14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 30 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 12 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 6 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 34 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 10 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 21 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 5 files found 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Initialization: 15 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at config 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 92 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_bmp.lod 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .LODArchive loaded, 2491 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 16 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3bitmap.lod 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .LODArchive loaded, 4908 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 62 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 10 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Maps 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Mods 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 8 files found 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 3 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Mp3 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 57 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.snd 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .SNDArchive loaded, 117 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.snd 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .SNDArchive loaded, 1014 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 10 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_spr.lod 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .LODArchive loaded, 569 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 16 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3sprite.lod 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .LODArchive loaded, 4013 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 47 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Sprites 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/H3ab_ahd.vid 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .VIDArchive loaded, 7 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/Heroes3.vid 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at Data/video.vid 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - .VIDArchive loaded, 31 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Data loading: 141 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Mod handler: 0 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at MODS/ai trace/Content.zip 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at MODS/ai trace/Content 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 2 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Data 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 58 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Maps 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 1 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Loading resource at MODS/vcmi/Sprites 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Filesystem loaded, 15 files found 14:59:14 DEBUG global [940] - Resource loaded in 0 ms. 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Mod filesystems: 15 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Basic initialization: 171 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 14:59:14 INFO network [940] - Port 3030 will be used. 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type HATE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type KING1 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type KING2 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type KING3 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 14:59:14 TRACE bonus [940] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Bonus type handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - General text handler: 16 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Hero handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Artifact handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Creature handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Town handler: 0 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Reading resources prices 14:59:14 TRACE global [940] - Done loading resource prices! 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Object handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Object types information handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Spell handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Terrain view pattern handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Template handler: 0 14:59:14 INFO global [940] - Initializing handlers: 16 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Initializing content handler: 172 ms 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Generating checksum for ai trace 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Generating checksum for vcmi 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [83af0d4d] Original game files 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [61a875b8] Adventure AI trace 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [51c8d087] VCMI essential files 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Parsing mod data: 47 ms 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 220:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 2:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 4:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 7:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 8:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 8:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 8:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 212:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 9:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 11:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 116:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 12:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 117:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 13:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 13:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 13:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 222:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 22:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 15:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 118:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 16:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:69 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:70 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:71 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:60 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:72 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:18 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:57 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:58 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:75 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:42 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:44 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:63 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:54 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:9 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:37 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:45 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:41 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:24 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:12 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:13 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:50 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:66 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:53 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:16 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:14 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:10 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:62 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:20 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:21 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:36 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:23 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:55 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:25 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:56 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:22 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:26 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:40 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:15 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:74 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:28 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:29 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:27 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:34 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:30 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:31 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:64 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:59 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:32 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:52 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:33 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:35 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:77 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:38 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:39 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:17 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:61 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:78 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:11 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:65 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:73 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:76 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:48 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:67 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:79 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:68 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:51 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:46 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:47 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:19 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:43 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 17:49 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 20:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 20:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 84:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 21:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 223:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 119:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 97:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 24:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 206:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 207:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 25:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 26:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 224:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 27:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 28:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 225:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 226:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 29:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 120:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 30:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 31:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 213:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 121:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 172:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 32:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 36:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 208:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 214:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 35:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 124:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 227:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 37:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 38:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 125:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 10:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 126:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 177:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 127:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 128:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 39:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 100:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 100:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 41:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 42:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 130:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 228:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 229:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 46:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 230:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 48:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 49:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 49:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 131:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 23:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 51:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 52:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 53:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 43:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 44:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 45:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 132:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 133:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 134:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 129:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 55:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 135:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 186:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 56:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 57:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 59:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 136:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 6:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 60:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 137:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 189:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 62:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 63:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 215:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 64:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 65:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 68:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 67:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 69:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 66:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 216:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 218:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 217:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 70:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 71:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 72:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 73:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 74:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 75:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 162:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 163:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 164:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 76:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 77:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 58:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 161:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 78:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 79:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 143:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 147:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 231:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 209:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 80:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 148:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 149:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 81:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 47:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 107:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 82:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 85:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 86:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 87:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 88:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 89:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 90:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 150:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 91:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 92:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 151:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 93:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 94:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 61:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 153:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 103:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 103:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 210:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 211:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 14:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 95:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 96:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 221:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 99:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 101:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 102:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 155:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 199:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 104:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 158:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 105:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 106:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 108:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 109:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 110:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 111:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 112:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 113:0 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Acid breath 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Age 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Air Elemental 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Air Shield 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Animate Dead 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Anti-Magic 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Armageddon 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Berserk 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Bind 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Bless 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Blind 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Bloodlust 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Chain Lightning 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Clone 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Counterstrike 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Cure 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Curse 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Death Cloud 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Death Ripple 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Death Stare 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Destroy Undead 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Dimension Door 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Disease 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Disguise 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Dispel Helpful Spells 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Disrupting Ray 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Earth Elemental 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Earthquake 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Elemental 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Shield 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fire Wall 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fireball 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fly 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Force Field 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Forgetfulness 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Fortune 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Frenzy 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Frost Ring 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Haste 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Hypnotize 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Ice Bolt 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Implosion 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Inferno 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Land Mine 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Lightning Bolt 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Arrow 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Magic Mirror 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Meteor Shower 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Mirth 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Misfortune 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Paralyze 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Poison 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Prayer 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Precision 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Air 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Earth 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Protection from Fire 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Prot. from Water 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Quicksand 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Remove Obstacle 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Resurrection 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Sacrifice 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Scuttle Boat 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Shield 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Slayer 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Slow 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Sorrow 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Gaze 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Stone Skin 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Summon Boat 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Teleport 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Thunderbolt 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Titan's Lightning Bolt 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Town Portal 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell View Air 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell View Earth 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Visions 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Water Elemental 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Water Walk 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - CSpellHandler::loadFromJson: loading spell Weakness 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [DONE] Original game files 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [SKIP] Adventure AI trace 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - [SKIP] VCMI essential files 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Loading mod data: 203ms 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 98:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:12 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:13 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:14 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:17 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:9 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:11 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:16 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:10 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:15 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 34:5 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Resolving identifiers: 0 ms 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:9 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:10 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:11 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:12 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:13 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:14 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:15 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:16 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:17 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:18 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:19 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:20 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:21 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:22 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:23 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:24 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:25 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:26 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:27 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:28 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:29 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:30 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:31 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:32 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:33 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:34 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:35 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:36 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:37 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:38 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:39 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:40 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:41 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:42 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:43 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:44 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:45 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:46 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:47 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:48 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:49 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:50 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:51 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:52 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:53 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:54 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:55 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:56 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:57 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:58 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:59 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:60 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:61 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:62 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:63 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:64 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:65 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:66 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:67 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:68 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:69 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:70 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:71 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:72 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:73 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:74 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:75 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:76 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:77 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:78 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:79 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:80 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:81 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:82 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:83 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:84 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:85 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:86 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:87 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:88 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:89 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:90 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:91 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:92 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:93 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:94 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:95 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:96 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:97 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:98 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:99 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:100 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:101 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:102 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:103 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:104 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:105 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:106 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:107 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:108 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:109 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:110 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:111 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:112 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:113 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:114 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:115 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:116 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:117 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:118 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:119 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:120 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:121 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:122 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:123 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:124 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:125 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:126 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:127 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:128 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:129 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:130 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:131 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:132 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:133 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:134 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:135 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:136 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:137 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:138 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:139 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:140 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:141 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:142 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 5:143 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:1 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:4 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:5 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:6 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:7 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:8 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:9 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:10 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:11 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:12 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:13 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:14 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:15 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:16 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:17 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:18 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:19 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:20 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:21 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:22 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:23 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:24 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:25 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:26 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:27 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:28 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:29 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:30 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:31 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:32 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:33 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:34 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:35 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:36 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:37 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:38 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:39 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:40 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:41 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:42 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:43 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:44 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:45 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:46 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:47 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:48 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:49 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:50 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:51 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:52 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:53 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:54 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:55 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:56 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:57 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:58 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:59 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:60 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:61 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:62 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:63 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:64 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:65 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:66 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:67 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:68 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:69 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:70 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:71 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:72 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:73 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:74 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:75 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:76 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:77 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:78 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:79 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:80 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:81 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:82 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:83 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:84 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:85 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:86 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:87 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:88 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:89 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:90 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:91 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:92 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:93 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:94 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:95 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:96 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:97 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:98 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:99 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:100 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:101 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:102 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:103 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:104 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:105 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:106 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:107 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:108 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:109 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:110 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:111 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:112 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:113 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:114 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:115 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:116 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:117 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:118 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:119 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:120 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:121 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:122 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:123 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:124 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:125 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:126 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:127 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:128 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:129 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:130 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:131 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:132 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:133 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:134 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:135 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:136 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:137 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:138 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:139 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:140 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:141 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:142 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:143 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:144 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:145 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:146 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:147 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:148 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Loaded object 54:149 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 49:1 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 70:0 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 79:7 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 100:1 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 103:1 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 172:0 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 186:0 14:59:15 WARN global [940] - No templates found for 189:0 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Handlers post-load finalization: 31 ms 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - All game content loaded in 453 ms 14:59:15 DEBUG network [940] - CVCMIServer created! 14:59:15 INFO network [940] - Listening for connections at port 3030 14:59:15 INFO network [940] - We've accepted someone... 14:59:15 INFO network [940] - Established connection with VCMI 0.95c (client) 14:59:15 INFO network [940] - Got connection! 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Gamestate created! 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Using random seed: 1404125955 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Open map file: MAPS/COPY OF TEST 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Tome of Air Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Air Magic 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Scorpicores #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Scorpicores #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 10 of Scorpicores #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Hero: Adela at 4 6 0 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Tome of Earth Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Earth Magic 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of [UNDEFINED TYPE] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Angels #attached to# "Angels" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - #$# +1 Angels #propagated to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Angels #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Master Gremlins #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - #$# +1 Archangels #propagated to# Hero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archangels #attached to# Hero 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Hero: Tyris at 6 5 0 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Request to patch map maps/copy of test 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Map loaded! 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Our checksum for the map: 3048284038 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Initialization: 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Creating player entries in gs 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Picking grail position 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Picking random factions for players 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Randomizing objects 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Giving starting hero 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Setting up resources 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Edric 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Edric 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sorsha 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sorsha 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Christian 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Rion 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Rion 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adelaide 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adelaide 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Ingham 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Ingham 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sanya 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sanya 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sanya 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Loynis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Loynis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Caitlin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Caitlin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Caitlin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Mephala 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Mephala 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Clancy 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Clancy 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Kyrre 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Kyrre 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Uland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Uland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Elleshar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Elleshar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Malcom 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Malcom 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Melodia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Thane 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Thane 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Thane 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Josephine 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Josephine 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Neela 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Neela 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Rissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Iona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Iona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Iona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Astral 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Astral 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Halon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Halon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Serena 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Serena 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Theodorus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Theodorus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Cyra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Cyra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Aine 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Aine 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Fiona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Fiona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Fiona 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Rashka 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Marius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Marius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Pyre 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xyron 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xyron 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Axsis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Axsis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero Olema 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Olema 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Calid 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calid 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ash 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ash 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Ash 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Zydar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Zydar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xarfax 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xarfax 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Xarfax 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vokial 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vokial 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Moandor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Moandor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Charna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Tamika 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Tamika 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Isra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 26 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Septienna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Septienna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Sandro 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Sandro 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nimbus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nimbus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Thant 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero Vidomina 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nagash 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nagash 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Arlach 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Damacon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Damacon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Gunnar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Synca 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Synca 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Alamar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Alamar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jaegar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jaegar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jeddite 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jeddite 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Geon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Geon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Deemer 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Deemer 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Deemer 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Yog 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Yog 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gurnisson 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Shiva 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Shiva 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Krellion 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gird 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gird 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Vey 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Vey 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Terek 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Terek 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Zubin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Zubin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gundula 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gundula 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Oris 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Oris 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Saurug 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Saurug 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Bron 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Basilisks #attached to# Hero Bron 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Bron 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Alkin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Alkin 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Korbac 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Broghild 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Rosic 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Rosic 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Voy 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Voy 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Verdish 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Styg 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Styg 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Andra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Andra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Andra 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tiva 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tiva 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Pasis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Pasis 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Thunar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Thunar 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Lacus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Lacus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Monere 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Monere 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Fiur 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Kalt 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Kalt 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Luna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ciele 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ciele 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Labetha 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Inteus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Aenain 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Aenain 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Gelare 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Gelare 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Starting bonuses 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Towns 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells2 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Town init spells3 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Object initialization 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Green Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Red Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Red Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Gold Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gold Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Green Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Red Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Gold Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gold Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Black Dragons #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Royal Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Royal Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Royal Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Royal Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Griffins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Familiars #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusa Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusa Queens #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusa Queens" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Medusas #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Adela #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Cavaliers #attached to# "Cavaliers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPW #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPW #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison #attached to# Player Red 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Adela #attached to# Player Red 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Player Blue 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Town (Castle) of Whitemoon #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Town (Rampart) of Green Falls #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Fog of war 14:59:15 DEBUG global [940] - Checking objectives 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Seed after init is 254057574 (before was 1404125955) 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Gamestate initialized! 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Entering void __thiscall CGameHandler::run(bool): resume=0. 14:59:15 INFO global [940] - Connection 1 will handle 3 player: 0 1 255 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Turn 1 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #detached from# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sir Mullich 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #detached from# Hero Ayden 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:59:15 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct NewTurn 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Info about turn 1has been sent! 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:59:15 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct YourTurn 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 2info! 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 3info! 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 4info! 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 5info! 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 6info! 14:59:15 ERROR global [940] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 7info! 14:59:15 TRACE global [1358] - Received client message (request 0 by player ÿ) of type with ID=219 (struct SaveGame). 14:59:15 ERROR global [1358] - Saving to Saves/Newgame_Autosave_2 14:59:15 TRACE global [1358] - Creating Saves/Newgame_Autosave_2.vsgm1 14:59:15 TRACE global [1358] - Can't create file: wrong mount point: CONFIG/ 14:59:15 TRACE global [1358] - Resource created successfully 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Ordering clients to serialize... 14:59:15 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SaveGame 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Saving lib part of game... 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Saving header 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Saving options 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Saving handlers 14:59:15 INFO global [1358] - Saving gamestate 14:59:16 INFO global [1358] - Saving server state 14:59:16 INFO global [1358] - Game has been successfully saved! 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Message successfully applied (result=1)! 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Received client message (request 1 by player ) of type with ID=220 (struct SetSelection). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetSelection 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Message successfully applied (result=1)! 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Received client message (request 2 by player ) of type with ID=226 (struct MoveHero). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Player 0 wants to move hero 47 from 4 6 0 to 5 6 0 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const: Hero Adela starts movement from 4 6 0 to 5 6 0. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Created a new query with id 1 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=1 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct TryMoveHero 14:59:16 DEBUG global [1358] - Hero Adela visits Tome of Air Magic(5:87) 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Created a new query with id 2 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=2 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct HeroVisit 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct InfoWindow 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PutArtifact 14:59:16 TRACE bonus [1358] - Hero Adela #attached to# Artifact instance of Tome of Air Magic type 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct RemoveObject 14:59:16 DEBUG global [1358] - removing object id=10; address=43723904; name=Tome of Air Magic 14:59:16 TRACE bonus [1358] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 2info! 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 3info! 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 4info! 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 5info! 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 6info! 14:59:16 ERROR global [1358] - const struct PlayerState *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(class PlayerColor,bool) const: Cannot find player 7info! 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr): query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=2 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=2 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Hero Adela visit ends. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct HeroVisit 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=1 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Destructed the query with id 2 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr): query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=1 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Hero Adela ends movement 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Destructed the query with id 1 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const. 14:59:16 TRACE global [1358] - Message successfully applied (result=1)! 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Received client message (request 3 by player ) of type with ID=244 (struct CastAdvSpell). 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct AdvmapSpellCast 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct GiveBonus 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Player 255 wants to move hero 47 from 4 6 0 to 2 11 0 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Entering bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const: Hero Adela starts movement from 4 6 0 to 2 11 0. 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Created a new query with id 3 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=3 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct TryMoveHero 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr): query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=3 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=3 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Hero Adela ends movement 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Destructed the query with id 3 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const. 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetMovePoints 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct SetMana 14:59:19 TRACE global [1358] - Message successfully applied (result=1)! 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Received client message (request 4 by player ) of type with ID=226 (struct MoveHero). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Player 0 wants to move hero 47 from 2 11 0 to 3 11 0 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const: Hero Adela starts movement from 2 11 0 to 3 11 0. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Created a new query with id 4 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=4 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct TryMoveHero 14:59:20 DEBUG global [1358] - Hero Adela visits Cover of Darkness(15:0) 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Created a new query with id 5 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=5 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::addQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct HeroVisit 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct FoWChange 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct InfoWindow 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr): query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=5 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02819C1C] A query of type class CObjectVisitQuery and qid=5 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Hero Adela visit ends. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct HeroVisit 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr): player='0', query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=4 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popQuery(class PlayerColor,class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Destructed the query with id 5 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Entering void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr): query='[02B59944] A query of type class CHeroMovementQuery and qid=4 affecting players (0)'. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving void __thiscall Queries::popIfTop(class std::shared_ptr). 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Hero Adela ends movement 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Destructed the query with id 4 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Leaving bool __thiscall CGameHandler::moveHero::::operator ()(enum TryMoveHero::EResult,enum CGameHandler::EGuardLook,enum CGameHandler::EVisitDest,enum CGameHandler::ELEaveTile) const. 14:59:20 TRACE global [1358] - Message successfully applied (result=1)! 14:59:20 ERROR global [1358] - read: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host 14:59:20 ERROR global [1358] - Ended handling connection 14:59:20 TRACE global [940] - Sending to all clients a package of type struct YourTurn 14:59:20 TRACE global [940] - Leaving void __thiscall CGameHandler::run(bool). 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Griffins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wood Elves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Golems" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Imps #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Hell Hounds" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wights #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wights" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wights #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wights" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 26 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Wights #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wights" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Orcs" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Basilisks #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Basilisks" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 14 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 22 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Water Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 15 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:59:20 WARN bonus [940] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPW #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGBonusingObject #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPW #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGVisitableOPH #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects 14:59:20 WARN bonus [940] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Player Blue #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 WARN bonus [940] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Player Red #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 WARN bonus [940] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Tyris #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 WARN bonus [940] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Bonus system node of type class CGGarrison #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 TRACE bonus [940] - Hero Adela #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:59:20 ERROR network [940] - write: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host