Campaign victory conditions

That looks ok then

One thing that comes to my mind is that FuzzyLite library utilizes FCL already to describe knowledge. I’m hoping to get back to it in a few months.
It’s be better not to introduce yet another language just for one config file and try to find one way for logic description.

Also, it is very likely that win posted above will eventually be replaced by scripts or another solution.

Different usages require different languages. FCL is for fuzzy knowledge. Do you want win/loss conditions to be fuzzy? And without fuzzyness its expressiveness is very poor.

Scripts have one considerable drawback here (and not only here): logic behind them is impenetrable for AI. On the other hand expressions like those I suggest could be mapped into AI’s inner decision making process.

Tow dragon, are you still working on this? It has been a while since last post here.

No, currently I’m not working on anything VCMI-related (but I’m still reading the forum). I’ve no idea when/if I’ll be back to working on VCMI.

In this case - I think I’ll try to finally implement this during next month.