Cathedral Crash?

A bios suggestion for Farrebique:

Farrebique once was an angel. One of the first recruited by queen Cathrin. During the war against the Kreegans he lost his wings. In theory he knows that Queen Cathrin is not responsible for that. In practice, well… Now he is determined in fighting the Kreegans. He will make them pay for his wings!

Некромант нападал на эрафские города но взять их не смог и тогда проклял их. Чума и голод выкашивали население, нечисть и нежить постоянно появлялись на улицах население жило в страхе и ожидании неминуемой гибели. На доблестных грифонов проклятие подействовало иначе - они превратились в бесноватых ужасных химер, которые жаждапли лишь человеческой плоти. Ангелов тоже коснулось ужасное проклятие обезображенные они собирались в группы, строили свои темные монастыри, где укрывались от населения. Они не желали нести разрушение, однако их гнев не находил выхода и жажда мести становилась нестерпимой. И так бы сгинули эти проклятие города, но судьба распорядилась иначе. Боль, страдание, отчаяние и ярость пробудили древнего могучего демона Мефисто. Громогласный голосов росколол молчание царящее на улицах городв и в коридорах монастырей. Восстаньте! Поднимите головы! Смерть не имеет над вами власти! Да не закрадется в ваши сердца страх смерти и ее костлявая рука не коснется вас! Проклятые ангелы без раздумия дали клятву верности Мефисто. Взамен он дал им огромную силу, вслед за ангелами под флаги Мефисто встали и химеры, служившие ангелам домашними животными. Население тоже потянулось в воинство Мефисто, ведь выбор был не велик - присоединиться или умереть. В проклятых городах учредился новый жестокий порядок население готовилось к войне. Темные священники были адептами новой веры, веры в бога избавителя Мефисто, а инквизиторы были стражами чистоты новой веры. Палачи же исполняли приказы инквизиторов - их проофессия всегда была востребована - малейшее непослушание каралось смертью. Безропотные могильщики же копали могилы для казненных, а иногда и для самих себя. Мефисто повел проклятых за собой,в дейю,на ненавистных некромантов. Магия Мефисто и ярость воинов вели от победы к поебед малочисленное войско. Проклятые прорубились вглубь территории Дейи. Нежить наконец узнала, что такое страх. Войска некромантов направили войска назад, а проклятые основали свое королевство на отвоеванных у Дейи землях. Некроманты изредка совершали налёты, однако вновь идти в открытую конфронтацию боялись - ведь войска Мефисто всегда были готовы принять бой, а если понадобится - то и смерть во славу своего господина.

That‘s the original setting for Cathedral in Russian website. I know a little about Russian so I can translate some…it just said Necromancers captured a town of Erathia, and they destroyed it with curse. Plague and famine bringed sorrow and pain, which made Mephisto be awaken. And then, this town was controled by devils, survivals of this town finally became fanatic disciples of evil.
My skill of Russian are limited, so if you would like to know it you can use Google translate.

Ok sure, let’s talk about games. I think this settings were not good and suitable, even it used the setting from Zakarum in Diablo II. My own settings would not be like this. I think people in Cathedral are still be the warriors who fight against evil. Although they have already suffered from a catastrophe they still pursue light and justice. However, they claimed themselves as the punisher of God, anyone who objects to their justice would become their enemy. They are fanatic believers of God, but not Devils.

Well, my russian is absolute zero :slight_smile:
Don’t get me wrong. I think what you have set up with Cathedral is really good. I like it. What i want to do is basically 2 things: Improve the english and embed your Texts better into the well-known story. But i want to keep as much as possible from what you did. It is really good work.

There is an interesting movie which you might know. I think, it’s called “Hell Rider”. It is part of that Marvel Superheroes series. It is about a motor bike artist making a deal with the devil to save his fathers life. The devil (Mephisto) had a job for him. To do that he implanted something into this biker that, when it get’s control, changes his head into a skull and lets flames burst out of his body. There are 3 movies of that setting. The interesting part here is the finale of the third part. It is revealed that this beeing once was the angel of justice, which got captured by hell and got mad there. Once it was his job to protect the innocent. Now his job is to punish the guilty. Still related to justice, but now more evil than good. In the final scene the hero says that he can still feel the original angel of justice, that there still is something of this angel existing. That is a very good example of what Cathedral is about.

So your overall setting is perfect. I just want to embed it better into the part of the story, that is well known to all H3 players. And there are stories that fit well in here. In chronological order:

  1. The SoD Campaign. Featuring Gem helping a necromancer (Sandro) to become the most powerful necromancer. That was a very evil deed. She did not know it, and when it was clear to her, she fought Sandro. So she payed for her sin. But still, it was evil. This setting fits especially well for all Cathedral heroes with elven background. They may f.ex. have suffered much in the war against Sandro, and they want to make sure by all means that never ever again anyone helps the necromancers again to become that mighty.
  2. The RoE campaign. Here Erathia is fighting against dungeon, inferno, and mostly against the necromancers. This is where i settled Farrebique in my suggestion. So in this war he lost his wings (like your original bios), thinks that queen Cathrin did not do enough (that’s why he is no more part of Castle), and merciless fights Kreegans now (revenge for what he suffered). This is quite close to your story, fits well into the overall well-known story, and describes why he is doing what he is doing.
  3. The hidden RoE campaign: The contested Lands. Here we have part of Erathia and part of AvLee leaving and forming their own nation. Add much suffering caused by inferno or necromancers, and you get Cathedral.
  4. The AB campaign. Here queen Cathrin and king Roland are fighting inferno mostly alone, without help of Erathia. Add suffering because Erathia was unwilling to fight inferno, and you get Cathedral.

It is still mostly the same story as now, just embedded into a broader context.

A good hero bios should describe his motivation, and why he has that speciality. Often you won’t be able to do both. But at least one of these two. All hero bioses together form the faction character.

Correction: The movie title is “Ghost Rider” :slight_smile:
And the third parts title is “Spirit of Vengeance”.