.299983] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(towerMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300031] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300062] TRACE mod - registered spell.towerMoat as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300079] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(townPortal) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300120] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300150] TRACE mod - registered spell.townPortal as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300167] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(viewAir) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300207] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell View Air [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300238] TRACE mod - registered spell.viewAir as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300254] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(viewEarth) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300294] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300323] TRACE mod - registered spell.viewEarth as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300339] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(visions) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300407] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Visions [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300452] TRACE mod - registered spell.visions as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300470] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300516] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300549] TRACE mod - registered spell.waterElemental as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300566] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(waterWalk) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300623] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300660] TRACE mod - registered spell.waterWalk as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300677] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(weakness) at index 45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300766] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300788] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300810] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300831] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300850] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300869] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300887] TRACE mod - registered spell.weakness as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300906] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(dirt) at index 0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.300958] TRACE global - loading .\config\schemas\terrain.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301236] TRACE mod - registered terrain.dirt as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301259] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(grass) at index 2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301307] TRACE mod - registered terrain.grass as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301325] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(lava) at index 7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301374] TRACE mod - registered terrain.lava as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301392] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301437] TRACE mod - registered terrain.rock as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301456] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(rough) at index 5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301517] TRACE mod - registered terrain.rough as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301553] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(sand) at index 1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301614] TRACE mod - registered terrain.sand as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301650] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(snow) at index 3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301718] TRACE mod - registered terrain.snow as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301738] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(subterra) at index 6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301782] TRACE mod - registered terrain.subterra as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301800] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(swamp) at index 4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301842] TRACE mod - registered terrain.swamp as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301859] TRACE mod - found original data in loadMod(water) at index 8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301908] TRACE mod - registered terrain.water as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.301924] INFO mod - [DONE] core [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302288] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asphalt) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302323] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.asphalt as asphalt-terrain:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302343] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abbeAssetsRuins) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302434] DEBUG global - Loaded object asphalt-terrain:abbeAssetsRuins(256)::dngnhom1(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302454] TRACE mod - registered asphalt-terrain:abbeAssetsRuins.dngnhom1 as asphalt-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302475] TRACE mod - registered object.abbeAssetsRuins as asphalt-terrain:256 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302490] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abandonedGenerator) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302537] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.abandonedGenerator as asphalt-terrain:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302555] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteHorizontal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302594] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteHorizontal as asphalt-terrain:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302610] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteVertical) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302650] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteVertical as asphalt-terrain:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302666] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(radioactiveCrater) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302703] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.radioactiveCrater as asphalt-terrain:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302719] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBarrels) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302753] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBarrels as asphalt-terrain:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302769] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBush) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302802] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBush as asphalt-terrain:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302817] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandRocks) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302852] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandRocks as asphalt-terrain:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302869] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acidRiver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302898] TRACE mod - registered river.acidRiver as asphalt-terrain:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302915] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asphalt) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302958] TRACE mod - registered terrain.asphalt as asphalt-terrain:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.302973] INFO mod - [DONE] Asphalt terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303369] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthAttackDog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303531] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303555] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303572] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303590] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303607] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303623] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303678] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthAttackDog as cathedral-town:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303696] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthBloodyCouatl) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303849] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303869] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303886] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303903] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303919] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303935] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303952] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303968] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.303984] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304001] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304020] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304039] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304056] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304073] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304091] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304108] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304162] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304180] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304211] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthBloodyCouatl as cathedral-town:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304227] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthCantor) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304423] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304444] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304462] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304478] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304494] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304510] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304559] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304575] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304591] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304608] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304640] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304656] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304727] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cantorShot' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304756] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthCantor as cathedral-town:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304771] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthChasteners) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304916] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304936] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304953] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304969] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.304990] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305008] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305025] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305041] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305058] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305074] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305090] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305107] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305123] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305139] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305155] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305171] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305188] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305205] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305221] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305237] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305300] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.redeem' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305318] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.conviction' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305335] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.angel' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305351] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archangel' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305367] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.punishment' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.punishment' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305409] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthChasteners as cathedral-town:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305425] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthCouatl) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305588] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305605] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305621] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305637] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305653] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305690] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305707] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305754] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305812] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305829] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305845] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305861] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305877] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305924] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.305984] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthCouatl as cathedral-town:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306001] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthEvilHunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306182] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306220] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306235] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306252] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306268] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306284] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306300] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306316] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306332] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306388] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.harpyHag' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306405] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.harpy' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306421] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.medusaQueen' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306436] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.medusa' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306464] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthEvilHunter as cathedral-town:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306480] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthExecutioner) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306628] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306648] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306667] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306701] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306717] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306733] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306749] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306803] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.scratch' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306829] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthExecutioner as cathedral-town:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306844] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthHound) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306972] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.306991] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307008] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307025] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307041] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307057] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307093] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307119] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthHound as cathedral-town:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307135] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthPaladin) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307296] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307316] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307333] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307381] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307397] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307413] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307429] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307470] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307486] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307502] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307538] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307554] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307570] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307586] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307637] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307654] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307670] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307693] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307709] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.temPrayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307726] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307749] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthPaladin as cathedral-town:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307764] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthPunisher) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307917] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307933] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307949] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307965] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.307997] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308012] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308029] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308045] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308077] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308093] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308109] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308125] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308157] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308173] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308208] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.angel' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308286] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.archangel' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308311] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthPunisher as cathedral-town:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308326] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthSexton) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308514] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308535] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308553] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308601] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308632] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308649] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308665] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308681] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308697] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308713] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308745] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308822] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthSexton as cathedral-town:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308838] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthSlayer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.308982] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309002] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309018] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309035] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309051] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309067] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309083] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309099] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309164] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthSlayer as cathedral-town:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309181] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthTemplar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309330] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309350] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309366] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309399] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309415] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309430] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309448] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309464] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309480] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309496] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309512] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309528] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309544] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309560] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309576] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309592] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309608] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309659] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309675] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309698] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309722] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthTemplar as cathedral-town:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309737] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthWitchHunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309909] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309926] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309942] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309958] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.309990] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310009] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310026] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310043] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310107] TRACE mod - registered creature.cthWitchHunter as cathedral-town:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310124] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(saRedFanatic) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310225] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310258] TRACE mod - registered creature.saRedFanatic as cathedral-town:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.310274] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cathedral) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311092] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.blacksmith as cathedral-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311121] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.capitol as cathedral-town:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311145] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.castle as cathedral-town:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311168] TRACE mod - registered as cathedral-town:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311191] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.cityHall as cathedral-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311212] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl1 as cathedral-town:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311233] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl2 as cathedral-town:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311254] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl3 as cathedral-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311277] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl4 as cathedral-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311299] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl5 as cathedral-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311322] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl6 as cathedral-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311344] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingLvl7 as cathedral-town:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311365] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl1 as cathedral-town:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311387] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl2 as cathedral-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311409] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl3 as cathedral-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311431] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl4 as cathedral-town:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311455] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl5 as cathedral-town:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311476] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl6 as cathedral-town:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311499] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl7 as cathedral-town:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311519] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.fort as cathedral-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311541] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311560] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311579] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311597] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.grail as cathedral-town:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311619] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.horde1 as cathedral-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311684] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.horde1Upgr as cathedral-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311710] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.horde2 as cathedral-town:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311732] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.horde2Upgr as cathedral-town:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311753] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.mageGuild1 as cathedral-town:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311774] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.mageGuild2 as cathedral-town:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311795] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.mageGuild3 as cathedral-town:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311817] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.mageGuild4 as cathedral-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311838] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.mageGuild5 as cathedral-town:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311859] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.marketplace as cathedral-town:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311880] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.resourceSilo as cathedral-town:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311901] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.special1 as cathedral-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311925] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.special2 as cathedral-town:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311948] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.special3 as cathedral-town:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311971] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.tavern as cathedral-town:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.311993] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.townHall as cathedral-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.312013] TRACE mod - registered building.cathedral-town:cathedral.villageHall as cathedral-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313077] TRACE mod - registered faction.cathedral as cathedral-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313100] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cthbishop) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313193] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.cthbishop as cathedral-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313210] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(redtemplar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313286] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.redtemplar as cathedral-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313304] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(amanda) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313412] TRACE mod - registered hero.amanda as cathedral-town:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313430] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(brooke) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313514] TRACE mod - registered hero.brooke as cathedral-town:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313531] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(erika) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313602] TRACE mod - registered hero.erika as cathedral-town:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313619] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(helena) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313689] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313709] TRACE mod - registered hero.helena as cathedral-town:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313723] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(kasumi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313791] TRACE mod - registered hero.kasumi as cathedral-town:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313807] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nariko) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313872] TRACE mod - registered hero.nariko as cathedral-town:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313888] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(noli) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313964] TRACE mod - registered hero.noli as cathedral-town:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.313980] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(patricia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314049] TRACE mod - registered hero.patricia as cathedral-town:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314064] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ranin) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314136] TRACE mod - registered hero.ranin as cathedral-town:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314153] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(salvirana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314222] TRACE mod - registered hero.salvirana as cathedral-town:172 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314238] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stefan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314315] TRACE mod - registered hero.stefan as cathedral-town:173 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314333] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(susan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314404] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314424] TRACE mod - registered hero.susan as cathedral-town:174 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314439] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sveneld) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314520] TRACE mod - registered hero.sveneld as cathedral-town:175 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314537] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tarinus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314608] TRACE mod - registered hero.tarinus as cathedral-town:176 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314624] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(volh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314716] TRACE mod - registered hero.volh as cathedral-town:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314730] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vseglas) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314797] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314816] TRACE mod - registered hero.vseglas as cathedral-town:178 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314835] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cantorShot) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314936] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Holy Chant [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314970] TRACE mod - registered spell.cantorShot as cathedral-town:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.314986] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cathedralMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315034] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Plague River [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315063] TRACE mod - registered spell.cathedralMoat as cathedral-town:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315079] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cathedralMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315120] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Plague River [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315144] TRACE mod - registered spell.cathedralMoatTrigger as cathedral-town:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315159] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(confessionSong) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315278] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Confession Song [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315297] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315322] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315379] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315399] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315415] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315434] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315452] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315470] TRACE mod - registered spell.confessionSong as cathedral-town:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315485] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(conviction) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315592] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Conviction [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315635] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315653] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315670] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315690] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315706] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315724] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315805] TRACE mod - registered spell.conviction as cathedral-town:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315820] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(divineRevenge) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315934] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Divine Execution [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315964] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.315982] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316001] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316018] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316054] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316072] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316088] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316107] TRACE mod - registered spell.divineRevenge as cathedral-town:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316122] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(punishment) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316201] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Punishment [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316237] TRACE mod - registered spell.punishment as cathedral-town:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316253] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(redeem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316341] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Redeem [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316378] TRACE mod - registered spell.redeem as cathedral-town:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316393] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(scratch) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316496] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Scratch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316547] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316584] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316603] TRACE mod - registered spell.scratch as cathedral-town:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316618] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(temPrayer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316729] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316755] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316772] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316791] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316807] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316880] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316898] TRACE mod - registered spell.temPrayer as cathedral-town:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.316914] INFO mod - [DONE] Cathedral Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317510] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cAlphawerewolf) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317698] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317716] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317734] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317750] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317766] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317782] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317798] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317815] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317831] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317880] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.317992] TRACE mod - registered creature.cAlphawerewolf as cetatea-town:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318009] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cBalauri) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318174] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318194] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318211] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318227] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318244] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318260] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318292] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318313] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318332] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318348] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318398] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318416] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318432] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318466] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318482] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318498] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318580] TRACE mod - registered creature.cBalauri as cetatea-town:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318597] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cDirewolf) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318778] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318843] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318895] TRACE mod - registered creature.cDirewolf as cetatea-town:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.318911] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cFiercezgriptor) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319082] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319098] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319115] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319132] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319148] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319164] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319180] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319195] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319221] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319240] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319257] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319273] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319320] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319336] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319353] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319422] TRACE mod - registered creature.cFiercezgriptor as cetatea-town:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319438] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cHaiduci) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319604] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319673] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319689] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319705] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319721] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319737] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319753] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319828] TRACE mod - registered creature.cHaiduci as cetatea-town:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319845] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cIele) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319942] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319974] TRACE mod - registered creature.cIele as cetatea-town:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.319989] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cMoroi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320126] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320146] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320163] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320179] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320195] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320212] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320230] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320312] TRACE mod - registered creature.cMoroi as cetatea-town:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320328] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cStrigoi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320467] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320487] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320519] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320536] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320552] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320584] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320636] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320663] TRACE mod - registered creature.cStrigoi as cetatea-town:172 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320678] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cVampire) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320839] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320859] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320876] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320892] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320908] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320925] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320940] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320957] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320973] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.320990] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321006] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321023] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321039] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321055] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321071] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321087] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321156] TRACE mod - registered creature.cVampire as cetatea-town:173 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321174] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cVampirelord) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321341] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321362] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321379] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321395] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321411] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321427] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321461] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321509] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321558] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321574] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321590] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321659] TRACE mod - registered creature.cVampirelord as cetatea-town:174 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321675] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cVoinici) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321874] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321961] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321977] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.321993] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322009] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322025] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322083] TRACE mod - registered creature.cVoinici as cetatea-town:175 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322099] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cWerewolf) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322238] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322259] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322277] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322293] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322310] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322325] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322341] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322358] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322423] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322439] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322457] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322489] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322505] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322577] TRACE mod - registered creature.cWerewolf as cetatea-town:176 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322593] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cWolf) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322749] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322765] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322781] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322797] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322813] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322861] TRACE mod - registered creature.cWolf as cetatea-town:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.322876] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cZgriptor) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323024] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323046] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323063] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323079] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323095] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323112] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323127] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323143] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323162] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323179] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323196] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323212] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323228] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323244] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323260] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323292] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323308] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323375] TRACE mod - registered creature.cZgriptor as cetatea-town:178 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323391] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cZmeu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323470] TRACE mod - registered creature.cZmeu as cetatea-town:179 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323487] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sound) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323515] WARN mod - Data in sound is invalid! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.323868] WARN mod - At Error: Unknown entry found: defend At Error: Unknown entry found: killed At Error: Unknown entry found: move At Error: Unknown entry found: wince At /attack Error: Type mismatch! Expected number At Error: Required entry faction is missing [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324273] TRACE mod - sound json: { // cetatea-town "attack" : "GRDRATTK.wav", // cetatea-town "defend" : "GRDRDFND.wav", // cetatea-town "killed" : "GRDRKILL.wav", // cetatea-town "move" : "GRDRMOVE.wav", // cetatea-town "wince" : "GRDRWNCE.wav" } [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324307] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier '' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod '' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324330] TRACE mod - registered creature.sound as cetatea-town:180 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324350] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stackExperience) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324375] WARN mod - Data in stackExperience is invalid! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324627] WARN mod - At Error: Required entry faction is missing [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324789] TRACE mod - stackExperience json: { } [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324820] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier '' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod '' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324842] TRACE mod - registered creature.stackExperience as cetatea-town:181 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.324859] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cetatea) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325690] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.blacksmith as cetatea-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325720] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.capitol as cetatea-town:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325743] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.castle as cetatea-town:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325764] TRACE mod - registered as cetatea-town:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325787] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.cityHall as cetatea-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325808] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl1 as cetatea-town:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325829] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl2 as cetatea-town:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325851] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl3 as cetatea-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325876] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl4 as cetatea-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325900] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl5 as cetatea-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325923] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl6 as cetatea-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325944] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingLvl7 as cetatea-town:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325966] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl1 as cetatea-town:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.325987] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl2 as cetatea-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326008] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl3 as cetatea-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326030] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl4 as cetatea-town:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326051] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl5 as cetatea-town:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326072] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl6 as cetatea-town:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326093] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl7 as cetatea-town:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326114] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.extraCapitol as cetatea-town:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326135] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.extraCityHall as cetatea-town:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326155] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.extraTownHall as cetatea-town:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326176] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.fort as cetatea-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326203] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.grail as cetatea-town:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326224] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.horde1 as cetatea-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326245] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.horde1Upgr as cetatea-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326266] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.horde2 as cetatea-town:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326286] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.horde2Upgr as cetatea-town:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326306] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.mageGuild1 as cetatea-town:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326328] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.mageGuild2 as cetatea-town:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326349] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.mageGuild3 as cetatea-town:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326370] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.mageGuild4 as cetatea-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326391] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.mageGuild5 as cetatea-town:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326412] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.marketplace as cetatea-town:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326432] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.resourceSilo as cetatea-town:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326455] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.special1 as cetatea-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326477] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.special3 as cetatea-town:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326500] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.tavern as cetatea-town:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326522] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.townHall as cetatea-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.326564] TRACE mod - registered building.cetatea-town:cetatea.villageHall as cetatea-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.327466] TRACE mod - registered faction.cetatea as cetatea-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.327487] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ovate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.327576] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.ovate as cetatea-town:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.327593] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(voivode) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328104] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.voivode as cetatea-town:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328127] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(alicuza) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328215] TRACE mod - registered hero.alicuza as cetatea-town:179 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328232] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(babacloanta) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328313] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328335] TRACE mod - registered hero.babacloanta as cetatea-town:180 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328350] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(brancoveanu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328423] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328444] TRACE mod - registered hero.brancoveanu as cetatea-town:181 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328460] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(decebal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328532] TRACE mod - registered hero.decebal as cetatea-town:182 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328548] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dochia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328622] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'core:spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328644] TRACE mod - registered hero.dochia as cetatea-town:183 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328658] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(elisabeta) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328738] TRACE mod - registered hero.elisabeta as cetatea-town:184 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328755] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ghionaia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328853] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.griffin' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328874] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.roc' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328891] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.royalGriffin' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328907] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.thunderbird' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328924] TRACE mod - registered hero.ghionaia as cetatea-town:185 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.328939] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(greuceanu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329013] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329033] TRACE mod - registered hero.greuceanu as cetatea-town:186 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329048] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(harapalb) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329124] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329145] TRACE mod - registered hero.harapalb as cetatea-town:187 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329160] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(luceafarul) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329276] TRACE mod - registered hero.luceafarul as cetatea-town:188 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329299] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mihaiviteazu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329383] TRACE mod - registered hero.mihaiviteazu as cetatea-town:189 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329399] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pricolici) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329479] TRACE mod - registered hero.pricolici as cetatea-town:190 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329496] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(queenelena) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329571] TRACE mod - registered hero.queenelena as cetatea-town:191 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329587] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(queenmaria) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329676] TRACE mod - registered hero.queenmaria as cetatea-town:192 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329690] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stefanalII) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.prayer' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329781] TRACE mod - registered hero.stefanalII as cetatea-town:193 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329795] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vladtepes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329864] TRACE mod - registered hero.vladtepes as cetatea-town:194 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329886] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cetateaMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329949] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329983] TRACE mod - registered spell.cetateaMoat as cetatea-town:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.329999] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cetateaMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330042] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330067] TRACE mod - registered spell.cetateaMoatTrigger as cetatea-town:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330083] ERROR mod - [FAIL] Cetatea [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330385] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cameraObscuraArtifact) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330469] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cameraObscuraArtifact as courtyard:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330488] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(potionCartArtifact) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330551] TRACE mod - registered artifact.potionCartArtifact as courtyard:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330569] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(apparition) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330760] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330828] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330855] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.ephemeral' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330878] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.animateDead' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330927] TRACE mod - registered creature.apparition as courtyard:182 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.330943] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(arquebusier) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331148] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331169] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331186] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331202] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331218] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331234] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331250] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331266] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331314] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331330] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331346] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331362] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331378] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331394] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331473] TRACE mod - registered creature.arquebusier as courtyard:183 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331492] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(battleDodo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331693] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331709] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331725] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331741] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331757] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331773] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331788] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331804] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331820] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331836] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331852] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331868] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331883] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331900] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331967] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.331985] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332011] TRACE mod - registered creature.battleDodo as courtyard:184 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332026] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cameraObscuraCreature) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332168] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332188] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332204] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332238] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.ageCamera' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332257] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonApparition' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332281] TRACE mod - registered creature.cameraObscuraCreature as courtyard:185 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332297] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(courtCommander) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332412] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.clone' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332445] TRACE mod - registered creature.courtCommander as courtyard:186 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332462] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cupid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332658] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332678] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332695] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332712] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332730] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332747] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332782] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332799] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332814] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332830] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332862] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332879] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332895] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332911] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332927] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332968] TRACE mod - registered creature.cupid as courtyard:187 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.332984] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dodo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333148] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333168] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333185] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333200] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333216] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333233] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333264] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333280] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333296] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333312] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333328] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333344] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333375] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333433] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333483] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333508] TRACE mod - registered creature.dodo as courtyard:188 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333523] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fireNewt) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333692] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333712] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333745] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333777] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333794] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333809] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333825] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333841] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333905] TRACE mod - registered creature.fireNewt as courtyard:189 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.333921] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(gildedHomunculus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334098] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334134] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334150] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334166] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334182] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334272] TRACE mod - registered creature.gildedHomunculus as courtyard:190 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334289] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(graniteCupid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334497] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334514] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334530] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334546] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334561] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334595] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334718] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334739] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334756] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334800] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334817] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334833] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stunAbility' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334918] TRACE mod - registered creature.graniteCupid as courtyard:191 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.334933] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(greaterDodo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335118] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335139] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335155] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335171] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335219] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335235] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335250] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335267] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335315] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335330] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335346] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335453] TRACE mod - registered creature.greaterDodo as courtyard:192 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335470] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(homunculus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335666] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335682] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335701] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335718] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335733] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335749] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335765] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335810] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335844] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335860] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335877] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335894] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335910] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335926] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335943] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335959] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.335989] TRACE mod - registered creature.homunculus as courtyard:193 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336005] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jabberwock) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336163] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336200] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336216] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336232] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336264] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336279] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336295] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336343] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336375] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336393] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336409] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336441] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336459] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336474] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336550] TRACE mod - registered creature.jabberwock as courtyard:194 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336566] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mandrake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336724] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336744] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336760] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336776] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336792] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336823] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336840] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336856] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336871] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336887] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336903] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336963] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.tangleVine' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.336989] TRACE mod - registered creature.mandrake as courtyard:195 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337004] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(monstrousJabberwock) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337173] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337193] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337209] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337225] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337240] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337256] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337272] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337322] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337338] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337354] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337370] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337386] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337402] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337417] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337433] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337467] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337482] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337566] TRACE mod - registered creature.monstrousJabberwock as courtyard:196 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337583] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(musketeer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337763] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337784] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337800] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337816] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337832] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337880] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337943] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337959] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337975] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.337991] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338007] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338080] TRACE mod - registered creature.musketeer as courtyard:197 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338097] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(potionCartCreature) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338227] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338265] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338302] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338329] TRACE mod - registered creature.potionCartCreature as courtyard:198 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338344] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(regalMandrake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338504] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338540] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338556] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338572] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338588] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338604] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338620] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338636] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338652] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338700] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338715] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338731] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338747] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338763] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338840] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.vinesRevive' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338857] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.strangleVine' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338882] TRACE mod - registered creature.regalMandrake as courtyard:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.338896] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(salamander) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339051] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339071] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339087] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339103] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339119] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339137] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339153] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339169] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339185] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339201] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339263] TRACE mod - registered creature.salamander as courtyard:200 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339279] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(strangleVine) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339454] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339491] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339507] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339538] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339601] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339622] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bind' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339652] TRACE mod - registered creature.strangleVine as courtyard:201 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339667] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tangleVine) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339833] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339853] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339869] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339885] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339901] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339917] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339954] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.339973] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bind' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.340003] TRACE mod - registered creature.tangleVine as courtyard:202 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.340019] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(courtyard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341117] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.blacksmith as courtyard:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341149] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.capitol as courtyard:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341173] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.castle as courtyard:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341194] TRACE mod - registered as courtyard:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341217] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.cityHall as courtyard:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341240] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingAltUpLvl5 as courtyard:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341262] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl1 as courtyard:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341283] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl2 as courtyard:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341307] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl3 as courtyard:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341329] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl4 as courtyard:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341350] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl5 as courtyard:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341371] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl6 as courtyard:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341392] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl7 as courtyard:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341414] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl1 as courtyard:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341435] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl2 as courtyard:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341458] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl3 as courtyard:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341479] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl4 as courtyard:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341502] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl5 as courtyard:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341523] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl6 as courtyard:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341546] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl7 as courtyard:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341568] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.fort as courtyard:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341588] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.grail as courtyard:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341611] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1 as courtyard:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341632] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1Upgr as courtyard:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341653] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde2 as courtyard:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341674] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild1 as courtyard:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341694] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild2 as courtyard:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341716] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild3 as courtyard:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341737] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild4 as courtyard:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341758] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild5 as courtyard:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341778] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.marketplace as courtyard:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341799] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.resourceSilo as courtyard:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341824] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special2 as courtyard:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341865] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special3 as courtyard:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341886] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special4 as courtyard:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341908] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.tavern as courtyard:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341929] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.townFountain as courtyard:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341950] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.townHall as courtyard:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.341970] TRACE mod - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.villageHall as courtyard:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.342836] TRACE mod - registered faction.courtyard as courtyard:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.342858] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(aristocrat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.342953] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.aristocrat as courtyard:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.342971] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(philosopher) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343046] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.philosopher as courtyard:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343064] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(00auk) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343174] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343204] TRACE mod - registered hero.00auk as courtyard:195 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343219] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(01caballe) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343332] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343350] TRACE mod - registered hero.01caballe as courtyard:196 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343364] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(02kanim) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343452] TRACE mod - registered hero.02kanim as courtyard:197 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343469] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(03lumiere) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343594] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forceField' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forceField' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343634] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.landMine' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343651] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.quicksand' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.quicksand' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343689] TRACE mod - registered hero.03lumiere as courtyard:198 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343704] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(04dizheel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343789] TRACE mod - registered hero.04dizheel as courtyard:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343806] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(05raphus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343887] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.reconstruction' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343906] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.reconstruction' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343923] TRACE mod - registered hero.05raphus as courtyard:200 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.343937] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(06ophrys) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344030] TRACE mod - registered hero.06ophrys as courtyard:201 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344047] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(07teophrast) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344128] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.ore' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344148] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.wood' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344165] TRACE mod - registered hero.07teophrast as courtyard:202 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344180] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(08audred) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344256] TRACE mod - registered hero.08audred as courtyard:203 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344272] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(09migdigravia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344364] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonApparition' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344387] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonApparition' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344406] TRACE mod - registered hero.09migdigravia as courtyard:204 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344420] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10vogundessi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344505] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344525] TRACE mod - registered hero.10vogundessi as courtyard:205 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344540] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11nefefareen) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344654] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationCurse' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344678] TRACE mod - registered hero.11nefefareen as courtyard:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344693] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12hanester) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344781] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344806] TRACE mod - registered hero.12hanester as courtyard:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344822] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13dictamnus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344903] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344924] TRACE mod - registered hero.13dictamnus as courtyard:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.344938] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14zana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345016] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dimensionDoor' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345036] TRACE mod - registered hero.14zana as courtyard:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345050] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15zazzerpan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345138] TRACE mod - registered hero.15zazzerpan as courtyard:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345158] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ageCamera) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345240] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Age [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345274] TRACE mod - registered spell.ageCamera as courtyard:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345289] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(courtyardMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345336] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345366] TRACE mod - registered spell.courtyardMoat as courtyard:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345381] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(courtyardMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345421] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345445] TRACE mod - registered spell.courtyardMoatTrigger as courtyard:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345462] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deathGrasp) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345558] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Grasp [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.345588] ERROR global - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346111] ERROR global - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346338] ERROR global - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346509] ERROR global - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346677] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathGrasp as courtyard:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346693] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dragonPotion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346855] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dragon Drought [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346910] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationCurse' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346933] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346950] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationCurse' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346972] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.346989] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationCurse' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347027] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationCurse' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347046] TRACE mod - registered spell.dragonPotion as courtyard:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347061] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(enchantedWeapon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347166] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Enchanted Weapon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347209] TRACE mod - registered spell.enchantedWeapon as courtyard:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347225] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ephemeral) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347325] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ephemeral [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347354] ERROR global - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347598] ERROR global - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347763] ERROR global - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.347919] ERROR global - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348077] TRACE mod - registered spell.ephemeral as courtyard:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348093] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(etheralPotion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348197] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Etheral Extract [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348231] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348249] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348275] TRACE mod - registered spell.etheralPotion as courtyard:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348290] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(immolationCurse) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348376] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Immolation [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348405] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348566] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348730] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.348891] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349046] TRACE mod - registered spell.immolationCurse as courtyard:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349061] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(immolationDamage) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349152] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Immolation [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349178] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349340] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349499] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349654] ERROR global - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349811] TRACE mod - registered spell.immolationDamage as courtyard:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349826] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pacifism) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349960] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Pacifism [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.349995] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350043] TRACE mod - registered spell.pacifism as courtyard:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350059] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(potionSupply) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350183] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Potion Supply [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350206] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.regenerationPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350225] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weaponPoisonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350243] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dragonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350260] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.regenerationPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weaponPoisonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350293] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dragonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.regenerationPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350330] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.toughnessPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350346] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weaponPoisonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350363] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dragonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350379] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.etheralPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350395] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.regenerationPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350411] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.toughnessPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350428] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weaponPoisonPotion' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350447] TRACE mod - registered spell.potionSupply as courtyard:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350467] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(quagmire) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350584] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Quagmire [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350628] TRACE mod - registered spell.quagmire as courtyard:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350644] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(quickStrikes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350751] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Flurry of Strikes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350798] TRACE mod - registered spell.quickStrikes as courtyard:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350814] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(reconstruction) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350906] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Reconstruction [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350947] TRACE mod - registered spell.reconstruction as courtyard:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.350963] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(regenerationPotion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351070] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Regeneration Potion [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351099] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351121] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351180] TRACE mod - registered spell.regenerationPotion as courtyard:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351195] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stunAbility) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351285] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Stun [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351323] TRACE mod - registered spell.stunAbility as courtyard:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351339] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonApparition) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351380] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Apparition [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351407] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonApparition as courtyard:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351423] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(toughnessPotion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351527] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Toughness Tonic [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351561] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.potionSupply' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351608] TRACE mod - registered spell.toughnessPotion as courtyard:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351623] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vinesRevive) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351711] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Regrowth [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351742] TRACE mod - registered spell.vinesRevive as courtyard:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351759] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(weaponPoisonPotion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351860] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Vial of Poison [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351888] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351909] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351964] TRACE mod - registered spell.weaponPoisonPotion as courtyard:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.351980] INFO mod - [DONE] Courtyard town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352142] INFO mod - [DONE] Creatures' Hidden Potential [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352296] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nightFalcon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352356] TRACE mod - registered artifact.nightFalcon as grove:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352374] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(amethystdragon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352650] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352671] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352688] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352704] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352720] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352736] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352752] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352767] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352799] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352855] TRACE mod - registered creature.amethystdragon as grove:203 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.352870] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(armedfaun) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353119] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353140] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353156] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353172] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353218] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353235] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353251] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353266] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353315] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353333] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353381] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353396] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353412] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353427] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353460] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353476] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353491] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353507] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353522] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353537] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353554] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353569] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353601] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353649] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353665] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353681] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353697] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353713] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353745] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.battleDwarf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353781] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353818] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353834] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353861] TRACE mod - registered creature.armedfaun as grove:204 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.353876] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(basiliskchampion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354153] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354174] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354190] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354207] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354224] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354241] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354257] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354272] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354320] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354337] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354353] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354369] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354384] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354416] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354434] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354466] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.silverPegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354498] TRACE mod - registered creature.basiliskchampion as grove:205 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354514] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(basiliskrider) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354748] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354770] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354787] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354803] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354820] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354835] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354851] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354867] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354884] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354902] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pegasus' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354933] TRACE mod - registered creature.basiliskrider as grove:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.354948] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(elderdruid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355221] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355238] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355254] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355270] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355287] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355303] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355318] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355340] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355367] TRACE mod - registered creature.elderdruid as grove:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355383] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(faun) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355589] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355610] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355626] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355688] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355704] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355720] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355736] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355752] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355767] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355782] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355798] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355815] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355831] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355847] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355862] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355878] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355895] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355965] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pixie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.355981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sprite' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356005] TRACE mod - registered creature.faun as grove:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356021] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(groveguard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356262] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356299] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356315] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356331] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356347] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356362] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356379] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356395] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356411] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356435] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356465] TRACE mod - registered creature.groveguard as grove:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356481] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grovekeeper) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356723] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.shield' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356760] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356776] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356792] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356809] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356825] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356841] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356857] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356873] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356889] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaur' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356905] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356921] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.356989] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357026] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357042] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357058] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357074] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357090] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357106] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.centaurCaptain' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357158] TRACE mod - registered creature.grovekeeper as grove:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357173] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(moonhunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357414] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357434] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357452] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357468] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357484] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357500] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357516] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357531] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357547] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357563] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357580] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357597] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357613] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357629] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357680] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357713] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357729] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357776] TRACE mod - registered creature.moonhunter as grove:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.357792] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(moonslayer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358034] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358058] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358076] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358092] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358109] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358125] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358157] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358172] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358189] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.woodElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358205] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358221] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358237] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358253] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358285] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358301] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358317] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358333] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.grandElf' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358399] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358415] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358431] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358467] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358483] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358499] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358515] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358551] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358579] TRACE mod - registered creature.moonslayer as grove:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358594] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nightFalcon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358791] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358813] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358832] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358885] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358909] TRACE mod - registered creature.nightFalcon as grove:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.358925] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nightdruid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359170] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359220] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359236] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359252] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359285] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359301] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359317] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359389] TRACE mod - registered creature.nightdruid as grove:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359409] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nightstalker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cure' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359632] TRACE mod - registered creature.nightstalker as grove:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359647] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(quartzdragon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359932] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359953] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359969] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.359985] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360001] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360017] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360033] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360048] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360064] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360080] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360106] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360134] TRACE mod - registered creature.quartzdragon as grove:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360151] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(saphiredragon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360407] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360427] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360461] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360528] TRACE mod - registered creature.saphiredragon as grove:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360544] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spiderprincess) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360844] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360860] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360876] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360892] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360909] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360926] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360942] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360958] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360975] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.360992] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361008] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361025] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361041] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361057] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361072] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361089] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361105] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361121] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361137] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361189] TRACE mod - registered creature.spiderprincess as grove:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361205] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spiderqueen) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361481] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361503] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361537] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361553] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361601] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361650] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361718] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361736] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361752] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361768] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361783] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361799] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361815] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361831] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.masterGenie' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361847] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361862] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361878] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361893] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361909] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361925] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361940] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361955] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361971] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.361987] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.naga' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362011] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362028] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362056] TRACE mod - registered creature.spiderqueen as grove:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362072] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(treebeard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362417] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362439] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362457] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362490] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362506] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362522] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362538] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362554] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362571] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362648] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362664] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362680] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362712] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362728] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362744] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.dendroidGuard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362777] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362803] TRACE mod - registered creature.treebeard as grove:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.362820] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grove) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.363895] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.blacksmith as grove:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.363925] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.capitol as grove:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.363947] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.castle as grove:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.363968] TRACE mod - registered as grove:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.363990] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.cityHall as grove:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364011] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl1 as grove:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364032] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl2 as grove:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364054] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl3 as grove:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364075] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl4 as grove:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364097] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl5 as grove:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364118] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl6 as grove:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364141] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl7 as grove:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364164] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUp2Lvl7 as grove:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364187] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl1 as grove:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364207] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl2 as grove:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364229] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl3 as grove:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364251] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl4 as grove:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364272] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl5 as grove:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364292] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl6 as grove:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364313] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl7 as grove:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364333] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.fort as grove:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364356] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364375] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364394] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonTreebeard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364411] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.grail as grove:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364434] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.horde1 as grove:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364457] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.horde1Upgr as grove:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364478] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild1 as grove:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364500] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild2 as grove:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364521] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild3 as grove:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364542] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild4 as grove:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364562] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild5 as grove:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364582] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.marketplace as grove:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364603] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.resourceSilo as grove:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364624] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.ship as grove:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364644] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.shipyard as grove:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364667] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.special1 as grove:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364690] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.special2 as grove:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364711] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.special3 as grove:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364734] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.tavern as grove:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364754] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.townHall as grove:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.364774] TRACE mod - registered building.grove:grove.villageHall as grove:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365724] TRACE mod - registered faction.grove as grove:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365747] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365836] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.hunter as grove:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365854] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(warden) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365930] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.warden as grove:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.365948] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(01kyorlin) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366040] TRACE mod - registered hero.01kyorlin as grove:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366057] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(02mrimm) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366146] TRACE mod - registered hero.02mrimm as grove:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366164] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(03shebali) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366240] TRACE mod - registered hero.03shebali as grove:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366256] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(04ultrin) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366342] TRACE mod - registered hero.04ultrin as grove:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366361] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(05phindara) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366447] TRACE mod - registered hero.05phindara as grove:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366464] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(06malla) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366541] TRACE mod - registered hero.06malla as grove:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366559] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(07sithyrr) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366641] TRACE mod - registered hero.07sithyrr as grove:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366658] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(08sargh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.ore' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.wood' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366779] TRACE mod - registered hero.08sargh as grove:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366794] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10suliss) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366880] TRACE mod - registered hero.10suliss as grove:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366898] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11wanre) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366979] TRACE mod - registered hero.11wanre as grove:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.366998] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12vlos) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367083] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'core:spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367106] TRACE mod - registered hero.12vlos as grove:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367121] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13velkyn) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367208] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367229] TRACE mod - registered hero.13velkyn as grove:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367244] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14ssin) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367332] TRACE mod - registered hero.14ssin as grove:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367349] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15velve) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367433] TRACE mod - registered hero.15velve as grove:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367452] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16olath) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367534] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367554] TRACE mod - registered hero.16olath as grove:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367569] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(artehel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonTreebeard' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367667] TRACE mod - registered hero.artehel as grove:226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367681] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tuidhana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367768] TRACE mod - registered hero.tuidhana as grove:227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367791] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(groveMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367861] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367899] TRACE mod - registered spell.groveMoat as grove:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367914] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(groveMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367957] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367982] TRACE mod - registered spell.groveMoatTrigger as grove:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.367997] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonTreebeard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368082] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Treebeard [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368118] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonTreebeard as grove:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368136] INFO mod - [DONE] Grove town (Trith edition) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368391] INFO mod - [SKIP] Horn of the Abyss [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368642] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nhHalfling) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368771] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368806] TRACE mod - registered creature.nhHalfling as neutral-heroes:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368823] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(drifterF) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368912] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.drifterF as neutral-heroes:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.368930] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(drifterM) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369014] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.drifterM as neutral-heroes:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369033] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ernest) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369143] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369167] TRACE mod - registered hero.ernest as neutral-heroes:228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369181] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(kharnus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369290] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.ore' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369309] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.wood' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369326] TRACE mod - registered hero.kharnus as neutral-heroes:229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369341] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(melfis) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369424] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369442] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369458] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.gog' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.magog' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369491] TRACE mod - registered hero.melfis as neutral-heroes:230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369505] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(orma) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369607] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369628] TRACE mod - registered hero.orma as neutral-heroes:231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369642] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(oshmar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369733] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cure' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369754] TRACE mod - registered hero.oshmar as neutral-heroes:232 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369768] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(romires) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369865] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369888] TRACE mod - registered hero.romires as neutral-heroes:233 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.369902] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(xanthus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370002] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonIronGolem' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370038] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonStoneGolem' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370055] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonIronGolem' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370071] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonStoneGolem' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370090] TRACE mod - registered hero.xanthus as neutral-heroes:234 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370105] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(zarantiri) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'neutral-heroes' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370219] TRACE mod - registered hero.zarantiri as neutral-heroes:235 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370236] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonIronGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370283] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Iron Golems [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370311] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonIronGolem as neutral-heroes:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370326] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonStoneGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370372] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Stone Golems [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370401] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonStoneGolem as neutral-heroes:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370420] INFO mod - [DONE] Neutral Heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370600] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(confusion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370726] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Confusion [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370773] TRACE mod - registered spell.confusion as new-old-spells-plus:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370791] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deepFreeze) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370907] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Deep Freeze [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370954] TRACE mod - registered spell.deepFreeze as new-old-spells-plus:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.370971] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dragonStrength) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371088] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dragon Strength [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371141] TRACE mod - registered spell.dragonStrength as new-old-spells-plus:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371158] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(levitation) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371261] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Levitation [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371304] TRACE mod - registered spell.levitation as new-old-spells-plus:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371320] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(oh3Fear) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371439] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fear [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371487] TRACE mod - registered spell.oh3Fear as new-old-spells-plus:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371503] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(puppetMaster) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371611] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Puppet Master [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371655] TRACE mod - registered spell.puppetMaster as new-old-spells-plus:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371671] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vampirism) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371775] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Vampirism [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371819] TRACE mod - registered spell.vampirism as new-old-spells-plus:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371836] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vigour) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371936] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Vigour [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371977] TRACE mod - registered spell.vigour as new-old-spells-plus:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.371993] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(waspSwarm) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372103] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Wasp Swarm [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372148] TRACE mod - registered spell.waspSwarm as new-old-spells-plus:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372165] INFO mod - [DONE] New Old Spells+ [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372329] INFO mod - [DONE] New terrains pack [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372485] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcAhriman) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372621] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsSigu' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsHolybreaker' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372678] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcAhriman as refugeetown:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372694] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcAngraMainyu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsSigu' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsHolybreaker' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372858] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcAngraMainyu as refugeetown:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372874] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcCommander) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.372983] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsAmad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373014] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcCommander as refugeetown:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373029] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcDaeva) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373177] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.age' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373196] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373232] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373249] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373265] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.curse' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373281] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373296] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373312] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.implosion' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373343] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373375] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373392] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373408] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dispelHelpful' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373430] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373445] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373461] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.implosion' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373492] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.lightningBolt' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373523] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcDaeva as refugeetown:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373539] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcDiamondGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373630] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373657] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcDiamondGolem as refugeetown:226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373672] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcEnchanter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373798] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373817] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373833] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373879] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373904] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcEnchanter as refugeetown:227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.373919] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcFleshGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374028] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcFleshGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374055] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcFleshGolem as refugeetown:228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374072] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcGoldGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374188] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcGoldGolem as refugeetown:229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374204] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcHorseBlack) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374302] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.unicorn' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374320] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.warUnicorn' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374345] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcHorseBlack as refugeetown:230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374361] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcHorseFire) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.unicorn' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374472] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.warUnicorn' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374497] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcHorseFire as refugeetown:231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374513] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcNomad) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374597] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'terrain.sand' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374623] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcNomad as refugeetown:232 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374638] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcRogue) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374743] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcRogue as refugeetown:233 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374760] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcSagit) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374873] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcSagit as refugeetown:234 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374891] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcSharp) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.374996] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcSharp as refugeetown:235 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375013] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcSorceress) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375119] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disease' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375138] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375165] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcSorceress as refugeetown:236 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375180] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcSpy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375291] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcSpy as refugeetown:237 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375308] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgcVagabond) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375391] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'terrain.sand' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375418] TRACE mod - registered creature.rfgcVagabond as refugeetown:238 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.375434] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(refugee) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376402] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.blacksmith as refugeetown:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376432] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.capitol as refugeetown:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376455] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.castle as refugeetown:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376478] TRACE mod - registered as refugeetown:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376500] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.cityHall as refugeetown:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376522] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl1 as refugeetown:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376543] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl2 as refugeetown:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376564] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl3 as refugeetown:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376587] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl4 as refugeetown:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376625] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl5 as refugeetown:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376652] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl6 as refugeetown:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376675] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl7 as refugeetown:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376697] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl1 as refugeetown:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376719] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl2 as refugeetown:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376741] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl3 as refugeetown:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376763] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl4 as refugeetown:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376786] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl5 as refugeetown:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376808] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl6 as refugeetown:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376830] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl7 as refugeetown:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376852] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.fort as refugeetown:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376874] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsDaeva' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376893] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.grail as refugeetown:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376915] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2 as refugeetown:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376937] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2Upgr as refugeetown:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376958] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild1 as refugeetown:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.376979] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild2 as refugeetown:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377000] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild3 as refugeetown:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377021] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild4 as refugeetown:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377041] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild5 as refugeetown:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377062] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.marketplace as refugeetown:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377083] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.resourceSilo as refugeetown:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377104] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special1 as refugeetown:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377125] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special2 as refugeetown:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377146] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special3 as refugeetown:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377170] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.tavern as refugeetown:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377192] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.townHall as refugeetown:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377212] TRACE mod - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.villageHall as refugeetown:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.377990] TRACE mod - registered faction.refugee as refugeetown:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378011] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghcEnchanter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378098] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.rfghcEnchanter as refugeetown:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378116] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghcWanderer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378187] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.rfghcWanderer as refugeetown:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378205] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghAran) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378331] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378364] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378422] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghAran as refugeetown:236 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378437] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghAreman) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378533] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378553] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378569] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378584] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378633] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghAreman as refugeetown:237 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378648] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghAria) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378745] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378765] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378781] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378796] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378812] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378828] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378843] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378862] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghAria as refugeetown:238 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378876] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghAzar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378970] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.378989] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379004] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379020] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379051] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379069] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghAzar as refugeetown:239 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379083] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghBhemnesh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379178] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379197] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379213] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379228] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379244] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379261] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379279] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rfgcFleshGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379297] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghBhemnesh as refugeetown:240 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379311] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghKeyvan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379410] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379430] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379491] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379515] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379531] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsNamburbi' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379548] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsSiguP' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379566] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghKeyvan as refugeetown:241 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379580] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghKiana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379695] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379711] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379726] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379741] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379758] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379777] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghKiana as refugeetown:242 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379791] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghLeyla) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379885] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379904] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379924] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379941] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379956] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379971] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.379987] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380004] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghLeyla as refugeetown:243 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380018] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghMahyar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380111] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380130] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380146] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380164] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380181] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380197] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380215] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghMahyar as refugeetown:244 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380229] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghMithra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380320] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380355] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380370] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380386] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380402] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380419] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghMithra as refugeetown:245 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380434] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghNiusha) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380528] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380547] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380562] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380578] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380594] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380609] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380629] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghNiusha as refugeetown:246 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380644] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghReza) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380735] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380754] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380770] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380801] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380817] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380834] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghReza as refugeetown:247 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380849] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghShayan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380965] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.380997] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381013] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381122] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381144] ERROR mod - Error: invalid limiter type TEAM_PROPAGATOR. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381312] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghShayan as refugeetown:248 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381328] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghSierra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381433] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381470] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381486] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381501] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381517] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381533] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'core:spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381553] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghSierra as refugeetown:249 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381568] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghSoraya) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381664] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381700] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381716] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381732] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381747] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381767] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghSoraya as refugeetown:250 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381782] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfghYemapel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381878] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.diamondGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.enchanter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381913] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.goldGolem' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.nomad' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381944] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.rogue' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381959] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.sharpshooter' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381977] TRACE mod - registered hero.rfghYemapel as refugeetown:251 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.381996] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsAmad) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382092] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Amad [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382135] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsAmad as refugeetown:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382151] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsDaeva) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382235] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Daeva [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382273] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsDaeva as refugeetown:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382288] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsEmet) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382371] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Emet [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382409] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsEmet as refugeetown:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382425] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsHolybreaker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382549] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Holy Breaker [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382595] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsHolybreaker as refugeetown:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382611] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsMet) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382698] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Met [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382735] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsMet as refugeetown:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382751] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382799] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382829] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsMoat as refugeetown:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382844] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382884] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382908] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsMoatTrigger as refugeetown:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.382923] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsNamburbi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383036] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Nambúrbi [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383058] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsSiguP' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383107] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsNamburbi as refugeetown:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383123] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsSigu) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383229] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Šigû [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383250] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsNamburbi' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383283] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsSigu as refugeetown:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383298] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rfgsSiguP) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383396] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Šigû [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383416] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rfgsNamburbi' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383455] TRACE mod - registered spell.rfgsSiguP as refugeetown:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383472] INFO mod - [DONE] Refugee Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383629] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fieldGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383673] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.fieldGlory as stardust-terrain:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383689] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383718] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.stardust as stardust-terrain:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383736] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starBottle) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383833] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starBottle(257)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383854] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starBottle.object as stardust-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383875] TRACE mod - registered object.starBottle as stardust-terrain:257 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383889] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starDancer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383959] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starDancer(258)::starDancer(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383979] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starDancer.starDancer as stardust-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.383998] TRACE mod - registered object.starDancer as stardust-terrain:258 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384013] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starFlake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384090] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starFlake(259)::starFlake(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384110] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starFlake.starFlake as stardust-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384129] TRACE mod - registered object.starFlake as stardust-terrain:259 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384143] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starMirror) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384213] DEBUG global - Loaded object stardust-terrain:starMirror(260)::starMirror(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384233] TRACE mod - registered stardust-terrain:starMirror.starMirror as stardust-terrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384252] TRACE mod - registered object.starMirror as stardust-terrain:260 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384270] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abandonedGenerator) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384316] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.abandonedGenerator as stardust-terrain:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384332] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteHorizontal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384372] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteHorizontal as stardust-terrain:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384387] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteVertical) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384426] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteVertical as stardust-terrain:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384441] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg001) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384481] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg001 as stardust-terrain:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384497] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg002) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384531] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg002 as stardust-terrain:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384546] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg003) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384582] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg003 as stardust-terrain:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384597] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg004) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384632] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg004 as stardust-terrain:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384647] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg005) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384681] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg005 as stardust-terrain:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384697] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg006) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384755] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg006 as stardust-terrain:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384773] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(radioactiveCrater) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384821] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.radioactiveCrater as stardust-terrain:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384842] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustLake15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384882] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustLake15 as stardust-terrain:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384897] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBarrels) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384934] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBarrels as stardust-terrain:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384949] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandBush) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384983] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandBush as stardust-terrain:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.384999] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wastelandRocks) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385032] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.wastelandRocks as stardust-terrain:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385049] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starRiver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385075] TRACE mod - registered river.starRiver as stardust-terrain:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385091] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fieldGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385135] WARN mod - Data in fieldGlory is invalid! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385289] WARN mod - At /type/0 Error: Key must have one of predefined values [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385472] TRACE mod - fieldGlory json: { // stardust-terrain "battleFields" : [ "fieldGlory" ], // stardust-terrain "horseSound" : "horse07", // stardust-terrain "horseSoundPenalty" : "horse20", // stardust-terrain "minimapBlocked" : [ 121, 28, 3 ], // stardust-terrain "minimapUnblocked" : [ 155, 46, 13 ], // stardust-terrain "moveCost" : 100, // stardust-terrain "music" : "stardust\/FieldGlory Theme", // stardust-terrain "river" : "mudRiver", // stardust-terrain "rockTerrain" : "rock", // stardust-terrain "shortIdentifier" : "fg", // stardust-terrain "text" : "Field of Glory", // stardust-terrain "tiles" : "stardust\/FOGLTL", // stardust-terrain "type" : [ "LAND", "SURFACE" ] } [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385509] TRACE mod - registered terrain.fieldGlory as stardust-terrain:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385525] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385572] TRACE mod - registered terrain.stardust as stardust-terrain:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385588] ERROR mod - [FAIL] Stardust and Fields of Glory terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385745] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(armyHaste) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385848] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Army Haste [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385869] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armyHaste' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385910] TRACE mod - registered spell.armyHaste as test-map-spells-mod:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.385926] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(armyPrayer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386015] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Army Prayer [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386035] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armyPrayer' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386071] TRACE mod - registered spell.armyPrayer as test-map-spells-mod:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386087] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(borrowedPower) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386174] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Borrowed Power [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386193] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.borrowedPower' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386227] TRACE mod - registered spell.borrowedPower as test-map-spells-mod:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386243] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(charmingTalks) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386326] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Charming Talks [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386345] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.charmingTalks' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386379] TRACE mod - registered spell.charmingTalks as test-map-spells-mod:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386394] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(darkness) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386480] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Darkness [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386499] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.darkness' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386533] TRACE mod - registered spell.darkness as test-map-spells-mod:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386549] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadLuck) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386644] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dead Luck [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386662] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deadLuck' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386702] TRACE mod - registered spell.deadLuck as test-map-spells-mod:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386717] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deathCall) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386807] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Call [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathCall' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386861] TRACE mod - registered spell.deathCall as test-map-spells-mod:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386877] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(demonicPower) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386960] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Demonic Power [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.386978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.demonicPower' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387016] TRACE mod - registered spell.demonicPower as test-map-spells-mod:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387032] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(demonsRising) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387119] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Demons Rising [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387138] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.demonsRising' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387159] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.demon' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387179] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.demon' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.demon' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387217] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.hornedDemon' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387236] TRACE mod - registered spell.demonsRising as test-map-spells-mod:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387252] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dwarvenLuck) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387339] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Dwarven Luck [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.dwarvenLuck' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387392] TRACE mod - registered spell.dwarvenLuck as test-map-spells-mod:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387408] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(empathy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387493] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Empathy [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387512] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.empathy' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387546] TRACE mod - registered spell.empathy as test-map-spells-mod:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387561] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fairWind) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387644] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fair Wind [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fairWind' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387701] TRACE mod - registered spell.fairWind as test-map-spells-mod:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387717] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(freeShipBoarding) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387801] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Free Ship Boarding [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387820] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.freeShipBoarding' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387855] TRACE mod - registered spell.freeShipBoarding as test-map-spells-mod:172 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387870] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(gryphonEye) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387955] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Gryphon Eye [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.387974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.gryphonEye' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388008] TRACE mod - registered spell.gryphonEye as test-map-spells-mod:173 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388024] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(heraldOfDeath) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388107] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Herald Of Death [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388126] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.heraldOfDeath' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388163] TRACE mod - registered spell.heraldOfDeath as test-map-spells-mod:174 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388178] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(holdGround) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388263] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Hold Ground [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.holdGround' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388316] TRACE mod - registered spell.holdGround as test-map-spells-mod:175 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388333] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mindCleanse) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388416] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Mind Cleanse [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388435] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mindCleanse' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388458] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388497] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388516] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388534] TRACE mod - registered spell.mindCleanse as test-map-spells-mod:176 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388549] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nirvana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388631] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Nirvana [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388649] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.nirvana' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388684] TRACE mod - registered spell.nirvana as test-map-spells-mod:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388701] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(penetratingStrike) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388808] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Penetrating Strike [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388829] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.penetratingStrike' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388864] TRACE mod - registered spell.penetratingStrike as test-map-spells-mod:178 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388879] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(powerOfStone) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388962] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Power Of Stone [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.388981] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.powerOfStone' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389017] TRACE mod - registered spell.powerOfStone as test-map-spells-mod:179 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389033] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(resistanceAura) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389121] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Resistance Aura [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389140] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resistanceAura' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389175] TRACE mod - registered spell.resistanceAura as test-map-spells-mod:180 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389191] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(totalEclipse) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389279] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Total Eclipse [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.totalEclipse' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389332] TRACE mod - registered spell.totalEclipse as test-map-spells-mod:181 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389348] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(whirlpoolProtection) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389433] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Whirlpool Protection [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389472] TRACE mod - registered spell.whirlpoolProtection as test-map-spells-mod:182 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389488] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wingsOfAngel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389580] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Wings of Angel [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389599] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.wingsOfAngel' defined in mod 'test-map-spells-mod' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389634] TRACE mod - registered spell.wingsOfAngel as test-map-spells-mod:183 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389650] INFO mod - [DONE] New Adventure map spells [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389811] INFO mod - [SKIP] Towns new views [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.389960] INFO mod - [DONE] Unlucky ones [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390111] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM0k) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390209] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2a) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390244] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2b) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390282] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2b(2)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390321] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2c) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390396] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2f) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390440] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2f(2)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390477] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2h) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390514] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2h(2)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390548] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2i) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390582] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM2i(2)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390616] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390672] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(2)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390719] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(3)) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390766] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SB0b) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390816] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SB0c) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390867] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(3SM3d) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390925] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0d) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.390976] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0f) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391018] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM0g) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391074] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(4SM4e) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391144] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5SB0a) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391203] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(5SB0b) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391244] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6LM10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391344] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6LM10a) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391434] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0b) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391481] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0d) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391517] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(6SM0e) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391583] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7SB0b) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391626] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(7SB0c) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391665] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM0e) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391711] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391798] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8MM6a) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391894] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8SM0c) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.391962] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8SM0f) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392012] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392160] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM12a) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392271] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(8XM8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392416] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Around A Marsh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392492] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392566] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance M) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392625] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Balance XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392701] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392750] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster M) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392796] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392845] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Clash of Dragons) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.392949] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Coldshadow's Fantasy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393027] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Cube) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393081] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Diamond) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393154] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Dwarven Tunnels) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393229] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme II L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393292] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme II XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393350] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393410] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Extreme XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393470] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Fear) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393544] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Frozen Dragons) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393635] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Gimlis Revenge) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393676] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Golems Aplenty) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393717] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Guerilla) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393816] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Headquarters) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393880] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(HyperCube) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.393973] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Jebus Cross) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394010] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Long Run M) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394060] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Long Run XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394108] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Marathon XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394231] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Marathon XXL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394345] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Meeting in Muzgob) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394411] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Mini Nostalgia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394470] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Monk's Retreat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394516] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Newcomers) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394571] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Nostalgia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394653] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Oceans Eleven) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Panic) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394785] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Poor Jebus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394819] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Ready or Not) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394873] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Reckless) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394930] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Roadrunner) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.394985] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Schaafworld) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395015] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Skirmish L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395063] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Skirmish M) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395110] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Small Ring) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395154] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(South of Hell) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395209] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Speed 1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395252] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Speed 2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395291] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Spider) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395376] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(SuperSlam) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395455] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Triad L) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395528] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Triad XL) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395632] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Vortex) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395682] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(Worlds at War) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395753] INFO mod - [SKIP] VCMI essential files [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.395915] INFO mod - [SKIP] VCMI extras [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396072] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(minosRage) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396110] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Minotaur Rage [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396163] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396202] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.minosRage' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396222] TRACE mod - registered spell.minosRage as creatures-hidden-potential.enraged minotaur:184 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396238] INFO mod - [SKIP] Enraged Minotaurs [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396393] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cyclopsFury) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396429] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Cyclops Fury [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396466] TRACE mod - registered spell.cyclopsFury as creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops:185 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396482] INFO mod - [SKIP] Furious Cyclopes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396634] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(noMoreBinding) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396807] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Siege Bind [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396837] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396858] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396875] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396893] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396929] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396966] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.396984] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397003] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397038] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397055] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397072] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397088] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397105] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397125] TRACE mod - registered spell.noMoreBinding as creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids:186 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397140] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(siegeBind) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397391] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Siege Bind Ability [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397422] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397439] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397457] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397490] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397508] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397541] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397560] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397575] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397593] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397610] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397626] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397643] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397659] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397693] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397712] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397730] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397745] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397764] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397796] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397813] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397829] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397861] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397879] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397912] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397930] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.397994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398011] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398027] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398044] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.noMoreBinding' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398077] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.siegeDendro' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398096] TRACE mod - registered spell.siegeBind as creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids:187 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398111] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(siegeDendro) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398177] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Placeholder Spell [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398205] TRACE mod - registered spell.siegeDendro as creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids:188 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398220] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(siegeDendroNot) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398281] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Placeholder Spell [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398309] TRACE mod - registered spell.siegeDendroNot as creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids:189 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398324] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stopCatapult) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398474] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Siege Bind [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398500] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398521] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398539] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398557] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stopCatapult' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398576] TRACE mod - registered spell.stopCatapult as creatures-hidden-potential.siege dendroids:190 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398592] INFO mod - [DONE] Siege Dendroids [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398746] INFO mod - [SKIP] Teleporting Elementals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.398935] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mdtSupplyCart) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399019] TRACE mod - registered artifact.mdtSupplyCart as forge:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399037] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(swordBreaker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399123] TRACE mod - registered artifact.swordBreaker as forge:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399142] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(alien) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399297] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.clone' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399331] TRACE mod - registered creature.alien as forge:239 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399347] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bionicTrooper) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399467] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.overload' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399495] TRACE mod - registered creature.bionicTrooper as forge:240 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399510] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(brainSucker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399629] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399678] TRACE mod - registered creature.brainSucker as forge:241 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399695] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bruiser) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399841] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399881] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399913] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399930] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399946] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.399997] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400016] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400034] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400050] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400067] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400084] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400100] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400133] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400166] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400213] TRACE mod - registered creature.bruiser as forge:242 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400229] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dreadnought) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400370] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.specialLvl7' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400398] TRACE mod - registered creature.dreadnought as forge:243 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400413] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(firebug) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400575] TRACE mod - registered creature.firebug as forge:244 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400591] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(juggernaut) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400730] TRACE mod - registered creature.juggernaut as forge:245 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400748] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jumpSoldier) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400897] TRACE mod - registered creature.jumpSoldier as forge:246 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.400915] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jumpTrooper) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401055] TRACE mod - registered creature.jumpTrooper as forge:247 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401073] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mdtCyborg) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401196] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.overload' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401224] TRACE mod - registered creature.mdtCyborg as forge:248 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401239] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mdtSupplyCart) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401337] TRACE mod - registered creature.mdtSupplyCart as forge:249 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401355] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mercenary) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401503] TRACE mod - registered creature.mercenary as forge:250 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401522] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(militian) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401634] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathCloud' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401663] TRACE mod - registered creature.militian as forge:251 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401679] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pyro) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401793] TRACE mod - registered creature.pyro as forge:252 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401811] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pyromaniac) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401939] TRACE mod - registered creature.pyromaniac as forge:253 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.401957] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(recruit) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402061] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathCloud' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402092] TRACE mod - registered creature.recruit as forge:254 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402109] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(soulSucker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402219] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402248] TRACE mod - registered creature.soulSucker as forge:255 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402263] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stinger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402397] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402418] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402436] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402453] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402470] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402486] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402502] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402519] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402535] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402551] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402585] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402602] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402618] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402635] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402652] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402669] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402685] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402702] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402718] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slayer' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402766] TRACE mod - registered creature.stinger as forge:256 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402781] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(thug) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402926] TRACE mod - registered creature.thug as forge:257 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.402945] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(forge) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.403941] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.blacksmith as forge:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.403968] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.capitol as forge:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.403990] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.castle as forge:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404011] TRACE mod - registered as forge:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404032] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.cityHall as forge:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404054] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 as forge:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404074] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 as forge:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404095] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 as forge:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404121] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3B as forge:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404144] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 as forge:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404166] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 as forge:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404187] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 as forge:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404207] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 as forge:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404229] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 as forge:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404250] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 as forge:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404271] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 as forge:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404292] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3B as forge:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404313] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 as forge:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404335] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 as forge:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404356] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 as forge:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404377] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 as forge:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404398] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.fort as forge:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404419] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.grail as forge:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404441] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.horde1 as forge:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404463] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.horde1Upgr as forge:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404484] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.horde2 as forge:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404506] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.horde2Upgr as forge:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404527] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild1 as forge:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404547] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild2 as forge:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404567] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.mageGuild3 as forge:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404587] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.marketplace as forge:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404607] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.resourceSilo as forge:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404629] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.special2 as forge:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404648] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.special3 as forge:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404670] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.special4 as forge:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404692] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.tavern as forge:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404713] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.townHall as forge:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.404733] TRACE mod - registered building.forge:forge.villageHall as forge:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405499] TRACE mod - registered faction.forge as forge:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405520] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cyborg) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405609] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.cyborg as forge:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405626] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(technic) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405704] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.technic as forge:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(01deckard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405817] TRACE mod - registered hero.01deckard as forge:252 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405835] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(02kaleh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405913] TRACE mod - registered hero.02kaleh as forge:253 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.405929] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(03polestar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406004] TRACE mod - registered hero.03polestar as forge:254 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406020] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(04codgur) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406096] TRACE mod - registered hero.04codgur as forge:255 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406112] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(05zhora) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406194] TRACE mod - registered hero.05zhora as forge:256 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406212] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(06tyrrel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406289] TRACE mod - registered hero.06tyrrel as forge:257 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406306] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(07jonathan) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406380] TRACE mod - registered hero.07jonathan as forge:258 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406395] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(08lilyam) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406476] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.sulfur' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406496] TRACE mod - registered hero.08lilyam as forge:259 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406511] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(09seldon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406591] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.antiMagic' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406611] TRACE mod - registered hero.09seldon as forge:260 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406626] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10vee) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406701] TRACE mod - registered hero.10vee as forge:261 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406718] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11albino) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406796] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireWall' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406816] TRACE mod - registered hero.11albino as forge:262 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406831] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12marchette) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406908] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406928] TRACE mod - registered hero.12marchette as forge:263 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.406943] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13agar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407017] TRACE mod - registered hero.13agar as forge:264 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407033] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14flamius) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407107] TRACE mod - registered hero.14flamius as forge:265 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407123] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15daneel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407200] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'core:spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407221] TRACE mod - registered hero.15daneel as forge:266 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407235] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16mdtKastore) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407328] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407369] TRACE mod - registered hero.16mdtKastore as forge:267 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407383] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16sheikleen) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407466] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.precision' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407487] TRACE mod - registered hero.16sheikleen as forge:268 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407501] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hergon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407576] TRACE mod - registered hero.hergon as forge:269 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407593] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rialdo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.armageddon' defined in mod 'forge' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407689] TRACE mod - registered hero.rialdo as forge:270 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407706] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(forgeMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407758] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407790] TRACE mod - registered spell.forgeMoat as forge:191 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407804] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(forgeMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407845] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407870] TRACE mod - registered spell.forgeMoatTrigger as forge:192 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407885] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(overload) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.407978] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Overload [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408014] TRACE mod - registered spell.overload as forge:193 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408031] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(specialLvl7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408120] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Injury [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408151] TRACE mod - registered spell.specialLvl7 as forge:194 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408168] INFO mod - [DONE] Forge town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408335] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(capeOfSilence) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408401] TRACE mod - registered artifact.capeOfSilence as hota.artifacts:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408418] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(charmOfEclipse) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408468] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408491] TRACE mod - registered artifact.charmOfEclipse as hota.artifacts:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408506] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(crownOfTheFiveSeas) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408553] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.knowledge' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408575] TRACE mod - registered artifact.crownOfTheFiveSeas as hota.artifacts:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408589] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(demonsHorseshoe) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408644] TRACE mod - registered artifact.demonsHorseshoe as hota.artifacts:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408661] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(diplomatsCloak) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408706] TRACE mod - registered artifact.diplomatsCloak as hota.artifacts:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(goldenGoose) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408768] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408790] TRACE mod - registered artifact.goldenGoose as hota.artifacts:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408804] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hideousMask) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408863] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hideousMask as hota.artifacts:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408880] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hornOfTheAbyss) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408924] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hornSpell' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408945] TRACE mod - registered artifact.hornOfTheAbyss as hota.artifacts:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.408959] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ironfistOfTheOgre) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.haste' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409029] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409046] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireShield' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409063] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.counterstrike' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409082] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ironfistOfTheOgre as hota.artifacts:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409096] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pendantOfDownfall) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409148] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfDownfall as hota.artifacts:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409165] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pendantOfReflection) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409215] TRACE mod - registered artifact.pendantOfReflection as hota.artifacts:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409231] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(plateOfDyingLight) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409275] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409297] TRACE mod - registered artifact.plateOfDyingLight as hota.artifacts:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409312] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ringOfOblivion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sacrifice' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409380] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.animateDead' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409398] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409475] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfOblivion as hota.artifacts:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409493] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ringOfSuppression) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409549] TRACE mod - registered artifact.ringOfSuppression as hota.artifacts:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409566] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(royalArmorOfNix) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409637] TRACE mod - registered artifact.royalArmorOfNix as hota.artifacts:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409652] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(runesOfImminency) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409707] TRACE mod - registered artifact.runesOfImminency as hota.artifacts:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409724] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sealOfSunset) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409769] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409790] TRACE mod - registered artifact.sealOfSunset as hota.artifacts:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409805] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shamansPuppet) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409855] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shamansPuppet as hota.artifacts:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409871] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shieldOfNavalGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409915] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409936] TRACE mod - registered artifact.shieldOfNavalGlory as hota.artifacts:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409950] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tridentOfDominion) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.409993] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.artifacts' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410014] TRACE mod - registered artifact.tridentOfDominion as hota.artifacts:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410028] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wayfarerBoots) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410074] TRACE mod - registered artifact.wayfarerBoots as hota.artifacts:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410093] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hornSpell) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410217] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Fangarms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410256] TRACE mod - registered spell.hornSpell as hota.artifacts:195 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410272] INFO mod - [DONE] Artifacts [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410432] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cannon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410460] TRACE mod - registered artifact.cannon as hota.cannon:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410476] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cannon) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410508] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410543] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410560] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410576] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410592] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410608] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410675] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410693] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410710] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410726] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410742] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410757] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cannon' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410834] TRACE mod - registered creature.cannon as hota.cannon:258 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.410852] INFO mod - [SKIP] Cannon [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411009] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(friendlyFireball) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411036] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411066] TRACE mod - registered spell.friendlyFireball as hota.changedshootingvisuals:196 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411082] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(gogFireball) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411104] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411129] TRACE mod - registered spell.gogFireball as hota.changedshootingvisuals:197 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411145] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaDeathCloud) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411166] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411190] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaDeathCloud as hota.changedshootingvisuals:198 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411205] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaIce) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411227] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411250] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaIce as hota.changedshootingvisuals:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411265] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaLightGlobe) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411286] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Light Globe [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411310] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaLightGlobe as hota.changedshootingvisuals:200 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411325] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaLightning) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411346] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Storm [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411369] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaLightning as hota.changedshootingvisuals:201 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411384] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaRay) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411405] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Ray [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411428] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaRay as hota.changedshootingvisuals:202 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411442] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaStorm) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411466] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Storm [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411498] TRACE mod - registered spell.hotaStorm as hota.changedshootingvisuals:203 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411520] INFO mod - [SKIP] Changed shooting visuals [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411706] INFO mod - [DONE] Conflux - Vault of Ashes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411862] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(beatrice) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411963] TRACE mod - registered hero.beatrice as hota.heroes:271 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.411981] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(kinkeria) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412068] TRACE mod - registered hero.kinkeria as hota.heroes:272 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412085] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ranloo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412165] TRACE mod - registered hero.ranloo as hota.heroes:273 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412184] INFO mod - [DONE] Heroes [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412340] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(highlands_flowers) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412397] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.highlands_flowers as hota.highlandsterrain:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412420] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(gazebo) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412504] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:gazebo(261)::gazebo(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412526] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:gazebo.gazebo as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412547] TRACE mod - registered object.gazebo as hota.highlandsterrain:261 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412563] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hermitsShack) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412612] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:hermitsShack(262)::hermitsShack(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412631] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:hermitsShack.hermitsShack as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412649] TRACE mod - registered object.hermitsShack as hota.highlandsterrain:262 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412663] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(junkman) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412720] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:junkman(263)::junkman(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412739] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:junkman.junkman as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412758] TRACE mod - registered object.junkman as hota.highlandsterrain:263 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412772] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mineralSpring) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412834] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:mineralSpring(264)::mineralSpring(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412854] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:mineralSpring.mineralSpring as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412873] TRACE mod - registered object.mineralSpring as hota.highlandsterrain:264 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412887] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(puddles) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.412995] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:puddles(265)::puddles(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413014] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:puddles.puddles as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413033] TRACE mod - registered object.puddles as hota.highlandsterrain:265 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413048] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spruces) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413212] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.highlandsterrain:spruces(266)::spruces(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413232] TRACE mod - registered hota.highlandsterrain:spruces.spruces as hota.highlandsterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413254] TRACE mod - registered object.spruces as hota.highlandsterrain:266 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413270] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD00) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413313] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD00 as hota.highlandsterrain:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413330] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD01) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413367] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD01 as hota.highlandsterrain:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413383] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD02) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413421] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD02 as hota.highlandsterrain:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413436] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD03) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413474] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD03 as hota.highlandsterrain:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413489] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD04) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413527] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD04 as hota.highlandsterrain:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413543] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD05) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413579] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD05 as hota.highlandsterrain:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413594] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD06) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413629] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD06 as hota.highlandsterrain:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413645] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD07) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413681] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD07 as hota.highlandsterrain:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413696] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD08) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413732] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD08 as hota.highlandsterrain:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413748] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD09) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413784] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD09 as hota.highlandsterrain:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413799] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413836] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD10 as hota.highlandsterrain:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413853] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413889] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD11 as hota.highlandsterrain:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413904] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413940] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD12 as hota.highlandsterrain:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413955] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.413995] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD13 as hota.highlandsterrain:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414010] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414046] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD14 as hota.highlandsterrain:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414062] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414099] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD15 as hota.highlandsterrain:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414114] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414152] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD16 as hota.highlandsterrain:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414166] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414204] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD17 as hota.highlandsterrain:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414219] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414254] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD19 as hota.highlandsterrain:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414272] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(highlands) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414337] TRACE mod - registered terrain.highlands as hota.highlandsterrain:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414354] INFO mod - [DONE] Highlands terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414509] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(giselle) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414594] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414617] TRACE mod - registered hero.giselle as hota.interference:274 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414635] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(interference) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414767] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414788] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414809] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414847] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414865] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'hota.interference' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414885] DEBUG mod - loaded secondary skill interference(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414903] TRACE mod - registered skill.interference as hota.interference:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414920] TRACE mod - registered secondarySkill.interference as hota.interference:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.414936] INFO mod - [DONE] Interference skill [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415089] INFO mod - [SKIP] Less random start [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415247] INFO mod - [SKIP] Main menu theme [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415396] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abandonedBoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415455] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:abandonedBoat(267)::abandonedBoat(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415492] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:abandonedBoat.abandonedBoat as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415511] TRACE mod - registered object.abandonedBoat as hota.mapdecorations:267 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415525] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ancientAltar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415575] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:ancientAltar(268)::ancientAltar(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415595] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:ancientAltar.ancientAltar as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415614] TRACE mod - registered object.ancientAltar as hota.mapdecorations:268 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415629] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(barchanDunes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415717] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:barchanDunes(269)::barchanDunes(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415736] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:barchanDunes.barchanDunes as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415755] TRACE mod - registered object.barchanDunes as hota.mapdecorations:269 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415770] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(barrels) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415815] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:barrels(270)::barrels(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415834] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:barrels.barrels as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415852] TRACE mod - registered object.barrels as hota.mapdecorations:270 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415866] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bluebottle) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415902] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:bluebottle(271)::bluebottle(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415920] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:bluebottle.bluebottle as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415937] TRACE mod - registered object.bluebottle as hota.mapdecorations:271 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.415952] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bridge) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416038] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:bridge(272)::bridge(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416056] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:bridge.bridge as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416076] TRACE mod - registered object.bridge as hota.mapdecorations:272 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416090] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(carnivorousPlant) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416129] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:carnivorousPlant(273)::carnivorousPlant(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416148] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:carnivorousPlant.carnivorousPlant as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416165] TRACE mod - registered object.carnivorousPlant as hota.mapdecorations:273 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416179] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(chicken) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416224] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:chicken(274)::chicken(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416242] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:chicken.chicken as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416259] TRACE mod - registered object.chicken as hota.mapdecorations:274 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416273] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(crate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416309] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:crate(275)::crate(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416327] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:crate.crate as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416344] TRACE mod - registered object.crate as hota.mapdecorations:275 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416358] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(crates) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416422] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:crates(276)::crates(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416441] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:crates.crates as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416461] TRACE mod - registered object.crates as hota.mapdecorations:276 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416475] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fence) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416652] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:fence(277)::fence(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416672] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:fence.fence as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416693] TRACE mod - registered object.fence as hota.mapdecorations:277 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416707] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fire) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416776] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:fire(278)::fire(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416795] TRACE mod - registered as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416816] TRACE mod - registered as hota.mapdecorations:278 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416831] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(frog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416884] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:frog(279)::frog(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416902] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:frog.frog as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416919] TRACE mod - registered object.frog as hota.mapdecorations:279 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416933] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(frogs) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416974] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:frogs(280)::frogs(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.416993] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:frogs.frogs as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417010] TRACE mod - registered object.frogs as hota.mapdecorations:280 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417024] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(iceBlock) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417093] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:iceBlock(281)::iceBlock(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417112] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:iceBlock.iceBlock as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417130] TRACE mod - registered object.iceBlock as hota.mapdecorations:281 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417144] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(palms) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417325] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:palms(282)::palms(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417346] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:palms.palms as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417369] TRACE mod - registered object.palms as hota.mapdecorations:282 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417383] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pig) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417426] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:pig(283)::pig(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417445] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:pig.pig as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417463] TRACE mod - registered object.pig as hota.mapdecorations:283 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417477] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pileOfStones) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417513] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:pileOfStones(284)::pileOfStones(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417531] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:pileOfStones.pileOfStones as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417549] TRACE mod - registered object.pileOfStones as hota.mapdecorations:284 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417563] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rooster) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417605] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:rooster(285)::rooster(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417624] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:rooster.rooster as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417641] TRACE mod - registered object.rooster as hota.mapdecorations:285 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417655] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rope) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417698] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:rope(286)::rope(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417716] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:rope.rope as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417733] TRACE mod - registered object.rope as hota.mapdecorations:286 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417748] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rubble) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417845] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:rubble(287)::rubble(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417864] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:rubble.rubble as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417883] TRACE mod - registered object.rubble as hota.mapdecorations:287 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417897] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ruinedCamp) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417933] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:ruinedCamp(288)::ruinedCamp(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417951] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:ruinedCamp.ruinedCamp as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417969] TRACE mod - registered object.ruinedCamp as hota.mapdecorations:288 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.417983] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ruinedFountain) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418027] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:ruinedFountain(289)::ruinedFountain(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418047] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:ruinedFountain.ruinedFountain as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418066] TRACE mod - registered object.ruinedFountain as hota.mapdecorations:289 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418080] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ruinedSubterraneanGate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418118] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:ruinedSubterraneanGate(290)::ruinedSubterraneanGate(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418137] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:ruinedSubterraneanGate.ruinedSubterraneanGate as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418154] TRACE mod - registered object.ruinedSubterraneanGate as hota.mapdecorations:290 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418168] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sack) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418213] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:sack(291)::sack(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418232] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:sack.sack as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418249] TRACE mod - registered object.sack as hota.mapdecorations:291 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418263] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(snowHills) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418316] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:snowHills(292)::snowHills(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418334] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:snowHills.snowHills as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418353] TRACE mod - registered object.snowHills as hota.mapdecorations:292 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418367] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stone) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418452] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:stone(293)::stone(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418471] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:stone.stone as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418490] TRACE mod - registered object.stone as hota.mapdecorations:293 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418504] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stonySphere) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418549] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:stonySphere(294)::stonySphere(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418567] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:stonySphere.stonySphere as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418585] TRACE mod - registered object.stonySphere as hota.mapdecorations:294 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418598] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(waterfalls) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418652] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:waterfalls(295)::waterfalls(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418670] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:waterfalls.waterfalls as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418688] TRACE mod - registered object.waterfalls as hota.mapdecorations:295 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418703] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(yuccaTrees) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418762] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:yuccaTrees(296)::yuccaTrees1(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418780] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:yuccaTrees.yuccaTrees1 as hota.mapdecorations:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418808] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapdecorations:yuccaTrees(296)::yuccaTrees2(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418824] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapdecorations:yuccaTrees.yuccaTrees2 as hota.mapdecorations:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418841] TRACE mod - registered object.yuccaTrees as hota.mapdecorations:296 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.418858] INFO mod - [DONE] Map decorations [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419017] INFO mod - [DONE] New adventure map graphics for towns & creatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419170] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cracked_ice) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419204] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419225] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.cracked_ice as hota.terrainoverlays:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419241] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dunes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.quicksand' defined in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419291] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.dunes as hota.terrainoverlays:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419307] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fields_of_glory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419337] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.fields_of_glory as hota.terrainoverlays:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419354] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(crackedIce) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419450] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419470] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce as hota.terrainoverlays:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419494] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce01(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419510] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce01 as hota.terrainoverlays:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419534] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce02(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419551] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce02 as hota.terrainoverlays:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419573] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce03(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419591] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce03 as hota.terrainoverlays:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419613] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce04(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419630] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce04 as hota.terrainoverlays:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419652] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce05(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419669] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce05 as hota.terrainoverlays:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419691] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce06(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419707] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce06 as hota.terrainoverlays:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419729] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce07(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419747] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce07 as hota.terrainoverlays:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419769] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce(297)::crackedIce08(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419785] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:crackedIce.crackedIce08 as hota.terrainoverlays:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419802] TRACE mod - registered object.crackedIce as hota.terrainoverlays:297 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419817] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(dunes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419914] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:dunes(298)::dunes(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419934] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:dunes.dunes as hota.terrainoverlays:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419953] TRACE mod - registered object.dunes as hota.terrainoverlays:298 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.419968] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fieldsOfGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420070] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.terrainoverlays:fieldsOfGlory(299)::fieldsOfGlory(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420090] TRACE mod - registered hota.terrainoverlays:fieldsOfGlory.fieldsOfGlory as hota.terrainoverlays:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420109] TRACE mod - registered object.fieldsOfGlory as hota.terrainoverlays:299 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420124] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ci001) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420166] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ci001 as hota.terrainoverlays:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420182] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ci002) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420219] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ci002 as hota.terrainoverlays:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420235] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ci003) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420271] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ci003 as hota.terrainoverlays:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420287] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_du001) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420322] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_du001 as hota.terrainoverlays:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420339] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_du002) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420377] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_du002 as hota.terrainoverlays:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420392] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_du003) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420427] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_du003 as hota.terrainoverlays:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420443] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_du004) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420478] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_du004 as hota.terrainoverlays:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420493] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg001) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420534] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg001 as hota.terrainoverlays:172 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420550] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg002) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420586] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg002 as hota.terrainoverlays:173 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420602] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg003) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420638] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg003 as hota.terrainoverlays:174 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420653] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg004) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420696] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg004 as hota.terrainoverlays:175 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420712] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg005) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420748] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg005 as hota.terrainoverlays:176 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420763] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg006) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420798] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg006 as hota.terrainoverlays:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420815] INFO mod - [DONE] Magical terrains [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.420974] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wasteland_rocks) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421016] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.wasteland_rocks as hota.wastelandterrain:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421035] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bones) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421111] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:bones(300)::bones(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421130] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:bones.bones as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421148] TRACE mod - registered object.bones as hota.wastelandterrain:300 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421163] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(derrick) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421239] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:derrick(301)::derrick(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421258] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:derrick.derrick as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421278] TRACE mod - registered object.derrick as hota.wastelandterrain:301 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421293] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(grave) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421357] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:grave(302)::grave(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421377] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:grave.grave as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421397] TRACE mod - registered object.grave as hota.wastelandterrain:302 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421411] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jaw) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421453] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:jaw(303)::jaw(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421471] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:jaw.jaw as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421489] TRACE mod - registered object.jaw as hota.wastelandterrain:303 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421503] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(limestoneLake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421561] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:limestoneLake(304)::limestoneLake(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421580] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:limestoneLake.limestoneLake as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421597] TRACE mod - registered object.limestoneLake as hota.wastelandterrain:304 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421612] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(limestonePuddles) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421650] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:limestonePuddles(305)::limestonePuddles(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421668] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:limestonePuddles.limestonePuddles as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421688] TRACE mod - registered object.limestonePuddles as hota.wastelandterrain:305 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421704] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(prospector) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421768] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:prospector(306)::prospector(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421787] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:prospector.prospector as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421806] TRACE mod - registered object.prospector as hota.wastelandterrain:306 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421820] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tarPit) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421904] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:tarPit(307)::tarPit(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421923] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:tarPit.tarPit as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421942] TRACE mod - registered object.tarPit as hota.wastelandterrain:307 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.421957] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(trailblazer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422001] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.wastelandterrain:trailblazer(308)::trailblazer(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422020] TRACE mod - registered hota.wastelandterrain:trailblazer.trailblazer as hota.wastelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422037] TRACE mod - registered object.trailblazer as hota.wastelandterrain:308 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422053] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD00) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422096] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD00 as hota.wastelandterrain:178 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422112] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD01) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422152] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD01 as hota.wastelandterrain:179 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422168] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD02) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422207] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD02 as hota.wastelandterrain:180 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422223] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD03) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422261] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD03 as hota.wastelandterrain:181 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422277] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD04) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422315] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD04 as hota.wastelandterrain:182 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422331] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD05) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422371] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD05 as hota.wastelandterrain:183 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422386] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD06) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422425] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD06 as hota.wastelandterrain:184 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422440] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD07) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422479] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD07 as hota.wastelandterrain:185 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422495] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD08) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422535] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD08 as hota.wastelandterrain:186 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422550] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD09) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422591] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD09 as hota.wastelandterrain:187 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422606] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422649] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD10 as hota.wastelandterrain:188 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422665] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422706] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD11 as hota.wastelandterrain:189 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422762] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD12 as hota.wastelandterrain:190 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422778] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422819] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD13 as hota.wastelandterrain:191 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422835] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaWLD14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422879] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaWLD14 as hota.wastelandterrain:192 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422897] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wasteland) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422958] TRACE mod - registered terrain.wasteland as hota.wastelandterrain:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.422975] INFO mod - [DONE] Wasteland terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423130] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadland_back1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423166] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.deadland_back1 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423182] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadland_back2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423211] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.deadland_back2 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423226] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadland_back3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423255] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.deadland_back3 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423269] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadland_back4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423298] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.deadland_back4 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423315] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle00587) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423355] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle00587 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:193 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423371] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423404] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle1 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:194 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423420] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle114) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423454] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle114 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:195 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423470] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle115) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423502] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle115 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:196 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423517] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle116) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423549] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle116 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:197 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423565] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle117) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423600] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle117 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:198 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423616] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle118) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423649] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle118 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423665] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle119) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423696] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle119 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:200 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423712] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423744] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle12 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:201 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423760] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle120) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423791] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle120 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:202 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423807] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle121) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423838] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle121 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:203 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423854] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle122) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423887] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle122 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:204 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423903] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423935] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle13 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:205 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423950] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423982] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle14 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.423998] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424030] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle15 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424046] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424080] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle4 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424096] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle40) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424127] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle40 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424143] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle41) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424173] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle41 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424189] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle42) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424221] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle42 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424237] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle43) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424268] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle43 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424283] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandObstacle44) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424314] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.deadlandObstacle44 as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424330] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandWaterRiver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424360] TRACE mod - registered river.deadlandWaterRiver as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424376] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadlandGravelRoad) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424404] TRACE mod - registered road.deadlandGravelRoad as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424421] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(deadland) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424472] TRACE mod - registered terrain.deadland as newtown-terrains.deadlandterrain:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424488] INFO mod - [DONE] Dead Land Terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424641] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fieldGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424664] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.fieldGlory as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424681] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(gloryCinnabar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424733] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:gloryCinnabar(309)::starFlake(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424752] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:gloryCinnabar.starFlake as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424772] TRACE mod - registered object.gloryCinnabar as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:309 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424787] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(graveGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424899] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:graveGlory(310)::graveGlory(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424919] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:graveGlory.graveGlory as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424939] TRACE mod - registered object.graveGlory as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:310 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424955] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg001) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424974] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg001 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.424989] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg002) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425007] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg002 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425021] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg003) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425040] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg003 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425054] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg004) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425071] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg004 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425085] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg005) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425102] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg005 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425117] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_fg006) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425139] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_fg006 as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425158] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fieldGlory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425184] TRACE mod - registered terrain.fieldGlory as newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425199] INFO mod - [SKIP] Fields of Glory terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425351] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(heather_thicket) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425383] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.heather_thicket as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425401] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(abbeautumntrees) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425541] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:abbeautumntrees(311)::maples(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425562] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:abbeautumntrees.maples as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425583] TRACE mod - registered object.abbeautumntrees as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:311 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425598] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD00) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425639] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD00 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425656] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD01) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425696] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD01 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425711] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD02) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425749] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD02 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425765] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD03) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425802] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD03 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425817] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD04) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425856] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD04 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425871] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD05) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425907] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD05 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425923] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD06) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425959] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD06 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.425974] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD07) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426010] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD07 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426025] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD08) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426061] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD08 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426076] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD09) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426112] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD09 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426127] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426162] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD10 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426178] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426213] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD11 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426228] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426265] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD12 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:232 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426280] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426316] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD13 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:233 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426331] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hotaHLD19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426367] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.hotaHLD19 as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:234 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426385] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(heatherThicket) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426435] TRACE mod - registered terrain.heatherThicket as newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426452] INFO mod - [DONE] Heather Thicket terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426609] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(icelands) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426628] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.icelands as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426646] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(iceCrstPool) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426699] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:iceCrstPool(312)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426718] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:iceCrstPool.object as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426738] TRACE mod - registered object.iceCrstPool as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:312 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426753] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(iceVoyageTent) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426796] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:iceVoyageTent(313)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426815] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:iceVoyageTent.object as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426834] TRACE mod - registered object.iceVoyageTent as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:313 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426849] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(merIceSolid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426895] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:merIceSolid(314)::starFlake(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426913] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:merIceSolid.starFlake as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426933] TRACE mod - registered object.merIceSolid as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:314 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426949] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(icelandsHorizontal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426967] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.icelandsHorizontal as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:235 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.426982] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(icelandsVertical) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427000] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.icelandsVertical as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:236 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427015] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ice01) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427033] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ice01 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:237 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427047] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ice02) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427065] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ice02 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:238 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427080] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ice03) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427097] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ice03 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:239 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427111] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ob_ice04) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427128] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.ob_ice04 as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:240 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427145] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(icelands) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427169] TRACE mod - registered terrain.icelands as newtown-terrains.icelandterrain:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427183] INFO mod - [SKIP] Ice Cave terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427335] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spoiled_land) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427367] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.spoiled_land as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427384] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteHorizontal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427428] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteHorizontal as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:241 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427443] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteVertical) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427495] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteVertical as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:242 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427518] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acidCrack) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427560] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.acidCrack as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:243 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427575] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acidFracture) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427613] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.acidFracture as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:244 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427629] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acidGap) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427667] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.acidGap as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:245 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427682] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acidLake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427722] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.acidLake as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:246 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427739] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(poisonousLake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427780] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.poisonousLake as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:247 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427796] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(poisonousVolcano) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427834] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.poisonousVolcano as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:248 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427850] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(smallVolcano) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427887] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.smallVolcano as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:249 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427904] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spoiledLandToxicWaterRiver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427937] TRACE mod - registered river.spoiledLandToxicWaterRiver as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.427954] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spoiledLand) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428004] TRACE mod - registered terrain.spoiledLand as newtown-terrains.spoiledland:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428020] INFO mod - [DONE] Spoiled Land Terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428313] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428347] TRACE mod - registered battlefield.stardust as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428364] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(artichokes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428433] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:artichokes(315)::artichoke01(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428453] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:artichokes.artichoke01 as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428472] TRACE mod - registered object.artichokes as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:315 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428487] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starBottle) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428644] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starBottle(316)::object(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428667] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starBottle.object as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428688] TRACE mod - registered object.starBottle as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:316 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428703] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starDancer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428775] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starDancer(317)::starDancer(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428794] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starDancer.starDancer as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428814] TRACE mod - registered object.starDancer as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:317 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428829] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starFlake) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428910] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starFlake(318)::starFlake(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428930] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starFlake.starFlake as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428949] TRACE mod - registered object.starFlake as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:318 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.428964] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starMirror) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429037] DEBUG global - Loaded object newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starMirror(319)::starMirror(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429056] TRACE mod - registered newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starMirror.starMirror as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429076] TRACE mod - registered object.starMirror as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:319 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429092] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteHorizontalST) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429137] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteHorizontalST as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:250 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429153] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(absoluteVerticalST) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429195] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.absoluteVerticalST as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:251 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429210] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustBarrels) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429248] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustBarrels as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:252 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429266] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustBush) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429305] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustBush as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:253 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429321] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustCrater) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429357] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustCrater as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:254 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429373] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustGenerator) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429408] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustGenerator as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:255 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429425] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustLake15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429464] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustLake15 as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:256 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429479] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardustRocks) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429519] TRACE mod - registered obstacle.stardustRocks as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:257 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429535] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(starRiver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429562] TRACE mod - registered river.starRiver as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429579] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stardust) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429630] TRACE mod - registered terrain.stardust as newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.429647] INFO mod - [DONE] Stardust terrain [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430046] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shapeshifterBeta) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430096] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'refugeetown.refugee town, shapeshifters' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430120] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.resurrection' defined in mod 'refugeetown.refugee town, shapeshifters' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430150] TRACE mod - registered creature.shapeshifterBeta as refugeetown.refugee town, shapeshifters:259 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430171] INFO mod - [SKIP] New neutral creature : Shapeshiter [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430331] INFO mod - [SKIP] Revisit object button [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430545] INFO mod - [SKIP] Arrow Tower Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430796] INFO mod - [DONE] Battlefield actions [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.430954] INFO mod - [DONE] Andruids Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431107] INFO mod - [SKIP] Extended lobby options [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431259] INFO mod - [DONE] VCMI Quick Exchange [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431415] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(acommander) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431540] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bloodlust' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431576] TRACE mod - registered creature.acommander as asylum-town:260 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431592] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asnightmare) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431768] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431789] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431822] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431838] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431854] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431870] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431886] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.431902] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432004] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432023] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432041] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432057] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432073] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432089] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432105] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432122] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432138] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432213] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432232] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432249] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432265] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432315] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432331] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432348] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432396] TRACE mod - registered creature.asnightmare as asylum-town:261 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432412] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(darkguard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432560] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432580] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432597] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432613] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432629] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432645] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432706] TRACE mod - registered creature.darkguard as asylum-town:262 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432723] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(darksquire) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432863] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432882] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432899] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432918] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432934] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.432951] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433018] TRACE mod - registered creature.darksquire as asylum-town:263 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433034] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jesterDeliver) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433171] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433208] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433224] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433241] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433257] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433294] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.birthdayGift' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.birthdayGift' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433337] TRACE mod - registered creature.jesterDeliver as asylum-town:264 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433351] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(phantomhunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433519] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433539] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433555] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433571] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433587] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433603] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433619] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433635] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433651] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433667] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433700] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.shield' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433748] TRACE mod - registered creature.phantomhunter as asylum-town:265 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433763] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(plwalker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433887] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433907] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433924] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433940] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433956] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.433991] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434006] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434023] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434039] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434055] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434071] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434086] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434102] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434118] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434134] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434151] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434167] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434199] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434257] TRACE mod - registered creature.plwalker as asylum-town:266 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434273] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sadphanton) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434438] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434458] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434491] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434507] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434538] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434555] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434571] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434587] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434603] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434618] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434634] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434650] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434668] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434726] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434759] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434775] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434792] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434808] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434824] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434840] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434856] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434873] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434889] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434906] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434922] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434939] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434955] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434972] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.434988] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435005] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435038] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435082] TRACE mod - registered creature.sadphanton as asylum-town:267 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435098] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowdancer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435248] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435268] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435285] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435301] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435317] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435333] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435367] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435405] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435424] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435440] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435457] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435489] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435505] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435521] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435537] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435554] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435595] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowdancer as asylum-town:268 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435611] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowhunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435774] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435793] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435810] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435842] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435858] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435874] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435907] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435922] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.435984] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowhunter as asylum-town:269 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436000] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(shadowmare) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436171] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436207] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436223] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436239] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436254] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436270] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436304] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436321] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436337] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436353] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436369] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436385] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436401] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436418] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436434] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436541] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436557] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436574] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436591] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436607] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436640] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436657] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436673] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.deathRipple' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.terrorEye' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436712] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonApps' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436728] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.summonApps' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436752] TRACE mod - registered creature.shadowmare as asylum-town:270 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436767] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sorrowphanton) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436934] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436954] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436971] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.436987] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437003] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437019] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437052] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437069] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437085] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437101] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437133] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437165] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437181] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437225] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437242] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437259] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437292] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437308] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437324] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437369] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437392] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437409] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437425] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437442] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437460] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437476] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437509] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437558] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437575] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.misfortune' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437609] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sorrow' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437638] TRACE mod - registered creature.sorrowphanton as asylum-town:271 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437654] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(soulcrus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437780] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437800] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437816] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437832] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437865] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437881] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437913] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437930] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437961] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.437994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438009] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438072] TRACE mod - registered creature.soulcrus as asylum-town:272 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438088] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(spiritcrus) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438210] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438230] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438246] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438262] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438279] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438294] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438343] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438374] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438390] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438409] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438426] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438506] TRACE mod - registered creature.spiritcrus as asylum-town:273 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438523] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(voidwalker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438652] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438672] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438688] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438704] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438721] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438737] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438752] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438768] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438784] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438800] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438817] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438833] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438849] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438865] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438880] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438913] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438944] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.438960] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439037] TRACE mod - registered creature.voidwalker as asylum-town:274 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439053] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(winddancer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439202] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439222] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439238] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439254] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439271] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439289] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439307] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439323] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439379] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439395] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439412] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439428] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439461] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439477] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439509] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439549] TRACE mod - registered creature.winddancer as asylum-town:275 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.439566] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asylum) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440329] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.blacksmith as asylum-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440356] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.boat as asylum-town:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440379] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.capitol as asylum-town:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440401] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.castle as asylum-town:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440422] TRACE mod - registered as asylum-town:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440444] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.cityHall as asylum-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440467] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dock as asylum-town:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440487] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl1 as asylum-town:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440507] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl2 as asylum-town:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440528] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl3 as asylum-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440549] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl4 as asylum-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440570] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl5 as asylum-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440591] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl6 as asylum-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440612] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingLvl7 as asylum-town:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440633] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl1 as asylum-town:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440654] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl2 as asylum-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440674] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl3 as asylum-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440695] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl4 as asylum-town:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440716] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl5 as asylum-town:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440737] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl6 as asylum-town:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440760] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.dwellingUpLvl7 as asylum-town:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440782] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.fort as asylum-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440829] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.grail as asylum-town:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440851] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde1 as asylum-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440874] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde1Upgr as asylum-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440896] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde2 as asylum-town:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440917] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.horde2Upgr as asylum-town:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440938] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild1 as asylum-town:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440959] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild2 as asylum-town:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.440979] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild3 as asylum-town:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441000] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild4 as asylum-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441021] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.mageGuild5 as asylum-town:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441042] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.marketplace as asylum-town:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441063] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.resourceSilo as asylum-town:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441110] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.special1 as asylum-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441140] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.special2 as asylum-town:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441171] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.tavern as asylum-town:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441197] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.townHall as asylum-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.441219] TRACE mod - registered building.asylum-town:asylum.villageHall as asylum-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442023] TRACE mod - registered faction.asylum as asylum-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442044] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(mentalist) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442127] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.mentalist as asylum-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442144] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pathfinder) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442215] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.pathfinder as asylum-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442232] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(a_alach) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442327] TRACE mod - registered hero.a_alach as asylum-town:275 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442345] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(b_pauline) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442424] TRACE mod - registered hero.b_pauline as asylum-town:276 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442440] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(c_harker) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442510] TRACE mod - registered hero.c_harker as asylum-town:277 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442526] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(d_sisElisa) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442596] TRACE mod - registered hero.d_sisElisa as asylum-town:278 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442612] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(e_renner) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442678] TRACE mod - registered hero.e_renner as asylum-town:279 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442694] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(f_judith) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442760] TRACE mod - registered hero.f_judith as asylum-town:280 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442775] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(g_stacia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442840] TRACE mod - registered hero.g_stacia as asylum-town:281 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442856] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(h_karth) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442931] TRACE mod - registered hero.h_karth as asylum-town:282 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.442948] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(i_kaspar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443043] TRACE mod - registered hero.i_kaspar as asylum-town:283 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443059] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(j_mog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443139] TRACE mod - registered hero.j_mog as asylum-town:284 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443156] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(k_viola) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443224] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443244] TRACE mod - registered hero.k_viola as asylum-town:285 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443258] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(l_brigid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443347] TRACE mod - registered hero.l_brigid as asylum-town:286 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443361] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(m_mona) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443435] TRACE mod - registered hero.m_mona as asylum-town:287 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443452] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(n_jezebel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443543] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.gems' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443569] TRACE mod - registered hero.n_jezebel as asylum-town:288 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443584] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(o_margareta) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443659] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443680] TRACE mod - registered hero.o_margareta as asylum-town:289 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443695] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(p_Lynn) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443767] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sorrow' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sorrow' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443803] TRACE mod - registered hero.p_Lynn as asylum-town:290 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443822] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asylumMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443884] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443918] TRACE mod - registered spell.asylumMoat as asylum-town:204 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443933] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(asylumMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.443976] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444001] TRACE mod - registered spell.asylumMoatTrigger as asylum-town:205 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444016] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(birthdayGift) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444104] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Gift [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444135] TRACE mod - registered spell.birthdayGift as asylum-town:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444150] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seduce) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444256] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Maleficent Curse [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444275] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444290] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444332] TRACE mod - registered spell.seduce as asylum-town:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444348] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonApps) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444399] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Rise Apparitions [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444427] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonApps as asylum-town:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444442] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(summonJester) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444529] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Gift Delivery [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444567] TRACE mod - registered spell.summonJester as asylum-town:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444582] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(terrorEye) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444677] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Terror Eye [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444711] TRACE mod - registered spell.terrorEye as asylum-town:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444728] INFO mod - [DONE] Asylum Town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.444990] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stoneAegis) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445055] TRACE mod - registered artifact.stoneAegis as fairy-town:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445073] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftCommander) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445197] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.counterstrike' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445231] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftCommander as fairy-town:276 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445247] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftDrag1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445492] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445514] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445531] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445547] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445563] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445579] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445595] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445611] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445627] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445643] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445659] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445692] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445708] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445724] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445756] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445772] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445788] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445804] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445839] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftDrag1 as fairy-town:277 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.445855] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftDrag2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446085] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446105] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446121] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446137] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446153] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446169] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446205] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446221] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446237] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.boneDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446253] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446285] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446301] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446316] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446332] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446380] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446396] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.ghostDragon' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446419] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.irisRevive' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446436] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.irisRevive' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446464] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftDrag2 as fairy-town:278 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446480] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftFairy1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446676] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446713] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446728] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446744] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446777] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446794] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446810] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446826] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446864] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftFairy1 as fairy-town:279 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.446881] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftFairy2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447079] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447099] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447134] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447150] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447167] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447199] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447231] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447261] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blossomEff' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447278] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447302] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftFairy2 as fairy-town:280 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447317] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftFench1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447546] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447582] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447598] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447614] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447630] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447662] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447678] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447694] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447732] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftFench1 as fairy-town:281 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447748] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftFench2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.447999] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448015] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448030] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448046] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448062] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448078] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448094] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448112] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448160] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448190] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftFench2 as fairy-town:282 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448206] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftHatchling1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448441] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.roseBolt' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448470] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftHatchling1 as fairy-town:283 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448487] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftHatchling2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.bless' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.shield' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448776] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneSkin' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448794] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.roseBolt' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448819] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftHatchling2 as fairy-town:284 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.448834] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftNoble1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449032] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449052] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449068] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449084] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449100] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449133] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449165] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449181] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449210] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449235] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftNoble1 as fairy-town:285 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449250] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftNoble2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449452] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449489] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449505] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449520] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeleton' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449537] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449609] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449630] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449646] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449662] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.skeletonWarrior' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449693] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frySolarPower' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449709] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449734] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftNoble2 as fairy-town:286 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449749] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftStoneAegis) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449880] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftStoneAegis as fairy-town:287 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.449898] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftWisp1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450118] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450146] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftWisp1 as fairy-town:288 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450162] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftWisp2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450378] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450407] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftWisp2 as fairy-town:289 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450424] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftWyvern1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450643] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.counterstrike' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450666] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blossomEff' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450682] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frPacifism' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450707] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftWyvern1 as fairy-town:290 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450722] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftWyvern2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450966] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.counterstrike' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.450988] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blossomEff' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.451004] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frPacifism' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.451030] TRACE mod - registered creature.ftWyvern2 as fairy-town:291 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.451047] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fairy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452143] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.blacksmith as fairy-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452170] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.boat as fairy-town:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452194] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.capitol as fairy-town:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452216] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.castle as fairy-town:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452237] TRACE mod - registered as fairy-town:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452260] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.cityHall as fairy-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452280] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dock as fairy-town:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452302] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl1 as fairy-town:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452323] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl2 as fairy-town:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452344] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl3 as fairy-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452367] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl4 as fairy-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452387] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl5 as fairy-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452410] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl6 as fairy-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452434] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingLvl7 as fairy-town:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452456] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl1 as fairy-town:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452477] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl2 as fairy-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452497] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl3 as fairy-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452518] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl4 as fairy-town:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452539] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl5 as fairy-town:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452560] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl6 as fairy-town:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452581] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.dwellingUpLvl7 as fairy-town:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452602] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.fort as fairy-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.water' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452644] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452662] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.grail as fairy-town:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452684] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.horde1 as fairy-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452706] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.horde1Upgr as fairy-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452727] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.horde2 as fairy-town:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452749] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.horde2Upgr as fairy-town:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452769] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.mageGuild1 as fairy-town:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452791] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.mageGuild2 as fairy-town:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452811] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.mageGuild3 as fairy-town:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452832] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.mageGuild4 as fairy-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452854] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.mageGuild5 as fairy-town:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452875] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.marketplace as fairy-town:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452896] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.resourceSilo as fairy-town:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452921] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.special1 as fairy-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452942] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.special2 as fairy-town:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452965] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.special3 as fairy-town:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.452989] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.special4 as fairy-town:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.453011] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.tavern as fairy-town:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.453032] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.townHall as fairy-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.453053] TRACE mod - registered building.fairy-town:fairy.villageHall as fairy-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.453998] TRACE mod - registered faction.fairy as fairy-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454021] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(hunter) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454112] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.hunter as fairy-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454129] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(warden) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454204] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.warden as fairy-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454221] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftA_Kylina) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454310] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftA_Kylina as fairy-town:291 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454327] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftB_ftMeri) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454415] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftB_ftMeri as fairy-town:292 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454435] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftC_ftMia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454516] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454537] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftC_ftMia as fairy-town:293 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454551] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftD_Ola) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454625] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454645] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftD_Ola as fairy-town:294 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454659] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftE_Sheli) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454733] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftE_Sheli as fairy-town:295 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454750] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftF_Siniri) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454825] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftF_Siniri as fairy-town:296 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454841] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftG_Sinara) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454913] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftG_Sinara as fairy-town:297 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.454929] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftH_Uliri) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455009] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftH_Uliri as fairy-town:298 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455025] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftI_Zerela) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455098] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftI_Zerela as fairy-town:299 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455114] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftJ_Abrisa) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455196] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftJ_Abrisa as fairy-town:300 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455212] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftK_Zeria) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455292] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftK_Zeria as fairy-town:301 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455308] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftL_Seliva) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455385] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftL_Seliva as fairy-town:302 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455401] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftM_Sarisa) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455480] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.blind' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455501] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftM_Sarisa as fairy-town:303 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455514] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftN_Warela) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455590] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.magicArrow' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455611] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftN_Warela as fairy-town:304 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455625] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftO_Elrisa) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455701] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftO_Elrisa as fairy-town:305 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455718] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftP_Arina) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455797] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftP_Arina as fairy-town:306 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455813] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ftQ_Losina) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455894] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455915] TRACE mod - registered hero.ftQ_Losina as fairy-town:307 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.455934] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(blossomEff) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456005] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Garland [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456037] TRACE mod - registered spell.blossomEff as fairy-town:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456052] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fairyMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456099] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456130] TRACE mod - registered spell.fairyMoat as fairy-town:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456145] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fairyMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456186] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Enchanted Flowers [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456210] TRACE mod - registered spell.fairyMoatTrigger as fairy-town:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456225] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(frPacifism) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456336] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Pacifism [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456355] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.berserk' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456372] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456415] TRACE mod - registered spell.frPacifism as fairy-town:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456433] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(frySolarPower) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456513] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Solar Power [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456546] TRACE mod - registered spell.frySolarPower as fairy-town:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456562] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(irisRevive) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456636] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacred Cure [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456667] TRACE mod - registered spell.irisRevive as fairy-town:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456683] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(roseBolt) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456746] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Rose Bolt [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456774] TRACE mod - registered spell.roseBolt as fairy-town:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.456791] INFO mod - [DONE] Fairy town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457098] INFO mod - [SKIP] Less random start [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457288] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ayssid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457321] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457340] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457357] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457374] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457390] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457407] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457424] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457440] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457457] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457473] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457535] TRACE mod - registered creature.ayssid as hota.cove:292 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457551] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(blackbeard) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457602] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.protectWater' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457637] TRACE mod - registered creature.blackbeard as hota.cove:293 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457652] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(corsair) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457681] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457698] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457715] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457731] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457747] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457763] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457780] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457796] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457814] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457884] TRACE mod - registered creature.corsair as hota.cove:294 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457900] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(crewmate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457979] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.457995] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458011] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458027] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458043] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458105] TRACE mod - registered creature.crewmate as hota.cove:295 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458121] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(haspid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458149] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458166] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458182] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458198] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458214] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458230] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458246] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458263] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458279] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458294] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458327] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458343] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458367] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458445] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458463] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.revhota' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458490] TRACE mod - registered creature.haspid as hota.cove:296 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458505] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nix) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458531] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458549] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458565] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458583] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458601] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458617] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458649] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458665] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458682] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458697] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458714] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458730] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458746] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458762] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458778] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458794] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458810] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458886] TRACE mod - registered creature.nix as hota.cove:297 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458902] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nixWarrior) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458928] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458945] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458978] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.458994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459026] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459044] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459060] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459076] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459093] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459109] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459125] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459159] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459176] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459192] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459208] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459289] TRACE mod - registered creature.nixWarrior as hota.cove:298 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459305] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(nymph) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459333] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459349] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459365] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459397] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459414] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459465] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459484] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459513] TRACE mod - registered creature.nymph as hota.cove:299 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459529] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(oceanid) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459556] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459606] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459622] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459639] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459655] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459671] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459710] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frostRing' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459726] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.iceBolt' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459755] TRACE mod - registered creature.oceanid as hota.cove:300 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459771] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(pirate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459799] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459818] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459834] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459851] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459867] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459883] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459946] TRACE mod - registered creature.pirate as hota.cove:301 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459962] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seaWitch) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.459992] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460011] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460028] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460044] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460060] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460076] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460092] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460107] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460125] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460141] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460158] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460174] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460189] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460206] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460222] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460270] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460287] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460303] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460319] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460336] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460353] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460369] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460384] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460418] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460444] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460463] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460480] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460497] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460513] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460530] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460548] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460566] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460583] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460621] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.seaWitchRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460638] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460666] TRACE mod - registered creature.seaWitch as hota.cove:302 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460681] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seadog) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460709] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460727] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460744] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460762] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460795] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460811] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460843] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460900] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.accurateShot' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460929] TRACE mod - registered creature.seadog as hota.cove:303 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460944] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seaman) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460971] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.460990] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461007] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461023] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461040] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461056] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461072] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461088] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461149] TRACE mod - registered creature.seaman as hota.cove:304 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461165] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seaserpent) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461192] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461210] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461226] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461244] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461262] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461278] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461294] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461311] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461326] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461344] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461378] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461394] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.461410] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462228] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.poison' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462264] TRACE mod - registered creature.seaserpent as hota.cove:305 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462279] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sorceress) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462310] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462328] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462345] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462377] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462393] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462409] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462426] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462443] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462458] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462491] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462506] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462523] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462538] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462590] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462608] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462623] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462659] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462675] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462691] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462708] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462724] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462740] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462756] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462772] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462789] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462805] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462821] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462839] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462855] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462872] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462889] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462906] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.disruptingRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462927] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sorceressRay' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462944] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.weakness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462972] TRACE mod - registered creature.sorceress as hota.cove:306 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.462987] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(stormbird) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463015] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463033] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463049] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463065] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463081] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463097] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463113] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463145] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463177] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463195] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463254] TRACE mod - registered creature.stormbird as hota.cove:307 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463272] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(cove) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463345] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.blacksmith as hota.cove:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463370] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.capitol as hota.cove:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463392] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.castle as hota.cove:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463413] TRACE mod - registered as hota.cove:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463438] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.cityHall as hota.cove:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463460] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl1 as hota.cove:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463482] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl2 as hota.cove:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463503] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl3 as hota.cove:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463524] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl4 as hota.cove:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463546] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl5 as hota.cove:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463566] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl6 as hota.cove:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463587] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl7 as hota.cove:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463609] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUp2Lvl3 as hota.cove:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463630] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl1 as hota.cove:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463651] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl2 as hota.cove:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463672] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl3 as hota.cove:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463693] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl4 as hota.cove:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463715] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl5 as hota.cove:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463736] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl6 as hota.cove:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463825] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl7 as hota.cove:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463847] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.fort as hota.cove:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463875] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.grail as hota.cove:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463897] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde1 as hota.cove:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463941] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde1Upgr as hota.cove:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463969] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde2 as hota.cove:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.463995] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde2Upgr as hota.cove:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464018] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild1 as hota.cove:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464041] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild2 as hota.cove:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464063] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild3 as hota.cove:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464083] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild4 as hota.cove:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464103] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.marketplace as hota.cove:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464125] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.resourceSilo as hota.cove:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464147] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.ship as hota.cove:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464167] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.shipyard as hota.cove:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464189] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.special3 as hota.cove:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464210] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.special4 as hota.cove:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464234] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.tavern as hota.cove:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464257] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.townHall as hota.cove:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.464278] TRACE mod - registered building.hota.cove:cove.villageHall as hota.cove:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465204] TRACE mod - registered faction.cove as hota.cove:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465230] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(captain) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465301] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.captain as hota.cove:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465317] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(navigator) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465372] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.navigator as hota.cove:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465391] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(01corkes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465440] TRACE mod - registered hero.01corkes as hota.cove:308 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465456] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(02jeremy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465494] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465515] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465535] TRACE mod - registered hero.02jeremy as hota.cove:309 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465549] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(03illor) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465578] TRACE mod - registered hero.03illor as hota.cove:310 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465592] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(04elmore) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465621] TRACE mod - registered hero.04elmore as hota.cove:311 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465636] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(05leena) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465661] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465682] TRACE mod - registered hero.05leena as hota.cove:312 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465696] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(06anabel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465724] TRACE mod - registered hero.06anabel as hota.cove:313 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465739] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(07cassiopeia) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465767] TRACE mod - registered hero.07cassiopeia as hota.cove:314 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465782] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(08miriam) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465809] TRACE mod - registered hero.08miriam as hota.cove:315 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465825] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(09casmetra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465851] TRACE mod - registered hero.09casmetra as hota.cove:316 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465866] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10eovacius) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465893] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.specialClone' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465911] TRACE mod - registered hero.10eovacius as hota.cove:317 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465925] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11spint) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465954] TRACE mod - registered hero.11spint as hota.cove:318 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465968] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(12andal) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.465994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.crystal' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466012] TRACE mod - registered hero.12andal as hota.cove:319 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466025] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13manfred) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466051] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fireball' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466069] TRACE mod - registered hero.13manfred as hota.cove:320 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466083] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14zilare) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466109] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forgetfulness' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466127] TRACE mod - registered hero.14zilare as hota.cove:321 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466141] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15astra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466167] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cure' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466186] TRACE mod - registered hero.15astra as hota.cove:322 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466201] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16dargem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466227] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.airShield' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466246] TRACE mod - registered hero.16dargem as hota.cove:323 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466260] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(bidley) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.corsair' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466305] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'creature.pirate' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466323] TRACE mod - registered hero.bidley as hota.cove:324 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466337] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(derek) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466364] TRACE mod - registered hero.derek as hota.cove:325 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466378] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(tark) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466405] TRACE mod - registered hero.tark as hota.cove:326 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466425] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(accurateShot) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466449] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Accurate Shot [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466479] TRACE mod - registered spell.accurateShot as hota.cove:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466493] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(coveMoat) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466518] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466548] TRACE mod - registered spell.coveMoat as hota.cove:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466563] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(coveMoatTrigger) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466593] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Ditch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466619] TRACE mod - registered spell.coveMoatTrigger as hota.cove:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466634] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(revhota) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466657] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Revenge [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466683] TRACE mod - registered spell.revhota as hota.cove:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466699] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seaWitchRay) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466721] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466748] TRACE mod - registered spell.seaWitchRay as hota.cove:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466763] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(sorceressRay) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466786] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466812] TRACE mod - registered spell.sorceressRay as hota.cove:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466827] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(specialClone) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466851] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Special Clone [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466884] TRACE mod - registered spell.specialClone as hota.cove:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.466900] INFO mod - [SKIP] Cove faction [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467078] INFO mod - [DONE] Heroes III data patch [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467234] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(fangarm) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467288] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467306] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467323] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467340] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467357] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467373] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467390] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467409] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467429] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467446] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467462] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467479] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467496] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467513] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467606] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467627] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hornSpell' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467658] TRACE mod - registered creature.fangarm as hota.neutralcreatures:308 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467674] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(leprechaun) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467704] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467722] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467739] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467756] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467773] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467790] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467807] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467823] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467872] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.fortune' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467905] TRACE mod - registered creature.leprechaun as hota.neutralcreatures:309 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467920] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(satyr) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467949] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467968] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.467984] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468001] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468018] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468034] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468051] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468067] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468086] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468104] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468121] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468137] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468154] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468170] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468187] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468203] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468251] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.mirth' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468281] TRACE mod - registered creature.satyr as hota.neutralcreatures:310 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468296] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(steelGolem) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468324] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468342] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468359] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468375] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468391] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468408] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468426] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468442] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468459] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468475] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468510] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468526] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468542] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468559] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468575] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468623] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'hota.neutralcreatures' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468652] TRACE mod - registered creature.steelGolem as hota.neutralcreatures:311 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468733] INFO mod - [SKIP] Neutral creatures [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.468899] INFO mod - [SKIP] Grove connector [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469055] INFO mod - [DONE] Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469209] INFO mod - [SKIP] Spell Immunity Bonus Icons [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469366] INFO mod - [DONE] Cove music theme by Heroes Orchestra [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469520] INFO mod - [SKIP] HotA campaign heroes in maps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469676] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(altarOfMana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469752] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:altarOfMana(320)::altarOfMana(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469773] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:altarOfMana.altarOfMana as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469791] TRACE mod - registered object.altarOfMana as hota.mapobjects:320 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469805] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ancientLamp) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469891] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:ancientLamp(321)::ancientLamp(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469911] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:ancientLamp.ancientLamp as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469931] TRACE mod - registered object.ancientLamp as hota.mapobjects:321 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.469945] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(colosseumOfTheMagi) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470019] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:colosseumOfTheMagi(322)::colosseumOfTheMagi(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470039] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:colosseumOfTheMagi.colosseumOfTheMagi as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470056] TRACE mod - registered object.colosseumOfTheMagi as hota.mapobjects:322 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470071] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(jetsam) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470166] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:jetsam(323)::jetsam(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470186] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:jetsam.jetsam as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470205] TRACE mod - registered object.jetsam as hota.mapobjects:323 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470218] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(miniHillFort) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470382] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:miniHillFort(324)::miniHillFort(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470402] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:miniHillFort.miniHillFort as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470425] TRACE mod - registered object.miniHillFort as hota.mapobjects:324 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470440] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(observatory) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470501] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:observatory(325)::observatory(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470520] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:observatory.observatory as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470538] TRACE mod - registered object.observatory as hota.mapobjects:325 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470552] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seaBarrel) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470628] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:seaBarrel(326)::seaBarrel(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470647] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:seaBarrel.seaBarrel as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470665] TRACE mod - registered object.seaBarrel as hota.mapobjects:326 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470680] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(seafaringAcademy) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470736] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:seafaringAcademy(327)::seafaringAcademy(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470755] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:seafaringAcademy.seafaringAcademy as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470772] TRACE mod - registered object.seafaringAcademy as hota.mapobjects:327 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470786] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(skeletonTransformer) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470837] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:skeletonTransformer(328)::skeletonTransformer(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470855] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:skeletonTransformer.skeletonTransformer as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470873] TRACE mod - registered object.skeletonTransformer as hota.mapobjects:328 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470889] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(templeOfLoyalty) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470934] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:templeOfLoyalty(329)::templeOfLoyalty(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470952] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:templeOfLoyalty.templeOfLoyalty as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470969] TRACE mod - registered object.templeOfLoyalty as hota.mapobjects:329 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.470983] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(townGate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471038] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:townGate(330)::townGate(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471057] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:townGate.townGate as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471075] TRACE mod - registered object.townGate as hota.mapobjects:330 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471089] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(vialOfMana) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471155] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:vialOfMana(331)::vialOfMana(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471174] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:vialOfMana.vialOfMana as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471192] TRACE mod - registered object.vialOfMana as hota.mapobjects:331 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471206] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(warehouses) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471390] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::crystalWarehouse(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471410] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.crystalWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471449] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::gemsWarehouse(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471467] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.gemsWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471501] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::goldWarehouse(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471518] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.goldWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471554] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::mercuryWarehouse(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471571] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.mercuryWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471604] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::oreWarehouse(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471621] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.oreWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471654] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::sulfurWarehouse(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471672] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.sulfurWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471711] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warehouses(332)::woodWarehouse(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471729] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warehouses.woodWarehouse as hota.mapobjects:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471748] TRACE mod - registered object.warehouses as hota.mapobjects:332 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471762] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(warlocksLab) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471823] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:warlocksLab(333)::warlocksLab(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471842] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:warlocksLab.warlocksLab as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471859] TRACE mod - registered object.warlocksLab as hota.mapobjects:333 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471873] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(wateringPlace) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471932] DEBUG global - Loaded object hota.mapobjects:wateringPlace(334)::wateringPlace(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471951] TRACE mod - registered hota.mapobjects:wateringPlace.wateringPlace as hota.mapobjects:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471969] TRACE mod - registered object.wateringPlace as hota.mapobjects:334 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.471987] INFO mod - [DONE] Map objects [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472144] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_alternate) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472181] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472201] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472219] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472236] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472253] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472269] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472290] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472306] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472323] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472356] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472372] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472388] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472404] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472422] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472488] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_alternate as ruins-town:312 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472504] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_alternate_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472533] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472551] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472567] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472583] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472599] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472615] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472631] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472647] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472679] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472696] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472711] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472727] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472759] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472814] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.shield' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472835] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forceField' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472860] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_alternate_up as ruins-town:313 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472875] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_cm3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472918] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_cm3 as ruins-town:314 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472935] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_cm3_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472971] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.landMine' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.472996] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_cm3_up as ruins-town:315 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473011] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473041] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473059] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473075] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473091] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473107] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473123] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473171] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl1 as ruins-town:316 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473187] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl1_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473216] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473233] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473249] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473265] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473282] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473298] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473343] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl1_up as ruins-town:317 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473358] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473387] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473404] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473421] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473437] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473454] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473469] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473485] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473501] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473629] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473650] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473667] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473684] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473699] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473715] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473731] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473746] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473762] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473778] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473794] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473811] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473843] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473880] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473896] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473920] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl2 as ruins-town:318 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473935] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl2_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473965] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473982] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.473998] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474014] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474030] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474046] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474062] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474078] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474115] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474132] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474147] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474163] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474179] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474195] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474211] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474228] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474245] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474261] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474276] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474293] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474309] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474325] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.paralyze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474361] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474377] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.stoneGaze' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474400] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl2_up as ruins-town:319 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474415] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474450] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474476] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474499] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474522] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474546] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474584] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474600] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474616] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474690] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl3 as ruins-town:320 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474706] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl3_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474736] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474753] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474770] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474786] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474818] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474834] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474850] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474866] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474883] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474931] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.landMine' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474956] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl3_up as ruins-town:321 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474971] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.474998] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475016] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475032] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475048] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475063] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475079] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475095] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475110] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475127] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475143] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475159] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475175] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475207] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475222] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475238] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475290] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl4 as ruins-town:322 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475305] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl4_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475334] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475352] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475368] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475384] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475400] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475415] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475449] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475465] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475482] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475497] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475515] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475533] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475549] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475565] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475580] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475596] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475641] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.rn_seaweedGrapple' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475666] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl4_up as ruins-town:323 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475681] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475710] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475727] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475759] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475775] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475791] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475806] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475822] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475839] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475854] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475870] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475886] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475902] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475919] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475934] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.475992] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl5 as ruins-town:324 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476008] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl5_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476036] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476053] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476069] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476085] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476101] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476117] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476134] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476151] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476168] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476183] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476199] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476215] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476231] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476247] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476263] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476322] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl5_up as ruins-town:325 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476337] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476366] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476382] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476399] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476415] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476432] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476448] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476463] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476479] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476495] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476511] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476527] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476543] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476558] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476574] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476590] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476606] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476622] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476638] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476699] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl6 as ruins-town:326 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476715] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl6_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476761] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476779] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476795] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476811] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476827] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476842] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476858] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476874] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476894] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476911] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476927] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476943] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476959] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.476990] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477006] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477021] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477077] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.frenzy' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477101] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl6_up as ruins-town:327 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477116] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477145] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477162] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477178] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477193] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477209] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477225] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477241] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477257] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477273] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477289] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477305] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477321] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477339] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477355] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477370] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477386] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477402] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477419] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477436] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477452] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477519] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477537] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477553] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477568] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477584] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477599] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477614] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477631] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477647] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477663] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477683] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477709] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl7 as ruins-town:328 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477724] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_creature_lvl7_up) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477752] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477769] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477785] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477801] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477816] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477832] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477848] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477864] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477879] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477897] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477914] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477931] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477947] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477963] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477979] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.477994] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478010] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478026] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478042] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478058] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478113] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478130] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478145] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478161] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478176] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478191] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478207] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478223] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478239] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478254] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spellSchool.any' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478274] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.earthquake' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478291] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier '' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478307] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.earthquake' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478331] TRACE mod - registered creature.rn_creature_lvl7_up as ruins-town:329 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478347] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(ruins) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478425] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.blacksmith as ruins-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478450] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.capitol as ruins-town:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478474] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.castle as ruins-town:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478495] TRACE mod - registered as ruins-town:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478519] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.cityHall as ruins-town:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478542] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingAlternateLvl5 as ruins-town:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478564] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingAlternateUpLvl5 as ruins-town:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478587] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl1 as ruins-town:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478610] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl2 as ruins-town:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478631] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl3 as ruins-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478654] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl4 as ruins-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478675] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl5 as ruins-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478697] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl6 as ruins-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478718] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingLvl7 as ruins-town:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478739] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl1 as ruins-town:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478760] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl2 as ruins-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478781] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl3 as ruins-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478802] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl4 as ruins-town:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478824] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl5 as ruins-town:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478844] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl6 as ruins-town:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478865] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.dwellingUpLvl7 as ruins-town:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478887] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.fort as ruins-town:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478944] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.grail as ruins-town:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478968] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.hordeLvl1 as ruins-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.478989] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.hordeLvl6 as ruins-town:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479010] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.hordeUpLvl1 as ruins-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479031] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.hordeUpLvl6 as ruins-town:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479051] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.mageGuild1 as ruins-town:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479073] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.mageGuild2 as ruins-town:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479095] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.mageGuild3 as ruins-town:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479116] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.mageGuild4 as ruins-town:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479136] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.marketplace as ruins-town:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479157] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.resourceSilo as ruins-town:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479180] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.special1 as ruins-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479201] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.special4 as ruins-town:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479224] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.tavern as ruins-town:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479245] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.townHall as ruins-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.479265] TRACE mod - registered building.ruins-town:ruins.villageHall as ruins-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480130] TRACE mod - registered faction.ruins as ruins-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480152] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_magic) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480218] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.rn_magic as ruins-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480234] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_might) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480286] TRACE mod - registered heroClass.rn_might as ruins-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480303] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(01rn_bellona) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480342] TRACE mod - registered hero.01rn_bellona as ruins-town:327 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480358] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(02rn_gobni) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480387] TRACE mod - registered hero.02rn_gobni as ruins-town:328 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480405] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(03rn_grimm) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480433] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'resource.wood' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480454] TRACE mod - registered hero.03rn_grimm as ruins-town:329 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480468] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(04rn_gwyn) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480499] TRACE mod - registered hero.04rn_gwyn as ruins-town:330 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480513] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(05rn_herian) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480541] TRACE mod - registered hero.05rn_herian as ruins-town:331 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480556] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(06rn_hughes) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480582] TRACE mod - registered hero.06rn_hughes as ruins-town:332 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480597] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(09rn_horae) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480624] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.earthquake' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480643] TRACE mod - registered hero.09rn_horae as ruins-town:333 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480657] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(10rn_huldra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480685] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.hypnotize' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480704] TRACE mod - registered hero.10rn_huldra as ruins-town:334 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480717] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(11rn_kali) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480743] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.sacrifice' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480761] TRACE mod - registered hero.11rn_kali as ruins-town:335 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480774] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(13rn_myra) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480800] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'core:spell.firstAid' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480819] TRACE mod - registered hero.13rn_myra as ruins-town:336 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480832] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(14rn_rhea) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480858] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.forceField' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480876] TRACE mod - registered hero.14rn_rhea as ruins-town:337 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480890] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(15rn_thar) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480917] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.slow' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480934] TRACE mod - registered hero.15rn_thar as ruins-town:338 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480948] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(16rn_woden) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480974] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.spellpower' defined in mod 'ruins-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.480994] TRACE mod - registered hero.16rn_woden as ruins-town:339 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481009] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_mogh) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481036] TRACE mod - registered hero.rn_mogh as ruins-town:340 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481051] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_neit) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481077] TRACE mod - registered hero.rn_neit as ruins-town:341 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481091] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_nodens) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481121] TRACE mod - registered hero.rn_nodens as ruins-town:342 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481139] TRACE mod - no index in loadMod(rn_seaweedGrapple) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481167] TRACE mod - loadFromJson: loading spell Seaweed Grapple [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481207] TRACE mod - registered spell.rn_seaweedGrapple as ruins-town:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481223] INFO mod - [SKIP] tok | Ruins town [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481389] INFO mod - [DONE] Game balance [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481546] INFO mod - [SKIP] Map format support [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481697] INFO mod - [DONE] Maps [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.481880] TRACE global - loading .\config\factions\random.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482127] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.blacksmith as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482155] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.capitol as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482181] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.castle as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482203] TRACE mod - registered as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482225] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.cityHall as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482245] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482264] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482284] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482303] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482322] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482341] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482361] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482381] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482402] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482422] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482442] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482463] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482483] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482502] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482523] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.fort as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482543] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.grail as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482563] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde1 as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482582] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde2 as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482603] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde3 as core:-32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482623] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde4 as core:-33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482643] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde5 as core:-34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482663] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde6 as core:-35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482682] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.horde7 as core:-36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482701] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild1 as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482721] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild2 as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482741] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild3 as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482761] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild4 as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482780] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.mageGuild5 as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482800] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.marketplace as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482820] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.resourceSilo as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482840] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.shipyard as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482861] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.tavern as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482882] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.townHall as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482901] TRACE mod - registered building.core:random.villageHall as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.482971] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.484378] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\translation\asphalt\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.484548] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'asphalt-terrain' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.484714] WARN mod - "" : "Ruins", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.484974] WARN mod - "" : "Acid river", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.485267] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\translation\cathedral\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.485653] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'cathedral-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.485815] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of all enemy unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.485976] WARN mod - "" : "Confession Song", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.486127] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.486323] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.486500] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.none" : "{Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.486716] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.486885] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.basic" : "{Basic Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.487102] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\translation\cathedral\french.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.487482] WARN mod - Translation into language 'french' in mod 'cathedral-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.487643] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 5.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.487898] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 3.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488065] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.none" : "{Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488229] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of all enemy unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488390] WARN mod - "" : "Confession Song", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488545] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488822] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.488998] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.none" : "{Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.489165] WARN mod - "" : "Divine Execution", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.489341] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.basic" : "{Basic Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.489596] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.489831] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.basic" : "{Basic Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.490059] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\translation\cathedral\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.490437] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'cathedral-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.490610] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 5.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.490773] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 3.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.490933] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.none" : "{Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491097] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of all enemy unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491257] WARN mod - "" : "Confession Song", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491411] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491601] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491776] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.none" : "{Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.491945] WARN mod - "" : "Divine Execution", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.492114] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.basic" : "{Basic Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.492314] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.492486] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.basic" : "{Basic Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.492705] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cathedral-town\Content\translation\cathedral\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493082] WARN mod - Translation into language 'polish' in mod 'cathedral-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493242] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 5.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493404] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 3.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493568] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.none" : "{Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493728] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of all enemy unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.493890] WARN mod - "" : "Confession Song", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494042] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494231] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.\n\nEffect is twice that of Basic Confession Song.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494407] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.none" : "{Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494577] WARN mod - "" : "Divine Execution", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494748] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.divineRevenge.description.basic" : "{Basic Divine Execution}\n\nGenerate a large amount of damages to enemy's target with a reduction in offence and defence by 2.\n", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.494945] WARN mod - "" : "Plague River", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495119] WARN mod - "spell.cathedral-town.confessionSong.description.basic" : "{Basic Confession Song}\n\nReduce the attack strength, defense strength and speed of the selected unit.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495329] WARN mod - Translation into language 'english' in mod 'cetatea-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495487] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.harapalb.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495636] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.dochia.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495788] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.495943] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496103] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.pricolici.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496255] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.babacloanta.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496420] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496594] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.queenelena.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496783] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.luceafarul.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.496935] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.497087] WARN mod - "hero.cetatea-town.decebal.biography" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.497285] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\translation\cetatea\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.497666] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'cetatea-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.497824] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.497989] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.498141] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.498324] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.498484] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.498699] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.499013] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\cetatea-town\content\translation\cetatea\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.499375] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'cetatea-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.499534] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.499698] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.499852] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.500029] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.500188] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.500405] WARN mod - "" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.500728] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\translation\courtyard\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.501201] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'courtyard' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.501359] WARN mod - "" : "Summon Apparition", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.501522] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.501701] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.502010] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\translation\courtyard\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.502494] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'courtyard' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.502651] WARN mod - "" : "Summon Apparition", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.502809] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.502984] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.503293] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\courtyard\Content\translation\courtyard\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.503780] WARN mod - Translation into language 'polish' in mod 'courtyard' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.503942] WARN mod - "" : "Summon Apparition", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.504098] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.504273] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.504792] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\translation\grove\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.505171] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'grove' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.505332] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.505642] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.506034] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\translation\grove\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.506417] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'grove' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.506582] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.506762] WARN mod - "" : "Temple of Night", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.506941] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.507217] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\grove\content\translation\grove\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.507620] WARN mod - Translation into language 'polish' in mod 'grove' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.507780] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.507958] WARN mod - "" : "Temple of Night", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.508138] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.508530] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.508659] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.509758] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\czech\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.512426] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.513204] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.514421] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\chinese\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.516636] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.517416] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\campaigns.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.518508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\german\maps.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.520766] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\polish\game.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.521738] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\content\config\translation\hota\ukrainian.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.522386] WARN mod - File CONFIG/TRANSLATION/HOTA/UKRAINIAN is not a valid JSON file! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.522558] WARN mod - At line 334, position 562 warning: Comma expected! At line 334, position 562 error: String expected! At line 334, position 562 warning: Not all file was parsed! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.522995] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\translation\neutral-heroes\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.523332] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\neutral-heroes\content\translation\neutral-heroes\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.523741] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.524059] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.524375] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-old-spells-plus\Content\config\NewOldSpells\translation\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.524777] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\newtown-terrains\content\translation\newtown-terrains\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.525195] WARN mod - Translation into language 'english' in mod 'refugeetown' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.525358] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.specialty.tooltip" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.525601] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\translation\refugee\french.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.525990] WARN mod - Translation into language 'french' in mod 'refugeetown' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526149] WARN mod - "" : "{Šigû}\n\nReduces the luck and morale of all enemy's units by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526322] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.none" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526478] WARN mod - "" : "Šigû", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526630] WARN mod - "" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases the luck and morale of all friendly units by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526787] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.advanced" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.526946] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.advanced" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527101] WARN mod - "" : "Holy Breaker", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527254] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.advanced" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527411] WARN mod - "" : "Summon Daeva", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527565] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.advanced" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527738] WARN mod - "" : "Amad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.527891] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.specialty.description" : "{Armorer}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528050] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality bonus: Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528204] WARN mod - "" : "Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528357] WARN mod - "" : "Yemapel", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528509] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.specialty.description" : "{Logistics}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Logistics skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528675] WARN mod - "" : "Soraya", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528829] WARN mod - "" : "Sierra", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.528984] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.biography" : "As illegitimate child, Shayan was rejected from the crown. Left to his own devices, he very quickly showed himself to be a charismatic warlord. His territory and then his kingdom experienced a dazzling expansion, rallying all the left behind to his cause.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529151] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.specialty.description" : "{Gold Golem}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Gold Golem or Diamond Golem for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529312] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.biography" : "Reza holds contempt for living beings and works inside the Golem Factory where he repairs and creates golems. Being a golem himself, he understands their weaknesses and strengths.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529473] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Offence", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529628] WARN mod - "" : "Niusha", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529779] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.specialty.description" : "{Enchanter}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Sorceress or Enchanters for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.529938] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530089] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Motley Army", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530240] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530392] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530549] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.biography" : "Mahyar was a poor woodcutter until he discovered the secret of a thieves' den. He sought a new life among them and later became the leader of the sharpshooters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530711] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.specialty.description" : "{Slayer}\r\n\r\nCasts Slayer spell with increased effect, based on the level of the target.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.530872] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Slayer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531025] WARN mod - "" : "Leyla", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531178] WARN mod - "" : "Resistance", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531328] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Namburbi and Gottesbriefe spells", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531482] WARN mod - "" : "Keyvan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531634] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.specialty.description" : "{Necrolem}\r\n\r\nRaises killed enemy creatures into Flesh Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531792] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.biography" : "Bhemnesh is captivated by the arcane arts of necromancy and the craftsmanship of golems. With an insatiable curiosity and keen intellect, he dedicates his life to unraveling the secrets that bind life and unlife.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.531956] WARN mod - "" : "Bhemnesh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532109] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.specialty.description" : "{Hell Steed}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Hell Steed or Nightmare for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532268] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532421] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.biography" : "Abandoned with unicorns in AvLee when he was a child, Azar grew up as a druid until he joined Shayan's kingdom. Rumors says he brought Nightmares to Erathia when he attempted to resurrect a fallen unicorn into the door to hell.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532591] WARN mod - "" : "Azar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532740] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.specialty.tooltip" : "Receives a 5% per level bonus to Estates skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.532895] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.specialty.description" : "{Nomad}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Boar or Nomad for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533056] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.biography" : "Areman spent his life wandering in Erathia with all kinds of creatures which eventually died during his journey. What earned him to be known as the eternal wanderer.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533217] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.biography" : "Believed to be the most intelligent and beautiful enchantress, most sorceresses and enchanters seeks to learn from Aran and follow blindly her path.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533376] WARN mod - "" : "Wanderer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533531] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533682] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.tavern.description" : "The Tavern increases increases morale for troops defending the city.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533840] WARN mod - "" : "Genizah", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.533991] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special2.description" : "Increase the land movement rate of any visiting hero.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534144] WARN mod - "" : "Stables", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534294] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special1.description" : "Earn 10% interest of any gold you have at the start of each week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534453] WARN mod - "" : "Secret Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534604] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.resourceSilo.description" : "The Resource Silo provides you with an additional +1 sulfur each day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534760] WARN mod - "" : "Resource Silo", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.534910] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 5", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535062] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 1", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535216] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.horde2Upgr.description" : "Factory Expansion increases weekly production of Diamond Golems by 2 per week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535375] WARN mod - "" : "Factory Expansion", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535534] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535736] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl2.description" : "Upg. Camp allows you to recruit Nomads.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.535895] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536048] WARN mod - "" : "Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536203] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl5.description" : "Enchanted Woods allows you to recruit Sorceresses.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536358] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl3.description" : "Watchtower allows you to recruit Sagittariis.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536526] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536682] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.cityHall.description" : "The City Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 2000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536841] WARN mod - "" : "Castle", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.536995] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.capitol.description" : "The Capitol earns your kingdom 4000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537148] WARN mod - "" : "Capitol", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537298] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.13" : "Atashkadeh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537448] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.12" : "Qom", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537602] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.11" : "Alvand", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537756] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.8" : "Nerebtum", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.537972] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.7" : "Eridu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538131] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.6" : "Borsippa", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538289] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.5" : "Nippur", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538440] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.3" : "Kermanshah", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538594] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.1" : "Marvdasht", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538746] WARN mod - "" : "Refugee", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.538898] WARN mod - "" : "Vagabonds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539050] WARN mod - "" : "Spies", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539200] WARN mod - "" : "Spy", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539351] WARN mod - "" : "Sorceresses", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539508] WARN mod - "" : "Sorceress", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539658] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539811] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steeds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.539963] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540118] WARN mod - "" : "Nightmares", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540269] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540420] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540575] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540730] WARN mod - "" : "Diamond Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.540881] WARN mod - "" : "Daevas", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541036] WARN mod - "" : "Daeva", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541191] WARN mod - "" : "Angra Mainyu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541343] WARN mod - "" : "Ahriman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541500] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl2.description" : "Nomad's Camp allows you to recruit Vagabonds.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541659] WARN mod - "" : "Alkephobos", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541812] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.specialty.tooltip" : "Bonus: Resistance", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.541967] WARN mod - "" : "City Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542123] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.biography" : "Unlike his brother, Keyvan always had bad relationships with people and tend to resolve his issues with magic. Rumors say he can control the course of battles with his spells.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542288] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.advanced" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542452] WARN mod - "" : "Ahriman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542607] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild4.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542767] WARN mod - "" : "Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.542923] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.specialty.description" : "{Resistance}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Resistance skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543082] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 3", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543234] WARN mod - "" : "Logistics", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543392] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.none" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543547] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.none" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543705] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl4.description" : "Upg. Golem Factory allows you to recruit Diamond Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.543861] WARN mod - "" : "Nightmare", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544018] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544174] WARN mod - "" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544330] WARN mod - "" : "Flesh Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544483] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544635] WARN mod - "" : "Mysticism", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544789] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.544946] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.specialty.description" : "{Alkephobos}\r\n\r\nKeyvan starts with the Namburbi and Gottesbriefe spells.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545105] WARN mod - "" : "Citadel", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545263] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545417] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.marketplace.description" : "With the Marketplace, you can buy and sell resources (exchange rates increase with each Marketplace you own).", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545578] WARN mod - "" : "Aria", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545729] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.specialty.description" : "{First Aid}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to First Aid skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.545887] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl3.description" : "Upg. Watchtower allows you to recruit Sharpshooters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546045] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 2", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546198] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546354] WARN mod - "" : "Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546511] WARN mod - "" : "Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546662] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546815] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.546969] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.biography" : "Soraya's logistic skill is so good that she is widely known for being the fastest wanderer in both Krewlod and Tatalia.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547129] WARN mod - "" : "Šigû", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547283] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.biography" : "Niusha was a slave her whole youth until Shayan sets her free and takes her to his land. Her loyalty is unwavering and she seeks to prove it everyday on battlefields.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547445] WARN mod - "" : "Slayer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547603] WARN mod - "" : "Asha statue", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547755] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.biography" : "Aria has never defines violence as an answer but as the latest solution. She focus on ways to increase her kingdom revenues and don't mind to uses her charm and magic to lead her to victory.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.547919] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548074] WARN mod - "" : "Roving Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548229] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild3.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548390] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548547] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.0" : "Shahriar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548701] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 4", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.548857] WARN mod - "" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549016] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl4.description" : "Golem Factory allows you to recruit Gold Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549173] WARN mod - "" : "Rogues", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549324] WARN mod - "" : "First Aid", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549478] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549635] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549789] WARN mod - "" : "Village Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.549945] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl1.description" : "Upg. Rogue's Cavern allows you to recruit Spies.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550104] WARN mod - "" : "Shayan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550271] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.none" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550429] WARN mod - "" : "Motley Army", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550593] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.specialty.description" : "{Offence}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Offence skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550754] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Logistics", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.550920] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.castle.description" : "The Castle adds two arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.551088] WARN mod - "" : "Areman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.551242] WARN mod - "" : "Flesh Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.551399] WARN mod - "" : "Diamond Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.551668] WARN mod - "" : "Kiana", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.551880] WARN mod - "" : "Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552039] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.none" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552204] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.basic" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552363] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.specialty.tooltip" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552524] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl7.description" : "Upg. Door to Hell allows you to recruit Ahriman.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552679] WARN mod - "" : "Met", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552830] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.552987] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.none" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553151] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild2.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553311] WARN mod - "" : "Necrolem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553468] WARN mod - "" : "Sagittariis", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553628] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.blacksmith.description" : "The Blacksmith provides your armies with First Aid Tent.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553782] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild1.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.553946] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl6.description" : "Upg. Skull Cave allows you to recruit Nightmares.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.554100] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special3.description" : "The Genizah enables the Mage Guild to contain an extra spell per level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.554264] WARN mod - "" : "Town Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.554420] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.fort.description" : "The Fort provides your town with defensive walls.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.554725] WARN mod - "" : "Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.554888] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl6.description" : "Skull Cave allows you to recruit Hell Steeds.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555044] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.biography" : "Leyla saw her parents burnt alive by a dragon breath and she dedicated her life feeding her hate of dragons. Her great skills in combat allowed her to be widely known in the kingdom as the dragon-slayer.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555223] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl7.description" : "Door to Hell allows you to recruit Angra Mainyu.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555378] WARN mod - "" : "Offence", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555533] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555690] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.specialty.description" : "{Mysticism}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Mysticism skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.555851] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556010] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.14" : "Kerman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556166] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.grail.description" : "Asha statue increases weekly creature generation by 50%, provides your kindgom with an additional 5000 gold per day and affords 7 mines (for all categories of resources respectively). It will also summons a Daeva when defending against a siege.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556333] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Mysticism", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556489] WARN mod - "" : "Mithra", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556644] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl1.description" : "Rogue's Cavern allows you to recruit Rogues.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556803] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.9" : "Gahvareh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.556958] WARN mod - "" : "Including a 50% increase to base creature growth, the Citadel adds a keep, and other terrain obstacles, to a town's defenses.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557122] WARN mod - "" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557283] WARN mod - "" : "Roving Enchanters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557436] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.4" : "Persepolia", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557590] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.10" : "Mashhad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557745] WARN mod - "" : "Aran", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.557900] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558058] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.basic" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558216] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558371] WARN mod - "" : "Marketplace", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558629] WARN mod - "" : "Tavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558784] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.2" : "Kashan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.558939] WARN mod - "" : "Factory Expansion", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559096] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559248] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.basic" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559406] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl5.description" : "Upg. Enchanted Woods allows you to recruit Enchanters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559573] WARN mod - "" : "Emet", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559725] WARN mod - "" : "Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.559884] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Necrolem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560040] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.specialty.description" : "{Motley Army}\r\n\r\nAll creatures are unaffected by morale penalty.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560200] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.specialty.description" : "{Estates}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Estates skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560358] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: First Aid", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560511] WARN mod - "" : "Vagabond", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560671] WARN mod - "" : "Reza", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560825] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.villageHall.description" : "The Village Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 500 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.560988] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561140] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561292] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild5.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561455] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.biography" : "Sierra believes that strength lies in alliances between each individuals. She is known to travel from battlefields to heal and recruits everyone she encounters which has greatly increased the troops of the kingdom.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561620] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561771] WARN mod - "" : "Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.561937] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.advanced" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562101] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.specialty.description" : "{Sharpshooter}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Sharpshooter or Sagittarii for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562265] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.basic" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562419] WARN mod - "" : "Mahyar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562572] WARN mod - "" : "Sagittarii", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562726] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.biography" : "Native from Krewlod, nothing much is known about Yemapel except the fact that he has shown impressive talents in military concerns.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.562888] WARN mod - "" : "Blacksmith", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563041] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.biography" : "Hidden in woods near the land of Deyja, Mithra incredible ability to destroy undead made her popular among sorceresses. After losing a battle against liches, she took refuge within Shayan's kingdom to teaches magic.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563228] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.biography" : "During her exile throughout Krewlod, Kiana showed predisposition to resist magic but her tyrannic attitude oftenly leaded her to get into troubles.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563388] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.horde2.description" : "Factory Expansion increases weekly production of Gold Golems by 2 per week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563552] WARN mod - "" : "Nomads", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563704] WARN mod - "" : "Nambúrbi", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.563859] WARN mod - "" : "Angra Mainyu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564020] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.basic" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564178] WARN mod - "" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Diamond Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564339] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.townHall.description" : "The Town Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 1000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564507] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.basic" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564673] WARN mod - "" : "Estates", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564826] WARN mod - "" : "Fort", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.564986] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.565192] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\translation\refugee\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.565668] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'refugeetown' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.565827] WARN mod - "" : "{Šigû}\n\nReduces the luck and morale of all enemy's units by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.565985] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.none" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566139] WARN mod - "" : "Šigû", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566291] WARN mod - "" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases the luck and morale of all friendly units by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566450] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.advanced" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566610] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.advanced" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566764] WARN mod - "" : "Holy Breaker", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.566916] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.advanced" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567072] WARN mod - "" : "Summon Daeva", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567224] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.advanced" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567376] WARN mod - "" : "Amad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567551] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.specialty.description" : "{Armorer}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567718] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality bonus: Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.567873] WARN mod - "" : "Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568027] WARN mod - "" : "Yemapel", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568179] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.specialty.description" : "{Logistics}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Logistics skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568336] WARN mod - "" : "Soraya", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568488] WARN mod - "" : "Sierra", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568642] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.biography" : "As illegitimate child, Shayan was rejected from the crown. Left to his own devices, he very quickly showed himself to be a charismatic warlord. His territory and then his kingdom experienced a dazzling expansion, rallying all the left behind to his cause.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568815] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.specialty.description" : "{Gold Golem}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Gold Golem or Diamond Golem for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.568977] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.biography" : "Reza holds contempt for living beings and works inside the Golem Factory where he repairs and creates golems. Being a golem himself, he understands their weaknesses and strengths.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569142] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Offence", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569293] WARN mod - "" : "Niusha", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569446] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.specialty.description" : "{Enchanter}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Sorceress or Enchanters for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569613] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569769] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Motley Army", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.569925] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570077] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570231] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.biography" : "Mahyar was a poor woodcutter until he discovered the secret of a thieves' den. He sought a new life among them and later became the leader of the sharpshooters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570394] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.specialty.description" : "{Slayer}\r\n\r\nCasts Slayer spell with increased effect, based on the level of the target.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570556] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Slayer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570707] WARN mod - "" : "Leyla", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.570856] WARN mod - "" : "Resistance", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571009] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Namburbi and Gottesbriefe spells", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571166] WARN mod - "" : "Keyvan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571412] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.specialty.description" : "{Necrolem}\r\n\r\nRaises killed enemy creatures into Flesh Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571575] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.biography" : "Bhemnesh is captivated by the arcane arts of necromancy and the craftsmanship of golems. With an insatiable curiosity and keen intellect, he dedicates his life to unraveling the secrets that bind life and unlife.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571739] WARN mod - "" : "Bhemnesh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.571897] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.specialty.description" : "{Hell Steed}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Hell Steed or Nightmare for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572057] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572212] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.biography" : "Abandoned with unicorns in AvLee when he was a child, Azar grew up as a druid until he joined Shayan's kingdom. Rumors says he brought Nightmares to Erathia when he attempted to resurrect a fallen unicorn into the door to hell.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572376] WARN mod - "" : "Azar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572524] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.specialty.tooltip" : "Receives a 5% per level bonus to Estates skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572678] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.specialty.description" : "{Nomad}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Boar or Nomad for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572838] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.biography" : "Areman spent his life wandering in Erathia with all kinds of creatures which eventually died during his journey. What earned him to be known as the eternal wanderer.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.572998] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.biography" : "Believed to be the most intelligent and beautiful enchantress, most sorceresses and enchanters seeks to learn from Aran and follow blindly her path.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573157] WARN mod - "" : "Wanderer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573312] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573465] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.tavern.description" : "The Tavern increases increases morale for troops defending the city.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573622] WARN mod - "" : "Genizah", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573773] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special2.description" : "Increase the land movement rate of any visiting hero.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.573926] WARN mod - "" : "Stables", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574077] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special1.description" : "Earn 10% interest of any gold you have at the start of each week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574232] WARN mod - "" : "Secret Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574382] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.resourceSilo.description" : "The Resource Silo provides you with an additional +1 sulfur each day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574544] WARN mod - "" : "Resource Silo", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574695] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 5", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574848] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 1", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.574999] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.horde2Upgr.description" : "Factory Expansion increases weekly production of Diamond Golems by 2 per week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575157] WARN mod - "" : "Factory Expansion", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575308] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575461] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl2.description" : "Upg. Camp allows you to recruit Nomads.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575615] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575765] WARN mod - "" : "Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.575920] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl5.description" : "Enchanted Woods allows you to recruit Sorceresses.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576076] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl3.description" : "Watchtower allows you to recruit Sagittariis.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576229] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576379] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.cityHall.description" : "The City Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 2000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576539] WARN mod - "" : "Castle", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576689] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.capitol.description" : "The Capitol earns your kingdom 4000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576843] WARN mod - "" : "Capitol", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.576996] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.13" : "Atashkadeh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577145] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.12" : "Qom", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577293] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.11" : "Alvand", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577444] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.8" : "Nerebtum", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577596] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.7" : "Eridu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577744] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.6" : "Borsippa", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.577904] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.5" : "Nippur", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578052] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.3" : "Kermanshah", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578202] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.1" : "Marvdasht", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578354] WARN mod - "" : "Refugee", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578511] WARN mod - "" : "Vagabonds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578662] WARN mod - "" : "Spies", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578814] WARN mod - "" : "Spy", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.578966] WARN mod - "" : "Sorceresses", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579115] WARN mod - "" : "Sorceress", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579265] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579415] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steeds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579568] WARN mod - "" : "Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579717] WARN mod - "" : "Nightmares", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.579867] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580019] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580169] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580319] WARN mod - "" : "Diamond Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580483] WARN mod - "" : "Daevas", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580633] WARN mod - "" : "Daeva", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580784] WARN mod - "" : "Angra Mainyu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.580934] WARN mod - "" : "Ahriman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581089] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl2.description" : "Nomad's Camp allows you to recruit Vagabonds.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581242] WARN mod - "" : "Alkephobos", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581392] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.specialty.tooltip" : "Bonus: Resistance", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581545] WARN mod - "" : "City Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581699] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.biography" : "Unlike his brother, Keyvan always had bad relationships with people and tend to resolve his issues with magic. Rumors say he can control the course of battles with his spells.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.581866] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.advanced" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 2.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582026] WARN mod - "" : "Ahriman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582178] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild4.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582334] WARN mod - "" : "Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582491] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.specialty.description" : "{Resistance}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Resistance skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582646] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 3", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582799] WARN mod - "" : "Logistics", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.582953] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.none" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.583109] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.none" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.583266] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl4.description" : "Upg. Golem Factory allows you to recruit Diamond Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.583550] WARN mod - "" : "Nightmare", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.583812] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.583974] WARN mod - "" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.584377] WARN mod - "" : "Flesh Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.584539] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.584695] WARN mod - "" : "Mysticism", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.584848] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585002] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKeyvan.specialty.description" : "{Alkephobos}\r\n\r\nKeyvan starts with the Namburbi and Gottesbriefe spells.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585165] WARN mod - "" : "Citadel", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585323] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585481] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.marketplace.description" : "With the Marketplace, you can buy and sell resources (exchange rates increase with each Marketplace you own).", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585645] WARN mod - "" : "Aria", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585797] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.specialty.description" : "{First Aid}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to First Aid skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.585956] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl3.description" : "Upg. Watchtower allows you to recruit Sharpshooters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586112] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 2", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586266] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586422] WARN mod - "" : "Door to Hell", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586574] WARN mod - "" : "Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586726] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.586880] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Skull Cave", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587039] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.biography" : "Soraya's logistic skill is so good that she is widely known for being the fastest wanderer in both Krewlod and Tatalia.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587200] WARN mod - "" : "Šigû", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587363] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.biography" : "Niusha was a slave her whole youth until Shayan sets her free and takes her to his land. Her loyalty is unwavering and she seeks to prove it everyday on battlefields.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587525] WARN mod - "" : "Slayer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587678] WARN mod - "" : "Asha statue", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587833] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.biography" : "Aria has never defines violence as an answer but as the latest solution. She focus on ways to increase her kingdom revenues and don't mind to uses her charm and magic to lead her to victory.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.587996] WARN mod - "" : "Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.588152] WARN mod - "" : "Roving Enchanter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.588369] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild3.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.588534] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.588694] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.0" : "Shahriar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.588850] WARN mod - "" : "Mage Guild 4", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589006] WARN mod - "" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589164] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl4.description" : "Golem Factory allows you to recruit Gold Golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589322] WARN mod - "" : "Rogues", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589478] WARN mod - "" : "First Aid", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589632] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAzar.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Hell Steed", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589783] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.589934] WARN mod - "" : "Village Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590092] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl1.description" : "Upg. Rogue's Cavern allows you to recruit Spies.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590255] WARN mod - "" : "Shayan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590436] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.none" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590597] WARN mod - "" : "Motley Army", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590748] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghNiusha.specialty.description" : "{Offence}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Offence skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.590907] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSoraya.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Logistics", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591068] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.castle.description" : "The Castle adds two arrow towers, fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591241] WARN mod - "" : "Areman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591391] WARN mod - "" : "Flesh Golems", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591547] WARN mod - "" : "Diamond Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591700] WARN mod - "" : "Kiana", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.591853] WARN mod - "" : "Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592011] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.none" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592180] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsNamburbi.description.basic" : "{Nambúrbi}\n\nIncreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592337] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAreman.specialty.tooltip" : "", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592494] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl7.description" : "Upg. Door to Hell allows you to recruit Ahriman.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592648] WARN mod - "" : "Met", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592798] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghReza.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: Gold Golem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.592954] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.none" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593116] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild2.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593274] WARN mod - "" : "Necrolem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593427] WARN mod - "" : "Sagittariis", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593586] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.blacksmith.description" : "The Blacksmith provides your armies with First Aid Tent.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593744] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild1.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.593904] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl6.description" : "Upg. Skull Cave allows you to recruit Nightmares.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594061] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.special3.description" : "The Genizah enables the Mage Guild to contain an extra spell per level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594222] WARN mod - "" : "Town Hall", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594379] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.fort.description" : "The Fort provides your town with defensive walls.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594547] WARN mod - "" : "Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594702] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl6.description" : "Skull Cave allows you to recruit Hell Steeds.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.594857] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghLeyla.biography" : "Leyla saw her parents burnt alive by a dragon breath and she dedicated her life feeding her hate of dragons. Her great skills in combat allowed her to be widely known in the kingdom as the dragon-slayer.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595037] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl7.description" : "Door to Hell allows you to recruit Angra Mainyu.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595191] WARN mod - "" : "Offence", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595346] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad's Camp", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595515] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.specialty.description" : "{Mysticism}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Mysticism skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595677] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Rogue's Cavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595834] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.14" : "Kerman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.595986] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.grail.description" : "Asha statue increases weekly creature generation by 50%, provides your kindgom with an additional 5000 gold per day and affords 7 mines (for all categories of resources respectively). It will also summons a Daeva when defending against a siege.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596156] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAran.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Mysticism", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596312] WARN mod - "" : "Mithra", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596465] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingLvl1.description" : "Rogue's Cavern allows you to recruit Rogues.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596622] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.9" : "Gahvareh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596789] WARN mod - "" : "Including a 50% increase to base creature growth, the Citadel adds a keep, and other terrain obstacles, to a town's defenses.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.596947] WARN mod - "" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597103] WARN mod - "" : "Roving Enchanters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597250] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.4" : "Persepolia", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597397] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.10" : "Mashhad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597548] WARN mod - "" : "Aran", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597693] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.597852] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsDaeva.description.basic" : "{Summon Daeva}\n\nSummons a Daeva to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598005] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598158] WARN mod - "" : "Marketplace", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598311] WARN mod - "" : "Tavern", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598478] WARN mod - "faction.refugeetown.refugee.randomName.2" : "Kashan", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598764] WARN mod - "" : "Factory Expansion", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.598923] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599070] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsMet.description.basic" : "{Met}\n\nInflicts terrible damage to the targeted golem.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599226] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.dwellingUpLvl5.description" : "Upg. Enchanted Woods allows you to recruit Enchanters.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599388] WARN mod - "" : "Emet", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599538] WARN mod - "" : "Golem Factory", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599692] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghBhemnesh.specialty.tooltip" : "speciality : Necrolem", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599843] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghShayan.specialty.description" : "{Motley Army}\r\n\r\nAll creatures are unaffected by morale penalty.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.599997] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghAria.specialty.description" : "{Estates}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Estates skill.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600150] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.specialty.tooltip" : "Specialty bonus: First Aid", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600296] WARN mod - "" : "Vagabond", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600450] WARN mod - "" : "Reza", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600596] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.villageHall.description" : "The Village Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 500 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600752] WARN mod - "" : "Nomad", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.600899] WARN mod - "" : "Sharpshooter", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601046] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.mageGuild5.description" : "Entering the Mage Guild will allow a visiting hero to learn the spells kept within.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601201] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghSierra.biography" : "Sierra believes that strength lies in alliances between each individuals. She is known to travel from battlefields to heal and recruits everyone she encounters which has greatly increased the troops of the kingdom.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601358] WARN mod - "" : "Rogue", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601505] WARN mod - "" : "Watchtower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601665] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.advanced" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601821] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMahyar.specialty.description" : "{Sharpshooter}\r\n\r\nIncreases the Attack and Defense skills of any Sharpshooter or Sagittarii for each level attained after 5th level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.601977] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsAmad.description.basic" : "{Amad}\n\nRepair selected golems.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602128] WARN mod - "" : "Mahyar", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602271] WARN mod - "" : "Sagittarii", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602421] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghYemapel.biography" : "Native from Krewlod, nothing much is known about Yemapel except the fact that he has shown impressive talents in military concerns.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602579] WARN mod - "" : "Blacksmith", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602725] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghMithra.biography" : "Hidden in woods near the land of Deyja, Mithra incredible ability to destroy undead made her popular among sorceresses. After losing a battle against liches, she took refuge within Shayan's kingdom to teaches magic.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.602915] WARN mod - "hero.refugeetown.rfghKiana.biography" : "During her exile throughout Krewlod, Kiana showed predisposition to resist magic but her tyrannic attitude oftenly leaded her to get into troubles.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603071] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.horde2.description" : "Factory Expansion increases weekly production of Gold Golems by 2 per week.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603227] WARN mod - "" : "Nomads", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603373] WARN mod - "" : "Nambúrbi", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603523] WARN mod - "" : "Angra Mainyu", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603682] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsSiguP.description.basic" : "{Šigû}\n\nDecreases selected's unit's luck and morale by 1.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603835] WARN mod - "" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Diamond Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.603992] WARN mod - "building.refugeetown.refugee.townHall.description" : "The Town Hall allows you to purchase town structures and earns your kingdom 1000 gold per day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.604150] WARN mod - "spell.refugeetown.rfgsEmet.description.basic" : "{Emet}\n\nSummons Gold Golems to fight on your side on battle field.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.604308] WARN mod - "" : "Estates", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.604453] WARN mod - "" : "Fort", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.604607] WARN mod - "" : "Upg. Enchanted Woods", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.605379] TRACE global - loading .\Mods\vcmi\config\vcmi\english.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.606799] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.607195] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'forge' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.607352] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.607568] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.607833] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.608219] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'forge' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.608374] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.608583] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.608887] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\forge\content\config\forge\translation\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.609269] WARN mod - Translation into language 'polish' in mod 'forge' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.609423] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.609633] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.612494] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\translation\asylum\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.612866] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'asylum-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.613022] WARN mod - "" : "Rise Apparitions", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.613243] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.613426] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.613711] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asylum-town\content\translation\asylum\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614069] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'asylum-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614221] WARN mod - "" : "Rise Apparitions", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614367] WARN mod - "" : "Gift", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614525] WARN mod - "" : "Jester", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614689] WARN mod - "" : "Gift Delivery", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.614846] WARN mod - "faction.asylum-town.asylum.randomName.16" : "Land of Nod", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615018] WARN mod - "" : "Jesters", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615178] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615341] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.none" : "{Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troop of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615517] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615673] WARN mod - "" : "{Expert Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troop of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.615850] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.advanced" : "{Advanced Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troop of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.616013] WARN mod - "spell.asylum-town.summonJester.description.basic" : "{Basic Gift Delivery}\r\n\r\nSummon a troop of Jesters to send birthday gifts to your 'friends'.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.616317] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\translation\fairy\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.616662] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'fairy-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.616815] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.616962] WARN mod - "" : "Magic Garland", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617115] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special2.description" : "After planting the miracle seeds, then get harvest if you continue to cultivate it (need to be upgraded).", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617296] WARN mod - "" : "Riverbed Lodge", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617443] WARN mod - "" : "Breeze Valley", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617589] WARN mod - "" : "Rainbow Fort", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617737] WARN mod - "" : "Fairies Bank", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.617894] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special4.description" : "The Beautiful Flowers provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day, and helps hero recover 5 extra spell points per day after visiting within 7 days.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618052] WARN mod - "" : "Garden of Light", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618211] WARN mod - "" : "Miracle Flowers", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618365] WARN mod - "" : "Rainbow Flower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618515] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Flowers", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618686] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special3.description" : "Miracle Flowers provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.618849] WARN mod - "" : "Alehouse", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.619069] WARN mod - "" : "Arcane Blossom", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.619227] WARN mod - "" : "Miracle Seeds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.619388] WARN mod - "" : "Harp Stage", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.619603] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\fairy-town\content\translation\fairy\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.619956] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'fairy-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620110] WARN mod - "" : "Ditch", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620255] WARN mod - "" : "Magic Garland", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620408] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special2.description" : "After planting the miracle seeds, then get harvest if you continue to cultivate it (need to be upgraded).", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620595] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special4.description" : "The Beautiful Flowers provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day, and helps hero recover 5 extra spell points per day after visiting within 7 days.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620762] WARN mod - "" : "Miracle Flowers", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.620916] WARN mod - "" : "Rainbow Flower", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.621065] WARN mod - "" : "Enchanted Flowers", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.621239] WARN mod - "building.fairy-town.fairy.special3.description" : "Miracle Flowers provides you with an additional +1 crystal each day.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.621420] WARN mod - "" : "Miracle Seeds", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.622701] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\translation\ruins\chinese.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623051] WARN mod - Translation into language 'chinese' in mod 'ruins-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623203] WARN mod - "" : "Nodens", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623351] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.biography" : "Neit's family had long held the esteemed role of Peryton tamers, a tradition passed down through generations. But when her tribe faced a dire threat, she faced an agonizing choice. In a desperate bid to secure the Perytons' aid, she left her remote home behind. Regrettably, upon her return, she discovered that time had betrayed her, and she arrived too late. The tragedy had already unfolded, with the loss of most of her people.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623528] WARN mod - "" : "Neit", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623672] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Wendigos", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623831] WARN mod - "" : "Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.623985] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.description" : "{Wendigo}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Wendigo or Feral Wendigo by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 6 levels.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624159] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.biography" : "Mogh is among the first Wood Elf druids, taught by the founder of the Circle of Elders. The AvLean kingdom assigned him to safeguard the Emerald Forest.. He chose to live there, spending his life exploring and befriending even the forest's most fearsome creatures. While he still took on students from the empire, teaching them Earth and Nature Magic, his isolation turned him into a quirky old man. He now feels more connected to the forest than to the elven empire.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624340] WARN mod - "" : "Peryton", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624494] WARN mod - "" : "Mogh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624658] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.description" : "{Peryton}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Peryton by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 4 level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624835] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.tooltip" : "Secondary Skill Bonus: Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.624986] WARN mod - "" : "Wendigo", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.625177] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.biography" : "Nodens, a native of the Lost Plateau and the revered chief and shaman of the Hillrock Tribe near the Tatalian borders, possesses an unmatched prowess in resource management and the welfare of his people. Under his guidance, the tribe valiantly repelled the relentless advances of the Erathian Empire, although victory came at a staggering price. Now, only a handful of the tribe's once-thriving members remain, their resilience a testament to Nodens' unwavering leadership amidst adversity.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.625372] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.description" : "{Armorer}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.625535] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Perytons", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.625735] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\translation\ruins\german.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626092] WARN mod - Translation into language 'german' in mod 'ruins-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626245] WARN mod - "" : "Nodens", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626395] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.biography" : "Neit's family had long held the esteemed role of Peryton tamers, a tradition passed down through generations. But when her tribe faced a dire threat, she faced an agonizing choice. In a desperate bid to secure the Perytons' aid, she left her remote home behind. Regrettably, upon her return, she discovered that time had betrayed her, and she arrived too late. The tragedy had already unfolded, with the loss of most of her people.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626572] WARN mod - "" : "Neit", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626716] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Wendigos", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.626875] WARN mod - "" : "Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627026] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.description" : "{Wendigo}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Wendigo or Feral Wendigo by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 6 levels.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627198] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.biography" : "Mogh is among the first Wood Elf druids, taught by the founder of the Circle of Elders. The AvLean kingdom assigned him to safeguard the Emerald Forest.. He chose to live there, spending his life exploring and befriending even the forest's most fearsome creatures. While he still took on students from the empire, teaching them Earth and Nature Magic, his isolation turned him into a quirky old man. He now feels more connected to the forest than to the elven empire.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627376] WARN mod - "" : "Peryton", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627569] WARN mod - "" : "Mogh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627732] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.description" : "{Peryton}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Peryton by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 4 level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.627909] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.tooltip" : "Secondary Skill Bonus: Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.628059] WARN mod - "" : "Wendigo", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.628249] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.biography" : "Nodens, a native of the Lost Plateau and the revered chief and shaman of the Hillrock Tribe near the Tatalian borders, possesses an unmatched prowess in resource management and the welfare of his people. Under his guidance, the tribe valiantly repelled the relentless advances of the Erathian Empire, although victory came at a staggering price. Now, only a handful of the tribe's once-thriving members remain, their resilience a testament to Nodens' unwavering leadership amidst adversity.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.628486] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.description" : "{Armorer}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.628643] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Perytons", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.628846] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\ruins-town\content\translation\ruins\polish.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.629168] WARN mod - Translation into language 'polish' in mod 'ruins-town' is incomplete! Missing lines: [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.629320] WARN mod - "" : "Nodens", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.629470] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.biography" : "Neit's family had long held the esteemed role of Peryton tamers, a tradition passed down through generations. But when her tribe faced a dire threat, she faced an agonizing choice. In a desperate bid to secure the Perytons' aid, she left her remote home behind. Regrettably, upon her return, she discovered that time had betrayed her, and she arrived too late. The tragedy had already unfolded, with the loss of most of her people.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.629728] WARN mod - "" : "Neit", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.629872] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Wendigos", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630027] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.9" : "Oban", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630175] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.3" : "Hillrock", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630321] WARN mod - "" : "Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630474] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.specialty.description" : "{Wendigo}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Wendigo or Feral Wendigo by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 6 levels.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630627] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.8" : "Tintagel", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630776] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.5" : "Lindisfarne", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.630924] WARN mod - "" : "Tracker", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631086] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_mogh.biography" : "Mogh is among the first Wood Elf druids, taught by the founder of the Circle of Elders. The AvLean kingdom assigned him to safeguard the Emerald Forest.. He chose to live there, spending his life exploring and befriending even the forest's most fearsome creatures. While he still took on students from the empire, teaching them Earth and Nature Magic, his isolation turned him into a quirky old man. He now feels more connected to the forest than to the elven empire.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631263] WARN mod - "" : "Peryton", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631413] WARN mod - "" : "Mogh", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631579] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.description" : "{Peryton}\r\n\r\nIncreases Speed of any Peryton by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 4 level.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631744] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.7" : "Clifden ", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.631897] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.2" : "Stormhammer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632052] WARN mod - "" : "Huntsman", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632198] WARN mod - "" : "Trackers", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632345] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.tooltip" : "Secondary Skill Bonus: Armorer", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632494] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.0" : "Welnin ", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632647] WARN mod - "" : "Wendigo", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632806] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.6" : "Aberystwyth", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.632957] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.1" : "Harmondale ", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633106] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.10" : "Dingle", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633272] WARN mod - "faction.ruins-town.ruins.randomName.4" : "Ashflame", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633424] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.biography" : "Nodens, a native of the Lost Plateau and the revered chief and shaman of the Hillrock Tribe near the Tatalian borders, possesses an unmatched prowess in resource management and the welfare of his people. Under his guidance, the tribe valiantly repelled the relentless advances of the Erathian Empire, although victory came at a staggering price. Now, only a handful of the tribe's once-thriving members remain, their resilience a testament to Nodens' unwavering leadership amidst adversity.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633619] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_nodens.specialty.description" : "{Armorer}\r\n\r\nReceives a 5% per level bonus to Armorer skill percentage.", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633773] WARN mod - "hero.ruins-town.rn_neit.specialty.tooltip" : "Creature bonus: Perytons", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.633930] WARN mod - "" : "Huntsmen", [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.634394] INFO mod - Loading mod data: 479 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.634698] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::rn_might(39) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.634721] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.rn_might as ruins-town:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.634794] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::rn_magic(38) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.634812] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.rn_magic as ruins-town:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635036] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::ruins(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635056] TRACE mod - registered core:town.ruins as ruins-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635325] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl7_up(329) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635345] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl7_up as ruins-town:329 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635409] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl7(328) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635427] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl7 as ruins-town:328 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635489] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl6_up(327) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635506] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl6_up as ruins-town:327 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635554] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl6(326) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635571] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl6 as ruins-town:326 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635618] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl5_up(325) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635635] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl5_up as ruins-town:325 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635679] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl5(324) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635696] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl5 as ruins-town:324 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635739] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl4_up(323) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635757] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl4_up as ruins-town:323 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635799] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl4(322) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635815] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl4 as ruins-town:322 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635856] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl3_up(321) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635872] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl3_up as ruins-town:321 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635913] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl3(320) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635930] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl3 as ruins-town:320 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635968] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl2_up(319) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.635985] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl2_up as ruins-town:319 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636034] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl2(318) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636051] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl2 as ruins-town:318 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636102] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl1_up(317) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636118] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl1_up as ruins-town:317 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636149] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_lvl1(316) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636165] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_lvl1 as ruins-town:316 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636197] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_cm3_up(315) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636214] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_cm3_up as ruins-town:315 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636239] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_cm3(314) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636255] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_cm3 as ruins-town:314 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636279] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_alternate_up(313) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636295] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_alternate_up as ruins-town:313 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636339] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rn_creature_alternate(312) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636356] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rn_creature_alternate as ruins-town:312 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636423] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::steelGolem(311) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636441] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.steelGolem as hota.neutralcreatures:311 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636489] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::satyr(310) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636506] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.satyr as hota.neutralcreatures:310 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636551] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::leprechaun(309) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636568] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.leprechaun as hota.neutralcreatures:309 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636607] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fangarm(308) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636623] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fangarm as hota.neutralcreatures:308 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636787] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::navigator(37) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636806] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.navigator as hota.cove:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636877] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::captain(36) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.636895] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.captain as hota.cove:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637105] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::cove(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637124] TRACE mod - registered core:town.cove as hota.cove:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637346] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stormbird(307) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637364] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stormbird as hota.cove:307 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637406] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sorceress(306) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637422] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sorceress as hota.cove:306 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637478] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::seaserpent(305) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637494] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.seaserpent as hota.cove:305 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637542] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::seaman(304) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637558] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.seaman as hota.cove:304 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637592] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::seadog(303) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637610] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.seadog as hota.cove:303 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637652] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::seaWitch(302) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637669] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.seaWitch as hota.cove:302 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637723] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pirate(301) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637740] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pirate as hota.cove:301 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637774] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::oceanid(300) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637790] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.oceanid as hota.cove:300 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637823] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nymph(299) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637839] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nymph as hota.cove:299 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637874] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nixWarrior(298) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637890] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nixWarrior as hota.cove:298 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637942] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nix(297) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.637959] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nix as hota.cove:297 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638011] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::haspid(296) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638027] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.haspid as hota.cove:296 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638073] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::crewmate(295) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638089] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.crewmate as hota.cove:295 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638124] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::corsair(294) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638140] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.corsair as hota.cove:294 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638175] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::blackbeard(293) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638192] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.blackbeard as hota.cove:293 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638217] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ayssid(292) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638233] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ayssid as hota.cove:292 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638377] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::warden(35) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638396] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.warden as fairy-town:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638460] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::hunter(34) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638477] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.hunter as fairy-town:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638685] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::fairy(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638704] TRACE mod - registered core:town.fairy as fairy-town:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638925] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftWyvern2(291) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638943] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftWyvern2 as fairy-town:291 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.638993] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftWyvern1(290) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639010] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftWyvern1 as fairy-town:290 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639057] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftWisp2(289) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639074] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftWisp2 as fairy-town:289 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639114] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftWisp1(288) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639130] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftWisp1 as fairy-town:288 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639170] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftStoneAegis(287) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639186] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftStoneAegis as fairy-town:287 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639214] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftNoble2(286) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639231] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftNoble2 as fairy-town:286 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639272] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftNoble1(285) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639288] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftNoble1 as fairy-town:285 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639327] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftHatchling2(284) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639344] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftHatchling2 as fairy-town:284 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639392] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftHatchling1(283) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639409] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftHatchling1 as fairy-town:283 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639454] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftFench2(282) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639470] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftFench2 as fairy-town:282 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639509] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftFench1(281) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639525] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftFench1 as fairy-town:281 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639563] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftFairy2(280) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639579] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftFairy2 as fairy-town:280 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639616] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftFairy1(279) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639632] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftFairy1 as fairy-town:279 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639669] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftDrag2(278) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639685] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftDrag2 as fairy-town:278 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639739] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftDrag1(277) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639756] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftDrag1 as fairy-town:277 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639808] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ftCommander(276) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639824] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ftCommander as fairy-town:276 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639853] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::stoneAegis(171) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639869] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.stoneAegis as fairy-town:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.639990] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::pathfinder(33) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640007] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.pathfinder as asylum-town:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640072] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::mentalist(32) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640089] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.mentalist as asylum-town:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640298] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::asylum(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640317] TRACE mod - registered core:town.asylum as asylum-town:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640582] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::winddancer(275) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640602] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.winddancer as asylum-town:275 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640644] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::voidwalker(274) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640660] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.voidwalker as asylum-town:274 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640710] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::spiritcrus(273) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640726] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.spiritcrus as asylum-town:273 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640770] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::soulcrus(272) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640786] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.soulcrus as asylum-town:272 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640827] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sorrowphanton(271) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640844] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sorrowphanton as asylum-town:271 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640895] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowmare(270) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640911] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowmare as asylum-town:270 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640969] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowhunter(269) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.640985] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowhunter as asylum-town:269 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641022] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shadowdancer(268) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641038] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shadowdancer as asylum-town:268 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641076] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sadphanton(267) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641093] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sadphanton as asylum-town:267 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641143] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::plwalker(266) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641158] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.plwalker as asylum-town:266 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641206] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::phantomhunter(265) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641223] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.phantomhunter as asylum-town:265 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641261] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::jesterDeliver(264) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641277] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.jesterDeliver as asylum-town:264 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641308] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::darksquire(263) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641325] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.darksquire as asylum-town:263 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641361] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::darkguard(262) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641377] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.darkguard as asylum-town:262 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641412] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::asnightmare(261) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641428] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.asnightmare as asylum-town:261 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641486] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::acommander(260) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641503] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.acommander as asylum-town:260 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641526] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::shapeshifterBeta(259) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641543] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.shapeshifterBeta as refugeetown.refugee town, shapeshifters:259 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641853] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cannon(258) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641872] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cannon as hota.cannon:258 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641918] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cannon(170) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641935] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cannon as hota.cannon:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641961] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::wayfarerBoots(169) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.641977] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.wayfarerBoots as hota.artifacts:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642003] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tridentOfDominion(168) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642019] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tridentOfDominion as hota.artifacts:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642045] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfNavalGlory(167) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642062] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfNavalGlory as hota.artifacts:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642088] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shamansPuppet(166) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642104] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shamansPuppet as hota.artifacts:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642129] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sealOfSunset(165) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642144] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sealOfSunset as hota.artifacts:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642170] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::runesOfImminency(164) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642187] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.runesOfImminency as hota.artifacts:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642211] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::royalArmorOfNix(163) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642228] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.royalArmorOfNix as hota.artifacts:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642253] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfSuppression(162) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642270] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfSuppression as hota.artifacts:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642295] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfOblivion(161) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642311] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfOblivion as hota.artifacts:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642339] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::plateOfDyingLight(160) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642355] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.plateOfDyingLight as hota.artifacts:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642380] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfReflection(159) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642397] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfReflection as hota.artifacts:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642431] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfDownfall(158) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642450] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfDownfall as hota.artifacts:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642476] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ironfistOfTheOgre(157) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642492] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ironfistOfTheOgre as hota.artifacts:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642525] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hornOfTheAbyss(156) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642541] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hornOfTheAbyss as hota.artifacts:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642567] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hideousMask(155) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642583] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hideousMask as hota.artifacts:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642607] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::goldenGoose(154) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642624] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.goldenGoose as hota.artifacts:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642652] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::diplomatsCloak(153) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642668] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.diplomatsCloak as hota.artifacts:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642696] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::demonsHorseshoe(152) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642712] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.demonsHorseshoe as hota.artifacts:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642736] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crownOfTheFiveSeas(151) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642752] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crownOfTheFiveSeas as hota.artifacts:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642778] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::charmOfEclipse(150) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642794] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.charmOfEclipse as hota.artifacts:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642819] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::capeOfSilence(149) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642836] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.capeOfSilence as hota.artifacts:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642954] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::technic(31) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.642972] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.technic as forge:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643034] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::cyborg(30) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643051] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.cyborg as forge:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643252] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::forge(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643270] TRACE mod - registered core:town.forge as forge:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643473] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::thug(257) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643492] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.thug as forge:257 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643519] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stinger(256) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643535] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stinger as forge:256 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643571] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::soulSucker(255) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643588] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.soulSucker as forge:255 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643613] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::recruit(254) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643629] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.recruit as forge:254 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643656] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pyromaniac(253) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643672] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pyromaniac as forge:253 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643696] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pyro(252) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643712] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pyro as forge:252 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643737] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::militian(251) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643753] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.militian as forge:251 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643778] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mercenary(250) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643794] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mercenary as forge:250 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643818] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mdtSupplyCart(249) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643834] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mdtSupplyCart as forge:249 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643858] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mdtCyborg(248) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643874] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mdtCyborg as forge:248 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643900] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::jumpTrooper(247) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643916] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.jumpTrooper as forge:247 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643947] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::jumpSoldier(246) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643963] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.jumpSoldier as forge:246 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.643994] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::juggernaut(245) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644010] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.juggernaut as forge:245 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644035] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::firebug(244) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644051] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.firebug as forge:244 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644073] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dreadnought(243) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644088] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dreadnought as forge:243 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644113] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::bruiser(242) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644129] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.bruiser as forge:242 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644163] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::brainSucker(241) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644179] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.brainSucker as forge:241 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644205] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::bionicTrooper(240) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644220] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.bionicTrooper as forge:240 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644246] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::alien(239) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644262] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.alien as forge:239 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644290] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::swordBreaker(148) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644306] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.swordBreaker as forge:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644333] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::mdtSupplyCart(147) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.644349] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.mdtSupplyCart as forge:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.656932] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::rfghcWanderer(29) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.656958] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.rfghcWanderer as refugeetown:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657021] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::rfghcEnchanter(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657039] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.rfghcEnchanter as refugeetown:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657246] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::refugee(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657265] TRACE mod - registered core:town.refugee as refugeetown:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657473] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcVagabond(238) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657493] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcVagabond as refugeetown:238 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657521] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcSpy(237) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657538] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcSpy as refugeetown:237 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657566] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcSorceress(236) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657583] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcSorceress as refugeetown:236 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657609] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcSharp(235) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657626] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcSharp as refugeetown:235 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657650] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcSagit(234) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657666] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcSagit as refugeetown:234 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657690] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcRogue(233) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657706] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcRogue as refugeetown:233 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657732] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcNomad(232) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657805] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcNomad as refugeetown:232 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657835] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcHorseFire(231) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657852] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcHorseFire as refugeetown:231 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657879] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcHorseBlack(230) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657896] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcHorseBlack as refugeetown:230 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657922] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcGoldGolem(229) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657938] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcGoldGolem as refugeetown:229 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657963] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcFleshGolem(228) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.657979] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcFleshGolem as refugeetown:228 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658005] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcEnchanter(227) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658022] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcEnchanter as refugeetown:227 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658049] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcDiamondGolem(226) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658065] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcDiamondGolem as refugeetown:226 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658089] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcDaeva(225) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658105] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcDaeva as refugeetown:225 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658141] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcCommander(224) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658158] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcCommander as refugeetown:224 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658182] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcAngraMainyu(223) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658199] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcAngraMainyu as refugeetown:223 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658225] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rfgcAhriman(222) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658241] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rfgcAhriman as refugeetown:222 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658368] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::drifterM(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658386] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.drifterM as neutral-heroes:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658446] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::drifterF(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658464] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.drifterF as neutral-heroes:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658509] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nhHalfling(221) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658525] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nhHalfling as neutral-heroes:221 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658634] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::warden(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658653] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.warden as grove:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658711] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::hunter(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658727] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.hunter as grove:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658970] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::grove(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.658989] TRACE mod - registered core:town.grove as grove:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659190] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::treebeard(220) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659210] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.treebeard as grove:220 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659266] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::spiderqueen(219) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659283] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.spiderqueen as grove:219 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659338] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::spiderprincess(218) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659355] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.spiderprincess as grove:218 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659406] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::saphiredragon(217) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659422] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.saphiredragon as grove:217 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659470] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::quartzdragon(216) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659486] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.quartzdragon as grove:216 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659534] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nightstalker(215) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659553] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nightstalker as grove:215 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659579] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nightdruid(214) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659595] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nightdruid as grove:214 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659636] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nightFalcon(213) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659653] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nightFalcon as grove:213 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659690] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::moonslayer(212) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659706] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.moonslayer as grove:212 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659751] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::moonhunter(211) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659767] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.moonhunter as grove:211 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659807] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::grovekeeper(210) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659823] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.grovekeeper as grove:210 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659867] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::groveguard(209) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659883] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.groveguard as grove:209 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659922] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::faun(208) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659939] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.faun as grove:208 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659979] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::elderdruid(207) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.659995] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.elderdruid as grove:207 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660035] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::basiliskrider(206) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660051] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.basiliskrider as grove:206 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660094] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::basiliskchampion(205) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660110] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.basiliskchampion as grove:205 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660162] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::armedfaun(204) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660178] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.armedfaun as grove:204 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660226] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::amethystdragon(203) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660242] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.amethystdragon as grove:203 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660294] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::nightFalcon(146) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660311] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.nightFalcon as grove:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660481] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::philosopher(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660499] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.philosopher as courtyard:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660574] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::aristocrat(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.660594] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.aristocrat as courtyard:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661122] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::courtyard(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661147] TRACE mod - registered core:town.courtyard as courtyard:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661501] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::tangleVine(202) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661530] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.tangleVine as courtyard:202 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661585] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::strangleVine(201) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661610] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.strangleVine as courtyard:201 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661674] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::salamander(200) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661695] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.salamander as courtyard:200 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661749] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::regalMandrake(199) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661772] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.regalMandrake as courtyard:199 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661832] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::potionCartCreature(198) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661854] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.potionCartCreature as courtyard:198 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661895] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::musketeer(197) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661919] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.musketeer as courtyard:197 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661957] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::monstrousJabberwock(196) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.661973] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.monstrousJabberwock as courtyard:196 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662018] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mandrake(195) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662035] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mandrake as courtyard:195 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662074] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::jabberwock(194) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662090] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.jabberwock as courtyard:194 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662134] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::homunculus(193) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662150] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.homunculus as courtyard:193 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662187] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::greaterDodo(192) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662203] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.greaterDodo as courtyard:192 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662250] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::graniteCupid(191) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662266] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.graniteCupid as courtyard:191 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662302] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gildedHomunculus(190) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662319] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gildedHomunculus as courtyard:190 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662350] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fireNewt(189) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662366] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fireNewt as courtyard:189 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662401] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dodo(188) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662417] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dodo as courtyard:188 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662493] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cupid(187) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662509] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cupid as courtyard:187 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662544] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::courtCommander(186) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662560] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.courtCommander as courtyard:186 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662584] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cameraObscuraCreature(185) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662601] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cameraObscuraCreature as courtyard:185 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662628] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::battleDodo(184) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662644] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.battleDodo as courtyard:184 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662687] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::arquebusier(183) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662704] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.arquebusier as courtyard:183 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662740] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::apparition(182) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662756] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.apparition as courtyard:182 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662795] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::potionCartArtifact(145) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662812] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.potionCartArtifact as courtyard:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662839] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cameraObscuraArtifact(144) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662856] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cameraObscuraArtifact as courtyard:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662962] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::voivode(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.662982] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.voivode as cetatea-town:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663047] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::ovate(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663064] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.ovate as cetatea-town:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663319] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::cetatea(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663348] TRACE mod - registered core:town.cetatea as cetatea-town:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663615] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stackExperience(181) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663639] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stackExperience as cetatea-town:181 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663669] ERROR mod - Failed to resolve identifier '' of type 'faction' from mod '' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.663915] ERROR mod - Identifier '' of type 'faction' does not exists in any loaded mod! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664087] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sound(180) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664105] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sound as cetatea-town:180 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664122] ERROR mod - Failed to resolve identifier '' of type 'faction' from mod '' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664296] ERROR mod - Identifier '' of type 'faction' does not exists in any loaded mod! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664463] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cZmeu(179) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664481] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cZmeu as cetatea-town:179 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664510] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cZgriptor(178) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664526] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cZgriptor as cetatea-town:178 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664570] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cWolf(177) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664587] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cWolf as cetatea-town:177 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664616] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cWerewolf(176) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664633] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cWerewolf as cetatea-town:176 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664672] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cVoinici(175) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664689] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cVoinici as cetatea-town:175 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664724] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cVampirelord(174) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664740] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cVampirelord as cetatea-town:174 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664777] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cVampire(173) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664794] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cVampire as cetatea-town:173 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664830] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cStrigoi(172) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664847] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cStrigoi as cetatea-town:172 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664878] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cMoroi(171) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664895] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cMoroi as cetatea-town:171 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664927] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cIele(170) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664943] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cIele as cetatea-town:170 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664964] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cHaiduci(169) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.664980] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cHaiduci as cetatea-town:169 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665013] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cFiercezgriptor(168) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665030] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cFiercezgriptor as cetatea-town:168 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665071] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cDirewolf(167) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665087] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cDirewolf as cetatea-town:167 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665116] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cBalauri(166) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665132] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cBalauri as cetatea-town:166 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665175] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cAlphawerewolf(165) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665191] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cAlphawerewolf as cetatea-town:165 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665330] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::redtemplar(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665349] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.redtemplar as cathedral-town:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665409] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::cthbishop(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665426] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.cthbishop as cathedral-town:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665648] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::cathedral(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665667] TRACE mod - registered core:town.cathedral as cathedral-town:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665884] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::saRedFanatic(164) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665903] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.saRedFanatic as cathedral-town:164 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665931] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthWitchHunter(163) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665948] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthWitchHunter as cathedral-town:163 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.665983] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthTemplar(162) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666000] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthTemplar as cathedral-town:162 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666043] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthSlayer(161) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666059] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthSlayer as cathedral-town:161 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666091] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthSexton(160) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666107] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthSexton as cathedral-town:160 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666146] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthPunisher(159) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666162] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthPunisher as cathedral-town:159 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666207] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthPaladin(158) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666223] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthPaladin as cathedral-town:158 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666266] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthHound(157) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666282] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthHound as cathedral-town:157 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666314] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthExecutioner(156) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666331] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthExecutioner as cathedral-town:156 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666362] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthEvilHunter(155) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666378] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthEvilHunter as cathedral-town:155 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666415] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthCouatl(154) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666431] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthCouatl as cathedral-town:154 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666469] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthChasteners(153) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666486] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthChasteners as cathedral-town:153 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666534] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthCantor(152) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666551] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthCantor as cathedral-town:152 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666590] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthBloodyCouatl(151) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666606] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthBloodyCouatl as cathedral-town:151 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666644] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cthAttackDog(150) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.666660] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cthAttackDog as cathedral-town:150 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668795] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::wizard(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668817] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.wizard as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668878] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::witch(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668896] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.witch as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668968] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::warlock(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.668985] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.warlock as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669063] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::ranger(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669080] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.ranger as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669154] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::planeswalker(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669172] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.planeswalker as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669247] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::overlord(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669264] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.overlord as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669337] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::necromancer(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669354] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.necromancer as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669430] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::knight(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669448] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.knight as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669536] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::heretic(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669554] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.heretic as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669625] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::elementalist(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669642] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.elementalist as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669714] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::druid(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669731] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.druid as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669799] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::demoniac(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669816] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.demoniac as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669886] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::deathknight(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669903] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.deathknight as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669975] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::cleric(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.669992] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.cleric as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670048] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::beastmaster(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670065] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.beastmaster as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670132] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::battlemage(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670148] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.battlemage as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670218] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::barbarian(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670235] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.barbarian as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670304] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:hero(34)::alchemist(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670321] TRACE mod - registered core:hero.alchemist as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670670] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::tower(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.670690] TRACE mod - registered core:town.tower as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.671237] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::stronghold(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.671259] TRACE mod - registered core:town.stronghold as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.671620] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::rampart(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.671640] TRACE mod - registered core:town.rampart as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.672187] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::necropolis(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.672207] TRACE mod - registered core:town.necropolis as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.672653] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::inferno(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.672673] TRACE mod - registered core:town.inferno as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.672998] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::fortress(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.673018] TRACE mod - registered core:town.fortress as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.673400] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::dungeon(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.673420] TRACE mod - registered core:town.dungeon as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.673752] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::conflux(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.673771] TRACE mod - registered core:town.conflux as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674481] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:town(98)::castle(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674503] TRACE mod - registered core:town.castle as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674724] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::zombieLord(59) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674743] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.zombieLord as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674778] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::zealot(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674795] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.zealot as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674825] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wyvernMonarch(109) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674842] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wyvernMonarch as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674870] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wyvern(108) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674888] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wyvern as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674916] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wraith(61) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674933] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wraith as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674959] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::woodElf(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.674975] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.woodElf as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675002] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::wight(60) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675018] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.wight as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675046] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::waterElemental(115) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675062] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.waterElemental as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675093] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::warUnicorn(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675109] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.warUnicorn as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675137] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::walkingDead(58) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675153] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.walkingDead as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::vampireLord(63) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675195] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.vampireLord as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675221] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::vampire(62) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675236] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.vampire as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675262] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused128(128) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675278] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused128 as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675299] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused126(126) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675314] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused126 as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675334] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused124(124) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675350] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused124 as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675370] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unused122(122) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675385] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unused122 as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675406] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::unicorn(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675421] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.unicorn as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675451] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::troll(144) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675467] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.troll as core:144 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675493] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::troglodyte(70) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675509] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.troglodyte as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675537] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::titan(41) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675553] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.titan as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675582] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::thunderbird(93) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675598] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.thunderbird as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675625] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::swordsman(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675641] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.swordsman as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675668] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stormElemental(127) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675684] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stormElemental as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675715] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stoneGolem(33) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675731] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stoneGolem as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675757] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::stoneGargoyle(30) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675773] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.stoneGargoyle as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675799] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sprite(119) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675815] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sprite as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675841] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::skeletonWarrior(57) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675858] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.skeletonWarrior as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675886] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::skeleton(56) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675902] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.skeleton as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675928] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::silverPegasus(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675944] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.silverPegasus as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675969] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::sharpshooter(137) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.675985] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.sharpshooter as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676011] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::serpentFly(104) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676027] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.serpentFly as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676054] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::scorpicore(81) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676070] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.scorpicore as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676096] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rustDragon(135) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676112] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rustDragon as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676138] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::royalGriffin(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676154] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.royalGriffin as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676180] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::rogue(143) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676196] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.rogue as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676223] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::roc(92) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676239] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.roc as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676265] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::redDragon(82) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676282] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.redDragon as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676308] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::psychicElemental(120) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676324] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.psychicElemental as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676351] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::powerLich(65) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676366] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.powerLich as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676392] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pixie(118) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676409] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pixie as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676434] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pitLord(51) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676452] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pitLord as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676479] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pitFiend(50) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676495] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pitFiend as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676520] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pikeman(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676536] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pikeman as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676562] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::phoenix(131) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676578] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.phoenix as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676605] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::pegasus(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676620] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.pegasus as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676646] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::peasant(139) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676662] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.peasant as core:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676687] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::orcChieftain(89) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676703] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.orcChieftain as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676729] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::orc(88) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676745] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.orc as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676771] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ogreMage(91) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676787] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ogreMage as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676814] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ogre(90) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676832] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ogre as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676858] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::obsidianGargoyle(31) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676874] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.obsidianGargoyle as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676900] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nomad(142) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676916] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nomad as core:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676942] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::nagaQueen(39) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676958] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.nagaQueen as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.676985] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::naga(38) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677002] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.naga as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677028] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mummy(141) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677043] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mummy as core:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677070] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::monk(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677086] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.monk as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677114] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::minotaurKing(79) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677131] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.minotaurKing as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677160] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::minotaur(78) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677176] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.minotaur as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677202] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mightyGorgon(103) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677218] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mightyGorgon as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677244] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::medusaQueen(77) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677260] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.medusaQueen as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677286] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::medusa(76) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677302] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.medusa as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677328] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::masterGremlin(29) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677344] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.masterGremlin as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677370] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::masterGenie(37) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677386] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.masterGenie as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677413] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::marksman(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677429] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.marksman as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677455] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::manticore(80) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677471] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.manticore as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677535] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magog(45) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677554] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magog as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677583] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magmaElemental(125) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677614] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magmaElemental as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677644] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::magicElemental(121) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677688] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.magicElemental as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677714] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::mage(34) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677746] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.mage as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677772] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lizardman(100) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677788] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lizardman as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677814] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lizardWarrior(101) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677831] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lizardWarrior as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677856] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::lich(64) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677873] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.lich as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677902] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ironGolem(32) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677919] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ironGolem as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677946] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::infernalTroglodyte(71) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677962] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.infernalTroglodyte as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.677988] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::imp(42) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678004] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.imp as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678030] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::iceElemental(123) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678046] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.iceElemental as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678078] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hydra(110) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678095] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hydra as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678120] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hornedDemon(49) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678137] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hornedDemon as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678190] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hobgoblinWolfRider(87) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678207] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678248] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hobgoblin(85) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678281] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hobgoblin as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678307] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::hellHound(46) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678359] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.hellHound as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678385] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::harpyHag(73) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678402] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.harpyHag as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678430] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::harpy(72) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678447] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.harpy as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678474] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::halfling(138) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678504] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.halfling as core:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678530] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::halberdier(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678546] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.halberdier as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678572] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::griffin(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678588] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.griffin as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678614] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gremlin(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678630] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gremlin as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678656] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::greenDragon(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678672] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.greenDragon as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678698] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::greaterBasilisk(107) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678714] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.greaterBasilisk as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678740] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::grandElf(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678756] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.grandElf as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678781] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gorgon(102) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678797] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gorgon as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678823] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goldGolem(116) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678839] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goldGolem as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678866] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goldDragon(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678881] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goldDragon as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678906] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gog(44) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678923] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gog as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678950] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goblinWolfRider(86) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678968] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goblinWolfRider as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.678995] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::goblin(84) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679012] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.goblin as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679038] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gnollMarauder(99) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679054] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gnollMarauder as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679080] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::gnoll(98) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679096] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.gnoll as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679122] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::giant(40) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679138] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.giant as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679164] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ghostDragon(69) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679180] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ghostDragon as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679206] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::genie(36) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679222] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.genie as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679248] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::firstAidTent(147) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679265] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.firstAidTent as core:147 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679287] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::firebird(130) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679302] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.firebird as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679330] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fireElemental(114) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679346] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fireElemental as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679376] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fireDragonFly(105) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679392] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fireDragonFly as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679418] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::familiar(43) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679434] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.familiar as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679461] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::fairieDragon(134) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679477] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.fairieDragon as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679507] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::evilEye(75) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679523] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.evilEye as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679550] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::energyElemental(129) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679566] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.energyElemental as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679597] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::enchanter(136) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679613] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.enchanter as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679642] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::efreetSultan(53) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679658] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.efreetSultan as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679685] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::efreet(52) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679701] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.efreet as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679728] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::earthElemental(113) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679745] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.earthElemental as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679774] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dwarf(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679790] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dwarf as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679816] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dreadKnight(67) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679832] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dreadKnight as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679859] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::diamondGolem(117) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679875] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.diamondGolem as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679901] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::devil(54) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679917] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.devil as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679947] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dendroidSoldier(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679964] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dendroidSoldier as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.679996] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::dendroidGuard(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680013] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.dendroidGuard as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680040] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::demon(48) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680056] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.demon as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680082] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cyclopKing(95) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680098] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cyclopKing as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680124] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cyclop(94) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680141] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cyclop as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680167] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::crystalDragon(133) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680183] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.crystalDragon as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680209] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::crusader(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680225] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.crusader as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680251] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::chaosHydra(111) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680266] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.chaosHydra as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680291] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::champion(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680307] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.champion as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680332] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cerberus(47) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680349] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cerberus as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680373] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::centaurCaptain(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680389] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.centaurCaptain as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680414] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::centaur(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680430] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.centaur as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680457] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::cavalier(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680473] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.cavalier as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680498] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::catapult(145) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680514] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.catapult as core:145 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680540] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::boneDragon(68) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680556] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.boneDragon as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680582] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::boar(140) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680598] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.boar as core:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680624] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::blackKnight(66) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680640] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.blackKnight as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680666] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::blackDragon(83) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680682] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.blackDragon as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680708] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::beholder(74) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680724] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.beholder as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680751] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::behemoth(96) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680767] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.behemoth as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680793] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::battleDwarf(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680809] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.battleDwarf as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680835] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::basilisk(106) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680851] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.basilisk as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680876] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ballista(146) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680894] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ballista as core:146 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680915] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::azureDragon(132) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680931] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.azureDragon as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680956] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::arrowTower(149) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680972] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.arrowTower as core:149 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.680993] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archer(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681009] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archer as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681034] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archangel(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681050] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archangel as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681077] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archMage(35) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681093] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archMage as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681114] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::archDevil(55) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681129] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.archDevil as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681157] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::angel(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681173] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.angel as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681199] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ancientBehemoth(97) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681215] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ancientBehemoth as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681240] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::ammoCart(148) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681255] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.ammoCart as core:148 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681276] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:monster(54)::airElemental(112) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681292] TRACE mod - registered core:monster.airElemental as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681326] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::wizardsWell(138) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681343] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.wizardsWell as core:138 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681370] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vialOfLifeblood(96) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681385] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681408] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vialOfDragonBlood(127) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681424] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681450] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::vampiresCowl(55) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681466] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681488] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::unusedArtifact3(143) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681503] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.unusedArtifact3 as core:143 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681524] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::unusedArtifact2(142) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681540] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.unusedArtifact2 as core:142 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681560] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::unusedArtifact1(141) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681576] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.unusedArtifact1 as core:141 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681598] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tunicOfTheCyclopsKing(28) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681613] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681636] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::torsoOfLegion(120) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681652] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681674] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfWaterMagic(88) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681690] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681712] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfFireMagic(86) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681728] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681751] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfEarthMagic(89) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681768] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681791] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::tomeOfAirMagic(87) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681807] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681828] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansThunder(135) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681844] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansThunder as core:135 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681869] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansGladius(12) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681884] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansGladius as core:12 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681906] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::titansCuirass(30) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681922] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.titansCuirass as core:30 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681944] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::thunderHelmet(24) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681960] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681983] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::targOfTheRampagingOgre(16) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.681999] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682021] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::talismanOfMana(74) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682036] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682058] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::swordOfJudgement(35) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682074] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682097] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::swordOfHellfire(11) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682112] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682137] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::surcoatOfCounterpoise(58) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682153] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682175] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::stoicWatchman(64) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682190] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682212] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::stillEyeOfTheDragon(45) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682227] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682249] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::statueOfLegion(133) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682264] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682290] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::statesmansMedal(66) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682306] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682327] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spyglass(53) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682343] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spyglass as core:53 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682365] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spiritOfOppression(84) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682380] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682402] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sphereOfPermanence(92) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682418] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682439] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellbindersHat(124) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682456] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682478] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellScroll(1) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682493] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellScroll as core:1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682514] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::spellBook(0) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682530] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.spellBook as core:0 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682551] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::speculum(52) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682568] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.speculum as core:52 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682591] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::skullHelmet(20) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682606] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.skullHelmet as core:20 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682628] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheYawningDead(14) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682644] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682666] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDwarvenLords(13) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682682] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682704] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDamned(17) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682720] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682742] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::shacklesOfWar(125) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682757] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682779] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sentinelsShield(18) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682794] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682816] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::seaCaptainsHat(123) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682831] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682855] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk(27) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682872] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682894] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::sandalsOfTheSaint(32) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682909] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682932] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfVitality(94) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682947] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682969] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfTheWayfarer(69) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.682984] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683005] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfTheMagi(139) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683021] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683045] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfLife(95) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683061] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfLife as core:95 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683082] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfInfiniteGems(110) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683099] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683129] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ringOfConjuring(77) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683144] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683166] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ribCage(26) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683181] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ribCage as core:26 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683203] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::redDragonFlameTongue(38) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683219] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683241] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::recantersCloak(83) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683257] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.recantersCloak as core:83 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683278] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::quietEyeOfTheDragon(37) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683293] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683316] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::powerOfTheDragonFather(134) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683332] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683363] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfTotalRecall(107) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683381] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683404] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfSecondSight(101) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683420] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683443] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfNegativity(106) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683460] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683483] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfLife(103) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683499] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683521] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfHoliness(102) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683537] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683560] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfFreeWill(105) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683576] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683598] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfDispassion(100) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683614] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683636] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfDeath(104) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683651] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683673] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::pendantOfCourage(108) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683689] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683711] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfVulnerability(93) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683727] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683749] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfTheFirmament(79) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683765] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683788] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfTempestuousFire(81) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683803] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683826] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfSilt(80) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683842] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683864] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfInhibition(126) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683880] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683901] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::orbOfDrivingRain(82) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683917] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683939] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ogresClubOfHavoc(10) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683954] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683976] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfSwiftness(97) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.683992] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684013] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfOceanGuidance(71) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684029] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684051] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::necklaceOfDragonteeth(43) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684067] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684090] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::mysticOrbOfMana(75) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684105] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684127] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::loinsOfLegion(119) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684142] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684164] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::lionsShieldOfCourage(34) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684236] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684264] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::legsOfLegion(118) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684281] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684304] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ladybirdOfLuck(48) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684319] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684341] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfOre(112) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684357] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684380] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfLumber(114) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684396] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684418] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hourglassOfTheEvilHour(85) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684434] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684457] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn(19) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684473] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684495] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment(36) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684511] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684535] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::helmOfChaos(21) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684551] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684573] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::hellstormHelmet(23) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684589] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684611] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::headOfLegion(122) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684626] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.headOfLegion as core:122 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684649] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::greaterGnollsFlail(9) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684664] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684686] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::grail(2) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684702] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.grail as core:2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684723] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::goldenBow(91) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684739] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.goldenBow as core:91 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684760] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::glyphOfGallantry(51) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684776] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684798] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::garnitureOfInterference(57) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684813] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684835] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::firstAidTent(6) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684850] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.firstAidTent as core:6 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684872] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::eversmokingRingOfSulfur(113) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684889] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684911] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::everpouringVialOfMercury(111) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684926] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684948] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::everflowingCrystalCloak(109) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684964] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.684987] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::equestriansGloves(70) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685003] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685027] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessSackOfGold(115) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685045] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685067] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessPurseOfGold(117) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685082] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685105] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::endlessBagOfGold(116) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685120] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685143] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::emblemOfCognizance(65) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685158] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685179] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::elixirOfLife(131) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685195] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685219] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonboneGreaves(41) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685235] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685257] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonWingTabard(42) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685273] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685295] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonScaleShield(39) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685311] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685333] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::dragonScaleArmor(40) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685349] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685371] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::diplomatsRing(67) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685387] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685408] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::deadMansBoots(56) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685423] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685445] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crownOfTheSupremeMagi(22) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685475] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685499] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crownOfDragontooth(44) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685514] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685537] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::crestOfValor(50) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685552] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.crestOfValor as core:50 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685574] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cornucopia(140) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685589] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cornucopia as core:140 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685617] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::collarOfConjuring(76) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685632] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685654] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cloverOfFortune(46) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685670] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685691] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cloakOfTheUndeadKing(130) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685707] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685734] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::charmOfMana(73) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685751] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.charmOfMana as core:73 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685772] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::centaurAxe(7) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685788] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.centaurAxe as core:7 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685810] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::celestialNecklaceOfBliss(33) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685826] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685851] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::catapult(3) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685868] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.catapult as core:3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685890] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::cardsOfProphecy(47) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685906] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685927] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::capeOfVelocity(99) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685942] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685963] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::capeOfConjuring(78) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.685979] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686000] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bucklerOfTheGnollKing(15) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686016] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686038] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::breastplateOfPetrifiedWood(25) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686054] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686077] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::breastplateOfBrimstone(29) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686093] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686116] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane(61) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686131] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686155] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowOfTheSharpshooter(137) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686171] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686195] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bowOfElvenCherrywood(60) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686211] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686234] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfSpeed(98) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686249] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686273] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfPolarity(59) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686289] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686310] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::bootsOfLevitation(90) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686326] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686347] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::blackshardOfTheDeadKnight(8) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686363] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686385] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::birdOfPerception(63) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686401] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686422] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ballista(4) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686438] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ballista as core:4 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686461] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::badgeOfCourage(49) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686477] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686498] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armsOfLegion(121) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686514] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686536] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armorOfWonder(31) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686551] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686575] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armorOfTheDamned(132) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686591] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686618] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::armageddonsBlade(128) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686636] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686660] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelicAlliance(129) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686676] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686704] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelWings(72) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686719] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelWings as core:72 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686741] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::angelFeatherArrows(62) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686757] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686780] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::amuletOfTheUndertaker(54) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686796] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686817] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ammoCart(5) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686832] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ammoCart as core:5 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686855] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::ambassadorsSash(68) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686870] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686892] DEBUG global - Loaded object core:artifact(5)::admiralsHat(136) [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686907] TRACE mod - registered core:artifact.admiralsHat as core:136 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.686928] INFO mod - Resolving identifiers: 53 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.687411] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'fieldGlory' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.687720] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:fieldGlory' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688080] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'stardust' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688236] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:stardust' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688394] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'fieldGlory' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688635] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:fieldGlory' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688789] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'stardust' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.688939] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:stardust' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690068] WARN mod - Mod 'fairy-town' have added object with name 'hunter' that is also available in mod 'grove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690222] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'grove:hunter' if mod 'fairy-town' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690377] WARN mod - Mod 'fairy-town' have added object with name 'warden' that is also available in mod 'grove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690527] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'grove:warden' if mod 'fairy-town' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690683] WARN mod - Mod 'grove' have added object with name 'hunter' that is also available in mod 'fairy-town' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690831] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'fairy-town:hunter' if mod 'grove' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.690982] WARN mod - Mod 'grove' have added object with name 'warden' that is also available in mod 'fairy-town' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691131] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'fairy-town:warden' if mod 'grove' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691354] TRACE mod - cthbishop: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691373] TRACE mod - redtemplar: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691389] TRACE mod - ovate: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691404] TRACE mod - voivode: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691419] TRACE mod - aristocrat: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691434] TRACE mod - philosopher: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691451] TRACE mod - hunter: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691466] TRACE mod - warden: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691480] TRACE mod - drifterF: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691494] TRACE mod - drifterM: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691509] TRACE mod - rfghcEnchanter: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691524] TRACE mod - rfghcWanderer: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691539] TRACE mod - cyborg: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691554] TRACE mod - technic: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691569] TRACE mod - mentalist: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691584] TRACE mod - pathfinder: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691599] TRACE mod - hunter: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691613] TRACE mod - warden: no probability for hota.interference:interference, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691630] TRACE mod - rn_magic: no probability for core:diplomacy, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.691645] TRACE mod - rn_might: no probability for core:diplomacy, using default [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693157] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:stormbird' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693199] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:pirate' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693246] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:nymph' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693276] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:seaWitch' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693319] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:crewmate' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693354] DEBUG mod - Target scope for identifier 'hota.cove:nix' is redundant! Identifier already defined in mod 'hota.cove' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693687] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added patch for object 'waterfalls' from mod 'hota.mapDecorations', but this mod was not loaded or has no new objects. [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.693946] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'starBottle' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.694143] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:starBottle' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.694382] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'starDancer' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.694733] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:starDancer' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.694991] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'starFlake' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695143] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:starFlake' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695295] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'starMirror' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695448] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:starMirror' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695621] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'starBottle' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695813] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starBottle' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.695964] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'starDancer' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696116] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starDancer' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696269] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'starFlake' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696422] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starFlake' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696574] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'starMirror' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696726] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starMirror' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.696916] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:spellBook [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697060] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:spellScroll [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697203] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:grail [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697349] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:catapult [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697492] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:ballista [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697633] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:ammoCart [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697781] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:firstAidTent [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.697983] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:unusedArtifact1 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.698187] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:unusedArtifact2 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.698435] WARN global - No templates found for core:artifact:core:unusedArtifact3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.699930] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.700228] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.700442] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.700650] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland:absoluteVertical' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.700844] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'abandonedGenerator' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701006] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:abandonedGenerator' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701163] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701420] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701616] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701819] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:absoluteVertical' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.701979] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'radioactiveCrater' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702131] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:radioactiveCrater' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702284] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandBarrels' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702435] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:wastelandBarrels' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702588] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandBush' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702739] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:wastelandBush' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.702892] WARN mod - Mod 'asphalt-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandRocks' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.703040] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:wastelandRocks' if mod 'asphalt-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.703265] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD00' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.703512] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD00' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.703818] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD01' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.703969] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD01' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.704122] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD02' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.704274] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD02' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.704438] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD03' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.704645] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD03' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.704952] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD04' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.705234] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD04' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.705432] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD05' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.705594] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD05' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.705761] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD06' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.706061] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD06' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.706223] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD07' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.706375] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD07' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.706537] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD08' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.706798] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD08' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707020] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD09' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707184] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD09' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707344] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD10' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707544] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD10' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707736] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD11' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.707944] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD11' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.708142] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD12' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.708318] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD12' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.708521] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD13' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.708795] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD13' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.708970] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' have added object with name 'hotaHLD19' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.709132] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket:hotaHLD19' if mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.709337] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.709498] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg001' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.709660] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.709834] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg002' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710031] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710190] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg003' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710364] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710523] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg004' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710683] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.710838] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg005' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711011] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711182] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg006' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711348] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711507] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg001' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711667] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711823] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg002' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.711983] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712140] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg003' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712301] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712458] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg004' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712620] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712775] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg005' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.712934] WARN mod - Mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713090] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg006' if mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713286] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713449] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg001' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713608] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713769] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg002' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.713929] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714088] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg003' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714248] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714407] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg004' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714567] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714729] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg005' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.714889] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715048] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg006' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715211] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715372] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg001' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715544] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715704] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg002' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.715865] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716022] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg003' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716182] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716341] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg004' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716509] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716670] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg005' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716829] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.716987] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:ob_fg006' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717158] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD00' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717318] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD00' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717484] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD01' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717645] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD01' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717804] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD02' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.717965] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD02' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718123] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD03' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718282] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD03' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718444] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD04' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718604] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD04' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718775] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD05' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.718935] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD05' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719096] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD06' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719254] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD06' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719415] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD07' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719576] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD07' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719735] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD08' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.719897] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD08' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720057] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD09' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720217] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD09' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720378] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD10' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720537] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD10' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720697] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD11' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.720857] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD11' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721018] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD12' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721179] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD12' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721338] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD13' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721499] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD13' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721661] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' have added object with name 'hotaHLD19' that is also available in mod 'hota.highlandsterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.721821] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.highlandsterrain:hotaHLD19' if mod 'newtown-terrains.heatherthicket' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722002] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722164] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722325] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722488] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:absoluteVertical' if mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722663] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722822] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.722985] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.723143] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:absoluteVertical' if mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.723315] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'stardustLake15' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.723559] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:stardustLake15' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.723733] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'abandonedGenerator' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.723889] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:abandonedGenerator' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724049] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724204] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724363] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724524] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:absoluteVertical' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724684] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'radioactiveCrater' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724838] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:radioactiveCrater' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.724996] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandBarrels' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725151] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:wastelandBarrels' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725311] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandBush' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725468] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:wastelandBush' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725628] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'wastelandRocks' that is also available in mod 'asphalt-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725783] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'asphalt-terrain:wastelandRocks' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.725948] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726106] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg001' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726266] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726422] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg002' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726581] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726735] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg003' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.726895] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727052] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg004' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727213] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727371] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg005' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727537] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'hota.terrainoverlays' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727694] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'hota.terrainoverlays:ob_fg006' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.727856] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg001' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728014] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg001' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728175] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg002' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728332] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg002' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728493] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg003' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728650] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg003' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728818] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg004' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.728977] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg004' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729137] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg005' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729295] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg005' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729468] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'ob_fg006' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729627] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:ob_fg006' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729787] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteHorizontal' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.729947] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland:absoluteHorizontal' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730107] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'absoluteVertical' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730267] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.spoiledland:absoluteVertical' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730440] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'stardustLake15' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730603] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:stardustLake15' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730832] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'starRiver' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.730991] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:starRiver' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.731152] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'starRiver' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.731310] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:starRiver' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732490] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732519] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732539] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732559] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732591] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732615] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732636] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732658] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732699] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732721] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732744] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732766] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732802] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732825] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732846] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732868] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732895] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732916] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732940] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732962] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.732993] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733014] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733035] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733057] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733084] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733108] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733131] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733152] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733181] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733202] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733223] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733245] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'core' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733383] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733423] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733458] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733493] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cathedral-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733587] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733628] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733667] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733705] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'cetatea-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733774] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733814] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733852] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733890] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733933] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationDamage' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733955] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationDamage' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733975] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationDamage' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.733996] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.immolationDamage' defined in mod 'courtyard' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734097] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734134] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734168] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734220] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'grove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734471] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734508] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734544] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734633] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'refugeetown' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734732] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734756] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734777] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.734798] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'spell.cyclopsFury' defined in mod 'creatures-hidden-potential.furious cyclops' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735023] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735062] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735096] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735129] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'asylum-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735245] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735280] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735313] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735346] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735376] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735396] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735414] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735433] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735452] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735469] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735488] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.attack' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735505] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'fairy-town' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735563] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735599] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735632] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.735664] DEBUG mod - Target type for identifier 'primarySkill.defence' defined in mod 'hota.cove' is redundant! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.741287] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' have added object with name 'fieldGlory' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.741464] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:fieldGlory' if mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.741634] WARN mod - Mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' have added object with name 'stardust' that is also available in mod 'stardust-terrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.741794] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'stardust-terrain:stardust' if mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.741972] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'fieldGlory' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.742128] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.fieldgloryterrain:fieldGlory' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.742283] WARN mod - Mod 'stardust-terrain' have added object with name 'stardust' that is also available in mod 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain' [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.742435] WARN mod - Two objects with same name were loaded. Please use form 'newtown-terrains.stardustterrain:stardust' if mod 'stardust-terrain' needs to modify this object instead [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.742601] INFO mod - Handlers post-load finalization: 56 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.742748] INFO mod - All game content loaded in 1146 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.743597] INFO global - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 1161 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.743921] TRACE global - loading .\config\fonts.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.747197] TRACE global - loading .\config\NEUTRAL.PAL [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.747397] TRACE global - loading .\config\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.747629] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\asphalt-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.747746] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\stardust-terrain\content\config\battles_graphics.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.747922] TRACE global - loading .\config\ERMU_to_picture.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.749538] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\heroes3DataPatch\content\sprites\CRADVNTR.def [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.750944] INFO global - Screen handler: 7 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.752452] INFO global - Message handler: 2 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.752797] INFO global - Initialization of VCMI (together): 2322 ms [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.753119] TRACE global - loading .\config\campaignSets.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.753341] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\config\mainmenu.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.753570] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\data\GamSelBk.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.760897] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\main-new.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.761093] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\images\new-normal.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.761537] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\main-load.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.761706] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\images\load-normal.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.762153] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\main-scores.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.762322] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\images\scores-normal.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.762768] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\main-credits.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.762934] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\images\credits-normal.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.763342] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\quit.json [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.763508] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\hota\Mods\mainMenu\content\sprites\images\quit-normal.png [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.766888] TRACE global - Loading music file Music/MainMenu [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.766938] TRACE global - loading C:\Users\Yuya\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mp3\MAINMENU.MP3 [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.767105] TRACE global - Playing music file Music/MainMenu [2024-Jan-22 16:55:03.767222] DEBUG global - totalRedraw requested! [2024-Jan-22 16:55:21.008613] ERROR global - Unable to create screen texture [2024-Jan-22 16:55:21.008904] ERROR global - CreateTexture(D3DPOOL_DEFAULT): INVALIDCALL