
So, finally - how to donate? You can store money and pay for hosting with it.

Thank you for your work, if you’ll make AI better than in original Heroes 3 - it’ll be great. It’ll be your advantage over original.

And thank you for being open source!

PS. Make a bit more and you can take part in some indie humble bundle or something like that!

Unfortunately, since the VCMI Team does not own HOMM3, the base program, it would be unlikely that they would be able to sell VCMI in an indie bundle.

Well I saw an CD with WoG as free bonus to other sold game, so while preserving copyrights it should be possible and desirable to bundle VCMI with reedition CD of heroes3 sold by original owner of H3 (sorry I meant ubisoft the current owner of oryginal rights not the 3DO).

While VCMI basing and having requirement for original H3, it’s different project so collecting donations would be legal while it still may be not enough kind. If you only would know how to spend the money and it would be more profit than hassle you definately should make an official donation target (ie. bank account of your donation maintainer or some paypal account, not that you would need separate person for that, think of it as some task for one of you - if you wish you may even redirect the money to some destination not related to VCMI or HOMM at all)! Some people want to show they are grateful and not all could donate more than money (ie. own time or coding skills)!