VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (server) Initialization: 441 ms Data loading: 489 ms Mod handler: 1 ms Mod filesystems: 876 ms Basic initialization: 1807 ms Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. [log level] ai => not set [log level] animation => not set [log level] bonus => not set [log level] global => trace [log level] mod => not set [log level] network => not set Bonus type handler: 4 ms General text handler: 14 ms Hero handler: 4 ms Artifact handler: 0 ms Creature handler: 1 ms Town handler: 0 ms Object handler: 0 ms Object types information handler: 0 ms Spell handler: 0 ms Skill handler: 0 ms Terrain view pattern handler: 2 ms Template handler: 0 ms Initializing handlers: 25 ms Initializing content handler: 0 ms [f1599b74]Original game files [8292cf88]Abode town [8493cd0e]Amethyst [7a557c49]Asylum Town [c1c481de]Highlands Town [b62fe2c7]Cathedral Town [e65c8a59]Cetatea [5f756a86]Christmas town [3f43e55a]Ciberium [65f679b7]Courtyard town [45e60fcc]Dark elemental [2bbed3aa]Death Valley [47aa9aa4]Plane of Earth [b5369926]Fairy town [61484a4a]Farriery [5af989de]Forgotten Tales [fc8f00ef]Foundry [5b137a5c]Greenhouse [2ad2d40c]Grove town (Trith edition) [ea7d3756]H4 artifacts - commanders [b27d6608]H4 artifacts - regular [337a42d1]Haven [eb97c2ea]Horde [287e530c]Horn of the Abyss [fb42486b]Mod Design Team mods [088e7995]Necropol Town [45a4a663]Abyss town [55ba6972]Pavilion Town [e4c6dee3]New Old Spells [c3be63da]Preserve Town [33bb29ae]VCMI essential files [2e590233]warlock town [e056028b]Witchking artifacts [8110e893]In The Wake of Gods [f86bdf2a]Bastion [4e665602]New artifacts [58ab6ad0]Cove town [f152c340]HotA balance mod [f1f3e36d]HoTA Heroes [2236b2d1]New towns for map [0e8a8cfe]Forge town [f777ec0c]Desert Objects [6abf40f0]High-res Menu [f200b6e1]Refugee Town [bea29745]Creature bonus icons [cf26225d]Default templates [953217fc]Extra resolutions [f3bc44f5]Commanders [24e4d44d]Stack Artifacts [ea9080c9]Stack Experience [bfffddeb]HoTA banks [930cc8df]Alien neutral creature [93b9d683]HD Mod RMGs [f9369c82]OH3 RMGs Parsing mod data: 2155 ms [DONE] Abode town [DONE] Amethyst [SKIP] Asylum Town [DONE] Highlands Town [DONE] Cathedral Town [DONE] Cetatea [SKIP] Christmas town [SKIP] Ciberium [SKIP] Courtyard town [SKIP] Death Valley [SKIP] Plane of Earth [DONE] Fairy town [SKIP] Farriery [SKIP] Forgotten Tales [DONE] Foundry [SKIP] Greenhouse [SKIP] Grove town (Trith edition) [DONE] H4 artifacts - commanders [DONE] H4 artifacts - regular [SKIP] Haven [DONE] Horde [SKIP] Horn of the Abyss [DONE] Mod Design Team mods [SKIP] Necropol Town [SKIP] Abyss town [SKIP] Pavilion Town [DONE] New Old Spells [DONE] Preserve Town [SKIP] VCMI essential files [SKIP] warlock town [DONE] Witchking artifacts [DONE] In The Wake of Gods [DONE] Bastion [SKIP] New artifacts [SKIP] Cove town [DONE] HotA balance mod [DONE] HoTA Heroes [SKIP] New towns for map [SKIP] Forge town [SKIP] High-res Menu [DONE] Refugee Town [DONE] Creature bonus icons [DONE] Default templates [DONE] Extra resolutions [DONE] Commanders [SKIP] Stack Artifacts [DONE] Stack Experience [DONE] HoTA banks [DONE] Alien neutral creature [DONE] HD Mod RMGs [DONE] OH3 RMGs Loading mod data: 1224 ms Resolving identifiers: 263 ms Handlers post-load finalization: 95 ms All game content loaded in 3737 ms Port 3030 will be used Listening for connections at port 3030 We got a new connection! :) Established connection with VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (client). UUID: 2b64e4f9-78ed-47e0-a4e2-f677d3312b5f Connection with client 1 established. UUID: 212f4a53-fe26-401b-bc0b-896d439d8158 Client 1 player: Player system says: Player (pid  cid 1) joins the game Preparing to start loaded game Loading from SAVES/JOURNEY Loading lib part of game... Reading header Reading options Reading handlers Something wrong during accepting: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request Reading gamestate Loading server state Game has been successfully loaded! Thread handling connections ended Connection 1 will handle 9 player: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 255 Loading from Saves/Autosave_2 Ordering clients to serialize... Saving lib part of game... Saving header Saving options Saving handlers Saving gamestate Saving server state Game has been successfully saved! Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 Loading from Saves/journey Ordering clients to serialize... Saving lib part of game... Saving header Saving options Saving handlers Saving gamestate Saving server state Game has been successfully saved! Game has been saved as Saves/journey