
All I need and all I care is simple one-click client like Tortoise SVN. It’s windows shell plugin handled by right-click menu, so I don’t need to open any new applications and what not. Certainly entering anything from command line is a big NO for me.

Tortoise Git is very similar to Tortoise SVN and you certainly don’t need to resort to command line.
My issue with Tortoise Git is that Git provides more options than SVN and fitting them into the GUI… does not produce nice experience and can be intimidating at first. [And help is not helpful since it relies on a whole lot of Git nomenclature.]

Well, reportedly Github also provides an SVN interface for Git repos, so it should be possible to still use Tortoise SVN. I don’t know however if it is complete or how well does it work.

I see your point regarding blames. To be honest I’m quite surprised there is no integration with VS, I was under impression that it is somewhat popular IDE. Clearly, I must’ve been wrong.
I’m sorry to hear that, but that is not something I’m capable of fixing, I can only wish that it will be implemented soon enough.
I referred to all history being available locally when I mentioned instant blames.
Github indeed has support for svn clients, but I have not heard anyone using that, so I can’t really vouch for that, albeit it would be great for an intermediate solution. You could simply change your svn server (it is writeable) and this would allow you to continue working as usual, while enabling all git power for those who use it already. When you’re ready you’ll just replace your svn client with git one and that’s all :slight_smile: … on-clients … nt-support)
From the same blog, be sure to check all the awesomeness github provides for all hosted projects:

Seems that there is at least one nice incentive - github community. While I’m somewhat neutral on VCS github may give us some activity on development side (at least in form of irregular patches/pull requests). And besides I won’t mind having an actual reason to learn how to use git myself :slight_smile:

Perhaps we should consider moving to git for next release? Or switch to git once VS 2013 becomes required for vcmi (one with built-in git support)?

I have no preference regarding SVN or Git. We can move to Git and Github, from side it’s OK.

Thanks for bringing this up, I support moving to Git. I’ll soon make topic summing up the discussion and asking for the final feedback.

We do not need to wait for VS 2013. VS did not provide any built-in support for SVN whatsoever, so Git won’t make things worse here. Quite the opposite.

[As a side note — I’d love to kill VS 2012 support anyway. I’ve been waiting for Boost 1.56 that was to be released a month ago. However, it seems that their release schedule collapsed… after they moved to Git. :stuck_out_tongue: ]

+1 for GitHub.

Just thought that built-in support will give a few more point towards git support :slight_smile:

[side note - when you’re going to kill VS 2012 support feel free to kill support for gcc 4.6 as well - last Linux distro without 4.7 will get new release in April]

I’ve seen new branches on github, does it mean you recognise it as “official” repository now?

Actually we just did. Currently the is the official VCMI repository.