INFO global [894] - VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (server) TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 20 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 15 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 34 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2877 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 9 files found INFO global [894] - Initialization: 441 ms TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\filesystem.json TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at config TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 95 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 10 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod TRACE global [894] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_bmp.lod"" loaded (2491 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 89 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod TRACE global [894] - .LODArchive ""H3bitmap.lod"" loaded (4908 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 172 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Maps TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 177 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Mods TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 129 files found TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 5 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Mp3 TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 57 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd TRACE global [894] - .SNDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.snd"" loaded (117 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd TRACE global [894] - .SNDArchive ""Heroes3.snd"" loaded (1115 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 21 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 8 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod TRACE global [894] - .LODArchive ""H3ab_spr.lod"" loaded (569 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 22 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod TRACE global [894] - .LODArchive ""H3sprite.lod"" loaded (4013 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 156 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Sprites TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid TRACE global [894] - .VIDArchive ""H3ab_ahd.vid"" loaded (7 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid TRACE global [894] - .VIDArchive ""VIDEO.VID"" loaded (140 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 9 ms INFO global [894] - Data loading: 489 ms TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.wood as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.mercury as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.ore as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.crystal as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.gems as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered resource.mithril as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3 INFO global [894] - Mod handler: 1 ms TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\new-menu\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\H4 arts - commander\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\bonusIcons\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\extraResolutions\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Forgotten Tales\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Forgotten Tales\mods\Bastion\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Court\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Dark elemental\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\abode-mod\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\H4 arts - hero\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\necro-mod H2\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\Cove\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\NewGfx\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\HoTA balance\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\Artifacts\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\HoTA Heroes\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\hota\Mods\HoTA banks\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\NewOldSpells\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\WoG Rus\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackExp\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\Commanders\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackArts\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\witchking-arts\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Mod Desing Team\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Mod Desing Team\mods\Forge\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Mod Desing Team\mods\Forge\mods\neutralCreatures\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\gameConfig.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\buildings5.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\creature.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\ambientSounds.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\special.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\generic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\terrains.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\offensive.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\ability.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\neutral.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\gameConfig.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\other.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\modSettings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\template.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\artifacts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\filesystem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\random.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\campaignMedia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\campaignSets.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroClasses.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\moddables.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\translate.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\heroClass.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\mapHeader.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\artifact.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\bonus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\skills.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\object.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\terrainViewPatterns.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\hero.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townStructure.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townBuilding.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\resolutions.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\skill.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\commanders.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\fonts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\settings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\resources.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\rewardable.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\objectType.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\timed.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\objectTemplate.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\mapOverrides.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\spell.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\bonuses.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\mainmenu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\creatureBanks.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\neutral.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\special.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townSiege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\sp_sounds.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\startres.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\ERMU_to_picture.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\bonuses_texts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\adventure.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\battleStartpos.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\obstacles.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\battles_graphics.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\campaign_regions.json TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/abode-mod/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 1077 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 35 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/abode-mod/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/amethyst/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/amethyst/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 443 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 8 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 526 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 13 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/asylum/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 566 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 20 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/bastille/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/bastille/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 539 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 9 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/cathedral/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/cathedral/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 496 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 19 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/cetatea/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/cetatea/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 508 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 19 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/christmas/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/christmas/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 508 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 20 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/ciberium/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/ciberium/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 580 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 18 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/courtyard/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/courtyard/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 697 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 23 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/dark elemental/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/dark elemental/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 18 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/deathvalley/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/deathvalley/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 541 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 10 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/earth/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/earth/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 400 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 16 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/fairy/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/fairy/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 564 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 16 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/farriery/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/farriery/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 629 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 10 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/forgotten tales/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/forgotten tales/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/foundry/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/foundry/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 845 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 16 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/greenhouse/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/greenhouse/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 598 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 18 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/grove/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/grove/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 533 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 18 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/h4 arts - commander/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 139 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 7 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/h4 arts - commander/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/h4 arts - hero/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 147 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 14 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/h4 arts - hero/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/haven/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/haven/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 524 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 9 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/horde/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/horde/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 470 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 16 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/necro-mod h2/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 2476 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 68 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/necro-mod h2/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new abyss/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new abyss/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 513 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 18 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new pavilion/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new pavilion/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 573 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 17 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/newoldspells/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 63 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/newoldspells/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/preserve/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/preserve/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 555 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 19 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 16 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 45 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 46 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/warlock/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/warlock/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 568 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 9 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/witchking-arts/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 56 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 10 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/witchking-arts/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Config/wogFileOverrides.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wogFileOverrides.json TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Config TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 9 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/hmm35wog.pac TRACE global [894] - .PACArchive ""hmm35wog.pac"" loaded (2202 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 85 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 741 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 8 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Maps TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 6 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Mp3 TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 1 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog - sounds.snd TRACE global [894] - .SNDArchive ""wog - sounds.snd"" loaded (20 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog.snd TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/hmm35wog.pac TRACE global [894] - .PACArchive ""hmm35wog.pac"" loaded (2202 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 90 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog - animated objects.pac TRACE global [894] - .PACArchive ""wog - animated objects.pac"" loaded (129 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 11 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog - animated trees.pac TRACE global [894] - .PACArchive ""wog - animated trees.pac"" loaded (93 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 4 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog - battle decorations.pac TRACE global [894] - .PACArchive ""wog - battle decorations.pac"" loaded (11 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog - video.vid TRACE global [894] - .VIDArchive ""wog - video.vid"" loaded (10 files found). TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/Data/wog.vid TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/forgotten tales/MODS/bastion/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 607 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 19 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/forgotten tales/MODS/bastion/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/artifacts/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 57 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 3 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/artifacts/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cove/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 531 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 38 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/cove/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota balance/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 508 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 9 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota balance/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota heroes/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 24 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 10 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota heroes/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/newgfx/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 41 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 3 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/newgfx/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/MODS/forge/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 525 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 12 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/MODS/forge/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new pavilion/MODS/desert objects/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new pavilion/MODS/desert objects/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 63 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new-menu/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 71 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 6 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/new-menu/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/refugeetown/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 540 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 14 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/bonusicons/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 95 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/extraresolutions/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 42 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/commanders/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/commanders/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/stackarts/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/stackarts/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/stackexp/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/wog/MODS/stackexp/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 2 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota banks/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 33 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/hota/MODS/hota banks/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/MODS/forge/MODS/neutralcreatures/ TRACE global [894] - Zip archive loaded, 73 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/mod desing team/MODS/forge/MODS/neutralcreatures/Content TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/MODS/hdmod rmg templates/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/MODS/hdmod rmg templates/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 96 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 2 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/MODS/oh3 rmg templates/ TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/MODS/defaulttemplates/MODS/oh3 rmg templates/Content TRACE global [894] - File system loaded, 56 files found TRACE global [894] - Resource loaded in 1 ms INFO global [894] - Mod filesystems: 876 ms INFO global [894] - Basic initialization: 1807 ms TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\config\settings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\settings.json DEBUG global [894] - Set log level global => trace INFO global [894] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. INFO global [894] - [log level] ai => not set INFO global [894] - [log level] animation => not set INFO global [894] - [log level] bonus => not set INFO global [894] - [log level] global => trace INFO global [894] - [log level] mod => not set INFO global [894] - [log level] network => not set DEBUG mod [894] - Loading hardcoded features settings from [.\Config\defaultMods.json, .\Mods\Horde\content\config\defaultMods.json, .\Mods\WoG\Mods\Commanders\Content\config\defaultMods.json, .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackArts\Content\config\defaultMods.json, .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackExp\Content\config\defaultMods.json, .\Mods\WoG\config\defaultMods.json], result: TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\Commanders\Content\config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackArts\Content\config\defaultMods.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\Mods\StackExp\Content\config\defaultMods.json DEBUG mod [894] - MAX_HEROES_AVAILABLE_PER_PLAYER 16 DEBUG mod [894] - MAX_HEROES_ON_MAP_PER_PLAYER 8 DEBUG mod [894] - CREEP_SIZE 4000 DEBUG mod [894] - WEEKLY_GROWTH 10 DEBUG mod [894] - NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP 500 DEBUG mod [894] - MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN 1 DEBUG mod [894] - DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES 1 DEBUG mod [894] - ALL_CREATURES_GET_DOUBLE_MONTHS 0 DEBUG mod [894] - WINNING_HERO_WITH_NO_TROOPS_RETREATS 1 DEBUG mod [894] - BLACK_MARKET_MONTHLY_ARTIFACTS_CHANGE 1 DEBUG mod [894] - NO_RANDOM_SPECIAL_WEEKS_AND_MONTHS 0 DEBUG mod [894] - STACK_EXP 1 DEBUG mod [894] - STACK_ARTIFACT 1 DEBUG mod [894] - COMMANDERS 1 DEBUG mod [894] - MITHRIL 0 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\gameConfig.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\bonuses.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\bonuses_texts.json TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DESTRUCTION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FEAR TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FIRST_STRIKE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FLYING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type HATE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type HEALER TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type KING1 TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type KING2 TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type KING3 TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NONE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type RANGED_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SUMMON_GUARDIANS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type SYNERGY_TARGET TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type VISIONS TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [894] - Loaded bonus type WIDE_BREATH INFO global [894] - Bonus type handler: 4 ms TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\translate.json INFO global [894] - General text handler: 14 ms TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\obstacles.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\terrains.json TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.dirt as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.sand as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.grass as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.snow as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.swamp as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.rough as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.subterra as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.lava as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.water as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered terrain.rock as core:9 INFO global [894] - Hero handler: 4 ms INFO global [894] - Artifact handler: 0 ms TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\commanders.json INFO global [894] - Creature handler: 1 ms INFO global [894] - Town handler: 0 ms TRACE global [894] - Reading resources prices TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\resources.json TRACE global [894] - Done loading resource prices! INFO global [894] - Object handler: 0 ms INFO global [894] - Object types information handler: 0 ms INFO global [894] - Spell handler: 0 ms INFO global [894] - Skill handler: 0 ms TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\terrainViewPatterns.json INFO global [894] - Terrain view pattern handler: 2 ms INFO global [894] - Template handler: 0 ms INFO global [894] - Initializing handlers: 25 ms INFO mod [894] - Initializing content handler: 0 ms TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for abode-mod TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\abode-mod\mod.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for amethyst TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\EmeraldDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\classes\master.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SwordServant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\BronzeMonk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\classes\protector.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\HuluLeave.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SilverDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\cistrict.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\julian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\maximus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\rengist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\meltes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\singhel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\PengHou.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\HuluFlover.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\leane.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\resurrecta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\DragonTurtle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Samurai.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\StoneDragonTurtle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\tarkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\ScarletDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\charity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Maikom.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\sunni.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GoldenLo'han.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\minore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GirlSnake.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SwordMaster.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GoldenSamurai.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\seprinteer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Draconic.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for asylum TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for bastille TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\brute.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bseinherjar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\IceFrozen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bsfafnir.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\javeliner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\B_richmond.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\berserker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\classes\pyroma.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bcommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\classes\warlord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\L_astride.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\fireBolt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\H_craighill.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\I_aidan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\O_melisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\E_princehogg.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\flameglad.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\Barbarity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\gladiator.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\F_gestalt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\G_aaron.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\blizzardbird.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\A_daive.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\harpooner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mammothlord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\D_austin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mammoth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\snowbird.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\demonicfafnir.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\fireVulnerability.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\J_barbara.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\M_mildura.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\K_cynthia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\P_leslie.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mountainguard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\N_renee.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - 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loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\kraken teamster.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\werser.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\oceanworm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\season.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\sandcrab.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\dissanna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\raytlii.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\abyssaljellyfish.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\verna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\perha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\sirranna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\seahorse.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for new pavilion TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mod.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for newoldspells TRACE global [894] - loading C:\Users\Sean\Documents\My Games\vcmi\Mods\NewOldSpells\mod.json TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for preserve TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\C_hanna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\zext2Benu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\fairybear.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\zext1Raven.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\A_kulkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\P_renata.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\N_belinda.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\J_pamela.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\E_niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\F_ceretus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\summonRaven.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\symbiosis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\D_terence.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\scout.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\H_lorenzo.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\K_polly.json TRACE global [894] - 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loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sm3d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\cross2.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\frozendragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\speed1 m-u.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm3i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\balance m+u 200%.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0g.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\poorjebus.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\elka.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\aroundamarsh.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\skirmish.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\wheel.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\reckless.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm0k.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\headquarters.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\gimlisrevenge.JSON TRACE mod [894] - Generating checksum for vcmi.defaulttemplates.oh3 rmg templates TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\mod.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8 huge.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sm3d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(3).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\readyOrNot.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\gauntlet.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm0k.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2mm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\ring.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\golemsaplenty.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\worldsatwar.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dwarvenTunnels.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\doubled 8mm6.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12 huge.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\newcomers.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\southofhell.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\riseOfPhoenix.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\monksRetreat.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\smallRing.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0g.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\meetingInMuzgob.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0b.JSON INFO mod [894] - [f1599b74]Original game files TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\artifacts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\neutral.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\creatures\special.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\neutral.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroClasses.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\castle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\rampart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\tower.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\necropolis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\inferno.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\dungeon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\stronghold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\fortress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\conflux.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\heroes\special.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\generic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\moddables.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\creatureBanks.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\objects\rewardable.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\skills.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\adventure.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\offensive.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\other.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\timed.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\spells\ability.json INFO mod [894] - [8292cf88]Abode town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\mod.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from abode-mod INFO mod [894] - [8493cd0e]Amethyst TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\HuluLeave.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\HuluFlover.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Samurai.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GoldenSamurai.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\BronzeMonk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GoldenLo'han.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SwordServant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SwordMaster.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\GirlSnake.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Maikom.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\DragonTurtle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\StoneDragonTurtle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\Draconic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\PengHou.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\EmeraldDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\ScarletDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\creatures\SilverDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\classes\protector.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\classes\master.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\seprinteer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\julian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\meltes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\singhel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\charity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\sunni.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\rengist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\minore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\leane.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\tarkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\maximus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\cistrict.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\heroes\resurrecta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Amethyst\content\config\amethyst\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from amethyst INFO mod [894] - [7a557c49]Asylum Town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\darksquire.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\darkguard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\winddancer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowdancer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowhunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\phantomhunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\sadphanton.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\sorrowphanton.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\spiritcrus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\soulcrus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\asnightmare.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\shadowmare.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\plwalker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\voidwalker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\creatures\acommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\classes\pathfinder.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\classes\mentalist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\A_alach.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\B_pauline.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\C_harker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\D_sisElisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\E_renner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\F_judith.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\G_stacia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\H_karth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\I_kaspar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\J_mog.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\K_viola.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\L_brigid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\M_mona.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\N_jezebel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\O_margareta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\heroes\P_lynn.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from asylum TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\terrorEye.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\asylum\content\config\asylum\NewOldSpells\seduce.json INFO mod [894] - [c1c481de]Highlands Town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\defender.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mountainguard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\javeliner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\harpooner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\brute.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\berserker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\snowbird.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\blizzardbird.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\gladiator.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\flameglad.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mammoth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\mammothlord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bsfafnir.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\demonicfafnir.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bseinherjar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\creatures\bcommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\classes\warlord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\classes\pyroma.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\A_daive.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\B_richmond.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\C_harrigan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\D_austin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\E_princehogg.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\F_gestalt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\G_aaron.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\H_craighill.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\I_aidan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\J_barbara.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\K_cynthia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\L_astride.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\M_mildura.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\N_renee.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\O_melisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\heroes\P_leslie.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from bastille TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\fireBolt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\IceFrozen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\Barbarity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\bastille\content\config\bastille\NewOldSpells\fireVulnerability.json INFO mod [894] - [b62fe2c7]Cathedral Town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL1U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL2U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL3U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL4U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL5U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL6U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\CATHL7U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\creatures\RedFanatic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\classes\cthbishop.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\classes\redtemplar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Brooke.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Erika.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Helena.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Kasumi.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Nariko.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Noli.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Patricia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Ranin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Salvirana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Stefan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Sveneld.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Svetlana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Susan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Tarinus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Volh.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\heroes\Vseglas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from cathedral TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\scratch.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\conviction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\punishment.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\temPrayer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\redeem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\cantorShot.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\prayerImmune.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\dispelImmune.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\cathedral\Content\config\cathedral\NewOldSpells\bloodlustAni.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object bloodlust (core) from cathedral TRACE mod [894] - Patching object dispelHelpful (core) from cathedral TRACE mod [894] - Patching object prayer (core) from cathedral INFO mod [894] - [e65c8a59]Cetatea TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Alphawerewolf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Werewolf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Direwolf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Fiercezgriptor.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Balauri.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Haiduci.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Moroi.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Strigoi.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampire.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Vampirelord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Wolf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Voinici.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zgriptor.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\Zmeu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\lele.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\classes\ovate.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\classes\voivode.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Al. I Cuza.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Baba Cloanta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Brancoveanu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Decebal.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Dochia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Elisabeta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Ghionaia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Greuceanu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Harap-alb.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Luceafarul.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Mihaiviteazu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Pricolici.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Elena.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Queen Maria.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Stefan Al II.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\heroes\Vlad Tepes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\creatures\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Cetatea\content\config\cetatea\banks\AncientCitadel.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from cetatea TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from cetatea INFO mod [894] - [5f756a86]Christmas town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\fairy.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\christmasfairy.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\truesantagremlin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\christmasgremlin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\donkey.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\blackdonkey.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\whitedonkey.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\christmaslight.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\christmasstar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\reindeer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\santareindeer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\christmastreant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\santaacolyte.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\santaclaus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\creatures\mastersanta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\classes\christmasspirit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\classes\wiseman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\classes\deer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\classes\yulecat.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\classes\snowman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\dedmoroz.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\befana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\jultomten.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\frauberta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\melchior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\caspar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\balthasar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\julemanden.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\ebenezer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\snowman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\rudolph.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\dominick.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\yulecat.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\olentzero.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\grinch.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\heroes\snegurochka.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\christmas\Content\config\christmas\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from christmas INFO mod [894] - [3f43e55a]Ciberium TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Electro.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Conscript.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Soldier.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\StoneBull.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\MechanicalBull.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Cockroach.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\ToxicCockroach.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Tank.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\HeavyTank.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\JumpFighter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\JumpWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Hedgehopper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Paratrooper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Ironclad.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Hulkbuster.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\creatures\Technoid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\general.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\technik.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\seprinteer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\julian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\meltes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\singhel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\charity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\sunni.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\rengist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\minore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\leane.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\tarkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\maximus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\cistrict.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\heroes\resurrecta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Ciberium\content\config\ciberium\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from ciberium INFO mod [894] - [65f679b7]Courtyard town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartArtifact.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraArtifact.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\stackExp.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl1unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl2unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl3unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl4unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\lvl5unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl6unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\Lvl7unit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\vines.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\creatures\apparition.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\potionCartCreature.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\warmachines\cameraObscuraCreature.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\courtyardPuzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\mightHero.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\classes\magicHero.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Nefefareen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Auk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dizheel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Ophrys.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Lumiere.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Raphus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Vogundessi.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Dictamnus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Teophrast.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Audred.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Zazzerpan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Migdigravia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Caballe.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Hanester.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\Kanim.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\heroes\heroTexts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\otherObjects.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from courtyard TRACE mod [894] - Patching object oceanBottle (core) from courtyard TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\skills\firstAidPotions.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object firstAid (core) from courtyard TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\reconstruction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\deathGrasp.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\enchantedWeapon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\pacifism.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quagmire.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\quickStrikes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\immolation.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\stunAbility.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ephemeralAbility.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\ageCamera.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\vinesRevive.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\potionSupply.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\toughnessPotion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\regenerationPotion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\etheralPotion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\weaponPoisonPotion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Courtyard\Content\config\courtyard\spells\dragonPotion.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object berserk (core) from courtyard TRACE mod [894] - Patching object hypnotize (core) from courtyard INFO mod [894] - [45e60fcc]Dark elemental TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Dark elemental\Content\config\Dark elemental\Dark elemental.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Dark elemental\Content\config\Dark elemental\creature-texts.json INFO mod [894] - [2bbed3aa]Death Valley TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\skel1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\skel2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\Bone Hook.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\Flayer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\banshee.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\ebanshee.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\gghost.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\cghost.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\leaper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\skelh.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\reaper1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\reaper2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\mums.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\mums2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\bonegolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\ghostgolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\commander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\creatures\commander2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\classes\deathlord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\classes\necropriest.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\agorratha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\barraka.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\crightoth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\draigoth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\dreygo.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\duella.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\jacen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\minerva.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\mortadela.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\norman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\rezzileante.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\roakshar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\sorcha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\sylvanus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\takesha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\heroes\valleante.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Deathvalley\Content\config\deathvalley\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from deathvalley INFO mod [894] - [47aa9aa4]Plane of Earth TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\leprechaun.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\leprechaunelder.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\rockelm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\stoneelm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\hawk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\firehawk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\centaurbarbarian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\centaursoldier.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\ddwa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\ddwavet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\warbear.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\direwarbear.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\blackroottreant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\Pathfinder.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\creatures\bramblewoodtreant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\classes\runner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\classes\shaper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\muggins.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\liam.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\nahana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\tim.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\coppers.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\zach.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\nicole.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\tavish.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\shae.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\meila.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\priscilla.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\zarm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\wendil.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\linda.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\wren.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\earth\Content\config\earth\heroes\tana.json INFO mod [894] - [b5369926]Fairy town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\artifacts\StoneAegisArt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fairy2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fench2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\witch.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\priestess.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fnoble3.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\wisp2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\hatchling2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fwyvern2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fdrag2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\StoneAegis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\creatures\fcommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\classes\diviner.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\classes\keeper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\abrisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\arina.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\elrisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\kylina.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\losina.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\meri.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\mia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\ola.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\sarisa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\seliva.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\sheli.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\sinara.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\siniri.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\uliri.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\aarela.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\zerela.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\heroes\zeria.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Fairy\content\config\fairy\banks\FairiesBank.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from fairy TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from fairy INFO mod [894] - [61484a4a]Farriery TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\artifacts\MortiraArt.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\CyberDead.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\CyberZombie.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\GruntSoldier.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\FootSoldier.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\Pyro.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\Pyromaniac.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\MechFighter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\MechWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\Droid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\CyberHunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\SkyFighter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\SkyHunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\BattleDroid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\WarDroid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\MechFighter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\MechWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\MechanicalDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\HydraulicDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\Arkhon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\AcidDragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\creatures\Mortira.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\classes\Engineer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\classes\Technik.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\steraks.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\Horna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\seprinteer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\meltes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\singhel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\charity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\sunni.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\rengist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\minore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\leane.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\tarkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\maximus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\cistrict.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\heroes\resurrecta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Farriery\content\config\farriery\brassFoundry.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from farriery TRACE mod [894] - Patching object warMachineFactory (core) from farriery INFO mod [894] - [5af989de]Forgotten Tales INFO mod [894] - [fc8f00ef]Foundry TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Guardsman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\VeteranGuardsman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Flametrooper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\AcidTrooper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\MechanicalGolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\HydraulicGolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Dalek.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\GroundDalek.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\CannonGolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\SiegeGolem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Zord.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\ZordWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Ishmael.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\LordIshmael.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\creatures\Technoid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\classes\Marshal.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\classes\Mechanic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\seprinteer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\julian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\meltes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\singhel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\charity.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\sunni.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\rengist.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\minore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\leane.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\tarkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\maximus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\cistrict.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\heroes\resurrecta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Foundry\content\config\foundry\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from foundry INFO mod [894] - [5b137a5c]Greenhouse TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\1a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\1b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\2a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\2b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\3a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\3b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\4a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\4b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\5a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\5b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\6a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\6b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\7a.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\creatures\7b.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\hero-magic.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\hero-might.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MF petra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MF Esmeralda.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MF Gerta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MF Zozia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MM Sam Pchajplug.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MM Bonio.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MM Kalafiosteain.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\MM Jacquouille.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WF Beata.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WF Chilia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WF Litte smile.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WF Margret.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WM kozak.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WM Guba Guba.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WM ching chang chong.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\WM Stonkososoczek.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\Z Nicolai.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\heroes\Z Bogdan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Greenhouse\content\config\mapDwelings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from greenhouse INFO mod [894] - [2ad2d40c]Grove town (Trith edition) TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\artifacts\NightFalcon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\satyr.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\faun.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonhunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\moonslayer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\groveguard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\grovekeeper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\nightdruid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\elderdruid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskrider.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\basiliskchampion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderprincess.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\spiderqueen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\quartzdragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\amethystdragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\saphiredragon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\treebeard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\creatures\NightFalcon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\commander\nightstalker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\classes\warden.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\classes\hunter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\jabress.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\kyorlin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\malla.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\mrimm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\olath.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\phindara.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sargh.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\shebali.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\sithyrr.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ssin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\suliss.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\tuidhana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\ultrin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velkyn.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\velve.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\vlos.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\heroes\wanre.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Grove\content\config\grove\banks\templeNight.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from grove TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from grove INFO mod [894] - [ea7d3756]H4 artifacts - commanders INFO mod [894] - [b27d6608]H4 artifacts - regular INFO mod [894] - [337a42d1]Haven TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\triton1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\triton2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\undine1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\undine2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\octo1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\octo2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\crab1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\crab2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\crab3.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\yachtswoman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\siren1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\siren2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\seabishop1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\seabishop2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\leviathan1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\creatures\leviathan2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\Faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\manowar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\manowarf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\admiral.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\admiralf.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\sargas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\alligat.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\klastrus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\undine.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\omega.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\gallas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\raven.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\illyanis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\azul.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\aquaron.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\maridis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\marin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\aurora.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\stella.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\sabrin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\heroes\midia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\haven\content\config\haven\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from haven INFO mod [894] - [eb97c2ea]Horde TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\peon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\foreman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\troll1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\troll2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\worg1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\worg2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\worg3.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\ogre1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\ogre2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\ogre3.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\drake1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\drake2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\lock1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\lock2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\gronn1.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\gronn2.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\creatures\kobold.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\warchief.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\clairvoyant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\boang.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\draas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\forang.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\fullika.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\gadira.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\goranud.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\hurgor.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\jargura.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\kutala.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\makgum.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\ollathus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\orloch.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\roeda.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\soragg.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\thurnokk.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\heroes\yreima.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\Horde\content\config\horde\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from horde INFO mod [894] - [287e530c]Horn of the Abyss INFO mod [894] - [fb42486b]Mod Design Team mods INFO mod [894] - [088e7995]Necropol Town INFO mod [894] - [45a4a663]Abyss town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\tbirdvulgaris.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\tbirdelectric.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\sandcrab.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\abyssalcrab.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\seahorse.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\hyppocamph.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\goldenhyppocamph.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\abyssaljellyfish.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\deepwaterjellyfish.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\giantoctopus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\abyssalgiantoctopus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\yuantiwarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\yuantileader.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\seaworm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\oceanworm.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\DeepOne.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\DarkOne.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\commander\abyssHyppoCommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\tbirdbloody.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\creatures\tbirdglowing.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\classes\abyssalShaman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\classes\ichthyander.json TRACE global [894] - 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loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\perha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\raytlii.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\trila.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\verna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\heroes\werser.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Abyss\content\config\abyss\banks\waterTemple.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from new abyss TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from new abyss TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorSpecial (core) from new abyss INFO mod [894] - [55ba6972]Pavilion Town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\staffOfSand.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\goldenScarab.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\sunShield.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\scrollOfWisdom.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\maskOfTheDesertKing.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\artifactsPavilion\fireRing.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Whipper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Overseer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Wadjet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\VenomousWadjet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\CamelRider.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\DesertWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Sekhmet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\SekhmetPriestess.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Ammut.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\SunAmmut.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Sphinx.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\ElderSphinx.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Anubis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\AnubisWarrior.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\commanderPavilion\preacher.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\creaturesPavilion\Scarab.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\townPavilion\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\classesPavilion\Vizier.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\classesPavilion\Embalmer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Amanra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Amesh.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Azarias.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Cassandra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Elspeth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Gideon.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Jaffa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Keila.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Ko-Eset.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Marzum.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Menet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Osir.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Peth-Shub.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Sekhem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Seref.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Zamonth.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Bast.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\heroesPavilion\Varn.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\objectsPavilion\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\objectsPavilion\Ziggurat.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from new pavilion TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from new pavilion TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\spellsPavilion\BlessingSeal.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\spellsPavilion\GodScaleAttack.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\spellsPavilion\GodScaleDefence.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\spellsPavilion\LifeEater.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\Content\spellsPavilion\specSlow.json INFO mod [894] - [e4c6dee3]New Old Spells INFO mod [894] - [c3be63da]Preserve Town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\halflings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\hobbit.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\treelurker.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\caveleaper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\magiceye.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\misfortuneeye.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\foxdruid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\highdruid.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\hippogryph.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\grimhippo.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\fairybear.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\mysticalbear.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\treant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\ancienttreant.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\zext1Raven.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\zext2Benu.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\creatures\fcommander.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\town.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\classes\guardian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\classes\bard.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\A_kulkin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\B_julian.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\C_hanna.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\D_terence.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\E_niclas.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\F_ceretus.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\G_agnes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\H_lorenzo.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\I_anastasia.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\J_pamela.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\K_polly.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\L_ken.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\M_wildhayen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\N_belinda.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\O_karen.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\P_renata.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\heroes\S_Aegrenal.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from preserve TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\wolverineHeart.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\scout.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\symbiosis.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\preserve\content\config\preserve\NewOldSpells\summonRaven.json INFO mod [894] - [33bb29ae]VCMI essential files INFO mod [894] - [2e590233]warlock town TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2centaur.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2gargoyle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2griffin.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2hydra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2mino.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2minok.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2medusa.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2gred.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2redd.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\creatures\h2blackd.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\spells.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\classes\h2warlock.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\classes\h2warlockfem.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\agar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\alamar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\arch.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\arie.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\barok.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\crodo.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\falagar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\kastore.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\martine.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\vesper.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\warlock\Content\config\warlock\heroes\wrathmont.json INFO mod [894] - [e056028b]Witchking artifacts INFO mod [894] - [8110e893]In The Wake of Gods TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wog\artifacts.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wog\creatures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wog\heroClasses.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object alchemist (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object barbarian (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object battlemage (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object beastmaster (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object cleric (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object deathknight (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object demoniac (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object druid (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object elementalist (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object heretic (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object knight (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object necromancer (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object overlord (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object planeswalker (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object ranger (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object warlock (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object witch (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object wizard (core) from wog TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wog\dwellings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\WoG\config\wog\creatureBanks.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from wog TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from wog INFO mod [894] - [f86bdf2a]Bastion TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from forgotten tales.bastion TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from forgotten tales.bastion INFO mod [894] - [4e665602]New artifacts INFO mod [894] - [58ab6ad0]Cove town TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from hota.cove TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorSpecial (core) from hota.cove INFO mod [894] - [f152c340]HotA balance mod TRACE mod [894] - Patching object amuletOfTheUndertaker (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object deadMansBoots (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object vampiresCowl (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object archDevil (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object dendroidSoldier (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object diamondGolem (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object earthElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object efreet (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object efreetSultan (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object fairieDragon (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object fireElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object firebird (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object gnoll (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object goldGolem (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object griffin (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object halberdier (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object magicElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object monk (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object orc (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object orcChieftain (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object phoenix (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object pikeman (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object pixie (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object psychicElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object royalGriffin (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object rustDragon (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object skeletonWarrior (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object sprite (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object stormElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object troglodyte (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object troll (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object waterElemental (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object castle (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object dungeon (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object fortress (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object inferno (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object necropolis (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object rampart (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object stronghold (core) from hota.hota balance TRACE mod [894] - Patching object tower (core) from hota.hota balance INFO mod [894] - [f1f3e36d]HoTA Heroes INFO mod [894] - [2236b2d1]New towns for map TRACE mod [894] - Patching object castle (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object conflux (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object dungeon (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object fortress (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object inferno (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object necropolis (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object rampart (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object stronghold (core) from hota.newgfx TRACE mod [894] - Patching object tower (core) from hota.newgfx INFO mod [894] - [0e8a8cfe]Forge town TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from mod desing team.forge INFO mod [894] - [f777ec0c]Desert Objects TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\desertObjects.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\desertMines.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\desertBarchanDunes.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\cursedSands.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\grainedSands.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\New Pavilion\mods\Desert Objects\Content\objectsDesert\desertPavement.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object campfire (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object corpse (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object cursedGround (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object fountainOfYouth (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object idolOfFortune (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object mine (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - Patching object monolithOneWayEntrance (core) from new pavilion.desert objects TRACE mod [894] - 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loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL3U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL4L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL4U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL5L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL5U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL6L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL6U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL7L.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGL7U.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\creatures\REFGCDR.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\shapeshifter\shapeshifter-beta.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\town\buildings.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\town\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\town\puzzle.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\town\siege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\town\structures.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\classes\rfgEnchanter.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\classes\rfgWanderer.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgLeyla.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgNiusha.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgKiana.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgSoraya.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgAreman.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgShayan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgMahyar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgYemapel.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgMithra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgAran.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgSierra.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgAria.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgAzar.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgKeyvan.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgBhemnesh.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\heroes\rfgReza.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\classes\rfgHeroNeutralConversion.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\dwellings.json TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from refugeetown TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgDebug.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgEmet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgMet.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgGottesbriefe.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgGottesbriefeP.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\RefugeeTown\Content\config\refugee\spells\rfgNamburbi.json INFO mod [894] - [bea29745]Creature bonus icons INFO mod [894] - [cf26225d]Default templates INFO mod [894] - [953217fc]Extra resolutions INFO mod [894] - [f3bc44f5]Commanders INFO mod [894] - [24e4d44d]Stack Artifacts INFO mod [894] - [ea9080c9]Stack Experience INFO mod [894] - [bfffddeb]HoTA banks TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureBank (core) from hota.hota banks INFO mod [894] - [930cc8df]Alien neutral creature TRACE mod [894] - Patching object creatureGeneratorCommon (core) from mod desing team.forge.neutralcreatures INFO mod [894] - [93b9d683]HD Mod RMGs TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\aroundamarsh.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\anarchy v1_01.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\balance m+u 200%.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\balance.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\deux paires.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\blockbuster.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\clashofdragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\coldshadowsFantasy.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\cube.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\cross.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\cross2.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\cross3.JSON WARN mod [894] - File CONFIG/DEFAULTTEMPLATES/CROSS3 is not a valid JSON file! WARN mod [894] - At line 1, position 0 error: Not a valid UTF-8 file TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\diamond.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dwarftunnels.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\elka.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\extreme ii.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\extreme.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\fear.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\frozendragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\gimlisrevenge.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\guerilla.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\headquarters.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\hypercube.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\jebuscross.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\kite.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\longrun.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\marathon.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\reckless.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\mini-nostalgia.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\midnightmix.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\nostalgia xxl.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\nostalgia(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\Nostalgia(HotA).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\oceanseleven.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\panic.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\poorjebus.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\roadrunner.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\shaaafworld.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\skirmish m-u 200%.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\skirmish.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\speed1 m-u.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\speed2 m-u.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\spider1_3.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\superslam.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\true random.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\triad.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\vortex.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\wheel.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\worlds of war.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm0k.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\vortex.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(3).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2x2sm4d(3).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sm3d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4mm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0g.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm3i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\HDmod RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8a.JSON INFO mod [894] - [f9369c82]OH3 RMGs TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\readyOrNot.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\smallRing.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\ring.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2mm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm0k.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2h.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm2i.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d(3).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\2sm4d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\3sm3d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm0g.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\4sm4e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0a.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\5sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10(2).JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6lm10.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0d.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\6sm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0b.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\7sb0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm0e.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8mm6.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0c.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8sm0f.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12 huge.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm12.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8 huge.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\8xm8.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dragons.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\dwarvenTunnels.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\gauntlet.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\golemsaplenty.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\meetingInMuzgob.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\monksRetreat.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\newcomers.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\riseOfPhoenix.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\southofhell.JSON TRACE global [894] - loading .\Mods\vcmi\Mods\defaultTemplates\Mods\OH3 RMG Templates\Content\config\defaultTemplates\worldsatwar.JSON INFO mod [894] - Parsing mod data: 2155 ms TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(admiralsHat) at index 136 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\artifact.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\bonus.json TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.admiralsHat as core:136 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ambassadorsSash) at index 68 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ambassadorsSash as core:68 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ammoCart as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(amuletOfTheUndertaker) at index 54 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker as core:54 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(angelFeatherArrows) at index 62 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.angelFeatherArrows as core:62 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(angelWings) at index 72 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.angelWings as core:72 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(angelicAlliance) at index 129 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.angelicAlliance as core:129 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armageddonsBlade) at index 128 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armageddonsBlade as core:128 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfTheDamned) at index 132 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armorOfTheDamned as core:132 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armorOfWonder) at index 31 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armorOfWonder as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armsOfLegion) at index 121 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armsOfLegion as core:121 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(badgeOfCourage) at index 49 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.badgeOfCourage as core:49 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 4 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ballista as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(birdOfPerception) at index 63 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.birdOfPerception as core:63 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(blackshardOfTheDeadKnight) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfLevitation) at index 90 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bootsOfLevitation as core:90 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfPolarity) at index 59 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bootsOfPolarity as core:59 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfSpeed) at index 98 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bootsOfSpeed as core:98 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfElvenCherrywood) at index 60 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood as core:60 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfTheSharpshooter) at index 137 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter as core:137 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane) at index 61 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane as core:61 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfBrimstone) at index 29 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(breastplateOfPetrifiedWood) at index 25 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bucklerOfTheGnollKing) at index 15 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfConjuring) at index 78 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.capeOfConjuring as core:78 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(capeOfVelocity) at index 99 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.capeOfVelocity as core:99 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cardsOfProphecy) at index 47 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cardsOfProphecy as core:47 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.catapult as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(celestialNecklaceOfBliss) at index 33 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(centaurAxe) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.centaurAxe as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(charmOfMana) at index 73 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.charmOfMana as core:73 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cloakOfTheUndeadKing) at index 130 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing as core:130 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cloverOfFortune) at index 46 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cloverOfFortune as core:46 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(collarOfConjuring) at index 76 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.collarOfConjuring as core:76 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cornucopia) at index 140 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cornucopia as core:140 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crestOfValor) at index 50 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crestOfValor as core:50 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfDragontooth) at index 44 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crownOfDragontooth as core:44 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crownOfTheSupremeMagi) at index 22 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deadMansBoots) at index 56 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.deadMansBoots as core:56 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(diplomatsRing) at index 67 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.diplomatsRing as core:67 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleArmor) at index 40 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonScaleArmor as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonScaleShield) at index 39 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonScaleShield as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonWingTabard) at index 42 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonWingTabard as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonboneGreaves) at index 41 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonboneGreaves as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(elixirOfLife) at index 131 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.elixirOfLife as core:131 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(emblemOfCognizance) at index 65 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.emblemOfCognizance as core:65 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(endlessBagOfGold) at index 116 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.endlessBagOfGold as core:116 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(endlessPurseOfGold) at index 117 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.endlessPurseOfGold as core:117 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(endlessSackOfGold) at index 115 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.endlessSackOfGold as core:115 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(equestriansGloves) at index 70 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.equestriansGloves as core:70 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(everflowingCrystalCloak) at index 109 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak as core:109 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(everpouringVialOfMercury) at index 111 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury as core:111 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(eversmokingRingOfSulfur) at index 113 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur as core:113 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.firstAidTent as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(garnitureOfInterference) at index 57 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.garnitureOfInterference as core:57 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(glyphOfGallantry) at index 51 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.glyphOfGallantry as core:51 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goldTowerArrow) at index 142 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.goldTowerArrow as core:142 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goldenBow) at index 91 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.goldenBow as core:91 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.grail as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(greaterGnollsFlail) at index 9 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.greaterGnollsFlail as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(headOfLegion) at index 122 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.headOfLegion as core:122 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hellstormHelmet) at index 23 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.hellstormHelmet as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfChaos) at index 21 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfChaos as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment) at index 36 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn) at index 19 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hourglassOfTheEvilHour) at index 85 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour as core:85 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfLumber) at index 114 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber as core:114 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(inexhaustibleCartOfOre) at index 112 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre as core:112 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ladybirdOfLuck) at index 48 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ladybirdOfLuck as core:48 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(legsOfLegion) at index 118 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.legsOfLegion as core:118 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lionsShieldOfCourage) at index 34 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(loinsOfLegion) at index 119 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.loinsOfLegion as core:119 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicWand) at index 141 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.magicWand as core:141 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monstersPower) at index 143 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.monstersPower as core:143 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mysticOrbOfMana) at index 75 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mysticOrbOfMana as core:75 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfDragonteeth) at index 43 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfOceanGuidance) at index 71 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance as core:71 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necklaceOfSwiftness) at index 97 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness as core:97 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ogresClubOfHavoc) at index 10 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfDrivingRain) at index 82 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfDrivingRain as core:82 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfInhibition) at index 126 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfInhibition as core:126 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfSilt) at index 80 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfSilt as core:80 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTempestuousFire) at index 81 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire as core:81 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfTheFirmament) at index 79 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfTheFirmament as core:79 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orbOfVulnerability) at index 93 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.orbOfVulnerability as core:93 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfCourage) at index 108 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfCourage as core:108 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDeath) at index 104 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfDeath as core:104 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfDispassion) at index 100 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfDispassion as core:100 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfFreeWill) at index 105 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfFreeWill as core:105 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfHoliness) at index 102 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfHoliness as core:102 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfLife) at index 103 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfLife as core:103 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfNegativity) at index 106 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfNegativity as core:106 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSecondSight) at index 101 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfSecondSight as core:101 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfTotalRecall) at index 107 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall as core:107 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(powerOfTheDragonFather) at index 134 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather as core:134 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(quietEyeOfTheDragon) at index 37 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(recantersCloak) at index 83 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.recantersCloak as core:83 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(redDragonFlameTongue) at index 38 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.redDragonFlameTongue as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ribCage) at index 26 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ribCage as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfConjuring) at index 77 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfConjuring as core:77 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfInfiniteGems) at index 110 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems as core:110 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfLife) at index 95 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfLife as core:95 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheMagi) at index 139 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfTheMagi as core:139 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfTheWayfarer) at index 69 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer as core:69 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ringOfVitality) at index 94 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfVitality as core:94 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sandalsOfTheSaint) at index 32 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk) at index 27 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(seaCaptainsHat) at index 123 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.seaCaptainsHat as core:123 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sentinelsShield) at index 18 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sentinelsShield as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shacklesOfWar) at index 125 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shacklesOfWar as core:125 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDamned) at index 17 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDamned as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheDwarvenLords) at index 13 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shieldOfTheYawningDead) at index 14 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(skullHelmet) at index 20 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.skullHelmet as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(speculum) at index 52 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.speculum as core:52 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spellBook) at index 0 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spellBook as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spellScroll as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spellbindersHat) at index 124 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spellbindersHat as core:124 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sphereOfPermanence) at index 92 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sphereOfPermanence as core:92 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spiritOfOppression) at index 84 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spiritOfOppression as core:84 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spyglass) at index 53 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spyglass as core:53 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(statesmansMedal) at index 66 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.statesmansMedal as core:66 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(statueOfLegion) at index 133 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.statueOfLegion as core:133 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stillEyeOfTheDragon) at index 45 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon as core:45 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stoicWatchman) at index 64 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.stoicWatchman as core:64 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(surcoatOfCounterpoise) at index 58 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfHellfire) at index 11 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.swordOfHellfire as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfJudgement) at index 35 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.swordOfJudgement as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(talismanOfMana) at index 74 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.talismanOfMana as core:74 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(targOfTheRampagingOgre) at index 16 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thunderHelmet) at index 24 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.thunderHelmet as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(titansCuirass) at index 30 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.titansCuirass as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(titansGladius) at index 12 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.titansGladius as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(titansThunder) at index 135 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.titansThunder as core:135 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfAirMagic) at index 87 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfAirMagic as core:87 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfEarthMagic) at index 89 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic as core:89 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfFireMagic) at index 86 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfFireMagic as core:86 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tomeOfWaterMagic) at index 88 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic as core:88 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(torsoOfLegion) at index 120 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.torsoOfLegion as core:120 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tunicOfTheCyclopsKing) at index 28 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vampiresCowl) at index 55 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.vampiresCowl as core:55 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfDragonBlood) at index 127 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.vialOfDragonBlood as core:127 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vialOfLifeblood) at index 96 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.vialOfLifeblood as core:96 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wizardsWell) at index 138 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wizardsWell as core:138 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 112 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\creature.json TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.airElemental as core:112 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.airElementals as core:112 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ammoCart) at index 148 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ammoCart as core:148 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ancientBehemoth) at index 97 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ancientBehemoth as core:97 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(angel) at index 12 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.angel as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(archDevil) at index 55 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.archDevil as core:55 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(archMage) at index 35 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.archMage as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(archangel) at index 13 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.archangel as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(archer) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.archer as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lightCrossbowman as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(arrowTower) at index 149 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.arrowTower as core:149 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(azureDragon) at index 132 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.azureDragon as core:132 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ballista) at index 146 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ballista as core:146 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(basilisk) at index 106 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.basilisk as core:106 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(battleDwarf) at index 17 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.battleDwarf as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(behemoth) at index 96 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.behemoth as core:96 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(beholder) at index 74 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.beholder as core:74 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(blackDragon) at index 83 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.blackDragon as core:83 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(blackKnight) at index 66 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.blackKnight as core:66 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(boar) at index 140 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.boar as core:140 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(boneDragon) at index 68 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.boneDragon as core:68 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(catapult) at index 145 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.catapult as core:145 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cavalier) at index 10 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cavalier as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(centaur) at index 14 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.centaur as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(centaurCaptain) at index 15 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.centaurCaptain as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cerberus) at index 47 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cerberus as core:47 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(champion) at index 11 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.champion as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(chaosHydra) at index 111 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.chaosHydra as core:111 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crusader) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crusader as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crystalDragon) at index 133 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crystalDragon as core:133 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cyclop) at index 94 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cyclop as core:94 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cyclopKing) at index 95 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cyclopKing as core:95 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(demon) at index 48 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.demon as core:48 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidGuard) at index 22 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dendroidGuard as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dendroidSoldier) at index 23 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dendroidSoldier as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(devil) at index 54 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.devil as core:54 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(diamondGolem) at index 117 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.diamondGolem as core:117 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dreadKnight) at index 67 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dreadKnight as core:67 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dwarf) at index 16 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dwarf as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 113 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.earthElemental as core:113 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(efreet) at index 52 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.efreet as core:52 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(efreetSultan) at index 53 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.efreetSultan as core:53 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(enchanter) at index 136 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.enchanter as core:136 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.enchanters as core:136 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(energyElemental) at index 129 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.energyElemental as core:129 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(evilEye) at index 75 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.evilEye as core:75 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fairieDragon) at index 134 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fairieDragon as core:134 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(familiar) at index 43 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.familiar as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireDragonFly) at index 105 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fireDragonFly as core:105 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 114 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fireElemental as core:114 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(firebird) at index 130 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.firebird as core:130 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(firstAidTent) at index 147 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.firstAidTent as core:147 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(genie) at index 36 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.genie as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ghostDragon) at index 69 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ghostDragon as core:69 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(giant) at index 40 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.giant as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gnoll) at index 98 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gnoll as core:98 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gnollMarauder) at index 99 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gnollMarauder as core:99 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goblin) at index 84 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goblin as core:84 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goblins as core:84 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goblinWolfRider) at index 86 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goblinWolfRider as core:86 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gog) at index 44 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gog as core:44 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goldDragon) at index 27 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goldDragon as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(goldGolem) at index 116 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goldGolem as core:116 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gorgon) at index 102 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gorgon as core:102 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(grandElf) at index 19 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.grandElf as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(greaterBasilisk) at index 107 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.greaterBasilisk as core:107 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(greenDragon) at index 26 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.greenDragon as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gremlin) at index 28 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gremlin as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.apprenticeGremlin as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(griffin) at index 4 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.griffin as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(halberdier) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.halberdier as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(halfling) at index 138 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.halfling as core:138 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(harpy) at index 72 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.harpy as core:72 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(harpyHag) at index 73 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.harpyHag as core:73 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hellHound) at index 46 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hellHound as core:46 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblin) at index 85 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hobgoblin as core:85 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hobgoblinWolfRider) at index 87 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hobgoblinWolfRider as core:87 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hornedDemon) at index 49 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hornedDemon as core:49 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hydra) at index 110 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hydra as core:110 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(iceElemental) at index 123 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.iceElemental as core:123 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(imp) at index 42 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.imp as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(infernalTroglodyte) at index 71 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.infernalTroglodyte as core:71 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ironGolem) at index 32 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ironGolem as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lich) at index 64 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lich as core:64 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lizardWarrior) at index 101 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lizardWarrior as core:101 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lizardman) at index 100 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lizardman as core:100 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.primitiveLizardman as core:100 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mage) at index 34 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mage as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicElemental) at index 121 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.magicElemental as core:121 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magmaElemental) at index 125 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.magmaElemental as core:125 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magog) at index 45 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.magog as core:45 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(manticore) at index 80 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.manticore as core:80 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(marksman) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.marksman as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(masterGenie) at index 37 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.masterGenie as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(masterGremlin) at index 29 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.masterGremlin as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(medusa) at index 76 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.medusa as core:76 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(medusaQueen) at index 77 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.medusaQueen as core:77 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mightyGorgon) at index 103 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mightyGorgon as core:103 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(minotaur) at index 78 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.minotaur as core:78 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing) at index 79 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.minotaurKing as core:79 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monk) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.monk as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mummy) at index 141 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mummy as core:141 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(naga) at index 38 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.naga as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nagaQueen) at index 39 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nagaQueen as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nomad) at index 142 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nomad as core:142 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(obsidianGargoyle) at index 31 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.obsidianGargoyle as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ogre) at index 90 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogre as core:90 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ogreMage) at index 91 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogreMage as core:91 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orc) at index 88 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.orc as core:88 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orcChieftain) at index 89 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.orcChieftain as core:89 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(peasant) at index 139 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.peasant as core:139 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pegasus) at index 20 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pegasus as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(phoenix) at index 131 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.phoenix as core:131 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pikeman) at index 0 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pikeman as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pitFiend) at index 50 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pitFiend as core:50 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pitLord) at index 51 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pitLord as core:51 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pixie) at index 118 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pixie as core:118 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pixies as core:118 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(powerLich) at index 65 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.powerLich as core:65 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(psychicElemental) at index 120 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.psychicElemental as core:120 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(redDragon) at index 82 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.redDragon as core:82 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(roc) at index 92 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.roc as core:92 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rogue) at index 143 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rogue as core:143 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(royalGriffin) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.royalGriffin as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rustDragon) at index 135 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rustDragon as core:135 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scorpicore) at index 81 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.scorpicore as core:81 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(serpentFly) at index 104 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.serpentFly as core:104 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dragonFly as core:104 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sharpshooter) at index 137 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sharpshooter as core:137 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sharpshooters as core:137 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(silverPegasus) at index 21 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.silverPegasus as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(skeleton) at index 56 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.skeleton as core:56 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(skeletonWarrior) at index 57 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.skeletonWarrior as core:57 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sprite) at index 119 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sprite as core:119 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGargoyle) at index 30 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stoneGargoyle as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGolem) at index 33 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stoneGolem as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stormElemental) at index 127 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stormElemental as core:127 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swordsman) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.swordsman as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbird) at index 93 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.thunderbird as core:93 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(titan) at index 41 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.titan as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(troglodyte) at index 70 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.troglodyte as core:70 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(troll) at index 144 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.troll as core:144 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(unicorn) at index 24 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.unicorn as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(unused122) at index 122 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.unused122 as core:122 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(unused124) at index 124 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.unused124 as core:124 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(unused126) at index 126 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.unused126 as core:126 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(unused128) at index 128 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.unused128 as core:128 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vampire) at index 62 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.vampire as core:62 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vampireLord) at index 63 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.vampireLord as core:63 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(walkingDead) at index 58 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.walkingDead as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.zombie as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warUnicorn) at index 25 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.warUnicorn as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 115 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.waterElemental as core:115 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.waterElementals as core:115 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wight) at index 60 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wight as core:60 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(woodElf) at index 18 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.woodElf as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wraith) at index 61 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wraith as core:61 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wyvern) at index 108 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wyvern as core:108 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wyvernMonarch) at index 109 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wyvernMonarch as core:109 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(zealot) at index 9 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.zealot as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(zombieLord) at index 59 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.zombieLord as core:59 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(castle) at index 0 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\faction.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townBuilding.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townSiege.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\townStructure.json TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.ship as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.shipyard as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.castle as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(conflux) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.extraCapitol as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.extraCityHall as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.extraTownHall as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.hordePhoenix as hota.hota balance:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.hordePhoenixUpgr as hota.hota balance:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.ship as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.shipyard as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.conflux.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.conflux as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dungeon) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.special4 as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dungeon.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.dungeon as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fortress) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.extraCapitol as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.ship as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.shipyard as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fortress.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.fortress as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.horde2 as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.horde2Upgr as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.special4 as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.inferno.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.inferno as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necropolis) at index 4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.extraCapitol as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.extraCityHall as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.extraTownHall as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.ship as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.shipyard as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necropolis.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.necropolis as core:4 WARN mod [894] - no original data in loadMod(neutral) at index 9 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.neutral as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rampart) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.extraCapitol as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.extraCityHall as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.extraTownHall as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.horde2 as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.horde2Upgr as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.rampart.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.rampart as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stronghold) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.special4 as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.stronghold.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.stronghold as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tower) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.horde1 as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.horde1Upgr as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.special1 as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.special2 as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.special3 as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.special4 as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tower.villageHall as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.tower as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(alchemist) at index 4 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\heroClass.json TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.alchemist as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(barbarian) at index 12 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.barbarian as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(battlemage) at index 13 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.battlemage as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(beastmaster) at index 14 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.beastmaster as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cleric) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.cleric as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deathknight) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.deathknight as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(demoniac) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.demoniac as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(druid) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.druid as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(elementalist) at index 17 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.elementalist as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(heretic) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.heretic as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(knight) at index 0 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.knight as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necromancer) at index 9 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.necromancer as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(overlord) at index 11 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.overlord as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(planeswalker) at index 16 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.planeswalker as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ranger) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.ranger as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warlock) at index 10 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.warlock as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(witch) at index 15 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.witch as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wizard) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.wizard as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(adela) at index 9 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\hero.json TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.adela as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(adelaide) at index 11 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.adelaide as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(adrienne) at index 145 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.adrienne as core:145 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(aenain) at index 141 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aenain as core:141 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(aeris) at index 31 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aeris as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(aine) at index 47 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aine as core:47 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(aislinn) at index 73 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aislinn as core:73 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ajit) at index 83 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ajit as core:83 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(alagar) at index 30 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alagar as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(alamar) at index 88 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alamar as core:88 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(alkin) at index 116 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alkin as core:116 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(andra) at index 126 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.andra as core:126 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(arlach) at index 81 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.arlach as core:81 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ash) at index 61 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ash as core:61 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(astral) at index 40 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.astral as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(axsis) at index 58 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.axsis as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ayden) at index 56 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ayden as core:56 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(boragus) at index 154 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.boragus as core:154 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(brissa) at index 137 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.brissa as core:137 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(broghild) at index 119 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.broghild as core:119 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bron) at index 112 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bron as core:112 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(caitlin) at index 15 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.caitlin as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(calh) at index 53 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.calh as core:53 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(calid) at index 60 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.calid as core:60 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(catherine) at index 146 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.catherine as core:146 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(charna) at index 67 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.charna as core:67 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(christian) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.christian as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ciele) at index 138 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ciele as core:138 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(clancy) at index 22 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.clancy as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(clavius) at index 70 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.clavius as core:70 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(coronius) at index 24 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.coronius as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cragHack) at index 102 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cragHack as core:102 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cuthbert) at index 10 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cuthbert as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cyra) at index 46 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cyra as core:46 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dace) at index 82 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dace as core:82 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(damacon) at index 84 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.damacon as core:84 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(daremyth) at index 43 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.daremyth as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(darkstorn) at index 95 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.darkstorn as core:95 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deemer) at index 93 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.deemer as core:93 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dessa) at index 106 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dessa as core:106 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dracon) at index 147 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dracon as core:147 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(drakon) at index 113 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.drakon as core:113 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(edric) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.edric as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(elleshar) at index 26 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.elleshar as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(erdamon) at index 133 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.erdamon as core:133 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fafner) at index 37 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.fafner as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fiona) at index 48 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.fiona as core:48 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fiur) at index 134 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.fiur as core:134 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(galthran) at index 71 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.galthran as core:71 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gelare) at index 142 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gelare as core:142 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gelu) at index 148 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gelu as core:148 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gem) at index 27 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gem as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(geon) at index 92 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.geon as core:92 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gerwulf) at index 118 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gerwulf as core:118 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gird) at index 104 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gird as core:104 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gretchin) at index 100 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gretchin as core:100 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(grindan) at index 143 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.grindan as core:143 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gundula) at index 109 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gundula as core:109 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gunnar) at index 85 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gunnar as core:85 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gurnisson) at index 97 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gurnisson as core:97 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(halon) at index 41 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.halon as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ignatius) at index 51 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ignatius as core:51 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ignissa) at index 130 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ignissa as core:130 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ingham) at index 12 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ingham as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(inteus) at index 140 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.inteus as core:140 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(iona) at index 39 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.iona as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(isra) at index 69 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.isra as core:69 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ivor) at index 21 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ivor as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(jabarkas) at index 98 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jabarkas as core:98 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(jaegar) at index 89 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jaegar as core:89 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(jeddite) at index 91 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jeddite as core:91 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(jenova) at index 18 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jenova as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(josephine) at index 34 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.josephine as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(kalt) at index 135 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kalt as core:135 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(kilgor) at index 149 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kilgor as core:149 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(korbac) at index 117 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.korbac as core:117 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(krellion) at index 101 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.krellion as core:101 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(kyrre) at index 23 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kyrre as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(labetha) at index 139 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.labetha as core:139 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lacus) at index 131 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.lacus as core:131 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lordHaart) at index 4 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.lordHaart as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lorelei) at index 80 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.lorelei as core:80 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(loynis) at index 14 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.loynis as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(luna) at index 136 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.luna as core:136 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(malcom) at index 28 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.malcom as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(malekith) at index 90 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.malekith as core:90 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(marius) at index 50 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.marius as core:50 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(melodia) at index 29 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.melodia as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mephala) at index 16 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mephala as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(merist) at index 124 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.merist as core:124 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mirlanda) at index 120 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mirlanda as core:120 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(moandor) at index 66 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.moandor as core:66 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monere) at index 132 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.monere as core:132 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mutare) at index 151 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mutare as core:151 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mutareDrake) at index 153 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mutareDrake as core:153 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nagash) at index 79 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nagash as core:79 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(neela) at index 35 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.neela as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nimbus) at index 75 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nimbus as core:75 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nymus) at index 55 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nymus as core:55 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(octavia) at index 52 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.octavia as core:52 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(olema) at index 59 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.olema as core:59 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(oris) at index 110 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.oris as core:110 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(orrin) at index 0 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.orrin as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pasis) at index 128 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.pasis as core:128 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(piquedram) at index 32 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.piquedram as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pyre) at index 54 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.pyre as core:54 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rashka) at index 49 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rashka as core:49 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rion) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rion as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rissa) at index 38 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rissa as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(roland) at index 152 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.roland as core:152 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rosic) at index 121 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rosic as core:121 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ryland) at index 19 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ryland as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sandro) at index 74 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sandro as core:74 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sanya) at index 13 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sanya as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(saurug) at index 111 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.saurug as core:111 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sephinroth) at index 94 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sephinroth as core:94 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(septienna) at index 72 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.septienna as core:72 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(serena) at index 42 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.serena as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shakti) at index 87 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.shakti as core:87 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shiva) at index 99 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.shiva as core:99 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sirMullich) at index 144 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sirMullich as core:144 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(solmyr) at index 45 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.solmyr as core:45 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sorsha) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sorsha as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(straker) at index 64 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.straker as core:64 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(styg) at index 125 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.styg as core:125 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sylvia) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sylvia as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(synca) at index 86 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.synca as core:86 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tamika) at index 68 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tamika as core:68 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tazar) at index 115 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tazar as core:115 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(terek) at index 107 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.terek as core:107 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thane) at index 33 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.thane as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thant) at index 76 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.thant as core:76 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(theodorus) at index 44 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.theodorus as core:44 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thorgrim) at index 20 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.thorgrim as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thunar) at index 129 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.thunar as core:129 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tiva) at index 127 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tiva as core:127 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(torosar ) at index 36 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.torosar as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tyraxor) at index 103 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tyraxor as core:103 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tyris) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tyris as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ufretin) at index 17 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ufretin as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(uland) at index 25 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.uland as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(undeadHaart) at index 150 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.undeadHaart as core:150 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(valeska) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.valeska as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(verdish) at index 123 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.verdish as core:123 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vey) at index 105 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vey as core:105 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vidomina) at index 78 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vidomina as core:78 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(vokial) at index 65 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vokial as core:65 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(voy) at index 122 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.voy as core:122 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wystan) at index 114 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wystan as core:114 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(xarfax) at index 63 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.xarfax as core:63 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(xeron) at index 155 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.xeron as core:155 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(xsi) at index 77 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.xsi as core:77 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(xyron) at index 57 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.xyron as core:57 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(yog) at index 96 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.yog as core:96 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(zubin) at index 108 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zubin as core:108 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(zydar) at index 62 TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zydar as core:62 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(abandonedMine) at index 220 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\object.json TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\objectType.json DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object abandonedMine(220)::mine(7) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.abandonedMine as core:220 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(altarOfSacrifice) at index 2 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object altarOfSacrifice(2)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.altarOfSacrifice as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(arena) at index 4 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object arena(4)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.arena as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(artifact) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - registered object.artifact as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(blackMarket) at index 7 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object blackMarket(7)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.blackMarket as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(boat) at index 8 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object boat(8)::evil(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object boat(8)::good(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object boat(8)::neutral(2) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.boat as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(borderGate) at index 212 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::black(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::brown(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::dblue(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::green(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::lblue(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::purple(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::red(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGate(212)::white(6) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.borderGate as core:212 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(borderGuard) at index 9 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::black(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::brown(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::dblue(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::green(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::lblue(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::purple(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::red(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object borderGuard(9)::white(6) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.borderGuard as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(buoy) at index 11 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object buoy(11)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.buoy as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cactus) at index 116 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cactus(116)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.cactus as core:116 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(campfire) at index 12 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\objectTemplate.json DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object campfire(12)::new pavilion.desert objects:desert Campfire(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object campfire(12)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.campfire as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(canyon) at index 117 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object canyon(117)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.canyon as core:117 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cartographer) at index 13 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::land(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::subterra(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cartographer(13)::water(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.cartographer as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cloverField) at index 222 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cloverField(222)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.cloverField as core:222 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(corpse) at index 22 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object corpse(22)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertCorpse(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object corpse(22)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.corpse as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(coverOfDarkness) at index 15 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object coverOfDarkness(15)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.coverOfDarkness as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crater) at index 118 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object crater(118)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.crater as core:118 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(creatureBank) at index 16 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::new abyss: WaterTemple(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::cetatea:AncientCitadel(1001) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::grove:TempleNight(1002) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:beholderSanctuary(1003) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:blackTower(1004) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::cyclopsStockpile(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dragonFlyHive(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::dwarvenTreasury(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:experimentalShop(1005) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::fairy:ftFairiesBank(1006) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::griffinConservatory(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:grotto(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:homeofthebat(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:huntingLodge(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::inpCache(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:ivoryTower(1007) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:legendsLibrary(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:lostBottle(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:magiciansMonastery(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:mansion(1008) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:martialSpiritPalace(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::medusaStore(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::nagaBank(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:pacificationCitadel(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:parish(1009) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:pirateCavern(1010) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:redTowerTower(1011) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:snowGrotto(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::new pavilion:sphinxZiggurat(1012) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:spit(1013) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:templeOfTheSea(1014) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::wog:transylvanianTavern(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::hota.hota banks:wolfRaiderPicket(1015) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureBank(16)::forgotten tales.bastion:ziggurat(1016) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.creatureBank as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorCommon) at index 17 WARN mod [894] - Data in creatureGeneratorCommon is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /types/caveOfFear/templates/default/animation Error: Def file "bastion/map/dwellings/caveOfFear.def" was not found At /types/scarabAltar/templates/default/animation Error: Def file "bastion/map/dwellings/scarabAltar.def" was not found At /types/sphinxGarnison/templates/default/animation Error: Def file "bastion/map/dwellings/sphinxGarnison.def" was not found At /types/wadjetNest/templates/default/animation Error: Def file "bastion/map/dwellings/wadjetNest.def" was not found TRACE mod [894] - creatureGeneratorCommon json: { // core "base" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] } }, // core "handler" : "dwelling", // core "index" : 17, // core "name" : "Creature Generator 1", // core "types" : { // new abyss "Coral Cavern" : { // new abyss "base" : { // new abyss "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new abyss "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new abyss "creatures" : [ [ "abyssGiantOctopus" ] ], // new abyss "guards" : true, // new abyss "name" : "Coral Cavern", // new abyss "sounds" : { // new abyss "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new abyss "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new abyss "templates" : { // new abyss "default" : { // new abyss "animation" : "abyss\/map\/abyssdw5.def", // new abyss "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "VAB" ], // new abyss "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel1" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodePixieOfAbode" ] ], // abode-mod "name" : "Treehouse", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGPIXIE.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel2" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodeDwarfOfAbode" ] ], // abode-mod "name" : "Dwarven Dwelling", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGDWRF0.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel3" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodeElfOfAbode" ] ], // abode-mod "name" : "Sharpshooter Post", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGSHRP.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel4" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodeDruid" ] ], // abode-mod "guards" : [ // abode-mod { // abode-mod "amount" : 15, // abode-mod "type" : "abodeDruid" } ], // abode-mod "name" : "Druids Abode", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGENCH.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel5" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodeUnicornOfAbode" ] ], // abode-mod "guards" : [ // abode-mod { // abode-mod "amount" : 12, // abode-mod "type" : "abodeUnicornOfAbode" } ], // abode-mod "name" : "Unicorn Meadow", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGUNIC0.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // abode-mod "adobeLevel6" : { // abode-mod "base" : { // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // abode-mod "creatures" : [ [ "abodeFireBirdOfAbode" ] ], // abode-mod "guards" : [ // abode-mod { // abode-mod "amount" : 6, // abode-mod "type" : "abodeFireBirdOfAbode" } ], // abode-mod "name" : "Firestorm Gathering", // abode-mod "sounds" : { // abode-mod "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // abode-mod "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // abode-mod "templates" : { // abode-mod "default" : { // abode-mod "animation" : "AVGFBRD.def", // abode-mod "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // abode-mod "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "airConflux" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 7, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // courtyard "alchemyTower" : { // courtyard "base" : { // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // courtyard "creatures" : [ [ "homunculus" ] ], // courtyard "name" : "Alchemy Tower", // courtyard "sounds" : { // courtyard "ambient" : [ "courtyard\/buildingsAmbients\/LOOPDW2" ], // courtyard "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // courtyard "templates" : { // courtyard "default" : { // courtyard "animation" : "courtyard\/map\/lv2", // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VAB" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "altarOfAir" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "airElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 69, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPAIR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "altarOfEarth" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "earthElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 70, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPEART" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "altarOfFire" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "fireElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 71, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPFIRE" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "altarOfThought" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "psychicElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 60, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "altarOfWater" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 72, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "altarOfWishes" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "genie" ] ], // core "index" : 18, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMAGI" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // amethyst "amAncient" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amDraconic" ] ], // amethyst "guards" : true, // amethyst "name" : "Ancient Deep Woods", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-8.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "BVV", "BAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amChamber" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amSwordServant" ] ], // amethyst "name" : "Chamber of Swords", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-4.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBV", "BAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amDeepWoods" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amDragonTurtle" ] ], // amethyst "guards" : true, // amethyst "name" : "Deep Woods", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-6.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "BVV", "BAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amDragonSummonSign" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amEmeraldDragon" ] ], // amethyst "guards" : true, // amethyst "name" : "Dragon Summon Sign", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-7.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVVV", "VVBV", "VBAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amHillVilla" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amSamurai" ] ], // amethyst "name" : "Hill Villa", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-2.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amStatue" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amGirlSnake" ] ], // amethyst "guards" : true, // amethyst "name" : "Statue of the Goddess", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-5.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVVV", "VVVV", "VVBB", "VBAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amVineYard" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amHuluLeave" ] ], // amethyst "name" : "Vine Yard", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-1.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VBV", "BAB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // amethyst "amWall" : { // amethyst "base" : { // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // amethyst "creatures" : [ [ "amBronzeMonk" ] ], // amethyst "name" : "Wall of Carvings", // amethyst "sounds" : { // amethyst "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // amethyst "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // amethyst "templates" : { // amethyst "default" : { // amethyst "animation" : "amethyst\/map\/dwellings\/dwelling-3.def", // amethyst "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "ABB" ], // amethyst "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // new pavilion "anubisTomb" : { // new pavilion "base" : { // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new pavilion "creatures" : [ [ "anubis" ] ], // new pavilion "guards" : true, // new pavilion "name" : "Ancient Tomb", // new pavilion "sounds" : { // new pavilion "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new pavilion "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new pavilion "templates" : { // new pavilion "default" : { // new pavilion "animation" : "mapdefsPavilion\/tomb.def", // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAB" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // courtyard "arbours" : { // courtyard "base" : { // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // courtyard "creatures" : [ [ "mandrake" ] ], // courtyard "guards" : true, // courtyard "name" : "Arbours", // courtyard "sounds" : { // courtyard "ambient" : [ "courtyard\/buildingsAmbients\/LOOPDW6" ], // courtyard "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // courtyard "templates" : { // courtyard "default" : { // courtyard "animation" : "courtyard\/map\/lv6", // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVB", "VAB" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "archersTower" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "archer" ] ], // core "index" : 57, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPARCH" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // wog "arcticSharpshooter" : { // wog "base" : { // wog "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // wog "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // wog "creatures" : [ [ "arcticSharpshooter" ] ], // wog "index" : 90, // wog "sounds" : { // wog "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // wog "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // courtyard "arsenal" : { // courtyard "base" : { // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // courtyard "creatures" : [ [ "arquebusier" ] ], // courtyard "name" : "Arsenal", // courtyard "sounds" : { // courtyard "ambient" : [ "courtyard\/buildingsAmbients\/LOOPDW4" ], // courtyard "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // courtyard "templates" : { // courtyard "default" : { // courtyard "animation" : "courtyard\/map\/lv4", // courtyard "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ], // courtyard "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // asylum "asylumLevel1" : { // asylum "base" : { // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // asylum "creatures" : [ [ "darksquire" ] ], // asylum "name" : "Mystical Hut", // asylum "sounds" : { // asylum "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // asylum "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // asylum "templates" : { // asylum "default" : { // asylum "animation" : "asylum\/map\/dwellings\/AVG177", // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "BBA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // asylum "asylumLevel2" : { // asylum "base" : { // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // asylum "creatures" : [ [ "winddancer" ] ], // asylum "name" : "Shadow Arena", // asylum "sounds" : { // asylum "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // asylum "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // asylum "templates" : { // asylum "default" : { // asylum "animation" : "asylum\/map\/dwellings\/AVG179", // asylum "mask" : [ "VBB", "VBA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // asylum "asylumLevel3" : { // asylum "base" : { // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // asylum "creatures" : [ [ "shadowhunter" ] ], // asylum "name" : "Psychic Window", // asylum "sounds" : { // asylum "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // asylum "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // asylum "templates" : { // asylum "default" : { // asylum "animation" : "asylum\/map\/dwellings\/AVG181", // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VBA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // asylum "asylumLevel4" : { // asylum "base" : { // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // asylum "creatures" : [ [ "sadphanton" ] ], // asylum "name" : "Swampy Pit", // asylum "sounds" : { // asylum "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // asylum "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // asylum "templates" : { // asylum "default" : { // asylum "animation" : "asylum\/map\/dwellings\/AVG183", // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAB" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // asylum "asylumLevel5" : { // asylum "base" : { // asylum "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // asylum "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // asylum "creatures" : [ [ "spiritcrus" ] ], // asylum "guards" : [ // asylum { // asylum "amount" : 9, // asylum "type" : "spiritcrus" } ], // asylum "name" : "Soul Orders", // asylum "sounds" : { // asylum "ambient" : [ 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true, // new pavilion "name" : "Sphinx Barracks", // new pavilion "sounds" : { // new pavilion "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new pavilion "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new pavilion "templates" : { // new pavilion "default" : { // new pavilion "animation" : "bastion\/map\/dwellings\/sphinxGarnison.def", // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "sulfurousLair" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "rustDragon" ] ], // core "index" : 65, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // new abyss "summoningWhirpool" : { // new abyss "base" : { // new abyss "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new abyss "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new abyss "creatures" : [ [ "abyssSeaWorm" ] ], // new abyss "guards" : true, // new 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core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "mummy" ] ], // core "index" : 76, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "tombOfSouls" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "wight" ] ], // core "index" : 48, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPDEAD" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // hota.cove "towerOfTheSeas" : { // hota.cove "base" : { // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // hota.cove "creatures" : [ [ "seaWitch" ] ], // hota.cove "guards" : true, // hota.cove "name" : "Tower of the Seas", // hota.cove "sounds" : { // hota.cove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // hota.cove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // hota.cove "templates" : { // hota.cove "default" : { // hota.cove "animation" : "hota\/map\/tower", // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VV", "VV", "VVVV", "VVV", "BA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "trainingGrounds" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "cavalier" ] ], // core "index" : 5, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPHORS" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "treetopTower" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "sharpshooter" ] ], // core "index" : 67, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "trollBridge" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "troll" ] ], // core "index" : 79, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "unicornGlade" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ], // core "index" : 68, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "unicornGladeBig" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "unicorn" ] ], // core "index" : 51, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPUNIC" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // forgotten tales.bastion "village" : { // forgotten tales.bastion "base" : { // forgotten tales.bastion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // forgotten tales.bastion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // forgotten tales.bastion "creatures" : [ [ "whipper" ] ], // forgotten tales.bastion "name" : "Village", // forgotten tales.bastion "sounds" : { // forgotten tales.bastion "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // forgotten tales.bastion "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // forgotten tales.bastion "templates" : { // forgotten tales.bastion "default" : { // forgotten tales.bastion "animation" : "bastion\/map\/dwellings\/village.def", // forgotten tales.bastion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAB" ], // forgotten tales.bastion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // new pavilion "wadjetNest" : { // new pavilion "base" : { // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new pavilion "creatures" : [ [ "wadjet" ] ], // new pavilion "name" : "Wadjet Socket", // new pavilion "sounds" : { // new pavilion "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new pavilion "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new pavilion "templates" : { // new pavilion "default" : { // new pavilion "animation" : "bastion\/map\/dwellings\/wadjetNest.def", // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VAA" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // wog "warZealot" : { // wog "base" : { // wog "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // wog "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // wog "creatures" : [ [ "warZealot" ] ], // wog "index" : 94, // wog "sounds" : { // wog "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // wog "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "warren" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "troglodyte" ] ], // core "index" : 46, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPCAVE" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "waterConflux" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "waterElemental" ] ], // core "index" : 47, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPFOUN" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // hota.cove "waterfall" : { // hota.cove "base" : { // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // hota.cove "creatures" : [ [ "nymph" ] ], // hota.cove "name" : "Waterfall", // hota.cove "sounds" : { // hota.cove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // hota.cove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // hota.cove "templates" : { // hota.cove "default" : { // hota.cove "animation" : "hota\/map\/waterfall", // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // wog "werewolf" : { // wog "base" : { // wog "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // wog "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // wog "creatures" : [ [ "werewolf" ] ], // wog "index" : 98, // wog "sounds" : { // wog "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // wog "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // new pavilion "whipperVillage" : { // new pavilion "base" : { // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new pavilion "creatures" : [ [ "whipper" ] ], // new pavilion "name" : "Settlement", // new pavilion "sounds" : { // new pavilion "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new pavilion "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new pavilion "templates" : { // new pavilion "default" : { // new pavilion "animation" : "mapdefsPavilion\/village.def", // new pavilion "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAB" ], // new pavilion "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // hota.cove "whirpool" : { // hota.cove "base" : { // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // hota.cove "creatures" : [ [ "seaserpent" ] ], // hota.cove "guards" : true, // hota.cove "name" : "Whirpool", // hota.cove "sounds" : { // hota.cove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // hota.cove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // hota.cove "templates" : { // hota.cove "default" : { // hota.cove "animation" : "hota\/map\/whirpool", // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VAB" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // hota.cove "wineyard" : { // hota.cove "base" : { // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // hota.cove "creatures" : [ [ "satyr" ] ], // hota.cove "name" : "Wineyard", // hota.cove "sounds" : { // hota.cove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // hota.cove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // hota.cove "templates" : { // hota.cove "default" : { // hota.cove "animation" : "hota\/map\/AVGsaty0.def", // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAB" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // grove "witchingHollow" : { // grove "base" : { // grove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // grove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // grove "creatures" : [ [ "basiliskrider" ] ], // grove "guards" : true, // grove "name" : "Witching Hollow", // grove "sounds" : { // grove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // grove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // grove "templates" : { // grove "default" : { // grove "animation" : "grove\/map\/dwelling-5.def", // grove "mask" : [ "VV", "VV", "VVVV", "VVV", "BA" ], // grove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "wolfPen" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "goblinWolfRider" ] ], // core "index" : 19, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPWOLF" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // horde "worgpen" : { // horde "base" : { // horde "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // horde "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // horde "creatures" : [ [ "worg1" ] ], // horde "name" : "Worg Pen", // horde "sounds" : { // horde "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // horde "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // horde "templates" : { // horde "default" : { // horde "animation" : "horde\/adventure-map\/dwelling-3.def", // horde "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VBA" ], // horde "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // core "workshop" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "gremlin" ] ], // core "index" : 43, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPGREM" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "wyvernNest" : { // core "base" : { // core "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // core "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // core "creatures" : [ [ "wyvern" ] ], // core "index" : 49, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMONS" ], // core "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // new abyss "yuanTiPalace" : { // new abyss "base" : { // new abyss "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new abyss "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new abyss "creatures" : [ [ "abyssYuanTiWarrior" ] ], // new abyss "guards" : true, // new abyss "name" : "Merrow Palace", // new abyss "sounds" : { // new abyss "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // new abyss "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // new abyss "templates" : { // new abyss "default" : { // new abyss "animation" : "abyss\/map\/abyssdw6.def", // new abyss "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // new abyss "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } }, // hota.cove "ziggurat" : { // hota.cove "base" : { // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VAA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] }, // hota.cove "creatures" : [ [ "fangarm" ] ], // hota.cove "name" : "Ziggurat", // hota.cove "sounds" : { // hota.cove "ambient" : [ "LOOPSWOR" ], // hota.cove "visit" : [ "MILITARY" ] }, // hota.cove "templates" : { // hota.cove "default" : { // hota.cove "animation" : "hota\/map\/AVGfngrm.def", // hota.cove "mask" : [ "VVV", "VBB", "VBA" ], // hota.cove "visitableFrom" : [ "---", "+++", "+++" ] } } } } } DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:Coral Cavern(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel1(1001) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel2(1002) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel3(1003) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel4(1004) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel5(1005) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::abode-mod:adobeLevel6(1006) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::airConflux(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:alchemyTower(1007) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfAir(69) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfEarth(70) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfFire(71) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfThought(60) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWater(72) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::altarOfWishes(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amAncient(1008) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amChamber(1009) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amDeepWoods(1010) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amDragonSummonSign(1011) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amHillVilla(1012) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amStatue(1013) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amVineYard(1014) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::amethyst:amWall(1015) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:anubisTomb(1016) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:arbours(1017) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::archersTower(57) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:arcticSharpshooter(90) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:arsenal(1018) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel1(1019) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel2(1020) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel3(1021) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel4(1022) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel5(1023) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel6(1024) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::asylum:asylumLevel7(1025) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::barracks(58) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::basiliskPit(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel1(1026) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel2(1027) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel3(1028) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel4(1029) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel5(1030) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel6(1031) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::bastille:bastilleLevel7(1032) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:bawialnia(1033) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::behemothCrag(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:bloodDragon(84) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::boarGlen(75) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:borough(1034) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:camelTent(1035) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel1(1036) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel2(1037) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel3(1038) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel4(1039) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel5(1040) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel6(1041) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cathedral:cathedralLevel7(1042) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:caveOfDreams(1043) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:caveOfFear(1044) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:cedarHalls(1045) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::centaurStables(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cliffNest(42) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cloudTemple(44) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::crystalCavern(63) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctBiolaboratories(1046) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctEngineeringComplex(1047) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctGenerator(1048) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctHangar(1049) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctHeadquarters(1050) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctPylon(1051) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctRecyclingPlant(1052) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ciberium:ctTrainingCamp(1053) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cursedTemple(54) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cyclopsCave(9) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:darknessDragon(85) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::demonGate(37) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dendroidArches(45) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:diamondDragon(81) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:dodoBurgh(1054) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:dojo(1055) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:dracolich(100) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCave(41) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonCliffs(24) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dragonVault(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvAbode(1056) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvGraveyard(1057) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvHallOfDarkness(1058) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvPyramid(1059) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvTemple(1060) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvValley(1061) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::deathvalley:dvWasteMountain(1062) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw1(1063) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw2(1064) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw3(1065) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw4(1066) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw5(1067) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw6(1068) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::cetatea:dw7(1069) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::dwarfCottage(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling1(1070) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling2(1071) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling3(1072) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling4(1073) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling5(1074) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling6(1075) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::christmas:dwelling7(1076) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::earthConflux(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantedSpring(50) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::enchantersHollow(66) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::estate(53) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faAirstrip(1077) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faAncientRefinery(1078) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faBarracks(1079) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faFireBasin(1080) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faGarage(1081) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faMachineShop(1082) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faRancidCave(1083) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::farriery:faSlaughterhouse(1084) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireConflux(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fireLake(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge.neutralcreatures:foreignFortress(1085) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forsakenPalace(10) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:frigate(1086) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::frozenCliffs(62) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftArcane(1087) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftArsenal(1088) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftCommissariat(1089) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftDepot(1090) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftDragonHatchery(1091) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftDragonNest(1092) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftDragonRoost(1093) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftFairyCabin(1094) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftMagicTemple(1095) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftMagicTower(1096) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftManufactory(1097) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftMilitarylaboratory(1098) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftPortal(1099) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftRefueler(1100) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::foundry:ftResearchCenter(1101) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::fairy:ftRiverLodge(1102) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:furnace(1103) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:ghostBehemoth(86) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gnollHut(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goblinBarracks(21) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::goldenPavilion(36) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::gorgonLair(23) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:gorynych(91) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::graveyard(55) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::griffinTower(25) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:groszku(1104) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:grud(1105) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::guardhouse(56) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfDarkness(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hallOfSins(22) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::harpyLoft(26) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:hatchery(1106) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havCrabNest(1107) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havHydronAcademy(1108) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havLeviathanTemple(1109) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havShrineofDepths(1110) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havSirensRoost(1111) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havSpiderCrabNest(1112) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havTritonBarracks(1113) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::haven:havUndineTower(1114) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:hellBaron(83) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hellHole(40) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:hellHydra(87) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:hellSteed(99) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::homestead(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:hotWaterIncubator(1115) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hovel(74) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:huntersGuild(1116) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hydraPond(28) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::impCrucible(29) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:juggernautsPit(1117) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::kennels(27) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:laboryard(1118) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::labyrinth(34) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:lavaBasin(1119) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:lavaSharpshooter(89) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::lizardDen(30) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:lordofThunder(82) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mageTower(31) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicForest(64) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::magicLantern(59) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::manticoreLair(32) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:marbleHall(1120) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mausoleum(52) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::medusaChapel(33) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:menchir(1121) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:minotaurKing2(93) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::monastery(35) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:nest(1122) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:nightmare(92) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:nixFort(1123) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::nomadTent(77) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:ofAirstrip(1124) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:ofAncientRefinery(1125) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:ofBarracks(1126) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:ofGarage(1127) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:ofStingersPost(1128) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::ogreFort(38) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::orcTower(39) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::parapet(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pillarOfEyes(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:plac(1129) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::greenhouse:pole dyniowe(1130) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::portalOfGlory(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:post(1131) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:pothouse(1132) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel1(1133) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel2(1134) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel3(1135) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel4(1136) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel5(1137) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel6(1138) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::preserve:preserveLevel7(1139) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:primevalPeatbog(1140) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::pyre(61) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:quartzFortress(1141) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:redwoodSpires(1142) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:reefTunnel(1143) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel1(1144) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel2(1145) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel3(1146) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel4(1147) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel5(1148) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel6(1149) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::refugeetown:refugeeLevel7(1150) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::rogueCavern(78) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:royalChambers(1151) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:sacredPhoenix(88) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:santaGremlin(95) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:scarabAltar(1152) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::courtyard:scaryCavity(1153) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forgotten tales.bastion:sekhetAltar(1154) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:sekhmetAltar(1155) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::serpentFlyHive(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:shack(1156) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:shellShelter(1157) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::mod desing team.forge:shelters(1158) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:sorceress(97) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:spawningPool(1159) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:sphinxGarnison(1160) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::sulfurousLair(65) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:summoningWhirpool(1161) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:supremeArchangel(80) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:sylvanCentaur(96) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forgotten tales.bastion:tent(1162) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::thatchedHut(73) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forgotten tales.bastion:tomb(1163) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfCurses(76) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::tombOfSouls(48) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:towerOfTheSeas(1164) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trainingGrounds(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::treetopTower(67) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::trollBridge(79) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGlade(68) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::unicornGladeBig(51) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::forgotten tales.bastion:village(1165) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:wadjetNest(1166) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:warZealot(94) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::warren(46) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::waterConflux(47) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:waterfall(1167) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wog:werewolf(98) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new pavilion:whipperVillage(1168) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:whirpool(1169) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:wineyard(1170) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::grove:witchingHollow(1171) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wolfPen(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::horde:worgpen(1172) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::workshop(43) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::wyvernNest(49) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::new abyss:yuanTiPalace(1173) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorCommon(17)::hota.cove:ziggurat(1174) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.creatureGeneratorCommon as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(creatureGeneratorSpecial) at index 20 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::new abyss:birthingPit(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::elementalConflux(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::golemFactory(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::hota.cove:nixFort(1001) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::new abyss:spawningPool(1002) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object creatureGeneratorSpecial(20)::hota.cove:whirpool(1003) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.creatureGeneratorSpecial as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crypt) at index 84 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object crypt(84)::crypt(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.crypt as core:84 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGround) at index 21 WARN mod [894] - Data in cursedGround is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand1 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand2 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand3 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand4 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand5 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand6 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand7 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/cursedSands/templates/cursedsand8 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex TRACE mod [894] - cursedGround json: { // core "base" : { "sounds" : { "ambient" : [ "LOOPCURS" ] } }, // core "handler" : "generic", // core "index" : 21, // core "name" : "Cursed Ground", // core "types" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedSands" : { "base" : null, // new pavilion.desert objects "sounds" : { "ambient" : [ "LOOPCURS" ] }, // new pavilion.desert objects "templates" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand1" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand1", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand2" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand2", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand3" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand3", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand4" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand4", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand5" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand5", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand6" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand6", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand7" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand7", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVV", "VVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "cursedsand8" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/cursedsand8", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 } } }, // core "object" : { // core "index" : 0, // core "sounds" : { "ambient" : [ "LOOPCURS" ] }, "templates" : { } } } } DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cursedGround(21)::new pavilion.desert objects:cursedSands(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cursedGround(21)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.cursedGround as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cursedGroundDUPLICATE) at index 223 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object cursedGroundDUPLICATE(223)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE as core:223 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deadVegetation) at index 119 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object deadVegetation(119)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.deadVegetation as core:119 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(denOfThieves) at index 97 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object denOfThieves(97)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.denOfThieves as core:97 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(derelictShip) at index 24 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object derelictShip(24)::derelictShip(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.derelictShip as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(desertHills) at index 206 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object desertHills(206)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.desertHills as core:206 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dirtHills) at index 207 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object dirtHills(207)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.dirtHills as core:207 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonUtopia) at index 25 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object dragonUtopia(25)::dragonUtopia(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.dragonUtopia as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(event) at index 26 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object event(26)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.event as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(evilFog) at index 224 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object evilFog(224)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.evilFog as core:224 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(eyeOfTheMagi) at index 27 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object eyeOfTheMagi(27)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.eyeOfTheMagi as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(faerieRing) at index 28 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object faerieRing(28)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.faerieRing as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(favorableWinds) at index 225 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object favorableWinds(225)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.favorableWinds as core:225 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fieryFields) at index 226 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object fieryFields(226)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.fieryFields as core:226 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(flotsam) at index 29 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object flotsam(29)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.flotsam as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(flowers) at index 120 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object flowers(120)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:120 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfFortune) at index 30 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object fountainOfFortune(30)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.fountainOfFortune as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fountainOfYouth) at index 31 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object fountainOfYouth(31)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertFountainOfYouth(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object fountainOfYouth(31)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.fountainOfYouth as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(freelancersGuild) at index 213 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object freelancersGuild(213)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.freelancersGuild as core:213 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLake) at index 121 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object frozenLake(121)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.frozenLake as core:121 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(frozenLakeDUPLICATE) at index 172 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object frozenLakeDUPLICATE(172)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.frozenLakeDUPLICATE as core:172 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gardenOfRevelation) at index 32 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object gardenOfRevelation(32)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.gardenOfRevelation as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonHorizontal) at index 33 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::antiMagic(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object garrisonHorizontal(33)::normal(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.garrisonHorizontal as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(garrisonVertical) at index 219 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::antiMagic(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object garrisonVertical(219)::normal(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.garrisonVertical as core:219 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(grail) at index 36 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object grail(36)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.grail as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(grassHills) at index 208 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object grassHills(208)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.grassHills as core:208 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hero) at index 34 TRACE mod [894] - registered object.hero as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(heroPlaceholder) at index 214 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object heroPlaceholder(214)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.heroPlaceholder as core:214 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hillFort) at index 35 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hillFort(35)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.hillFort as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hole) at index 124 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hole(124)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.hole as core:124 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(holyGround) at index 227 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object holyGround(227)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.holyGround as core:227 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hutOfTheMagi) at index 37 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hutOfTheMagi(37)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.hutOfTheMagi as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(idolOfFortune) at index 38 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertIdolofFortune(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object idolOfFortune(38)::object1(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.idolOfFortune as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(kelp) at index 125 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object kelp(125)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.kelp as core:125 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(keymasterTent) at index 10 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::black(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::brown(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::dblue(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::green(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::lblue(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::purple(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::red(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object keymasterTent(10)::white(6) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.keymasterTent as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lake) at index 126 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lake(126)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lake as core:126 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lakeDUPLICATE) at index 177 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lakeDUPLICATE(177)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lakeDUPLICATE as core:177 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lavaFlow) at index 127 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lavaFlow(127)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lavaFlow as core:127 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lavaLake) at index 128 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lavaLake(128)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lavaLake as core:128 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(leanTo) at index 39 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object leanTo(39)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.leanTo as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(learningStone) at index 100 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object learningStone(100)::objectWoG(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.learningStone as core:100 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(libraryOfEnlightenment) at index 41 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object libraryOfEnlightenment(41)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.libraryOfEnlightenment as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lighthouse) at index 42 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lighthouse(42)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lighthouse as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(log) at index 130 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object log(130)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.log as core:130 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lucidPools) at index 228 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object lucidPools(228)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.lucidPools as core:228 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicClouds) at index 229 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicClouds(229)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.magicClouds as core:229 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlains) at index 46 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicPlains(46)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.magicPlains as core:46 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicPlainsDUPLICATE) at index 230 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicPlainsDUPLICATE(230)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE as core:230 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicSpring) at index 48 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicSpring(48)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.magicSpring as core:48 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicWell) at index 49 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object magicWell(49)::objectWoG(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.magicWell as core:49 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mandrake) at index 131 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mandrake(131)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mandrake as core:131 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(marlettoTower) at index 23 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object marlettoTower(23)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.marlettoTower as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mercenaryCamp) at index 51 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mercenaryCamp(51)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mercenaryCamp as core:51 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mermaids) at index 52 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mermaids(52)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mermaids as core:52 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mine) at index 53 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::abandoned(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::alchemistLab(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::crystalCavern(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertAbandonedMine(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertCrystalCavern(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertGoldMine(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::gemPond(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::goldMine(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::orePit(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::sawmill(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mine(53)::sulfurDune(3) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mine as core:53 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayEntrance) at index 43 WARN mod [894] - Data in monolithOneWayEntrance is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /types/desertMonsterMaw/templates/monsterMaw Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex TRACE mod [894] - monolithOneWayEntrance json: { // core "base" : { // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] } }, // core "handler" : "monolith", // core "index" : 43, // core "name" : "Monolith One Way Entrance", // core "types" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "desertMonsterMaw" : { "base" : null, // new pavilion.desert objects "name" : "Sand Moloch Maw", // new pavilion.desert objects "sounds" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, // new pavilion.desert objects "templates" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "monsterMaw" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "allowedTerrains" : [ "sand" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/maw1", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVV", "VAAV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 } } }, // core "monolith1" : { // core "index" : 0, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith2" : { // core "index" : 1, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith3" : { // core "index" : 2, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith4" : { // core "index" : 3, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith5" : { // core "index" : 4, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith6" : { // core "index" : 5, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith7" : { // core "index" : 6, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } }, // core "monolith8" : { // core "index" : 7, // core "sounds" : { // core "ambient" : [ "LOOPMON1" ], // core "visit" : [ "TELPTOUT" ] }, "templates" : { } } } } DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertMonsterMaw(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith1(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith2(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith3(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith4(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith5(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith6(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith7(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayEntrance(43)::monolith8(7) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.monolithOneWayEntrance as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monolithOneWayExit) at index 44 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertMonsterMaw(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith1(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith2(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith3(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith4(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith5(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith6(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith7(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithOneWayExit(44)::monolith8(7) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.monolithOneWayExit as core:44 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monolithTwoWay) at index 45 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith1(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith2(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith3(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith4(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith5(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith6(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith7(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monolithTwoWay(45)::monolith8(7) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.monolithTwoWay as core:45 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(monster) at index 54 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:54 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(moss) at index 132 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object moss(132)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.moss as core:132 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mound) at index 133 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mound(133)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mound as core:133 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mountain) at index 134 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mountain(134)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertBarchanDunes(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mountain(134)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mountain as core:134 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mushrooms) at index 129 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mushrooms(129)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mushrooms as core:129 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mysticalGarden) at index 55 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object mysticalGarden(55)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.mysticalGarden as core:55 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(oakTrees) at index 135 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oakTrees(135)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.oakTrees as core:135 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(oakTreesDUPLICATE) at index 186 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oakTreesDUPLICATE(186)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.oakTreesDUPLICATE as core:186 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(oasis) at index 56 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oasis(56)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.oasis as core:56 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(obelisk) at index 57 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object obelisk(57)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.obelisk as core:57 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(oceanBottle) at index 59 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oceanBottle(59)::courtyard:courtyardJournal(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oceanBottle(59)::courtyard:courtyardLetter(1001) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object oceanBottle(59)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.oceanBottle as core:59 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(outcropping) at index 136 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object outcropping(136)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.outcropping as core:136 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pandoraBox) at index 6 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object pandoraBox(6)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.pandoraBox as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pillarOfFire) at index 60 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object pillarOfFire(60)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.pillarOfFire as core:60 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pineTrees) at index 137 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object pineTrees(137)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.pineTrees as core:137 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(plant) at index 189 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object plant(189)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.plant as core:189 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(prison) at index 62 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object prison(62)::prison(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.prison as core:62 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pyramid) at index 63 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object pyramid(63)::pyramid(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.pyramid as core:63 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(questGuard) at index 215 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object questGuard(215)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.questGuard as core:215 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rallyFlag) at index 64 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object rallyFlag(64)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.rallyFlag as core:64 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifact) at index 65 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomArtifact(65)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomArtifact as core:65 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMajor) at index 68 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomArtifactMajor(68)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomArtifactMajor as core:68 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactMinor) at index 67 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomArtifactMinor(67)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomArtifactMinor as core:67 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactRelic) at index 69 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomArtifactRelic(69)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomArtifactRelic as core:69 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomArtifactTreasure) at index 66 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomArtifactTreasure(66)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomArtifactTreasure as core:66 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwelling) at index 216 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwelling(216)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomDwelling as core:216 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingFaction) at index 218 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectCastle(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectConflux(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectDungeon(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectFortress(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectInferno(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectNecropolis(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectRampart(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectStronghold(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingFaction(218)::objectTower(2) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomDwellingFaction as core:218 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomDwellingLvl) at index 217 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl1(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl2(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl3(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl4(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl5(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl6(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomDwellingLvl(217)::objectLvl7(6) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomDwellingLvl as core:217 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomHero) at index 70 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomHero(70)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomHero as core:70 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonster) at index 71 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonster(71)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonster as core:71 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel1) at index 72 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel1(72)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel1 as core:72 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel2) at index 73 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel2(73)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel2 as core:73 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel3) at index 74 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel3(74)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel3 as core:74 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel4) at index 75 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel4(75)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel4 as core:75 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel5) at index 162 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel5(162)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel5 as core:162 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel6) at index 163 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel6(163)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel6 as core:163 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomMonsterLevel7) at index 164 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomMonsterLevel7(164)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomMonsterLevel7 as core:164 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomResource) at index 76 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomResource(76)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomResource as core:76 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(randomTown) at index 77 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object randomTown(77)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.randomTown as core:77 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(redwoodObservatory) at index 58 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object redwoodObservatory(58)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.redwoodObservatory as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(reef) at index 161 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object reef(161)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.reef as core:161 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(refugeeCamp) at index 78 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object refugeeCamp(78)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.refugeeCamp as core:78 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(resource) at index 79 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::crystal(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::gems(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::gold(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::mercury(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::mithril(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::ore(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::sulfur(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object resource(79)::wood(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.resource as core:79 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(riverDelta) at index 143 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object riverDelta(143)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.riverDelta as core:143 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rock) at index 147 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object rock(147)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.rock as core:147 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(rocklands) at index 231 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object rocklands(231)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.rocklands as core:231 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(roughHills) at index 209 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object roughHills(209)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.roughHills as core:209 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sanctuary) at index 80 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sanctuary(80)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.sanctuary as core:80 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sandDune) at index 148 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sandDune(148)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.sandDune as core:148 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sandPit) at index 149 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sandPit(149)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.sandPit as core:149 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 81 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object scholar(81)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.scholar as core:81 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfMagic) at index 47 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object schoolOfMagic(47)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.schoolOfMagic as core:47 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(schoolOfWar) at index 107 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object schoolOfWar(107)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.schoolOfWar as core:107 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(seaChest) at index 82 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object seaChest(82)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.seaChest as core:82 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(seerHut) at index 83 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::0(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::1(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object seerHut(83)::2(2) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.seerHut as core:83 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreck) at index 85 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shipwreck(85)::shipwreck(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shipwreck as core:85 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shipwreckSurvivor) at index 86 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shipwreckSurvivor(86)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shipwreckSurvivor as core:86 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shipyard) at index 87 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shipyard(87)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shipyard as core:87 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel1) at index 88 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel1(88)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 as core:88 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel2) at index 89 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel2(89)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 as core:89 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shrineOfMagicLevel3) at index 90 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shrineOfMagicLevel3(90)::object1(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 as core:90 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shrub) at index 150 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object shrub(150)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.shrub as core:150 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sign) at index 91 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sign(91)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sign(91)::new pavilion.desert objects:stone tablet(1000) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.sign as core:91 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sirens) at index 92 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object sirens(92)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.sirens as core:92 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(skull) at index 151 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object skull(151)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.skull as core:151 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(spellScroll) at index 93 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object spellScroll(93)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.spellScroll as core:93 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stables) at index 94 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object stables(94)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.stables as core:94 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(starAxis) at index 61 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object starAxis(61)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.starAxis as core:61 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stump) at index 153 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object stump(153)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.stump as core:153 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanGate) at index 103 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertSubterreanGate(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object subterraneanGate(103)::objectWoG(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.subterraneanGate as core:103 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(subterraneanRocks) at index 210 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object subterraneanRocks(210)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.subterraneanRocks as core:210 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swampFoliage) at index 211 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object swampFoliage(211)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.swampFoliage as core:211 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swanPond) at index 14 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object swanPond(14)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.swanPond as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tavern) at index 95 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object tavern(95)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.tavern as core:95 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(temple) at index 96 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object temple(96)::new pavilion.desert objects:desert Temple(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object temple(96)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.temple as core:96 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(town) at index 98 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:98 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPost) at index 221 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object tradingPost(221)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.tradingPost as core:221 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tradingPostDUPLICATE) at index 99 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object tradingPostDUPLICATE(99)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.tradingPostDUPLICATE as core:99 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(treasureChest) at index 101 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object treasureChest(101)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.treasureChest as core:101 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(treeOfKnowledge) at index 102 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object treeOfKnowledge(102)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertTreeOfKnowledge(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object treeOfKnowledge(102)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.treeOfKnowledge as core:102 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(trees) at index 155 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object trees(155)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.trees as core:155 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(treesDUPLICATE) at index 199 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object treesDUPLICATE(199)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.treesDUPLICATE as core:199 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(university) at index 104 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object university(104)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:104 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(volcano) at index 158 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object volcano(158)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.volcano as core:158 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wagon) at index 105 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object wagon(105)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.wagon as core:105 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warMachineFactory) at index 106 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::farriery:brassFoundry(1000) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object warMachineFactory(106)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.warMachineFactory as core:106 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warriorTomb) at index 108 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object warriorTomb(108)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.warriorTomb as core:108 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(waterWheel) at index 109 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object waterWheel(109)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.waterWheel as core:109 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wateringHole) at index 110 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object wateringHole(110)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.wateringHole as core:110 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(whirlpool) at index 111 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object whirlpool(111)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.whirlpool as core:111 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(windmill) at index 112 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object windmill(112)::object(0) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.windmill as core:112 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(witchHut) at index 113 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object witchHut(113)::object1(1) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.witchHut as core:113 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(airMagic) at index 15 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\skill.json DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill airMagic(15) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(15,airMagic): [("{Basic Air Magic} Basic Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost.", [Air Magic +1]),("{Advanced Air Magic} Advanced Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Air Magic +2]),("{Expert Air Magic} Expert Air Magic allows your hero to cast Air spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Air Magic +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.airMagic as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.airMagic as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(archery) at index 1 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill archery(1) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(1,archery): [("{Basic Archery} Basic Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 10%.", [Archery +10]),("{Advanced Archery} Advanced Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 25%.", [Archery +25]),("{Expert Archery} Expert Archery increases the damage done by range attacking creatures by 50%.", [Archery +50])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.archery as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.archery as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armorer) at index 23 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill armorer(23) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(23,armorer): [("{Basic Armorer} Basic Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 5%.", [Armorer +5]),("{Advanced Armorer} Advanced Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 10%.", [Armorer +10]),("{Expert Armorer} Expert Armorer reduces all damage inflicted against the hero's troops by 15%.", [Armorer +15])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.armorer as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.armorer as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(artillery) at index 20 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill artillery(20) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(20,artillery): [("{Basic Artillery} Basic Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing one shot with a 50% chance to inflict double damage. It also lets a defending hero control arrow towers during a castle siege.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +50,Artillery]),("{Advanced Artillery} Advanced Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots with a 75% chance to inflict double damage. It also lets a defending hero control arrow towers during a castle siege.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +75,Artillery +1]),("{Expert Artillery} Expert Artillery gives control of the ballista to the hero, allowing two shots which inflict double damage. It also lets a defending hero control arrow towers during a castle siege.", [Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +100,Artillery +1])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.artillery as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.artillery as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ballistics) at index 10 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill ballistics(10) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(10,ballistics): [("{Basic Ballistics} Basic Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +1]),("{Advanced Ballistics} Advanced Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots with increased damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +2]),("{Expert Ballistics} Expert Ballistics gives control of the catapult to the hero, allowing two aimed shots at maximum damage.", [Ballistics +100,Ballistics +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.ballistics as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.ballistics as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(diplomacy) at index 4 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill diplomacy(4) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(4,diplomacy): [("{Basic Diplomacy} Basic Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 20%.", [Diplomacy +1,Diplomacy +20]),("{Advanced Diplomacy} Advanced Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 40%.", [Diplomacy +2,Diplomacy +40]),("{Expert Diplomacy} Expert Diplomacy allows you to negotiate with monsters who are weaker than your group, and reduces the cost of surrendering by 60%.", [Diplomacy +3,Diplomacy +60])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.diplomacy as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.diplomacy as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(eagleEye) at index 11 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill eagleEye(11) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(11,eagleEye): [("{Basic Eagle Eye} Basic Eagle Eye gives your hero a 40% chance to learn any 1st or 2nd level spell used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +40,Eagle Eye +2]),("{Advanced Eagle Eye} Advanced Eagle Eye gives your hero a 50% chance to learn any spell up to 3rd level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +50,Eagle Eye +3]),("{Expert Eagle Eye} Expert Eagle Eye gives your hero a 60% chance to learn any spell up to 4th level used in combat.", [Eagle Eye +60,Eagle Eye +4])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.eagleEye as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.eagleEye as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(earthMagic) at index 17 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill earthMagic(17) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(17,earthMagic): [("{Basic Earth Magic} Basic Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost.", [Earth Magic +1]),("{Advanced Earth Magic} Advanced Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +2]),("{Expert Earth Magic} Expert Earth Magic allows your hero to cast Earth spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Earth Magic +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.earthMagic as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.earthMagic as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(estates) at index 13 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill estates(13) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(13,estates): [("{Basic Estates} Your hero contributes 125 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +125]),("{Advanced Estates} Your hero contributes 250 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +250]),("{Expert Estates} Your hero contributes 500 gold per day to your cause.", [Estates +500])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.estates as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.estates as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireMagic) at index 14 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill fireMagic(14) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(14,fireMagic): [("{Basic Fire Magic} Basic Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost.", [Fire Magic +1]),("{Advanced Fire Magic} Advanced Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +2]),("{Expert Fire Magic} Expert Fire Magic allows your hero to cast Fire spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Fire Magic +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.fireMagic as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.fireMagic as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(firstAid) at index 27 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill firstAid(27) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(27,firstAid): [("{Basic First Aid} Basic First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 50 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +50,First Aid +1]),("{Advanced First Aid} Advanced First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 75 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +75,First Aid +2]),("{Expert First Aid} Expert First Aid gives control of the first aid tent to the hero, healing 100 points of damage to the first unit of the selected stack.", [First Aid +100,First Aid +100,First Aid +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.firstAid as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.firstAid as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(intelligence) at index 24 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill intelligence(24) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(24,intelligence): [("{Basic Intelligence} Basic Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 25%.", [Intelligence +25]),("{Advanced Intelligence} Advanced Intelligence increases a hero's normal maximum spell points by 50%.", [Intelligence +50]),("{Expert Intelligence} Expert Intelligence doubles a hero's normal maximum spell points.", [Intelligence +100])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.intelligence as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.intelligence as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(leadership) at index 6 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill leadership(6) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(6,leadership): [("{Basic Leadership} Basic Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 1.", [Leadership +1]),("{Advanced Leadership} Advanced Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 2.", [Leadership +2]),("{Expert Leadership} Expert Leadership increases your hero's troops' morale by 3.", [Leadership +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.leadership as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.leadership as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(learning) at index 21 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill learning(21) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(21,learning): [("{Basic Learning} Basic Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 5%.", [Learning +5]),("{Advanced Learning} Advanced Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 10%.", [Learning +10]),("{Expert Learning} Expert Learning increases a hero's earned experience by 15%.", [Learning +15])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.learning as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.learning as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(logistics) at index 2 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill logistics(2) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(2,logistics): [("{Basic Logistics} Basic Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 10%.", [Logistics +10]),("{Advanced Logistics} Advanced Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 20%.", [Logistics +20]),("{Expert Logistics} Expert Logistics increases your hero's movement points over land by 30%.", [Logistics +30])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.logistics as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.logistics as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(luck) at index 9 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill luck(9) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(9,luck): [("{Basic Luck} Basic Luck increases your hero's luck by 1.", [Luck +1]),("{Advanced Luck} Advanced Luck increases your hero's luck by 2.", [Luck +2]),("{Expert Luck} Expert Luck increases your hero's luck by 3.", [Luck +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.luck as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.luck as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mysticism) at index 8 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill mysticism(8) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(8,mysticism): [("{Basic Mysticism} Basic Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 2 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +1]),("{Advanced Mysticism} Advanced Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 3 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +2]),("{Expert Mysticism} Expert Mysticism allows your hero to regenerate 4 spell points per day.", [Mysticism +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.mysticism as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.mysticism as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(navigation) at index 5 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill navigation(5) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(5,navigation): [("{Basic Navigation} Basic Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 50%.", [Navigation +50]),("{Advanced Navigation} Advanced Navigation doubles your hero's movement points at sea.", [Navigation +100]),("{Expert Navigation} Expert Navigation increases your hero's movement points at sea by 150%.", [Navigation +150])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.navigation as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.navigation as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(necromancy) at index 12 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill necromancy(12) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(12,necromancy): [("{Basic Necromancy} Basic Necromancy allows 10% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +10]),("{Advanced Necromancy} Advanced Necromancy allows 20% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +20]),("{Expert Necromancy} Expert Necromancy allows 30% of the creatures killed in combat to be brought back from the dead as Skeletons.", [Necromancy +30])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.necromancy as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.necromancy as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(offence) at index 22 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill offence(22) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(22,offence): [("{Basic Offense} Basic Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 10%.", [Offense +10]),("{Advanced Offense} Advanced Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 20%.", [Offense +20]),("{Expert Offense} Expert Offense increases all hand-to-hand damage inflicted by the hero's troops by 30%.", [Offense +30])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.offence as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.offence as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pathfinding) at index 0 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill pathfinding(0) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(0,pathfinding): [("{Basic Pathfinding} Basic Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 25%.", [Pathfinding +25]),("{Advanced Pathfinding} Advanced Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 50%.", [Pathfinding +50]),("{Expert Pathfinding} Expert Pathfinding reduces the movement penalty for rough terrain by 75%.", [Pathfinding +75])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.pathfinding as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.pathfinding as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(resistance) at index 26 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill resistance(26) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(26,resistance): [("{Basic Resistance} Basic Resistance endows a hero's troops with 5% magic resistance.", [Resistance +5]),("{Advanced Resistance} Advanced Resistance endows a hero's troops with 10% magic resistance.", [Resistance +10]),("{Expert Resistance} Expert Resistance endows a hero's troops with 20% magic resistance.", [Resistance +20])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.resistance as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.resistance as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scholar) at index 18 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill scholar(18) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(18,scholar): [("{Basic Scholar} Basic Scholar allows heroes to teach each other 1st and 2nd level spells, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +2]),("{Advanced Scholar} Advanced Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 3rd level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +3]),("{Expert Scholar} Expert Scholar allows heroes to teach each other any spell up to 4th level, effectively trading spells between spell books.", [Scholar +4])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.scholar as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.scholar as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scouting) at index 3 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill scouting(3) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(3,scouting): [("{Basic Scouting} Basic Scouting allows your hero to see 1 square further into the shroud.", [Scouting +1]),("{Advanced Scouting} Advanced Scouting allows your hero to see 2 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +2]),("{Expert Scouting} Expert Scouting allows your hero to see 3 squares further into the shroud.", [Scouting +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.scouting as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.scouting as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sorcery) at index 25 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill sorcery(25) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(25,sorcery): [("{Basic Sorcery} Basic Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 5% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +5]),("{Advanced Sorcery} Advanced Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 10% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +10]),("{Expert Sorcery} Expert Sorcery causes a hero's spells to inflict an additional 15% damage in combat.", [Sorcery +15])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.sorcery as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.sorcery as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(tactics) at index 19 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill tactics(19) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(19,tactics): [("{Basic Tactics} Basic Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within three hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +2]),("{Advanced Tactics} Advanced Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within five hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +4]),("{Expert Tactics} Expert Tactics allows you to rearrange your troops just before combat, within seven hex rows of the commanding hero.", [Tactics +6])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.tactics as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.tactics as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(waterMagic) at index 16 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill waterMagic(16) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(16,waterMagic): [("{Basic Water Magic} Basic Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost.", [Water Magic +1]),("{Advanced Water Magic} Advanced Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.", [Water Magic +2]),("{Expert Water Magic} Expert Water Magic allows your hero to cast Water spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.", [Water Magic +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.waterMagic as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.waterMagic as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(wisdom) at index 7 DEBUG mod [894] - loaded secondary skill wisdom(7) TRACE mod [894] - Skill(7,wisdom): [("{Basic Wisdom} Basic Wisdom allows your hero to learn third level spells.", [Wisdom +1]),("{Advanced Wisdom} Advanced Wisdom allows your hero to learn fourth level spells.", [Wisdom +2]),("{Expert Wisdom} Expert Wisdom allows your hero to learn fifth level spells.", [Wisdom +3])] TRACE mod [894] - registered skill.wisdom as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered secondarySkill.wisdom as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreath) at index 80 TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\spell.json TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.acidBreath as core:80 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(acidBreathDamage) at index 81 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.acidBreathDamage as core:81 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(age) at index 75 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Age TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.age as core:75 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(airElemental) at index 69 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.airElemental as core:69 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(airShield) at index 28 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.airShield as core:28 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(animateDead) at index 39 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.animateDead as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(antiMagic) at index 34 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.antiMagic as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(armageddon) at index 26 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.armageddon as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(berserk) at index 59 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.berserk as core:59 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bind) at index 72 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bind TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.bind as core:72 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bless) at index 41 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bless TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.bless as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(blind) at index 62 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Blind TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.blind as core:62 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bloodlust) at index 43 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.bloodlust as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(chainLightning) at index 19 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.chainLightning as core:19 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(clone) at index 65 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Clone TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.clone as core:65 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(counterstrike) at index 58 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.counterstrike as core:58 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(cure) at index 37 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Cure TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.cure as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(curse) at index 42 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Curse TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.curse as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deathCloud) at index 76 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.deathCloud as core:76 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deathRipple) at index 24 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.deathRipple as core:24 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(deathStare) at index 79 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.deathStare as core:79 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(destroyUndead) at index 25 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.destroyUndead as core:25 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dimensionDoor) at index 8 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.dimensionDoor as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(disease) at index 73 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disease TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.disease as core:73 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(disguise) at index 4 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.disguise as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dispel) at index 35 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.dispel as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dispelHelpful) at index 78 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.dispelHelpful as core:78 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(disruptingRay) at index 47 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.disruptingRay as core:47 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(earthElemental) at index 67 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.earthElemental as core:67 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(earthquake) at index 14 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.earthquake as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireElemental) at index 66 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireElemental as core:66 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireShield) at index 29 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireShield as core:29 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireWall) at index 13 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireWall as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fireball) at index 21 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireball as core:21 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fly) at index 6 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fly TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(forceField) at index 12 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.forceField as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(forgetfulness) at index 61 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.forgetfulness as core:61 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(fortune) at index 51 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fortune as core:51 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(frenzy) at index 56 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.frenzy as core:56 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(frostRing) at index 20 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.frostRing as core:20 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(haste) at index 53 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Haste TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.haste as core:53 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hypnotize) at index 60 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.hypnotize as core:60 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(iceBolt) at index 16 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.iceBolt as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(implosion) at index 18 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.implosion as core:18 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(inferno) at index 22 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.inferno as core:22 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(landMine) at index 11 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.landMine as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lightningBolt) at index 17 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.lightningBolt as core:17 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicArrow) at index 15 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.magicArrow as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(magicMirror) at index 36 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.magicMirror as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(meteorShower) at index 23 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.meteorShower as core:23 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mirth) at index 49 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.mirth as core:49 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(misfortune) at index 52 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.misfortune as core:52 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(paralyze) at index 74 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.paralyze as core:74 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(poison) at index 71 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Poison TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.poison as core:71 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(prayer) at index 48 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.prayer as core:48 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(precision) at index 44 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Precision TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.precision as core:44 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(protectAir) at index 30 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.protectAir as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(protectEarth) at index 33 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Earth TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.protectEarth as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(protectFire) at index 31 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.protectFire as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(protectWater) at index 32 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Water TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.protectWater as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(quicksand) at index 10 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.quicksand as core:10 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(removeObstacle) at index 64 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.removeObstacle as core:64 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(resurrection) at index 38 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.resurrection as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sacrifice) at index 40 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.sacrifice as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(scuttleBoat) at index 1 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.scuttleBoat as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shield) at index 27 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Shield TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.shield as core:27 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(slayer) at index 55 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.slayer as core:55 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(slow) at index 54 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Slow TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.slow as core:54 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sorrow) at index 50 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.sorrow as core:50 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stoneGaze) at index 70 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.stoneGaze as core:70 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(stoneSkin) at index 46 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.stoneSkin as core:46 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(summonBoat) at index 0 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.summonBoat as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(teleport) at index 63 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.teleport as core:63 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(thunderbolt) at index 77 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.thunderbolt as core:77 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(titanBolt) at index 57 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.titanBolt as core:57 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(townPortal) at index 9 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.townPortal as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(viewAir) at index 5 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Air TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.viewAir as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(viewEarth) at index 3 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.viewEarth as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(visions) at index 2 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Visions TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.visions as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(waterElemental) at index 68 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.waterElemental as core:68 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(waterWalk) at index 7 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.waterWalk as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(weakness) at index 45 TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.weakness as core:45 ERROR mod [894] - [FAIL] Original game files TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeBattleDwarfOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeBattleDwarfOfAbode as abode-mod:197 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeCommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeCommander as abode-mod:198 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeDruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeDruid as abode-mod:199 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeDwarfOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeDwarfOfAbode as abode-mod:200 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeElfOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeElfOfAbode as abode-mod:201 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeElfOfBotany) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeElfOfBotany as abode-mod:202 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeElfOfOld) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeElfOfOld as abode-mod:203 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeFireBirdOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeFireBirdOfAbode as abode-mod:204 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeGreatDruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeGreatDruid as abode-mod:205 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodePhoenixOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodePhoenixOfAbode as abode-mod:206 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodePixieOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodePixieOfAbode as abode-mod:207 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeSacredPhoenix) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeSacredPhoenix as abode-mod:208 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeSpriteOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeSpriteOfAbode as abode-mod:209 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeUnicornOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeUnicornOfAbode as abode-mod:210 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeWarUnicornOfAbode) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abodeWarUnicornOfAbode as abode-mod:211 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building0 as abode-mod:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building1 as abode-mod:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building10 as abode-mod:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building11 as abode-mod:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building12 as abode-mod:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building14 as abode-mod:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building15 as abode-mod:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building16 as abode-mod:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building17 as abode-mod:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building18 as abode-mod:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building19 as abode-mod:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building2 as abode-mod:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building20 as abode-mod:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building21 as abode-mod:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building26 as abode-mod:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building3 as abode-mod:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building30 as abode-mod:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building31 as abode-mod:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building32 as abode-mod:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building33 as abode-mod:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building34 as abode-mod:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building35 as abode-mod:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building36 as abode-mod:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building37 as abode-mod:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building38 as abode-mod:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building39 as abode-mod:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building4 as abode-mod:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building40 as abode-mod:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building41 as abode-mod:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building42 as abode-mod:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building43 as abode-mod:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building46 as abode-mod:46 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building49 as abode-mod:49 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building5 as abode-mod:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.building6 as abode-mod:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.capitol as abode-mod:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.castle as abode-mod:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as abode-mod:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.abode-mod:abode.fort as abode-mod:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.abode as abode-mod:10 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodebard) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.abodebard as abode-mod:18 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abodeguardian) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.abodeguardian as abode-mod:19 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode010additional) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode010additional as abode-mod:156 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode112desini) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode112desini as abode-mod:157 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode113jessika) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode113jessika as abode-mod:158 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode114bridonna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode114bridonna as abode-mod:159 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode115qara) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode115qara as abode-mod:160 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode116chani) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode116chani as abode-mod:161 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode117sunni) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode117sunni as abode-mod:162 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode118kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode118kastore as abode-mod:163 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode119yviene) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode119yviene as abode-mod:164 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode120minore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode120minore as abode-mod:165 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode121kilyne) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode121kilyne as abode-mod:166 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode122errinaya) ERROR mod [894] - Error: invalid customizable limiter type NONE. TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode122errinaya as abode-mod:167 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode123leane) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode123leane as abode-mod:168 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode124calene) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode124calene as abode-mod:169 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode125karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode125karen as abode-mod:170 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode126resurrecta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode126resurrecta as abode-mod:171 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abode127sae) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abode127sae as abode-mod:172 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Abode town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amBronzeMonk) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amBronzeMonk as amethyst:212 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amDraconic) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amDraconic as amethyst:213 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amDragonTurtle) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amDragonTurtle as amethyst:214 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amEmeraldDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amEmeraldDragon as amethyst:215 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amGirlSnake) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amGirlSnake as amethyst:216 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amGoldenLo'han) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amGoldenLo'han as amethyst:217 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amGoldenSamurai) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amGoldenSamurai as amethyst:218 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amHuluFlover) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amHuluFlover as amethyst:219 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amHuluLeave) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amHuluLeave as amethyst:220 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amMaikom) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amMaikom as amethyst:221 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amSamurai) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amSamurai as amethyst:222 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amScarletDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amScarletDragon as amethyst:223 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amSilverDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amSilverDragon as amethyst:224 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amStoneDragonTurtle) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amStoneDragonTurtle as amethyst:225 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amSwordMaster) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amSwordMaster as amethyst:226 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amSwordServant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amSwordServant as amethyst:227 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(atPengHou) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.atPengHou as amethyst:228 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.blacksmith as amethyst:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.capitol as amethyst:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.castle as amethyst:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as amethyst:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.cityHall as amethyst:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl1 as amethyst:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl2 as amethyst:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl3 as amethyst:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl4 as amethyst:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl5 as amethyst:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl6 as amethyst:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl7 as amethyst:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUp2Lvl7 as amethyst:50 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl1 as amethyst:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl2 as amethyst:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl3 as amethyst:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl4 as amethyst:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl5 as amethyst:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl6 as amethyst:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl7 as amethyst:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.fort as amethyst:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.grail as amethyst:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.horde1 as amethyst:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.horde1Upgr as amethyst:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild1 as amethyst:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild2 as amethyst:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild3 as amethyst:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild4 as amethyst:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild5 as amethyst:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.marketplace as amethyst:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.resourceSilo as amethyst:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.ship as amethyst:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.shipyard as amethyst:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.special1 as amethyst:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.special2 as amethyst:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.tavern as amethyst:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.townHall as amethyst:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.amethyst:amethyst.villageHall as amethyst:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.amethyst as amethyst:11 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(master) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.master as amethyst:20 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(protector) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.protector as amethyst:21 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(charity) TRACE mod [894] - registered as amethyst:173 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cistrict) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cistrict as amethyst:174 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(julian) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.julian as amethyst:175 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.karen as amethyst:176 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kastore as amethyst:177 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leane) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.leane as amethyst:178 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maximus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.maximus as amethyst:179 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(meltes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.meltes as amethyst:180 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(minore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.minore as amethyst:181 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.niclas as amethyst:182 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rengist) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rengist as amethyst:183 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.resurrecta as amethyst:184 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seprinteer as amethyst:185 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(singhel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.singhel as amethyst:186 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunni) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sunni as amethyst:187 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tarkin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tarkin as amethyst:188 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Amethyst TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(acommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.acommander as asylum:229 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(asnightmare) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.asnightmare as asylum:230 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(darkguard) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.darkguard as asylum:231 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(darksquire) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.darksquire as asylum:232 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(phantomhunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.phantomhunter as asylum:233 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(plwalker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.plwalker as asylum:234 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sadphanton) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sadphanton as asylum:235 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shadowdancer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shadowdancer as asylum:236 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shadowhunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shadowhunter as asylum:237 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shadowmare) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shadowmare as asylum:238 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sorrowphanton) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sorrowphanton as asylum:239 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(soulcrus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.soulcrus as asylum:240 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spiritcrus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.spiritcrus as asylum:241 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(voidwalker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.voidwalker as asylum:242 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(winddancer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.winddancer as asylum:243 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(asylum) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.blacksmith as asylum:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.boat as asylum:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.capitol as asylum:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.castle as asylum:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as asylum:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.cityHall as asylum:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dock as asylum:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl1 as asylum:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl2 as asylum:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl3 as asylum:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl4 as asylum:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl5 as asylum:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl6 as asylum:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl7 as asylum:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl1 as asylum:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl2 as asylum:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl3 as asylum:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl4 as asylum:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl5 as asylum:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl6 as asylum:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl7 as asylum:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.fort as asylum:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.grail as asylum:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.horde1 as asylum:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.horde1Upgr as asylum:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.horde2 as asylum:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.horde2Upgr as asylum:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild1 as asylum:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild2 as asylum:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild3 as asylum:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild4 as asylum:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild5 as asylum:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.marketplace as asylum:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.resourceSilo as asylum:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.special1 as asylum:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.special2 as asylum:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.tavern as asylum:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.townHall as asylum:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.asylum:asylum.villageHall as asylum:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.asylum as asylum:12 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mentalist) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.mentalist as asylum:22 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pathfinder) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.pathfinder as asylum:23 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(a_alach) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.a_alach as asylum:189 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(b_pauline) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.b_pauline as asylum:190 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(c_harker) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.c_harker as asylum:191 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(d_sisElisa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.d_sisElisa as asylum:192 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(e_renner) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.e_renner as asylum:193 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(f_judith) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.f_judith as asylum:194 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(g_stacia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.g_stacia as asylum:195 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h_karth) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.h_karth as asylum:196 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(i_kaspar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.i_kaspar as asylum:197 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(j_mog) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.j_mog as asylum:198 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(k_viola) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.k_viola as asylum:199 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(l_brigid) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.l_brigid as asylum:200 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(m_mona) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.m_mona as asylum:201 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(n_jezebel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.n_jezebel as asylum:202 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(o_margareta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.o_margareta as asylum:203 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(p_Lynn) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.p_Lynn as asylum:204 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seduce) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Mental Shackles TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.seduce as asylum:82 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(terrorEye) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Demonic Eyes TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.terrorEye as asylum:83 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Asylum Town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bberserker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bberserker as bastille:244 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bblizzardbird) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bblizzardbird as bastille:245 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bbrute) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bbrute as bastille:246 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bcommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bcommander as bastille:247 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bdefender) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bdefender as bastille:248 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bflameglad) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bflameglad as bastille:249 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bgladiator) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bgladiator as bastille:250 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bharpooner) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bharpooner as bastille:251 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bjaveliner) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bjaveliner as bastille:252 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bmammoth) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bmammoth as bastille:253 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bmammothlord) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bmammothlord as bastille:254 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bmountainguard) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bmountainguard as bastille:255 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bseinherjar) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bseinherjar as bastille:256 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bsfafnir) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bsfafnir as bastille:257 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bsnowbird) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bsnowbird as bastille:258 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(demonicfafnir) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.demonicfafnir as bastille:259 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bastille) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.blacksmith as bastille:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.capitol as bastille:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.castle as bastille:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as bastille:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.cityHall as bastille:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl1 as bastille:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl2 as bastille:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl3 as bastille:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl4 as bastille:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl5 as bastille:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl6 as bastille:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl7 as bastille:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl1 as bastille:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl2 as bastille:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl3 as bastille:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl4 as bastille:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl5 as bastille:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl6 as bastille:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl7 as bastille:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.fort as bastille:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.grail as bastille:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.horde1 as bastille:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.horde1Upgr as bastille:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.horde2 as bastille:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.horde2Upgr as bastille:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild1 as bastille:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild2 as bastille:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild3 as bastille:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild4 as bastille:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild5 as bastille:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.marketplace as bastille:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.resourceSilo as bastille:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.special1 as bastille:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.special2 as bastille:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.special3 as bastille:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.tavern as bastille:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.townHall as bastille:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.bastille:bastille.villageHall as bastille:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.bastille as bastille:13 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bpyromancer) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.bpyromancer as bastille:24 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bwarlord) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.bwarlord as bastille:25 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(a_daive) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.a_daive as bastille:205 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(b_richmond) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.b_richmond as bastille:206 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(c_harrigan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.c_harrigan as bastille:207 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(d_austin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.d_austin as bastille:208 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(e_princehogg) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.e_princehogg as bastille:209 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(f_gestalt) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.f_gestalt as bastille:210 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(g_aaron) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.g_aaron as bastille:211 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h_craighill) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.h_craighill as bastille:212 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(i_aidan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.i_aidan as bastille:213 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(j_barbara) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.j_barbara as bastille:214 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(k_cynthia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.k_cynthia as bastille:215 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(l_astride) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.l_astride as bastille:216 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(m_mildura) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.m_mildura as bastille:217 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(n_renee) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.n_renee as bastille:218 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(o_melisa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.o_melisa as bastille:219 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(p_leslie) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.p_leslie as bastille:220 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(barbarity) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.barbarity as bastille:84 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fireBolt) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Bolt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireBolt as bastille:85 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fireVulnerability) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Burnt TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.fireVulnerability as bastille:86 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(iceFrozen) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Frozen TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.iceFrozen as bastille:87 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Highlands Town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthAttackDog) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthAttackDog as cathedral:260 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthBloodyCouatl) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthBloodyCouatl as cathedral:261 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthCantor) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthCantor as cathedral:262 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthChasteners) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthChasteners as cathedral:263 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthCouatl) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthCouatl as cathedral:264 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthEvilHunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthEvilHunter as cathedral:265 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthExecutioner) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthExecutioner as cathedral:266 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthHound) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthHound as cathedral:267 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthPaladin) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthPaladin as cathedral:268 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthPunisher) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthPunisher as cathedral:269 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthSexton) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthSexton as cathedral:270 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthSlayer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthSlayer as cathedral:271 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthTemplar) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthTemplar as cathedral:272 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthWitchHunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cthWitchHunter as cathedral:273 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(saRedFanatic) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.saRedFanatic as cathedral:274 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.blacksmith as cathedral:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.capitol as cathedral:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.castle as cathedral:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as cathedral:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.cityHall as cathedral:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl1 as cathedral:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl2 as cathedral:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl3 as cathedral:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl4 as cathedral:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl5 as cathedral:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl6 as cathedral:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl7 as cathedral:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl1 as cathedral:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl2 as cathedral:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl3 as cathedral:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl4 as cathedral:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl5 as cathedral:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl6 as cathedral:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl7 as cathedral:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.fort as cathedral:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.grail as cathedral:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.horde1 as cathedral:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.horde1Upgr as cathedral:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.horde2 as cathedral:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.horde2Upgr as cathedral:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild1 as cathedral:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild2 as cathedral:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild3 as cathedral:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild4 as cathedral:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild5 as cathedral:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.marketplace as cathedral:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.resourceSilo as cathedral:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.special1 as cathedral:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.special2 as cathedral:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.special3 as cathedral:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.tavern as cathedral:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.townHall as cathedral:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cathedral:cathedral.villageHall as cathedral:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.cathedral as cathedral:14 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cthbishop) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.cthbishop as cathedral:26 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(redtemplar) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.redtemplar as cathedral:27 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(brooke) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.brooke as cathedral:221 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(erika) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.erika as cathedral:222 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(helena) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.helena as cathedral:223 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kasumi) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kasumi as cathedral:224 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nariko) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nariko as cathedral:225 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(noli) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.noli as cathedral:226 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(patricia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.patricia as cathedral:227 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ranin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ranin as cathedral:228 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(salvirana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.salvirana as cathedral:229 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stefan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.stefan as cathedral:230 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(susan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.susan as cathedral:231 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sveneld) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sveneld as cathedral:232 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(svetlana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.svetlana as cathedral:233 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tarinus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tarinus as cathedral:234 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(volh) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.volh as cathedral:235 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vseglas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vseglas as cathedral:236 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cantorShot) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Holy Chant TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.cantorShot as cathedral:88 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(conviction) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Conviction TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.conviction as cathedral:89 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(punishment) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Punishment TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.punishment as cathedral:90 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(redeem) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Redeem TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.redeem as cathedral:91 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scratch) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Scratch TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.scratch as cathedral:92 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(temPrayer) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Celestial Light TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.temPrayer as cathedral:93 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Cathedral Town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cAlphawerewolf) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cAlphawerewolf as cetatea:275 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cBalauri) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cBalauri as cetatea:276 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cDirewolf) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cDirewolf as cetatea:277 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cFiercezgriptor) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cFiercezgriptor as cetatea:278 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cHaiduci) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cHaiduci as cetatea:279 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cIele) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cIele as cetatea:280 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cMoroi) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cMoroi as cetatea:281 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cStrigoi) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cStrigoi as cetatea:282 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cVampire) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cVampire as cetatea:283 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cVampirelord) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cVampirelord as cetatea:284 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cVoinici) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cVoinici as cetatea:285 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cWerewolf) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cWerewolf as cetatea:286 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cWolf) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cWolf as cetatea:287 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cZgriptor) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cZgriptor as cetatea:288 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cZmeu) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cZmeu as cetatea:289 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cetatea) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.blacksmith as cetatea:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.capitol as cetatea:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.castle as cetatea:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as cetatea:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.cityHall as cetatea:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl1 as cetatea:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl2 as cetatea:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl3 as cetatea:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl4 as cetatea:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl5 as cetatea:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl6 as cetatea:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl7 as cetatea:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl1 as cetatea:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl2 as cetatea:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl3 as cetatea:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl4 as cetatea:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl5 as cetatea:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl6 as cetatea:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl7 as cetatea:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.extraCapitol as cetatea:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.extraCityHall as cetatea:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.extraTownHall as cetatea:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.fort as cetatea:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.grail as cetatea:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.horde1 as cetatea:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.horde1Upgr as cetatea:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.horde2 as cetatea:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.horde2Upgr as cetatea:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild1 as cetatea:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild2 as cetatea:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild3 as cetatea:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild4 as cetatea:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild5 as cetatea:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.marketplace as cetatea:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.resourceSilo as cetatea:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.special1 as cetatea:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.special3 as cetatea:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.tavern as cetatea:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.townHall as cetatea:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cetatea:cetatea.villageHall as cetatea:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.cetatea as cetatea:15 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ovate) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.ovate as cetatea:28 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(voivode) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.voivode as cetatea:29 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(alicuza) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alicuza as cetatea:237 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(babacloanta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.babacloanta as cetatea:238 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(brancoveanu) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.brancoveanu as cetatea:239 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(decebal) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.decebal as cetatea:240 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dochia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dochia as cetatea:241 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elisabeta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.elisabeta as cetatea:242 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ghionaia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ghionaia as cetatea:243 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(greuceanu) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.greuceanu as cetatea:244 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(harapalb) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.harapalb as cetatea:245 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(luceafarul) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.luceafarul as cetatea:246 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mihaiviteazu) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mihaiviteazu as cetatea:247 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pricolici) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.pricolici as cetatea:248 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(queenelena) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.queenelena as cetatea:249 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(queenmaria) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.queenmaria as cetatea:250 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stefanalII) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.stefanalII as cetatea:251 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vladtepes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vladtepes as cetatea:252 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Cetatea TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(blackdonkey) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.blackdonkey as christmas:290 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmasfairy) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.christmasfairy as christmas:291 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmasgremlin) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.christmasgremlin as christmas:292 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmaslight) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.christmaslight as christmas:293 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmasstar) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.christmasstar as christmas:294 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmastreant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.christmastreant as christmas:295 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(donkey) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.donkey as christmas:296 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fairy) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fairy as christmas:297 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mastersanta) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mastersanta as christmas:298 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(reindeer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.reindeer as christmas:299 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(santaacolyte) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.santaacolyte as christmas:300 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(santaclaus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.santaclaus as christmas:301 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(santareindeer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.santareindeer as christmas:302 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(truesantagremlin) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.truesantagremlin as christmas:303 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(whitedonkey) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.whitedonkey as christmas:304 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmas) TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:46 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:50 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered as christmas:16 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(christmasspirit) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.christmasspirit as christmas:30 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deer) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.deer as christmas:31 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(snowman) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.snowman as christmas:32 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wiseman) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.wiseman as christmas:33 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(yulecat) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.yulecat as christmas:34 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(balthasar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.balthasar as christmas:253 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(befana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.befana as christmas:254 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(caspar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.caspar as christmas:255 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dedmoroz) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dedmoroz as christmas:256 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dominick) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dominick as christmas:257 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ebenezer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ebenezer as christmas:258 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(frauberta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.frauberta as christmas:259 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(grinch) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.grinch as christmas:260 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(julemanden) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.julemanden as christmas:261 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jultomten) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jultomten as christmas:262 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(melchior) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.melchior as christmas:263 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(olentzero) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.olentzero as christmas:264 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rudolph) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rudolph as christmas:265 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(snegurochka) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.snegurochka as christmas:266 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(snowman) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.snowman as christmas:267 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(yulecat) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.yulecat as christmas:268 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Christmas town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctCockroach) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctCockroach as ciberium:305 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctConscript) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctConscript as ciberium:306 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctElectro) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctElectro as ciberium:307 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctHeavytank) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctHeavytank as ciberium:308 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctHedgehopper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctHedgehopper as ciberium:309 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctHulkbuster) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctHulkbuster as ciberium:310 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctIronclad) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctIronclad as ciberium:311 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctJumpFighter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctJumpFighter as ciberium:312 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctJumpWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctJumpWarrior as ciberium:313 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctMechanicalBull) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctMechanicalBull as ciberium:314 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctParatrooper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctParatrooper as ciberium:315 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctSoldier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctSoldier as ciberium:316 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctStoneBull) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctStoneBull as ciberium:317 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctTank) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctTank as ciberium:318 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctTechnoid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctTechnoid as ciberium:319 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ctToxicCockroach) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ctToxicCockroach as ciberium:320 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.blacksmith as ciberium:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.capitol as ciberium:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.castle as ciberium:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as ciberium:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.cityHall as ciberium:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl1 as ciberium:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl2 as ciberium:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl3 as ciberium:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl4 as ciberium:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl5 as ciberium:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl6 as ciberium:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl7 as ciberium:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl1 as ciberium:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl2 as ciberium:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl3 as ciberium:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl4 as ciberium:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl5 as ciberium:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl6 as ciberium:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl7 as ciberium:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.fort as ciberium:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.grail as ciberium:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.horde1 as ciberium:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.horde1Upgr as ciberium:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild1 as ciberium:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild2 as ciberium:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild3 as ciberium:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild4 as ciberium:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild5 as ciberium:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.marketplace as ciberium:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.resourceSilo as ciberium:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.ship as ciberium:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.shipyard as ciberium:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.special1 as ciberium:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.special2 as ciberium:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.tavern as ciberium:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.townHall as ciberium:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.ciberium:ciberium.villageHall as ciberium:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.ciberium as ciberium:17 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(general) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.general as ciberium:35 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(technik) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.technik as ciberium:36 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(charity) TRACE mod [894] - registered as ciberium:269 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cistrict) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cistrict as ciberium:270 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(julian) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.julian as ciberium:271 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.karen as ciberium:272 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kastore as ciberium:273 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leane) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.leane as ciberium:274 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maximus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.maximus as ciberium:275 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(meltes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.meltes as ciberium:276 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(minore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.minore as ciberium:277 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.niclas as ciberium:278 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rengist) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rengist as ciberium:279 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.resurrecta as ciberium:280 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seprinteer as ciberium:281 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(singhel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.singhel as ciberium:282 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunni) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sunni as ciberium:283 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tarkin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tarkin as ciberium:284 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Ciberium TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cameraObscuraArtifact) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cameraObscuraArtifact as courtyard:171 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(potionCartArtifact) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.potionCartArtifact as courtyard:172 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(apparition) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.apparition as courtyard:321 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arquebusier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.arquebusier as courtyard:322 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(battleDodo) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.battleDodo as courtyard:323 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cameraObscuraCreature) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cameraObscuraCreature as courtyard:324 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cupid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cupid as courtyard:325 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dodo) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dodo as courtyard:326 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fireNewt) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fireNewt as courtyard:327 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gildedHomunculus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gildedHomunculus as courtyard:328 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(graniteCupid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.graniteCupid as courtyard:329 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(greaterDodo) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.greaterDodo as courtyard:330 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(homunculus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.homunculus as courtyard:331 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jabberwock) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.jabberwock as courtyard:332 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mandrake) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mandrake as courtyard:333 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(monstrousJabberwock) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.monstrousJabberwock as courtyard:334 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(musketeer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.musketeer as courtyard:335 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(potionCartCreature) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.potionCartCreature as courtyard:336 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(regalMandrake) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.regalMandrake as courtyard:337 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(salamander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.salamander as courtyard:338 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(strangleVine) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.strangleVine as courtyard:339 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tangleVine) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.tangleVine as courtyard:340 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(courtyard) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.blacksmith as courtyard:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.capitol as courtyard:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.castle as courtyard:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as courtyard:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.cityHall as courtyard:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingAltUpLvl5 as courtyard:48 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl1 as courtyard:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl2 as courtyard:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl3 as courtyard:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl4 as courtyard:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl5 as courtyard:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl6 as courtyard:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl7 as courtyard:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl1 as courtyard:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl2 as courtyard:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl3 as courtyard:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl4 as courtyard:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl5 as courtyard:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl6 as courtyard:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl7 as courtyard:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.fort as courtyard:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.grail as courtyard:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1 as courtyard:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1Upgr as courtyard:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.horde2 as courtyard:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild1 as courtyard:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild2 as courtyard:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild3 as courtyard:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild4 as courtyard:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild5 as courtyard:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.marketplace as courtyard:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.resourceSilo as courtyard:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special2 as courtyard:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special3 as courtyard:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.special4 as courtyard:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.tavern as courtyard:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.townFountain as courtyard:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.townHall as courtyard:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.courtyard:courtyard.villageHall as courtyard:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.courtyard as courtyard:18 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(aristocrat) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.aristocrat as courtyard:37 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(philosopher) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.philosopher as courtyard:38 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(00auk) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.00auk as courtyard:285 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(01caballe) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.01caballe as courtyard:286 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(02kanim) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.02kanim as courtyard:287 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(03lumiere) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.03lumiere as courtyard:288 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(04dizheel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.04dizheel as courtyard:289 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(05raphus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.05raphus as courtyard:290 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(06ophrys) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.06ophrys as courtyard:291 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(07teophrast) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.07teophrast as courtyard:292 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(08audred) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.08audred as courtyard:293 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(09migdigravia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.09migdigravia as courtyard:294 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(10vogundessi) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.10vogundessi as courtyard:295 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(11nefefareen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.11nefefareen as courtyard:296 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(12hanester) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.12hanester as courtyard:297 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(13dictamnus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.13dictamnus as courtyard:298 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(14zana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.14zana as courtyard:299 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(15zazzerpan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.15zazzerpan as courtyard:300 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ageCamera) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Age TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.ageCamera as courtyard:94 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deathGrasp) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Death Grasp ERROR global [894] - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Death Grasp special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.deathGrasp as courtyard:95 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dragonPotion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dragon Drought TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.dragonPotion as courtyard:96 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(enchantedWeapon) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Enchanted Weapon TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.enchantedWeapon as courtyard:97 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ephemeral) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Ephemeral ERROR global [894] - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Ephemeral special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.ephemeral as courtyard:98 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(etheralPotion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Etheral Extract TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.etheralPotion as courtyard:99 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(immolationCurse) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Immolation ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.immolationCurse as courtyard:100 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(immolationDamage) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Immolation ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result ERROR global [894] - Mixing Immolation special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.immolationDamage as courtyard:101 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pacifism) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Pacifism TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.pacifism as courtyard:102 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(potionSupply) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Potion Supply TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.potionSupply as courtyard:103 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(quagmire) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Quagmire TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.quagmire as courtyard:104 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(quickStrikes) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Flurry of Strikes TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.quickStrikes as courtyard:105 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(reconstruction) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Reconstruction TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.reconstruction as courtyard:106 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(regenerationPotion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Regeneration Potion TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.regenerationPotion as courtyard:107 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stunAbility) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Stun TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.stunAbility as courtyard:108 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(toughnessPotion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Toughness Tonic TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.toughnessPotion as courtyard:109 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vinesRevive) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Regrowth TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.vinesRevive as courtyard:110 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(weaponPoisonPotion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Vial of Poison TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.weaponPoisonPotion as courtyard:111 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Courtyard town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(darkElemental) WARN mod [894] - Data in darkElemental is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /graphics/animationTime Error: Required entry idle is missing TRACE mod [894] - darkElemental json: { // dark elemental "abilities" : { // dark elemental "fear" : { "type" : "FEAR" }, // dark elemental "fearless" : { "type" : "FEARLESS" }, // dark elemental "flying" : { "type" : "FLYING" }, // dark elemental "mindImmunity" : { "type" : "MIND_IMMUNITY" }, // dark elemental "noRetaliation" : { "type" : "BLOCKS_RETALIATION" }, // dark elemental "non-living" : { "type" : "NON_LIVING" } }, // dark elemental "advMapAmount" : { // dark elemental "max" : 8, // dark elemental "min" : 4 }, // dark elemental "aiValue" : 2150, // dark elemental "attack" : 16, // dark elemental "cost" : { "gold" : 1450 }, // dark elemental "damage" : { // dark elemental "max" : 30, // dark elemental "min" : 20 }, // dark elemental "defense" : 12, // dark elemental "faction" : "neutral", // dark elemental "fightValue" : 1850, // dark elemental "graphics" : { // dark elemental "animation" : "battle\/Dark elemental.def", // dark elemental "animationTime" : { // dark elemental "attack" : 1, // dark elemental "flight" : 1, // dark elemental "walk" : 1.3 }, // dark elemental "iconLarge" : "iconsBig\/Dark elemental.bmp", // dark elemental "iconSmall" : "iconsSmall\/Dark elemental.bmp", // dark elemental "map" : "map\/Dark elemental.def", // dark elemental "timeBetweenFidgets" : 1 }, // dark elemental "growth" : 2, // dark elemental "hitPoints" : 90, // dark elemental "level" : 6, // dark elemental "name" : { // dark elemental "plural" : "Dark Elementals", // dark elemental "singular" : "Dark Elemental" }, // dark elemental "sound" : { // dark elemental "attack" : "EFRTATTK.wav", // dark elemental "defend" : "EFRTDFND.wav", // dark elemental "killed" : "EFRTKILL.wav", // dark elemental "move" : "EFRTMOVE.wav", // dark elemental "wince" : "EFRTWNCE.wav" }, // dark elemental "speed" : 11 } TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.darkElemental as dark elemental:341 ERROR mod [894] - [FAIL] Dark elemental TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(banshee) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.banshee as deathvalley:342 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(boneHook) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.boneHook as deathvalley:343 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bonegolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bonegolem as deathvalley:344 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cghost) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.cghost as deathvalley:345 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(commander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.commander as deathvalley:346 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(commander2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.commander2 as deathvalley:347 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ebanshee) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ebanshee as deathvalley:348 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(flayer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.flayer as deathvalley:349 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gghost) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gghost as deathvalley:350 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ghostgolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ghostgolem as deathvalley:351 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leaper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.leaper as deathvalley:352 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mums) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mums as deathvalley:353 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mums2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mums2 as deathvalley:354 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(reaper1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.reaper1 as deathvalley:355 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(reaper2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.reaper2 as deathvalley:356 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(skel1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.skel1 as deathvalley:357 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(skel2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.skel2 as deathvalley:358 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(skelh) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.skelh as deathvalley:359 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deathvalley) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.avekening as deathvalley:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.birds as deathvalley:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.blacksmith as deathvalley:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.capitol as deathvalley:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.castle as deathvalley:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as deathvalley:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.cityHall as deathvalley:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling1 as deathvalley:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling2 as deathvalley:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling3 as deathvalley:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling4 as deathvalley:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling5 as deathvalley:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling6 as deathvalley:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling7 as deathvalley:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade1 as deathvalley:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade2 as deathvalley:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade3 as deathvalley:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade4 as deathvalley:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade5 as deathvalley:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade6 as deathvalley:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade7 as deathvalley:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.extraValley as deathvalley:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.flag as deathvalley:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.fort as deathvalley:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.grail as deathvalley:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.hordeHalflings as deathvalley:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.hordeHalflingsUpgr as deathvalley:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild2 as deathvalley:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild3 as deathvalley:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild4 as deathvalley:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild5 as deathvalley:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageguild1 as deathvalley:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.marketplace as deathvalley:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.parapets as deathvalley:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.resourceSilo as deathvalley:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.special1 as deathvalley:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.special2 as deathvalley:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.tavern as deathvalley:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.townHall as deathvalley:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.deathvalley:deathvalley.villageHall as deathvalley:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.deathvalley as deathvalley:19 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvDeathlord) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.dvDeathlord as deathvalley:39 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvNecropriest) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.dvNecropriest as deathvalley:40 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvAgorratha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvAgorratha as deathvalley:301 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvBarraka) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvBarraka as deathvalley:302 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvCrightoth) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvCrightoth as deathvalley:303 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvDraigoth) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvDraigoth as deathvalley:304 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvDreygo) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvDreygo as deathvalley:305 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvDuella) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvDuella as deathvalley:306 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvJacen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvJacen as deathvalley:307 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvMinerva) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvMinerva as deathvalley:308 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvMortadella) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvMortadella as deathvalley:309 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvNorman) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvNorman as deathvalley:310 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvRezziLeAnte) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvRezziLeAnte as deathvalley:311 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvRoakshar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvRoakshar as deathvalley:312 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvSorcha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvSorcha as deathvalley:313 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvSylvanus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvSylvanus as deathvalley:314 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvTakesha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvTakesha as deathvalley:315 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dvValleante) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dvValleante as deathvalley:316 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Death Valley TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(blackroottreant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.blackroottreant as earth:360 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bramblewoodtreant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bramblewoodtreant as earth:361 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(centaurbarbarian) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.centaurbarbarian as earth:362 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(centaursoldier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.centaursoldier as earth:363 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ddwa) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ddwa as earth:364 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ddwavet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ddwavet as earth:365 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(direwarbear) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.direwarbear as earth:366 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(firehawk) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.firehawk as earth:367 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hawk) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hawk as earth:368 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leprechaun) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.leprechaun as earth:369 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leprechaunelder) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.leprechaunelder as earth:370 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pathfinder) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pathfinder as earth:371 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rockelm) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rockelm as earth:372 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stoneelm) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stoneelm as earth:373 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(warbear) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.warbear as earth:374 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(earth) TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered as earth:20 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(runner) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.runner as earth:41 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shaper) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.shaper as earth:42 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(coppers) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.coppers as earth:317 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(liam) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.liam as earth:318 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(linda) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.linda as earth:319 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(meila) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.meila as earth:320 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(muggins) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.muggins as earth:321 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nahana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nahana as earth:322 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nicole) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nicole as earth:323 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(priscilla) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.priscilla as earth:324 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shae) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.shae as earth:325 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tana as earth:326 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tavish) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tavish as earth:327 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tim) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tim as earth:328 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wendil) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wendil as earth:329 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wren) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wren as earth:330 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zach) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zach as earth:331 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zarm) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zarm as earth:332 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Plane of Earth TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stoneAegis) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.stoneAegis as fairy:173 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftCommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftCommander as fairy:375 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftDrag1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftDrag1 as fairy:376 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftDrag2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftDrag2 as fairy:377 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftFairy1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftFairy1 as fairy:378 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftFairy2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftFairy2 as fairy:379 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftFench1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftFench1 as fairy:380 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftFench2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftFench2 as fairy:381 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftHatchling1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftHatchling1 as fairy:382 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftHatchling2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftHatchling2 as fairy:383 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftNoble1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftNoble1 as fairy:384 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftNoble2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftNoble2 as fairy:385 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftNoble3) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftNoble3 as fairy:386 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftPriestess) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftPriestess as fairy:387 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftStoneAegis) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftStoneAegis as fairy:388 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWisp1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftWisp1 as fairy:389 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWisp2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftWisp2 as fairy:390 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWitch) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftWitch as fairy:391 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWyvern1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftWyvern1 as fairy:392 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWyvern2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftWyvern2 as fairy:393 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fairy) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.blacksmith as fairy:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.boat as fairy:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.capitol as fairy:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.castle as fairy:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as fairy:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.cityHall as fairy:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dock as fairy:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl1 as fairy:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl2 as fairy:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl3 as fairy:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl4 as fairy:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl5 as fairy:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl6 as fairy:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl7 as fairy:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUp2Lvl3 as fairy:46 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl1 as fairy:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl2 as fairy:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl3 as fairy:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl4 as fairy:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl5 as fairy:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl6 as fairy:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl7 as fairy:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.fort as fairy:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.grail as fairy:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.horde1 as fairy:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.horde1Upgr as fairy:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild1 as fairy:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild2 as fairy:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild3 as fairy:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild4 as fairy:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild5 as fairy:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.marketplace as fairy:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.resourceSilo as fairy:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.special1 as fairy:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.special2 as fairy:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.special3 as fairy:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.tavern as fairy:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.townHall as fairy:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fairy:fairy.villageHall as fairy:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.fairy as fairy:21 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.hunter as fairy:43 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(warden) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.warden as fairy:44 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftAbrisa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftAbrisa as fairy:333 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftArina) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftArina as fairy:334 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftElrisa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftElrisa as fairy:335 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftKylina) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftKylina as fairy:336 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftLosina) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftLosina as fairy:337 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftMeri) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftMeri as fairy:338 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftMia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftMia as fairy:339 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftOla) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftOla as fairy:340 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSarisa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftSarisa as fairy:341 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSeliva) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftSeliva as fairy:342 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSheli) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftSheli as fairy:343 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSinara) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftSinara as fairy:344 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSiniri) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftSiniri as fairy:345 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftUliri) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftUliri as fairy:346 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftWarela) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftWarela as fairy:347 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftZerela) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftZerela as fairy:348 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftZeria) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ftZeria as fairy:349 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Fairy town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mortira) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mortira as farriery:174 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faAcidDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faAcidDragon as farriery:394 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faArkhon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faArkhon as farriery:395 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faBattleDroid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faBattleDroid as farriery:396 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faCyberDead) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faCyberDead as farriery:397 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faCyberHunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faCyberHunter as farriery:398 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faCyberZombie) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faCyberZombie as farriery:399 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faDroid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faDroid as farriery:400 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faFootSoldier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faFootSoldier as farriery:401 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faGruntSoldier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faGruntSoldier as farriery:402 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faHydraulicDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faHydraulicDragon as farriery:403 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faMechFighter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faMechFighter as farriery:404 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faMechWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faMechWarrior as farriery:405 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faMechanicalDragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faMechanicalDragon as farriery:406 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faMortira) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faMortira as farriery:407 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faPyro) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faPyro as farriery:408 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faPyromaniac) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faPyromaniac as farriery:409 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faSkyFighter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faSkyFighter as farriery:410 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faSkyHunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faSkyHunter as farriery:411 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faWarDroid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faWarDroid as farriery:412 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(farriery) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.blacksmith as farriery:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.capitol as farriery:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.castle as farriery:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as farriery:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.cityHall as farriery:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl1 as farriery:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl2 as farriery:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl3 as farriery:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl4 as farriery:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl5 as farriery:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl6 as farriery:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl7 as farriery:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUp2Lvl5 as farriery:48 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl1 as farriery:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl2 as farriery:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl3 as farriery:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl4 as farriery:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl5 as farriery:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl6 as farriery:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl7 as farriery:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.fort as farriery:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.grail as farriery:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.horde1 as farriery:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.horde1Upgr as farriery:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild1 as farriery:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild2 as farriery:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild3 as farriery:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild4 as farriery:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild5 as farriery:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.marketplace as farriery:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.resourceSilo as farriery:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.ship as farriery:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.shipyard as farriery:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.special1 as farriery:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.special2 as farriery:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.tavern as farriery:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.townHall as farriery:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.farriery:farriery.villageHall as farriery:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.farriery as farriery:22 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(engineer) TRACE mod [894] - registered as farriery:45 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(technik) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.technik as farriery:46 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(charity) TRACE mod [894] - registered as farriery:350 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cistrict) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cistrict as farriery:351 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(horna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.horna as farriery:352 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.karen as farriery:353 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kastore as farriery:354 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leane) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.leane as farriery:355 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maximus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.maximus as farriery:356 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(meltes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.meltes as farriery:357 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(minore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.minore as farriery:358 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.niclas as farriery:359 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rengist) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rengist as farriery:360 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.resurrecta as farriery:361 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seprinteer as farriery:362 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(singhel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.singhel as farriery:363 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(steraks) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.steraks as farriery:364 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunni) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sunni as farriery:365 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tarkin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tarkin as farriery:366 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Farriery INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Forgotten Tales TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftAcidTrooper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftAcidTrooper as foundry:413 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftCannonGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftCannonGolem as foundry:414 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftDalek) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftDalek as foundry:415 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftFlametrooper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftFlametrooper as foundry:416 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftGroundDalek) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftGroundDalek as foundry:417 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftGuardsman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftGuardsman as foundry:418 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftHydraulicGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftHydraulicGolem as foundry:419 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftIshmael) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftIshmael as foundry:420 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftLordIshmael) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftLordIshmael as foundry:421 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftMechanicalGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftMechanicalGolem as foundry:422 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftSiegeGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftSiegeGolem as foundry:423 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftTechnoid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftTechnoid as foundry:424 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftVeteranGuardsman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftVeteranGuardsman as foundry:425 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftZord) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftZord as foundry:426 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ftZordWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ftZordWarrior as foundry:427 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(foundry) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.blacksmith as foundry:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.capitol as foundry:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.castle as foundry:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as foundry:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.cityHall as foundry:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl1 as foundry:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl2 as foundry:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl3 as foundry:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl4 as foundry:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl5 as foundry:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl6 as foundry:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl7 as foundry:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl1 as foundry:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl2 as foundry:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl3 as foundry:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl4 as foundry:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl5 as foundry:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl6 as foundry:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl7 as foundry:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.fort as foundry:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.grail as foundry:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.horde1 as foundry:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.horde1Upgr as foundry:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild1 as foundry:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild2 as foundry:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild3 as foundry:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild4 as foundry:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild5 as foundry:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.marketplace as foundry:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.resourceSilo as foundry:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.ship as foundry:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.shipyard as foundry:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.special1 as foundry:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.special2 as foundry:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.tavern as foundry:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.townHall as foundry:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.foundry:foundry.villageHall as foundry:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.foundry as foundry:23 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fouMarshal) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.fouMarshal as foundry:47 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fouMechanic) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.fouMechanic as foundry:48 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(charity) TRACE mod [894] - registered as foundry:367 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cistrict) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cistrict as foundry:368 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(julian) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.julian as foundry:369 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.karen as foundry:370 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kastore as foundry:371 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leane) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.leane as foundry:372 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maximus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.maximus as foundry:373 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(meltes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.meltes as foundry:374 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(minore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.minore as foundry:375 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.niclas as foundry:376 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rengist) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rengist as foundry:377 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(resurrecta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.resurrecta as foundry:378 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seprinteer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seprinteer as foundry:379 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(singhel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.singhel as foundry:380 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunni) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sunni as foundry:381 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tarkin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tarkin as foundry:382 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Foundry TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(1a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.1a as greenhouse:428 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(1b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.1b as greenhouse:429 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.2a as greenhouse:430 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.2b as greenhouse:431 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.3a as greenhouse:432 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.3b as greenhouse:433 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.4a as greenhouse:434 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.4b as greenhouse:435 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.5a as greenhouse:436 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.5b as greenhouse:437 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.6a as greenhouse:438 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.6b as greenhouse:439 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7a) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.7a as greenhouse:440 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7b) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.7b as greenhouse:441 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.blacksmith as greenhouse:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.capitol as greenhouse:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.castle as greenhouse:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as greenhouse:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.cityHall as greenhouse:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl2 as greenhouse:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl3 as greenhouse:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl4 as greenhouse:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl5 as greenhouse:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl6 as greenhouse:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl7 as greenhouse:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl2 as greenhouse:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl3 as greenhouse:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl4 as greenhouse:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl5 as greenhouse:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl6 as greenhouse:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl7 as greenhouse:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.fort as greenhouse:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.grail as greenhouse:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.horde1 as greenhouse:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.horde1Upgr as greenhouse:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.leg1A as greenhouse:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.leg1B as greenhouse:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild1 as greenhouse:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild2 as greenhouse:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild3 as greenhouse:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild4 as greenhouse:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild5 as greenhouse:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.marketplace as greenhouse:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.resourceSilo as greenhouse:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.ship as greenhouse:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.shipyard as greenhouse:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.special1 as greenhouse:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.special2 as greenhouse:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.tavern as greenhouse:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.townHall as greenhouse:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.greenhouse:glasshouse.villageHall as greenhouse:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.glasshouse as greenhouse:24 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(farmer) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.farmer as greenhouse:49 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gardener) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.gardener as greenhouse:50 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(beata) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.beata as greenhouse:383 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bogdan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bogdan as greenhouse:384 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bonio) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bonio as greenhouse:385 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(chilia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.chilia as greenhouse:386 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ching chang chong) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ching chang chong as greenhouse:387 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(esmeralda) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.esmeralda as greenhouse:388 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gerta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gerta as greenhouse:389 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(guba guba) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.guba guba as greenhouse:390 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jacquouille) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jacquouille as greenhouse:391 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kalafiosteain) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kalafiosteain as greenhouse:392 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kozak) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kozak as greenhouse:393 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(litte smile) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.litte smile as greenhouse:394 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(margret) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.margret as greenhouse:395 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nicolai) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nicolai as greenhouse:396 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(petra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.petra as greenhouse:397 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sam Pchajplug) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sam Pchajplug as greenhouse:398 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stonkososoczek) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.stonkososoczek as greenhouse:399 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zozia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zozia as greenhouse:400 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Greenhouse TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nightFalcon) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.nightFalcon as grove:175 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amethystdragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.amethystdragon as grove:442 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(basiliskchampion) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.basiliskchampion as grove:443 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(basiliskrider) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.basiliskrider as grove:444 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elderdruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.elderdruid as grove:445 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(faun) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.faun as grove:446 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(groveguard) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.groveguard as grove:447 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(grovekeeper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.grovekeeper as grove:448 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(moonhunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.moonhunter as grove:449 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(moonslayer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.moonslayer as grove:450 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nightFalcon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nightFalcon as grove:451 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nightdruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nightdruid as grove:452 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nightstalker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nightstalker as grove:453 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(quartzdragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.quartzdragon as grove:454 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(saphiredragon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.saphiredragon as grove:455 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(satyr) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.satyr as grove:456 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spiderprincess) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.spiderprincess as grove:457 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spiderqueen) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.spiderqueen as grove:458 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(treebeard) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.treebeard as grove:459 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(grove) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.blacksmith as grove:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.capitol as grove:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.castle as grove:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as grove:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.cityHall as grove:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl1 as grove:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl2 as grove:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl3 as grove:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl4 as grove:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl5 as grove:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl6 as grove:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl7 as grove:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUp2Lvl7 as grove:50 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl1 as grove:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl2 as grove:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl3 as grove:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl4 as grove:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl5 as grove:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl6 as grove:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl7 as grove:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.fort as grove:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.grail as grove:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.horde1 as grove:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.horde1Upgr as grove:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild1 as grove:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild2 as grove:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.mageGuild3 as grove:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.marketplace as grove:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.resourceSilo as grove:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.ship as grove:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.shipyard as grove:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.special1 as grove:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.special2 as grove:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.special3 as grove:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.tavern as grove:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.townHall as grove:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grove:grove.villageHall as grove:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.grove as grove:25 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hunter) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.hunter as grove:51 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(warden) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.warden as grove:52 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jabress) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jabress as grove:401 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kyorlin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kyorlin as grove:402 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(malla) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.malla as grove:403 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mrimm) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mrimm as grove:404 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(olath) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.olath as grove:405 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(phindara) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.phindara as grove:406 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sargh) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sargh as grove:407 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shebali) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.shebali as grove:408 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sithyrr) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sithyrr as grove:409 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ssin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ssin as grove:410 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(suliss) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.suliss as grove:411 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tuidhana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tuidhana as grove:412 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ultrin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ultrin as grove:413 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(velkyn) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.velkyn as grove:414 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(velve) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.velve as grove:415 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vlos) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vlos as grove:416 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wanre) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wanre as grove:417 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Grove town (Trith edition) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(adamantineArmor) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.adamantineArmor as h4 arts - commander:176 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amuletOfFear) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.amuletOfFear as h4 arts - commander:177 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(angelsBlade) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.angelsBlade as h4 arts - commander:178 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(armorOfAir) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armorOfAir as h4 arts - commander:179 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(armorOfChaos) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armorOfChaos as h4 arts - commander:180 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(armorOfOrder) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.armorOfOrder as h4 arts - commander:181 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arrowofslaying) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.arrowofslaying as h4 arts - commander:182 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arrowofstunning) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.arrowofstunning as h4 arts - commander:183 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(barbarianThrowingClub) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.barbarianThrowingClub as h4 arts - commander:184 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(breastplateOfRegeneration) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.breastplateOfRegeneration as h4 arts - commander:185 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bullRuneAxe) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bullRuneAxe as h4 arts - commander:186 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(capeOfProtection) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.capeOfProtection as h4 arts - commander:187 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cloakOfWarding) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cloakOfWarding as h4 arts - commander:188 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cowlOfResistance) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.cowlOfResistance as h4 arts - commander:189 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crossbow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crossbow as h4 arts - commander:190 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crystalOfMemory) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crystalOfMemory as h4 arts - commander:191 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deadwoodStaff) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.deadwoodStaff as h4 arts - commander:192 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dwarvenHammer) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dwarvenHammer as h4 arts - commander:193 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elvenChainmail) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.elvenChainmail as h4 arts - commander:194 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(emeraldLongbow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.emeraldLongbow as h4 arts - commander:195 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(flamingArrow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.flamingArrow as h4 arts - commander:196 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(flamingSword) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.flamingSword as h4 arts - commander:197 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(griffinHelmet) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.griffinHelmet as h4 arts - commander:198 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gryphonheartsPlateMail) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.gryphonheartsPlateMail as h4 arts - commander:199 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(halberdOfTheSwiftwatch) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.halberdOfTheSwiftwatch as h4 arts - commander:200 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(helmOfDispel) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfDispel as h4 arts - commander:201 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hornedBow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.hornedBow as h4 arts - commander:202 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(longsword) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.longsword as h4 arts - commander:203 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mantleOfSpellTurning) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mantleOfSpellTurning as h4 arts - commander:204 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(neenersInvulnerableCloak) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.neenersInvulnerableCloak as h4 arts - commander:205 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nomadBlackbow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.nomadBlackbow as h4 arts - commander:206 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(organicArmor) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.organicArmor as h4 arts - commander:207 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(plateMail) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.plateMail as h4 arts - commander:208 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfCobrasEye) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfCobrasEye as h4 arts - commander:209 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfNegation) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfNegation as h4 arts - commander:210 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfStrength) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfStrength as h4 arts - commander:211 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scaleMailOfStrength) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.scaleMailOfStrength as h4 arts - commander:212 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(snipersCrossbow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.snipersCrossbow as h4 arts - commander:213 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(soulStealer) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.soulStealer as h4 arts - commander:214 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spearOfTheCentaur) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spearOfTheCentaur as h4 arts - commander:215 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spidersSilkArrow) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.spidersSilkArrow as h4 arts - commander:216 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(swordOfSwiftness) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.swordOfSwiftness as h4 arts - commander:217 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(thunderHammer) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.thunderHammer as h4 arts - commander:218 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(valdersCrossbowOfSloth) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.valdersCrossbowOfSloth as h4 arts - commander:219 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(warSling) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.warSling as h4 arts - commander:220 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wingedBoots) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wingedBoots as h4 arts - commander:221 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] H4 artifacts - commanders TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(adamantineShield) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.adamantineShield as h4 arts - hero:222 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(apprenticesHandbook) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.apprenticesHandbook as h4 arts - hero:223 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(archmagesCodex) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.archmagesCodex as h4 arts - hero:224 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(axeOfLegends) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.axeOfLegends as h4 arts - hero:225 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bestiary) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bestiary as h4 arts - hero:226 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bowOfTheElfKing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bowOfTheElfKing as h4 arts - hero:227 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(breezeFalcon) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.breezeFalcon as h4 arts - hero:228 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(capOfKnowledge) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.capOfKnowledge as h4 arts - hero:229 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(circletOfWisdom) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.circletOfWisdom as h4 arts - hero:230 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crusadersMace) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crusadersMace as h4 arts - hero:231 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crystalOrb) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crystalOrb as h4 arts - hero:232 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(davidsSling) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.davidsSling as h4 arts - hero:233 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fizbinOfMisfortune) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.fizbinOfMisfortune as h4 arts - hero:234 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(greaterRingOfNegation) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.greaterRingOfNegation as h4 arts - hero:235 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(guildmastersCompedium) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.guildmastersCompedium as h4 arts - hero:236 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(helmOfCommand) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfCommand as h4 arts - hero:237 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(helmOfPower) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfPower as h4 arts - hero:238 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(journeymansNotebook) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.journeymansNotebook as h4 arts - hero:239 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leprechaunsRing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.leprechaunsRing as h4 arts - hero:240 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(logbookOfTheMasterSailor) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.logbookOfTheMasterSailor as h4 arts - hero:241 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(magesRobe) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.magesRobe as h4 arts - hero:242 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(magicAmplifier) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.magicAmplifier as h4 arts - hero:243 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(marantheasMug) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.marantheasMug as h4 arts - hero:244 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mastersSpellbook) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mastersSpellbook as h4 arts - hero:245 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mayhemStaff) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mayhemStaff as h4 arts - hero:246 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mullichsHelm) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mullichsHelm as h4 arts - hero:247 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necklaceOfNobility) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.necklaceOfNobility as h4 arts - hero:248 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(organicShield) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.organicShield as h4 arts - hero:249 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfProtection) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfProtection as h4 arts - hero:250 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfTheElementals) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfTheElementals as h4 arts - hero:251 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfTheWitch) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfTheWitch as h4 arts - hero:252 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(saintRanansStaff) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.saintRanansStaff as h4 arts - hero:253 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sevenLeagueBoots) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sevenLeagueBoots as h4 arts - hero:254 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sextant) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sextant as h4 arts - hero:255 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shieldOfAir) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfAir as h4 arts - hero:256 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shieldOfChaos) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfChaos as h4 arts - hero:257 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shieldOfOrder) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfOrder as h4 arts - hero:258 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(staffOfImminentDeath) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.staffOfImminentDeath as h4 arts - hero:259 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(staffOfPower) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.staffOfPower as h4 arts - hero:260 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(staffOfWizardry) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.staffOfWizardry as h4 arts - hero:261 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(steadfastShield) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.steadfastShield as h4 arts - hero:262 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(surefootedBoots) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.surefootedBoots as h4 arts - hero:263 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(swordOfTheGods) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.swordOfTheGods as h4 arts - hero:264 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tomeOfChaos) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfChaos as h4 arts - hero:265 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tomeOfDeath) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfDeath as h4 arts - hero:266 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tomeOfLife) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfLife as h4 arts - hero:267 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tomeOfNature) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfNature as h4 arts - hero:268 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tomeOfOrder) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tomeOfOrder as h4 arts - hero:269 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wingedSandals) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wingedSandals as h4 arts - hero:270 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wizardsRing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wizardsRing as h4 arts - hero:271 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] H4 artifacts - regular TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crab1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crab1 as haven:460 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crab2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crab2 as haven:461 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crab3) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crab3 as haven:462 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(havYachtswoman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.havYachtswoman as haven:463 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leviathan1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.leviathan1 as haven:464 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leviathan2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.leviathan2 as haven:465 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(octo1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.octo1 as haven:466 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(octo2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.octo2 as haven:467 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seabishop1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seabishop1 as haven:468 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seabishop2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seabishop2 as haven:469 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(siren1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.siren1 as haven:470 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(siren2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.siren2 as haven:471 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(triton1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.triton1 as haven:472 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(triton2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.triton2 as haven:473 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(undine1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.undine1 as haven:474 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(undine2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.undine2 as haven:475 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(haven) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.blacksmith as haven:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.capitol as haven:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.castle as haven:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as haven:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.cityHall as haven:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl1 as haven:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl2 as haven:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl3 as haven:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl4 as haven:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl5 as haven:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl6 as haven:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl7 as haven:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl1 as haven:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl2 as haven:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl3 as haven:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl4 as haven:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl5 as haven:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl6 as haven:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl7 as haven:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.extraCapitol as haven:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.extraCityHall as haven:28 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.extraTownHall as haven:27 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.fort as haven:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.grail as haven:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.horde1 as haven:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.horde1Upg as haven:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.mageGuild1 as haven:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.mageGuild2 as haven:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.mageGuild3 as haven:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.mageGuild4 as haven:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.mageGuild5 as haven:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.marketplace as haven:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.resourceSilo as haven:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.ship as haven:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.shipyard as haven:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.special1 as haven:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.special2 as haven:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.special3 as haven:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.tavern as haven:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.townHall as haven:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.haven:haven.villageHall as haven:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.haven as haven:26 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(admiral) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.admiral as haven:53 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(admiralf) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.admiralf as haven:54 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(manowar) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.manowar as haven:55 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(manowarf) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.manowarf as haven:56 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(alligat) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alligat as haven:418 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(aquaron) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aquaron as haven:419 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(aurora) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.aurora as haven:420 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(azul) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.azul as haven:421 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gallas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gallas as haven:422 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(illyanis) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.illyanis as haven:423 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(klastrus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.klastrus as haven:424 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maridis) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.maridis as haven:425 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(marin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.marin as haven:426 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(midia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.midia as haven:427 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(omega) TRACE mod [894] - registered as haven:428 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(raven) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.raven as haven:429 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sabrin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sabrin as haven:430 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sargas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sargas as haven:431 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stella) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.stella as haven:432 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(undine) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.undine as haven:433 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Haven TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(drake1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.drake1 as horde:476 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(drake2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.drake2 as horde:477 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(foreman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.foreman as horde:478 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gronn1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gronn1 as horde:479 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gronn2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gronn2 as horde:480 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hrdKobold) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hrdKobold as horde:481 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(lock1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lock1 as horde:482 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(lock2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lock2 as horde:483 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ogre1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogre1 as horde:484 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ogre2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogre2 as horde:485 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ogre3) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogre3 as horde:486 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(peon) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.peon as horde:487 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(troll1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.troll1 as horde:488 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(troll2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.troll2 as horde:489 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(worg1) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.worg1 as horde:490 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(worg2) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.worg2 as horde:491 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(worg3) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.worg3 as horde:492 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(horde) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.blacksmith as horde:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.capitol as horde:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.castle as horde:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as horde:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.cityHall as horde:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl1 as horde:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl2 as horde:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl3 as horde:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl4 as horde:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl5 as horde:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl6 as horde:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl7 as horde:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUp2Lvl3 as horde:46 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUp2Lvl6 as horde:49 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl1 as horde:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl2 as horde:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl3 as horde:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl4 as horde:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl5 as horde:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl6 as horde:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl7 as horde:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.extraCapitol as horde:29 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.fort as horde:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.grail as horde:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.horde1 as horde:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.horde1Upg as horde:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.horde1Upg2 as horde:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.mageGuild1 as horde:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.mageGuild2 as horde:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.mageGuild3 as horde:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.mageGuild4 as horde:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.mageGuild5 as horde:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.marketplace as horde:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.resourceSilo as horde:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.special1 as horde:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.special3 as horde:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.tavern as horde:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.townHall as horde:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde:horde.villageHall as horde:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.horde as horde:27 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hClairvoyant) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.hClairvoyant as horde:57 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hWarchief) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.hWarchief as horde:58 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hBoang) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hBoang as horde:434 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hDraas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hDraas as horde:435 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hForang) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hForang as horde:436 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hFullika) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hFullika as horde:437 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hGadira) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hGadira as horde:438 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hGoranud) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hGoranud as horde:439 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hHurgor) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hHurgor as horde:440 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hJargura) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hJargura as horde:441 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hKutala) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hKutala as horde:442 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hMakgum) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hMakgum as horde:443 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hOllathus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hOllathus as horde:444 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hOrloch) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hOrloch as horde:445 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hRoeda) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hRoeda as horde:446 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hSoragg) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hSoragg as horde:447 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hThurnokk) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hThurnokk as horde:448 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hYreima) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.hYreima as horde:449 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Horde INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Horn of the Abyss INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Mod Design Team mods TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolBattleDwarfOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolBattleDwarfOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:493 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolDruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolDruid as necro-mod h2:494 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolDwarfOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolDwarfOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:495 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolElfOfBotany) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolElfOfBotany as necro-mod h2:496 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolElfOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolElfOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:497 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolFireBirdOfnecropol) WARN mod [894] - Warning: identifier RedDragon is not in camelCase! TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolFireBirdOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:498 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolGreatDruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolGreatDruid as necro-mod h2:499 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolPhoenixOfnecropol) WARN mod [894] - Warning: identifier BlackDragon is not in camelCase! TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolPhoenixOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:500 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolPixieOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolPixieOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:501 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolSacredPhoenix) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolSacredPhoenix as necro-mod h2:502 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolSpriteOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolSpriteOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:503 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolUnicornOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolUnicornOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:504 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolWarUnicornOfnecropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.necropolWarUnicornOfnecropol as necro-mod h2:505 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.blacksmith as necro-mod h2:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.boat as necro-mod h2:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.capitol as necro-mod h2:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.castle as necro-mod h2:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod as necro-mod h2:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.cityHall as necro-mod h2:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dock as necro-mod h2:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl1 as necro-mod h2:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl2 as necro-mod h2:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl3 as necro-mod h2:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl4 as necro-mod h2:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl5 as necro-mod h2:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl6 as necro-mod h2:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl7 as necro-mod h2:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl1 as necro-mod h2:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl2 as necro-mod h2:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl3 as necro-mod h2:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl4 as necro-mod h2:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl5 as necro-mod h2:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl6 as necro-mod h2:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl7 as necro-mod h2:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.fort as necro-mod h2:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.grail as necro-mod h2:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.horde1 as necro-mod h2:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.horde1Upgr as necro-mod h2:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild1 as necro-mod h2:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild2 as necro-mod h2:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild3 as necro-mod h2:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild4 as necro-mod h2:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild5 as necro-mod h2:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.marketplace as necro-mod h2:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.resourceSilo as necro-mod h2:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.special1 as necro-mod h2:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.special2 as necro-mod h2:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.tavern as necro-mod h2:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.townHall as necro-mod h2:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.necro-mod h2:necropol.villageHall as necro-mod h2:10 WARN mod [894] - Warning: identifier Lich is not in camelCase! TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.necropol as necro-mod h2:28 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolbard) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.necropolbard as necro-mod h2:59 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropolguardian) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.necropolguardian as necro-mod h2:60 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol11baggins) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol11baggins as necro-mod h2:450 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol12julian) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol12julian as necro-mod h2:451 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol13hanna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol13hanna as necro-mod h2:452 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol14tim) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol14tim as necro-mod h2:453 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol15niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol15niclas as necro-mod h2:454 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol16ceretus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol16ceretus as necro-mod h2:455 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol17agnes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol17agnes as necro-mod h2:456 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol18lorenzo) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol18lorenzo as necro-mod h2:457 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol26belinda) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol26belinda as necro-mod h2:458 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(necropol27karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.necropol27karen as necro-mod h2:459 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Necropol Town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssAbyssalCrab) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssAbyssalCrab as new abyss:506 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssAbyssalGiantOctopus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssAbyssalGiantOctopus as new abyss:507 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssAbyssalJellyfish) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssAbyssalJellyfish as new abyss:508 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssDeepwaterJellyfish) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssDeepwaterJellyfish as new abyss:509 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssGiantOctopus) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssGiantOctopus as new abyss:510 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssHyppoCommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssHyppoCommander as new abyss:511 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssHyppocamph) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssHyppocamph as new abyss:512 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssOceanWorm) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssOceanWorm as new abyss:513 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssSandCrab) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssSandCrab as new abyss:514 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssSeaWorm) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssSeaWorm as new abyss:515 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssSeahorse) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssSeahorse as new abyss:516 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssYuanTiLeader) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssYuanTiLeader as new abyss:517 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssYuanTiWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.abyssYuanTiWarrior as new abyss:518 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(darkOne) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.darkOne as new abyss:519 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deepOne) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.deepOne as new abyss:520 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(goldenHyppocamph) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.goldenHyppocamph as new abyss:521 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tbirdbloody) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.tbirdbloody as new abyss:522 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tbirdelectric) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.tbirdelectric as new abyss:523 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tbirdglowing) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.tbirdglowing as new abyss:524 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tbirdvulgaris) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.tbirdvulgaris as new abyss:525 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyss) TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.blacksmith as new abyss:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.capitol as new abyss:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.castle as new abyss:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as new abyss:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.cityHall as new abyss:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl1 as new abyss:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl2 as new abyss:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl3 as new abyss:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl4 as new abyss:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl5 as new abyss:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl6 as new abyss:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl7 as new abyss:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl1 as new abyss:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl2 as new abyss:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl3 as new abyss:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl4 as new abyss:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl5 as new abyss:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl6 as new abyss:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl7 as new abyss:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.fort as new abyss:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.grail as new abyss:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.horde1 as new abyss:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.horde1Upgr as new abyss:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.horde2 as new abyss:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.horde2Upgr as new abyss:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.mageGuild1 as new abyss:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.mageGuild2 as new abyss:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.mageGuild3 as new abyss:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.mageGuild4 as new abyss:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.mageGuild5 as new abyss:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.marketplace as new abyss:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.resourceSilo as new abyss:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.special1 as new abyss:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.special2 as new abyss:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.special3 as new abyss:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.tavern as new abyss:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.townHall as new abyss:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered abyss:abyss.villageHall as new abyss:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.abyss as new abyss:29 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssalShaman) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.abyssalShaman as new abyss:61 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ichthyander) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.ichthyander as new abyss:62 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abiss) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abiss as new abyss:460 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(abyssKarnTi) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.abyssKarnTi as new abyss:461 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arkana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.arkana as new abyss:462 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dissanna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dissanna as new abyss:463 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gril) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gril as new abyss:464 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kasta) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kasta as new abyss:465 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kingsax) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kingsax as new abyss:466 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kraken teamster) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kraken teamster as new abyss:467 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pears) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.pears as new abyss:468 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(perha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.perha as new abyss:469 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(raytilii) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.raytilii as new abyss:470 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(season) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.season as new abyss:471 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sirranna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sirranna as new abyss:472 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(trila) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.trila as new abyss:473 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(verna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.verna as new abyss:474 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wel as new abyss:475 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(werser) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.werser as new abyss:476 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Abyss town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fireRing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.fireRing as new pavilion:272 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(goldenScarab) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.goldenScarab as new pavilion:273 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(maskOfTheDesertKing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.maskOfTheDesertKing as new pavilion:274 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scrollOfWisdom) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.scrollOfWisdom as new pavilion:275 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(staffOfSand) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.staffOfSand as new pavilion:276 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunShield) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sunShield as new pavilion:277 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ammut) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ammut as new pavilion:526 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(anubis) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.anubis as new pavilion:527 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(anubisWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.anubisWarrior as new pavilion:528 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(camelRider) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.camelRider as new pavilion:529 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(desertWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.desertWarrior as new pavilion:530 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elderSphinx) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.elderSphinx as new pavilion:531 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(overseer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.overseer as new pavilion:532 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(preacher) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.preacher as new pavilion:533 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scarab) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.scarab as new pavilion:534 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sekhmet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sekhmet as new pavilion:535 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sekhmetPriestess) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sekhmetPriestess as new pavilion:536 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sphinx) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sphinx as new pavilion:537 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunAmmut) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sunAmmut as new pavilion:538 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(venomousWadjet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.venomousWadjet as new pavilion:539 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wadjet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wadjet as new pavilion:540 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(whipper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.whipper as new pavilion:541 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.blacksmith as new pavilion:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.capitol as new pavilion:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.castle as new pavilion:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as new pavilion:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.cityHall as new pavilion:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl1 as new pavilion:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl2 as new pavilion:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl3 as new pavilion:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl4 as new pavilion:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl5 as new pavilion:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl6 as new pavilion:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl7 as new pavilion:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl1 as new pavilion:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl2 as new pavilion:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl3 as new pavilion:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl4 as new pavilion:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl5 as new pavilion:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl6 as new pavilion:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl7 as new pavilion:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.fort as new pavilion:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.grail as new pavilion:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered as new pavilion:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.horde1 as new pavilion:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.horde1Upgr as new pavilion:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.horde2 as new pavilion:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.horde2Upgr as new pavilion:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild1 as new pavilion:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild2 as new pavilion:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild3 as new pavilion:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild4 as new pavilion:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.marketplace as new pavilion:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.resourceSilo as new pavilion:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.special1 as new pavilion:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.special3 as new pavilion:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.tavern as new pavilion:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.townHall as new pavilion:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.villageHall as new pavilion:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered pavilion:pavilion.workshop as new pavilion:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.pavilion as new pavilion:30 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(embalmer) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.embalmer as new pavilion:63 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vizier) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.vizier as new pavilion:64 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amanra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.amanra as new pavilion:477 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amesh) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.amesh as new pavilion:478 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(azarias) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.azarias as new pavilion:479 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bast) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bast as new pavilion:480 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cassandra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cassandra as new pavilion:481 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elspeth) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.elspeth as new pavilion:482 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gideon) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.gideon as new pavilion:483 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jaffa) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jaffa as new pavilion:484 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(keila) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.keila as new pavilion:485 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ko-Eset) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ko-Eset as new pavilion:486 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(marzum) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.marzum as new pavilion:487 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(menet) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.menet as new pavilion:488 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(osir) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.osir as new pavilion:489 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(peth-Shub) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.peth-Shub as new pavilion:490 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sekhem) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sekhem as new pavilion:491 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seref) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seref as new pavilion:492 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(varn) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.varn as new pavilion:493 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zamonth) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zamonth as new pavilion:494 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(blessingSeal) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Blessings Seal TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.blessingSeal as new pavilion:112 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(godScaleAttack) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell God's Scales TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.godScaleAttack as new pavilion:113 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(godScaleDefence) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell God's Scales TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.godScaleDefence as new pavilion:114 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(lifeEater) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Life Eater TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.lifeEater as new pavilion:115 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(specialSlowPav) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Specialist's Slow TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.specialSlowPav as new pavilion:116 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Pavilion Town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(catReflexes) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Cat Reflexes TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.catReflexes as newoldspells:117 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(confusion) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Confusion WARN mod [894] - Spell Confusion has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.MIND_IMMUNITY" : "normal", "bonus.NON_LIVING" : "normal", "bonus.UNDEAD" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.confusion as newoldspells:118 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deepFreeze) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Deep Freeze WARN mod [894] - Spell Deep Freeze has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.deepFreeze as newoldspells:119 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dragonStrength) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Dragon Strength WARN mod [894] - Spell Dragon Strength has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.DRAGON_NATURE" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.dragonStrength as newoldspells:120 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(levitation) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Levitation TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.levitation as newoldspells:121 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(puppetMaster) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Puppet Master WARN mod [894] - Spell Puppet Master has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.MIND_IMMUNITY" : "normal", "bonus.NON_LIVING" : "normal", "bonus.UNDEAD" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.puppetMaster as newoldspells:122 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vampirism) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Vampirism WARN mod [894] - Spell Vampirism has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.NON_LIVING" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.vampirism as newoldspells:123 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(waspSwarm) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Wasp Swarm WARN mod [894] - Spell Wasp Swarm has old target condition format. Expected configuration: WARN mod [894] - "targetCondition" : { "noneOf" : { "bonus.DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY" : "normal", "bonus.NON_LIVING" : "normal", "bonus.UNDEAD" : "normal" } } TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.waspSwarm as newoldspells:124 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] New Old Spells TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ancienttreant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ancienttreant as preserve:542 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(caveleaper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.caveleaper as preserve:543 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(extra1benu) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.extra1benu as preserve:544 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(extra2raven) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.extra2raven as preserve:545 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fairybear) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fairybear as preserve:546 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fcommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fcommander as preserve:547 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(foxdruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.foxdruid as preserve:548 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(grimhippo) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.grimhippo as preserve:549 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(halflings) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.halflings as preserve:550 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(highdruid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.highdruid as preserve:551 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hippogryph) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hippogryph as preserve:552 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hobbit) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hobbit as preserve:553 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(magiceye) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.magiceye as preserve:554 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(misfortuneeye) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.misfortuneeye as preserve:555 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mysticalbear) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mysticalbear as preserve:556 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(treant) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.treant as preserve:557 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(treelurker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.treelurker as preserve:558 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(preserve) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.blacksmith as preserve:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.boat as preserve:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.capitol as preserve:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.castle as preserve:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as preserve:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.cityHall as preserve:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dock as preserve:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl1 as preserve:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl2 as preserve:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl3 as preserve:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl4 as preserve:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl5 as preserve:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl6 as preserve:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl7 as preserve:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl1 as preserve:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl2 as preserve:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl3 as preserve:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl4 as preserve:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl5 as preserve:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl6 as preserve:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl7 as preserve:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.fort as preserve:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.grail as preserve:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.horde1 as preserve:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.horde1Upgr as preserve:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild1 as preserve:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild2 as preserve:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild3 as preserve:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild4 as preserve:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild5 as preserve:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.marketplace as preserve:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.resourceSilo as preserve:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.special1 as preserve:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.special2 as preserve:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.tavern as preserve:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.townHall as preserve:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.preserve:preserve.villageHall as preserve:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.preserve as preserve:31 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bard) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.bard as preserve:65 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(guardian) TRACE mod [894] - registered as preserve:66 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(a_kulkin) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.a_kulkin as preserve:495 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(b_julian) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.b_julian as preserve:496 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(c_hanna) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.c_hanna as preserve:497 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(d_terence) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.d_terence as preserve:498 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(e_niclas) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.e_niclas as preserve:499 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(f_ceretus) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.f_ceretus as preserve:500 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(g_agnes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.g_agnes as preserve:501 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h_lorenzo) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.h_lorenzo as preserve:502 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(i_anastasia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.i_anastasia as preserve:503 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(j_pamela) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.j_pamela as preserve:504 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(k_polly) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.k_polly as preserve:505 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(l_ken) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.l_ken as preserve:506 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(m_wildhayen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.m_wildhayen as preserve:507 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(n_belinda) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.n_belinda as preserve:508 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(o_karen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.o_karen as preserve:509 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(p_renata) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.p_renata as preserve:510 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(s_Agrenal) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.s_Agrenal as preserve:511 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scout) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Shout TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.scout as preserve:125 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(summonRaven) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Ravens TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.summonRaven as preserve:126 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(symbiosis) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Symbiosis TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.symbiosis as preserve:127 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wolverineHeart) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Rage of Forest TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.wolverineHeart as preserve:128 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Preserve Town INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] VCMI essential files TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2blackd) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2blackd as warlock:559 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2centaur) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2centaur as warlock:560 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2gargoyle) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2gargoyle as warlock:561 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2gred) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2gred as warlock:562 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2griffin) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2griffin as warlock:563 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2hydra) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2hydra as warlock:564 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2medusa) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2medusa as warlock:565 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2mino) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2mino as warlock:566 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2minok) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2minok as warlock:567 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2redd) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.h2redd as warlock:568 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(warlock) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.blacksmith as warlock:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.capitol as warlock:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.castle as warlock:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as warlock:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.cityHall as warlock:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl1 as warlock:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl2 as warlock:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl3 as warlock:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl4 as warlock:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl5 as warlock:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl6 as warlock:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl7 as warlock:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl4 as warlock:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl7 as warlock:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl8 as warlock:50 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.fort as warlock:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.grail as warlock:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.horde1 as warlock:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild1 as warlock:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild2 as warlock:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild3 as warlock:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild4 as warlock:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild5 as warlock:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.marketplace as warlock:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.resourceSilo as warlock:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.ship as warlock:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.shipyard as warlock:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.special1 as warlock:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.statue as warlock:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.tavern as warlock:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.townHall as warlock:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.warlock:warlock.villageHall as warlock:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.warlock as warlock:32 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2warlock) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.h2warlock as warlock:67 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(h2warlockfem) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.h2warlockfem as warlock:68 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(agar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.agar as warlock:512 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(alamar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.alamar as warlock:513 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arch) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.arch as warlock:514 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arie) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.arie as warlock:515 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(barok) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.barok as warlock:516 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crodo) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.crodo as warlock:517 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(falagar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.falagar as warlock:518 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kastore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kastore as warlock:519 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(martine) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.martine as warlock:520 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vesper) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vesper as warlock:521 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wrathmont) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.wrathmont as warlock:522 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] warlock town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amuletOfDragonEye) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.amuletOfDragonEye as witchking-arts:278 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bookOfDead) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bookOfDead as witchking-arts:279 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crownOfSkies) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crownOfSkies as witchking-arts:280 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dwarvenHelmet) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dwarvenHelmet as witchking-arts:281 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dwarvenMine) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dwarvenMine as witchking-arts:282 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(healersRing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.healersRing as witchking-arts:283 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(philosphersStone) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.philosphersStone as witchking-arts:284 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ritualDagger) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ritualDagger as witchking-arts:285 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sacredWarHammer) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sacredWarHammer as witchking-arts:286 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shieldOfArrowTurning) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfArrowTurning as witchking-arts:287 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(soulPrison) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.soulPrison as witchking-arts:288 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stormStone) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.stormStone as witchking-arts:289 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wizardsWand) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wizardsWand as witchking-arts:290 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zlotaGes) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.zlotaGes as witchking-arts:291 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Witchking artifacts TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art144) at index 144 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art144 as wog:144 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art145) at index 145 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art145 as wog:145 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art161) at index 161 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art161 as wog:161 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art162) at index 162 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art162 as wog:162 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art163) at index 163 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art163 as wog:163 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art164) at index 164 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art164 as wog:164 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art165) at index 165 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art165 as wog:165 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art166) at index 166 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art166 as wog:166 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art167) at index 167 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art167 as wog:167 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art168) at index 168 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art168 as wog:168 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art169) at index 169 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art169 as wog:169 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(art170) at index 170 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.art170 as wog:170 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(axeOfSmashing) at index 146 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.axeOfSmashing as wog:146 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(barbarianLordsAxeOfFerocity) at index 158 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.barbarianLordsAxeOfFerocity as wog:158 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bootsOfHaste) at index 151 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bootsOfHaste as wog:151 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bowOfSeeking) at index 152 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.bowOfSeeking as wog:152 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(crimsonShieldOfRetribution) at index 157 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crimsonShieldOfRetribution as wog:157 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonEyeRing) at index 153 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonEyeRing as wog:153 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dragonheart) at index 159 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.dragonheart as wog:159 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gateKey) at index 160 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.gateKey as wog:160 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hardenedShield) at index 154 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.hardenedShield as wog:154 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(helmOfImmortality) at index 149 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.helmOfImmortality as wog:149 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mithrilMail) at index 147 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.mithrilMail as wog:147 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(pendantOfSorcery) at index 150 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfSorcery as wog:150 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(slavasRingOfPower) at index 155 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.slavasRingOfPower as wog:155 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(swordOfSharpness) at index 148 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.swordOfSharpness as wog:148 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warlordsBanner) at index 156 TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.warlordsBanner as wog:156 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ancientBasilisk) at index 167 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ancientBasilisk as wog:167 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(arcticSharpshooter) at index 170 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.arcticSharpshooter as wog:170 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(astralSpirit1) at index 182 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.astralSpirit1 as wog:182 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(astralSpirit2) at index 191 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.astralSpirit2 as wog:191 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(bloodDragon) at index 154 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bloodDragon as wog:154 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(brute1) at index 179 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.brute1 as wog:179 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(brute2) at index 188 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.brute2 as wog:188 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(darknessDragon) at index 155 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.darknessDragon as wog:155 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(diamondDragon) at index 151 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.diamondDragon as wog:151 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(dracolich) at index 196 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dracolich as wog:196 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(electricityElemental) at index 166 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.electricityElemental as wog:166 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ghost) at index 159 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ghost as wog:159 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ghostBehemoth) at index 156 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ghostBehemoth as wog:156 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(godLore) at index 163 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.godLore as wog:163 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(godMana) at index 162 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.godMana as wog:162 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(godPeace) at index 161 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.godPeace as wog:161 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(godWar) at index 160 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.godWar as wog:160 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(gorynych) at index 168 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.gorynych as wog:168 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hellBaron) at index 153 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hellBaron as wog:153 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hellHydra) at index 157 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hellHydra as wog:157 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hellSteed) at index 195 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hellSteed as wog:195 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hierophant1) at index 175 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hierophant1 as wog:175 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(hierophant2) at index 184 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.hierophant2 as wog:184 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lavaSharpshooter) at index 171 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lavaSharpshooter as wog:171 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(lordofThunder) at index 152 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.lordofThunder as wog:152 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(mineralElemental) at index 165 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mineralElemental as wog:165 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(minotaurKing2) at index 164 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.minotaurKing2 as wog:164 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(nightmare) at index 172 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nightmare as wog:172 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ogreLeader1) at index 180 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogreLeader1 as wog:180 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(ogreLeader2) at index 189 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ogreLeader2 as wog:189 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(paladin1) at index 174 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.paladin1 as wog:174 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(paladin2) at index 183 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.paladin2 as wog:183 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sacredPhoenix) at index 158 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sacredPhoenix as wog:158 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(santaGremlin) at index 173 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.santaGremlin as wog:173 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shaman1) at index 181 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shaman1 as wog:181 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(shaman2) at index 190 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shaman2 as wog:190 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sorceress) at index 193 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sorceress as wog:193 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(soulEater1) at index 178 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.soulEater1 as wog:178 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(soulEater2) at index 187 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.soulEater2 as wog:187 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(succubus1) at index 177 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.succubus1 as wog:177 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(succubus2) at index 186 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.succubus2 as wog:186 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(supremeArchangel) at index 150 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.supremeArchangel as wog:150 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(sylvanCentaur) at index 192 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sylvanCentaur as wog:192 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(templeGuardian1) at index 176 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.templeGuardian1 as wog:176 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(templeGuardian2) at index 185 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.templeGuardian2 as wog:185 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(warZealot) at index 169 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.warZealot as wog:169 TRACE mod [894] - found original data in loadMod(werewolf) at index 194 TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.werewolf as wog:194 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] In The Wake of Gods TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fireRing) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.fireRing as forgotten tales.bastion:292 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(goldenScarab) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.goldenScarab as forgotten tales.bastion:293 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scrollOfWisdom) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.scrollOfWisdom as forgotten tales.bastion:294 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(staffOfSand) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.staffOfSand as forgotten tales.bastion:295 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunSield) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.sunSield as forgotten tales.bastion:296 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ammut) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ammut as forgotten tales.bastion:569 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(anubis) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.anubis as forgotten tales.bastion:570 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(anubisWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.anubisWarrior as forgotten tales.bastion:571 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(camelRider) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.camelRider as forgotten tales.bastion:572 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(desertWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.desertWarrior as forgotten tales.bastion:573 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elderSphinx) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.elderSphinx as forgotten tales.bastion:574 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(overseer) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.overseer as forgotten tales.bastion:575 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(preacher) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.preacher as forgotten tales.bastion:576 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(scarab) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.scarab as forgotten tales.bastion:577 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sekhmet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sekhmet as forgotten tales.bastion:578 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sekhmetPriestess) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sekhmetPriestess as forgotten tales.bastion:579 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sphinx) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sphinx as forgotten tales.bastion:580 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sunAmmut) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sunAmmut as forgotten tales.bastion:581 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(venomousWadjet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.venomousWadjet as forgotten tales.bastion:582 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wadjet) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.wadjet as forgotten tales.bastion:583 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(whipper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.whipper as forgotten tales.bastion:584 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bastion) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.blacksmith as forgotten tales.bastion:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.capitol as forgotten tales.bastion:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.castle as forgotten tales.bastion:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten as forgotten tales.bastion:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.cityHall as forgotten tales.bastion:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl1 as forgotten tales.bastion:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl2 as forgotten tales.bastion:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl3 as forgotten tales.bastion:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl4 as forgotten tales.bastion:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl5 as forgotten tales.bastion:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl6 as forgotten tales.bastion:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl7 as forgotten tales.bastion:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl1 as forgotten tales.bastion:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl2 as forgotten tales.bastion:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl3 as forgotten tales.bastion:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl4 as forgotten tales.bastion:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl5 as forgotten tales.bastion:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl6 as forgotten tales.bastion:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl7 as forgotten tales.bastion:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.fort as forgotten tales.bastion:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.grail as forgotten tales.bastion:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten as forgotten tales.bastion:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde1 as forgotten tales.bastion:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde1Upgr as forgotten tales.bastion:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde2 as forgotten tales.bastion:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild1 as forgotten tales.bastion:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild2 as forgotten tales.bastion:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild3 as forgotten tales.bastion:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild4 as forgotten tales.bastion:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.marketplace as forgotten tales.bastion:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.resourceSilo as forgotten tales.bastion:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.special1 as forgotten tales.bastion:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.special3 as forgotten tales.bastion:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.tavern as forgotten tales.bastion:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.townHall as forgotten tales.bastion:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.villageHall as forgotten tales.bastion:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.workshop as forgotten tales.bastion:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.bastion as forgotten tales.bastion:33 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pharaoh) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.pharaoh as forgotten tales.bastion:69 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vizier) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.vizier as forgotten tales.bastion:70 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ama'ka) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ama'ka as forgotten tales.bastion:523 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(amesza) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.amesza as forgotten tales.bastion:524 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ankh-Amon) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ankh-Amon as forgotten tales.bastion:525 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(basha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.basha as forgotten tales.bastion:526 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bianor) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bianor as forgotten tales.bastion:527 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(honsuneb) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.honsuneb as forgotten tales.bastion:528 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(inpu) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.inpu as forgotten tales.bastion:529 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(isham) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.isham as forgotten tales.bastion:530 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ja'Bak) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ja'Bak as forgotten tales.bastion:531 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(keila) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.keila as forgotten tales.bastion:532 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kemi) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kemi as forgotten tales.bastion:533 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mantis) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mantis as forgotten tales.bastion:534 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(marzum) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.marzum as forgotten tales.bastion:535 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mentuhotep) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mentuhotep as forgotten tales.bastion:536 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mex-Nefer) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.mex-Nefer as forgotten tales.bastion:537 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(netsutset) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.netsutset as forgotten tales.bastion:538 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nutt) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.nutt as forgotten tales.bastion:539 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(takem) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.takem as forgotten tales.bastion:540 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Bastion TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(capeOfSilence) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.capeOfSilence as hota.artifacts:297 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crownOfTheFiveSeas) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.crownOfTheFiveSeas as hota.artifacts:298 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(demonsHorseshoe) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.demonsHorseshoe as hota.artifacts:299 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(diplomatsCloak) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.diplomatsCloak as hota.artifacts:300 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(goldenGoose) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.goldenGoose as hota.artifacts:301 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(hideousMask) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.hideousMask as hota.artifacts:302 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pendantOfDownfall) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfDownfall as hota.artifacts:303 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pendantOfReflection) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.pendantOfReflection as hota.artifacts:304 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfOblivion) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfOblivion as hota.artifacts:305 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ringOfSuppression) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.ringOfSuppression as hota.artifacts:306 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(royalArmorOfNix) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.royalArmorOfNix as hota.artifacts:307 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(runesOfImminency) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.runesOfImminency as hota.artifacts:308 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shamansPuppet) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shamansPuppet as hota.artifacts:309 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shieldOfNavalGlory) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.shieldOfNavalGlory as hota.artifacts:310 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tridentOfDominion) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.tridentOfDominion as hota.artifacts:311 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(wayfarerBoots) TRACE mod [894] - registered artifact.wayfarerBoots as hota.artifacts:312 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] New artifacts TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ayssid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.ayssid as hota.cove:585 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(blackbeard) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.blackbeard as hota.cove:586 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(corsair) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.corsair as hota.cove:587 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(crewmate) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.crewmate as hota.cove:588 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(fangarm) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.fangarm as hota.cove:589 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(haspid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.haspid as hota.cove:590 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nix) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nix as hota.cove:591 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nixWarrior) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nixWarrior as hota.cove:592 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(nymph) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.nymph as hota.cove:593 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(oceanid) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.oceanid as hota.cove:594 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pirate) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pirate as hota.cove:595 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(satyr) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.satyr as hota.cove:596 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seaWitch) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seaWitch as hota.cove:597 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seadog) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seadog as hota.cove:598 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seaman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seaman as hota.cove:599 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seaserpent) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.seaserpent as hota.cove:600 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sorceress) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.sorceress as hota.cove:601 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stormbird) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stormbird as hota.cove:602 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cove) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.blacksmith as hota.cove:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.capitol as hota.cove:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.castle as hota.cove:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as hota.cove:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.cityHall as hota.cove:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dock as hota.cove:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl1 as hota.cove:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl2 as hota.cove:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl3 as hota.cove:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl4 as hota.cove:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl5 as hota.cove:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl6 as hota.cove:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl7 as hota.cove:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl1 as hota.cove:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl2 as hota.cove:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl3 as hota.cove:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl4 as hota.cove:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl5 as hota.cove:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl6 as hota.cove:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl7 as hota.cove:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.fort as hota.cove:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.grail as hota.cove:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde1 as hota.cove:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde1Upgr as hota.cove:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde2 as hota.cove:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.horde2Upgr as hota.cove:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild1 as hota.cove:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild2 as hota.cove:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild3 as hota.cove:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild4 as hota.cove:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.marketplace as hota.cove:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.resourceSilo as hota.cove:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.ship as hota.cove:20 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.special2 as hota.cove:46 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.special3 as hota.cove:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.special4 as hota.cove:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.tavern as hota.cove:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.townHall as hota.cove:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.hota.cove:cove.villageHall as hota.cove:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.cove as hota.cove:34 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(captain) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.captain as hota.cove:71 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(navigator) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.navigator as hota.cove:72 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(anabel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.anabel as hota.cove:541 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(andal) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.andal as hota.cove:542 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(astra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.astra as hota.cove:543 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bidley) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.bidley as hota.cove:544 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(casmetra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.casmetra as hota.cove:545 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cassiopeia) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.cassiopeia as hota.cove:546 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(corkes) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.corkes as hota.cove:547 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dargem) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.dargem as hota.cove:548 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(derek) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.derek as hota.cove:549 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(elmore) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.elmore as hota.cove:550 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(eovacius) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.eovacius as hota.cove:551 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(illor) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.illor as hota.cove:552 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jeremy) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jeremy as hota.cove:553 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(leena) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.leena as hota.cove:554 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(manfred) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.manfred as hota.cove:555 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(miriam) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.miriam as hota.cove:556 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(spint) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.spint as hota.cove:557 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tark) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tark as hota.cove:558 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zilare) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zilare as hota.cove:559 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Cove town INFO mod [894] - [DONE] HotA balance mod TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(beatrice) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.beatrice as hota.hota heroes:560 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kinkeria) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kinkeria as hota.hota heroes:561 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(ranloo) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.ranloo as hota.hota heroes:562 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] HoTA Heroes INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] New towns for map TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(arsonist) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.arsonist as mod desing team.forge:603 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(brainSucker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.brainSucker as mod desing team.forge:604 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(bruiser) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.bruiser as mod desing team.forge:605 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(dreadnought) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.dreadnought as mod desing team.forge:606 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(juggernaut) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.juggernaut as mod desing team.forge:607 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jumpSoldier) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.jumpSoldier as mod desing team.forge:608 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jumpTrooper) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.jumpTrooper as mod desing team.forge:609 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(mercenary) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.mercenary as mod desing team.forge:610 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(militian) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.militian as mod desing team.forge:611 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pyro) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pyro as mod desing team.forge:612 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(pyromaniac) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.pyromaniac as mod desing team.forge:613 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(recruit) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.recruit as mod desing team.forge:614 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(soulSucker) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.soulSucker as mod desing team.forge:615 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(stinger) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.stinger as mod desing team.forge:616 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(thug) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.thug as mod desing team.forge:617 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(forge) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.blacksmith as mod desing team.forge:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.capitol as mod desing team.forge:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.castle as mod desing team.forge:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing as mod desing team.forge:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.cityHall as mod desing team.forge:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 as mod desing team.forge:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 as mod desing team.forge:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 as mod desing team.forge:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 as mod desing team.forge:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 as mod desing team.forge:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 as mod desing team.forge:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 as mod desing team.forge:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 as mod desing team.forge:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 as mod desing team.forge:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 as mod desing team.forge:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 as mod desing team.forge:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 as mod desing team.forge:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 as mod desing team.forge:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 as mod desing team.forge:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.fort as mod desing team.forge:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.grail as mod desing team.forge:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde1 as mod desing team.forge:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde1Upgr as mod desing team.forge:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde2 as mod desing team.forge:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde2Upgr as mod desing team.forge:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild1 as mod desing team.forge:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild2 as mod desing team.forge:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild3 as mod desing team.forge:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.marketplace as mod desing team.forge:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.resourceSilo as mod desing team.forge:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special2 as mod desing team.forge:21 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special3 as mod desing team.forge:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special4 as mod desing team.forge:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.tavern as mod desing team.forge:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.townHall as mod desing team.forge:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mod desing team.forge:forge.villageHall as mod desing team.forge:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.forge as mod desing team.forge:35 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(cyborg) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.cyborg as mod desing team.forge:73 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(technic) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.technic as mod desing team.forge:74 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(agar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.agar as mod desing team.forge:563 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(albino) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.albino as mod desing team.forge:564 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(codgur) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.codgur as mod desing team.forge:565 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(daneel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.daneel as mod desing team.forge:566 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(deckard) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.deckard as mod desing team.forge:567 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(flamius) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.flamius as mod desing team.forge:568 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(jonathan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.jonathan as mod desing team.forge:569 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(kaleh) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.kaleh as mod desing team.forge:570 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(lilyam) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.lilyam as mod desing team.forge:571 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(marchette) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.marchette as mod desing team.forge:572 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(polestar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.polestar as mod desing team.forge:573 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(seldon) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.seldon as mod desing team.forge:574 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(sheikleen) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.sheikleen as mod desing team.forge:575 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(tyrrel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.tyrrel as mod desing team.forge:576 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(vee) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.vee as mod desing team.forge:577 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(zhora) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.zhora as mod desing team.forge:578 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(specialLvl7) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Injury TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.specialLvl7 as mod desing team.forge:129 INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Forge town TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(desertPavement) WARN mod [894] - Data in desertPavement is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement1 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement2 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement3 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement4 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement5 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement6 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement7 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/desertPavement/templates/pavement8 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex TRACE mod [894] - desertPavement json: { // new pavilion.desert objects "base" : { "base" : { "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ] } }, // new pavilion.desert objects "handler" : "generic", // new pavilion.desert objects "name" : "Pavement", // new pavilion.desert objects "types" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "desertPavement" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "base" : { "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new pavilion.desert objects "name" : "Desert Pavement", // new pavilion.desert objects "templates" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement1" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement1", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement2" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement2", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement3" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement3", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement4" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement4", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement5" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement5", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement6" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement6", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement7" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement7", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVV", "VVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "pavement8" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/pavement8", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 } } } } } DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object new pavilion.desert objects:desertPavement(256)::new pavilion.desert objects:desertPavement(1000) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.desertPavement as new pavilion.desert objects:256 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(grainedSand) WARN mod [894] - Data in grainedSand is invalid! WARN mod [894] - At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained1 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained2 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained3 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained4 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained5 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained6 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained7 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex At /types/grainedSands/templates/grained8 Error: Unknown entry found: zIndex TRACE mod [894] - grainedSand json: { // new pavilion.desert objects "base" : { "base" : { "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ] } }, // new pavilion.desert objects "handler" : "generic", // new pavilion.desert objects "name" : "Grained Sand", // new pavilion.desert objects "types" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "grainedSands" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "base" : { "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ] }, // new pavilion.desert objects "templates" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "grained1" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained1", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained2" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained2", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained3" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained3", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV", "VVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained4" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained4", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV", "VVVVVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained5" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained5", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained6" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained6", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVV", "VVV", "VVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained7" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained7", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VVVVV", "VVVVV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 }, // new pavilion.desert objects "grained8" : { // new pavilion.desert objects "animation" : "desertdefs\/terrains\/grained8", // new pavilion.desert objects "mask" : [ "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV", "VV" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "visitableFrom" : [ "+++", "+++", "+++" ], // new pavilion.desert objects "zIndex" : 100 } } } } } DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object new pavilion.desert objects:grainedSand(257)::new pavilion.desert objects:grainedSands(1000) TRACE mod [894] - registered object.grainedSand as new pavilion.desert objects:257 ERROR mod [894] - [FAIL] Desert Objects INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] High-res Menu TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAhriman) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgAhriman as refugeetown:618 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAngraMainyu) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgAngraMainyu as refugeetown:619 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgCommander) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgCommander as refugeetown:620 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgDiamondGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgDiamondGolem as refugeetown:621 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgEnchanter) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgEnchanter as refugeetown:622 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgGoldGolem) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgGoldGolem as refugeetown:623 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgHorseBlack) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgHorseBlack as refugeetown:624 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgHorseFire) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgHorseFire as refugeetown:625 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgNomad) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgNomad as refugeetown:626 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgRogue) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgRogue as refugeetown:627 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSharp) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgSharp as refugeetown:628 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSharpV) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgSharpV as refugeetown:629 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSorceress) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgSorceress as refugeetown:630 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSpy) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgSpy as refugeetown:631 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgVagabond) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.rfgVagabond as refugeetown:632 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(shapeshifterBeta) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.shapeshifterBeta as refugeetown:633 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(refugee) TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.blacksmith as refugeetown:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.capitol as refugeetown:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.castle as refugeetown:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as refugeetown:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.cityHall as refugeetown:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl1 as refugeetown:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl2 as refugeetown:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl3 as refugeetown:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl4 as refugeetown:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl5 as refugeetown:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl6 as refugeetown:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl7 as refugeetown:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl1 as refugeetown:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl2 as refugeetown:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl3 as refugeetown:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl4 as refugeetown:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl5 as refugeetown:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl6 as refugeetown:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl7 as refugeetown:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.fort as refugeetown:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.grail as refugeetown:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde1 as refugeetown:18 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde1Upgr as refugeetown:19 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2 as refugeetown:24 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2Upgr as refugeetown:25 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild1 as refugeetown:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild2 as refugeetown:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild3 as refugeetown:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild4 as refugeetown:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild5 as refugeetown:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.marketplace as refugeetown:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.resourceSilo as refugeetown:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special1 as refugeetown:22 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special2 as refugeetown:23 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.special3 as refugeetown:17 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.tavern as refugeetown:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.townHall as refugeetown:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.refugeetown:refugee.villageHall as refugeetown:10 TRACE mod [894] - registered faction.refugee as refugeetown:36 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgEnchanter) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.rfgEnchanter as refugeetown:75 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgWanderer) TRACE mod [894] - registered heroClass.rfgWanderer as refugeetown:76 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAran) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgAran as refugeetown:579 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAreman) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgAreman as refugeetown:580 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAria) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgAria as refugeetown:581 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgAzar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgAzar as refugeetown:582 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgBhemnesh) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgBhemnesh as refugeetown:583 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgKeyvan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgKeyvan as refugeetown:584 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgKiana) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgKiana as refugeetown:585 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgLeyla) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgLeyla as refugeetown:586 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgMahyar) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgMahyar as refugeetown:587 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgMithra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgMithra as refugeetown:588 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgNiusha) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgNiusha as refugeetown:589 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgReza) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgReza as refugeetown:590 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgShayan) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgShayan as refugeetown:591 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSierra) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgSierra as refugeetown:592 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgSoraya) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgSoraya as refugeetown:593 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgYemapel) TRACE mod [894] - registered hero.rfgYemapel as refugeetown:594 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(gottesbriefe) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Å igû TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.gottesbriefe as refugeetown:130 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgDebug) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Debug TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.rfgDebug as refugeetown:131 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgEmet) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Emet TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.rfgEmet as refugeetown:132 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgGottesbriefeP) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Å igû TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.rfgGottesbriefeP as refugeetown:133 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgMet) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Met TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.rfgMet as refugeetown:134 TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(rfgNamburbi) TRACE mod [894] - loadFromJson: loading spell Namburbi TRACE mod [894] - registered spell.rfgNamburbi as refugeetown:135 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Refugee Town INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Creature bonus icons INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Default templates INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Extra resolutions INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Commanders INFO mod [894] - [SKIP] Stack Artifacts INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Stack Experience INFO mod [894] - [DONE] HoTA banks TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(alien) TRACE mod [894] - registered creature.alien as mod desing team.forge.neutralcreatures:634 INFO mod [894] - [DONE] Alien neutral creature TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod() TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\schemas\template.json TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM0k) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2b(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2f(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2h) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2h(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2i) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2i(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(3)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2x2sm4d(3)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SB0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SM3d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4MM2h) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0g) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM3i) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM4e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM4e(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5SB0a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6LM10) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6LM10a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7SB0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM0e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM6) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM6a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8SM0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8SM0f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM12) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM12a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM8) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM8a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_10) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_11) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_12) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_4) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_5) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_6) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_7) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_8) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Anarchy v1.01_9) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Around A Marsh) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Balance) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Balance (sc2tv tourney edition)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Balance_2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Balance_3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster (ban fly/DD, 2 player, 15-Jun-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster_2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Blockbuster_3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Clash of Dragons) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Coldshadow's Fantasy) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Cross) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Cross 2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Cube) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Diamond) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Dragons) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Dwarf Tunnels) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(EXTREME (ban fly/DD/orb inhibition/Castle-Necro-Conflux towns, 2 player, 3-Aug-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(EXTREME II (ban fly/DD/orb inhibition/Castle-Necro-Conflux towns, 2 player, 3-Aug-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Elka) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Fear) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(For 2x2 (Pit's design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(For 2x2 (Pit's design)_2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(For 2x2 (Pit's design)_3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Frozen Dragons(version Okt, 2003)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Gimlis Revenge) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Guerilla) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Headquarters) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(HyperCube) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Jebus Cross) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Kite) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Long Run) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Marathon (ban fly/DD, 2 player, 31-May-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 10) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 11) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 12) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 13) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 14) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 15) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 16) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 17) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 18) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 19) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 20) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 21) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 22) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 23) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 24) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 25) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 26) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 27) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 28) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 29) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 30) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 31) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 32) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 33) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 34) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 35) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 36) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 37) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 38) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 39) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 4) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 40) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 41) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 42) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 43) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 44) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 45) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 46) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 47) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 48) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 49) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 5) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 6) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 7) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 8) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Midnight Mix 9) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Mini-Nostalgia) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Nostalgia) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Oceans Eleven) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Panic (ban fly/DD, 2 player, 3-Aug-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Poor Jebus (made by Bjorn190, modified by Maretti and Angelito)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Reckless (2 player, 6-Jan-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Roadrunner (ban fly/DD, 2 player, 31-May-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Schaafworld) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Skirmish (ban fly/DD, 2 player, 3-Aug-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Skirmish (sc2tv tourney edition)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Speed_1 m - u) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Speed_2 (äëÿ òóðíèðà)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Spider 1.3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(SuperSlam (2 player, Large or XL no under) For powermonger players, meet by SLAMMING thru super zones. Your chances are not over until the fat lady sings! Should ban spec log along with normal random rules.) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Triad (ban fly/DD, 3 players, 9-Jan-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(True Random) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(True Random_2) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(True Random_3) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Vortex (ban fly/DD, 3-4 player, 31-May-03, midnight design)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Wheel) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Worlds at War) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod([HotA] Nostalgia) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Âûáåðèòå èìïîðòèðóåìûé øàáëîí) INFO mod [894] - [DONE] HD Mod RMGs TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM0k) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2b(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2f(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2h) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2h(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2i) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM2i(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(2SM4d(3)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SB0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(3SM3d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4MM2h) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM0g) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM4e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(4SM4e(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5SB0a) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(5SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6LM10) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6LM10(2)) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0d) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(6SM0e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7SB0b) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(7SB0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM0e) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8MM6) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8SM0c) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8SM0f) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM12) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM12 Huge) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM8) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(8XM8 Huge) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Dragons) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Dwarven Tunnels) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Gauntlet) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Golems Aplenty) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Meeting in Muzgob) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Monk's Retreat) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Newcomers) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Ready or Not) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Ring) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Rise of Phoenix) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Small Ring) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(South of Hell) TRACE mod [894] - no index in loadMod(Worlds at War) INFO mod [894] - [DONE] OH3 RMGs TRACE global [894] - loading .\Config\factions\random.json TRACE mod [894] - registered building.blacksmith as core:16 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.capitol as core:13 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.castle as core:9 TRACE mod [894] - registered as core:8 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.cityHall as core:12 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl1 as core:30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl2 as core:31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl3 as core:32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl4 as core:33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl5 as core:34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl6 as core:35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingLvl7 as core:36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl1 as core:37 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl2 as core:38 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl3 as core:39 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl4 as core:40 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl5 as core:41 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl6 as core:42 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.dwellingUpLvl7 as core:43 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.fort as core:7 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.grail as core:26 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde1 as core:-30 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde2 as core:-31 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde3 as core:-32 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde4 as core:-33 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde5 as core:-34 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde6 as core:-35 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.horde7 as core:-36 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mageGuild1 as core:0 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mageGuild2 as core:1 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mageGuild3 as core:2 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mageGuild4 as core:3 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.mageGuild5 as core:4 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.marketplace as core:14 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.resourceSilo as core:15 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.shipyard as core:6 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.tavern as core:5 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.townHall as core:11 TRACE mod [894] - registered building.villageHall as core:10 INFO mod [894] - Loading mod data: 1224 ms TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #64 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #125 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #125 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus f E TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus f S TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #200 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #74 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #74 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus u #48 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus u #49 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w P TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w p TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w P TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w p TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 2 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 2 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #74 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #74 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #49 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #49 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L #49 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w L TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus u #113 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #123 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 4 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 5 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus B = TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus l #35 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus l #136 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 1 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 2 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 3 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 4 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #139 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus G % TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus G = TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus u #136 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L 140 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 3 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #48 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus B + TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #104 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #106 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #102 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #108 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus L 140 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus w 3 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #48 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus B + TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #104 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #106 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #102 TRACE global [894] - Not parsed bonus U #108 DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::admiralsHat(136) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ambassadorsSash(68) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ammoCart(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::amuletOfTheUndertaker(54) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelFeatherArrows(62) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelWings(72) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::angelicAlliance(129) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armageddonsBlade(128) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfTheDamned(132) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armorOfWonder(31) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::armsOfLegion(121) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::badgeOfCourage(49) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ballista(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::birdOfPerception(63) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::blackshardOfTheDeadKnight(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfLevitation(90) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfPolarity(59) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bootsOfSpeed(98) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfElvenCherrywood(60) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowOfTheSharpshooter(137) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane(61) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfBrimstone(29) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::breastplateOfPetrifiedWood(25) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::bucklerOfTheGnollKing(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfConjuring(78) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::capeOfVelocity(99) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cardsOfProphecy(47) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::catapult(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::celestialNecklaceOfBliss(33) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::centaurAxe(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::charmOfMana(73) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloakOfTheUndeadKing(130) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cloverOfFortune(46) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::collarOfConjuring(76) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::cornucopia(140) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crestOfValor(50) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfDragontooth(44) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::crownOfTheSupremeMagi(22) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::deadMansBoots(56) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::diplomatsRing(67) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleArmor(40) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonScaleShield(39) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonWingTabard(42) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::dragonboneGreaves(41) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::elixirOfLife(131) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::emblemOfCognizance(65) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessBagOfGold(116) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessPurseOfGold(117) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::endlessSackOfGold(115) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::equestriansGloves(70) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everflowingCrystalCloak(109) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::everpouringVialOfMercury(111) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::eversmokingRingOfSulfur(113) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::firstAidTent(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::garnitureOfInterference(57) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::glyphOfGallantry(51) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldTowerArrow(142) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::goldenBow(91) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::grail(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::greaterGnollsFlail(9) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::headOfLegion(122) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hellstormHelmet(23) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfChaos(21) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment(36) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hourglassOfTheEvilHour(85) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfLumber(114) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::inexhaustibleCartOfOre(112) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ladybirdOfLuck(48) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::legsOfLegion(118) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::lionsShieldOfCourage(34) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::loinsOfLegion(119) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::magicWand(141) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::monstersPower(143) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::mysticOrbOfMana(75) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfDragonteeth(43) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfOceanGuidance(71) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::necklaceOfSwiftness(97) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ogresClubOfHavoc(10) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfDrivingRain(82) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfInhibition(126) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfSilt(80) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTempestuousFire(81) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfTheFirmament(79) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::orbOfVulnerability(93) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfCourage(108) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDeath(104) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfDispassion(100) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfFreeWill(105) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfHoliness(102) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfLife(103) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfNegativity(106) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfSecondSight(101) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::pendantOfTotalRecall(107) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::powerOfTheDragonFather(134) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::quietEyeOfTheDragon(37) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::recantersCloak(83) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::redDragonFlameTongue(38) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ribCage(26) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfConjuring(77) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfInfiniteGems(110) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfLife(95) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheMagi(139) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfTheWayfarer(69) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::ringOfVitality(94) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sandalsOfTheSaint(32) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk(27) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::seaCaptainsHat(123) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sentinelsShield(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shacklesOfWar(125) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDamned(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheDwarvenLords(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::shieldOfTheYawningDead(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::skullHelmet(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::speculum(52) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellBook(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellScroll(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spellbindersHat(124) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::sphereOfPermanence(92) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spiritOfOppression(84) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::spyglass(53) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statesmansMedal(66) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::statueOfLegion(133) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stillEyeOfTheDragon(45) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::stoicWatchman(64) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::surcoatOfCounterpoise(58) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfHellfire(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::swordOfJudgement(35) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::talismanOfMana(74) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::targOfTheRampagingOgre(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::thunderHelmet(24) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansCuirass(30) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansGladius(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::titansThunder(135) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfAirMagic(87) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfEarthMagic(89) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfFireMagic(86) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tomeOfWaterMagic(88) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::torsoOfLegion(120) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::tunicOfTheCyclopsKing(28) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vampiresCowl(55) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfDragonBlood(127) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::vialOfLifeblood(96) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wizardsWell(138) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::airElemental(112) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ammoCart(148) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ancientBehemoth(97) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::angel(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::archDevil(55) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::archMage(35) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::archangel(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::archer(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::arrowTower(149) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::azureDragon(132) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ballista(146) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::basilisk(106) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::battleDwarf(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::behemoth(96) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::beholder(74) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackDragon(83) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::blackKnight(66) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::boar(140) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::boneDragon(68) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::catapult(145) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cavalier(10) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaur(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::centaurCaptain(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cerberus(47) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::champion(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::chaosHydra(111) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::crusader(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::crystalDragon(133) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclop(94) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cyclopKing(95) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::demon(48) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidGuard(22) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::dendroidSoldier(23) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::devil(54) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::diamondGolem(117) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::dreadKnight(67) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::dwarf(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earthElemental(113) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreet(52) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::efreetSultan(53) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::enchanter(136) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::energyElemental(129) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::evilEye(75) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairieDragon(134) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::familiar(43) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireDragonFly(105) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fireElemental(114) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::firebird(130) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::firstAidTent(147) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::genie(36) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ghostDragon(69) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::giant(40) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnoll(98) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::gnollMarauder(99) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblin(84) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::goblinWolfRider(86) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::gog(44) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldDragon(27) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::goldGolem(116) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::gorgon(102) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grandElf(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greaterBasilisk(107) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenDragon(26) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::gremlin(28) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::griffin(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::halberdier(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::halfling(138) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpy(72) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::harpyHag(73) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hellHound(46) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblin(85) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hobgoblinWolfRider(87) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hornedDemon(49) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hydra(110) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::iceElemental(123) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::imp(42) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::infernalTroglodyte(71) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ironGolem(32) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::lich(64) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardWarrior(101) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::lizardman(100) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mage(34) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::magicElemental(121) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::magmaElemental(125) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::magog(45) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::manticore(80) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::marksman(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGenie(37) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::masterGremlin(29) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusa(76) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::medusaQueen(77) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mightyGorgon(103) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaur(78) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::minotaurKing(79) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::monk(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mummy(141) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::naga(38) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::nagaQueen(39) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::nomad(142) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::obsidianGargoyle(31) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogre(90) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ogreMage(91) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::orc(88) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::orcChieftain(89) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::peasant(139) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::pegasus(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::phoenix(131) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::pikeman(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitFiend(50) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::pitLord(51) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::pixie(118) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::powerLich(65) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::psychicElemental(120) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::redDragon(82) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::roc(92) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::rogue(143) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::royalGriffin(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::rustDragon(135) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::scorpicore(81) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::serpentFly(104) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::sharpshooter(137) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::silverPegasus(21) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeleton(56) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::skeletonWarrior(57) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::sprite(119) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGargoyle(30) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::stoneGolem(33) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::stormElemental(127) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::swordsman(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::thunderbird(93) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::titan(41) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::troglodyte(70) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::troll(144) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::unicorn(24) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused122(122) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused124(124) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused126(126) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::unused128(128) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampire(62) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::vampireLord(63) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::walkingDead(58) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warUnicorn(25) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::waterElemental(115) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wight(60) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::woodElf(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wraith(61) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvern(108) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wyvernMonarch(109) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::zealot(9) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::zombieLord(59) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::castle(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::conflux(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::dungeon(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::fortress(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::inferno(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::necropolis(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::rampart(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::stronghold(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::tower(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::alchemist(4) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::barbarian(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::battlemage(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::beastmaster(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::cleric(1) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::deathknight(8) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::demoniac(6) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::druid(3) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::elementalist(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::heretic(7) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::knight(0) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::necromancer(9) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::overlord(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::planeswalker(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::ranger(2) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::warlock(10) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::witch(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::wizard(5) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeBattleDwarfOfAbode(197) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeCommander(198) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeDruid(199) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeDwarfOfAbode(200) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeElfOfAbode(201) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeElfOfBotany(202) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeElfOfOld(203) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeFireBirdOfAbode(204) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeGreatDruid(205) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodePhoenixOfAbode(206) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodePixieOfAbode(207) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeSacredPhoenix(208) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeSpriteOfAbode(209) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeUnicornOfAbode(210) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::abode-mod:abodeWarUnicornOfAbode(211) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::abode-mod:abode(10) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::abode-mod:abodebard(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::abode-mod:abodeguardian(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amBronzeMonk(212) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amDraconic(213) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amDragonTurtle(214) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amEmeraldDragon(215) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amGirlSnake(216) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amGoldenLo'han(217) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amGoldenSamurai(218) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amHuluFlover(219) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amHuluLeave(220) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amMaikom(221) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amSamurai(222) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amScarletDragon(223) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amSilverDragon(224) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amStoneDragonTurtle(225) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amSwordMaster(226) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:amSwordServant(227) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::amethyst:atPengHou(228) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::amethyst:amethyst(11) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::amethyst:master(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::amethyst:protector(21) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:acommander(229) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:asnightmare(230) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:darkguard(231) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:darksquire(232) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:phantomhunter(233) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:plwalker(234) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:sadphanton(235) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:shadowdancer(236) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:shadowhunter(237) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:shadowmare(238) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:sorrowphanton(239) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:soulcrus(240) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:spiritcrus(241) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:voidwalker(242) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::asylum:winddancer(243) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::asylum:asylum(12) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::asylum:mentalist(22) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::asylum:pathfinder(23) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bberserker(244) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bblizzardbird(245) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bbrute(246) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bcommander(247) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bdefender(248) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bflameglad(249) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bgladiator(250) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bharpooner(251) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bjaveliner(252) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bmammoth(253) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bmammothlord(254) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bmountainguard(255) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bseinherjar(256) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bsfafnir(257) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:bsnowbird(258) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::bastille:demonicfafnir(259) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::bastille:bastille(13) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::bastille:bpyromancer(24) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::bastille:bwarlord(25) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthAttackDog(260) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthBloodyCouatl(261) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthCantor(262) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthChasteners(263) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthCouatl(264) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthEvilHunter(265) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthExecutioner(266) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthHound(267) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthPaladin(268) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthPunisher(269) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthSexton(270) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthSlayer(271) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthTemplar(272) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:cthWitchHunter(273) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cathedral:saRedFanatic(274) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::cathedral:cathedral(14) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::cathedral:cthbishop(26) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::cathedral:redtemplar(27) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cAlphawerewolf(275) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cBalauri(276) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cDirewolf(277) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cFiercezgriptor(278) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cHaiduci(279) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cIele(280) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cMoroi(281) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cStrigoi(282) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cVampire(283) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cVampirelord(284) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cVoinici(285) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cWerewolf(286) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cWolf(287) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cZgriptor(288) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::cetatea:cZmeu(289) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::cetatea:cetatea(15) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::cetatea:ovate(28) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::cetatea:voivode(29) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:blackdonkey(290) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:christmasfairy(291) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:christmasgremlin(292) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:christmaslight(293) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:christmasstar(294) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:christmastreant(295) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:donkey(296) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:fairy(297) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:mastersanta(298) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:reindeer(299) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:santaacolyte(300) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:santaclaus(301) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:santareindeer(302) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:truesantagremlin(303) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::christmas:whitedonkey(304) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::christmas:christmas(16) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::christmas:christmasspirit(30) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::christmas:deer(31) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::christmas:snowman(32) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::christmas:wiseman(33) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::christmas:yulecat(34) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctCockroach(305) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctConscript(306) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctElectro(307) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctHeavytank(308) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctHedgehopper(309) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctHulkbuster(310) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctIronclad(311) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctJumpFighter(312) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctJumpWarrior(313) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctMechanicalBull(314) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctParatrooper(315) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctSoldier(316) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctStoneBull(317) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctTank(318) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctTechnoid(319) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::ciberium:ctToxicCockroach(320) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::ciberium:ciberium(17) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::ciberium:general(35) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::ciberium:technik(36) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::courtyard:cameraObscuraArtifact(171) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::courtyard:potionCartArtifact(172) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:apparition(321) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:arquebusier(322) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:battleDodo(323) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:cameraObscuraCreature(324) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:cupid(325) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:dodo(326) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:fireNewt(327) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:gildedHomunculus(328) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:graniteCupid(329) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:greaterDodo(330) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:homunculus(331) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:jabberwock(332) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:mandrake(333) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:monstrousJabberwock(334) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:musketeer(335) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:potionCartCreature(336) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:regalMandrake(337) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:salamander(338) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:strangleVine(339) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::courtyard:tangleVine(340) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::courtyard:courtyard(18) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::courtyard:aristocrat(37) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::courtyard:philosopher(38) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::dark elemental:darkElemental(341) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:banshee(342) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:boneHook(343) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:bonegolem(344) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:cghost(345) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:commander(346) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:commander2(347) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:ebanshee(348) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:flayer(349) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:gghost(350) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:ghostgolem(351) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:leaper(352) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:mums(353) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:mums2(354) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:reaper1(355) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:reaper2(356) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:skel1(357) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:skel2(358) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::deathvalley:skelh(359) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::deathvalley:deathvalley(19) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::deathvalley:dvDeathlord(39) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::deathvalley:dvNecropriest(40) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:blackroottreant(360) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:bramblewoodtreant(361) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:centaurbarbarian(362) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:centaursoldier(363) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:ddwa(364) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:ddwavet(365) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:direwarbear(366) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:firehawk(367) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:hawk(368) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:leprechaun(369) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:leprechaunelder(370) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:pathfinder(371) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:rockelm(372) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:stoneelm(373) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::earth:warbear(374) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::earth:earth(20) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::earth:runner(41) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::earth:shaper(42) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::fairy:stoneAegis(173) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftCommander(375) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftDrag1(376) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftDrag2(377) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftFairy1(378) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftFairy2(379) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftFench1(380) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftFench2(381) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftHatchling1(382) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftHatchling2(383) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftNoble1(384) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftNoble2(385) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftNoble3(386) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftPriestess(387) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftStoneAegis(388) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftWisp1(389) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftWisp2(390) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftWitch(391) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftWyvern1(392) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::fairy:ftWyvern2(393) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::fairy:fairy(21) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::fairy:hunter(43) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::fairy:warden(44) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::farriery:mortira(174) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faAcidDragon(394) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faArkhon(395) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faBattleDroid(396) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faCyberDead(397) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faCyberHunter(398) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faCyberZombie(399) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faDroid(400) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faFootSoldier(401) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faGruntSoldier(402) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faHydraulicDragon(403) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faMechFighter(404) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faMechWarrior(405) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faMechanicalDragon(406) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faMortira(407) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faPyro(408) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faPyromaniac(409) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faSkyFighter(410) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faSkyHunter(411) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::farriery:faWarDroid(412) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::farriery:farriery(22) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::farriery:engineer(45) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::farriery:technik(46) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftAcidTrooper(413) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftCannonGolem(414) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftDalek(415) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftFlametrooper(416) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftGroundDalek(417) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftGuardsman(418) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftHydraulicGolem(419) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftIshmael(420) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftLordIshmael(421) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftMechanicalGolem(422) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftSiegeGolem(423) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftTechnoid(424) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftVeteranGuardsman(425) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftZord(426) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::foundry:ftZordWarrior(427) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::foundry:foundry(23) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::foundry:fouMarshal(47) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::foundry:fouMechanic(48) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:1a(428) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:1b(429) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:2a(430) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:2b(431) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:3a(432) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:3b(433) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:4a(434) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:4b(435) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:5a(436) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:5b(437) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:6a(438) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:6b(439) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:7a(440) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::greenhouse:7b(441) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::greenhouse:glasshouse(24) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::greenhouse:farmer(49) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::greenhouse:gardener(50) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::grove:nightFalcon(175) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:amethystdragon(442) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:basiliskchampion(443) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:basiliskrider(444) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:elderdruid(445) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:faun(446) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:groveguard(447) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:grovekeeper(448) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:moonhunter(449) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:moonslayer(450) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:nightFalcon(451) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:nightdruid(452) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:nightstalker(453) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:quartzdragon(454) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:saphiredragon(455) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:satyr(456) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:spiderprincess(457) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:spiderqueen(458) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::grove:treebeard(459) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::grove:grove(25) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::grove:hunter(51) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::grove:warden(52) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:adamantineArmor(176) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:amuletOfFear(177) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:angelsBlade(178) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:armorOfAir(179) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:armorOfChaos(180) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:armorOfOrder(181) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:arrowofslaying(182) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:arrowofstunning(183) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:barbarianThrowingClub(184) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:breastplateOfRegeneration(185) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:bullRuneAxe(186) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:capeOfProtection(187) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:cloakOfWarding(188) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:cowlOfResistance(189) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:crossbow(190) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:crystalOfMemory(191) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:deadwoodStaff(192) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:dwarvenHammer(193) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:elvenChainmail(194) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:emeraldLongbow(195) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:flamingArrow(196) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:flamingSword(197) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:griffinHelmet(198) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:gryphonheartsPlateMail(199) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:halberdOfTheSwiftwatch(200) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:helmOfDispel(201) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:hornedBow(202) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:longsword(203) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:mantleOfSpellTurning(204) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:neenersInvulnerableCloak(205) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:nomadBlackbow(206) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:organicArmor(207) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:plateMail(208) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:ringOfCobrasEye(209) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:ringOfNegation(210) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:ringOfStrength(211) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:scaleMailOfStrength(212) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:snipersCrossbow(213) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:soulStealer(214) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:spearOfTheCentaur(215) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:spidersSilkArrow(216) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:swordOfSwiftness(217) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:thunderHammer(218) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:valdersCrossbowOfSloth(219) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:warSling(220) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - commander:wingedBoots(221) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:adamantineShield(222) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:apprenticesHandbook(223) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:archmagesCodex(224) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:axeOfLegends(225) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:bestiary(226) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:bowOfTheElfKing(227) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:breezeFalcon(228) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:capOfKnowledge(229) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:circletOfWisdom(230) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:crusadersMace(231) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:crystalOrb(232) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:davidsSling(233) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:fizbinOfMisfortune(234) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:greaterRingOfNegation(235) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:guildmastersCompedium(236) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:helmOfCommand(237) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:helmOfPower(238) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:journeymansNotebook(239) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:leprechaunsRing(240) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:logbookOfTheMasterSailor(241) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:magesRobe(242) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:magicAmplifier(243) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:marantheasMug(244) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:mastersSpellbook(245) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:mayhemStaff(246) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:mullichsHelm(247) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:necklaceOfNobility(248) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:organicShield(249) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:ringOfProtection(250) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:ringOfTheElementals(251) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:ringOfTheWitch(252) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:saintRanansStaff(253) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:sevenLeagueBoots(254) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:sextant(255) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:shieldOfAir(256) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:shieldOfChaos(257) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:shieldOfOrder(258) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:staffOfImminentDeath(259) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:staffOfPower(260) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:staffOfWizardry(261) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:steadfastShield(262) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:surefootedBoots(263) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:swordOfTheGods(264) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:tomeOfChaos(265) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:tomeOfDeath(266) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:tomeOfLife(267) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:tomeOfNature(268) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:tomeOfOrder(269) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:wingedSandals(270) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::h4 arts - hero:wizardsRing(271) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:crab1(460) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:crab2(461) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:crab3(462) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:havYachtswoman(463) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:leviathan1(464) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:leviathan2(465) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:octo1(466) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:octo2(467) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:seabishop1(468) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:seabishop2(469) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:siren1(470) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:siren2(471) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:triton1(472) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:triton2(473) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:undine1(474) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::haven:undine2(475) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::haven:haven(26) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::haven:admiral(53) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::haven:admiralf(54) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::haven:manowar(55) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::haven:manowarf(56) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:drake1(476) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:drake2(477) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:foreman(478) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:gronn1(479) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:gronn2(480) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:hrdKobold(481) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:lock1(482) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:lock2(483) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:ogre1(484) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:ogre2(485) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:ogre3(486) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:peon(487) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:troll1(488) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:troll2(489) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:worg1(490) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:worg2(491) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::horde:worg3(492) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::horde:horde(27) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::horde:hClairvoyant(57) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::horde:hWarchief(58) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolBattleDwarfOfnecropol(493) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolDruid(494) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolDwarfOfnecropol(495) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolElfOfBotany(496) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolElfOfnecropol(497) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolFireBirdOfnecropol(498) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolGreatDruid(499) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolPhoenixOfnecropol(500) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol(501) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolSacredPhoenix(502) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolSpriteOfnecropol(503) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolUnicornOfnecropol(504) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::necro-mod h2:necropolWarUnicornOfnecropol(505) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::necro-mod h2:necropol(28) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::necro-mod h2:necropolbard(59) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::necro-mod h2:necropolguardian(60) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssAbyssalCrab(506) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssAbyssalGiantOctopus(507) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssAbyssalJellyfish(508) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssDeepwaterJellyfish(509) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssGiantOctopus(510) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssHyppoCommander(511) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssHyppocamph(512) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssOceanWorm(513) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssSandCrab(514) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssSeaWorm(515) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssSeahorse(516) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssYuanTiLeader(517) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:abyssYuanTiWarrior(518) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:darkOne(519) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:deepOne(520) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:goldenHyppocamph(521) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:tbirdbloody(522) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:tbirdelectric(523) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:tbirdglowing(524) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new abyss:tbirdvulgaris(525) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::new abyss:abyss(29) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::new abyss:abyssalShaman(61) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::new abyss:ichthyander(62) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:fireRing(272) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:goldenScarab(273) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:maskOfTheDesertKing(274) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:scrollOfWisdom(275) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:staffOfSand(276) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::new pavilion:sunShield(277) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:ammut(526) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:anubis(527) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:anubisWarrior(528) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:camelRider(529) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:desertWarrior(530) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:elderSphinx(531) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:overseer(532) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:preacher(533) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:scarab(534) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:sekhmet(535) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:sekhmetPriestess(536) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:sphinx(537) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:sunAmmut(538) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:venomousWadjet(539) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:wadjet(540) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::new pavilion:whipper(541) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::new pavilion:pavilion(30) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::new pavilion:embalmer(63) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::new pavilion:vizier(64) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:ancienttreant(542) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:caveleaper(543) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:extra1benu(544) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:extra2raven(545) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:fairybear(546) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:fcommander(547) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:foxdruid(548) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:grimhippo(549) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:halflings(550) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:highdruid(551) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:hippogryph(552) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:hobbit(553) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:magiceye(554) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:misfortuneeye(555) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:mysticalbear(556) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:treant(557) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::preserve:treelurker(558) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::preserve:preserve(31) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::preserve:bard(65) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::preserve:guardian(66) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2blackd(559) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2centaur(560) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2gargoyle(561) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2gred(562) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2griffin(563) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2hydra(564) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2medusa(565) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2mino(566) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2minok(567) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::warlock:h2redd(568) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::warlock:warlock(32) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::warlock:h2warlock(67) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::warlock:h2warlockfem(68) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:amuletOfDragonEye(278) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:bookOfDead(279) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:crownOfSkies(280) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:dwarvenHelmet(281) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:dwarvenMine(282) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:healersRing(283) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:philosphersStone(284) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:ritualDagger(285) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:sacredWarHammer(286) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:shieldOfArrowTurning(287) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:soulPrison(288) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:stormStone(289) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:wizardsWand(290) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::witchking-arts:zlotaGes(291) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art144(144) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art145(145) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art161(161) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art162(162) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art163(163) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art164(164) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art165(165) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art166(166) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art167(167) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art168(168) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art169(169) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:art170(170) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:axeOfSmashing(146) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:barbarianLordsAxeOfFerocity(158) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:bootsOfHaste(151) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:bowOfSeeking(152) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:crimsonShieldOfRetribution(157) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:dragonEyeRing(153) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:dragonheart(159) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:gateKey(160) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:hardenedShield(154) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:helmOfImmortality(149) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:mithrilMail(147) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:pendantOfSorcery(150) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:slavasRingOfPower(155) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:swordOfSharpness(148) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::wog:warlordsBanner(156) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:ancientBasilisk(167) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:arcticSharpshooter(170) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:astralSpirit1(182) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:astralSpirit2(191) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:bloodDragon(154) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:brute1(179) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:brute2(188) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:darknessDragon(155) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:diamondDragon(151) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:dracolich(196) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:electricityElemental(166) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:ghost(159) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:ghostBehemoth(156) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:godLore(163) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:godMana(162) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:godPeace(161) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:godWar(160) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:gorynych(168) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:hellBaron(153) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:hellHydra(157) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:hellSteed(195) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:hierophant1(175) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:hierophant2(184) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:lavaSharpshooter(171) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:lordofThunder(152) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:mineralElemental(165) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:minotaurKing2(164) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:nightmare(172) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:ogreLeader1(180) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:ogreLeader2(189) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:paladin1(174) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:paladin2(183) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:sacredPhoenix(158) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:santaGremlin(173) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:shaman1(181) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:shaman2(190) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:sorceress(193) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:soulEater1(178) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:soulEater2(187) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:succubus1(177) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:succubus2(186) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:supremeArchangel(150) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:sylvanCentaur(192) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:templeGuardian1(176) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:templeGuardian2(185) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:warZealot(169) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::wog:werewolf(194) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::forgotten tales.bastion:fireRing(292) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::forgotten tales.bastion:goldenScarab(293) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::forgotten tales.bastion:scrollOfWisdom(294) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::forgotten tales.bastion:staffOfSand(295) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::forgotten tales.bastion:sunSield(296) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:ammut(569) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:anubis(570) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:anubisWarrior(571) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:camelRider(572) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:desertWarrior(573) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:elderSphinx(574) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:overseer(575) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:preacher(576) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:scarab(577) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:sekhmet(578) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:sekhmetPriestess(579) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:sphinx(580) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:sunAmmut(581) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:venomousWadjet(582) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:wadjet(583) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::forgotten tales.bastion:whipper(584) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::forgotten tales.bastion:bastion(33) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::forgotten tales.bastion:pharaoh(69) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::forgotten tales.bastion:vizier(70) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:capeOfSilence(297) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:crownOfTheFiveSeas(298) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:demonsHorseshoe(299) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:diplomatsCloak(300) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:goldenGoose(301) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:hideousMask(302) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:pendantOfDownfall(303) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:pendantOfReflection(304) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:ringOfOblivion(305) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:ringOfSuppression(306) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:royalArmorOfNix(307) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:runesOfImminency(308) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:shamansPuppet(309) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:shieldOfNavalGlory(310) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:tridentOfDominion(311) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object artifact(5)::hota.artifacts:wayfarerBoots(312) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:ayssid(585) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:blackbeard(586) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:corsair(587) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:crewmate(588) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:fangarm(589) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:haspid(590) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:nix(591) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:nixWarrior(592) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:nymph(593) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:oceanid(594) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:pirate(595) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:satyr(596) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:seaWitch(597) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:seadog(598) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:seaman(599) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:seaserpent(600) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:sorceress(601) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::hota.cove:stormbird(602) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::hota.cove:cove(34) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::hota.cove:captain(71) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::hota.cove:navigator(72) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:arsonist(603) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:brainSucker(604) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:bruiser(605) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:dreadnought(606) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:juggernaut(607) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:jumpSoldier(608) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:jumpTrooper(609) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:mercenary(610) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:militian(611) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:pyro(612) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:pyromaniac(613) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:recruit(614) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:soulSucker(615) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:stinger(616) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge:thug(617) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::mod desing team.forge:forge(35) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::mod desing team.forge:cyborg(73) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::mod desing team.forge:technic(74) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgAhriman(618) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgAngraMainyu(619) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgCommander(620) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgDiamondGolem(621) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgEnchanter(622) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgGoldGolem(623) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgHorseBlack(624) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgHorseFire(625) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgNomad(626) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgRogue(627) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgSharp(628) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgSharpV(629) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgSorceress(630) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgSpy(631) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:rfgVagabond(632) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::refugeetown:shapeshifterBeta(633) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object town(98)::refugeetown:refugee(36) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::refugeetown:rfgEnchanter(75) DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object hero(34)::refugeetown:rfgWanderer(76) ERROR mod [894] - Unknown identifier! ERROR mod [894] - Request for spell.rfgMeth from mod refugeetown DEBUG global [894] - Loaded object monster(54)::mod desing team.forge.neutralcreatures:alien(634) TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.adamantineArmor -> 176 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.adamantineShield -> 222 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.admiralsHat -> 136 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ambassadorsSash -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ammoCart -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.amuletOfDragonEye -> 278 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.amuletOfFear -> 177 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.angelFeatherArrows -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.angelWings -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.angelicAlliance -> 129 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.angelsBlade -> 178 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.apprenticesHandbook -> 223 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.archmagesCodex -> 224 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.armageddonsBlade -> 128 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.armorOfAir -> 179 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.armorOfChaos -> 180 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.armorOfOrder -> 181 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.armorOfTheDamned -> 132 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.armorOfWonder -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.armsOfLegion -> 121 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.arrowofslaying -> 182 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.arrowofstunning -> 183 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art144 -> 144 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art145 -> 145 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art161 -> 161 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art162 -> 162 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art163 -> 163 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art164 -> 164 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art165 -> 165 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art166 -> 166 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art167 -> 167 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art168 -> 168 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art169 -> 169 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.art170 -> 170 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.axeOfLegends -> 225 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.axeOfSmashing -> 146 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.badgeOfCourage -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ballista -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.barbarianLordsAxeOfFerocity -> 158 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.barbarianThrowingClub -> 184 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.bestiary -> 226 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.birdOfPerception -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.bookOfDead -> 279 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.bootsOfHaste -> 151 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bootsOfLevitation -> 90 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bootsOfPolarity -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bootsOfSpeed -> 98 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.bowOfSeeking -> 152 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.bowOfTheElfKing -> 227 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter -> 137 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.breastplateOfRegeneration -> 185 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.breezeFalcon -> 228 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.bullRuneAxe -> 186 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : artifact.cameraObscuraArtifact -> 171 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.capOfKnowledge -> 229 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.capeOfConjuring -> 78 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.capeOfProtection -> 187 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.capeOfSilence -> 297 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.capeOfVelocity -> 99 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.cardsOfProphecy -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.catapult -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.centaurAxe -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.charmOfMana -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.circletOfWisdom -> 230 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing -> 130 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.cloakOfWarding -> 188 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.cloverOfFortune -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.collarOfConjuring -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.cornucopia -> 140 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.cowlOfResistance -> 189 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.crestOfValor -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.crimsonShieldOfRetribution -> 157 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.crossbow -> 190 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.crownOfDragontooth -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.crownOfSkies -> 280 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.crownOfTheFiveSeas -> 298 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.crusadersMace -> 231 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.crystalOfMemory -> 191 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.crystalOrb -> 232 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.davidsSling -> 233 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.deadMansBoots -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.deadwoodStaff -> 192 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.demonsHorseshoe -> 299 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.diplomatsCloak -> 300 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.diplomatsRing -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.dragonEyeRing -> 153 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.dragonScaleArmor -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.dragonScaleShield -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.dragonWingTabard -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.dragonboneGreaves -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.dragonheart -> 159 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.dwarvenHammer -> 193 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.dwarvenHelmet -> 281 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.dwarvenMine -> 282 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.elixirOfLife -> 131 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.elvenChainmail -> 194 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.emblemOfCognizance -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.emeraldLongbow -> 195 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.endlessBagOfGold -> 116 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.endlessPurseOfGold -> 117 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.endlessSackOfGold -> 115 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.equestriansGloves -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak -> 109 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury -> 111 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur -> 113 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.fireRing -> 272 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : artifact.fireRing -> 292 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.firstAidTent -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.fizbinOfMisfortune -> 234 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.flamingArrow -> 196 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.flamingSword -> 197 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.garnitureOfInterference -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.gateKey -> 160 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.glyphOfGallantry -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.goldTowerArrow -> 142 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.goldenBow -> 91 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.goldenGoose -> 301 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.goldenScarab -> 273 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : artifact.goldenScarab -> 293 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.grail -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.greaterGnollsFlail -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.greaterRingOfNegation -> 235 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.griffinHelmet -> 198 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.gryphonheartsPlateMail -> 199 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.guildmastersCompedium -> 236 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.halberdOfTheSwiftwatch -> 200 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.hardenedShield -> 154 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.headOfLegion -> 122 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.healersRing -> 283 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.hellstormHelmet -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.helmOfChaos -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.helmOfCommand -> 237 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.helmOfDispel -> 201 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.helmOfImmortality -> 149 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.helmOfPower -> 238 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.hideousMask -> 302 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.hornedBow -> 202 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour -> 85 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber -> 114 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.journeymansNotebook -> 239 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ladybirdOfLuck -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.legsOfLegion -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.leprechaunsRing -> 240 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.logbookOfTheMasterSailor -> 241 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.loinsOfLegion -> 119 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.longsword -> 203 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.magesRobe -> 242 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.magicAmplifier -> 243 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.magicWand -> 141 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.mantleOfSpellTurning -> 204 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.marantheasMug -> 244 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.maskOfTheDesertKing -> 274 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.mastersSpellbook -> 245 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.mayhemStaff -> 246 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.mithrilMail -> 147 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.monstersPower -> 143 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : artifact.mortira -> 174 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.mullichsHelm -> 247 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.mysticOrbOfMana -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.necklaceOfNobility -> 248 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness -> 97 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.neenersInvulnerableCloak -> 205 TRACE mod [894] - grove : artifact.nightFalcon -> 175 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.nomadBlackbow -> 206 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfDrivingRain -> 82 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfInhibition -> 126 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfSilt -> 80 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire -> 81 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfTheFirmament -> 79 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.orbOfVulnerability -> 93 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.organicArmor -> 207 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.organicShield -> 249 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfCourage -> 108 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfDeath -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfDispassion -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.pendantOfDownfall -> 303 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfFreeWill -> 105 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfHoliness -> 102 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfLife -> 103 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfNegativity -> 106 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.pendantOfReflection -> 304 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfSecondSight -> 101 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.pendantOfSorcery -> 150 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall -> 107 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.philosphersStone -> 284 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.plateMail -> 208 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : artifact.potionCartArtifact -> 172 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather -> 134 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.recantersCloak -> 83 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.redDragonFlameTongue -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ribCage -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.ringOfCobrasEye -> 209 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfConjuring -> 77 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems -> 110 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfLife -> 95 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.ringOfNegation -> 210 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.ringOfOblivion -> 305 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.ringOfProtection -> 250 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.ringOfStrength -> 211 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.ringOfSuppression -> 306 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.ringOfTheElementals -> 251 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfTheMagi -> 139 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.ringOfTheWitch -> 252 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.ringOfVitality -> 94 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.ritualDagger -> 285 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.royalArmorOfNix -> 307 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.runesOfImminency -> 308 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.sacredWarHammer -> 286 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.saintRanansStaff -> 253 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.scaleMailOfStrength -> 212 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.scrollOfWisdom -> 275 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : artifact.scrollOfWisdom -> 294 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.seaCaptainsHat -> 123 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.sentinelsShield -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.sevenLeagueBoots -> 254 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.sextant -> 255 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.shacklesOfWar -> 125 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.shamansPuppet -> 309 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.shieldOfAir -> 256 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.shieldOfArrowTurning -> 287 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.shieldOfChaos -> 257 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.shieldOfNavalGlory -> 310 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.shieldOfOrder -> 258 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDamned -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.skullHelmet -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.slavasRingOfPower -> 155 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.snipersCrossbow -> 213 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.soulPrison -> 288 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.soulStealer -> 214 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.spearOfTheCentaur -> 215 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.speculum -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.spellBook -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.spellScroll -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.spellbindersHat -> 124 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.sphereOfPermanence -> 92 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.spidersSilkArrow -> 216 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.spiritOfOppression -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.spyglass -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.staffOfImminentDeath -> 259 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.staffOfPower -> 260 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.staffOfSand -> 276 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : artifact.staffOfSand -> 295 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.staffOfWizardry -> 261 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.statesmansMedal -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.statueOfLegion -> 133 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.steadfastShield -> 262 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.stoicWatchman -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : artifact.stoneAegis -> 173 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.stormStone -> 289 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : artifact.sunShield -> 277 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : artifact.sunSield -> 296 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.surefootedBoots -> 263 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.swordOfHellfire -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.swordOfJudgement -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.swordOfSharpness -> 148 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.swordOfSwiftness -> 217 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.swordOfTheGods -> 264 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.talismanOfMana -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.thunderHammer -> 218 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.thunderHelmet -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.titansCuirass -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.titansGladius -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.titansThunder -> 135 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.tomeOfAirMagic -> 87 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.tomeOfChaos -> 265 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.tomeOfDeath -> 266 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic -> 89 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.tomeOfFireMagic -> 86 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.tomeOfLife -> 267 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.tomeOfNature -> 268 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.tomeOfOrder -> 269 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic -> 88 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.torsoOfLegion -> 120 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.tridentOfDominion -> 311 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.valdersCrossbowOfSloth -> 219 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.vampiresCowl -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.vialOfDragonBlood -> 127 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.vialOfLifeblood -> 96 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.warSling -> 220 TRACE mod [894] - wog : artifact.warlordsBanner -> 156 TRACE mod [894] - hota.artifacts : artifact.wayfarerBoots -> 312 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - commander : artifact.wingedBoots -> 221 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.wingedSandals -> 270 TRACE mod [894] - h4 arts - hero : artifact.wizardsRing -> 271 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.wizardsWand -> 290 TRACE mod [894] - core : artifact.wizardsWell -> 138 TRACE mod [894] - witchking-arts : artifact.zlotaGes -> 291 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building0 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building1 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building10 -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building11 -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building12 -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building14 -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building15 -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building16 -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building17 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building18 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building19 -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building2 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building20 -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building21 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building26 -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building3 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building30 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building31 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building32 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building33 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building34 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building35 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building36 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building37 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building38 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building39 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building4 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building40 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building41 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building42 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building43 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building46 -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building49 -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building5 -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.building6 -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : building.abode-mod:abode.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUp2Lvl7 -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : building.amethyst:amethyst.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.boat -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dock -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.special2 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : building.asylum:asylum.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : building.bastille:bastille.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.castle.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.special1 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.special2 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.special3 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : building.cathedral:cathedral.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.extraCityHall -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.extraTownHall -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : building.cetatea:cetatea.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : building.ciberium:ciberium.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.extraCityHall -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.extraTownHall -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - hota.hota balance : building.conflux.hordePhoenix -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - hota.hota balance : building.conflux.hordePhoenixUpgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.conflux.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingAltUpLvl5 -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.townFountain -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : building.courtyard:courtyard.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.avekening -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.birds -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwelling7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.dwellingUpgrade7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.extraValley -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.flag -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.hordeHalflings -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.hordeHalflingsUpgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.mageguild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.parapets -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : building.deathvalley:deathvalley.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dungeon.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.boat -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dock -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUp2Lvl3 -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : building.fairy:fairy.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUp2Lvl5 -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : building.farriery:farriery.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.horde2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : building.forgotten tales.bastion:bastion.workshop -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.fortress.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : building.foundry:foundry.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.leg1A -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.leg1B -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : building.greenhouse:glasshouse.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - grove : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUp2Lvl7 -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - grove : building.grove:grove.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - haven : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.extraCityHall -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.extraTownHall -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.horde1Upg -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.special3 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - haven : building.haven:haven.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde1 -> -30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde2 -> -31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde3 -> -32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde4 -> -33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde5 -> -34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde6 -> -35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.horde7 -> -36 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - horde : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUp2Lvl3 -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUp2Lvl6 -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.horde1Upg -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.horde1Upg2 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.special3 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - horde : building.horde:horde.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dock -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.special2 -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : building.hota.cove:cove.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.inferno.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : building.mod desing team.forge:forge.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.boat -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dock -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : building.necro-mod h2:necropol.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.extraCityHall -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.extraTownHall -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.necropolis.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.horde1 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.horde1Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.horde2 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.horde2Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : abyss:abyss.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : pavilion:pavilion.workshop -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.boat -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dock -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.special2 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : building.preserve:preserve.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.extraCapitol -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.extraCityHall -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.extraTownHall -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.rampart.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.horde2Upgr -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.special1 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.special2 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.special3 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : building.refugeetown:refugee.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.stronghold.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl1 -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl2 -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl3 -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl5 -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl6 -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.horde1Upgr -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.special1 -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.special2 -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.special3 -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.special4 -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.tower.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : building.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.blacksmith -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.capitol -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.castle -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.cityHall -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl1 -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl2 -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl3 -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl4 -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl5 -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl6 -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingLvl7 -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl4 -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl7 -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.dwellingUpLvl8 -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.fort -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.grail -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.horde1 -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild1 -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild2 -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild3 -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild4 -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.mageGuild5 -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.marketplace -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.resourceSilo -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.ship -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.shipyard -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.special1 -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.statue -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.tavern -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.townHall -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : building.warlock:warlock.villageHall -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.1a -> 428 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.1b -> 429 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.2a -> 430 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.2b -> 431 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.3a -> 432 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.3b -> 433 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.4a -> 434 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.4b -> 435 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.5a -> 436 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.5b -> 437 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.6a -> 438 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.6b -> 439 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.7a -> 440 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : creature.7b -> 441 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeBattleDwarfOfAbode -> 197 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeCommander -> 198 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeDruid -> 199 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeDwarfOfAbode -> 200 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeElfOfAbode -> 201 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeElfOfBotany -> 202 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeElfOfOld -> 203 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeFireBirdOfAbode -> 204 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeGreatDruid -> 205 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodePhoenixOfAbode -> 206 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodePixieOfAbode -> 207 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeSacredPhoenix -> 208 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeSpriteOfAbode -> 209 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeUnicornOfAbode -> 210 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : creature.abodeWarUnicornOfAbode -> 211 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssAbyssalCrab -> 506 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssAbyssalGiantOctopus -> 507 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssAbyssalJellyfish -> 508 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssDeepwaterJellyfish -> 509 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssGiantOctopus -> 510 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssHyppoCommander -> 511 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssHyppocamph -> 512 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssOceanWorm -> 513 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssSandCrab -> 514 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssSeaWorm -> 515 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssSeahorse -> 516 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssYuanTiLeader -> 517 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.abyssYuanTiWarrior -> 518 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.acommander -> 229 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.airElemental -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.airElementals -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge.neutralcreatures : creature.alien -> 634 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amBronzeMonk -> 212 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amDraconic -> 213 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amDragonTurtle -> 214 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amEmeraldDragon -> 215 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amGirlSnake -> 216 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amGoldenLo'han -> 217 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amGoldenSamurai -> 218 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amHuluFlover -> 219 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amHuluLeave -> 220 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amMaikom -> 221 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amSamurai -> 222 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amScarletDragon -> 223 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amSilverDragon -> 224 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amStoneDragonTurtle -> 225 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amSwordMaster -> 226 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.amSwordServant -> 227 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.amethystdragon -> 442 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ammoCart -> 148 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.ammut -> 526 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.ammut -> 569 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.ancientBasilisk -> 167 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ancientBehemoth -> 97 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.ancienttreant -> 542 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.angel -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.anubis -> 527 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.anubis -> 570 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.anubisWarrior -> 528 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.anubisWarrior -> 571 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.apparition -> 321 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.apprenticeGremlin -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.archDevil -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.archMage -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.archangel -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.archer -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.arcticSharpshooter -> 170 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.arquebusier -> 322 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.arrowTower -> 149 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.arsonist -> 603 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.asnightmare -> 230 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.astralSpirit1 -> 182 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.astralSpirit2 -> 191 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : creature.atPengHou -> 228 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.ayssid -> 585 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.azureDragon -> 132 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ballista -> 146 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.banshee -> 342 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.basilisk -> 106 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.basiliskchampion -> 443 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.basiliskrider -> 444 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.battleDodo -> 323 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.battleDwarf -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bberserker -> 244 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bblizzardbird -> 245 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bbrute -> 246 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bcommander -> 247 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bdefender -> 248 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.behemoth -> 96 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.beholder -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bflameglad -> 249 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bgladiator -> 250 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bharpooner -> 251 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bjaveliner -> 252 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.blackDragon -> 83 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.blackKnight -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.blackbeard -> 586 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.blackdonkey -> 290 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.blackroottreant -> 360 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.bloodDragon -> 154 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bmammoth -> 253 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bmammothlord -> 254 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bmountainguard -> 255 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.boar -> 140 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.boneDragon -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.boneHook -> 343 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.bonegolem -> 344 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.brainSucker -> 604 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.bramblewoodtreant -> 361 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.bruiser -> 605 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.brute1 -> 179 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.brute2 -> 188 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bseinherjar -> 256 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bsfafnir -> 257 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.bsnowbird -> 258 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cAlphawerewolf -> 275 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cBalauri -> 276 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cDirewolf -> 277 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cFiercezgriptor -> 278 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cHaiduci -> 279 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cIele -> 280 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cMoroi -> 281 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cStrigoi -> 282 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cVampire -> 283 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cVampirelord -> 284 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cVoinici -> 285 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cWerewolf -> 286 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cWolf -> 287 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cZgriptor -> 288 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : creature.cZmeu -> 289 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.camelRider -> 529 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.camelRider -> 572 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.cameraObscuraCreature -> 324 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.catapult -> 145 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.cavalier -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.caveleaper -> 543 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.centaur -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.centaurCaptain -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.centaurbarbarian -> 362 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.centaursoldier -> 363 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.cerberus -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.cghost -> 345 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.champion -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.chaosHydra -> 111 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.christmasfairy -> 291 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.christmasgremlin -> 292 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.christmaslight -> 293 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.christmasstar -> 294 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.christmastreant -> 295 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.commander -> 346 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.commander2 -> 347 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.corsair -> 587 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.crab1 -> 460 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.crab2 -> 461 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.crab3 -> 462 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.crewmate -> 588 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.crusader -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.crystalDragon -> 133 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctCockroach -> 305 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctConscript -> 306 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctElectro -> 307 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctHeavytank -> 308 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctHedgehopper -> 309 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctHulkbuster -> 310 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctIronclad -> 311 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctJumpFighter -> 312 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctJumpWarrior -> 313 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctMechanicalBull -> 314 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctParatrooper -> 315 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctSoldier -> 316 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctStoneBull -> 317 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctTank -> 318 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctTechnoid -> 319 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : creature.ctToxicCockroach -> 320 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthAttackDog -> 260 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthBloodyCouatl -> 261 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthCantor -> 262 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthChasteners -> 263 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthCouatl -> 264 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthEvilHunter -> 265 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthExecutioner -> 266 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthHound -> 267 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthPaladin -> 268 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthPunisher -> 269 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthSexton -> 270 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthSlayer -> 271 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthTemplar -> 272 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.cthWitchHunter -> 273 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.cupid -> 325 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.cyclop -> 94 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.cyclopKing -> 95 TRACE mod [894] - dark elemental : creature.darkElemental -> 341 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.darkOne -> 519 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.darkguard -> 231 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.darknessDragon -> 155 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.darksquire -> 232 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.ddwa -> 364 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.ddwavet -> 365 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.deepOne -> 520 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.demon -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : creature.demonicfafnir -> 259 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.dendroidGuard -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.dendroidSoldier -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.desertWarrior -> 530 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.desertWarrior -> 573 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.devil -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.diamondDragon -> 151 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.diamondGolem -> 117 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.direwarbear -> 366 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.dodo -> 326 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.donkey -> 296 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.dracolich -> 196 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.dragonFly -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.drake1 -> 476 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.drake2 -> 477 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.dreadKnight -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.dreadnought -> 606 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.dwarf -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.earthElemental -> 113 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.ebanshee -> 348 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.efreet -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.efreetSultan -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.elderSphinx -> 531 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.elderSphinx -> 574 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.elderdruid -> 445 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.electricityElemental -> 166 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.enchanter -> 136 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.enchanters -> 136 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.energyElemental -> 129 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.evilEye -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.extra1benu -> 544 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.extra2raven -> 545 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faAcidDragon -> 394 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faArkhon -> 395 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faBattleDroid -> 396 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faCyberDead -> 397 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faCyberHunter -> 398 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faCyberZombie -> 399 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faDroid -> 400 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faFootSoldier -> 401 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faGruntSoldier -> 402 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faHydraulicDragon -> 403 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faMechFighter -> 404 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faMechWarrior -> 405 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faMechanicalDragon -> 406 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faMortira -> 407 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faPyro -> 408 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faPyromaniac -> 409 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faSkyFighter -> 410 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faSkyHunter -> 411 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : creature.faWarDroid -> 412 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.fairieDragon -> 134 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.fairy -> 297 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.fairybear -> 546 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.familiar -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.fangarm -> 589 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.faun -> 446 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.fcommander -> 547 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.fireDragonFly -> 105 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.fireElemental -> 114 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.fireNewt -> 327 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.firebird -> 130 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.firehawk -> 367 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.firstAidTent -> 147 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.flayer -> 349 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.foreman -> 478 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.foxdruid -> 548 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftAcidTrooper -> 413 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftCannonGolem -> 414 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftCommander -> 375 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftDalek -> 415 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftDrag1 -> 376 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftDrag2 -> 377 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftFairy1 -> 378 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftFairy2 -> 379 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftFench1 -> 380 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftFench2 -> 381 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftFlametrooper -> 416 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftGroundDalek -> 417 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftGuardsman -> 418 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftHatchling1 -> 382 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftHatchling2 -> 383 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftHydraulicGolem -> 419 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftIshmael -> 420 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftLordIshmael -> 421 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftMechanicalGolem -> 422 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftNoble1 -> 384 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftNoble2 -> 385 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftNoble3 -> 386 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftPriestess -> 387 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftSiegeGolem -> 423 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftStoneAegis -> 388 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftTechnoid -> 424 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftVeteranGuardsman -> 425 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftWisp1 -> 389 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftWisp2 -> 390 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftWitch -> 391 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftWyvern1 -> 392 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : creature.ftWyvern2 -> 393 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftZord -> 426 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : creature.ftZordWarrior -> 427 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.genie -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.gghost -> 350 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.ghost -> 159 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.ghostBehemoth -> 156 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ghostDragon -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.ghostgolem -> 351 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.giant -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.gildedHomunculus -> 328 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.gnoll -> 98 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.gnollMarauder -> 99 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.goblin -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.goblinWolfRider -> 86 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.goblins -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.godLore -> 163 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.godMana -> 162 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.godPeace -> 161 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.godWar -> 160 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.gog -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.goldDragon -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.goldGolem -> 116 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.goldenHyppocamph -> 521 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.gorgon -> 102 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.gorynych -> 168 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.grandElf -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.graniteCupid -> 329 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.greaterBasilisk -> 107 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.greaterDodo -> 330 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.greenDragon -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.gremlin -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.griffin -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.grimhippo -> 549 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.gronn1 -> 479 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.gronn2 -> 480 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.groveguard -> 447 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.grovekeeper -> 448 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2blackd -> 559 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2centaur -> 560 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2gargoyle -> 561 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2gred -> 562 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2griffin -> 563 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2hydra -> 564 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2medusa -> 565 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2mino -> 566 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2minok -> 567 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : creature.h2redd -> 568 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.halberdier -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.halfling -> 138 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.halflings -> 550 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.harpy -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.harpyHag -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.haspid -> 590 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.havYachtswoman -> 463 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.hawk -> 368 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.hellBaron -> 153 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.hellHound -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.hellHydra -> 157 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.hellSteed -> 195 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.hierophant1 -> 175 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.hierophant2 -> 184 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.highdruid -> 551 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.hippogryph -> 552 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.hobbit -> 553 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.hobgoblin -> 85 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.hobgoblinWolfRider -> 87 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.homunculus -> 331 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.hornedDemon -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.hrdKobold -> 481 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.hydra -> 110 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.iceElemental -> 123 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.imp -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.infernalTroglodyte -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ironGolem -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.jabberwock -> 332 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.juggernaut -> 607 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.jumpSoldier -> 608 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.jumpTrooper -> 609 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.lavaSharpshooter -> 171 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.leaper -> 352 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.leprechaun -> 369 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.leprechaunelder -> 370 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.leviathan1 -> 464 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.leviathan2 -> 465 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.lich -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.lightCrossbowman -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.lizardWarrior -> 101 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.lizardman -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.lock1 -> 482 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.lock2 -> 483 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.lordofThunder -> 152 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.mage -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.magicElemental -> 121 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.magiceye -> 554 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.magmaElemental -> 125 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.magog -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.mandrake -> 333 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.manticore -> 80 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.marksman -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.masterGenie -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.masterGremlin -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.mastersanta -> 298 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.medusa -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.medusaQueen -> 77 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.mercenary -> 610 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.mightyGorgon -> 103 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.militian -> 611 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.mineralElemental -> 165 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.minotaur -> 78 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.minotaurKing -> 79 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.minotaurKing2 -> 164 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.misfortuneeye -> 555 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.monk -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.monstrousJabberwock -> 334 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.moonhunter -> 449 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.moonslayer -> 450 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.mummy -> 141 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.mums -> 353 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.mums2 -> 354 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.musketeer -> 335 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.mysticalbear -> 556 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.naga -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.nagaQueen -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolBattleDwarfOfnecropol -> 493 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolDruid -> 494 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolDwarfOfnecropol -> 495 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolElfOfBotany -> 496 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolElfOfnecropol -> 497 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolFireBirdOfnecropol -> 498 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolGreatDruid -> 499 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolPhoenixOfnecropol -> 500 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolPixieOfnecropol -> 501 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolSacredPhoenix -> 502 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolSpriteOfnecropol -> 503 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolUnicornOfnecropol -> 504 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : creature.necropolWarUnicornOfnecropol -> 505 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.nightFalcon -> 451 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.nightdruid -> 452 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.nightmare -> 172 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.nightstalker -> 453 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.nix -> 591 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.nixWarrior -> 592 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.nomad -> 142 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.nymph -> 593 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.obsidianGargoyle -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.oceanid -> 594 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.octo1 -> 466 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.octo2 -> 467 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ogre -> 90 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.ogre1 -> 484 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.ogre2 -> 485 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.ogre3 -> 486 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.ogreLeader1 -> 180 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.ogreLeader2 -> 189 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.ogreMage -> 91 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.orc -> 88 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.orcChieftain -> 89 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.overseer -> 532 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.overseer -> 575 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.paladin1 -> 174 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.paladin2 -> 183 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.pathfinder -> 371 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.peasant -> 139 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pegasus -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.peon -> 487 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.phantomhunter -> 233 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.phoenix -> 131 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pikeman -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.pirate -> 595 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pitFiend -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pitLord -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pixie -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.pixies -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.plwalker -> 234 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.potionCartCreature -> 336 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.powerLich -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.preacher -> 533 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.preacher -> 576 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.primitiveLizardman -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.psychicElemental -> 120 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.pyro -> 612 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.pyromaniac -> 613 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.quartzdragon -> 454 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.reaper1 -> 355 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.reaper2 -> 356 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.recruit -> 614 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.redDragon -> 82 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.regalMandrake -> 337 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.reindeer -> 299 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgAhriman -> 618 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgAngraMainyu -> 619 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgCommander -> 620 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgDiamondGolem -> 621 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgEnchanter -> 622 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgGoldGolem -> 623 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgHorseBlack -> 624 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgHorseFire -> 625 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgNomad -> 626 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgRogue -> 627 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgSharp -> 628 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgSharpV -> 629 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgSorceress -> 630 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgSpy -> 631 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.rfgVagabond -> 632 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.roc -> 92 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.rockelm -> 372 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.rogue -> 143 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.royalGriffin -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.rustDragon -> 135 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : creature.saRedFanatic -> 274 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.sacredPhoenix -> 158 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.sadphanton -> 235 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.salamander -> 338 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.santaGremlin -> 173 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.santaacolyte -> 300 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.santaclaus -> 301 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.santareindeer -> 302 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.saphiredragon -> 455 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.satyr -> 456 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.satyr -> 596 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.scarab -> 534 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.scarab -> 577 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.scorpicore -> 81 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.seaWitch -> 597 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.seabishop1 -> 468 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.seabishop2 -> 469 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.seadog -> 598 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.seaman -> 599 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.seaserpent -> 600 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.sekhmet -> 535 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.sekhmet -> 578 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.sekhmetPriestess -> 536 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.sekhmetPriestess -> 579 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.serpentFly -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.shadowdancer -> 236 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.shadowhunter -> 237 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.shadowmare -> 238 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.shaman1 -> 181 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.shaman2 -> 190 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : creature.shapeshifterBeta -> 633 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.sharpshooter -> 137 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.sharpshooters -> 137 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.silverPegasus -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.siren1 -> 470 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.siren2 -> 471 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.skel1 -> 357 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.skel2 -> 358 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.skeleton -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.skeletonWarrior -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : creature.skelh -> 359 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.sorceress -> 193 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.sorceress -> 601 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.sorrowphanton -> 239 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.soulEater1 -> 178 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.soulEater2 -> 187 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.soulSucker -> 615 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.soulcrus -> 240 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.sphinx -> 537 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.sphinx -> 580 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.spiderprincess -> 457 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.spiderqueen -> 458 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.spiritcrus -> 241 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.sprite -> 119 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.stinger -> 616 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.stoneGargoyle -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.stoneGolem -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.stoneelm -> 373 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.stormElemental -> 127 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : creature.stormbird -> 602 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.strangleVine -> 339 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.succubus1 -> 177 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.succubus2 -> 186 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.sunAmmut -> 538 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.sunAmmut -> 581 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.supremeArchangel -> 150 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.swordsman -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.sylvanCentaur -> 192 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : creature.tangleVine -> 340 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.tbirdbloody -> 522 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.tbirdelectric -> 523 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.tbirdglowing -> 524 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : creature.tbirdvulgaris -> 525 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.templeGuardian1 -> 176 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.templeGuardian2 -> 185 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : creature.thug -> 617 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.thunderbird -> 93 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.titan -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.treant -> 557 TRACE mod [894] - grove : creature.treebeard -> 459 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : creature.treelurker -> 558 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.triton1 -> 472 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.triton2 -> 473 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.troglodyte -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.troll -> 144 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.troll1 -> 488 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.troll2 -> 489 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.truesantagremlin -> 303 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.undine1 -> 474 TRACE mod [894] - haven : creature.undine2 -> 475 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.unicorn -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.unused122 -> 122 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.unused124 -> 124 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.unused126 -> 126 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.unused128 -> 128 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.vampire -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.vampireLord -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.venomousWadjet -> 539 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.venomousWadjet -> 582 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.voidwalker -> 242 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.wadjet -> 540 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.wadjet -> 583 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.walkingDead -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.warUnicorn -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.warZealot -> 169 TRACE mod [894] - earth : creature.warbear -> 374 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.waterElemental -> 115 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.waterElementals -> 115 TRACE mod [894] - wog : creature.werewolf -> 194 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : creature.whipper -> 541 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : creature.whipper -> 584 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : creature.whitedonkey -> 304 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.wight -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : creature.winddancer -> 243 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.woodElf -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.worg1 -> 490 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.worg2 -> 491 TRACE mod [894] - horde : creature.worg3 -> 492 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.wraith -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.wyvern -> 108 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.wyvernMonarch -> 109 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.zealot -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.zombie -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : creature.zombieLord -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : faction.abode -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : faction.abyss -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : faction.amethyst -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : faction.asylum -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : faction.bastille -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : faction.bastion -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.castle -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : faction.cathedral -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : faction.cetatea -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : faction.ciberium -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.conflux -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : faction.courtyard -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : faction.cove -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : faction.deathvalley -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.dungeon -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - earth : -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : faction.fairy -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : faction.farriery -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : faction.forge -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.fortress -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : faction.foundry -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : faction.glasshouse -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - grove : faction.grove -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - haven : faction.haven -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - horde : faction.horde -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.inferno -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : faction.necropol -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.necropolis -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.neutral -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : faction.pavilion -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : faction.preserve -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.rampart -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : faction.refugee -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.stronghold -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : faction.tower -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : faction.warlock -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.00auk -> 285 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.01caballe -> 286 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.02kanim -> 287 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.03lumiere -> 288 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.04dizheel -> 289 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.05raphus -> 290 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.06ophrys -> 291 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.07teophrast -> 292 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.08audred -> 293 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.09migdigravia -> 294 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.10vogundessi -> 295 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.11nefefareen -> 296 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.12hanester -> 297 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.13dictamnus -> 298 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.14zana -> 299 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : hero.15zazzerpan -> 300 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.a_alach -> 189 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.a_daive -> 205 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.a_kulkin -> 495 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.abiss -> 460 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode010additional -> 156 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode112desini -> 157 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode113jessika -> 158 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode114bridonna -> 159 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode115qara -> 160 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode116chani -> 161 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode117sunni -> 162 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode118kastore -> 163 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode119yviene -> 164 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode120minore -> 165 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode121kilyne -> 166 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode122errinaya -> 167 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode123leane -> 168 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode124calene -> 169 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode125karen -> 170 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode126resurrecta -> 171 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : hero.abode127sae -> 172 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.abyssKarnTi -> 461 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.adela -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.adelaide -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.adrienne -> 145 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.aenain -> 141 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.aeris -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.agar -> 512 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.agar -> 563 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.aine -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.aislinn -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ajit -> 83 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.alagar -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.alamar -> 88 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.alamar -> 513 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.albino -> 564 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.alicuza -> 237 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.alkin -> 116 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.alligat -> 418 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.ama'ka -> 523 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.amanra -> 477 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.amesh -> 478 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.amesza -> 524 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.anabel -> 541 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.andal -> 542 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.andra -> 126 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.ankh-Amon -> 525 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.aquaron -> 419 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.arch -> 514 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.arie -> 515 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.arkana -> 462 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.arlach -> 81 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ash -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.astra -> 543 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.astral -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.aurora -> 420 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.axsis -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ayden -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.azarias -> 479 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.azul -> 421 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.b_julian -> 496 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.b_pauline -> 190 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.b_richmond -> 206 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.babacloanta -> 238 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.balthasar -> 253 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.barok -> 516 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.basha -> 526 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.bast -> 480 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.beata -> 383 TRACE mod [894] - hota.hota heroes : hero.beatrice -> 560 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.befana -> 254 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.bianor -> 527 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.bidley -> 544 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.bogdan -> 384 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.bonio -> 385 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.boragus -> 154 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.brancoveanu -> 239 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.brissa -> 137 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.broghild -> 119 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.bron -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.brooke -> 221 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.c_hanna -> 497 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.c_harker -> 191 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.c_harrigan -> 207 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.caitlin -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.calh -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.calid -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.casmetra -> 545 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.caspar -> 255 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.cassandra -> 481 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.cassiopeia -> 546 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.catherine -> 146 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : -> 173 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : -> 269 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : -> 350 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : -> 367 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.charna -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.chilia -> 386 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.ching chang chong -> 387 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.christian -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ciele -> 138 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.cistrict -> 174 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.cistrict -> 270 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.cistrict -> 351 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.cistrict -> 368 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.clancy -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.clavius -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.codgur -> 565 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.coppers -> 317 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.corkes -> 547 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.coronius -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.cragHack -> 102 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.crodo -> 517 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.cuthbert -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.cyra -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.d_austin -> 208 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.d_sisElisa -> 192 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.d_terence -> 498 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.dace -> 82 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.damacon -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.daneel -> 566 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.daremyth -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.dargem -> 548 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.darkstorn -> 95 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.decebal -> 240 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.deckard -> 567 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.dedmoroz -> 256 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.deemer -> 93 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.derek -> 549 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.dessa -> 106 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.dissanna -> 463 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.dochia -> 241 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.dominick -> 257 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.dracon -> 147 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.drakon -> 113 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvAgorratha -> 301 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvBarraka -> 302 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvCrightoth -> 303 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvDraigoth -> 304 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvDreygo -> 305 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvDuella -> 306 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvJacen -> 307 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvMinerva -> 308 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvMortadella -> 309 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvNorman -> 310 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvRezziLeAnte -> 311 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvRoakshar -> 312 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvSorcha -> 313 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvSylvanus -> 314 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvTakesha -> 315 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : hero.dvValleante -> 316 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.e_niclas -> 499 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.e_princehogg -> 209 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.e_renner -> 193 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.ebenezer -> 258 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.edric -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.elisabeta -> 242 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.elleshar -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.elmore -> 550 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.elspeth -> 482 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.eovacius -> 551 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.erdamon -> 133 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.erika -> 222 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.esmeralda -> 388 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.f_ceretus -> 500 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.f_gestalt -> 210 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.f_judith -> 194 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.fafner -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.falagar -> 518 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.fiona -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.fiur -> 134 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.flamius -> 568 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.frauberta -> 259 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftAbrisa -> 333 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftArina -> 334 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftElrisa -> 335 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftKylina -> 336 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftLosina -> 337 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftMeri -> 338 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftMia -> 339 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftOla -> 340 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftSarisa -> 341 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftSeliva -> 342 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftSheli -> 343 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftSinara -> 344 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftSiniri -> 345 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftUliri -> 346 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftWarela -> 347 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftZerela -> 348 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : hero.ftZeria -> 349 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.g_aaron -> 211 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.g_agnes -> 501 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.g_stacia -> 195 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.gallas -> 422 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.galthran -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gelare -> 142 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gelu -> 148 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gem -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.geon -> 92 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.gerta -> 389 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gerwulf -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.ghionaia -> 243 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.gideon -> 483 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gird -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gretchin -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.greuceanu -> 244 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.gril -> 464 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.grinch -> 260 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.grindan -> 143 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.guba guba -> 390 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gundula -> 109 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gunnar -> 85 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.gurnisson -> 97 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hBoang -> 434 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hDraas -> 435 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hForang -> 436 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hFullika -> 437 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hGadira -> 438 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hGoranud -> 439 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hHurgor -> 440 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hJargura -> 441 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hKutala -> 442 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hMakgum -> 443 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hOllathus -> 444 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hOrloch -> 445 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hRoeda -> 446 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hSoragg -> 447 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hThurnokk -> 448 TRACE mod [894] - horde : hero.hYreima -> 449 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.h_craighill -> 212 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.h_karth -> 196 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.h_lorenzo -> 502 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.halon -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.harapalb -> 245 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.helena -> 223 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.honsuneb -> 528 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.horna -> 352 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.i_aidan -> 213 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.i_anastasia -> 503 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.i_kaspar -> 197 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ignatius -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ignissa -> 130 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.illor -> 552 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.illyanis -> 423 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ingham -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.inpu -> 529 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.inteus -> 140 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.iona -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.isham -> 530 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.isra -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ivor -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.j_barbara -> 214 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.j_mog -> 198 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.j_pamela -> 504 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.ja'Bak -> 531 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.jabarkas -> 98 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.jabress -> 401 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.jacquouille -> 391 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.jaegar -> 89 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.jaffa -> 484 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.jeddite -> 91 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.jenova -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.jeremy -> 553 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.jonathan -> 569 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.josephine -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.julemanden -> 261 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.julian -> 175 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.julian -> 271 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.julian -> 369 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.jultomten -> 262 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.k_cynthia -> 215 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.k_polly -> 505 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.k_viola -> 199 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.kalafiosteain -> 392 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.kaleh -> 570 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.kalt -> 135 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.karen -> 176 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.karen -> 272 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.karen -> 353 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.karen -> 370 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.kasta -> 465 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.kastore -> 177 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.kastore -> 273 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.kastore -> 354 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.kastore -> 371 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.kastore -> 519 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.kasumi -> 224 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.keila -> 485 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.keila -> 532 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.kemi -> 533 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.kilgor -> 149 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.kingsax -> 466 TRACE mod [894] - hota.hota heroes : hero.kinkeria -> 561 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.klastrus -> 424 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.ko-Eset -> 486 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.korbac -> 117 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.kozak -> 393 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.kraken teamster -> 467 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.krellion -> 101 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.kyorlin -> 402 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.kyrre -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.l_astride -> 216 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.l_brigid -> 200 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.l_ken -> 506 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.labetha -> 139 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.lacus -> 131 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.leane -> 178 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.leane -> 274 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.leane -> 355 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.leane -> 372 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.leena -> 554 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.liam -> 318 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.lilyam -> 571 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.linda -> 319 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.litte smile -> 394 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.lordHaart -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.lorelei -> 80 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.loynis -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.luceafarul -> 246 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.luna -> 136 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.m_mildura -> 217 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.m_mona -> 201 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.m_wildhayen -> 507 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.malcom -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.malekith -> 90 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.malla -> 403 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.manfred -> 555 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.mantis -> 534 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.marchette -> 572 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.margret -> 395 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.maridis -> 425 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.marin -> 426 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.marius -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.martine -> 520 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.marzum -> 487 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.marzum -> 535 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.maximus -> 179 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.maximus -> 275 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.maximus -> 356 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.maximus -> 373 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.meila -> 320 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.melchior -> 263 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.melodia -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.meltes -> 180 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.meltes -> 276 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.meltes -> 357 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.meltes -> 374 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.menet -> 488 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.mentuhotep -> 536 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.mephala -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.merist -> 124 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.mex-Nefer -> 537 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.midia -> 427 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.mihaiviteazu -> 247 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.minore -> 181 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.minore -> 277 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.minore -> 358 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.minore -> 375 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.miriam -> 556 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.mirlanda -> 120 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.moandor -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.monere -> 132 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.mrimm -> 404 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.muggins -> 321 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.mutare -> 151 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.mutareDrake -> 153 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.n_belinda -> 508 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.n_jezebel -> 202 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.n_renee -> 218 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.nagash -> 79 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.nahana -> 322 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.nariko -> 225 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol11baggins -> 450 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol12julian -> 451 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol13hanna -> 452 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol14tim -> 453 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol15niclas -> 454 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol16ceretus -> 455 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol17agnes -> 456 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol18lorenzo -> 457 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol26belinda -> 458 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : hero.necropol27karen -> 459 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.neela -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.netsutset -> 538 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.niclas -> 182 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.niclas -> 278 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.niclas -> 359 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.niclas -> 376 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.nicolai -> 396 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.nicole -> 323 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.nimbus -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.noli -> 226 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.nutt -> 539 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.nymus -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.o_karen -> 509 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.o_margareta -> 203 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.o_melisa -> 219 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.octavia -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.olath -> 405 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.olema -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.olentzero -> 264 TRACE mod [894] - haven : -> 428 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.oris -> 110 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.orrin -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.osir -> 489 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : hero.p_Lynn -> 204 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : hero.p_leslie -> 220 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.p_renata -> 510 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.pasis -> 128 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.patricia -> 227 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.pears -> 468 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.perha -> 469 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.peth-Shub -> 490 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.petra -> 397 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.phindara -> 406 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.piquedram -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.polestar -> 573 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.pricolici -> 248 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.priscilla -> 324 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.pyre -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.queenelena -> 249 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.queenmaria -> 250 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.ranin -> 228 TRACE mod [894] - hota.hota heroes : hero.ranloo -> 562 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.rashka -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.raven -> 429 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.raytilii -> 470 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.rengist -> 183 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.rengist -> 279 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.rengist -> 360 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.rengist -> 377 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.resurrecta -> 184 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.resurrecta -> 280 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.resurrecta -> 361 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.resurrecta -> 378 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgAran -> 579 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgAreman -> 580 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgAria -> 581 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgAzar -> 582 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgBhemnesh -> 583 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgKeyvan -> 584 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgKiana -> 585 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgLeyla -> 586 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgMahyar -> 587 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgMithra -> 588 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgNiusha -> 589 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgReza -> 590 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgShayan -> 591 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgSierra -> 592 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgSoraya -> 593 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : hero.rfgYemapel -> 594 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.rion -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.rissa -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.roland -> 152 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.rosic -> 121 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.rudolph -> 265 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ryland -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : hero.s_Agrenal -> 511 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.sabrin -> 430 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.salvirana -> 229 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.sam Pchajplug -> 398 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sandro -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sanya -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.sargas -> 431 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.sargh -> 407 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.saurug -> 111 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.season -> 471 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.sekhem -> 491 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.seldon -> 574 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sephinroth -> 94 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.seprinteer -> 185 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.seprinteer -> 281 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.seprinteer -> 362 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.seprinteer -> 379 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.septienna -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.seref -> 492 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.serena -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.shae -> 325 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.shakti -> 87 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.shebali -> 408 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.sheikleen -> 575 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.shiva -> 99 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.singhel -> 186 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.singhel -> 282 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.singhel -> 363 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.singhel -> 380 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sirMullich -> 144 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.sirranna -> 472 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.sithyrr -> 409 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.snegurochka -> 266 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.snowman -> 267 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.solmyr -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sorsha -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.spint -> 557 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.ssin -> 410 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.stefan -> 230 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.stefanalII -> 251 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.stella -> 432 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.steraks -> 364 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.stonkososoczek -> 399 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.straker -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.styg -> 125 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.suliss -> 411 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.sunni -> 187 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.sunni -> 283 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.sunni -> 365 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.sunni -> 381 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.susan -> 231 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.sveneld -> 232 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.svetlana -> 233 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.sylvia -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.synca -> 86 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : hero.takem -> 540 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.tamika -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.tana -> 326 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.tarinus -> 234 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.tark -> 558 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : hero.tarkin -> 188 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : hero.tarkin -> 284 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : hero.tarkin -> 366 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : hero.tarkin -> 382 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.tavish -> 327 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.tazar -> 115 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.terek -> 107 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.thane -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.thant -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.theodorus -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.thorgrim -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.thunar -> 129 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.tim -> 328 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.tiva -> 127 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.torosar -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.trila -> 473 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.tuidhana -> 412 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.tyraxor -> 103 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.tyris -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.tyrrel -> 576 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.ufretin -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.uland -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.ultrin -> 413 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.undeadHaart -> 150 TRACE mod [894] - haven : hero.undine -> 433 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.valeska -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.varn -> 493 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.vee -> 577 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.velkyn -> 414 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.velve -> 415 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.verdish -> 123 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.verna -> 474 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.vesper -> 521 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.vey -> 105 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.vidomina -> 78 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : hero.vladtepes -> 252 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.vlos -> 416 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.vokial -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.volh -> 235 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.voy -> 122 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : hero.vseglas -> 236 TRACE mod [894] - grove : hero.wanre -> 417 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.wel -> 475 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.wendil -> 329 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : hero.werser -> 476 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : hero.wrathmont -> 522 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.wren -> 330 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.wystan -> 114 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.xarfax -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.xeron -> 155 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.xsi -> 77 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.xyron -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.yog -> 96 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : hero.yulecat -> 268 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.zach -> 331 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : hero.zamonth -> 494 TRACE mod [894] - earth : hero.zarm -> 332 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : hero.zhora -> 578 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : hero.zilare -> 559 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : hero.zozia -> 400 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.zubin -> 108 TRACE mod [894] - core : hero.zydar -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : heroClass.abodebard -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - abode-mod : heroClass.abodeguardian -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : heroClass.abyssalShaman -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - haven : heroClass.admiral -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - haven : heroClass.admiralf -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.alchemist -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : heroClass.aristocrat -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.barbarian -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : heroClass.bard -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.battlemage -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.beastmaster -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : heroClass.bpyromancer -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : heroClass.bwarlord -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : heroClass.captain -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : heroClass.christmasspirit -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.cleric -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : heroClass.cthbishop -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : heroClass.cyborg -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.deathknight -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : heroClass.deer -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.demoniac -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.druid -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : heroClass.dvDeathlord -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - deathvalley : heroClass.dvNecropriest -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.elementalist -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : heroClass.embalmer -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : heroClass.farmer -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : heroClass.fouMarshal -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - foundry : heroClass.fouMechanic -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - greenhouse : heroClass.gardener -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : heroClass.general -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : heroClass.h2warlock -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - warlock : heroClass.h2warlockfem -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - horde : heroClass.hClairvoyant -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - horde : heroClass.hWarchief -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.heretic -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : heroClass.hunter -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - grove : heroClass.hunter -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - new abyss : heroClass.ichthyander -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.knight -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - haven : heroClass.manowar -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - haven : heroClass.manowarf -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : heroClass.master -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : heroClass.mentalist -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove : heroClass.navigator -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.necromancer -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : heroClass.necropolbard -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - necro-mod h2 : heroClass.necropolguardian -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : heroClass.ovate -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.overlord -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : heroClass.pathfinder -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : heroClass.pharaoh -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : heroClass.philosopher -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.planeswalker -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - amethyst : heroClass.protector -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.ranger -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : heroClass.redtemplar -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : heroClass.rfgEnchanter -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : heroClass.rfgWanderer -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - earth : heroClass.runner -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - earth : heroClass.shaper -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : heroClass.snowman -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : heroClass.technic -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - ciberium : heroClass.technik -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - farriery : heroClass.technik -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : heroClass.vizier -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - forgotten tales.bastion : heroClass.vizier -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - cetatea : heroClass.voivode -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - fairy : heroClass.warden -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - grove : heroClass.warden -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.warlock -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : heroClass.wiseman -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.witch -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : heroClass.wizard -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - christmas : heroClass.yulecat -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.abandonedMine -> 220 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.altarOfSacrifice -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.arena -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.artifact -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.blackMarket -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.boat -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.borderGate -> 212 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.borderGuard -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.buoy -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.cactus -> 116 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.campfire -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.canyon -> 117 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.cartographer -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.cloverField -> 222 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.corpse -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.coverOfDarkness -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.crater -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.creatureBank -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.creatureGeneratorCommon -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.creatureGeneratorSpecial -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.crypt -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.cursedGround -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.cursedGroundDUPLICATE -> 223 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.deadVegetation -> 119 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.denOfThieves -> 97 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.derelictShip -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.desertHills -> 206 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion.desert objects : object.desertPavement -> 256 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.dirtHills -> 207 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.dragonUtopia -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.event -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.evilFog -> 224 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.eyeOfTheMagi -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.faerieRing -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.favorableWinds -> 225 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.fieryFields -> 226 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.flotsam -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 120 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.fountainOfFortune -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.fountainOfYouth -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.freelancersGuild -> 213 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.frozenLake -> 121 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.frozenLakeDUPLICATE -> 172 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.gardenOfRevelation -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.garrisonHorizontal -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.garrisonVertical -> 219 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.grail -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion.desert objects : object.grainedSand -> 257 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.grassHills -> 208 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.hero -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.heroPlaceholder -> 214 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.hillFort -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.hole -> 124 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.holyGround -> 227 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.hutOfTheMagi -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.idolOfFortune -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.kelp -> 125 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.keymasterTent -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lake -> 126 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lakeDUPLICATE -> 177 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lavaFlow -> 127 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lavaLake -> 128 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.leanTo -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.learningStone -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.libraryOfEnlightenment -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lighthouse -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.log -> 130 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.lucidPools -> 228 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.magicClouds -> 229 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.magicPlains -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.magicPlainsDUPLICATE -> 230 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.magicSpring -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.magicWell -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mandrake -> 131 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.marlettoTower -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mercenaryCamp -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mermaids -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mine -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.monolithOneWayEntrance -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.monolithOneWayExit -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.monolithTwoWay -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.moss -> 132 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mound -> 133 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mountain -> 134 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mushrooms -> 129 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.mysticalGarden -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.oakTrees -> 135 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.oakTreesDUPLICATE -> 186 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.oasis -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.obelisk -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.oceanBottle -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.outcropping -> 136 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.pandoraBox -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.pillarOfFire -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.pineTrees -> 137 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.plant -> 189 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.prison -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.pyramid -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.questGuard -> 215 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.rallyFlag -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomArtifact -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomArtifactMajor -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomArtifactMinor -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomArtifactRelic -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomArtifactTreasure -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomDwelling -> 216 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomDwellingFaction -> 218 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomDwellingLvl -> 217 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomHero -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonster -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel1 -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel2 -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel3 -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel4 -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel5 -> 162 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel6 -> 163 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomMonsterLevel7 -> 164 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomResource -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.randomTown -> 77 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.redwoodObservatory -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.reef -> 161 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.refugeeCamp -> 78 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.resource -> 79 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.riverDelta -> 143 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.rock -> 147 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.rocklands -> 231 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.roughHills -> 209 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.sanctuary -> 80 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.sandDune -> 148 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.sandPit -> 149 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.scholar -> 81 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.schoolOfMagic -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.schoolOfWar -> 107 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.seaChest -> 82 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.seerHut -> 83 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shipwreck -> 85 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shipwreckSurvivor -> 86 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shipyard -> 87 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel1 -> 88 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel2 -> 89 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shrineOfMagicLevel3 -> 90 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.shrub -> 150 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.sign -> 91 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.sirens -> 92 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.skull -> 151 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.spellScroll -> 93 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.stables -> 94 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.starAxis -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.stump -> 153 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.subterraneanGate -> 103 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.subterraneanRocks -> 210 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.swampFoliage -> 211 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.swanPond -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.tavern -> 95 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.temple -> 96 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 98 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.tradingPost -> 221 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.tradingPostDUPLICATE -> 99 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.treasureChest -> 101 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.treeOfKnowledge -> 102 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.trees -> 155 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.treesDUPLICATE -> 199 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.volcano -> 158 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.wagon -> 105 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.warMachineFactory -> 106 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.warriorTomb -> 108 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.waterWheel -> 109 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.wateringHole -> 110 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.whirlpool -> 111 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.windmill -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - core : object.witchHut -> 113 TRACE mod [894] - core : primSkill.attack -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : primSkill.defence -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : primSkill.knowledge -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : primSkill.spellpower -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : primarySkill.attack -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : primarySkill.defence -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : primarySkill.knowledge -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : primarySkill.spellpower -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.crystal -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.gems -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.mercury -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.mithril -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.ore -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.sulfur -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : resource.wood -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.airMagic -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.archery -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.armorer -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.artillery -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.ballistics -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.diplomacy -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.eagleEye -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.earthMagic -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.estates -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.fireMagic -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.firstAid -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.intelligence -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.leadership -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.learning -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.logistics -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.luck -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.mysticism -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.navigation -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.necromancy -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.offence -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.pathfinding -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.resistance -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.scholar -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.scouting -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.sorcery -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.tactics -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.waterMagic -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : secondarySkill.wisdom -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.airMagic -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.archery -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.armorer -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.artillery -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.ballistics -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.diplomacy -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.eagleEye -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.earthMagic -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.estates -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.fireMagic -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.firstAid -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.intelligence -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.leadership -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.learning -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.logistics -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.luck -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.mysticism -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.navigation -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.necromancy -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.offence -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.pathfinding -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.resistance -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.scholar -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.scouting -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.sorcery -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.tactics -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.waterMagic -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - core : skill.wisdom -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.acidBreath -> 80 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.acidBreathDamage -> 81 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.age -> 75 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.ageCamera -> 94 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.airElemental -> 69 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.airShield -> 28 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.animateDead -> 39 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.antiMagic -> 34 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.armageddon -> 26 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : spell.barbarity -> 84 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.berserk -> 59 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.bind -> 72 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.bless -> 41 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : spell.blessingSeal -> 112 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.blind -> 62 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.bloodlust -> 43 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.cantorShot -> 88 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.catReflexes -> 117 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.chainLightning -> 19 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.clone -> 65 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.confusion -> 118 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.conviction -> 89 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.counterstrike -> 58 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.cure -> 37 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.curse -> 42 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.deathCloud -> 76 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.deathGrasp -> 95 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.deathRipple -> 24 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.deathStare -> 79 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.deepFreeze -> 119 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.destroyUndead -> 25 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.dimensionDoor -> 8 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.disease -> 73 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.disguise -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.dispel -> 35 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.dispelHelpful -> 78 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.disruptingRay -> 47 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.dragonPotion -> 96 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.dragonStrength -> 120 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.earthElemental -> 67 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.earthquake -> 14 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.enchantedWeapon -> 97 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.ephemeral -> 98 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.etheralPotion -> 99 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : spell.fireBolt -> 85 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.fireElemental -> 66 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.fireShield -> 29 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : spell.fireVulnerability -> 86 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.fireWall -> 13 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.fireball -> 21 TRACE mod [894] - core : -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.forceField -> 12 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.forgetfulness -> 61 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.fortune -> 51 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.frenzy -> 56 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.frostRing -> 20 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : spell.godScaleAttack -> 113 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : spell.godScaleDefence -> 114 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.gottesbriefe -> 130 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.haste -> 53 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.hypnotize -> 60 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.iceBolt -> 16 TRACE mod [894] - bastille : spell.iceFrozen -> 87 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.immolationCurse -> 100 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.immolationDamage -> 101 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.implosion -> 18 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.inferno -> 22 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.landMine -> 11 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.levitation -> 121 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : spell.lifeEater -> 115 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.lightningBolt -> 17 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.magicArrow -> 15 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.magicMirror -> 36 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.meteorShower -> 23 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.mirth -> 49 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.misfortune -> 52 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.pacifism -> 102 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.paralyze -> 74 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.poison -> 71 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.potionSupply -> 103 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.prayer -> 48 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.precision -> 44 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.protectAir -> 30 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.protectEarth -> 33 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.protectFire -> 31 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.protectWater -> 32 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.punishment -> 90 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.puppetMaster -> 122 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.quagmire -> 104 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.quickStrikes -> 105 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.quicksand -> 10 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.reconstruction -> 106 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.redeem -> 91 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.regenerationPotion -> 107 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.removeObstacle -> 64 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.resurrection -> 38 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.rfgDebug -> 131 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.rfgEmet -> 132 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.rfgGottesbriefeP -> 133 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.rfgMet -> 134 TRACE mod [894] - refugeetown : spell.rfgNamburbi -> 135 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.sacrifice -> 40 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : spell.scout -> 125 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.scratch -> 92 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.scuttleBoat -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : spell.seduce -> 82 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.shield -> 27 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.slayer -> 55 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.slow -> 54 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.sorrow -> 50 TRACE mod [894] - mod desing team.forge : spell.specialLvl7 -> 129 TRACE mod [894] - new pavilion : spell.specialSlowPav -> 116 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.stoneGaze -> 70 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.stoneSkin -> 46 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.stunAbility -> 108 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.summonBoat -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : spell.summonRaven -> 126 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : spell.symbiosis -> 127 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.teleport -> 63 TRACE mod [894] - cathedral : spell.temPrayer -> 93 TRACE mod [894] - asylum : spell.terrorEye -> 83 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.thunderbolt -> 77 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.titanBolt -> 57 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.toughnessPotion -> 109 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.townPortal -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.vampirism -> 123 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.viewAir -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.viewEarth -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.vinesRevive -> 110 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.visions -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - newoldspells : spell.waspSwarm -> 124 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.waterElemental -> 68 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.waterWalk -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : spell.weakness -> 45 TRACE mod [894] - courtyard : spell.weaponPoisonPotion -> 111 TRACE mod [894] - preserve : spell.wolverineHeart -> 128 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.dirt -> 0 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.grass -> 2 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.lava -> 7 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.rock -> 9 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.rough -> 5 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.sand -> 1 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.snow -> 3 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.subterra -> 6 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.swamp -> 4 TRACE mod [894] - core : terrain.water -> 8 ERROR mod [894] - All known identifiers were dumped into log file INFO mod [894] - Resolving identifiers: 263 ms TRACE mod [894] - warlock:h2warlock: no probability for firstAid, using default TRACE mod [894] - warlock:h2warlockfem: no probability for firstAid, using default TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove:captain: no probability for firstAid, using default TRACE mod [894] - hota.cove:navigator: no probability for firstAid, using default DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero valeska(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "marksman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "marksman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archer", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero edric(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero sorsha(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christian(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero tyris(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "champion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "champion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cavalier", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ingham(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zealot", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zealot", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "monk", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ufretin(rampart) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "battleDwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "battleDwarf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dwarf", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ryland(rampart) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dendroidGuard", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ivor(rampart) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grandElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grandElf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "woodElf", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero clancy(rampart) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warUnicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warUnicorn", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "unicorn", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero aeris(rampart) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "silverPegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "silverPegasus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pegasus", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero piquedram(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "obsidianGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "obsidianGargoyle", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGargoyle", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero thane(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero josephine(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "stoneGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ironGolem", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero torosar (tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fafner(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "nagaQueen", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "nagaQueen", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "naga", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero iona(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "masterGenie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "genie", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero theodorus(tower) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "archMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mage", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fiona(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cerberus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cerberus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hellHound", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero rashka(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreetSultan", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreetSultan", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "efreet", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero marius(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hornedDemon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hornedDemon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "demon", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ignatius(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "familiar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "familiar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "imp", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero calh(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "magog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "magog", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gog", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero pyre(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero nymus(inferno) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "pitFiend", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero straker(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zombieLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "zombieLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "walkingDead", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero vokial(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampireLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampireLord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "vampire", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero moandor(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "powerLich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "powerLich", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lich", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero charna(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wraith", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wraith", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wight", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero tamika(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dreadKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "dreadKnight", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "blackKnight", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero galthran(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeletonWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeletonWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "skeleton", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero lorelei(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpyHag", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpyHag", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "harpy", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero arlach(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero dace(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaurKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaurKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "minotaur", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ajit(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "evilEye", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "evilEye", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "beholder", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero synca(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "scorpicore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "scorpicore", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "manticore", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero shakti(dungeon) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "infernalTroglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "infernalTroglodyte", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "troglodyte", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero yog(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclopKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclopKing", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cyclop", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero gurnisson(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero jabarkas(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orcChieftain", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orcChieftain", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "orc", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero shiva(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "thunderbird", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "thunderbird", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "roc", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero gretchin(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblin", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero krellion(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero tyraxor(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hobgoblinWolfRider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "goblinWolfRider", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero vey(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bron(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greaterBasilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greaterBasilisk", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "basilisk", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero drakon(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnollMarauder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnollMarauder", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gnoll", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero wystan(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "lizardman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero alkin(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mightyGorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mightyGorgon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "gorgon", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero korbac(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fireDragonFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fireDragonFly", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "serpentFly", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero gerwulf(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero broghild(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvernMonarch", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvernMonarch", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "wyvern", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero catherine(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "crusader", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "swordsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero roland(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "royalGriffin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "griffin", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero boragus(stronghold) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogreMage", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ogre", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode010additional(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "abode-mod:abodePixieOfAbode", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode112desini(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "abode-mod:abodeFireBirdOfAbode", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "SELF_MORALE" : { "type" : "SELF_MORALE", "val" : 3 }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode113jessika(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5, "valueType" : "PERCENT_TO_ALL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode114bridonna(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "abode-mod:abodePixieOfAbode", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode115qara(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode116chani(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "NONEVIL_ALIGNMENT_MIX" : { "type" : "NONEVIL_ALIGNMENT_MIX" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode117sunni(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode118kastore(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "abode-mod:abodePixieOfAbode", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode119yviene(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "type" : "SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE" }, "bonuses" : { "chainLightning" : { "addInfo" : 20, "subtype" : "spell.chainLightning" }, "lightningBolt" : { "subtype" : "spell.lightningBolt", "val" : 20 }, "magicArrow" : { "subtype" : "spell.magicArrow", "val" : 20 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode120minore(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SPELL" : { "subtype" : 59, "type" : "SPELL", "val" : 1 }, "berserk" : { "addInfo" : 1, "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode121kilyne(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "forceField" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.forceField", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode122errinaya(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "FIRE_SHIELD" : { "type" : "FIRE_SHIELD", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode123leane(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 15 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode124calene(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 20 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode125karen(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode126resurrecta(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resurrection" : { "subtype" : "spell.resurrection", "type" : "SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE", "val" : 20, "valueType" : "INDEPENDENT_MAX" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero abode-mod:abode127sae(abode-mod:abode) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY" : { "type" : "FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY", "val" : 30 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:charity(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "amethyst:amDragonTurtle", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:cistrict(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:julian(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "amethyst:amSwordServant", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:karen(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:kastore(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "chainLightning" : { "subtype" : "spell.chainLightning", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:leane(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "stoneSkin" : { "subtype" : "spell.stoneSkin", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:maximus(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "tactics" : { "subtype" : "skill.tactics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:meltes(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:minore(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "berserk" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:niclas(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:rengist(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "amethyst:amGirlSnake", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:resurrecta(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resurrection" : { "subtype" : "spell.resurrection", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:seprinteer(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "amethyst:amSamurai", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:singhel(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "amethyst:amHuluLeave", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:sunni(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "scouting" : { "subtype" : "skill.scouting", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero amethyst:tarkin(amethyst:amethyst) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "landMine" : { "subtype" : "spell.landMine", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:a_alach(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "offence" : { "subtype" : "skill.offence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:b_pauline(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:shadowhunter", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:c_harker(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:darksquire", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:d_sisElisa(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:winddancer", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:e_renner(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:sadphanton", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:f_judith(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:spiritcrus", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:g_stacia(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "asylum:asnightmare", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:h_karth(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:i_kaspar(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "berserk" : { "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "MAXED_SPELL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:j_mog(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:k_viola(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "hypnotize" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.hypnotize", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:l_brigid(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "blind" : { "subtype" : "spell.blind", "type" : "MAXED_SPELL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:m_mona(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:n_jezebel(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:o_margareta(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "forgetfulness" : { "subtype" : "spell.forgetfulness", "type" : "MAXED_SPELL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero asylum:p_Lynn(asylum:asylum) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorrow" : { "subtype" : "spell.sorrow", "type" : "MAXED_SPELL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:a_daive(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "bastille:bdefender", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:b_richmond(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "bastille:bsnowbird", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:c_harrigan(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "bastille:bjaveliner", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:d_austin(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 }, "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL" }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:e_princehogg(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:f_gestalt(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "bastille:bbrute", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:g_aaron(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "learning" : { "subtype" : "skill.learning", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:h_craighill(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "bastille:bgladiator", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:i_aidan(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:j_barbara(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:k_cynthia(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "iceBolt" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.iceBolt", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:l_astride(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireball" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.fireball", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:m_mildura(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "crystal" : { "subtype" : "resource.crystal", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:n_renee(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "mysticism" : { "subtype" : "skill.mysticism", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:o_melisa(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireShield" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.fireShield", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero bastille:p_leslie(bastille:bastille) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:erika(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthTemplar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthPaladin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthTemplar", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 20, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthPaladin", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 22, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthTemplar", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:kasumi(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSlayer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthExecutioner", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSlayer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthExecutioner", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSlayer", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:nariko(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthCouatl", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthBloodyCouatl", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthCouatl", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthBloodyCouatl", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthCouatl", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:patricia(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthWitchHunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthEvilHunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthWitchHunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthEvilHunter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthWitchHunter", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:sveneld(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "LUCK" : { "effectRange" : "ONLY_ENEMY_ARMY", "type" : "LUCK", "val" : -1, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:svetlana(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "MORALE" : { "effectRange" : "ONLY_ENEMY_ARMY", "type" : "MORALE", "val" : -1, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cathedral:tarinus(cathedral:cathedral) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSexton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthCantor", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSexton", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthCantor", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cathedral:cthSexton", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cetatea:alicuza(cetatea:cetatea) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cetatea:decebal(cetatea:cetatea) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cWerewolf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cAlphawerewolf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cWerewolf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cAlphawerewolf", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cWerewolf", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero cetatea:vladtepes(cetatea:cetatea) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cVampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cVampirelord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cVampire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cVampirelord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "cetatea:cVampire", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:balthasar(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "mysticism" : { "subtype" : "skill.mysticism", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:befana(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:caspar(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "wisdom" : { "subtype" : "skill.wisdom", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:dedmoroz(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:santaacolyte", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 23, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:dominick(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:donkey", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:ebenezer(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:frauberta(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:grinch(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:christmasgremlin", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:julemanden(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "firstAid" : { "subtype" : "skill.firstAid", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:jultomten(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "luck" : { "subtype" : "skill.luck", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:melchior(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:olentzero(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:christmaslight", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:rudolph(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:reindeer", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:snegurochka(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "christmas:fairy", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 1 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:snowman(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "iceBolt" : { "subtype" : "spell.iceBolt", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero christmas:yulecat(christmas:christmas) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "offence" : { "subtype" : "skill.offence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:charity(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ciberium:ctTank", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:cistrict(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:julian(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ciberium:ctJumpFighter", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:karen(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:kastore(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "chainLightning" : { "subtype" : "spell.chainLightning", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:leane(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "stoneSkin" : { "subtype" : "spell.stoneSkin", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:maximus(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "tactics" : { "subtype" : "skill.tactics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:meltes(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:minore(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "berserk" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:niclas(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sulfur" : { "subtype" : "resource.sulfur", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:rengist(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ciberium:ctHedgehopper", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:resurrecta(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resurrection" : { "subtype" : "spell.resurrection", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:seprinteer(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ciberium:ctCockroach", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:singhel(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ciberium:ctConscript", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:sunni(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "scouting" : { "subtype" : "skill.scouting", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero ciberium:tarkin(ciberium:ciberium) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "landMine" : { "subtype" : "spell.landMine", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero courtyard:02kanim(courtyard:courtyard) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:arquebusier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:musketeer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:arquebusier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:musketeer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:arquebusier", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero courtyard:05raphus(courtyard:courtyard) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:cupid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:graniteCupid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:cupid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:graniteCupid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:cupid", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero courtyard:08audred(courtyard:courtyard) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:homunculus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:gildedHomunculus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:homunculus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:gildedHomunculus", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "courtyard:homunculus", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero deathvalley:dvBarraka(deathvalley:deathvalley) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:gghost", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:cghost", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:gghost", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:cghost", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:gghost", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero deathvalley:dvCrightoth(deathvalley:deathvalley) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero deathvalley:dvDreygo(deathvalley:deathvalley) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:mums", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:mums2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:mums", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:mums2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:mums", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero deathvalley:dvSylvanus(deathvalley:deathvalley) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:banshee", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:ebanshee", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:banshee", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:ebanshee", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "deathvalley:banshee", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:coppers(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:liam(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:ddwa", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:linda(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:meila(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "iceBolt" : { "subtype" : "spell.iceBolt", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:muggins(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:leprechaun", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:nahana(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:nicole(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:priscilla(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:shae(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:centaurbarbarian", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:tana(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "haste" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.haste", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:tavish(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:hawk", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:tim(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:stoneelm", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:wendil(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "mysticism" : { "subtype" : "skill.mysticism", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:wren(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:zach(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "earth:warbear", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero earth:zarm(earth:earth) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "weakness" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.weakness", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftAbrisa(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "weakness" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.weakness", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftArina(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SURRENDER_DISCOUNT" : { "propagator" : "HERO", "type" : "SURRENDER_DISCOUNT", "val" : 40 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftKylina(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fairy:ftWisp1", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftLosina(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "firstAid" : { "subtype" : "skill.firstAid", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftMeri(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftMia(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftOla(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftSarisa(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "blind" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.blind", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftSeliva(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "CREATURE_DAMAGE" : { "subtype" : 0, "type" : "CREATURE_DAMAGE", "val" : 1, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftSheli(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : [ "allOf", { "parameters" : [ "fairy:ftFench1", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, { "parameters" : [ "fairy:ftFench2", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } ] }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL" }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL" }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftSinara(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fairy:ftHatchling1", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftSiniri(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fairy:ftNoble22fairy:ftNoble3" : { "addInfo" : "creature.fairy:ftNoble3", "subtype" : "creature.fairy:ftNoble2", "type" : "SPECIAL_UPGRADE" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftUliri(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftWarela(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "magicArrow" : { "subtype" : "spell.magicArrow", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftZerela(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "fairy:ftFairy1", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero fairy:ftZeria(fairy:fairy) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero farriery:charity(farriery:farriery) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faMechFighter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faMechWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faMechFighter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faMechWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faMechFighter", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero farriery:rengist(farriery:farriery) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faDroid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faBattleDroid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faDroid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faBattleDroid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faDroid", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero farriery:seprinteer(farriery:farriery) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faGruntSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faFootSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faGruntSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faFootSoldier", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faGruntSoldier", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero farriery:singhel(farriery:farriery) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faCyberDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faCyberZombie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faCyberDead", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faCyberZombie", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "farriery:faCyberDead", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:charity(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftCannonGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftSiegeGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftCannonGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftSiegeGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftCannonGolem", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:cistrict(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:julian(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftDalek", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftGroundDalek", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftDalek", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftGroundDalek", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftDalek", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:maximus(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "tactics" : { "subtype" : "skill.tactics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:meltes(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:rengist(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftZord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftZordWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftZord", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftZordWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftZord", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:seprinteer(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftFlametrooper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftAcidTrooper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftFlametrooper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftAcidTrooper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftFlametrooper", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:singhel(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftGuardsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftVeteranGuardsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftGuardsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftVeteranGuardsman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "foundry:ftGuardsman", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero foundry:sunni(foundry:foundry) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "scouting" : { "subtype" : "skill.scouting", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:beata(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:bogdan(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:bonio(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "diplomacy" : { "subtype" : "skill.diplomacy", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:chilia(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 }, "bonuses" : { "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:1a", true ] } }, "speed2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:2a", true ] } }, "speed3" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:3a", true ] } }, "speed4" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:4a", true ] } }, "speed5" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:5a", true ] } }, "speed6" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:6a", true ] } }, "speed7" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:7a", true ] } } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:ching chang chong(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:3a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:esmeralda(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:gerta(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireball" : { "subtype" : "spell.fireball", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:guba guba(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:4a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:jacquouille(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "lightningBolt" : { "subtype" : "spell.lightningBolt", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:kalafiosteain(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:6a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:kozak(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:2a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:litte smile(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:1a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:margret(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:nicolai(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:7a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 20, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:petra(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "firstAid" : { "subtype" : "skill.firstAid", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:sam Pchajplug(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:stonkososoczek(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "greenhouse:5a", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero greenhouse:zozia(greenhouse:glasshouse) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "mirth" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.mirth", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:kyorlin(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:nightdruid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:elderdruid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:nightdruid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:elderdruid", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:nightdruid", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:malla(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 }, "artillery" : { "addInfo" : 7, "subtype" : "skill.artillery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" }, "ballistics" : { "addInfo" : 7, "subtype" : "skill.ballistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:mrimm(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:phindara(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:basiliskrider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:basiliskchampion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:basiliskrider", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:basiliskchampion", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:basiliskrider", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:sargh(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 }, "bonuses" : { "ore" : { "subtype" : "resource.ore" }, "wood" : { "subtype" : "resource.wood" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:shebali(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:moonslayer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:moonslayer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "grove:moonslayer", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:sithyrr(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:ssin(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:ultrin(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:velve(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "CREATURE_DAMAGE" : { "subtype" : 0, "type" : "CREATURE_DAMAGE", "val" : 1, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:vlos(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "firstAid" : { "subtype" : "skill.firstAid", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero grove:wanre(grove:grove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "FULL_MANA_REGENERATION" : { "type" : "FULL_MANA_REGENERATION" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero haven:alligat(haven:haven) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:crab1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:crab2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:crab1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:crab2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:crab1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero haven:aquaron(haven:haven) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:seabishop1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:seabishop2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:seabishop1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:seabishop2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:seabishop1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero haven:illyanis(haven:haven) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:siren1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:siren2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:siren1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:siren2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:siren1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero haven:raven(haven:haven) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:triton1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:triton2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:triton1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:triton2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:triton1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero haven:undine(haven:haven) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:undine1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:undine2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:undine1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:undine2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "haven:undine1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero horde:hFullika(horde:horde) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:worg1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:worg2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:worg1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:worg2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:worg1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero horde:hGoranud(horde:horde) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:peon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:foreman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:peon", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:foreman", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:peon", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero horde:hOrloch(horde:horde) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:troll1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:troll2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:troll1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:troll2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:troll1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero horde:hYreima(horde:horde) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:lock1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:lock2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:lock1", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:lock2", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "horde:lock1", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol11baggins(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol12julian(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol13hanna(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol14tim(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol15niclas(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol16ceretus(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol17agnes(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol18lorenzo(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "necro-mod h2:necropolPixieOfnecropol", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol26belinda(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero necro-mod h2:necropol27karen(necro-mod h2:necropol) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:abiss(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssSandCrab", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:abyssKarnTi(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:arkana(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "scouting" : { "subtype" : "skill.scouting", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:dissanna(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "landMine" : { "subtype" : "spell.landMine", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:gril(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "chainLightning" : { "subtype" : "spell.chainLightning", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:kasta(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:kingsax(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:kraken teamster(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssGiantOctopus", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:pears(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:perha(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "berserk" : { "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:raytilii(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssDeepwaterJellyfish", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:season(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssYuanTiWarrior", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:sirranna(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:trila(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:verna(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "new abyss:abyssHyppocamph2new abyss:goldenHyppocamph" : { "addInfo" : " abyss:goldenHyppocamph", "subtype" : " abyss:abyssHyppocamph", "type" : "SPECIAL_UPGRADE" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:wel(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resurrection" : { "subtype" : "spell.resurrection", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new abyss:werser(new abyss:abyss) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssSeahorse", true ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssSeahorse", true ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new abyss:abyssHyppocamph", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:amesh(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sphinx", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:elderSphinx", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sphinx", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:elderSphinx", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 17, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sphinx", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:azarias(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:wadjet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:venomousWadjet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:wadjet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:venomousWadjet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:wadjet", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:cassandra(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:ammut", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sunAmmut", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:ammut", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sunAmmut", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:ammut", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:marzum(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:whipper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:overseer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:whipper", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:overseer", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:whipper", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:menet(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sekhmet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sekhmetPriestess", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sekhmet", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sekhmetPriestess", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:sekhmet", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero new pavilion:varn(new pavilion:pavilion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:anubis", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 20, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:anubisWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 30, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:anubis", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:anubisWarrior", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 20, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "new pavilion:anubis", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:a_kulkin(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:halflings", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:b_julian(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:hippogryph", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:c_hanna(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:d_terence(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:treelurker", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 3, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:e_niclas(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gems" : { "subtype" : "resource.gems", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:f_ceretus(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:fairybear", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:g_agnes(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "scouting" : { "subtype" : "skill.scouting", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 10 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:h_lorenzo(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:magiceye", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:i_anastasia(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "preserve:foxdruid", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:j_pamela(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "iceBolt" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.iceBolt", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:k_polly(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:l_ken(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "weakness" : { "addInfo" : 5, "subtype" : "spell.weakness", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:m_wildhayen(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "mysticism" : { "subtype" : "skill.mysticism", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:n_belinda(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:o_karen(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:p_renata(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL" : { "subtype" : 49, "type" : "OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL", "val" : 3, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero preserve:s_Agrenal(preserve:preserve) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "MORALE" : { "type" : "MORALE", "val" : 2, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:agar(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warlock:h2medusa", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:alamar(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "intelligence" : { "subtype" : "skill.intelligence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:arch(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warlock:h2mino", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:arie(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:barok(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "chainLightning" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.chainLightning", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:crodo(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "stoneSkin" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.stoneSkin", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:falagar(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "tactics" : { "subtype" : "skill.tactics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:kastore(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:martine(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:vesper(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "warlock:h2hydra", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero warlock:wrathmont(warlock:warlock) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "berserk" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.berserk", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:ama'ka(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "STACK_HEALTH" : { "type" : "STACK_HEALTH", "val" : 2, "valueType" : "BASE_NUMBER" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:amesza(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:whipper", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:ankh-Amon(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:basha(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "crystal" : { "subtype" : "resource.crystal", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:bianor(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:honsuneb(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:wadjet", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:inpu(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:sphinx", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:isham(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:ja'Bak(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:anubis", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 20, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 7 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:keila(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resistance" : { "subtype" : "skill.resistance", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:kemi(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "val" : 5 }, "bonuses" : { "SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL" : { "subtype" : 23, "type" : "SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL" }, "armorer" : { "subtype" : "skill.armorer", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "valueType" : "PERCENT_TO_BASE" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:mantis(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireShield" : { "subtype" : "spell.fireShield", "type" : "MAXED_SPELL" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:marzum(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:camelRider", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:mentuhotep(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:mex-Nefer(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "haste" : { "subtype" : "spell.haste", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 7 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:netsutset(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:ammut", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:nutt(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "forgotten tales.bastion:sekhmet", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero forgotten tales.bastion:takem(forgotten tales.bastion:bastion) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "pathfinding" : { "subtype" : "skill.pathfinding", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:anabel(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:pirate", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 6, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:andal(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "crystal" : { "subtype" : "resource.crystal", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:astra(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "frostRing" : { "subtype" : "spell.frostRing", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 7 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:bidley(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "addInfo" : "creature.hota.cove:seadog", "type" : "SPECIAL_UPGRADE" }, "bonuses" : { "hota.cove:corsair2hota.cove:seadog" : { "subtype" : "creature.hota.cove:corsair" }, "hota.cove:pirate2hota.cove:seadog" : { "subtype" : "creature.hota.cove:pirate" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:casmetra(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:seaWitch", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:cassiopeia(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:nymph", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:corkes(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "offence" : { "subtype" : "skill.offence", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:dargem(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "airShield" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.airShield", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:derek(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:crewmate", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 4, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:elmore(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "navigation" : { "subtype" : "skill.navigation", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:eovacius(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "clone" : { "subtype" : "spell.clone", "type" : "SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:illor(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:stormbird", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:jeremy(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:leena(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "gold" : { "subtype" : "", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 350 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:manfred(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireball" : { "subtype" : "spell.fireball", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:miriam(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:spint(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sorcery" : { "subtype" : "skill.sorcery", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:tark(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "hota.cove:nix", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.cove:zilare(hota.cove:cove) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "forgetfulness" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.forgetfulness", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.hota heroes:beatrice(castle) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "SIGHT_RADIOUS" : { "type" : "SIGHT_RADIOUS", "val" : 3 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.hota heroes:kinkeria(fortress) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "learning" : { "subtype" : "skill.learning", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero hota.hota heroes:ranloo(necropolis) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:agar(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:jumpTrooper", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 18, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:albino(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "fireWall" : { "subtype" : "spell.fireWall", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:codgur(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:jumpSoldier", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:daneel(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "firstAid" : { "subtype" : "skill.firstAid", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:deckard(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "resistance" : { "subtype" : "skill.resistance", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:flamius(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:pyro", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:jonathan(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:recruit", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:kaleh(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:thug", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:lilyam(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "sulfur" : { "subtype" : "resource.sulfur", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:marchette(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "crystal" : { "subtype" : "resource.crystal", "type" : "GENERATE_RESOURCE", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:polestar(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:brainSucker", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:seldon(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "antiMagic" : { "addInfo" : 0, "subtype" : "spell.antiMagic", "type" : "SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT" } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:sheikleen(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "precision" : { "subtype" : "spell.precision", "type" : "SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 7 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:tyrrel(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "mod desing team.forge:stinger", true ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:vee(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "ballista", false ], "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" }, "type" : "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION", "val" : 50 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero mod desing team.forge:zhora(mod desing team.forge:forge) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "bonuses" : { "logistics" : { "subtype" : "skill.logistics", "type" : "SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY", "updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL", "val" : 5 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero refugeetown:rfgAreman(refugeetown:refugee) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgVagabond", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgNomad", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 9, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgVagabond", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 7, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgNomad", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 2 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgVagabond", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero refugeetown:rfgAzar(refugeetown:refugee) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgHorseFire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgHorseBlack", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 16, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgHorseFire", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 14, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgHorseBlack", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 6 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgHorseFire", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero refugeetown:rfgMahyar(refugeetown:refugee) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSharp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 8, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSharpV", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 10, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSharp", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSharpV", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 5, 3 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSharp", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero refugeetown:rfgMithra(refugeetown:refugee) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSorceress", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgEnchanter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 15, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSorceress", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgEnchanter", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 5 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgSorceress", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } DEBUG mod [894] - Converting specialty format for hero refugeetown:rfgReza(refugeetown:refugee) TRACE mod [894] - "specialty" : { "base" : { "limiters" : { "type" : "CREATURE_TYPE_LIMITER" } }, "bonuses" : { "attack" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgGoldGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 11, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "attack2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgDiamondGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.attack", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 13, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgGoldGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "defence2" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgDiamondGolem", false ] }, "subtype" : "primSkill.defence", "type" : "PRIMARY_SKILL", "updater" : { "parameters" : [ 12, 4 ], "type" : "GROWS_WITH_LEVEL" } }, "speed" : { "limiters" : { "parameters" : [ "refugeetown:rfgGoldGolem", true ] }, "type" : "STACKS_SPEED", "val" : 1 } } } WARN global [894] - No templates found for 172:0 WARN global [894] - No templates found for 186:0 WARN global [894] - No templates found for 189:0 INFO mod [894] - Handlers post-load finalization: 95 ms INFO mod [894] - All game content loaded in 3737 ms TRACE network [894] - CVCMIServer created! UUID: 212f4a53-fe26-401b-bc0b-896d439d8158 INFO network [894] - Port 3030 will be used INFO network [894] - Listening for connections at port 3030 INFO network [4f1c] - We got a new connection! :) INFO network [4f1c] - Established connection with VCMI 0.99 8c77f0488c21cbd6de7c77b34c58654d1d039f21 (client). UUID: 2b64e4f9-78ed-47e0-a4e2-f677d3312b5f TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 20LobbyClientConnected INFO network [4bf0] - Connection with client 1 established. UUID: 212f4a53-fe26-401b-bc0b-896d439d8158 INFO network [4bf0] - Client 1 player: Player INFO network [4bf0] - system says: Player (pid  cid 1) joins the game TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 20LobbyClientConnected TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 16LobbyUpdateState TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14LobbyStartGame INFO network [4bf0] - Preparing to start loaded game INFO global [4bf0] - Loading from SAVES/JOURNEY INFO global [4bf0] - Loading lib part of game... INFO global [4bf0] - Reading header INFO global [4bf0] - Reading options INFO global [4bf0] - Reading handlers TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\obstacles.json INFO network [4f1c] - Something wrong during accepting: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\terrains.json TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\commanders.json TRACE global [4bf0] - Reading resources prices TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\resources.json TRACE global [4bf0] - Done loading resource prices! TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.wood as core:0 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.mercury as core:1 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.ore as core:2 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.sulfur as core:3 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.crystal as core:4 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.gems as core:5 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered as core:6 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered resource.mithril as core:7 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primSkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primarySkill.attack as core:0 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primSkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primarySkill.defence as core:1 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primSkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primarySkill.spellpower as core:2 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primSkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE mod [4bf0] - registered primarySkill.knowledge as core:3 TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\gameConfig.json TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\bonuses.json TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\bonuses_texts.json TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RANGED_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT_EXTRA_SHOTS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DESTRUCTION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DISGUISED TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FEAR TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FIRST_STRIKE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FLYING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type GARGOYLE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type HATE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type HEALER TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type KING1 TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type KING2 TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type KING3 TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NONE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type RANGED_RETALIATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTS_ALL_ADJACENT TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SOUL_STEAL TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SUMMON_GUARDIANS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type SYNERGY_TARGET TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type TRANSMUTATION TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type VISIONS TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY TRACE bonus [4bf0] - Loaded bonus type WIDE_BREATH INFO global [4bf0] - Reading gamestate TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Overseers +25 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Rogues +2 #propagated to# Hero TRACE bonus [4bf0] - #$# Vagabonds #propagated to# Hero INFO global [4bf0] - Loading server state INFO global [4bf0] - Game has been successfully loaded! TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 11LobbySetMap TRACE network [4f1c] - Sending a pack of type 14LobbyStartGame INFO network [894] - Thread handling connections ended TRACE global [894] - Entering void CGameHandler::run(bool): resume=1. INFO global [894] - Connection 1 will handle 9 player: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 255 TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (21 13 0) to (21 14 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (21 13 0) to (21 14 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 1 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (21 14 0) to (21 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (21 14 0) to (21 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 2 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 2 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (21 15 0) to (20 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (21 15 0) to (20 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 3 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 3 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (20 16 0) to (19 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (20 16 0) to (19 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 4 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (19 17 0) to (18 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (19 17 0) to (18 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 5 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 5 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (18 17 0) to (17 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (18 17 0) to (17 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 6 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus visits Windmill (112:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 7 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Windmill} The keeper of the mill announces: "Milord, I have been working very hard to provide you with these resources, come back next week for more." TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 7 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 6 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (10 42 1) to (11 42 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (10 42 1) to (11 42 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 8 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 8 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (11 42 1) to (12 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (11 42 1) to (12 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 9 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Keila visits Rally Flag (64:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 10 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Rally Flag} You rally your troops around this flag, renewing their strength and lifting their spirits. You feel at your peak, and can travel a bit further today. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Keila visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 10 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 9 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (12 41 1) to (13 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (12 41 1) to (13 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 11 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 11 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (13 41 1) to (14 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (13 41 1) to (14 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 12 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 12 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (14 41 1) to (15 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (14 41 1) to (15 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 13 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 13 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (15 41 1) to (14 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (15 41 1) to (14 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 14 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 14 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (14 41 1) to (13 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (14 41 1) to (13 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 15 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 15 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (13 41 1) to (14 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (13 41 1) to (14 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 16 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 16 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (14 41 1) to (15 41 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (14 41 1) to (15 41 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 17 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 17 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (15 41 1) to (16 40 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (15 41 1) to (16 40 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 18 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 18 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (16 40 1) to (17 40 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (16 40 1) to (17 40 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 19 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 19 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (17 40 1) to (18 40 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (17 40 1) to (18 40 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 20 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 20 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (18 40 1) to (17 40 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (18 40 1) to (17 40 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 21 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 21 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (17 40 1) to (16 40 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (17 40 1) to (16 40 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 22 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 22 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (16 40 1) to (16 39 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (16 40 1) to (16 39 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 23 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 23 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (16 39 1) to (17 38 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (16 39 1) to (17 38 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 24 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 24 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (17 38 1) to (16 37 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (17 38 1) to (16 37 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 25 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 25 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (16 37 1) to (15 36 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (16 37 1) to (15 36 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 26 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 26 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (15 36 1) to (14 35 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (15 36 1) to (14 35 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 27 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 27 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 658 from (14 35 1) to (15 36 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Keila starts movement from (14 35 1) to (15 36 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 28 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Keila ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 28 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (17 16 0) to (16 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (17 16 0) to (16 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 29 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 29 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (16 16 0) to (15 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (16 16 0) to (15 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 30 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 30 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (15 15 0) to (14 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (15 15 0) to (14 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 31 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 31 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (14 15 0) to (13 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (14 15 0) to (13 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 32 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 32 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (13 15 0) to (12 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (13 15 0) to (12 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 33 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 33 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (12 15 0) to (11 14 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (12 15 0) to (11 14 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 34 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 34 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (11 14 0) to (10 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (11 14 0) to (10 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 35 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 35 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (10 13 0) to (10 12 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (10 13 0) to (10 12 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 36 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 36 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (10 12 0) to (9 11 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (10 12 0) to (9 11 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 37 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 37 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (9 11 0) to (8 10 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (9 11 0) to (8 10 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 38 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 38 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4774 from (8 10 0) to (7 10 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Dictamnus starts movement from (8 10 0) to (7 10 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 39 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Dictamnus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 39 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 18TradeOnMarketplace TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 18TradeOnMarketplace successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 18TradeOnMarketplace TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 18TradeOnMarketplace successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 18TradeOnMarketplace TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 18TradeOnMarketplace successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (10 14 0) to (11 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (10 14 0) to (11 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 40 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 40 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (11 15 0) to (11 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (11 15 0) to (11 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 41 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 41 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (11 16 0) to (11 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (11 16 0) to (11 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 42 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 42 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (11 17 0) to (11 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (11 17 0) to (11 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 43 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 43 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (11 18 0) to (12 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (11 18 0) to (12 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 44 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 44 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (12 19 0) to (12 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (12 19 0) to (12 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 45 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 45 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (12 20 0) to (11 21 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (12 20 0) to (11 21 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 46 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 46 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (11 21 0) to (10 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (11 21 0) to (10 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 47 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 47 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (10 22 0) to (9 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (10 22 0) to (9 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 48 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 48 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (9 22 0) to (8 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (9 22 0) to (8 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 49 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 49 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (8 22 0) to (7 21 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (8 22 0) to (7 21 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 50 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 50 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (7 21 0) to (6 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (7 21 0) to (6 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 51 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 51 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 1 (blue) wants to move hero 4749 from (6 20 0) to (5 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Bidley starts movement from (6 20 0) to (5 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 52 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Bidley ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 52 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14BuildStructure TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9FoWChange TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 14BuildStructure successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (49 25 0) to (49 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (49 25 0) to (49 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 53 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 53 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (49 24 0) to (48 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (49 24 0) to (48 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 54 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 54 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (48 23 0) to (47 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (48 23 0) to (47 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 55 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 55 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (47 23 0) to (48 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (47 23 0) to (48 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 56 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 56 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (48 23 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (48 23 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 57 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 57 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 58 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo visits Subterranean Gate (103:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 59 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 60 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14TeleportDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14TeleportDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 60 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 255 (unnamed) wants to move hero 4756 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 61 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 58 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 61 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=59 affecting players (2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 59 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 60 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (49 22 1) to (48 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (49 22 1) to (48 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 62 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 62 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (48 23 1) to (47 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (48 23 1) to (47 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 63 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 63 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (47 22 1) to (46 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (47 22 1) to (46 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 64 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 64 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (46 22 1) to (45 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (46 22 1) to (45 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 65 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 65 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (45 23 1) to (45 24 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (45 23 1) to (45 24 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 66 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 66 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4756 from (45 24 1) to (45 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Ranloo starts movement from (45 24 1) to (45 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 67 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Ranloo ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 67 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (52 23 0) to (51 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (52 23 0) to (51 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 68 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 68 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (51 24 0) to (50 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (51 24 0) to (50 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 69 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 69 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (50 24 0) to (49 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (50 24 0) to (49 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 70 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 70 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (49 23 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (49 23 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 71 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 71 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 72 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Straker visits Subterranean Gate (103:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 73 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 74 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14TeleportDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14TeleportDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 74 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 255 (unnamed) wants to move hero 338 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 75 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Straker visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 72 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 75 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=73 affecting players (2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 73 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 74 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (49 22 1) to (50 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (49 22 1) to (50 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 76 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 76 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (50 23 1) to (49 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (50 23 1) to (49 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 77 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 77 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (49 23 1) to (48 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (49 23 1) to (48 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 78 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 78 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (48 23 1) to (47 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (48 23 1) to (47 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 79 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 79 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (47 22 1) to (47 21 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (47 22 1) to (47 21 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 80 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 80 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (60 21 0) to (60 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (60 21 0) to (60 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 81 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 81 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (60 22 0) to (60 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (60 22 0) to (60 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 82 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 82 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (60 23 0) to (59 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (60 23 0) to (59 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 83 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 83 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (59 24 0) to (58 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (59 24 0) to (58 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 84 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 84 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (58 25 0) to (58 26 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (58 25 0) to (58 26 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 85 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 85 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (58 26 0) to (57 27 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (58 26 0) to (57 27 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 86 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 86 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (57 27 0) to (56 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (57 27 0) to (56 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 87 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 87 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (56 28 0) to (55 29 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (56 28 0) to (55 29 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 88 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 88 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (55 24 0) to (54 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (55 24 0) to (54 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 89 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 89 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (54 25 0) to (53 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (54 25 0) to (53 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 90 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 90 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (53 25 0) to (52 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (53 25 0) to (52 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 91 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 91 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (52 25 0) to (51 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (52 25 0) to (51 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 92 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 92 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (51 25 0) to (50 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (51 25 0) to (50 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 93 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 93 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (50 24 0) to (49 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (50 24 0) to (49 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 94 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 94 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (49 23 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (49 23 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 95 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 95 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 96 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Losina visits Subterranean Gate (103:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 97 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 98 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14TeleportDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14TeleportDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 98 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 255 (unnamed) wants to move hero 4769 from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (49 22 0) to (49 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 99 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Losina visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 96 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 99 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=97 affecting players (2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 97 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 98 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (49 22 1) to (50 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (49 22 1) to (50 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 100 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 100 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4769 from (50 23 1) to (51 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Losina starts movement from (50 23 1) to (51 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 101 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Losina visits Monster (54:563) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 102 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 103 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Losina ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 103 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\battleStartpos.json TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11BattleStart TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 104 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=102 affecting players (2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 103 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [1284] - Round -1 TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [1284] - Activating tan battle stack [0]: 8 of Fairy Enchantresses from slot 1 of armyobj=4769 TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 16MakeCustomAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13StacksInjured TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13StacksInjured TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13StacksInjured TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 7SetMana TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 7SetMana TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 7SetMana TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 16MakeCustomAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [1284] - Entering void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). DEBUG global [1284] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [4]: 1 of Fairy Commanders from slot -2 of armyobj=4769 DEBUG global [1284] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [0]: 8 of Fairy Enchantresses from slot 1 of armyobj=4769 DEBUG global [1284] - Count: 8; base count: 8 DEBUG global [1284] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [1]: 9 of Walking Dead from slot 2 of armyobj=4769 DEBUG global [1284] - Count: 9; base count: 9 DEBUG global [1284] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [2]: 2 of Skeletons from slot 3 of armyobj=4769 DEBUG global [1284] - Count: 2; base count: 2 DEBUG global [1284] - Calculating casualties for unnamed battle stack [3]: 0 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=4281 DEBUG global [1284] - Count: 0; base count: 1 DEBUG global [1284] - Stack has been destroyed. TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleResult TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleResult TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 12BattleResult TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE global [1284] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [1284] - Decremented queries count to 0 TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE global [1284] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [1284] - removing object id=4281; address=9588e28; name=Monster TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [1284] - Hero Losina visit ends. TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [1284] - Hero Losina after victory over guard finishes visit to (51 22 1) TRACE network [1284] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [1284] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [1284] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [1284] - Destructed the query with id 101 TRACE global [1284] - Destructed the query with id 102 TRACE global [1284] - Destructed the query with id 104 TRACE global [1284] - Leaving void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (59 18 0) to (60 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (59 18 0) to (60 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 105 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 105 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (60 18 0) to (61 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (60 18 0) to (61 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 106 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 106 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 107 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visits Refugee Camp (78:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 108 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 109 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 109 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10OpenWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 107 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 108 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 109 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (62 17 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (62 17 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 110 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visits Refugee Camp (78:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 111 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 112 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 112 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10OpenWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 110 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 111 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 112 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (62 17 0) to (63 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (62 17 0) to (63 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 113 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 113 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (63 17 0) to (62 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (63 17 0) to (62 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 114 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 114 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (62 16 0) to (63 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (62 16 0) to (63 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 115 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 115 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (63 17 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (63 17 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 116 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visits Refugee Camp (78:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 117 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 118 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 118 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10OpenWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 116 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 117 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 118 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4772 from (62 17 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Orrin starts movement from (62 17 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 119 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visits Refugee Camp (78:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 120 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 121 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 121 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10OpenWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Orrin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 119 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 120 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 121 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (59 23 0) to (60 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (59 23 0) to (60 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 122 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 122 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (60 22 0) to (60 21 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (60 22 0) to (60 21 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 123 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 123 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (60 21 0) to (61 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (60 21 0) to (61 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 124 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 124 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (61 20 0) to (61 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (61 20 0) to (61 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 125 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 125 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (61 19 0) to (61 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (61 19 0) to (61 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 126 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 126 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 127 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska visits Orrin the Knight (34:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 128 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 129 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 129 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 129 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 127 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 128 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=129 affecting players (2, 2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 129 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 130 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska visits Orrin the Knight (34:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 131 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 132 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 attempts answering query 132 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 132 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 130 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 131 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=132 affecting players (2, 2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 132 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4760 from (61 18 0) to (60 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Valeska starts movement from (61 18 0) to (60 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 133 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Valeska ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 133 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (47 21 1) to (47 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (47 21 1) to (47 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 134 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 134 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 338 from (47 22 1) to (48 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Straker starts movement from (47 22 1) to (48 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 135 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Straker ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 135 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (55 29 0) to (56 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (55 29 0) to (56 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 136 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 136 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (56 28 0) to (56 27 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (56 28 0) to (56 27 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 137 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 137 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4750 from (56 27 0) to (57 26 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Nymus starts movement from (56 27 0) to (57 26 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 138 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Nymus ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 138 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (42 13 0) to (41 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (42 13 0) to (41 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 139 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 139 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (41 13 0) to (41 12 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (41 13 0) to (41 12 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 140 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 140 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (41 12 0) to (41 11 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (41 12 0) to (41 11 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 141 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 141 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (41 11 0) to (42 10 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (41 11 0) to (42 10 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 142 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 142 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (42 10 0) to (43 10 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (42 10 0) to (43 10 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 143 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 143 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (43 10 0) to (43 11 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (43 10 0) to (43 11 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 144 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 144 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (43 11 0) to (44 12 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (43 11 0) to (44 12 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 145 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 145 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (44 12 0) to (45 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (44 12 0) to (45 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 146 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 146 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (45 13 0) to (46 14 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (45 13 0) to (46 14 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 147 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 147 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (46 14 0) to (47 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (46 14 0) to (47 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 148 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 148 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (47 15 0) to (47 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (47 15 0) to (47 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 149 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 149 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (47 16 0) to (48 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (47 16 0) to (48 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 150 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 150 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (48 17 0) to (49 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (48 17 0) to (49 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 151 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 151 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (49 17 0) to (50 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (49 17 0) to (50 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 152 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 152 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (50 17 0) to (51 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (50 17 0) to (51 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 153 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 153 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (51 17 0) to (52 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (51 17 0) to (52 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 154 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 154 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (52 17 0) to (53 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (52 17 0) to (53 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 155 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 155 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (53 18 0) to (54 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (53 18 0) to (54 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 156 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 156 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 2 (tan) wants to move hero 4771 from (54 19 0) to (55 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Thant starts movement from (54 19 0) to (55 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 157 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Thant ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 157 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (57 96 0) to (58 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (57 96 0) to (58 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 158 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 158 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (58 96 0) to (59 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (58 96 0) to (59 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 159 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 159 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (59 96 0) to (60 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (59 96 0) to (60 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 160 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 160 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (60 96 0) to (61 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (60 96 0) to (61 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 161 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 161 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (61 95 0) to (62 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (61 95 0) to (62 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 162 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 162 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (62 95 0) to (63 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (62 95 0) to (63 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 163 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 163 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (63 95 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (63 95 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 164 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 164 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (64 94 0) to (65 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (64 94 0) to (65 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 165 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan visits Daive the Warlord (34:205) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 166 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 167 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 167 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 167 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 165 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 166 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=167 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 167 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 168 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visits Aidan the Pyromancer (34:213) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 169 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 170 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 170 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 170 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 168 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 169 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=170 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 170 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 171 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visits Aidan the Pyromancer (34:213) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 172 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 173 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 173 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 173 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 171 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 172 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=173 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 173 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14BuildStructure TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9FoWChange TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 14BuildStructure successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8HireHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12ChangeSpells TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12ChangeSpells TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12ChangeSpells TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8HireHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 88 0) to (66 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 88 0) to (66 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 174 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE global [4bf0] - Caitlin correctly left town Blaxbrook TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 174 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 89 0) to (66 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 89 0) to (66 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 175 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 175 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 90 0) to (67 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 90 0) to (67 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 176 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 176 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 177 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 177 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 178 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin visits Daive the Warlord (34:205) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 179 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 180 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 180 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 180 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 178 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 179 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=180 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 180 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (64 94 0) to (65 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (64 94 0) to (65 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 181 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 181 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (65 94 0) to (66 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (65 94 0) to (66 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 182 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 182 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (66 93 0) to (66 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (66 93 0) to (66 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 183 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan visits Caitlin the Cleric (34:15) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 184 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 185 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 185 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 185 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 183 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 184 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=185 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 185 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (65 93 0) to (66 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (65 93 0) to (66 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 186 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visits Caitlin the Cleric (34:15) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 187 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 188 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 188 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 188 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Daive visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 186 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 187 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=188 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 188 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 92 0) to (66 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 92 0) to (66 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 189 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin visits Aidan the Pyromancer (34:213) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 190 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 191 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 17ExchangeArtifacts TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 17ExchangeArtifacts successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 191 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 191 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 189 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 190 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=191 affecting players (3, 3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 191 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (66 92 0) to (67 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (66 92 0) to (67 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 192 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 192 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (67 91 0) to (68 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (67 91 0) to (68 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 193 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 193 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (68 91 0) to (69 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (68 91 0) to (69 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 194 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (69 90 0) to (70 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (69 90 0) to (70 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 195 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 195 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (70 90 0) to (71 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (70 90 0) to (71 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 196 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 196 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (71 90 0) to (71 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (71 90 0) to (71 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 197 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 197 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (71 89 0) to (72 88 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (71 89 0) to (72 88 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 198 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 198 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 199 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 199 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (56 99 0) to (55 100 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (56 99 0) to (55 100 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 200 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 200 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (55 100 0) to (54 101 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (55 100 0) to (54 101 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 201 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 201 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (54 101 0) to (53 100 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (54 101 0) to (53 100 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 202 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 202 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (53 100 0) to (53 100 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (53 100 0) to (53 100 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 203 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin visits Subterranean Gate (103:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 204 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 205 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14TeleportDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14TeleportDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 attempts answering query 205 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 255 (unnamed) wants to move hero 4763 from (53 100 0) to (53 100 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (53 100 0) to (53 100 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 206 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 203 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 206 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=204 affecting players (3) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 204 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 205 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (53 100 1) to (52 101 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (53 100 1) to (52 101 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 207 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 207 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (52 101 1) to (51 101 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (52 101 1) to (51 101 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 208 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 208 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (51 101 1) to (50 100 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (51 101 1) to (50 100 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 209 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 209 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (50 100 1) to (50 99 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (50 100 1) to (50 99 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 210 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 210 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (50 99 1) to (50 98 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (50 99 1) to (50 98 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 211 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 211 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (50 98 1) to (51 97 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (50 98 1) to (51 97 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 212 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 212 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4763 from (51 97 1) to (52 96 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gretchin starts movement from (51 97 1) to (52 96 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 213 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gretchin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 213 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 214 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 214 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 215 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 215 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 216 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 216 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (62 95 0) to (61 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (62 95 0) to (61 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 217 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 217 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (61 95 0) to (60 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (61 95 0) to (60 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 218 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 218 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 219 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 219 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (59 96 0) to (58 97 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (59 96 0) to (58 97 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 220 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 220 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (58 97 0) to (57 98 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (58 97 0) to (57 98 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 221 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 221 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 222 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 222 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 91 from (56 99 0) to (55 100 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Daive starts movement from (56 99 0) to (55 100 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 223 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Daive ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 223 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (53 91 0) to (54 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (53 91 0) to (54 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 224 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 224 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (54 92 0) to (54 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (54 92 0) to (54 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 225 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 225 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (54 93 0) to (55 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (54 93 0) to (55 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 226 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 226 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (55 94 0) to (55 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (55 94 0) to (55 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 227 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 227 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (55 95 0) to (56 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (55 95 0) to (56 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 228 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 228 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (56 96 0) to (57 97 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (56 96 0) to (57 97 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 229 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 229 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (57 97 0) to (57 98 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (57 97 0) to (57 98 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 230 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 230 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4751 from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Mihai Viteazu starts movement from (57 98 0) to (56 99 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 231 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Mihai Viteazu ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 231 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (63 89 0) to (64 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (63 89 0) to (64 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 232 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 232 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (64 89 0) to (65 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (64 89 0) to (65 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 233 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 233 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (65 89 0) to (66 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (65 89 0) to (66 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 234 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 234 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (66 89 0) to (66 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (66 89 0) to (66 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 235 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 235 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (66 90 0) to (67 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (66 90 0) to (67 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 236 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 236 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 237 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 237 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 238 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 238 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 239 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 239 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 240 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 240 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 241 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 241 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (62 95 0) to (61 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (62 95 0) to (61 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 242 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 242 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (61 96 0) to (60 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (61 96 0) to (60 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 243 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 243 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 244 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 244 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (59 96 0) to (58 97 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (59 96 0) to (58 97 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 245 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 245 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4767 from (58 97 0) to (57 98 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Prince Hogg starts movement from (58 97 0) to (57 98 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 246 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Prince Hogg ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 246 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (72 88 0) to (71 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (72 88 0) to (71 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 247 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 247 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4775 from (71 89 0) to (70 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caitlin starts movement from (71 89 0) to (70 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 248 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caitlin ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 248 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (66 93 0) to (65 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (66 93 0) to (65 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 249 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 249 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 250 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 250 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 251 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 251 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 252 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 252 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4762 from (62 95 0) to (61 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aidan starts movement from (62 95 0) to (61 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 253 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aidan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 253 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8HireHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12ChangeSpells TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12ChangeSpells TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12ChangeSpells TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8HireHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (66 88 0) to (66 89 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (66 88 0) to (66 89 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 254 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE global [4bf0] - Steraks correctly left town Blaxbrook TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 254 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (66 89 0) to (67 90 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (66 89 0) to (67 90 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 255 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 255 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (67 90 0) to (67 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (67 90 0) to (67 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 256 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 256 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (67 91 0) to (66 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 257 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 257 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (66 92 0) to (65 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 258 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 258 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (65 93 0) to (64 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 259 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 259 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (64 94 0) to (63 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 260 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 260 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (63 95 0) to (62 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 261 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 261 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (62 95 0) to (61 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (62 95 0) to (61 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 262 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 262 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (61 95 0) to (60 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (61 95 0) to (60 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 263 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 263 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (60 96 0) to (59 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 264 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 264 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (59 96 0) to (58 96 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (59 96 0) to (58 96 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 265 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 265 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (58 96 0) to (57 97 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (58 96 0) to (57 97 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 266 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 266 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (57 97 0) to (56 98 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (57 97 0) to (56 98 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 267 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 267 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 3 (green) wants to move hero 4776 from (56 98 0) to (55 99 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Steraks starts movement from (56 98 0) to (55 99 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 268 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Steraks ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 268 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (12 65 0) to (11 64 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (12 65 0) to (11 64 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 269 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 269 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (11 64 0) to (10 63 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (11 64 0) to (10 63 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 270 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 270 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (10 63 0) to (10 62 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (10 63 0) to (10 62 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 271 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 271 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (10 62 0) to (10 61 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (10 62 0) to (10 61 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 272 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 272 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (10 61 0) to (10 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (10 61 0) to (10 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 273 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 273 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (10 60 0) to (10 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (10 60 0) to (10 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 274 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 274 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (10 59 0) to (9 58 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (10 59 0) to (9 58 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 275 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea visits Watering Hole (110:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 276 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit DEBUG global [4bf0] - Revisiting already visited object TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 276 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 275 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (13 66 0) to (12 65 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (13 66 0) to (12 65 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 277 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 277 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (12 65 0) to (11 64 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (12 65 0) to (11 64 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 278 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 278 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (11 64 0) to (10 63 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (11 64 0) to (10 63 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 279 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 279 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (10 63 0) to (10 62 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (10 63 0) to (10 62 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 280 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 280 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (10 62 0) to (10 61 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (10 62 0) to (10 61 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 281 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 281 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (10 61 0) to (9 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (10 61 0) to (9 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 282 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 282 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (9 60 0) to (8 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (9 60 0) to (8 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 283 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 283 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (8 60 0) to (7 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (8 60 0) to (7 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 284 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 284 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (7 59 0) to (8 58 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (7 59 0) to (8 58 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 285 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 285 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (8 58 0) to (9 57 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (8 58 0) to (9 57 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 286 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 286 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 310 from (9 57 0) to (10 56 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Resurrecta starts movement from (9 57 0) to (10 56 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 287 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Resurrecta ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 287 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (9 58 0) to (8 58 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (9 58 0) to (8 58 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 288 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 288 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (8 58 0) to (7 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (8 58 0) to (7 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 289 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 289 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (7 59 0) to (6 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (7 59 0) to (6 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 290 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 290 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4757 from (6 59 0) to (5 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gallea starts movement from (6 59 0) to (5 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 291 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gallea ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 291 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (13 65 0) to (14 65 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (13 65 0) to (14 65 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 292 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer visits Windmill (112:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 293 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Windmill} The keeper of the mill announces: "Milord, I have been working very hard to provide you with these resources, come back next week for more." TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 293 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 292 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (14 65 0) to (13 65 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (14 65 0) to (13 65 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 294 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 294 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (13 65 0) to (14 64 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (13 65 0) to (14 64 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 295 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 295 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (14 64 0) to (13 63 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (14 64 0) to (13 63 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 296 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 296 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (13 63 0) to (12 62 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (13 63 0) to (12 62 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 297 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 297 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (12 62 0) to (11 62 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (12 62 0) to (11 62 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 298 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 298 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (11 62 0) to (10 61 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (11 62 0) to (10 61 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 299 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 299 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (10 61 0) to (9 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (10 61 0) to (9 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 300 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 300 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (9 60 0) to (8 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (9 60 0) to (8 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 301 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 301 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (8 60 0) to (7 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (8 60 0) to (7 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 302 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 302 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (7 59 0) to (7 58 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (7 59 0) to (7 58 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 303 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer visits Rally Flag (64:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 304 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Rally Flag} You rally your troops around this flag, renewing their strength and lifting their spirits. You feel at your peak, and can travel a bit further today. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 304 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 303 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (7 58 0) to (7 59 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (7 58 0) to (7 59 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 305 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 305 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (7 59 0) to (7 60 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (7 59 0) to (7 60 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 306 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 306 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 4 (orange) wants to move hero 4764 from (7 60 0) to (7 61 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Seprinteer starts movement from (7 60 0) to (7 61 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 307 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Seprinteer ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 307 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (17 26 1) to (18 25 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (17 26 1) to (18 25 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 308 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 308 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (18 25 1) to (19 24 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (18 25 1) to (19 24 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 309 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 309 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (19 24 1) to (20 23 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (19 24 1) to (20 23 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 310 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 310 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (20 23 1) to (20 22 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (20 23 1) to (20 22 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 311 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 311 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (20 22 1) to (21 21 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (20 22 1) to (21 21 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 312 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 312 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (21 21 1) to (20 20 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (21 21 1) to (20 20 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 313 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 313 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (20 20 1) to (19 19 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (20 20 1) to (19 19 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 314 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 314 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (19 19 1) to (19 18 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (19 19 1) to (19 18 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 315 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 315 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (19 18 1) to (19 17 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (19 18 1) to (19 17 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 316 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 316 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (19 17 1) to (20 16 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (19 17 1) to (20 16 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 317 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 317 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (20 16 1) to (21 15 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (20 16 1) to (21 15 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 318 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 318 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 4759 from (21 15 1) to (22 14 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Aislinn starts movement from (21 15 1) to (22 14 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 319 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn visits Resource (79:2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 320 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13ShowInInfobox TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13ShowInInfobox TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=4679; address=94bbce8; name=Resource TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 320 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Aislinn ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 319 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14BuildStructure TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9FoWChange TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 14BuildStructure successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (2 31 1) to (1 31 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (2 31 1) to (1 31 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 321 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 321 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (1 31 1) to (2 30 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (1 31 1) to (2 30 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 322 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 322 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (2 30 1) to (3 30 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (2 30 1) to (3 30 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 323 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 323 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (3 30 1) to (4 30 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (3 30 1) to (4 30 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 324 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 324 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (4 30 1) to (5 29 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (4 30 1) to (5 29 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 325 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 325 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (5 29 1) to (6 29 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (5 29 1) to (6 29 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 326 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 326 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (6 29 1) to (7 29 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (6 29 1) to (7 29 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 327 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 327 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (7 29 1) to (8 28 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (7 29 1) to (8 28 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 328 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 328 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (8 28 1) to (9 27 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (8 28 1) to (9 27 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 329 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 329 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (9 27 1) to (10 27 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (9 27 1) to (10 27 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 330 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 330 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (10 27 1) to (11 28 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (10 27 1) to (11 28 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 331 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 331 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 5 (purple) wants to move hero 3668 from (11 28 1) to (12 29 1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Vokial starts movement from (11 28 1) to (12 29 1). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 332 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Vokial ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 332 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (85 25 0) to (86 26 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (85 25 0) to (86 26 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 333 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 333 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (86 26 0) to (87 27 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (86 26 0) to (87 27 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 334 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 334 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (87 27 0) to (88 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (87 27 0) to (88 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 335 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 335 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (88 28 0) to (89 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (88 28 0) to (89 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 336 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 336 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (89 28 0) to (88 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (89 28 0) to (88 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 337 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 337 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (88 28 0) to (89 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (88 28 0) to (89 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 338 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 338 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (80 23 0) to (79 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (80 23 0) to (79 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 339 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 339 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (79 24 0) to (78 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (79 24 0) to (78 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 340 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 340 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (78 24 0) to (77 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (78 24 0) to (77 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 341 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 341 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (77 24 0) to (76 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (77 24 0) to (76 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 342 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 342 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (76 24 0) to (75 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (76 24 0) to (75 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 343 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 343 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (75 25 0) to (74 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (75 25 0) to (74 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 344 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 344 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (74 25 0) to (73 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (74 25 0) to (73 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 345 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 345 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (73 24 0) to (72 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (73 24 0) to (72 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 346 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 346 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4766 from (72 23 0) to (71 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Lucero starts movement from (72 23 0) to (71 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 347 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Lucero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 347 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (95 14 0) to (95 15 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (95 14 0) to (95 15 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 348 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 348 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (95 15 0) to (94 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (95 15 0) to (94 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 349 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 349 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (94 16 0) to (93 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (94 16 0) to (93 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 350 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 350 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (93 16 0) to (92 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (93 16 0) to (92 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 351 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 351 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (92 16 0) to (91 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (92 16 0) to (91 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 352 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 352 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (91 17 0) to (90 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (91 17 0) to (90 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 353 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 353 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (90 17 0) to (89 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (90 17 0) to (89 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 354 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 354 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (89 17 0) to (88 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (89 17 0) to (88 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 355 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan visits Lean To (39:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit DEBUG global [4bf0] - Revisiting already visited object TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 356 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 355 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (78 25 0) to (78 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (78 25 0) to (78 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 357 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 357 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (78 24 0) to (78 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (78 24 0) to (78 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 358 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich visits Temple (96:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 359 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 1 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 2 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Temple} A visit and a prayer at the temple raises the morale of your troops. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 1 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 359 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 358 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (89 28 0) to (88 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (89 28 0) to (88 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 360 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 360 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (88 28 0) to (87 28 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (88 28 0) to (87 28 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 361 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 361 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (87 28 0) to (86 29 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (87 28 0) to (86 29 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 362 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 362 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4761 from (86 29 0) to (85 30 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Grinch starts movement from (86 29 0) to (85 30 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 363 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Grinch ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 363 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (70 19 0) to (69 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (70 19 0) to (69 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 364 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 364 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (69 19 0) to (68 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (69 19 0) to (68 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 365 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 365 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (68 19 0) to (67 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (68 19 0) to (67 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 366 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Treasure Chest (101:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 367 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 1 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 2 possible rewards TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 368 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 368 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 2 TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 1 is allowed TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE global [4bf0] - Caballero got level 5 TRACE global [4bf0] - The hero gets the primary skill 2 with a probability of 45 %. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 369 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 17CObjectVisitQuery and qid=367 affecting players (6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 368 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 369 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Completing hero level-up query. Caballero the Archon gains skill 0 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11SetSecSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11SetSecSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11SetSecSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=3500; address=9651338; name=Treasure Chest TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 366 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 367 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 369 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (68 19 0) to (69 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (68 19 0) to (69 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 370 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Mystical Garden (55:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 371 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Mystical Garden} The sound of music brings you to a small garden, where you are able to sneak up on a leprechaun who is happily dancing about in the clearing. You capture him, and in exchange for his freedom he guides you to a small pot filled with precious things. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 371 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 370 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (85 24 0) to (84 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (85 24 0) to (84 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 372 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 372 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (84 25 0) to (83 25 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (84 25 0) to (83 25 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 373 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 373 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (83 25 0) to (82 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (83 25 0) to (82 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 374 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 374 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (82 24 0) to (81 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (82 24 0) to (81 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 375 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 375 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (81 24 0) to (80 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (81 24 0) to (80 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 376 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 376 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (80 23 0) to (81 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (80 23 0) to (81 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 377 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 377 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (81 22 0) to (81 21 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (81 22 0) to (81 21 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 378 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 378 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (81 21 0) to (81 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (81 21 0) to (81 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 379 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 379 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4758 from (81 20 0) to (80 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Palencia starts movement from (81 20 0) to (80 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 380 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Palencia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 380 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4773 from (88 17 0) to (87 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Yuan starts movement from (88 17 0) to (87 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 381 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Yuan ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 381 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (78 23 0) to (79 24 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (78 23 0) to (79 24 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 382 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 382 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (79 24 0) to (80 23 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (79 24 0) to (80 23 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 383 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 383 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (80 23 0) to (80 22 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (80 23 0) to (80 22 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 384 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 384 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (80 22 0) to (80 21 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (80 22 0) to (80 21 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 385 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 385 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (80 21 0) to (81 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (80 21 0) to (81 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 386 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 386 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (81 20 0) to (81 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (81 20 0) to (81 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 387 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 387 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4770 from (81 19 0) to (80 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Von Fredrich starts movement from (81 19 0) to (80 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 388 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Von Fredrich ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 388 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (69 18 0) to (68 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (69 18 0) to (68 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 389 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 389 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (68 19 0) to (67 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (68 19 0) to (67 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 390 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 390 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (67 20 0) to (66 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (67 20 0) to (66 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 391 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 391 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (66 20 0) to (65 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (66 20 0) to (65 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 392 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 392 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (65 20 0) to (64 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (65 20 0) to (64 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 393 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Monster (54:628) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 394 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 395 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 395 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=2364; address=963c958; name=Monster TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero after victory over guard finishes visit to (64 20 0) TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 393 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 394 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 395 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (64 20 0) to (63 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (64 20 0) to (63 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 396 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 396 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (63 20 0) to (62 20 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (63 20 0) to (62 20 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 397 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 397 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (62 20 0) to (61 19 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (62 20 0) to (61 19 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 398 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 398 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (61 19 0) to (60 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (61 19 0) to (60 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 399 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Valeska the Knight (34:1) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 400 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\battleStartpos.json TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11BattleStart TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 401 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [4c8c] - Round -1 TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [4c8c] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4c8c] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4c8c] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {6@{BattleHex: x '15', y '5', hex '100'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4c8c] - Entering void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [0]: 89 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 89; base count: 89 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [1]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 22; base count: 22 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 4; base count: 4 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [3]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 6; base count: 6 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [4]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 8; base count: 8 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [5]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 15; base count: 15 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [6]: 0 of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=4760 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Count: 0; base count: 1 DEBUG global [4c8c] - Stack has been destroyed. TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleResult TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleResult TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 12BattleResult TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4c8c] - removing object id=4760; address=8d7e228; name=Valeska the Knight TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE global [4c8c] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [4c8c] - Decremented queries count to 1 TRACE global [4c8c] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). DEBUG global [4c8c] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4c8c] - Destructed the query with id 399 TRACE global [4c8c] - Destructed the query with id 400 TRACE global [4c8c] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [4c8c] - Decremented queries count to 0 TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4c8c] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4c8c] - Applied on gs: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE global [4c8c] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [4c8c] - Destructed the query with id 401 TRACE global [4c8c] - Leaving void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (61 19 0) to (61 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (61 19 0) to (61 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 402 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 402 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (61 18 0) to (62 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 403 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Orrin the Knight (34:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 404 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\battleStartpos.json TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11BattleStart TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 405 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [32fc] - Round -1 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {9@{BattleHex: x '15', y '6', hex '117'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [11]: 1 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '2', y '0', hex '2'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 89 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [9]: 27 of Skeletons from slot 2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '9', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {9@{BattleHex: x '15', y '6', hex '117'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [10]: 1 of Pikemen from slot 3 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '10', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [7]: 47 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE global [32fc] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '2', y '0', hex '2'},}} TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [7]: 47 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '12', y '0', hex '12'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '12', y '4', hex '80'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [9]: 12 of Skeletons from slot 2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '9', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '12', y '5', hex '97'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [10]: 1 of Pikemen from slot 3 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '10', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '11', y '10', hex '181'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 88 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '0', hex '7'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '1', hex '24'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '6', y '10', hex '176'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '9', y '4', hex '77'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [32fc] - Round 0 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '15', y '2', hex '49'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [4]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '11', y '4', hex '79'},{BattleHex: x '12', y '5', hex '97'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [9]: 12 of Skeletons from slot 2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {11@{BattleHex: x '13', y '5', hex '98'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '11', y '9', hex '164'},{BattleHex: x '11', y '10', hex '181'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [10]: 1 of Pikemen from slot 3 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [11]: 1 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Monster spell', actionSubtype '37', target {{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction DEBUG global [4bf0] - Invalid destination in spell Target DEBUG global [4bf0] - Invalid destination in spell Target TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18BattleUnitsChanged TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18BattleUnitsChanged TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18BattleUnitsChanged TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 22BattleSetStackProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 22BattleSetStackProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 22BattleSetStackProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 88 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '11', y '0', hex '11'},{BattleHex: x '12', y '0', hex '12'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 88 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [7]: 47 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '12', y '0', hex '12'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [7]: 31 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '2', hex '49'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [7]: 31 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [4]: 6 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '2', hex '48'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '2', hex '49'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [4]: 5 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE global [32fc] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '11', y '0', hex '11'},}} TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction DEBUG global [32fc] - Round 1 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 2 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '15', y '2', hex '49'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [4]: 2 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '3', hex '65'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {11@{BattleHex: x '13', y '5', hex '98'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '4', hex '82'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [11]: 1 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '11', y '0', hex '11'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 75 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '0', hex '14'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 75 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [7]: 29 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [7]: 15 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '2', hex '49'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [7]: 15 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [4]: 2 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '13', y '4', hex '81'},{BattleHex: x '14', y '4', hex '82'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [5]: 8 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE global [32fc] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '14', y '0', hex '14'},}} TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction DEBUG global [32fc] - Round 2 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '2', hex '48'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '3', hex '65'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {11@{BattleHex: x '13', y '5', hex '98'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '4', hex '82'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [5]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [11]: 1 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '11', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '14', y '0', hex '14'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 67 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '0', hex '14'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 67 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [7]: 15 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '15', y '1', hex '32'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [7]: 2 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '1', hex '31'},{BattleHex: x '14', y '2', hex '48'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [7]: 2 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15BattleSpellCast TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14SetStackEffect TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14SetStackEffect TRACE bonus [4bf0] - tan battle stack [7]: 1 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 receives a new bonus: Disrupting Ray -3 TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14SetStackEffect TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '13', y '2', hex '47'},{BattleHex: x '14', y '3', hex '65'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - tan battle stack [8]: 36 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 will attack teal battle stack [2]: 22 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE global [32fc] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {1@{BattleHex: x '14', y '0', hex '14'},}} TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction DEBUG global [32fc] - Round 3 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '2', hex '48'},{BattleHex: x '14', y '1', hex '31'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [7]: 1 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '12', y '4', hex '80'},{BattleHex: x '13', y '5', hex '98'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [2]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [11]: 1 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {8@{BattleHex: x '13', y '2', hex '47'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '14', y '3', hex '65'},{BattleHex: x '15', y '3', hex '66'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [5]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 64 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '13', y '1', hex '30'},{BattleHex: x '13', y '2', hex '47'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 64 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack tan battle stack [8]: 25 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Activating teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {8@{BattleHex: x '13', y '2', hex '47'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [32fc] - Entering void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [1]: 60 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 60; base count: 89 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack lost 29 units. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [2]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 18; base count: 22 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack lost 4 units. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [3]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 4; base count: 4 DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [4]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 1; base count: 6 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack lost 5 units. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [5]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 2; base count: 8 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack lost 6 units. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [6]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 15; base count: 15 DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [0]: 1 of Ballistas from slot -4 DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [11]: 0 of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=4772 DEBUG global [32fc] - Commander is dead. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [7]: 0 of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=4772 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 0; base count: 47 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [8]: 0 of Dark Skeletons from slot 1 of armyobj=4772 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 0; base count: 36 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [9]: 0 of Skeletons from slot 2 of armyobj=4772 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 0; base count: 28 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [32fc] - Calculating casualties for tan battle stack [10]: 0 of Pikemen from slot 3 of armyobj=4772 DEBUG global [32fc] - Count: 0; base count: 1 DEBUG global [32fc] - Stack has been destroyed. TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12MoveArtifact TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleResult TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleResult TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12BattleResult TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [32fc] - removing object id=4772; address=8d7d510; name=Orrin the Knight TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE global [32fc] - Caballero got level 6 TRACE global [32fc] - The hero gets the primary skill 2 with a probability of 31 %. TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE global [32fc] - Created a new query with id 406 TRACE network [32fc] - Sending to all clients: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [32fc] - Sending a pack of type 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [32fc] - Applied on gs: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE global [32fc] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [32fc] - Decremented queries count to 1 TRACE global [32fc] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [32fc] - Leaving void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 406 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Completing hero level-up query. Caballero the Archon gains skill 0 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11SetSecSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11SetSecSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11SetSecSkill TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 405 TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [4bf0] - Decremented queries count to 0 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 403 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 404 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 12CBattleQuery and qid=405 affecting players (6, 2) TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 405 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 406 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (61 18 0) to (60 18 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (61 18 0) to (60 18 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 407 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 407 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (60 18 0) to (59 17 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (60 18 0) to (59 17 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 408 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero visits Monster (54:4) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 409 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - loading .\Config\battleStartpos.json TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11BattleStart TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11BattleStart TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 410 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [4728] - Round -1 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [6]: 9 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '9', y '0', hex '9'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [7]: 9 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '9', y '3', hex '60'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {6@{BattleHex: x '9', y '0', hex '9'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [8]: 8 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '8', y '8', hex '144'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [4]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '4', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '8', hex '143'},{BattleHex: x '8', y '8', hex '144'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [4]: 2 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [8]: 8 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [0]: 60 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Wait', actionSubtype '-1', target {}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {6@{BattleHex: x '9', y '0', hex '9'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [0]: 60 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '0', hex '7'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '2', hex '41'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [3]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '8', y '7', hex '127'},{BattleHex: x '8', y '8', hex '144'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [3]: 1 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [8]: 8 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [4728] - Round 0 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [6]: 6 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '6', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '6', y '1', hex '23'},{BattleHex: x '7', y '2', hex '41'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - unnamed battle stack [6]: 6 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2356 will attack teal battle stack [1]: 18 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 17 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '5', y '0', hex '5'},{BattleHex: x '6', y '1', hex '23'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 17 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [6]: 3 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [7]: 9 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '4', y '1', hex '21'},{BattleHex: x '5', y '0', hex '5'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - unnamed battle stack [7]: 9 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 will attack teal battle stack [1]: 17 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '4', y '1', hex '21'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [8]: 8 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '6', y '2', hex '40'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [0]: 60 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '7', y '1', hex '24'},{BattleHex: x '4', y '1', hex '21'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [0]: 60 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [7]: 9 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '4', y '1', hex '21'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied DEBUG global [4728] - Round 1 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 15BattleNextRound TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 15BattleNextRound TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [7]: 2 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '7', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '1', y '3', hex '52'},{BattleHex: x '1', y '4', hex '69'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - unnamed battle stack [7]: 2 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 will attack teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [1]: 15 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '8', y '1', hex '25'},{BattleHex: x '6', y '2', hex '40'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [1]: 15 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [8]: 8 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating unnamed battle stack [8]: 6 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '8', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '2', y '4', hex '70'},{BattleHex: x '1', y '4', hex '69'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - unnamed battle stack [8]: 6 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 will attack teal battle stack [2]: 4 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [2]: 2 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '3', y '3', hex '54'},{BattleHex: x '1', y '3', hex '52'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [2]: 2 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [7]: 1 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [0]: 57 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '0', actionType 'Walk and attack', actionSubtype '-1', target {{BattleHex: x '5', y '3', hex '56'},{BattleHex: x '2', y '4', hex '70'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16BattleStackMoved TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16BattleStackMoved TRACE global [4bf0] - teal battle stack [0]: 57 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 will attack unnamed battle stack [8]: 6 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Activating teal battle stack [5]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleSetActiveStack TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10MakeAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Making action: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '5', actionType 'Shoot', actionSubtype '-1', target {7@{BattleHex: x '1', y '3', hex '52'},}} TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11StartAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12BattleAttack TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9EndAction TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9EndAction TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10MakeAction successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [4728] - Entering void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [0]: 57 of Sleuthhounds from slot 0 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 57; base count: 60 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack lost 3 units. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [1]: 14 of Cyber Deads from slot 1 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 14; base count: 18 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack lost 4 units. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [2]: 2 of Witch Hunters from slot 2 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 2; base count: 4 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack lost 2 units. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [3]: 0 of Sword Servants from slot 3 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 0; base count: 1 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [4]: 0 of Slayers from slot 4 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 0; base count: 2 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for teal battle stack [5]: 15 of Sharpshooters from slot 5 of armyobj=1194 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 15; base count: 15 DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for unnamed battle stack [6]: 0 of Griffins from slot 0 of armyobj=2356 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 0; base count: 9 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for unnamed battle stack [7]: 0 of Griffins from slot 1 of armyobj=2356 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 0; base count: 9 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack has been destroyed. DEBUG global [4728] - Calculating casualties for unnamed battle stack [8]: 0 of Griffins from slot 2 of armyobj=2356 DEBUG global [4728] - Count: 0; base count: 8 DEBUG global [4728] - Stack has been destroyed. TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 12BattleResult TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 12BattleResult TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 12BattleResult TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 10EraseStack TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE global [4728] - Entering void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE global [4728] - Decremented queries count to 0 TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 20BattleResultsApplied TRACE global [4728] - Leaving void CGameHandler::battleAfterLevelUp(const BattleResult&). TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4728] - removing object id=2356; address=963e260; name=Monster TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4728] - Hero Caballero visit ends. TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4728] - Hero Caballero after victory over guard finishes visit to (59 17 0) TRACE network [4728] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4728] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4728] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4728] - Destructed the query with id 408 TRACE global [4728] - Destructed the query with id 409 TRACE global [4728] - Destructed the query with id 410 TRACE global [4728] - Leaving void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3, const CGHeroInstance*, const CGHeroInstance*). TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 1194 from (59 17 0) to (58 16 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Caballero starts movement from (59 17 0) to (58 16 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 411 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Caballero ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 411 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14BuildStructure TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9FoWChange TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 14BuildStructure successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4753 from (89 13 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Roeda starts movement from (89 13 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 412 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Roeda visits Execution Ground (17:1037) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 413 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 414 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14BlockingDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14BlockingDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Roeda ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 414 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 1 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10OpenWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10OpenWindow DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Roeda visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 412 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 413 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 414 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 16RecruitCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 16RecruitCreatures successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (90 15 0) to (89 14 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (90 15 0) to (89 14 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 415 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 415 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 416 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 417 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 418 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 418 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 418 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 416 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 417 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=418 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 418 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 419 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 420 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 421 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 421 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 421 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 419 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 420 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=421 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 421 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 422 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 423 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 424 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 424 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 424 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 422 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 423 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=424 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 424 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 425 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 426 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 427 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 427 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 427 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 425 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 426 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=427 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 427 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 428 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 429 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 430 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 430 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 430 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 428 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 429 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=430 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 430 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 431 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 432 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 433 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 433 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 433 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 431 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 432 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=433 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 433 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 434 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 435 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 436 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 436 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 436 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 434 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 435 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=436 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 436 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 437 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 438 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 439 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 439 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 439 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 437 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 438 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=439 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 439 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 440 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 441 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 442 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 442 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 442 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 440 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 441 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=442 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 442 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 443 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 444 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 445 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 445 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 445 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 443 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 444 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=445 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 445 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 446 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 447 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 448 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 448 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 448 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 446 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 447 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=448 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 448 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 449 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 450 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 451 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 451 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 451 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 449 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 450 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=451 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 451 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 452 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 453 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 454 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 454 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 454 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 452 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 453 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=454 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 454 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 (teal) wants to move hero 4768 from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero lin Shi starts movement from (89 14 0) to (89 13 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 455 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visits Roeda the Clairvoyant (34:446) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 456 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 457 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14ExchangeDialog TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14ExchangeDialog TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15RebalanceStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15RebalanceStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 13ArrangeStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10SwapStacks TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10SwapStacks TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 13ArrangeStacks successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 10QueryReply TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 6 attempts answering query 457 with answer: TRACE global [4bf0] - 0 TRACE global [4bf0] - Exposed query with id 457 DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero lin Shi visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 455 TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 456 TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove query A query of type 20CGarrisonDialogQuery and qid=457 affecting players (6, 6) TRACE global [4bf0] - Cannot remove, not a top! TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 457 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 10QueryReply successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (95 84 0) to (94 83 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (95 84 0) to (94 83 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 458 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 458 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (94 83 0) to (93 83 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (94 83 0) to (93 83 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 459 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 459 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (93 83 0) to (92 82 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (93 83 0) to (92 82 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 460 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 460 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (92 82 0) to (93 81 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (92 82 0) to (93 81 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 461 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 461 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (93 81 0) to (94 81 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (93 81 0) to (94 81 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 462 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 462 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (94 81 0) to (95 80 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (94 81 0) to (95 80 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 463 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 463 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (95 80 0) to (96 79 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (95 80 0) to (96 79 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 464 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 464 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (96 79 0) to (96 78 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (96 79 0) to (96 78 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 465 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 465 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (96 78 0) to (96 77 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (96 78 0) to (96 77 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 466 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 466 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (96 77 0) to (97 76 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (96 77 0) to (97 76 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 467 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 467 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (97 76 0) to (98 75 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (97 76 0) to (98 75 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 468 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 468 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (98 75 0) to (99 74 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (98 75 0) to (99 74 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 469 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 469 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (99 74 0) to (99 73 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (99 74 0) to (99 73 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 470 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 470 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (99 73 0) to (98 72 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (99 73 0) to (98 72 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 471 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 471 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (98 72 0) to (99 71 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (98 72 0) to (99 71 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 472 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 472 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (99 71 0) to (99 70 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (99 71 0) to (99 70 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 473 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 473 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (99 70 0) to (98 69 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (99 70 0) to (98 69 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 474 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 474 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (98 69 0) to (97 69 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (98 69 0) to (97 69 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 475 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 475 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (97 69 0) to (96 69 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (97 69 0) to (96 69 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 476 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 476 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 138 from (96 69 0) to (95 68 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Migdigravia starts movement from (96 69 0) to (95 68 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 477 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Migdigravia ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 477 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (105 91 0) to (105 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (105 91 0) to (105 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 478 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 478 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (105 92 0) to (104 91 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (105 92 0) to (104 91 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 479 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 479 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (104 91 0) to (103 92 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (104 91 0) to (103 92 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 480 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 480 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (103 92 0) to (102 93 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (103 92 0) to (102 93 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 481 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 481 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (102 93 0) to (101 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (102 93 0) to (101 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 482 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gird visits Resource (79:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 483 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13ShowInInfobox TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13ShowInInfobox TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=1120; address=96f96b8; name=Resource TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Gird visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 483 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 482 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (102 93 0) to (101 94 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (102 93 0) to (101 94 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 484 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 484 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4754 from (101 94 0) to (101 95 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Gird starts movement from (101 94 0) to (101 95 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 485 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Gird ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 485 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 14BuildStructure TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13NewStructures TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9FoWChange TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9FoWChange TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 14BuildStructure successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8HireHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13HeroRecruited TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8HireHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (105 54 0) to (105 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (105 54 0) to (105 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 486 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 15HeroVisitCastle TRACE global [4bf0] - Callum correctly left town Al Londe TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 486 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (105 55 0) to (106 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (105 55 0) to (106 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 487 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 487 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (106 55 0) to (107 56 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (106 55 0) to (107 56 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 488 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 488 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (107 56 0) to (106 56 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (107 56 0) to (106 56 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 489 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Callum visits Rally Flag (64:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 490 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Rally Flag} You rally your troops around this flag, renewing their strength and lifting their spirits. You feel at your peak, and can travel a bit further today. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13SetMovePoints TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9GiveBonus TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9GiveBonus TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero Callum visit ends. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 490 TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 489 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (106 56 0) to (107 56 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (106 56 0) to (107 56 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 491 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 491 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (107 56 0) to (106 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (107 56 0) to (106 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 492 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 492 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (106 55 0) to (105 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (106 55 0) to (105 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 493 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 493 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (105 55 0) to (104 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (105 55 0) to (104 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 494 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 494 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (104 55 0) to (103 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (104 55 0) to (103 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 495 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 495 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (103 55 0) to (102 54 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (103 55 0) to (102 54 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 496 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 496 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (102 54 0) to (101 53 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (102 54 0) to (101 53 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 497 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 497 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (101 53 0) to (100 52 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (101 53 0) to (100 52 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 498 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 498 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (100 52 0) to (99 51 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (100 52 0) to (99 51 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 499 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 499 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (99 51 0) to (98 51 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (99 51 0) to (98 51 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 500 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 500 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (98 51 0) to (97 51 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (98 51 0) to (97 51 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 501 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 501 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (97 51 0) to (96 51 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (97 51 0) to (96 51 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 502 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 502 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (96 51 0) to (95 52 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (96 51 0) to (95 52 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 503 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 503 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (95 52 0) to (96 53 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (95 52 0) to (96 53 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 504 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 504 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (96 53 0) to (96 54 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (96 53 0) to (96 54 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 505 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 505 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 7 (pink) wants to move hero 4777 from (96 54 0) to (95 55 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero Callum starts movement from (96 54 0) to (95 55 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 506 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero Callum ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 506 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 7EndTurn TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 7EndTurn successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE global [894] - Turn 22 TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE bonus [894] - #$# base +50 #is no longer propagated to# Hero Cassandra TRACE bonus [894] - #$# base +50 #propagated to# Hero Cassandra TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18SetAvailableHeroes TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 18UpdateCastleEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 7NewTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 7NewTurn TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 7NewTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE global [894] - Info about turn 22 has been sent! TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 15UpdateMapEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 15UpdateMapEvents TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 15UpdateMapEvents TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 14InsertNewStack TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 16ChangeStackCount TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21SetAvailableCreatures TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 21UpdateArtHandlerLists TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 21UpdateArtHandlerLists TRACE network [894] - Applied on gs: 21UpdateArtHandlerLists TRACE network [894] - Sending to all clients: 8YourTurn TRACE network [894] - Sending a pack of type 8YourTurn TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8SaveGame INFO global [4bf0] - Loading from Saves/Autosave_2 TRACE global [4bf0] - Creating Saves/Autosave_2.vsgm1 TRACE global [4bf0] - Can't create file: wrong mount point: CONFIG/ TRACE global [4bf0] - Resource created successfully INFO global [4bf0] - Ordering clients to serialize... TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14SaveGameClient TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14SaveGameClient INFO global [4bf0] - Saving lib part of game... INFO global [4bf0] - Saving header INFO global [4bf0] - Saving options INFO global [4bf0] - Saving handlers INFO global [4bf0] - Saving gamestate INFO global [4bf0] - Saving server state INFO global [4bf0] - Game has been successfully saved! INFO global [4bf0] - Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8SaveGame successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8SaveGame INFO global [4bf0] - Loading from Saves/journey TRACE global [4bf0] - Creating Saves/journey.vsgm1 TRACE global [4bf0] - Can't create file: wrong mount point: CONFIG/ TRACE global [4bf0] - Resource created successfully INFO global [4bf0] - Ordering clients to serialize... TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14SaveGameClient TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14SaveGameClient INFO global [4bf0] - Saving lib part of game... INFO global [4bf0] - Saving header INFO global [4bf0] - Saving options INFO global [4bf0] - Saving handlers INFO global [4bf0] - Saving gamestate INFO global [4bf0] - Saving server state INFO global [4bf0] - Game has been successfully saved! INFO global [4bf0] - Game has been saved as Saves/journey TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8SaveGame successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 0 (red) wants to move hero 312 from (47 106 0) to (48 106 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero The Charming Undine starts movement from (47 106 0) to (48 106 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 507 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero The Charming Undine ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 507 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 0 (red) wants to move hero 312 from (48 106 0) to (49 105 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero The Charming Undine starts movement from (48 106 0) to (49 105 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 508 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero The Charming Undine ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Destructed the query with id 508 TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Received CPack of type 8MoveHero TRACE global [4bf0] - Player 0 (red) wants to move hero 312 from (49 105 0) to (49 104 0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Entering CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::: Hero The Charming Undine starts movement from (49 105 0) to (49 104 0). TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 509 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerBlocked TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11TryMoveHero TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11TryMoveHero DEBUG global [4bf0] - Hero The Charming Undine visits Learning Stone (100:0) TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 510 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 9HeroVisit TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 9HeroVisit TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed DEBUG global [4bf0] - Visiting object with 1 possible rewards DEBUG global [4bf0] - Granting reward 0. Message says: {Learning Stone} A smooth stone on the face of this pillar begins to swirl as you approach. Looking into it, you are amazed to see answers to questions you have pondered for years. The stone suddenly goes still, but you realize you have learned much. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20ChangeObjectVisitors TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetResources TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 20SetCommanderProperty TRACE global [4bf0] - The Charming Undine got level 2 TRACE global [4bf0] - The hero gets the primary skill 4 with a probability of 73 %. TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12SetPrimSkill TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 18PrepareHeroLevelUp TRACE global [4bf0] - Created a new query with id 511 TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 11HeroLevelUp TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 11HeroLevelUp TRACE global [4bf0] - Reward 0 is allowed TRACE global [4bf0] - Hero The Charming Undine ends movement TRACE global [4bf0] - Leaving CGameHandler::moveHero(ObjectInstanceID, int3, ui8, bool, PlayerColor)::. TRACE global [4bf0] - Message 8MoveHero successfully applied! TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending a pack of type 14PackageApplied TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 13PlayerCheated TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 13PlayerCheated TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 10InfoWindow TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 14PlayerEndsGame TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 14PlayerEndsGame TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=312; address=9090008; name=The Charming Undine the Manowar TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 12RemoveObject DEBUG global [4bf0] - removing object id=4755; address=907bb48; name=Azul the Admiral TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 12RemoveObject TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Applied on gs: 17SetObjectProperty TRACE network [4bf0] - Sending to all clients: 17SetObjectProperty TRA