VCMI 0.73 - Bug reports


I’ve observed it too. Well, that’s probably better than crash but… :frowning:

It happens sometimes in battle too…

My guess is that the electronic music playing may have something to do with starting or ending a track…

Best regards,

#29 If hero has expert Air Magic, the Magic Arrow in Spell Book is shown with expert Earth Magic.

#30 If hero is in the town or other building and you want to check which hero is that you see the town guard or properties of the building. So the hero layer is behind the buldings layer, ie:

Hi there!

I haven’t been for a long time because i haven’t internet there where i was

For those who remembers that i’m translating russian heroes 3 manual called FizMiG into English i say that it’s in progress, stay tuned )

#31 I have edited video.vid file, and launching hotuploaded vcmi i got crash where console says
Smack cannot open 3DOLOGO.SMK
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0xc0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 001b:00494D63
Attempt to read from 0x0000000C
Thread ID: b18 [2840]
Crash info will be put in 000000F8

however there are other console messages after this, it’s probably how crashhandler works, but if not I wrote this for U

so vcmi needs to check presence of videofiles in video.vid pack and other packs with resources

BUUUT i`m not fallen hopeless to launch VCMI, some changes in VCMI via hex-editor made him alive and launchable ))) please note that i inserted instead of old videos names new ones not erasing any other data

#32 a nice bug (different maps, incl. arrogance, settings of downloaded package of VCMI), actualy mistake heroes from start have unbelievable stats-9 digits long, each one type of hero has different values (i.e. all of knight heroes have same defence)

#33 just minor : zombi retaliated my griffin (they stood back-to-back), he just reversed and right after reversed back and then griffin was hit, so no attack animation noticed,the same for some other units they do not show attacking animation for me only wounded animation, u know like standing 2 units together and first one is hit and then other is hit, weird for me, u know i’m sure no such bugs were in 0.72

#34 some strange in graphics:
#34.1 - in fully-built fortress(arrogance) i see strange waterwheel which is not present in heroes 3,
#34.2 - in stronghold spinning part of cyclops cave is hidden in one place by rocks
#34.3 - in necropolis if u compare blacksmith u will see differences(in front/under th blacksmith there some thombs in h3) and between wraithhouse and skeleton house there are differences, also if u hover a skeleton house u will see that un h3 yellow border interrupts(for other buildings and towns same) and in VCMI it’s like a space around building which erases the background

[size=75]*Edited as #34 seems to report different town screen (possible) bugs, so I’ve split them.


#35 After you load saved game the dwellings stop working.

[size=84]Please use Inteus in the attached map to reproduce all bugs reported in this post.[/size]

#36 - Inteus starts with his default Bloodlust, even though I removed it from Map Editor.

#37 - Wrong Bloodlust animation (see screenshot - looks a bit like Hell Hydra’s self-healing, though still different somehow)

#38 - Battle obstacles are still misplaced (regardless of resolution or terrain - see also screenshot)

I was under the feeling this was reported as solved (at least I don’t seem to find it in the logs). But it’s easily reproducible:

  • Tested on Rough, Swamp & Subterranean, but probably valid for all
  • Tested on 1024x768 & 800x600, but probably valid for the other resolutions as well
  • If you load the attached map, you’ll see the creatures can walk through the obstacles
  • As seen in the screenshot, the placement of Subterranean obstacles is always in the hexes above them, however on other terrain the wrong placement does not follow the same “rule”

#39 - Psychic & Magic Elementals are seen as 2-hex creatures:

  • See the empty hex in front of the Psychic E. If I try to move the Magic E. up behind him, he will go around that empty hex
  • See the “Bloodlust” animation - casted on the hex in front of Magic E.
  • We can also r-click in the hex in front of them for creature info
  • If you try to move them to an extreme right hex, they will stop 1 hex before the end of their available (shaded) movement
  • Their attacks from front & side-front are from 2 hexes away (reported as fixed in 0.71b/c, but apparently it came back)
  • When they attack from behind, they suddenly move 1 hex to the right in the moment of the attack

VCMI Tests.h3m (9.03 KB)

[size=84]You can attack Rissa with Neela in the map attached above to reproduce these:[/size]

#40 - Gremlins don’t always use the retaliation animation

#41 - Gargoyle’s attack animation is incomplete: they only open their wings, but they don’t hit with the claws

#41b - Stone Golems tend to use some sort of “footwork” instead of their fists as retaliation animation. :slight_smile:

[size=84]…and I suspect other creatures have issues with the battle animation as well (do these fit more in the “missing functionalities” section, or shall we continue to report them as bugs?)[/size]

EDIT: I just noticed that the missing retaliations bug was already reported by pHOMM as #33. Hopefully the above is still relevant though, as the issues are slightly different (or they just seem so): one has no retaliation animation, another incomplete, and a third creature wrong animation (and inconsistent). But perhaps it’s all related. I also changed the last log # here to #41b. #42 was duped below by Boulie, however his bug is more relevant.

Maybe we can create separate thread concern only battle bugs/“missing functionalities”. I’ve noticed many problems during battle but I’m not sure if I should write about it before we’ll get oponents AI. Probably then we will have much more notes. Maybe first we should just take care about Adventure Map’s crashes/bugs?

I’ve recently fixed some problems with two-hex creatures in battles (mostly crashbugs). I hope there remain just graphical glitches and missing features. I’ll try to consecutively fix & implement them. I don’t think creating separate thread for bugs / missing functionalities for battles is necessary, especially when so many battle bugs are reported in general bug threads. I think a better idea would be a list of most wanted things to be done in this area, both bugfixes and new features. It would help me focus on most important things.

I have similar problem with Subterranean Gates on the map “Divided Loyalties”.

#42 Morale Info - no info about additional morale modifiers caused by different regiments or same regiment or undead troops. (added table with troops morale modifiers from H3Manual)
But troops morale is modified.

#43 Doubled hero - Enter the town with hero (but not last from the list)-> hide the hero in a garrisone -> ESC the town, next hero will be chosen from the list but the Adventure Map doesn’t centre on him ->spacebar (for centring the map) causes going into the town and adding the same hero as the one in garrison. (reproducible)
After you exit the town new doubled hero is shown in your heroes list. You can go out but still one hero is garrisoned. you can go out with the garrisoned hero so everything become nearly normally but then there appears hero “ghost” standing just next to town :wink:
Now, i’ve got two ghosts:
“Calh the demoniac” and “Olema the heretic”

#44 Crash I’ve tried to attack from front unicorns with behemoths (attached logs)
crash_attack behemoth vs (173 KB)
morale and luck (67.9 KB)



Refer to bug ver.072d unprisoned heroes#17
There is some other problem. Seems to be that all heroes freed from prison are Orrins and have necromancy heroes faces. See screenshot, both heroes are freed and both should be Knights. Their names are Orrin and if I select one of them, both are selected.

#45 Crash - meeting screen - not reproducible.
crash_meeting (230 KB)

Next time please attach minidump file. It can help us fix even not reproducible bugs.


Added. File was to big and I didn’t notice that.

#46 - I can’t run this version, movies was played and next i got error:

	Object handler: 0
Cannot find file: ZNUMIT.MSKstring too long
		Reading config/cr_sounds.txt
		Reading config/sp_sounds.txt
Disaster happened.
Reason: 0xc0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 001b:004B53A4
Attempt to read from 0x00000010
Thread ID: a60 [2656]
Crash info will be put in 00000370

VCMI_client.exe_crashinfo.rar (90.8 KB)

Same issue as [ I guess.

#47 - Hero on land can’t seem to open a trading screen with an adjacent hero in a boat.

Best regards,

#48 - Monsters shadow isn’t drown where there is shadow+selection color

#49 - Next Hero button selects only heroes that don’t have moving points

#50 - Monsters don’t attack when you move close to them

#51 - When one monster kills another the count of monsters doesn’t disappear for some time.

#52 - It seems morale in battle is drown somewhere on the creature, not over it.

#53 - Choosing attack side in the battle is inconvenient. I prefer the usual Heroes system.

#54 - Start a map with Castle town and all buildings in it including the Grail. Right-click some building, like the Grail, and while the message is shown move the mouse off the building. With high probability you won’t be able to click on Castle building after that. If you are, do the trick again. Here is autosave with such Castle town:

I agree that a separate thread for battle bugs/functionalities is not necessary. As for most wanted fixes/features, I made this selection (not only battle-related). It’s of course subjective, but nevertheless I hope it’ll be of some help (see also my comments below):

0.72d [[/quote]

#08 2-hex Nomads are regarded as 1-hex creature when it comes to possible movement
#10 - Resource cost for ships is not showing.
#11 - Heroes on coast can not interact with heroes on ship (like exchange, probably battles as well)
#13 - Building a ship from city - ship is placed in wrong place (2 tiles on south)
#16 Bug - harpies are not able to fly behind the other units. [size=75](I hope it’s fixed as I’ve changed a lot of code in this part of engine)[/size]
#18 Splitting stock in meeting screen and between garrisoned heroes - if you want to separate one unit from one hero stock to another hero and you push “1”, there automatically apears quantity equal 2.
#27 Ballista cannot shoot if there’s an enemy creature next to it

0.72c [
#3 Luck (Fortune) animation is too short and also too low placed. -> SAME FOR MORALE (MIRTH) ANIMATION (0.72#10)
#4 Animation sound for Fortune is not working yet. -> SAME FOR MORALE (MIRTH)

0.72 [
#10 morale animation shown on wrong place
#11 battle crashbug when trying attack from side where tile is occupied unit moves and crashing when is next to destination tile [size=75]Probably fixed in SVN but needs more testing[/size]
#17 - Attacking (2-hex) monster from behind bug,
#31 battle I don’t like that already found issue about haste/slow affection on battle movement order not yet fixed and add from my own : the queue (hotkey Q) shows even more strange info
#75 : New crash when attacking a Green Dragon that used (Wait+)Defend in the previous round.
#77 : New Crash when enemy Champions tried to attack friendly Centaurs from below.

0.70x/0.71x Bugs have been added to the Sourceforge tracker:
Behavior + Display of spells when hero lacks mana (0.71#69)
Stack amount boxes can overlap (0.7#71)

For features requests and missing functionalities there is a separate thread:
5 - (New feature request) Possibility for visiting hero to meet garrisoned hero, in order to exchange also artifacts & war machines, not only creatures.
12 - Possibility to capture enemy/neutral castles. (same as SourceForge 0.7#11)
16 - Damage calculation in battle
28 Spell damage information when we right click on the spell in the Spell Book.
37 Enter key (Main+NumPad) and Double Click to load the selected game from the New Game and Load Game interfaces.

BATTLE Priorities:

  1. Solve 2-hex creature related crashes (apparently fixed)
  2. Correct identification of creature sizes (see 0.72d#8 and 0.73#39)
  3. Correct spell animations (& sounds) - first for the most frequent of them: Mirth & Fortune
  4. Damage calculation in battle logs & Spell damage information in the spell book
  5. Overlapping stack boxes - see description for their correct placement here: [

ADVENTURE (and GENERAL) Priorities:

  1. Everything that is preventing us from fully exploring the map (like issues with gates, monoliths etc)
  2. Capturing enemy castles - so that we don’t get stuck with 1 alignment for the whole game
  3. Completion of all half-implemented features. This may be just my subjective perception, but I feel it doesn’t look good if for example you open the “buy ship” window and a main element like the required resource is missing [size=84](maybe not the best example, because this was just implemented, but you get the idea)[/size]

Just an observation: this was always reproducible only if I was using Defend, so I’m not sure if it was related to the other bugs with attack on 2-hex creatures [size=84](just in case you included it in that same category when you stroked it through)[/size]

This however can be stroked through. As seen in the attached map (attack Imps and place your troops behind obstacles), the cause is most probably what I reported above in this thread as bug #38 - Misplaced graphics for battle obstacles.
_All for One - test.h3m (28.8 KB)

Your monitor seems simply not to support such resolution in fullscreen.
I have added better handling of such situation (F4 is ignored + console complaint instead of crash).

Still not reproducible. Crash seems to occur without any specific reason on drawing one buttons. I have found however some possible problems with changing resolution, they might cause such problem (though its strange that I’m not observing them).

What actions cause crash after F4 switch?
Mouse movement? R-click on button?
Do you switch to fullscreen when in adventure map interface? Is there any difference when pressing F4 with another interface opened (eg. town window)?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Now every gate leads to nearest gate on another surface.
H3 at the beginning of game matches subterranean gates into pairs. However I’m not sure how the matching algorithm exactly works. Has anyone figured this out?

Duplicate to 0.72#41

AFAIK it is H3 behaviour. Bonuses from different/same creature alignments are not shown in hero morale modifiers, only when you click on morale in creature card window (that element is not implemented in VCMI yet)

Duplicate to 0.72c#31 and 0.72b#21.

Duplicate to 0.7#48.

Duplicate to 0.72#10.

It’s a provisional solution.
Duplicate to 0.71#51 and 0.71b#83.

It’s generally more a battle issue, because we have here a big missing functionality - town sieges. Flagging and taking over enemy castle can be quite easily implemented but I wanted rather to have these features implemented together.
We are considering adding sieges by the next release, however I’m not sure if it’s possible. There is still a huge count of battle related issues.

Many thanks for all the reports!
Now I’m focused on major changes in the GUI implementation (that will allow improvements for pregame) but when they’re done, I’ll return to fixing things :slight_smile: