Russian thread

Настройки - папка config/creatures

Анимация - открываешь файл C:\Users<имя>\vcmi\config\settings.json (вроде так, если что - глянь в лаунчере в настройках поле User data dir)
Там в секции battle, поле animation speed. Подгоняешь число под желаемое. 0.1 - замедление 2.0 - ускорение

	"battle" : {
		"animationSpeed" : 4

Cranim должен тоже работать (но, имхо, кривовато работает - часть анимации все равно медленна, троечное поведение). Скорее всего заменяется еще чем-то - вогом или русификацией, поэтому у тебя и не работает.

  1. Там он по расширениям как-то фильтрует. Посмотри какие форматы он сразу показывает. bmp, вроде. Можт еще чтот. Но разницы не вижу - клик по ссылке много времени не требует.

Вот теперь красота! Как же мне этого нехватало. Для комфортной игры нехватает только функции обмена войск между героями и артефактов. Ну и разделение единичек.

А кстати, у всех не работает нормально ИИ? или только у меня? Я имею ввиду войска он скупляет с городов? Играть кто-то пробовал?

После оптимизации он стал заметно быстрее ходить, это бесспорно, но я сыграл по быстрому 5 карт, то убить его можно было стартовыми войсками. Тупо строится, но не скупляется. Ну и героев разведчиков покупает, это да. Если бы он к ним вдобавок еще и армию выкупал…

Правка стартовых ресурсов в startres.json не помогает? В 0.96 еще не пробовал, а в 0.95 помогало - комп покупал все юниты, если имел деньги в большом количестве

	"randomSpellcaster" :
				"type" : "RANDOM_SPELLCASTER",
				"val" : 2
			"casts" :
				"type" : "CASTS",
				"val" : 3

Вопрос в том, что есть заклинание какое - то, какое именно я не знаю, после каста которого игра падает.

Удивительное дело. Дядя дал миллион и они начали покупать войска. Хотя почему они не делали ДО этого? очевидно приоритеты были на постройку. Причем игнорировалась угроза того, когда мои герои(а для него вражеские) рядом.
Еще что с этого вытекает. На карте где давались событием 50 000 денег сразу. Для компа оно не сработало? Или для него это тем не менее слишком маленькая сумма чтобы скупиться у себя в городе? странно короче все это. Жаль нельзя загрузить карту за компа и посмотреть сколько там у него ресов и прочего.

  • Debian 7
  • vcmi 0.96
  • data взят русский(буковский) диск Герои 3 комплект

Половина русского текста карябизами отображается :cry:

это можно как то поправить?

Нужно сказать vcmi в какой кодировке “родные” файлы тройки. В файле ~/.config/vcmi/settings.json секция “general” добавить поле “encoding”. Должно выглядеть как-то так:

	"general" : {
		"encoding" : "CP1251"

Если не поможет - то сделать скриншот с крякозябрами и тут выложить.

Ivan, посмотри когда будет время этот билет

Надо повторить ходы на видео. Суть в том что когда скелеты разворачиваются ударить назад игра блочится. Причем именно когда собираются бить клон и именно в таком положении как показано на видео. А именно назад на одной горизонтали.

Ivan, you are the best! ©

Ходы компа реально и ощутимо стали быстрее! Супер!

Но есть еще моменты, как мне кажется, которые можно улучшить.

Взгляни видео

Ход сизого, начинает тупить на 4000, 2733 и 2679. Причем постоянно высвечивается один и тот же самый кусок кода. И заметно замедляется работа в отличии от хода остальных компов.
Ragnar’s quest At world’s end.h3m (104 KB)

Не знаю будет ли это полезно, но выложу на всякий случай, вдруг пригодится. По крайней мере в консоли просится чтобы этот момент исправили.
Saves.rar (2.1 MB)

а еще наблюдаю вот такие вещи

то есть можно выбрать сложность с королевы например или пешки и загрузится.

ну и раз на то пошло, то еще и это
в консоле сообщения то зеленые, то серые. Хоть и мелочь, но всеже

А вот это, просто оставлю это здесь (с)
Грузим игру, нажимаем конец хода, проигрываем и нас автоматом выкидывает в главное меню - заходим в “загрузить игру” и тут же игра вылетает.
Saves.rar (831 KB)


И хотел уже “завязывать”, но увидел одну деталь, не могу не поделиться :mrgreen:
Red.rar (1.43 MB)

А вот такая забавная ситуация приключилась в бою с гогами.
Видимо когда они давали с ответки не стали на место как надо.

Может большой сильно кусок вырезал, но не совсем понял где тут бой начался.

22:32:35.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.816250 TRACE global [a68] - Requesting hero movement to 36 116 0
22:32:35.816250 TRACE network [a68] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=6790.
22:32:35.816250 TRACE network [a68] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'}
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct TryMoveHero, data: {CPack: type '501'}
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.831875 TRACE global [a68] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::doMoveHero
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'}
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'}
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'}
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.831875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 

22:32:35.847500 WARN global [19e8] - First Aid Tent doesn't have a base stack!
22:32:35.847500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleStart, data: {CPack: type '3000'}
22:32:35.847500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.847500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.925625 TRACE global [19e8] - Stoping music file Music/Lava.mp3
22:32:35.941250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStart called
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'}
22:32:35.941250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleNewRoundFirst called
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.941250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleNewRound called
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'}
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'}
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:35.941250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:35.956875 TRACE global [f18] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:32:36.956875 TRACE global [14bc] - Del-ing music file Music/Lava.mp3
22:32:37.285000 TRACE global [16ec] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:32:37.285000 TRACE global [f18] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:32:37.285000 TRACE network [f18] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '4', hex '83'}', additionalInfo '100', selectedStack '-1'}
22:32:37.285000 TRACE network [f18] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=6791.
22:32:37.285000 TRACE network [f18] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction
22:32:37.285000 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'}
22:32:37.285000 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #0 created
22:32:37.285000 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created movement start anim for Firebirds
22:32:37.285000 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionStarted called
22:32:37.300625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:37.300625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:37.300625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:37.300625 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:37.300625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'}
22:32:37.300625 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #1 created
22:32:37.300625 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created movement anim for Firebirds
22:32:37.316250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #0 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.316250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #0 deleted
22:32:37.566250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #1 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.566250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #2 created
22:32:37.566250 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created movement end anim for Firebirds
22:32:37.566250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #1 deleted
22:32:37.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #2 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #2 deleted
22:32:37.597500 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStackMoved called
22:32:37.597500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:37.597500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:37.597500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:37.597500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:37.613125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:32:37.613125 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #3 created
22:32:37.613125 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Firebirds
22:32:37.613125 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:32:37.613125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:37.613125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:37.613125 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #4 created
22:32:37.613125 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Gogs
22:32:37.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #5 created
22:32:37.628750 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:32:37.706875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #5 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.706875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #5 deleted
22:32:37.706875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #6 created
22:32:37.706875 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created reverse anim for Gogs
22:32:37.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #6 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #6 deleted
22:32:37.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #3 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #3 deleted
22:32:37.956875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #4 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:37.956875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #4 deleted
22:32:37.956875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:32:37.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:37.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:37.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:32:37.956875 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #7 created
22:32:37.956875 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Gogs
22:32:37.956875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:32:37.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:37.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:37.956875 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #8 created
22:32:37.956875 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Firebirds
22:32:38.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #7 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #7 deleted
22:32:38.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #8 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #8 deleted
22:32:38.128750 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:32:38.128750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:38.128750 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:38.128750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'}
22:32:38.128750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:38.128750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:38.128750 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #9 created
22:32:38.128750 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Gogs
22:32:38.128750 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #10 created
22:32:38.128750 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:32:38.144375 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionFinished called
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'}
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'}
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:38.144375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:38.144375 TRACE global [1cb0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 2 of armyobj=7585
22:32:38.238125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #9 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.238125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #9 deleted
22:32:38.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #10 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #10 deleted
22:32:38.691250 TRACE global [16ec] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 2 of armyobj=7585
22:32:38.691250 TRACE global [1cb0] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 2 of armyobj=7585
22:32:38.691250 TRACE network [1cb0] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '2', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '14', y '5', hex '99'}', additionalInfo '100', selectedStack '-1'}
22:32:38.691250 TRACE network [1cb0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=6792.
22:32:38.691250 TRACE network [1cb0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'}
22:32:38.706875 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #11 created
22:32:38.706875 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created movement start anim for Firebirds
22:32:38.706875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionStarted called
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:38.706875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved, data: {CPack: type '3004'}
22:32:38.706875 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #12 created
22:32:38.706875 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created movement anim for Firebirds
22:32:38.738125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #11 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.738125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #11 deleted
22:32:38.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #12 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:38.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #13 created
22:32:38.972500 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created movement end anim for Firebirds
22:32:38.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #12 deleted
22:32:39.003750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #13 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.003750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #13 deleted
22:32:39.019375 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStackMoved called
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:32:39.019375 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #14 created
22:32:39.019375 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.019375 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.019375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.019375 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #15 created
22:32:39.019375 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Gogs
22:32:39.160000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #14 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.160000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #14 deleted
22:32:39.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #15 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #15 deleted
22:32:39.191250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:32:39.191250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.191250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.191250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'}
22:32:39.191250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.191250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.206875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionFinished called
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'}
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'}
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.206875 TRACE ai [1aec] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 18 creatures of Gogs from slot 0 of armyobj=4438
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [1aec] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '1', stackNumber '3', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '5', hex '100'}', additionalInfo '83', selectedStack '-1'}
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [1aec] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=6793.
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [1aec] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction
22:32:39.206875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'}
22:32:39.222500 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionStarted called
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:32:39.222500 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #16 created
22:32:39.222500 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Gogs
22:32:39.222500 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.222500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.222500 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #17 created
22:32:39.222500 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.253750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #18 created
22:32:39.253750 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #16 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #16 deleted
22:32:39.347500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #18 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.347500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #18 deleted
22:32:39.503750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #17 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.503750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #17 deleted
22:32:39.503750 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:32:39.503750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.503750 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.503750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:32:39.503750 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #19 created
22:32:39.503750 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.503750 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:32:39.503750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.503750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.503750 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #20 created
22:32:39.503750 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Gogs
22:32:39.519375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #21 created
22:32:39.519375 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created reverse anim for Gogs
22:32:39.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #21 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #21 deleted
22:32:39.738125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #19 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.738125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #19 deleted
22:32:39.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #20 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #20 deleted
22:32:39.753750 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:32:39.753750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.753750 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.753750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'}
22:32:39.753750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.753750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.753750 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #22 created
22:32:39.753750 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Gogs
22:32:39.769375 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #23 created
22:32:39.769375 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.769375 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionFinished called
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'}
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'}
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.769375 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'}
22:32:39.800625 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #24 created
22:32:39.800625 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created spell anim for effect #74
22:32:39.816250 ERROR global [19e8] - Unable to play sound file 826 , error No free channels available
22:32:39.816250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionStarted called
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StacksHealedOrResurrected, data: {CPack: type '3013'}
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.816250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksHealedRes called
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'}
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:39.816250 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #25 created
22:32:39.816250 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:32:39.816250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionFinished called
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:39.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleNextRound, data: {CPack: type '3001'}
22:32:39.847500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #22 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.847500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #22 deleted
22:32:39.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #23 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #23 deleted
22:32:39.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #24 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:39.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #24 deleted
22:32:40.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #25 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:32:40.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #25 deleted
22:32:40.081875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleNewRoundFirst called
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:40.081875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleNewRound called
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack, data: {CPack: type '3002'}
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:32:40.081875 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:32:40.081875 TRACE global [15fc] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:32:42.160000 TRACE global [14bc] - Loading music file music/Combat02
22:32:42.160000 TRACE global [14bc] - Playing music file music/Combat02
22:33:34.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:34.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:34.441250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.441250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:34.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:34.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:34.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:34.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.066250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.066250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.206875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.206875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.691250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.691250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.847500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.847500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:35.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:35.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:36.144375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:36.144375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:36.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:36.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:37.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:37.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:38.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:38.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:39.316250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:39.316250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:40.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:40.331875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:41.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:41.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:42.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:42.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:44.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:44.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:46.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:46.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:47.863125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:47.863125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:48.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:48.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:49.253750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:49.253750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:51.175625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:51.175625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:51.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:51.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:51.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:51.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:52.160000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:52.160000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:52.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:52.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:53.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:53.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:53.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:53.535000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:53.706875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:53.706875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:53.878750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:53.878750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:54.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:54.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:54.347500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:54.347500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:54.550625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:54.550625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:54.722500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:54.722500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:54.941250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:33:54.941250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:59.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:59.597500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:59.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:59.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:33:59.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:33:59.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.097500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.097500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.222500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.222500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.519375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.519375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.831875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.831875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:00.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:00.988125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:01.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:01.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:01.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:01.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:01.456875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:01.456875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:01.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:01.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:02.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:02.613125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:03.441250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:03.441250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:04.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:04.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:06.456875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:06.456875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:06.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:06.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:06.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:06.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:06.956875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:06.956875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:07.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:07.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:07.253750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:07.253750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:07.410000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:07.410000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:07.550625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x687, 1 functions
22:34:07.550625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:08.503750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:08.503750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:09.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:09.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:10.691250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:10.691250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:12.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:12.113125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:15.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:15.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:17.410000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:17.410000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:20.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:20.363125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:20.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:20.925625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:21.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:21.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:22.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:22.378750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:23.019375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:23.019375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:23.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:23.628750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:23.816250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:23.816250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:23.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:23.972500 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:24.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:24.128750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:24.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:24.300625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:34:24.488125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 736x706, 1 functions
22:34:24.488125 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleInterface at 112x126
22:35:22.956875 TRACE global [14bc] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02
22:35:22.956875 TRACE global [14bc] - Loading music file music/Combat04
22:35:22.972500 TRACE global [14bc] - Playing music file music/Combat04
22:37:12.535000 TRACE global [16ec] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:37:12.535000 TRACE global [15fc] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 2 creatures of Firebirds from slot 1 of armyobj=7585
22:37:12.535000 TRACE network [15fc] - Send battle action to server: {BattleAction: side '0', stackNumber '1', actionType 'Walk and attack', destinationTile '{BattleHex: x '15', y '4', hex '83'}', additionalInfo '100', selectedStack '-1'}
22:37:12.535000 TRACE network [15fc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=6794.
22:37:12.535000 TRACE network [15fc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction
22:37:12.550625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct StartAction, data: {CPack: type '3007'}
22:37:12.550625 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionStarted called
22:37:12.550625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.550625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.550625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.550625 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.566250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleAttack, data: {CPack: type '3006'}
22:37:12.566250 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #26 created
22:37:12.566250 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created melee attack anim for Firebirds
22:37:12.566250 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleAttack called
22:37:12.566250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.566250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.566250 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #27 created
22:37:12.566250 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created defence anim for Gog
22:37:12.581875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #28 created
22:37:12.581875 DEBUG animation [16ec] - Created reverse anim for Gog
22:37:12.644375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #28 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:37:12.644375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #28 deleted
22:37:12.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #26 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:37:12.753750 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #26 deleted
22:37:12.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #27 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:37:12.800625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #27 deleted
22:37:12.800625 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleStacksAttacked called
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EndAction, data: {CPack: type '3008'}
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.800625 TRACE animation [19e8] - Animation #29 created
22:37:12.800625 DEBUG animation [19e8] - Created reverse anim for Firebirds
22:37:12.800625 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: actionFinished called
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PackageApplied, data: {CPack: type '94'}
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.800625 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.816250 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleResult, data: {CPack: type '3003'}
22:37:12.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #29 ended, type is class CBattleAnimation *
22:37:12.910000 TRACE animation [16ec] - Animation #29 deleted
22:37:12.941250 WARN global [19e8] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetHeroInfo: side 1 does not have hero!
22:37:12.941250 TRACE global [19e8] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle
22:37:12.941250 TRACE global [19e8] - Stoping music file music/Combat04
22:37:12.956875 TRACE ai [19e8] - CStupidAI [1E,834,E7C]: battleEnd called
22:37:12.956875 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.956875 WARN bonus [19e8] - Warning: an orphaned child!
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct EraseStack, data: {CPack: type '1'}
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill, data: {CPack: type '105'}
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied, data: {CPack: type '3012'}
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty, data: {CPack: type '1001'}
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct FoWChange, data: {CPack: type '112'}
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.972500 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.988125 ERROR global [19e8] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!
22:37:12.988125 ERROR global [19e8] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetStacksIf called when no battle!
22:37:12.988125 ERROR global [19e8] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct HeroVisit, data: {CPack: type '1'}
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:12.988125 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:13.003750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked, data: {CPack: type '96'}
22:37:13.003750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made first apply on cl
22:37:13.003750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Applied on gs
22:37:13.003750 TRACE network [19e8] - 	Made second apply on cl
22:37:13.003750 TRACE network [19e8] - Listening... 
22:37:13.972500 TRACE global [14bc] - Del-ing music file music/Combat04
22:37:13.972500 TRACE global [14bc] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle
22:37:14.050625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 661x608, 1 functions
22:37:14.050625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CBattleResultWindow at 277x103
22:37:14.066250 ERROR global [16ec] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!
22:37:14.066250 ERROR global [16ec] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetStacksIf called when no battle!
22:37:14.066250 ERROR global [16ec] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle!
22:37:14.066250 ERROR global [16ec] - CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos called when no battle!
22:37:14.066250 TRACE global [16ec] - Loading music file Music/Lava.mp3
22:37:14.081875 TRACE global [16ec] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle
22:37:15.113125 TRACE global [14bc] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle
22:37:15.113125 TRACE global [14bc] - Playing music file Music/Lava.mp3
22:37:16.081875 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 903x425, 1 functions
22:37:16.894375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 629x439, 1 functions
22:37:16.894375 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CSystemOptionsWindow at 272x141
22:37:16.910000 INFO global [16ec] - Blocking buttons from 0
22:37:18.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 542x627, 1 functions
22:37:18.191250 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CSavingScreen at 131x92
22:37:18.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Button clicked at 438x414, 4 functions
22:37:18.675625 TRACE animation [16ec] - Parent isclass CInfoWindow at 408x294

При посещении могилы воина сразу дают артефакт. Нет диалогового окна, хотите ли вы посетить ее или нет. Это фишка такая, или обыкновенный баг?

А вот такой графический баг с отображением количества войск. На фото два рядом стоящих огра. Я ударил их прожигом. Клацаю на того кого бил первым. Показывает 7 штук. Такого быть не может. Даже потому что урон 94-117. Отлетаю назад и правда их осталось 6 штук. Ошибки быть не может, клацал именно в того кого бил.

Кстати все объекты дающие бонус к перемещению - конюшни, флаги единства, оазисы и прочее игру не крашат, но выдается пустое окно.с нажатием ОК.

Новая версия 0.97 на Windows XP не умеет работать с модами, в которых содержимое в архиве. Если же zip распаковать, всё работает отлично. На Windows 7 архивы читаются. На старой версии 0.96 под XP все моды точно работали в том виде, в каком они скачиваются лаунчером(т.е. в zip), с 0.97 же не может найти ни одного файла.

17:25:08.312500 INFO global [c44] - 		[5888b3e5] Forge town
17:25:08.328125 WARN global [c44] - Data in forge is invalid!
17:25:08.328125 WARN global [c44] - At /creatures/0
	 Error: Text file "config/forge/creatures/Guard.json" was not found
At /creatures/1
	 Error: Text file "config/forge/creatures/Militian.json" was not found
At /creatures/2
	 Error: Text file "config/forge/creatures/GruntSoldier.json" was not found
At /creatures/3
	 Error: Text file "config/forge/creatures/FootSoldier.json" was not found
At /creatures/4
	 Error: Text file "config/forge/creatures/CyberDead.json" was not found
At /creatures/5

Ну и сам лаунчер, по традиции, на x86 системах не работает, только 64 бита. Тянется с 0.95 версии, 0.94 работало нормально.

А у меня и на 64 ХР не работает. Хотя в более ранних сборках запускалось.

Вот черт! Наконец-то мне дошло! ну я и идиот…
Damn! I finally came! Well, I’m an idiot …

Now try to do everything himself

это какой пункт вообще в окошке? lib?

папки stage не нашел

вообще нет в окошке этих настроек


Так как я собираю из под кодблока, не пойму вот это надо качать … 0LTqx5Wxew

А также сомневаюсь какую SDL использовать под ХР64 - х86 или х64 версию